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Today's the first time in a long time that I've felt empty. Not even sad or tired, just empty. This quarantine is getting to me more than I thought.
4 yrs ago
@Jessica Bunny: You live in America! College is optional (and expensive) and around you is opportunity. I believe you can make it!
4 yrs ago
Magical Girl RP, Original World: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Oh shit, I've been surrounded! The room is ripe with the scent of bitches!


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Ryuunosuke VS Siegfried

Ryuunosuke's expression remained the same, and without wasting anymore time, accepted Siegs invitation. Without hesitating, the young man shot towards the cursed dragon, stopping just in front of him, opening with a wide swing towards his head - an act that the Dragon didn't seem to acknowledge as a threat, as he simply impulsioned his head, directly shocking it against the seemingly harmless punch.

As the fist connected, a wave of chakra flooded out, in an amount not even comparable to the love tap Ryuunosuke gave him back in the clubroom. Asides bypassing physical defenses, the energy strengthened the human's blow to the point that even a strong middle class demon would be left reeling and naturally didn't have any trouble with breaking the thin aura that covered the dragon's skin, forcing Siegfried back staggering as he tried to deal with the unexpected blow, quickly managing to get on feet after rolling through the ground once as he relied in his superior physiology to come out relatively unscathed - albeit visibly shaken and dirtied.

Not wasting the opportunity, Ryuunosuke followed up with a rough, but powerful kick, aiming squarely for the dragons chest, only to hit unexpected resistance, as the Dragon managed to put his right arm in the way of the blow, using his physical skills and the thin golden aura - now clearly stronger than in the previous exchange - that covered his body to guard himself from the human's technique.

His opponent spared no time on thinking about the aura that now resisted his abilities as his body instinctively moved to work around it. If disrupting his ki no longer worked, then he would simply focus it all into himself.

Recognizing that the dragon was stronger than him, he opted out of grappling his arm in a contest of strength, and instead placed his leg on it, using the arm as a balance for an outrageous pivot that set up a second kick, this time aimed for his head. He flooded more ki into the blow, enhancing his strength even further than before - until the blow faced another unexpected obstacle as, rather than trying to block or dodge, the Dragon directly met the kick with his head, using the layer of golden aura to take away part of the blow's strength before directly meeting his opponents leg with a headbutt in the attempt of making him lose his equilibrium.

Ryuu smirked, surprised but approving of Siegs blunt method of nullifying his blow. It was something he himself would do after all.

In turn, as Siegs head met with his leg, he let the force roll through it, letting his body turn with the flow. As his upper body went down, he planted one hand firmly on the ground and turned to the side, continuing the twisting motion with his other leg in order to throw an equally powerful blow to the back of his opponents head. The Dragon didn't even try to react though, once more using his golden aura to dampen the damage as he moved, twisting his own leg to strike the human's thorax with all the brute strength he could gather at that moment - that, while far from what it was in his peak, was still absurd to the point where even a high class devil could barely equal him - in an attempt to push the inconveniently flexible human away from himself.

Ryuu frowned mentally as he felt his blow once again dampen against his foe on impact. If things kept up this way he'd have problems in the long run.

At the moment, however he was more concerned with the kick that was attempting to bury his chest into the ground.

Reacting on instinct, he took a page out of Siegs book, and raised his hand to meet the incoming blow. Unlike Sieg, however, he didn't have the raw power to directly halt it. Instead, just as his hand came into contact with the opposing limb, he pushed against it catapulting him backwards and putting a great deal of space in between them.

Rolling back on his feet, Ryuunosuke straightened up and shot an amazed smile at his opponent.

"Hot damn, I knew it was a good idea picking a fight with you!"

His expression was one of childish glee, not unlike that of a child receiving a long overdue Christmas present.

Siegfried took the moment of leisure provided by the human's retreat to once more straighten his posture, directing a glance that held a mix of curiosity and annoyance towards Ryuunosuke as he voiced something that made the Dragon wonder if he was right in the mind.

"Are you sure that you're a human? You're crazy to the point where I reckon having fought quite a few beasts that were considerably less bloodthirsty and more rationality than what you've shown..."

The golden aura that previously formed a thin armor around the Dragon suddenly surged from his body, assuming the appearance of a ominous golden hue that surrounded his body before he once more glanced at the human, this time without any attempt of withholding the arrogance of the Dragon as he smirked, bringing a sense of pressure to any being with keen instincts near the area.

"It's a shame that you're still too weak though... Even bloodthisthy beasts should know their place in the food chain."

The other boy closed his eyes, a strangely distant smile on his face.

"I thrive on that weakness!" he jubilantly shouted, staring straight into Siegfrieds eyes. "It's so-ooo much more fun to fight when you're outclassed. That thrill when you feel death coming at every turn, the joy of lasting just one second longer! Don't tell me you've never felt that?" He exhaled deeply, reigning in the tremble of excitement that threatened to surge through him.

The pressure Sieg emitted bounced off Ryuunosuke as though it wasn't there to begin with. In fact, he looked more eager than ever.

Settling back into a fighting stance, he said, "Oh, and I'm 100% human. You wouldn't be the first to get it wrong though. You won't be the last either." He ended, crooking a finger invitingly towards him. The challenge was implicit - your turn.
Delet dis.
@Apollosarcher Still got room for one more?
Eh, why not? Giving my tentative interest until I see more.
Delet this
@Guess Who Still waiting on @Rune_Alchemist or someone else to post. My next one will probably be a collab w/Sieg.
Takenori Ryuunosuke

Ryuunosuke grinned cheerily at Tsukimi. So he wasn't going to join, but he wasn't against it at the same time. He seemed like a pretty uptight guy though, which didn't surprise him in the least. If he had his own peerage that meant he had Evil Pieces, and the only ones who were given those things were members of what basically amounted to Devil-kind elite. He was one of the upper crust of devil society, with all the bullshit responsibilities that came with it.

Not all that different from human royalty, come to think of it.

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'll be coming here unless it's to fight," he stated bluntly. These guys were an interesting lot for sure, but at the end of the day, he was a human and they were devils. Over the normal course of things they would either have nothing to do with, or be attempting to kill each other. It somewhat highlighted how much of an anomaly Ryuunosuke was, as a human powerful enough to face devils, exorcists, and other supernatural beings, yet remained fiercely independent of a side.

"Though, I may have to come back to ask a few questions."

His eyes followed Kenji and Ekibe as they approached Nora. He picked up on their conversation fairly easily, and for a moment, his eyes narrowed with hostility towards Tsukimi. He'd assumed that girl was a standard member of their peerage, but from the way they spoke to her, it was apparent that she had only recently become aware of the supernatural, not to mention her being a devil.

The peerage system was something he could not reconcile with easily. He was aware that it wasn't slavery, and he was aware that at least on some level, the members of a peerage were free, but it was still a bondage the likes of which he would never willingly sumbit to. A part of him intrinically relished the freedom that he possessed, and chaffed at seeing the lack of similar freedom of others.

It was one thing if Nora chose on her own to become what she was now, but if she was forced into this life, into making that choice, then Siegfried was the least of his concerns.

If that were the case, then he'd have Tsukimi's head on a platter before sundown.

He paused for a moment. At least, as of this moment, the other girl seemed to be well-adjusted and not putting up much of a resistance. That was a good sign, and this was a matter he could stave off for later. Right now, he kept someone waiting for him long enough.

Ignoring the stares of the other members that he was sure would be on him, he followed the path Siegfried took to Kenji's training grounds, waving at Kohana along the way.

Once he was in front of the cursed dragon, he shot the other boy an insolent grin.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Scales, had to chat with your king for a bit," he said inclining his head in his direction. "So, the boring stuff is out of the way. Let's do this." His arms were already channeling chakra into him as his posture slackened into a more relaxed stance. It was an amateurish position, full of openings and undisciplined.

He stretched his hand out and curled his hands in and out in a 'come at me' gesture, and his grin only grew wider.

Nice. I'll throw my support and try to get something done by tomorrow.
Count me in friend! I'm excited for this, especially as I've got nothong else to do. I'll throw a CS up tomorrow.
Takenori Ryuunosuke

Ryuunosuke watched dispassionately as a things got more confusing. He was surprised, but pleased, that Siegfried was on board for a little fun, and if he'd known that all it'd take was a demonstration of his abilities he'd have hit him a lot sooner, but the hectic scene unfolding inside the club-room left him standing still and scratching his head. By the end of it all, the club-room was housing a couple of new occupants, only one of which he recognized.

"Weren't you supposed to hand that over earlier," he deadpanned as Kohana gave the papers to the one he could only assume was their King. The way they deffered to him and the fact that he was the club president despite Mr. Mighty-Scales being here was a good indication of it.

He shrugged, that was no longer his business. Right now, he had more fun things to do.

"So, yer the King Piece of this chess set, eh? Which means yer a pure-blooded devil. Hope yah don't mind this lil' ol' human borrowing one of 'em for a fun," he said, jabbing his thumbs towards Siegfried. "Unless, ye want in instead?" His grin turned from playful to predatory in the span of a second. Siegfried's strength was impressive enough already, so what did that say about his King?

He glanced towards the newcomers. All girls. Was this guy trying to start a Harem or something? He didn't look like the kind, but then again, looks could be deceiving. His turned his gaze towards the girl in the skimpy clothes and thought that maybe he wasn't that far off the mark. Either way, they weren't the objects of his focus at the moment. He'd deal with the King and the Dragon first, the others could come later.

It never really occurred to him that at this moment he was surrounded by a devil and his peerage after openly stating his intention to maim one of them. If Tsukimi chose to do so, it would have been the simplest thing for him to order his peerage to gang up on him. Even Ryuunosuke would have a hard time getting away from this many devil in such a small area.

Of course, him being who he is, if the idea ever did make its way to his head, he'd probably start a fight with all of them at the same time. Winning or losing was never a hard concern of his after all.
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