Avatar of The Fated Fallen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2785 (0.77 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. The Fated Fallen 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Alright, Inkarnate. You win the game of RP flex's, how does it feel? Do you feel like the hero you are?
5 yrs ago
I also bow down to you, Vox. You're still here and that's what counts!
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5 yrs ago
I bow down to you, Altered Tundra. Keep on keeping on, you legend!
5 yrs ago
I'm fighting my procrastination to try and keep my daily posts at 1.51 instead of 1.50. I didn't realise it'd be this much of a battle!
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5 yrs ago
Retail is just a cancer of the soul
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Most Recent Posts

@fairyBells So I'm interested in joining, but I have a few questions about the setting

I was thinking of playing an agent of the queen, someone hired as palace staff or somesuch. So;

    1) Are there any races that are particularly associated with the fae?

    2) What class and role would you, as a GM, feel best for me to play such a character? Whatever would be easier for you to work with

    3) Would it be you, the GM, be playing the queen? Would I have any real control over her highness in order to speed up posting?

    4) What's the sort of time frame on posting? Once a week?
Alice nodded attentively to Calanon's observation. She wondered when was the last time he had walked these lands, probably a hundred or so years ago. She had always been jealous of elves, to an extent, for their long lives and memory. She imagined what human society would be like if she could meet human heroes from hundreds of years ago like Andreas the Scholar, Felicity Dragontongue the champion of Andred or even, well, her father once more. She didn't dwell on the subject more than that.

"I shall ssssee if it hassss the taint." Argon piped up, before snapping off a chunk of their newly fallen quarry. Alice turned away, more in shock than disgust, and chided herself for doing so. While it had been a long time since she was in the courts she prided herself on her ability to hide her emotions and motives when needed. That stoicism came in more useful than one might think.

"I taste not the taint of Dark Elvesssss." Argon concluded, his gullet flexing in a gruesome way as his meal went down. Alice was unsure as to the veracity of such a claim, but what was she going to do to disprove it? Get out her knife and fork and cut herself a piece? She managed to hide the shudder at her own thought; No thank you.

Calanon remounted his Elk, before making to move on. "Let us continue our patrol, and I shall follow your lead and scout. But I am afraid we would do little more than knock upon the door of sleeping things that are better off being undisturbed."

It was a statement typical of the elder race, and Alice didn't really have an argument against it. She wanted to continue, it felt like they were doing good, but what if Calanon was right? He had the more experience in these matters. An-Hasst responded "The village we are doing this patrol for is merely a resting point in between on our own journey. We would have to strive through this forests and thus potentially wake up something that would better have been left sleeping anyway. I think we're even better off doing it now while we still have a village we can retreat to."

Alice looked at the Man from Skayleigh with a new respect, it was all too common for her and others to get caught up in doing good in the moment. She had simply agreed to do this patrol for the good of the village and hadn't even considered it's purpose on their own journey. She followed promptly behind him gesturing for Argon to follow. She rallied her healing magics which, while limited, would at least staunch the bleeding for a while. She also mentioned to the harmed lizard that he should consume some of the Elven brew each of the party carried, which would help with the bruising and aches until they could get to a real healer.

@The Fated Fallen To be fair, literally just me and Stormflyx have posted so far. You're probably alright, relatively speaking.

You say that, but I hear Poo is a harsh and cruel GM. I won't last the day...
Oh shoot, it's already been 10 days since Poo's upload...


Can I have an extension, pretty please?
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

Which one? I have two, you have two, Beren also has two...

I think she was asking who's foot it was? I find the best way to identify someone's foot is to stamp on it and see who cries out
All of these people were odd, and that was probably why they had all ended up in each other’s company.

Are all Dark Elves this rude?

So how's the outlook on this roleplay right now? How're people doing in general?

I also want to say thanks for everyone's contributions thus far, you're all great!
The noblewoman spoke of her previous foes, "Vampires." before flitting to another conversation. The damned woman says 'Vampires' like it's nothing and then moves on with no explanation. Kiera resolved to bring this up to 'Aliana' later, but not now. Their destination approached.

It was a wretched place that had been ravaged by hate and malice. So terrible was the terror wrought unto this village Kiera fancied she could not spy anything that was not broken, splintered or frayed; people withstanding. Despite this she felt no hesitation or second thoughts. Maybe it was ignorance she reasoned, as she had never been subject to such poverty before, but she would like to believe it was because she knew she was in the right place. Even if there was little evil to slay here she would have her hands full providing aid for the poor in the way of medicine, food and shelter. Her left hand flexed and palmed on her sword hilt as she considered the possibilities of bringing Borealis' light to this hamlet as the cart slowly trundled it's way to a halt. She may or may not stay here after all, but that all depended on future events.

Kiera got up as the party began to disembark. She heard harsh whispers being spoken to all who paused on the step, though it was far too quiet for her to hear. She also noted the driver passing something to everyone, though once again she lacked sight of it. Last to leave, she supposed it was her turn. Against her better judgement she gripped onto the lip of the carriage so she could look up at the man better; she could not tell if the creaking came from the cart or it's driver as he leaned over and nor could she tell which was more unsettling. His yellowed and broken teeth creased into a leer, and in that moment she knew in her soul that this man was a follower of darkness; Shee'l Tor.

Shee'l Tor was not always a god in service of evil, and this thought alone managed to restrain her from grabbing the frail man by his rags and dragging him down. “You get one question, then you will go.” He said, and every word was spoken with mutual hate and distrust. “Anything you want to know.” A part of her wanted to not bother. Or, even better, to spit in his face. Her pride wouldn't allow her to take advice or truth from one of his ilk, but reason won out. She figured as long as she didn't ask anything to specific she wouldn't rely on it too much and could dismiss it much easier.

She settled for a moment, allowing the group to move forward a few paces towards a shrivelled figure from the church. She turned back to the driver and asked "All of them, can they be trusted to end this threat? Is there yet hope?" She realised that was two questions, but she didn't expect much from his answer anyways. She awaited his response before joining the others, quite interested to see what passed for holy amongst these folk.

"Anything you want to know?"

"Yeah, does this outfit really work, or did he just say that because?"
Whelp, I'll post tomorrow. I was hoping for a little more activity in the interim
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