Avatar of SpicyMeatball


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current It's almost time to play the fun game: Is this Strep throat, covid, a cold, a thyroid disorder or that I'm just dehydrated af.
4 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #5: If you didn't document it, you didn't do it.
4 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #3: What happens at clinical placement, no matter how shitty it may have been (literally or figuratively), stays at clinical placement.
4 yrs ago
I guess its been a while since I updated this status thing. I guess we could go with Nursing School Rule #1: The correct answer on a test is either potassium, airway or handwashing.
5 yrs ago
So I sprained my ankle. That's fun.


Resident Photographer, Roleplayer, Nurse

A Bit About Me:
First off, to introduce myself. My name is Chris. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read a little blurb about my life. I am a 25 year old guy living in the beautiful, arctic tundra known as Canada. My interests touch on too many things to completely list, but predominantly I am an avid photographer, a role-player (duh) and a gamer. While I started life here on the guild back in early 2018, I am no stranger to role-playing. I started out role-playing in various video games before I got serious and jumped head first into both forum role-play and 1x1s in Skype/Google Docs.

My main preferred settings for role-playing are, but not limited to: Slice of Life, Fantasy, Military, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Apocalypse. I personally don't do fan-fictions, I only write for my OCs. Below, you'll find a link to my character stash for the Guild.

Click Me!

My Current RPs:
  • Stay tuned, 1x1 in the works ;)

Most Recent Posts

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital
INTERACTING WITHLorenzo Horton @Hero

The longer Jess sat in the hospital bed, the more she disliked the situation and the more she hated herself for getting into this situation in the first place. It was the most abolsutely perfect day at the hospital. No crazy patients, no code blacks and no overtired doctor on shift. And yet here she was, laying in a hospital bed because she tripped. Jess grumbled at the thought of how ridiculous she must look now; she was still in full uniform, nametag and all. Just salt in the wound at this point. Hopefully someone would come rescue her.

Jess perked up immediately when she felt her phone buzz. She stifled a laugh when she saw the message from Enzo. “Overdramatic as usual..” she mumbled to herself, though instead of her usual resting bitch face, a gentle smile now graced her lips. Finally, she’d be able to get out of the hospital, and more importantly, out of this scrubs. The only problem now was that she’d have to show up to tomorrow’s celebrations on crutches. Jess scowled at the thought, wondering if she could suck it up and walk on it for the day without major reprocussions. Gritting her teeth, she cautiously put her legs over the edge of the bed and let them dangle a moment before attempting to put a minute amount of pressure on the injured foot. With a small yelp, she withdrew the pressure and quickly tried to recompose herself by assuming her original position on the bed.

Jess’ eyes darted around to see if anyone had seen or heard that, and only after she saw another nurse walk by without giving her a second glance, did she drop her guard and relax. Maybe crutches wouldn’t be that bad. It’d give her an insight into what a patient was feeling, if anything. Hell, maybe it’d be good. The whole damsel in distress thing was attractive wasn’t it? Maybe she’d get lucky and some guy would come and sweep her off of her feet.

She almost laughed out loud at the idea, covering her mouth at the last second. The idea that she’d get a guy because of her crutches wouldn’t be the worst pickup attempt. She’d certainly had a worse time at relationships in highschool. With a grumbling sigh, the young brunette grabbed her crutches and stood up from the bed, balancing awkwardly on her one good leg. It was such a foreign feeling to her. Jess wasn’t one for extreme activities, and so unlike her sister, she’d never really acquired any major injuries apart from today. She nervously put the crutches forward and took a breath, processing what she was about to do. It was a simple concept in theory, but in practice crutches were really a pain in the ass.

And so the rather experienced nurse, with three years of service to the hospital and four years of education, with numerous experiences teaching other people how to use various assistive devices, and with a rather athletic physique, fell flat on her face on the first step, sending the crutches skittering across the floor. “Fuck!”

Jess just layed on the cold, tile floor for a moment as the other two nurses on staff came running over. Without even looking, she could tell that her co-workers were trying hard not to laugh. Before coming up to her hands and knees, she looked to the side at one of them, then to the other and spoke with a very cold voice “Not a word about this leaves this moment. Understood?”

Suddenly she was glad that it was a quiet day in the ER. It had saved her the embarrassment of doing that in front of 15-20 other patients, most of which knew her face. Now back in her bed, she grabbed her paperwork once again and had just started to focus when Lorenzo came into the ER. A huge wave of relief washed over her as her brother approached her bedside. With a newfound energy, the young woman sat up from her bed and leaned over to hug her older sibling, nuzzling her head into his chest. “Thank you Enzo, its been a long morning.”

“So what happened?”

Jess took in a breath and let it out slowly before looking back up to her brother. “Got out of my car and ate the pavement. I think I must’ve still had a foot in the car cause I twisted my ankle bad. Its just a sprain.” She scowled at the sound of the nurses giggling across the room before gritting her teeth. “Oh yeah, and apparently I can’t use crutches.” She spared her brother the explaination of how she fell flat on her face not five minutes before. It would spread around town in time. Jess grabbed her bag and stuffed the folder inside of it, before standing up on her good leg. “Could you grab my bag?”

“Thank you again for this...it means a lot.”
INTERACTING WITHMark [NPC], Evangeline @Altered Tundra, Elliot @spooner, Aliana @Dirty Pretty Lies

Click…..click click...click click… … …

The shutter on Olivia’s camera clicked and clacked away as she watched the events unfold between Elliot and Evangeline in disbelief. With great effort she managed to hold back from calling out to Elliot as he backed up, and it took even more effort to hold back her own laughter as the coffee flew everywhere. It was almost as if everything had moved in slow motion and she’d been there to capture every single moment of it. Having now frozen the entire ordeal in time, even having been lucky enough to have captured the coffee cup mid-spill, she smiled to herself and lowered her guard for a moment. As she pulled the camera away from her face, she looked to Mark with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face. Nothing more perfect could top this today.

Except...what was that she saw on Elliot’s face? She looked back down the viewfinder and zoomed in on the pair. Was that…? No, it couldn’t be. At first, Olivia thought it was embarrassment that had drenched her dear brother head to toe, but as she looked closer it looked more like nervousness. That could only mean one thing. Was her brother, the same guy who had been dating Aliana Brady for just over four years now, attracted to Zima blondie? Click. Elliot’s hand running through his hair. Click. Eva’s nervous little stance right before she was led back inside.

If only she could hear what they were saying.

She finally lowered the camera and her gaze shot back to Mark, who leaned through the open window behind her. “You saw all of that, right? Do you have any idea what this means?” An evil grin spread across her face. No secrets could be held from her, especially not now when she had all of the time in world to run around town with her camera. And now that she had the pictures that she did, it wouldn’t take much to play her brother like a fiddle. It would only take quick visit to The Brady Pub to do the trick. Olivia was sure that Aliana would certainly have something to say about the pictures she’d gotten. But first, a little tormenting.

Pulling out her phone, Olivia quickly punched in a text and sent it off to Elliot: I see you’re getting nice and toasty with blondie there, El. She then pulled the memory card from her camera and copied the pictures from it to her laptop, before packing all of her gear back into her bag, leaving her camera on it’s strap around her neck. She had to be quick if she was going to beat Elliot to The Brady Pub, assuming he understood what she meant by the text. After quickly sliding down the fire-escape ladder she grabbed her skateboard and pushed off of the sidewalk, gradually gaining speed. “Hey Elliot!” she called out, before reaching down and tapping her camera.

Olivia rounded the corner and dropped down onto the road from the sidewalk, smiling as the warm breeze blew across her face and toyed with her ponytail. A grin spread across her face as The Brady Pub came into view and she pushed harder off of the pavement to gain more speed. As she came to the entrance, she quickly dismounted her board and popped it up into her arm before walking inside. Olivia grabbed her laptop from her bag as she walked and quickly brought up the picture showing Elliot running a hand through his hair and looking flustered, before looking up to Ali.

“Hey Ali, I have somethin’ to show you.”

LOCATIONThe Horton House, then nearby The Java Cafe
INTERACTING WITHMark [NPC], Annalise @Ejected

Freedom at last, free from the clutches of the dreaded American education system. School was out at last and summer was here. This meant a few things to Olivia. First, it meant that she could finally spend some quality time with her skateboard without pissing off the principal. Second, it meant that she could forget about algebra, biology and how long Plutonium took to decay, and focus on just relaxing and having fun. Third? Everyone was in town, and that meant everyone. All of the regular weirdo's, a few of the touristy types, and her favourite of all, the suspects. It wasn’t that they were actually suspected of crimes, but Olivia had certainly heard some juicy rumors floating around town and she’d be stupid not to act on them.

On this particular morning, she had woken up bright and early to get a headstart on people hunting. After going through her normal morning routine -- get up, eat, shower, eat again, pick out clothes and do her conservative makeup -- Olivia sat down at her desk and flipped open the Macbook that sat upon it. With a few clicks and some quick typing, she navigated to her site Suspects of Salem. She scrolled through the few dozen photographs that plastered the webpage -- all with captions that gave an air of suspicion to them, to follow her site’s weary feel -- and then looked at her newest posts.

A few comments, hardly any new hits. Just the regular crowd. Well, a crowd would imply more than two or three people and this was not that.

With a slightly frustrated sigh, she closed the lid on her laptop and stuffed it into her bag before grabbing her camera from her desk. Olivia pondered for a moment before twisting off the shorter lens that had been attached to the camera and putting on her newest acquisition. It was a longer distance lens that had cost her the majority of the earnings she’d made the past summer, but damn it if it wasn’t worth it.

With a reassuring nod to herself, she looped the camera strap over her neck and right arm before grabbing her bag. It was still open season for the most scandalous and post-worthy photos and she wasn’t gonna waste another minute. First stop? The coffee shop. It wouldn't be packed at this hour. Not yet at least.

Ten minutes later, she was rolling down the main street of Salem on her skateboard, the sound of Avril Lavigne’s "What The Hell" blaring from her headphones. Looking rather inconspicuous in her signature leather jacket, jeans and red converse shoes, Olivia cruised up to the Java Cafe. With a swift stomp on the edge of her skateboard, she popped it up into her arm before hopping in line. Having arrived quite early, the line was still quite manageable and within five minutes, she’d received her hot cup of black molten lava. The lifeblood of her existence, the thing that kept her going after long nights out. Today was no exception. She had to be at her best so she could get some awesome shots.

After crossing the road, she strapped her skateboard to the outside of her bag and pulled out her phone. Olivia punched in a quick text and sent it off to her partner in crime whose apartment she now stood in front of. Looking up to the second story window, she waited until the face of her best friend Mark popped up. Then, she approached the fire-escape and began to climb carefully with one hand, her other hand occupied by her coffee. As she reached the top Mark opened up the window and smiled, motioning to her coffee “Hey Liv, you get me one?”.

“Dude, you literally live fifty feet from the place.” She smirked at him before sitting down on the metal grated floor of the fire escape, pulling her bag over her shoulder and placing it to her side. “Anyone interesting yet?”

“Don’t look now, but Zima blondie just showed up.”

Olivia’s head shot towards the coffee shop once again and sure enough, there stood Evangeline Zima. With a smirk, she pulled up her camera and looked down its viewfinder, zooming in just enough to get a good profile shot of Eva’s upper torso and head. The camera clicked away as she took half a dozen shots of the blonde, before framing up a few other of the regular weirdo’s at the coffee shop. After a good thirty or forty shots Olivia rested the camera in her lap and crossed her legs, reaching for her coffee. The smell of the hazelnut roasted goodness filled her nostrils as she took a sip, the deep brown liquid warming her from the inside.

“Well, I’ve got an hour or two to kill here before me and Anna were gonna hang out. Care to join me while I people-watch?”

She picked up her phone and sent off a quick text to Annalise. Admittedly, she had no idea what she wanted to with her friend. Perhaps they could head to the skate park.

Hey! Just making sure we’re still on for today <3

Today would only get better from here if it followed its current trend.

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital, then to the Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHAlice Horton (NPC), All of the Horton Children @Hero@Spooner

A quiet ER was never a good ER. It was like being in the eye of a hurricane; while it may be sunshine and rainbows in that moment, you just know it wouldn’t last. Out of the twenty beds kept at the Salem University Hospital emergency room, only two were currently occupied. The first was a man who claimed to be having a heart attack who in reality, just had indigestion from a party the night before. And the second? The second was Jessica herself. Yes, she’d managed to ruin a day with absolutely no one coming through the doors of the ER by hurting herself. After arriving at four in the morning for her shift, she’d tripped getting out of her car and landed awkwardly. This had resulted in a sprained ankle and as such, she now sat upright in an ER bed with an air-cast on her right foot. Certainly a wonderful way to start the day. It couldn’t possibly get worse.

“Jessica, oh my god!”

Jess inhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose as the voice of her mother echoed through the ER. She was wrong, this day just got worse.

“Are you alright? What happened to you dear?”

“I’m fine mom, just fell getting out of my car. Could I ask you to grab my folder from the nurse’s station so I can actually be productive right now? I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do.”

“Sure sweety.”

Jessica took in another of what was going to be many deep breaths today and picked up her phone, scrolling through the few notifications she’d received. Then she glanced at the date. Tomorrow was the party. Perfect. Now she could show up and be the one everyone pitied, because it wasn’t enough that she’d actually have to socialize. Or see Aliana hanging off of her brother. Or make sure Olivia didn’t get herself into too much trouble with that damn camera. And if that wasn’t enough, she’d now have to tell her father that she couldn’t help set up for the celebrations because of this morning’s incident.

“Here you are dear. Don’t work yourself too hard, you need that ankle to heal. Can I get you a drink or something? You look exhausted.”

“No mom, I just need some quiet right now. Thank you for the paperwork….god did I really just say that?”

Jess shook her head and started going through her folder, flipping through the pages as she clicked her pen idly. Why did she always have to put off her patient reports? These would take hours to do, but it wasn’t like she had anything else to do in this particular moment. Her ankle had made sure of that. Her only salvation was that it was a sprain and not a break, and she’d hopefully be off of her crutches in a matter of a few weeks. There was just one tiny problem with that. At least a third of that time would be with crutches, meaning she could only do the paperwork end of her job, not the exciting patient-care end of it. Great. She needed to get out of this place. Jess glanced at her watch, she grabbed her phone and opened up her messenger app, sending out a text to her dear siblings.

Good morning fellow Horton-spawn. What’s everyone up to?

Also, if anyone could give me a ride from the hospital, that’d be great. It’s a long story.

Alright, I'm dropping this RP. Have fun peeps.
@Dirty Pretty Lies@Altered Tundra

Please know that we appreciate your invested interest and want to make sure that said interest remains the long term. We also appreciate you for being such wonderfully-talented writers. <3


D'awww, you make me blush. :P
Alrighty then! Glad to see you all here. I'll get started on an OOC within 24 hours. I'll tag you all in it.

Until then, think of some characters! Have fun, too!

@BrokenWashing @JELDare @DrTwit @SpicyMeatball @Sorry Excuse @Zora

Oh yeah... What do you guys think of a discord?

A Discord would be awesome.
Spy Academy: An Espionage Tale

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