Avatar of Spike


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3 mos ago
Current the creature from the vegetable soup
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5 yrs ago
cdn.discordapp.com/attachme… literally me irl rn
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5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Yoooooooooooooooooo Cardcaptor Sakura is lit
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5 yrs ago
If you make the mistake to judge a man by his race you go through life with egg on your face.


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Mammon cautiously walked through the forest. He'd used his powers to disguise himself. He had taken the form of a tall young man, with dark skin, red eyes, and longish black hair. He looked up at the sky.

"It's going to get dark soon. Do you think we should set up camp?" He asked the others.
@Vampiretwilight Mmm guess I'll just wing a post and I can edit it if anything's not cool.

Posting my char

Falk Fukuzawa

Falk shot out one of his strings, yanking one of the hounds towards him just in time for him to hit it in the side of the face with a roundhouse kick, before cutting the wire and sending it flying. He turned to face Rin when she said his name, just in time to watch her red eye glow. "Thanks. I'll make it count." He said, thumbing one of his bombs into the slot on his gauntlet. One of the pink ones.He looked up at Hiro's drone as it bathed him in glowing light, reinvigorating him. He inclined his head slightly towards Al. "I'm going to nuke his ass."

"Sorry, Yui!" He said, before sticking one of this strings to Rin's drone overhead. He pressed a button on his helmet, checking the map as he ascended. Even slinking below the treeline, he had a map with the big guy on it on his visor. He turned on the comm to broadcast a message, just to be safe. "Stand clear, I'm hitting him with heavy ordnance." Satisfied that he wasn't likely to hit anyone they knew, he took aim, then breathed out as he fired, going for a bodyshot.

@Burger @Melkor @Skyswimsky

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