Avatar of Silverwind Blade


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
7 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"
7 mos ago
Gotta love people who comment on your RP just to leave a snarky comment about it. GG, good to see you're using your time well.
8 mos ago
Nothing like putting a load of effort and time into a game background when people are interested after the int check, for everything to go completely dead when you post the OOC with all the info.
8 mos ago
Lengthy OOC finally up for my mecha-based game, now to collapse and try and sleep before I go on Holiday
1 like


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 42 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

A bit different than your sheet but it should contain everything that was in yours.


He looks fine to me, he'll fit in nicely with the storyline and the setting with no issues, and the sheet says all it needs to as far as the game goes. I also love the choice of mobile suit too, you hit exactly the kind of idea I was going for with that (plus it's just a gorgeous machine!).
Feel free to put him into the characters tab :)

The topic is up for the game!
Feel free to read over what's there, ask any questions if need be, and get to work on your characters.
I'll probably create a GM PC for myself as well.


See you all there!
Character Sheet:

Please delete anything already in the sheet other than the headings.
You can post your sheet in this tab when it is ready for approval, and leave a post in the OOC mentioning it, and then edit your original post (if needed!)

Nickname: (optional)
Social Status: Earthnoid or Spacenoid
Appearance: Anime pictures are fine, as long as they're not canon characters. Text descriptions are also fine.
Mobile Suit: (link to the Gundam Wiki page for your suit, you can find a list here)
Positive Personality traits: (Short list/bullet points)
Negative Personality traits: (as above)
Short history/personality blurb:
A paragraph or two just generally describing their personal history - parents, siblings, defining events - and their outlook on life and how they interact with others, as well as a few personal quirks or qualities, like their interests or hobbies and the like.
Well, it's taken me a bit less time to put the thread together than I expected - the joys of doing an RP in an existing setting I guess, you can just use links instead of writing out pages of lore and background - so it should be up shortly. I'll post a link in here when it's up and ready :)

Universal Century: 0099

Following the Laplace Box incident and the loss of life it caused, the Earth Federation were concerned by the amount of Zeon remnant forces and the extent of their firepower, resources, and supplies. Fearful of another conflict leading to even greater loss of life after numerous incidents over the last twenty years, and the loss of manpower, materiel and resources of their own, the upper echelons of the Earth Federation Forces were desparate to avoid more incidents.
Investigation and intelligence gathering following the defeat of the Sleeves and associated Zeon forces from the Laplace incident and related actions in UC 0096 lead to the revelation that a number of Zeon remnant forces commanded by a Neo-Zeon rear admiral were at large in the asteroid belt, going under the name of 'Rebirth Zeon', and carrying out attacks on Asteroid Mining colonies and facilities, using overwhelming firepower and an array of mobile weapons.
Determined to cut off this new faction before they could gain enough power to threaten Earth once more with destructive or devastating attacks like those of the previous decades, and with the impending second century of the Universal Era, the Earth Federation Forces formed a new task force named Anthem to carry out Operation Last Gleaming, the hunting down and destruction and or disarmament and surrender of Rebirth Zeon.

Anthem's forces are comprised of experimental, prototype, limited production and high-performance Mobile Suits pulled from storage, mothballs, or otherwise unused roles and places in order to give a heavy dose of firepower to the Task Force, headed for the asteroid belt.
Limited by their ability to re-supply and re-arm, the Task Force aboard the Pegasus-class ship 'Shadowfax' are deployed to the Asteroid belt to hunt down the growing forces of Rebirth Zeon, before they can mount an attack against Earth or its' colonies, or hold the Asteroid belts to ransom.

Game Details:

This is a Mobile Suit Gundam RPG set in the Universal Century Timeline. It follows primarily the anime continuity and events, with minimal inclusion of secondary material from manga, video games, etc. The game is set in Universal Century 0099, and will ignore all other events after that point, allowing it to become an alternate universe/setting. It will also involve alternate events concurrently or leading up to the events of the game, allowing the players and the GM to exhibit freedom with their actions and the plot as it progresses.
Technical details will follow the general basis of the Universal Century and Gundam as a whole; i.e. remaining relatively realistic and within its' own limitations, but not lingering too much on technical details in favour of character drama, plot, story and action.
Canon characters are not allowed as player characters, and they will not be featured to any great extent, most likely restricted only to cameos. The plot will instead follow a group of mobile suit pilots as part of a task force, deployed with experimental or otherwise powerful mobile suits to hunt down Zeon remnant forces in a thrilling and exciting adventure, where they get to be big damn heroes and face down some danger and evil.

Hello everyone, just an FYI; I'm currently putting together the details for the actual thread. Just crunching the details to try and make things specific-but-not-too-much. It's taken me a bit longer than I hoped for one reason or another, but it should be up in the next day or so. Just wanted to touch base with people and let you know it's still going ahead, and that I haven't lost interest or buggered off and left you all in the lurch.
Can always skip some time, tbh I wasn't really planning anything eventful for the flight anyway, so a few hours skipped ahead is fine
Got a post up, sorry it took so long, haha xD
It was a shortish one with a bit of silliness and messing about, but I wanted to get something in for Python to do and say.
Silver casually tossed Max a wave of acknowledgement as the lion excused himself. In truth, he could use the same. The flight would be long and boring, with nothing of note for the unit to do, and no way to entertain themselves other than what they had on them. The silver fox had packed a paperback in his backpack and of course, had his pebble and all that gave access to. But for the moment all he felt like doing was resting. He set himself into one of the folding jump-seats lining both sides of the huge jets' bay. The rest of Python had sat along them too, mingling with Viper and their personal kit piled up in seats between or in front of them.

While Max's mind was active and full of introspection, Silverwind's was calm and steady. It wasn't that he didn't have concerns about the mission, or about how it might go wrong, but they were present for any mission, and his experience had taught him that worrying wouldn't solve what could or might happen, nor change it. Python and Viper had been trained and drilled as hard as they could be and to all reasonable expectations. All of them were there because they were good enough to be, and him or Max riding them harder wouldn't make anything less or more likely to happen.
Instead, the Fox let the thoughts drift out of his mind and leaned back in the canvas of the jump seat and closed his eye, letting the vibrations of the aircraft lull him to a restful state.

Alongside him, Alisha peered at the fox, and then looked further down at Max, also seeming to drift off to sleep, and shook her head, the pink-dyed quills rattling slightly as she did so.
"Unbelievable," she said with a wry smile. "Guess all the experience they have counts for something if they can both drift off to sleep with all this," she gestured around the bay at the noise surrounding them.
"Speak for yourself," Catriona replied with a wide yawn, stretching out both arms and fidgeting to try and get comfortable in her seat. Large as she was, it wasnt a great fit, but the bovine would make do. From under the shaggy fringe of red fur that covered her eyes, she looked across at the much shorter woman. "I can sleep anywhere, and if there's one thing I've learned from the chief over the weeks we've been here, it's that if he or Bastion do something, it's best to follow the example". She leaned back in the seat and settled down more comfortably, leaving the others to exchange glances, before Case leaned out and grinned at Alisha.
"Oi, Riser, I'll trade you all the desserts in my field rations if you can get a look under the boss's eyepatch".
Alisha raised an eyebrow and the quills on the back of her head bristled, before she looked over at Silverwind.
Without moving or opening an eye, the fox spoke.
"Don't even think about it, either of ya. I've got my eye on you".
"But, you've got your eyes closed?" Case said in disbelief
"Yeah," the fox replied, before yawning again. "But I still got my eye on ya".
@Silverwind Blade Hopefully its not too late for one more person to shout interest.

Not at all, my minimum was 3 + me, maximum is six altogether, so still plenty of space.
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