Avatar of Torack


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2 yrs ago
Current Look at that, looks like I'm back!
5 yrs ago
In the middle of exams. Apologies to all RPs for the silence. Responses will come soon tho!
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5 yrs ago
Wildest thing I learned was that the Mistborn series is loosely tied with the Stormlight Archive in this incredible novel universe Sanderson is making.
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5 yrs ago
I think The Long Night was amazing. The Battle of Helm's Deep for GoT, and it pulled it off wonderfully.
5 yrs ago
This is a bit late, but 2019 has officially been blessed by Tom Brady. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Yo! I'm Torack, you can call me Jay!

I've been RPing for a long, long time. I blame it on my overactive imagination, but it's a wonderful medium to put all these creative ideas into some sorta use. My favourite genre is fantasy. Straight up fantasy. It can be high fantasy, low fantasy, dark, modern. I love fantasy, grew up with it. I also like sci-fi, dystopian settings, etc.. Characterization and character driven stories are my favourite type of RPs, I like seeing them grow and change and the way characters react to completely shit and horrible situations. It's always a fun time.

Personally, my hobbies include reading, although recently the only types of reading I've been doing is from text books ffs. I like sports, any type of sport really, except soccer. My legs are way too clumsy for that sport. Music is something I love, R&B mostly, although I'll listen to mostly anything.

I also love pie. Pie is life, especially pecan pie. It's damn near traumatizing knowing that I haven't eaten any in like five years. Sad times.



Most Recent Posts

Sorry guys, my Internet went to shit for tye past week and it still isn't really all that good. I'll try to get a post in tho within the next 2 days still.
@Life in Stasis Gotta say thanks for getting Roth to have my back. Hopefully this causes whatever plans Nariata had for my character to go awry xD
Oh snap, have fun there fam!
"Shame," Eovaine shrugged at the man's response and turned to look at the assortment of figures within. The first of which he noticed was the gnoll. A bloody gnoll. Here. It was unusual and more than a little disconcerting. Savage, brutish. The only good thing he could see of that beast was the fact that it'd gladly meet the brunt force of whatever they'd have to face with equal or perhaps even more brutish savagery. And it wasn't just the gnoll that was like that, he'd known humans that could hold their own against gnolls and something about them, all these large bastards, was their insane need to attract as much swords as possible in their direction.

Stifling a shudder, he looked away from the gnoll and noticed the other patrons around as he subconsciously grabbed a tankard of brandy and drank. There was another elf present wearing a mask and some oversized claok and he got the distinct impression he was trying to pass off as a human. Couldn't be it, though. Perhaps trying to hide some sort of frailty. He shrugged internally, at least he wasn't the only elf around.

Then there was a priestess. That, out of all of them, shocked him the most. The innocence flowed out of her like a massive beacon, an aura of pureness that he knew their dark world would snuff out, and he hoped, somewhat desperately, that it wouldn't come to pass until after this mess was over with. Still, she didn't belong here, and if the insane mage truly intended to seek out his staff, she'd only be a hindrance to them, a burden that would weigh on all those with a heart in this fucked group. She was like the physical manifestation of all the good within them, stolen away and bundled up within a human girl and placed within their midst, smiling sweetly in the face of the monster that was their dark world, full of innocence and naivety. Her fall from grace, an eventuality that was almost certain, would doom them all. By simply being here she had guaranteed their deaths. More of the good within them than physically, but what was the difference? The only thing he could do was delay her demise as long as possible. More for his own sanity, he had to admit, than her own good.

He looked away, his face twisting to mimic the sorrow he felt inside. They were all fucked and this damn rambling mage had doomed them. All for some glorious, desperate final attempt at a fabled weapon that might not even exist. He should've followed that sergeant's advice and joined the military. Perhaps that would have had better for him, but he was dead anyway, so what difference did it make? Almost a century and a half of life and it was going to end following a plan that might not even work. Well, at least it would be interesting.

Especially since the dead seemed to be rising.

If anything, these fucking cultists knew how to make an entrance. He finished the rest of his brandy and threw his empty tankard at an undead's head, stood up and looked at the wizard with a grin. "Looks like you've successfully managed to annoy the dead with your ramblings, Mage." He unsheathed his swords and followed the massive human out of the tavern into a red sky and a scene of pure horror. In the distance, far to the north, he saw a squad of cultists approaching and the behemoth that was the gnoll rushing them, bulling his through the undead, his arms swinging to lop off multiple heads at a time.

Eovaine couldn't help but feel the cultists managed to track him. It didn't make sense, he knew, but the feeling was there, a small doubt in his mind. And that feeling grew to become horror. What if beyond this decrepit bazaar a company of cultists and whatever else was camped and these bastards were just scouts. Well shit. If they were, he wouldn't die by their hands. He'd face that fucking army grinning like the mad bastard he was. And with that he rushed in, his swords swinging in a frenzy as they slew undead after undead and it wasn't long until a small pile grew behind him of headless, immobile bodies. But the further he went, he noticed the bastards were becoming more and more sophisticated. More effort was suddenly put into parrying or sidestepping brutish swings rather than brazenly lopping off heads.

It got to a point where killing them came to halt and he was left parrying and dodging, although not difficult, their sheer numbers threatened to flank him and so he backed off, his swords dripping with blood and gore. He needed someone to support his flank, otherwise he'd be stuck there until he was eventually overrun.
In Sup. 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Yo! Welcome to the forum, fam! Never played rugby but I did play football (American) so I'm clearly biased on which is the better sport. We also got some pretty avid fantasy fans around here, so enjoy yourself here, bruh. Great community and all that. Super chill.
The rental car turned a corner, a silver Mercedes that rolled on the cobbled streets of the alleyway. Eron sat at the wheel, his face in a grimace as his partner, Jessica, screamed at him from the passenger seat in Spanish. He couldn't understand what she was saying, save for some curse words, but he picked out the message clear enough. She was pissed at him. He supposed she had a right to be, since he did make them late. Again. He was never great with punctuality even when there was incentive.

He glanced at her for a moment then turned back to the road for another turn. "You know I can't understand you, right?"

She paused."Idiot," she said with a deep scowl. "You knew this was an important mission. You knew! You were there for the briefing. And what do you do afterwards? You fucking go to sleep!"


"Sorry my ass. You ain't sorry, you're probably depressed that your sleep got ruined!"

He shrugged. She pretty much hit the mark.

"I can't believe you. How did I end up as your partner? What sort of demon possessed me when I made that choice, sweet Jesus. I can't get a break from you, Eron. All you do is sleep and kill. You can't even wake up to eat! I have to wake you up so you don't starve! What am I? Your mom?"

"That'd be kinda gross."


"Look, there they are," he said as he pulled over on the curb.

"Don't you get out of the car. I ain't done with you!"

"We got a mission, Jess."

She stared at him in that sort of way she always did when she was pissed off. "You step out this car and I swear you're dead, boy. Step out the car, go ahead. Make my day. Gimmie an excuse to break your fucking legs."

"Aight, ok, I'ma stay in. I ain't getting out."

She started berating him some more and he looked more miserable by the second. All he wanted was to simply step out and get out of his crazy partner's way. She was in a mood and he was the unfortunate bastard caught in her crossheirs. Well fuck me, right? Eron wished there was some other fool in his place so he could at the least get away, better yet to go sleep, but now that they had some important mission that wasn't possible. An enter family of a bloodline were incompetent enough to have themselves killed. What was the point of them if they couldn't even protect themselves, and here they were trying to clean up the mess and prevent the rest of the bloodlines from panicking and killing each other. That wouldn't do. It'd mean he wouldn't get anymore sleep. Wouldn't do at all.

Jessica snapped her fingers. "You ain't even paying attention are you?"

"Nah, I am," he said snapping out of his thoughts. "I got you, you pissed. I should sleep less. Or some shit."

She stared at him for another long moment. Then, "Get the fuck out the car."

Before he could even open his door, she was out and slammed the passenger side's hard enough that he was afraid he'd have to pay more for damages. Oh well. He stepped out and they stepped inside the church-like estate and after sitting down on the lavish chairs were told that the Anya girl they were looking for wasn't there. Jessica glared at him as if it was somehow his fault. He could swear on his ma's grave the damn woman would blame him for everything that went wrong, as if he was somehow in control of everything. Shit, if he was he'd fix everything just to get away from her.

She then, thankfully, turned her attention away from him towards the rest of the group. "Does she have any friends in high places or that're particularly resourceful that we know about? She could have used one of them to bunker down in a temporary safe house."

Alright, limitations on the multiplying sounds fair, although I did make some adjustments to your recommendations, since not all object are equal uno.

Also, gave my second character Emotional Manipulation. How's that sound? Not too OP I hope
Eyyyyy! Long time, alie? It's been a while, but yea that was definitely me!

Definitely. Expect it to be dropped today!

Here it is:

Sorry for the lateness of this response! Yup, I agree with that fully! Sounds a lot better, would make things easier, and I can add some interesting NPCs to the squad
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