Avatar of The Elvenqueen


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1 mo ago
Current Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
1 yr ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"
1 yr ago
new Puss in Boots film did not have to go this hard but they absolutely did and now I am obsessed with the characters oh no-
1 yr ago
Please forgive my inactivity. Got a lot going on IRL...so stressed that my brain feels like it hurts, ya know the deal...one day I'll be able to pick stuff back up again lmao
2 yrs ago
PC has officially been fixed! Small victory in the grand scheme of the crock of shit life is throwing at me rn, admittedly, but I'll take what I can get at the mo hahaha <3


Elven | Female | 18+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (NEEDS UPDATE, TBA) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Overwatch (WidowTracer/WidowTracerEmily is my jam <33)
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

Most Recent Posts

*waves back* Yess, loads better! I should be back in the game now! (But still a bit slow while I'm stuck to typing on phone till laptop is fixed XD)

And no worries as always, work comes first! :P
*army crawls back in* I am ALIIIVEEEE

My sincerest apologies for such a delay, last week was a nightmare >_< but there we go! :D feel free to add or change anything there before they actually head down and try to find this place, figure they should update Malu on the goings on a little first?
Aria nodded slightly after peering at Malu’s message, knowing there would be no alternatives to the Champions conducting the interrogation. They accompanied the platoon back to the compound where the leader took his leave of them after dropping the captured assailant into the chair in the center of the bleak interrogation room.
“Oh boy...this takes me back.” Aria snorted quietly, popping her knuckles as they waited for the man to come back around.
“So does that make me the bad guy?” the Champion chuckled in amusement. “Well, I suppose I AM more used to being scary than you are.”
She tried not to be surprised when Yerbol pulled off the attacker's helmet....he certainly was younger than Aria had been expecting.
“Come on, kid...You're not making this easy on yourself.” as Yerbol spoke, attempting to pull some information out of the boy by scaring him, Aria paced deliberately slowly around the chair, her eyes never leaving his. A soft smirk graced Aria's features at the surge of fear that dominated the young man’s mind when he heard the word “Inquisitor”.
“That's right...so, you can answer our questions and tell us what we want to know, OR I can take it from you. Forcefully. And it WILL hurt.”

Regrettably, their informant remained stubbornly tight-lipped and refused to give the two Champions any solid answers to their questions other than mentioning “The Faceless” which was….SOMETHING to go on at least.
“The Faceless? Is that what they call themselves?” Still nothing. Aria joined her partner as he sighed.
“...he's not talking, you know what that means…”
“I was hoping we wouldn't have to, but I suppose he hasn't left us much choice has he?” Aria responded, nodding slightly. “Alright, kid. Last chance...you can tell us what we want to know.” she extended her Force presence towards the young boy’s, seized hold of it just long enough to give him an idea of the discomfort it would bring him, then let him go again. “Or I WILL do what I have to, to take it from you against your will.” if he had doubted before that they were capable of orchestrating the threat, she hoped it would be dispelled now and the boy would tell them what they wanted to know. “The Faceless. WHO are they, and WHERE can we find them?”
The young man’s chin wobbled, bottom jaw tensed as he hissed out the words:
“The Faceless take care of their own. They do not bend to the Qyaari, who waste their time pandering to the weak Alliance Chancellors, they do not feel the Force like we do, they are not fit to lead this galaxy.”
“Oh, and I suppose YOU, or more accurately Soto, are? Is mass genocide a good public image for a government figure?”
“Better than forgiving them and acting like it never happened!”

Rolling her eyes, Aria leaned forward to brace her hands against the arms of the chair, the Champion’s eyes locked with his.
“Alright, kid. No more playing games. The more you fight me, the more this will hurt.”
“You'll never get anything out of me!”
She had to give him some credit for attempting to resist her control, but he was still young and his abilities basic and unsharpened. With his hands still cuffed firmly, the boy could do little to break the eye contact between them other than wriggle feebly in place and attempt to shut his eyes, though Aria was easily able to tap into her former Inquisitor training and break through the weak mental barriers he attempted to use to block out his memories.

Dark, lights flickering faintly overhead. Buildings that looked deceptively ramshackled, with boards over the windows. A network of drainage pipes nearby, that wound through the underground tunnels throughout the planet...out of which emerged a familiar, round-faced blonde Jedi Master.
“Jean. It's been a long time.” a man, reasonable height and a clean shaven appearance, approaches Soto and embraces her.
“...I had wondered who would bother to free me.” there is recognition between them, that brings the beginnings of a smile to Soto’s face. “It's good to see you, Ma-”

But before Soto could utter his name, a surge of anger gave their informant new strength to break the mental vice Aria had locked his mind into, the Champion staggering backwards with a painful huff as the boy’s forehead rammed painfully into her nose.
Her voice muffled through her hand which now clutches her (possibly broken, given the sickening “crack” it had made on impact) nose, she growls.
“The man. That's your leader? What's his name?”
The boy’s teeth flash in a smug grin.
“You mean you don't know? Well that's a shame, isn't it, Inquisitor?” his chin lifts in apparent defiance, but there is an unsteady wobble to his voice that betrays the lie. “You don't scare me. I'll die before I betray them.”

“PSH!” Aria snorted, turning to Yerbol. “They’re somewhere in the Undercity, that's for sure. A district near the pipe network...the old Hydrosupply station.” a spike of alarm from their informant confirms the Champion’s theory. “I only saw his face briefly, but that doesn't matter.” turning back to the informant in the chair, Aria scoffed again.
“You're very lucky we aren't on Korriban anymore, or I'd tell the jailer to stop feeding you. Know how else we used to deal with troublesome interrogations there? Those who resisted the Inquisitors got shocked.” for good measure, she sent off a small spark that made him squeal like a frightened Bantha when it hit his nose. “Over and over...higher voltage every time you don't give an answer...and if you still don't cooperate? They let the beasts have you.”
Another jolt of fear. Good. Little whelp should be afraid.
“B-Beasts?” he squeaked, clearly not too keen on the prospect.
Flashing her signature sharp-toothed grin, Aria patted him on the cheek.
“Oh yes, and that...I can tell you I'd get away with. Our two are just back at the Tower, we could send for them...it would be unfortunate for you if they happened to be too hungry not to tear you to pieces if I gave the word.”
Sweat beaded on the boy’s forehead as Aria touched Yerbol’s arm and gestured to the door.
“But let's give you a little chance to change your mind shall we? We'll be back in a few hours and if you tell us what we need to know you may just have to deal with the jailer instead of hungry Tuk'ata.”

She tried to ignore the look her partner gave her as the steel door slammed shut behind them.
“WHAT? He wasn't going to talk any other way, was he? He doesn't have to know the dogs aren't here.” she pointed out, cracking her nose back into place with an uncomfortable wince. “I saw the guy’s face briefly but I didn't recognise him...maybe he was a Jedi before.” she shrugged, placing her hands on her hips. “Either way, I think we should call Malu and let her know what we've found. Maybe she can help us figure out who he is.” another sigh as she glanced over her shoulder. “I'd like to get more information, rather than going in blind. This is Soto we're dealing with here, and any accomplices she's gathered up. She knows how to manipulate the law to her favourite. I think we should ask Sho to come with us again, a bit of extra help wouldn't hurt..."
Yep, they really do xD apologies for the delay in posting, this week and last week has been kinda crazy and it sucked the creativity right outta me xD

I shall be hoping to get a post out here by the end of the week c:
Roleplayer Confession #1:
I have one character that is my #1 favourite and I have a tendency to eventually abandon all RPs that don't include them.

Roleplayer Confession #2:
I am annoyed by players who "only play females" or "only play MxF" or whatever their hangup might be. Even if I'm in the mood to play a role that complements their preferences, I find that most of the time they are too trapped in their little comfort zone to be quality RPers anyways.

I feel you on these two, man.

I don't have much of my plots planned out. I have a direction but I leave it open to change depending on the road to getting there. So Im always thinking on my feet when Players make moves that will hinder my desired progress. Always improvising and using a bad or offsetting shift in pace to create a desirable and unexpected turn of my and my players contentment.

Imo the best way to try and run a roleplay, if you can manage it. Often rolling with unexpected changes can provide even better plot points, in my experience (though granted not always)
100000% yes, I might actually get restful sleep for once. That'd be awesome, and I get 100k too? Neat.
Soooo, I've got a lot of stuff going on right now and just having constant computer troubles on top of it is the icing on the cake right now.

I will try to keep up being active but I'm finding it very difficult to write at all right now so I may have to take a bit of a hiatus.

Really sorry to have to but I'm just struggling to write and it takes so much longer for me to get a proper quality post out, and I don't want to end up skimping with shorter posts so I think I just need a break for a week or so, hopefully I'll be a bit better by then. I'll still be logging in to check in though and I promise I won't be vanishing for ages
@AutumnFrost no worries! I'm not too bad although my stupid laptop is dead on me so I'm stuck on my phone and will be much slower with posting till its fixed >_< computers hate me haha

But I've been doing okay other than that :P
Seemed a bit too barbaric for them to kill the last dude just for the hell of it, so I had Ari knock him out to be captured, feel free to ammend that as you wish xD

EDIT: also an update, my backup computer just died on me D: and my laptop is still out of action so I'm restricted to working on the mobile site and on Google docs via phone to write posts so will be much slower till I sort out the laptop or another backup plan xD sorry about this, I have the worst luck with computers >_>
Aw, don’t feel bad Bol. It wasn’t THE worst idea ever….just, a little stupid. She reassured him with a quick pat on the arm before her attention was drawn to the state of Nuly’s apartment. Covering her mouth and nose against the strong smell, Aria coughed out:
“Well....what’s the bet our friend over there’s Warden Nuly?”
“A pretty good one.” Sho grimaced as she glanced over at the corpse. Sho gingerly moved forward to survey the other end of the room, while Aria frowned carefully at the scoring on the walls, glancing at her companions for confirmation of her suggestion.
“Could it have been a flash grenade….?”
“With that small a blast radius?” Sho shook her head and clucked her tongue. “Not likely, baby-face.”

Yerbol returned to them with the holocomm in hand and the trio gathered round, frowning as they listened to the exchange.
“Something...tells me they decided Nuly couldn’t be trusted.” Sho muttered. As the transmission ended, Aria felt a deathly cold shiver creep down her spine, not unsimilar to that dreadful feeling Illesia had once-
You feel that, don't you? Yerbol had reached out to her in the same instant that she attempted to, the smaller Champion responding with a nod.
Yeah. I feel it. She cast around for the source of the energy shift, spotting the armoured figures gliding out of their refuges in the room. Her attention immediately went to the flying saber, which thankfully skimmed Yerbol's head as the Champion ducked out of the way and engaged its bearer, though Aria quickly had to refocus on the two assailants heading for their Mandalorian friend.
“Stay behind me, Sho.” she instructed the Mandalorian, igniting her own lightsaber and taking up a protective stance in front of her. Yerbol's shield deflected an incoming blow from one attacker, Aria's blade blocking the other.
“Hey, I saved YOUR asses a moment ago, I'm not some kind of damsel in distress okay?” Sho protested indignantly.
“You want to go toe to toe with a lightsaber duelist?” Aria retorted abruptly as her own weapon snapped to life. Predictably, Sho went quiet.
Gritting her teeth, the Champion pushed forward, her elbow connecting with the man's jaw and propelling him backwards into the desk while the Champion dashed towards his companion to aid Sho. Unable to get a clear shot in such close quarters, the Mandalorian spat a curse (or that's what it sounded like...Aria didn't understand the language used, probably a Mandalorian dialect), sidestepping to avoid the armoured man’s lightsaber impaling her shoulder, allowing Aria to deftly intercept the movement with her own blade.
“You're all under arrest.” the Champion proclaimed, prompting a derisive snort from the attacker as he lunged forward to deliver a blow to her shoulder in an attempt to disarm her. Aria parried the blow, distributing her weight back onto her back leg so as not to leave Sho unprotected by stepping backwards and putting the bounty hunter directly in the lightsaber-wielders’ path.
“Don't think they're going to come quietly…” Sho muttered, dropping her blaster back into its holster (it was far too risky to even attempt taking pot shots at such close quarters, she could risk hitting either of the Qyaari instead, or hitting some other object in the room and distracting their attention from their opponents, which wouldn't end well either) and grabbing the vibroblade she kept on hand as a “backup plan” for such situations.
“Doesn't look that way, more fun for us I suppose.” Aria answered sarcastically, flipping her wrist to the side to avoid a disarming blow. “You picked a fight with the wrong people.”
Across the room, Yerbol was exchanging blows with the first assailant while the other scrambled to right himself after knocking most of the furnishings off the desk. He charged again, only to be intercepted by Yerbol's flying lightsaber as the Champion dispatched his former opponent and turned to help Aria and Sho, who seemed to be doing a decent job of fending off the single attacker between them. The Mandalorian was doing an impressive job of holding her ground, her sword deflecting and parrying the odd blow from the man's lightsaber surprisingly well for an ordinary weapon. Snarling in frustration, the man thrust out a hand and produced a powerful blast of energy that sent the two women flying in opposite directions away from him.

Twisting in mid air, Aria managed to right herself, landing behind the second remaining assassin and knocking his feet out from underneath him with a quick sweep of her leading leg, causing him to lurch forward and allowing Yerbol to finish him off. Sho on the other hand was somewhat less graceful (and less fleet of foot, considering her bulkier frame) and had to pick herself up off the floor as the assassin charged again.
“Sho!” Aria called out in alarm, throwing her lightsaber to try and aid their friend, but missed, diving after the assailant and hoping Sho could collect herself in time to avoid being decapitated...

She had been expecting an entirely different scene, with a lot more drastic consequences, than the one that did unfold. Sho managed to get her feet underneath her again relatively quickly, flicking her blade up to block the vicious downward slash that came towards her neck from above. Sparks flew from the tempered steel as the lightsaber struck it, but didn't cut through it. Instead the vibroblade held firm while the energy blade sputtered violently and shorted out.
“HA! Forgot what a Cortosis weave does to your energy swords? Sucker!” the Mandalorian crowed triumphantly, following up with a vicious elbow blow to the man's exposed stomach that knocked him towards the approaching Champions. Raising a hand, Aria lifted the man off his feet and threw him back into the wall, keeping her hand outstretched, maintaining just enough pressure to keep him mildly uncomfortable and pinned in place but still allowing him the ability to croak out an answer to her questions.
“Who sent you, Soto? Somebody else? Where did they take her? Start talking.”
“Who do you think?” the man sneered, struggling in vain to break himself free.
“Give us a name and I might just ask Won to lock you up for a few years instead of letting you join your buddies back there.” the Champion hissed, jerking her chin back at the two lifeless corpses on the other side of the room.
“Heh...she will come and find you, when she's ready to...they were right all along, not to...believe in your...delusions of peace and balance!” he coughed out the words, grasping at his throat in a vain attempt to alleviate the pressure.
“Who are these people?”
“You will soon see...then the Qyaari will all kneel...and Force users will have their...rightful place again.”
“Straight answers only.” Aria's fingers curled slightly and the man cringed in pain. “Or you'll find breathing becomes a lot more difficult. My patience is wearing thin.”
“You don't have the guts!” he sneered. “Not like Soto...and the others.”
Aria exchanged an exasperated glance with her companions, scoffed out loud, and closed her fist. The assassin’s legs kicked once, his eyes rolling back as he went limp and slid down onto the floor.
“jeez, did you have to kill him?” Sho protested.
“I didn't.” Aria corrected the Mandalorian’s assumptions with a shake of her head. “Just knocked him out.” extinguishing her lightsaber, the Champion crouched to gather up the discarded weapons of the three assailants.

“Call Garza and let her know what we found. Get her to send someone down to pick this guy up, maybe they can get more information out of him while we try and trace that call.”
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