Avatar of Th3King0fChaos


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I play both sides so that I always lose.
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2 yrs ago
Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
2 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
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3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.


About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)

I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.

I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).

I am normally a very easy guy to get a hold of. If you use one of the following contact info I should get back to you within 10 minutes, if you use discord just @me and I can respond within a quick time (If I'm at my keyboard that is).

AND PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GARENTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)

Contact info:
nuk3clearsoldier@gmail.com (I know, don't judge)

Discord is- KingChoas #4030 (Ain't too hard isn't it?)

If you need my phone number: First off, who are you and why? Second off, Please don't spam me or I will find you and shove your phone down your throat and make you puke it up and do it again into a trash compactor and watch you cry. Then buy you a new phone. (Just saying I hate spam, also if you get my number you are the 3rd person to every get my phone number, next to my mom and my sister.)

The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.

Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.

Most Recent Posts

Dying, but not quite dead.
@Dark Jack Sorry this past week I've been getting slammed by work and haven't been able to really do much. I'll try to post soon!
@Dark Jack I'm sorry but it seems I will be unable to get that post I promised up. So you can move things along as Arcturus succeeding in tackling Ishin.
I'll throw up a post soon. @Dark Jack
As Ishin pulls he braces himself as he hears the gun fire. And with a strength he could only muster in a prayer. He pulls with his arms and legs with the force of pistons. He then had a moment of hope as he felt his body start to move backwards until he sees the beast's hand come through and grip onto the gun he was trying to take. As multiple thoughts ran through his head as his body told him to pull even harder and try to over power the beast.

Yet, as he hears someone yell, “Get away from that!” Ishin finds himself moving on its own more and more often. As Ishin's hands opened on their own as he let the gun slip through his hands. His tensed muscles finally released as he throws himself off the wall. As he finds his leg strength is incredible as he threw himself a good few feet as he starts a roll.

As Ishin recovered from his roll he lands in a crouch as he holds his left hand down to balance himself. As he looks onward towards the door, missing the mark underneath him, as he waits to see what comes through. He processes what he just did, that wasn't a natural launch he did. It felt as if his muscles expanded and bulged for a moment to give him greater strength. Maybe it is that fight or flight thing. Where when you are met with a life threatening situation your body can push beyond its normal means. Whatever the case is Ishin knows that whatever happens next, it's gonna be a real pain if they can't take down that big beast.
I'll be throwing a post up soon @Dark Jack
Also if anyone has been thinking I've been late on responses. You are right I just take a while to try and respond with my strange hours at work for the moment.

Yet with discord I am normally on top of it. So, I made a chat for that exact purpose!

@EurmalEye Hey! You are more than welcomed to join! It's still open to everyone!

It's up, making characters is the next step.

Alright I found time where I can do things other than sleep and work!
(Sickness has made doing anything else a true pain)
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