Avatar of Silverwind Blade


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
7 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"
7 mos ago
Gotta love people who comment on your RP just to leave a snarky comment about it. GG, good to see you're using your time well.
7 mos ago
Nothing like putting a load of effort and time into a game background when people are interested after the int check, for everything to go completely dead when you post the OOC with all the info.
7 mos ago
Lengthy OOC finally up for my mecha-based game, now to collapse and try and sleep before I go on Holiday
1 like


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 42 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

Cat climbed back into the rear seats of the jeep and sprawled out again, big as she was it was well-sized for her. Silver took his seat back in the front alongside Max and gave an enthusiastic nod at the idea.
"Heck yeah, that sounds good ta me. Let's go take a look at the place an' see what we can find. I'm already thinkin' of something in th' shape of a burger"
Cat piped up from the back seat, leaning forward between the pair of them. "Hey, as long as it's got somethin' fer me as well as you two meat-eaters, I'm happy."
Silverwind nodded in agreement. "I reckon we oughta be able to find somethin' that suits us all. Let's get going. Lead on, driver," Silverwind said to Max with an amused smile.
Excellent post @Whoami! Thank you for getting that one up and keeping the IC going. I'll be away for a day or so, but when I get back I'm going to make another IC post to keep things moving, even if it's just the two of us to begin with. Anyone else can then catch up and chime in where needed. I'd like to get things moving at least and keep some activity going.
Got a little one up, just a bit more fluff and fun to keep things trucking over before we jump back into the more serious stuff. Plus it's fun to have our characters do some more relaxing stuff and socialise a bit.
Silver held a hand to his brow to follow Anna's progress as the jaguar took to the skies and climbed away, letting out a low whistle and shaking his head, waving as she circled back around and then flew away. He turned back as Max spoke nodding in understanding.
"Ehh, yeah; and sometimes the more difficult ones are worth th' effort an' all too," he said with a smile and a shrug. "She might be a l'il frosty now an' then, but she's warm enough on the inside, I reckon".
"Aww," Cat said in an amused tone, patting the fox on the shoulder from behind. "Boss, I think ye might have a soft spot for all of us after all".
"Oh shut up," he said dryly with a smirk back to the big bovine. "You know I do".
He sighed and stretched his arms up over his head, before standing with hands on his hips. "Reluctantly, I think the flying cat might have had a point about something; while we have a while, th' mission's callin' an' all. An' I dunno about y'all, but I've got a mighty hunger. What say while we're at liberty, we go get some decent chow from somewhere that ain't a mess hall 'fore we have to head back to the base and put on our professional faces?"
@Silverwind Blade I'll be able to finish my character (and post it) this weekend.

Excellent, I'll look forward to it - hopefully we can get the IC moving a bit more then too.
She looks great, feel free to post her into the characters tab, and join in on the IC as soon as you're ready to do so :)
Cool, I'll put up a CS after work today :D

Awesome, I'll look forward to it!
Jesha climbed aboard the U-Wing and into the pilots' seat. As she strapped in, her co-pilot Cullen climbed up into his seat next to her, a grin on the human's dark-skinned face. "All right, we're finally going into an official mission! Excited?"
"And terrified," she answered with a toothsome grin of her own, as she hit switches to power on the U-Wings' engines. The rising whine of power surged through the utility ships' systems. Cullen hit the controls to close the fuselage doors and under Jesha's hand the large but sleek ship rose on its' repulsorlift engines and with a gentle nudge of thrusters, out through the bays' atmospheric shield and into the star-flecked void beyond. With smooth precision, the shistavanen slid the fighter into formation with Tomlin's X-Wing as Cullen punched in the hyperspace co-ordinates.
"Roger, Raptor Leader; holding steady on your wing and ready for Hyperspace launch".
Caaan I throw my lot into this? This is tickling my fancy so much right now.

By all means; it's dead slow at the moment as you can see, and I'm eager for things to pick up, since there's been zero activity since I started the IC
8 days since the last post. Anyone still interested?

I am, just getting back into things after recent events. I'm intending to make a post within the next couple of days as well. Obviously I can't speak for anyone else though.
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