
Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

I cannot claim to be surprised at this rate that it is "Not okay to be white." and I believe more than anything now this recent memetic onslaught and breakthrough into reality has shown the underlying issue. That issue being it is, at this time, considered largely socially acceptable to be prejudiced if not apparently outright racist toward whites because of any number of proposed cultural and societal "imbalances". This is the ugly spawn of identity politics and its relatives, front and center.

At least now the ludicrous nature of the argument is being exposed more and more.
The "imprisoned" huntsman, to use such a term quite lightly in the context of the ploy they lived through and with in this moment, found himself in the company of other chain-bound bodies. Some seemed to be those of Greenest, though the man knew nothing of them that rubg familiar short of that, and some outsider from a place he had even less knowledge of given it was only their dialect and accent that exposed them as an obvious foil to the rural, scared folk he knew well now. It was no less mundane the work they had them doing, but what was odd about it was the sheer amount of armed guard who kept watch on the camp over them, as though their task held some higher importance.

That or there were just many where he was, but the speechless warrior did not bother to debate it any further when, upon one of his many trips as a bearer of their burdens, did the crate he seemed to carry feel almost alive. It was almost as if an animal was sealed within the box, but the man knew otherwise from the start - no beast would be so calm or content normally. Something else had to be at work here, especially as they trusted to and fro from the mouth of a cave and back.

On one such journey, as the silent warden worked in plain sight, his eyes drifted to a strange gathering of poles in the camp. They seemed ritualistic at first, almost totems or a standing of some sort of symbolic structure, but as he focused on them, oddly two figures seemed bound to them. Immediately the thought of their purpose being more mythical and mystic disappeared and a more reasonable recognition settled in thought. This was not to say his hunches were correct or even apt, but they struck him as nothing short of a place of punishment.

Why else would people be tied to such things like beasts of the herd right before their slaughter? Nothing else seemed sacrificial in this sense, not that he had any luck or any attempt in evading his work thrust on him, but it seemed reasonable. They were either examples to be made public, those that failed the cult or something else.

Such musings and thoughts were not allowed a long period of maturation for as his tasks moved him elsewhere in time. Now he found himself working among the common men, the captives yet, in their shantytown of twiggy, filthy tents and muddy paths. This elicted a reasonable perception from the woodsman, who was so tied to nature at its eternal and inexplicable roots, of contempt which welled up from within him; nothing seemed to be redeemable about this cult. The only credible, reasonable answer in time was righteous rage...

All he could do now in this moment was to hope his companions in hiding would find out more than what he managed, as the most he could relay was his suspicions their missing monk laid either in the land of the tents or among the odd poles. Until then, he busied himself with ears and eyes wide open to whatever else came his way. The "hard labor" was more tedious than strenuous as it were anyway, the sort of thing that laid to rest any sort of mental exercise.

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Gordian Nought@Irredeemable
Another point and position I might note of tremendous importance is that those with major influence, potential and power have a moral obligation to wield it wisely. Specifically what this means is that, in a medium as the internet and its inescapable relationship with human nature, thus sociability, it must preserve at all possible lengths the right to represent people as freely as it can. Simply put from this, it is the inherent mantle of responsibility​ to protect the liberty of all people to the maximum extent possible.

Companies as large as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and countless others have a unique position that has not prior existed; they largely govern, outside any actual law, the expectations and norms of culture as a whole. They quite literally shape the face of how people interact, react, behave and speak. Because of this, they should reasonably need bear the weight of this understanding. Which, I worryingly note, they in fact do. This exact mechanism when placed into reverse with all gears turning is able to do what it has done now and foster an environment of "safe spaces" and protection from "hate speech". It has become the sheltering parent who ushers their children away from anything perceived unpleasant or unagreeable, in turn coddling them and making them incomplete, infantile people who cannot function in the real world let alone the virtual one.

Anything and everything offends these people, in that it is as simple as them lodging a complaint that their feelings were hurt or they felt bullied to shutdown opposition under thin guidelines and regulations; of which are so liberal in their writing, that you could argue them from any angle to suit a need. Hence they become exploited by those in their use and those who have authority over them.

The essence of the issue is that these great factors, these companies and their policies, are hardly good or responsible stewards of their domain. They are allowing themselves to be used as tools of a movement to further their own goals and that of their useful idiots to close out opportunities to others. Such a glaring misuse of power and overt hypocrisy is obvious to some - we are not fools ourselves as we can clearly see they are playing by double standards - but the larger matter is that this sort of activity is misconduct on a level higher than just the First Amendment. This is to ignore the very concept of what the Founders of the United States had in mind, but to a greater level as a violation of concept that all people should be allowed to engage in.

Twitter might be entitled to do these things legally, mostly, but they are equally entitled to suffer vehement repercussion for it as being enemies of free speech.
I suppose I have nothing to add to that now as @Dark Wind did all my duty for me in that regard. Legitimately I would prefer the "old internet", as it were, of lacking nebulous social rules and progressiveness but unstifled free speech - barring obvious exceptions as were noted above - to a landscape of discerning what is or is not "hate speech". No surprise to be said, but I do not believe in a concept of hate speech as it were or that it even needs to be policed; people can and will, under their own volition, quickly weed out opinions and persons who are not amicable to their perspective. By this I mean that there is no point in censoring offensive speech unless it becomes action.

If you come out fully and unabashedly, or even in trolling "jest", that you hate Jews and that they are some great conspiracy, I am going to detest you to the same extent as I do the social justice zealot who believes everything is sexist or racist because of whatever buzzword and newspeak tickles their fancy. Both are disagreeable people, even if only feigned. I note this because even if you were to later tell me that you did it "As only a joke." I am, at least only for myself, still inclined to not only hold a lacking of trust in you but a want to not interact with you beyond anything short of common courtesy.

It is imperative beyond a doubt that platforms of social media uphold an environment of freedom. This is because now more than ever the entire world is watching and people must, like it or not, be willing to open their eyes and ears to perceive all information, both good and bad. To do anything less than this is to be ignorant, willingly; it removes the option and duty to judge under one's own morals and motives - it removes the opportunity. If the entire internet culture, at least the dominant one as with say Twitter, became politically correct and "friendly", it removes that element of reality that no amount of virtualization can hide.

People need to be confronted by opposition and more importantly, have the inner strength of self and maturity to deal with it, be it returning fire or just ignoring the attack, perceived or legitimate. It is this philosophy that inherently makes me opposed to the censorship and infantile feel-good nonsense that has consumed an entire generation more or less.
I will piece together a post tomorrow so as to give a slight idea as to what has been going on elsewhere while the party does the rest of what they had in mind. Try not to make yourselves too obvious, I still need someone to free Brannor here in a few hours, preferably at dark. If that will come to pass, we will see, but until then...
Bro, it's alright. Some of us work. Some of us don't turn on the TV every day. Some of us prefer to listen to music as they drive. It's all OK. Not everyone knows the news as soon as it happens.

That said, I did hear about the Texas shooting today. Apparently he was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for assaulting his wife and child, tried to bribe an under-aged girl into dating him... and he could still legally buy guns. I'm not sure what allowed that, honestly. Our laws, as I think they are stated now, should've prevented that from happening. But the enforcement of those laws may have been lacking. IDK. I'm too burned out of politics to really look it up and talk too much about it at the moment.

Only heard mention of the Saudi princes and Rand Paul's assault. Some people are just shitty? Don't know what to tell you, man.

My policy is to return this topic to a point of focus. Prodding a political discussion and debate to do just that. Hence why I come to expect controveries to be here when they happen; that and because it rubs the fur the wrong way on a few members when I can prove or advocate prior claims made, but more importantly... expose the truth. The lying mainstream media and news was more concerned with the President of the United States "incorrectly feeding koi fish" than a shooter who did not fit their narrative; going so far as to edit the clip of the two world leaders so it made their ideological opponent play the fool.

The apparent issue as to how he managed to purchase a weapon was due to the Air Force filing in error. Legally he should not have been allowed to own a firearm due to his conviction in court martial, not to include the punishment he received. The laws as they are now should have, but what almost assuredly caused the issue was that Kelley lied - most forms I have seen state if you have been found guilty of domestic abuse you cannot own a weapon outright on them and had to have received legal counsel prior to his mandated separation - and the bureaucratic Air Force made a now critical mistake in their handling of the paperwork.

Incompetency along the line and no penalty for administrative failure helped in enabling a disaster, as is typical of the government. The only positive of this particular component is that there will not be a question as to how it happened; a Mandalay Bay this is not.

As for Rand Paul, the man was assaulted by his neighbor for political extremist reasons and suffered several broken ribs. The reports even indicate the breaks could have had fatal consequences if they had been much worse. Worse still, this incident was played off as "minor injury". Hardly a meager thing.

The Saudi princes...? Well, more of that to come in due time. I needn't play my paw here and now.
My focus has been and will continue to be on his motives, which I keep referring to, @ErsatzEmperor. I only mention gun control because that is the major objective of the narrative being pushed and why there is such a "big issue" with it in politics and news. Realistically, the issue never has been the weapons themselves, ever, but the people using them.

The purpose of my emphasizing this is because, without doubt, the first clear and distinct case where radical philosophy was the cause.

This was not an issue of weapon of choice, a gun, but motives, which were deeply ideological and political. As details are coming out, this mass shooter was an avid atheist supporter who reportedly dehumanized people who held a belief in God and had actual, proven ties to the Radical Left. Of this there is not even a debate, not as with Paddock.

Why are American shootings so politicized and public? Quite simply because there is a continued and ongoing effort to have "tighter gun control". Why was "gun control" not pushed when James Hodgkinson attempted to kill near half of the American Senate? Why is Paddock's attack a subject of "banning bump stocks" when evidence can even suggest he had converted, automatic weapons? Why are we not advocating "tighter truck control" after Sayfullo Saipov used a truck to mowdown a bunch of bicyclists?

There is a narrative here that crops up every time. People want the "feels good" solution of banning guns or having "better laws", but for a nation with as many firearms as it has, the United States has relatively low weapons crime. The real issue is the motive and the people adhering to it. Being dismissive to tragedy and poking fun at it is well worth the condemnation it receives as part of this.
<Snipped quote by The Harbinger of Ferocity>

Another mass shooting? Is it Tuesday already? 'Merica.

Bravo and well done in ignoring the content of the post to make a "witty" comment about a tragedy because "lulz 'merica". The person in question and their motivation for doing it is the lynchpin issue here.
No comment of a mass shooting going on at a Texas church here? Nothing on how November 4th was forced to fizzle or Senator Rand Paul being assaulted by violent leftist neighbor, and not even a word of all the Saudi princes who got pinched on corruption charges, to include one who was notorious for taunting President Donald Trump and being the subject of terrorism investigations there? Color me unsurprised.

Regardless, time to focus on what is known in addition to initial information gathered.

The situation that occurred in Sutherland Springs, Texas was a shooter, in all black and tactical equipment, who barged into a church this Sunday some time after eleven in the morning and killed 27 of the congregation. The attacker, identified as David Patrick Kelley was a dishonorably discharged member from the United States Air Force, found guilty of assaulting his wife and his child in court martial, barred from owning or purchasing firearms, demoted to the rank of Airman Basic, and had served a year in confinement.

Currently, the motive is unclear but intelligence gathered suggests it was ideological, potentially political as well; his Facebook had ties to many athiest groups and a few "RESIST" movements as well as the following statement by a group called "TOGETHER WE RISE", which Kelley was a part of:

The weapon used, according to information as it is now, was an AR-15 style Ruger rifle, which had been customized by the attacker (perhaps to more closely resemble the M4 rifle used by the Air Force). However, the active shooter was interrupted and forced to flee - potentially suffering a mortal injury in the process - when a neighbor to the church heard the shooting and retrieved his own rifle and fired upon him. The armed citizen then harassed and forced Kelley to flee by continued shooting.

Kelley is confirmed dead by law enforcement, but the investigation has escalated further, now into the hands of federal investigation.
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