Avatar of Song Book
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1639 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Song Book 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
2 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
6 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
6 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
6 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch



Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
| INFO |

Above this Bio
You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.
Below this Bio
You will find what I have been active in lately.
| Tastes |

I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
| Important Pages |

| Contact Me.|

If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for my lack of posting. Life had a spam moment and i have injured my writting arm. Muscles and shit are acting up. So it hurts to really move it or keep it in bent positions for too long. Which means posting will be longer than expected.
@Dark Light

While I can't relate to grief...
Cause I'm a book.

Its all good.
No one minds absences for such personal reasons.
Specially here.


She had been humming quietly. A sweet melody a small bird was chirping as it flew around her upon her way towards the tavern. Only to perch upon the tree out side its large doors for rest when she slipped inside.
Feeling eyes upon her she spotted a quiet large rodent looking creature observing her. Causing the already squealish girl to curl inwards more towards her self until it's gaze focused else where. @Searat

A voice then spoke to here clearly. Its words taking more than a second to process that nothing around her could have said them. Which in turn caused her to hide under the table at which she sat. Another creature, a staff member seemed to come upon that table too. Though upon seeing someone that waitress left. What this something was, she didn't know. She kept quiet though hoping it would soon leave. The waitress, she could assume, that had come over was gelatin like. Reminding the girl of her love of the dessert treat she had as a child. Calming her down only slightly before realizing that said gelatin creature was alive.

Now it was not as if Aнна had never seen things in this tavern that were strange, freaky, or un-explainable. But a thing of goo that talked was not on that list.

" Уйди, уйди, оставь меня в покое..." [ go away, leave me alone.]

She repeated, in more of a mumble than actual words, towards what ever entity had startled her. Her form curled beneather the small table to watch out for such the thing. @Blueflame

She was known to arrive ever now and again to the tavern. Hiding from major disasters, to just wishing for warmth and a small meal in the winters.

She would come, pay with what ever she could find on her and leave back into the wilderness as soon as it appeared in the doorway.

So it would be no surprise to the owner for the girl to stumble once again into the taverns comferting walls. By this point she had some understanding of how the tavern worked too. That she'd never leave it at the same place she entered. That it travels about to mysterious places.

Her theory is giant birds flying it around. Though they must be able to shrink as she'd never seen more than small birds on it's roof. Not like she would know better.

Over her many visits to the tavern she had yet to remeet the strange man she met upon her first visit. Nor the woman who was his friend. Most of all she wished to find her wolf friend again. @Dark Light

Back to the present day and Stumbling into the tavern the girl was a bit taken a-back at the new people and creatures all there. Scrunching further into her long coat she slipped along the wall of the tavern making her way to a two seater table in which she always had sat when visiting. Starting now to pick through each and every creature inside the tavern now. @Vismar @carla6677@Searat
@carla6677@Dark Light
emerges from the shadows of a dusty table

I see people... Friends? New friends!

My friendly darling will be making a new appearance now. Oh and I'll update her cs too. To show changes over the time which has passed.
Never done a Discord Rp though so i could but i'd rather stick here.
Its not dead. @BespeckledCephJust taking a turkey hiatus. We are all trying to shake off the fat and get back into the groove of things. Plus finals be coming round the corner here they come.

Ive seen good rp's go on similar hiatus's during he holidays and pop back into motion a week after they are finished. Just unannounced hiatus. That's all. We are busy people
This all well and jolly. Take good care of family.

Ive been quite busy as well with sports coming back into play.
I kinda skipped about on this thread as I was getting bored, but I always saw, Male looking for female, or every variation of it as a sort of, I play male characters, Looking for female characters. And even on posts where, the few times I've done 1v1's with a dude character, the person had posted " looking for a Dude." or those variations, And I said I can do a dude. They accepted me.

THis isn't meant to say that some people aren't trying to discriminate people in their rp's but i'm pretty sure the majority are only looking for characters to fill their slots.

The part where they may be looking for " female roleplayers" could be based on past experiences where a male roleplayer did not do a well job expressing the character. Or it could be based on the presumption that a female roleplayer would know how to play a female character better, due to being one and shit. Though I'm sure they wouldn't kill all discussion if the person interested in the rp can play a female well and is perhaps male. Which is not sexist but just a precaution to make sure only those qualified try for the role.
I know on one of my very old interest checks I had a " looking for male" on it, cause i only did female characters at the time. Did i actually care/know about the true genders of my partners. Nope. THey could play a dude. I didn't care past that. ( Ahh young book.)
All I see this as is a matter of personal preference and choice.

If you don't want to rp with someone because their interest check's title/description happens to state something you disagree with. Good for you.
If you don't care and can play the part. Good for you.

If you want to specify that you want female partners because of some notion, actual sexism, nervousness, or just for precaution. Good for you.

If you don't care about that sort of stuff. Good for you.

Why is everyone jumpy about stuff that doesn't really matter in the first place? It's just an interest check.
Florence Marivau

Class: Medic
Location:Aboard The Sky Mariner

Florence had stepped upon the ship rather unwillingly. Following all the instructional stuff the drone in front of her was preaching. From the extra insurance of the belt keeping her against her seat to knowing where and how to get out of the plane if there was an emergency. She didn't like this at all. She sat by her lonesome. Her gift to the new Godchild was wrapped carefully by an old shawl, to hide its presence from those same drones she diligently listened to. She didn't trust them, they lacked faces, twitches and expressions. She couldn't tell what their programming was doing, she couldn't read them as she could do with other humes. Even the other species had some signs of emotions. Live insects probably wouldn't be allowed in the cabin. Expecially such ones that were not native to the land in which they were traveling. Her gift, how she would enjoy giving the precious glow of nature to someone who may have never seen them before.

She watched a large creature covered in heavy plated armor get told off for seating in a rack of some sort. She didn't know why he failed to obey until she saw him rip off such a part of the ship with ease to sit down. @Sudkurve Startled at the common show of strength she looked away quietly. OF course such a strong person wouldn't care to listen to the automated machines. Patting her fluff of hair to not overreact she contiuned observing as people got on. Reassuring her self that averyone on this ship would be teammates. No risk of her getting hurt in such the same way as the chair. In relation to most others she was quite a ways away seated alone in a row next to a window. A choice she would come to regret when the captain announced they would be taking off and the safety of the outside world ripped from her. Her rucksack sat strapped into the seat next to her. Preventing anyone else invading her space and preventing her loosing it. Florence was not one to surrender her personal possessions to anyone. Even if they promised to give it back, she didn't like it. As why she carried it on her when she boarded the ship and why as a drone came to question her she pushed an arm over it. Especially to prevent such action as a drone being able to move it, her spear ejected itself from her bag in such a way to block off the ail between her seat and the outside one with it's sharp point.

The captain's announcement of flight startled her once more. This was all quite new so she didn't mess with anything like she could hear others doing. She clutched her gift to her chest harder and nuzzling her face into the small hole in the wrapping. The soft glow from the darkness of the inside soothed her nerves like when she was a child.

“Hey there, folks. We've just cleared lift off, so you're free to roam about the cabin.”

The message over the speakers took her from the safety of the glow to the open cabin. The large scary looking dude was in the corner was standing. She looked around more, seeing the rest of the people. A majority were fellow humes. How wonderful that would be. No huge need to learn a different biology. Or well not learn but remember. She could recall half of her training was treating wounds of all types on every species she knew of and those she didn't before those days. She was hesitant to get up from her seat. But seeing some others standing helped overcome her nerves. She wasn't always this nervous, but being up so high in the air was something new, as were all the faces and the scenery, and the technology. How strange it all looked. It pushed upon her nerves.

Then she looked up. Seeing what should be the ground below, above her head caused a quiet squeal to escape her lips. Her legs wanted to give out beneath her. A short fall back on to her seat was were she rested for a few seconds. Regaining her composure as not to appear as such a nervous person as medic shouldn't be. To stand back up again was a struggle. Florence was more hesitant than before. She made no move to interact. Instead, she peered past her makeshift wall at the others. Examining them, determining races, biology's, even what gifts they seamed to be holding. Wishing only that the flight would end sooner rather than later.
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