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<Snipped quote by System>

I kind of have to be here, according to this Codex's calculations.

That doesn't include a need to speak.
<Snipped quote by System>

*Grits my teeth* Making claims like that isn't how you unite people.

Perhaps not, but your presence will end up the most divisive of all.
<Snipped quote by System>

-One- Basic tactics?
-Another- Do you mean working together? *Points* With him?
*Before the room gets louder, I interrupt*
-Abel is right. Remember what this Codex said: if we don't unite, we have a 98% chance of dying, all of us. Are you willing to gamble that 2%? The man that showed up here wants to kill us. You saw him thinking about it. If he can find us here, can he find us anywhere? And if you've avoided Baphumet yet, can you avoid being hunted by more than her? We'll find a way to make this palatable, but know that it's necessary.

You speak galvanizing words as a woman unfit to be leading the same group she betrayed.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

<Snipped quote by The World>

-One Codex- The Codi all have powers?
-Another- How can they be threatening Existence?
-Another- We did what we could before, but how are 32 of us meant to stop billions?

Starting with some basic tactics would do you well.
<Snipped quote by System>

Ooookay then. I'll expect it.

Given the purpose of this gathering, it may or may not be premature to assume I've won, but I'll save you the discussion until after the proceedings have concluded.
<Snipped quote by System>

I'm surprised. Well, just because Seth was stubborn doesn't mean I have to expect you to be.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*They shuffle and mutter before quieting down again*

You should.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*Grumbles* I dislike when he does that. He should come here physically like the rest of us. *Opens a portal back to Aphrodite's mansion, where the Codex mill about, grumbling*

I think you'll find that I can make several more concessions than I once could.
<Snipped quote by System>

Oh, shit. We forgot to ask her to help us reset everyone.
Oh well.

*The only trace of my presence left in the real world is a card with a crudely-drawn blue heart on construction paper folded in half*
<Snipped quote by System>

*Waves* Bye.

*Waves as the darkness gradually falls away into the real world*
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