Avatar of TruthHurts22


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6 mos ago
Current If you think you can't handle the truth, how do you think I feel?
1 yr ago
Watch Across the Spider-Verse. You did? Do it again. You already did? AGAIN.
3 yrs ago
If ya can't handle the heat, don't go burning your bridges.


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RANK 5 (6/50 EXP)
Level 2 (XP: 3/20)

Twilight Town

Even though Nadia's techniques weren't able to be taught, according to her at least, Raz was still pretty excited to get a better understanding of how it worked. Back home where everyone with powers was a psychic, you could generally understand what you were getting into in both fighting and teaming up with them. Here, though, every person was different, unique in what they could do and how. He thought it was pretty important to get a grip on his allies' abilities, in case of an emergency. An information-based emergency. It could happen!

Speaking of information, the kid in a weird black robe, Roxas, seemed to have some weighty info of his own. "Organization XIII," Raz muttered. Back when he first fell in with the group in Al Mamoon, Raz remembered there was another person who showed up in a robe just like Roxas, someone that the southern guy seemed to know. Lethal Ram? It was hard to place details, since that was also around when he was still under Galeem's influence, so memories were murky. Still, a secret cabal of robed figures operating alongside the Seekers was interesting, though with the way Roxas talked about them, maybe it was something to be more worried about?

The next introduction was Primrose, a dancer who turned out to be friends with Therion, followed by the thief himself. They made a really strange pair. Actually, they reminded Raz of Agents Nein and Vodello, though Therion was a lot more dour than Sasha. Hopefully he manages to come out of his shell at some point. If everyone was raging a campaign against some humongous threat together, being so withdrawn probably wasn't a good thing.

The Ace Cadet took the spotlight after. Wonder Red felt a little at ease now that another Seeker was withholding their true identity from the team. Even being a necessary precaution it was hard to feel like a real member with the barrier of a secret between him and the rest. "You have experience against large foes?" Wonder Red asked him once he left the impromptu stage. "We've been trained to combat such enemies too. Maybe we could trade techniques? I'm certain that we'll face enormous threats moving forward, so pooling our knowledge will be a great advantage!"

Hopefully Ace caught all of that, because Midna's introduction was so spectacular that it nearly drowned out Red's voice! Lightning, giant wolf howls - while not very subtle (at all), it definitely proved Midna's capability as a bruiser. And as a fellow 'big hand' user, Red felt some comradery with her.

Literally jumping at the chance to follow Midna, a tough act to do so, Bowser introduced himself and his "troop", which, as far as Raz could tell, was basically just his family. Bowser himself seemed like the muscle of the troop, and a pretty boastful turtle on top of that. 'Tyrant of terribleness'? Was he some sort of bad guy? Well, if he was helping to stop Galeem, it probably wasn't anything to worry about. His son had a lot less to say about himself, though magic portals, self-made hovercars, and his two, uh, pets? That was all pretty interesting to Raz. Must be hard to talk yourself up when your dad does it twice as loud.

Kamek, the lizard wizard, revealed a point that made Raz look around the group again. "Fusions? Body parts? Spirits?" So the people that looked strange might not be like that normally? Who was all fused up and who wasn't? Was it rude to just ask? And if fusion caused physical changes, did it change their mental state too? Way too many questions ran through Raz's head, so he tried to push it to the side and worry about answering them later.

After the troop, Sectonia. Both Raz and Red have journeyed with her for a decent amount of time, though Red only recently, but both were put off by her view of everyone as her minions or subjects. Neither liked the idea of traveling with somebody who saw themselves much higher than them, especially since they were all meant to be a team, but so far nothing she's actually done ran counter to helping them, so... maybe it was another thing that was fine, actually?

When Blazermate started showing off her moves, Raz started to feel a bit self-conscious. It wasn't like he had a big showcase of his abilities, and everyone else seemed a lot flashier than him, some literally. Had he just come off as a silly kid who couldn't defend himself? Rubbing the side of his helmet Raz tried to shake those thoughts away and focus on the intros. Blazermate was a healer robot, that was easy enough to understand for him. What really had him curious was whether he could actually project into her mind. Did a robot brain count, would his Psycho Portal work on her? He wouldn't try without asking first, of course, but that was for later.

Susie. Probably the shortest introduction of the group so far, and kinda confusing. She was a CEO who specialized in... roboticizing and making wishes? Wonder Red fix her with a look as she hopped down from her summoned "business" suit. For what little she divulged about herself, Red had an odd feeling about her. It could simply be that she was still new to the group and needed time to acclimate, Red convinced himself.

"Man," Raz said to nobody in particular as Karin took her turn, "so many people in this group are pretty smart. Tech geniuses, actual robots, joint business-owner-and-ninja-army-leaders. A whole lot of royalty, too. Kinda wish there'd be some normal people around to even things out. Like, the next person to join up being some middle-aged bum who has a mean right hook. Variety, you know?" Raz's semi-hope came about with Karin's friend, Sakura, who was seemingly as normal a person in this group as there could be. As far as anyone else was aware at least. Still, even if she didn't have a lot of fancy credentials, having another person fighting the big bad was enough of a help!

A monster hunter that looked like a monster, huh? Seemed... poetic, or something. Raz wasn't one to judge though, even if he was trying to track Geralt's pre-fusion appearance. Just, less monster-y? "Where were the monster hunters when we climbed that mountain?" Raz asked, "things might've gone a lot smoother there if we had you guys with us."

They had an angel on their side too? This group was getting wilder and wilder with each introduction! And another general on top of that. Having experience in the world-saving business was a real bonus as well. And he was servant to his own personal goddess! Raz wondered why they had to do this whole ground-level war when they could ask for Palutena's help with Galeem, even just a quick ride to them. She wasn't also Galeem'd too, was she? That was a scary thought.

A young monochromatic boy introduced himself now, Omori, and with it came a sense of apprehension for Wonder Red. While Razputin Aquato and Bowser Junior seemed capable and had proper protection, Omori looked like an ordinary kid, for a given sense of the word. HE may have managed to make it thus far but it still rubbed Red the wrong way, simply allowing so many kids to be part of this war. What if Omori got hurt? The abilities tied to emotions might help in part, but wasn't that too volatile of a safety net in all-out combat? Red would have to keep a better eye on Omori from here on, for protection.

Jesse Faden, the only person besides Razputin to have a surname it seemed - or at least willing to divulge one - came next. Seems she was another psychic, and an armed one at that. When she mentioned her friends in trouble, Red tried to ease her mind. "Do not worry Jesse Faden. The people at Alcamoth has plenty of capable mercenaries they can dispatch to help. It might do you well to put in an official word over there, before we all head off to the Metro."

Last but certainly not least (from what he said about himself) was Bede, who called himself a Pokemon Trainer, along with a whole heapload of boasting about his potential. Wonder Red didn't have much issue with showboating or talking oneself up - he just hoped that it wasn't misplaced ego and Bede had the skills to back it up with. Red also noted that Bede's Pokemon were similar to Mimi and Dazzle, Bowser Junior's pets. Interesting.

And that was everyone! Or, near enough everyone. Peach proposed lunch, which was a great idea in Raz's opinion. He was starving. Everyone walked down Market Street, preparing for the picnic as they went. Raz took the time to take stock of his belongings; he still has his handful of Psi Pops for a quick pick-me-up, health-wise, and he wasn't needing anything else... "Oh! Bacon!" Raz took out his little baggie with a strip of bacon in it, and carefully disposed of the meat. It was getting old. "Anybody know where there's a good slice of bacon? I'm gonna need it moving forward." For any strange looks that garnered, Raz elaborated, "Oh, see, Agent Cruller put a little psychic hook in my brain, so whenever I need to call on him I just need to wave his favorite food near my ear. Bacon!" That probably just made the looks stranger.

Neither he nor Red had money of their own, and nothing to really spend it one besides, so they helped with the lunch prep. Sitting down to eat, Raz piled his plate up with one huge sandwich, meats and cheeses and pickles stuffed like a small mountain between two pieces of bread. Wonder Red took a simpler approach and made himself several small sandwiches made for maximum protein. He was going to need his strength for the next leg of their journey.

Deliberations for what that next leg was began, and as the discussion started to narrow on a few key locations, Raz threw his two cents in towards this 'Dystopiascape' place. A technological hotspot that was also the bed for political intrigue? As Raz put it himself, "there's no better place that Sasha would end up going. Sasha Nein is one of my fellow agents, and my personal hero. Maybe there's other Psychonauts there too! I have to check it out."

Wonder Red also gave his inclination towards the place. "With Commander Nelson returning to Alcamoth to oversee the complete of the Virgin Victory's repairs, it's imperative that I help in dealing with the Timefall there. And, like Razputin Aquato said, a big hub of activity might house some Wonderful One-Double-Oh members."

Now that it was all decided, and all their stomachs full, it was time to get back to business. The trip back to the Metro was uneventful - it was just a train ride after all - but before anyone could split off for another search of Pons, things went south quickly. The large tolling of the clock and the sudden emptying of the Metro brought the hairs on Raz's neck standing. Red scanned their surroundings, fearing an ambush, as the young psychic pulled his goggles from his forehead over his eyes, a sign that anyone he'd traveled with knew meant things... were about to get dangerous.

As if they needed the help.

"Everyone for the Black Line, follow me!" Raz shouted over the growing noise of their feline pursuers, summoning his Levitiation ball and bounding down a safe walkway. "I got a good look at where all the rails went the first time we were here, I can figure out how to get to the station! Just keep up!" Rolling a bit ahead of the group Raz did his best to keep their path clear, Psi-blasting away groups of cats that broke from the surge to block their way forward.

In their mad dash towards their station, things were pretty hectic. Between the rush of the cats after them and the chaotic nature of the Metro itself, it was no wonder than some people would end up on a different rooftop or level than the rest. One such was Wonder Red, having been cut off from the group in trying to fend off a gang of cats flanking them. On a railway a bit above Raz and the rest, Red looked ahead, and saw the tide of cats starting to close around them. Thinking quick, he summoned his Howler striker; being surrounded by so many enemies triggered its piercing shriek quickly, stunning the few ambitious felines climbing towards Red, and summoning four Hollows from the brickwork just beneath them. Red hopped down from his railway, falling a very brief distance just in time for a train to pass in front of him...

"Wondeeeeeer PUNCH!!"

In a blink of an eye Red summoned his Unite Morph, slamming into the side of the passing train with enough force to send it flying off its tracks, crashing through the mob just in front of his companions, clearing the way forward. However, this left Red himself in a bad predicament, as he was falling further down now, towards an unending horde of cats that ended up beneath them like a wave of water. In a bit of a panic Red de-morph his Hand, twirled around so he faced downwards, and...

"Uniiiiiiite SWORD!!"

In the same one-billionth of a second a massive sword spawned from Red's extended fist, the tip planted firmly against the ground. He was balanced over the mob like a polevaulter mid-vault. Before any cats could climb the Morph to get at him, though, Red swung it sideways, up and around, striking the ground against from an angle, and using the momentum of the force to actually vault himself over the crowd to a safe metal walkway off to the side.

Once he touched down, Red dematerialized his Morph, letting his summoned Strikers land on the walkway alongside him... and, much less gracefully, some fellow Seekers that had been caught in the radius of his Unite Morph from the very first (@Yankee's Ace Cadet, @Lugubrious's Big Band, & anyone else who wants to follow to Frozen Highlands). For the first time, Red looked flustered. "O-Oh, I'm sorry about that," he said, helping them to their feet. "I didn't realize that, ah, you were close enough to be acquired like that. I thought my Unite Morphs were bigger than usual... Are you okay?" His fretting would have to be put on hold, however, since the group was now cut off from their designated teams, and no easy way back up.

"Anyways, uh, right. In my haste to protect our teammates I seem to have gotten us stuck away from them. I'm low on power from the Morphs, so we might have to consider as retreat."

Back up to the group heading for the Black Line, things weren't looking much better. After a couple of turns, hops, and daring leaps between moving trains later, and Raz skid to a halt in front of a vending machine right in what looked like a dead-end. "Up there!" Raz pointed straight up, where an opening forward sat, farther up the wall. Only a single, lazy vacuum was there, taking its sweet time coming down to them, so they'd have to get up on their own.
2,614 Words
+3 EXP
Now it's time for personaje número 3! This one might be a biiiiit complicated - might've gone a little overboard with it already - but I like the challenge of intricate details that only I have to deal with! :B Plus I figure part of the fun with a character like this is in translating their unique game elements into the RP.

Some of it's vague still, mostly due to how you might want to change some things, but if things are okay so far I can work on adding whatever info needs adding elsewise.

RANK 5 (4/50 EXP, holding 1 level) Level 2 (XP: 1/20)

Twilight Town

Seeing how little of what he said stuck with Tora, Raz's explanation of his psychic capabilities trailed off. "Uhh, nevermind. Thanks anyways," he said, awkwardly putting a bit of distance between them as everyone headed towards the docks. In spite of the stumble Raz's hopes were pretty high still. This seemed like a big deal, the entire team meeting up for what seemed like the first time in a while. He hadn't even met the rest yet! Would any of them question his being there, or would they have gotten used to random stragglers joining the cause? Was he hoping for too much that he'd be singled out? Not that he was the only newbie on board or anything.

Not to mention that, once the Seekers' ship neared Twilight Town and tied off at the docks, everyone was a bit more interested in greeting old friends than the short kid they didn't know. Raz didn't mind, though. He was more than content with sticking closer to the outskirts of the group and seeing what other sorts were part of this group. They were all pretty varied individuals, 'strange' as some might say, but Raz wasn't as quick to judge. People just looked how they looked.

More proactive in mingling with the crowd was one Wonder Red, who made a pretty quick beeline to Commander Nelson as soon as he was spotted. "Commander," Red began, "there's been a development I think you should be aware of." Red pulled up his Unite Morph specs... which... they would totally have access to, somewhere, probably. Maybe in the pendant. And pulled up the schematics for one very different Morph.

"I'm not sure what this means exactly, sir. The way this world of Galeem works... could it mean that Wonder Blue is..." He let the sentence go unfinished. "Have any of the other Wonderful Ones gotten this morph?"

Whatever Nelson's thoughts on the matter were, Red didn't want to linger on the possibilities for long, so afterwards he turned his attention to the impromptu meet-and-greet proposed by Peach. And the first one to take up the spotlight following her was Big Band. What impressed Wonder Red the most was how similar a lot of worlds turned out to be. Much like himself and the Wonderful One-Double-Oh, Big Band was an ordinary citizen that chose to take up arms, to protect his world from a dangerous enemy. At least, that's what Red assumed - better to be optimistic about things after all. And being made out of instruments didn't lessen his expectations, too. Red's seen soldiers fight with much stranger techniques before.

After Big Band was Tora, quickly followed by Poppi. The two had been working pretty closely, Red noted earlier, but to think that one created the other? That was some impressive technical prowess. Red made a mental note to bring this up for discussion with the Commander at a later time. Maybe Tora and Professor Shirogane could trade research notes and provide some much needed support to the Wonderful Ones while they were here.

When it was Nadia's turn, she'd find herself bombarded by questions from Raz, gloved hand raised high as he bounced up and down for attention. "Excuse me, excuse me, Ms. Fortune? When you say you can 'split apart' does that mean literally, or that you can separate into individual, smaller versions of yourself? Is it only specific sections of your body or can it be anything, like, can you split your body in half length-wise, front and back? What happens to all the blood? Can you control your parts once they're split up? Is it a mental practice? If it is a mental practice, could you teach me sometime?"

Realizing that his verbal barrage had taken up more time than Nadia's whole introduction, Raz decided he might as well be the next one up since most everyone's eyes were on him anyway. He gave a meek wave as he approached the picnic bench, climbing up onto its seat in front of everyone.

"Hi there, everybody! My name's Razputin Aquato, but you can all call me Raz. I'm what's known as a Psychonaut - agent number 371, parentheses, Junior Division - trained in the arts of psychic combat, protection, and extrasensory manipulation, all in service of exploring the mental realm." He took a stance, knees bent and fingers to his temples, in an effort to look really cool. "...I guess to, uh, put it in simpler terms, I'm a psychic government agent who stops equally psychic crimes. Psychonauts like myself use this little device, the PsychoPortal," he continued, pulling out the device to show, "to project into people's minds, to help them handle whatever issues they face right at their source. So if anyone feels like they could use a mental check-up, don't be afraid to come to me!" He straightened up and gave a long smile, moving to leave the bench, only to stop short. "Oh, and if it ever comes up I'm also really good at climbing, jumping, tumbling, twirling, swinging, balancing, juggling, rolling, shimmying, leaping, diving, and other such acrobatic feats. I work in my family's circus."

With a nod Raz raised a foot over the edge of the picnic bench... then stopped yet again, and hooked his thumbs behind him towards the ocean. "And also if I ever go into water I'll die." He paused, thinking on if there were any other pressing tidbits he could give, before turning his thumbs into two thumbs-ups. "That's everything!"

Now, finally done with his spiel, Raz hurried off the bench and back into the folds of the crowd. When he returned to his old spot, a hand came down to pat him on his shoulder - Wonder Red, only barely taller than him. "That's an impressive set of capabilities Razputin Aquato, Psychonauts Agent 371, Junior Division, heir to the Aquato family circus."

"Thanks!" Raz said. Then, after a second to think, "wait did you say 'heir'?"

Wonder Red, however, had moved past Raz, taking his turn at the bench. "Hello, fellow Seekers! Pleased to make your acquaintance! I am known as Wonder Red, a member of the CENTINELS Planetary Defense Force, an international team of 100 strong that protects our world from intergalactic threat. Despite our current displacement, rest assured that we of the Wonderful One-Double-Oh will fight just as strong for this world and everyone in it as if it were our own! Any further questions can be brought to my superior, Commander Nelson. And I hope you all forgive our continued discretion in regards to our identities. Even though this isn't the world we come from, we still have to maintain a level of secrecy in case word managed to spread elsewhere." With a quick bow as curt and to-the-point as his introduction, Red stepped down, taking his place beside Nelson.
1,227 Words
+2 EXP

4/50 EXP

Queen's Station -> Twilight Town

Raz was quick to put his hands up as a sign of peace. "It's okay! I don't pop into people's brains without asking!" He stashed the portal back into his pack. "So if we ever run into a situation that needs a Psychonaut's touch... well, you know where to find me." Raz flashed a dumb smirk to try and help ease Therion. The idea really seemed to freak him out, and Raz didn't want to leave the air too awkward between them. Well, any more awkward than it already was.

On the train ride to the next destination, Raz spent the time filling Jesse in on his whole deal as he did Therion, though with a little less theatrics. He didn't want to hit another passenger with a stray shot. "I should probably tell the people in charge about this," he said after the second explanation of his PsychoPortal. "Not like people know what Psychonauts are capable of in a lot of this world. Might be pretty useful somewhere. Say, who is in charge of our group? Is it that short, fuzzy guy and his robot friend? Or the big trombone man? Maybe even some sort've, anti-Galeem? Counter-Galeem? Galeem adjacent entity?"

Raz really wished they would've had time to stay at the MTT Resort. The underground area it inhabited looked pretty interesting, the area itself held potential mysteries - as Raz himself put it when they arrived, "How come the line is named after the Resort, and not the whole place?" - and he was seriously craving a good soda. Unfortunately, duty called, at the wrong time as it usually does, and the trio were sent back the way they came pretty fast. Raz looked wistfully up at the resort as they left it behind. "Maybe next time," he promised the building.

After a quick stop at the Metro to meet back up with everyone and collect their next line passes ("Man, this place should really invest in some easier-to-navigate architecture.") they were headed right down to Twilight Town. Much like Toro, Raz was surprised to find just how accurate the name was. Traversing a town where the sun was always the perfect level to shine right into your eyes was... annoying.

When the thought of participating in some street races came up, Raz decided to sit out, the excuse being, "the last time I was in charge of our wagon we ended up losing a wheel, one of our horses, and the entire kitchen tent. Better if I'm not within ten feet of an actual racecar. Or, uh, anything like one." Instead, Raz followed up on his earlier thought, and sought out who he figured were the closest to the "higher ups" of the organization.

"Hey, it's Tora, right? And... Poppy? I'm not sure if it'll really be helpful to the group but..." He began, going into a small discussion on the Psychonauts' modus operandi, and that maybe they didn't need to punch all of the problems they ran into all the time because of it. You know, if it helped.
522 Words
+1 EXP

Level 2 (XP: 0/20)

Interactions: Scout, Sectonia @Archmage MC

With the ambush hitting its stride Wonder Red strategized quickly. The civilians' safety was paramount to his own at the moment, and while he and his compatriots could dispatch the melee advances easy, they were under the most threat by the enemies firing from cover. Without a proper team of Wonderful Ones to support him, he'd have to get creative.

Leaping into the air, Red landed on top of one of the decrepit cars sitting by the encampment's entrance. He grabbed it from above with his Unite Morph, lifting himself up in the process, and 'revved' the car, rolling it back and forwards on its rusted rims. Then, like a kid playing with a toy truck, he sent it careening ahead! And just as he let go he unmorphed, setting the borrowed Antlions atop the car as it barreled through the Ash Devils rushing towards them. The Antlions, collected so close together, sparked any Root their makeshift ride got close to and fried any bullet that wizzed past them, like a mobile electrical field.

It was a bumpy ride, between the car's neglected state, the uneven terrain, and the impacts of their enemies, but the strength of Red's Morph allowed it to continue on past the ambush, eventually upending over a deep trench, scattering Antlions everywhere. Everywhere, as it happened, behind what the ranged Root were using as cover.

As the enemy gunmen dealt and were dealt with by the Antlions and Sectonia's efforts, Red immediately went back on attack. He worked in tandem with Scout, delivering the final blow to any Ash Devil not felled by his gunfire, and soon the road to the gate was littered with bark and weapons. The only remaining problem for them now was the Hulk, finally entering the fray once more. Capitalizing on Scout's distraction Wonder Red jumped over the Hulk, delivering two swift jabs to the back and top of its head, injuring and dazing it enough for the other two adventurers to finish the job. Not quite enough to keep himself from getting hurt, though, as the Hulk lashed out with its cleaver, so big compared to Red that it more clubbed him off to the side, face first into the encampment's metal walls.

Luckily by that point the fight was largely won. The Hulk went down after the concentrated effort of the two adventurers, and what stragglers were left had enough sense to retreat now that their numbers were so low. Wonder Red looked a little worse for wear - his gauntlets scratched, bullet holes in his scarf, and a jagged cracked in the middle of his mask revealing pulsing blue circuitry - but he turned down any offer of healing supplies once they made sure everyone was inside safely.

"Excellent work, everyone," he said to not just Sectonia and Scout but also to the fighters that fended the attack off too. At least, the ones not tending to the wounded. They weren't very receptive to the praise, however, and Red didn't push the point. He turned to his partners. "We should get moving. There's not much else we can do to help here. We should make a note to inform Alcamoth about this location, too. They might be able to provide better help for the people here."

As they left for the train station, Red took a slight detour, weaving around the trenches to where the first monster had been. It had been caught by the sniper early on, and so Red decided to acquire its spirit for himself...

Joining back up with the others, Red asked Sectonia, "Now that we're out of combat, what did you learn from the Moogle?"
- - -
Word Count: 614
EXP Gain: +1

3/50 EXP

Interactions: Therion @Yankee, Jesse @Zoey Boey
Queen's Station

Rather than stand around debating their path forward, Jesse went to go ask some locals for directions. That was a pretty smart move. Raz stayed at the crossroads with Therion, surveying the different ways to go a bit more.

"What's mana?" Raz eventually asked, looking up at the unfriendly thief, not that Raz could look at him any other way. "You mentioned it back on the train. Is that a kind of energy you use to do your powers?" Raz didn't know a lot about things outside of his psychic frame of reference, so he settled on vagueness to get through most of these conversations. A 'power' is a 'power' regardless of which universe you lived in, right?

"If you want, I can also tell you what kinda stuff I can do," he offered, "it's easier to trust each other if we're open about that, isn't it?" He summoned his levitation ball, used his TK to grab and wiggle the signpost around, and blasted part of the rock wall with a Psi blast. "That's all I can do at the moment." He de-levitated. "All my other psychic abilities are still... locked? Missing? I'm not really sure how it works. Oh! And I also have my mind reading back, too! It's not as easy like back home, but..."

Finally, he reached into his knapsack and pulled out his Psycho Portal, which just looked like a tiny door. "And there's this," Raz said, holding it up with pomp. "This is a Psycho Portal. It's what Psychonauts use to project into people's minds. I haven't gotten it to work in this weird mix-up world, though." He looked at it thoughtfully, turning it around, then glanced up at Therion. "Would you be willing to let me... try, on somebody not under Galeem's influence..."

It was around then that Jesse returned, with information. Raz nodded, looking back at the signpost. "Yeeeah, I'm usually all for a good climb, but after everything with the mountain, I wouldn't mind an easier ride, ahah."
- - -
Word Count: 349
EXP Gain: +1

Level 1 (XP: 9/10)

Interactions: Scout, Sectonia @Archmage MC

While Scout might have seen fit to take the opportunity to rest, Wonder Red certainly didn't! He stayed standing on top of his root, keeping watch of the surroundings for any ill intent. Growing complacent wasn't the best course of action, especially in a location that seemed this hostile.

And good thing too! While Sectonia was gone, all hell broke loose; armed combatants popped up from cover, almost blending in with the nature-infested environment, and began attacking the encampment. With barely a moment's pause Wonder Red leapt from his small perch, soaring through the air towards the main brunt of the ambush. A flying, bright-red person was an easy target to aim at, but the CENITNEL suit was designed to handle small munitions with ease. Wonder Red's reflexes also made sure that any shot near enough to his exposed head was reflected away off the bracer of his Vulcan Knuckles.

He landed with a skid, kicking up some dirt as he fell in line beside the two shielded tanks, just in time for things to go from bad to worse. Out of the chaos came a real gnarled enemy, one that blew the sniper from the water tower. Regardless of her capabilities, Wonder Red did a fancy cartwheeling flip to her position in order to catch her, then leapt back behind one of the shields to safety.

"Everyone!" Wonder Red shouted to those around him, "head back for the camp's center. My compatriots and I will fend this attack off!" With that he jumped right up once more, over their cover, heading straight for the imposing Hulk. In the next blink of the eye, Wonder Red would finally show what he could bring to the table.

"Wondeeeeeer PUNCH!"

In an instant - faster than most anyone could see it - a gigantic hand formed over Wonder Red's fist. Nearly twice his size, Wonder Red maneuvered it with ease... right into the Hulk in front of him. With a spin in midair he slammed his Unite Morph into the beast, backhanded with a close fist, sending the thing careening back through the hole it made, through the line of shotgunners behind it, and embedding right into a concrete pillar on the other side.

When Wonder Red touched down again he pulled his Morph in front of him, shielding himself and those behind him from further gunfire, which plinked off the construct. Looking at it closer, one could see the green antlions Sectonia summoned within the translucent red, each one in its own piece that all seemed to lock into place like a jigsaw puzzle.

Over his shoulder, Red shouted to Scout, "No! We can't leave these people to deal with this on their own! We have a duty to protect the inhabitants of this world. They already have casualties!"

- - -
Word Count: 473
EXP Gain: +1
Level Up!

2/50 EXP

Interactions: Therion @Yankee, Jesse @Zoey Boey
Queen's Station

Raz nodded once, writing down the word 'wibbly' in his notes, before the group forged ahead. "Alright, up! Up is easy, you just find the stairs. Or, you know, an array of perfectly spaced platforms that you can jump across. Always works for me!"

Of course the one set of stairs to be found only led slightly further up than they were, nowhere closer to the surface at all. The road eventually ended at a crossroads, and while examining their options Raz suddenly spoke up. "Hey, I think I can read this stuff now!" He pointed up at the sign. "Guess writing everything down really does make a difference. Alright, let's see... Looks like that way is a Fog Canyon? And this path goes to..." He soon died down, once he realized it wasn't just him who could read the sign. "Well, okay, where should we go?"

He glanced down each way forward, making a mental note of the apparent difficulty, before giving his two cents. "Does any of these places particularly scream 'goes to the surface' to you two? We could also, maybe, go further in?" Raz gestured around them. "If this is a bug kingdom kind of place, then maybe they have a way to send signals out closer to civilization, and we're at some bug version of the outskirts? Just spitballing, here."

- - -
Word Count: 232
EXP Gain: +1
Lemme tell you guys, this thing is fire. Real lit. Very hype-pilled.

Nah but really, Lug is a great GM, and his commitment to making this RP engaging and continuing its long-lasting tenure is really something. If you got any interest in this genre, don't be shy!

Wonder Red
Level 1 (XP: 8/10)

Interactions: Scout, Sectonia @Archmage MC
Nyakuza Metro -> Haven

"Everyone, if I can have your attention!" Wonder Red raised an arm, stepping away from the gathered group before everybody split off. "As I'm sure you're aware, Commander Nelson and I are part of a much larger organization; CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, also known as the Wonderful One-Double-Oh. Even though we've managed to collect a few members after we were taken by Galeem, there are over 90 of us out there, potentially still under its influence. If you see one of our number while on recon, relay the information as soon as you can to either me or the Commander. Do not try to engage them yourselves. They could be very dangerous."

With a parting nod to Commander Nelson, Wonder Red boarded the Mint line train alongside his unusual group. The pairing wasn't as random as it might've seemed, though. Unlike his home on Earth, where civilians were familiar with the workings of the Wonderful 100, this hodgepodge world was full of people he'd never seen before. He didn't feel comfortable in using any innocents for a Unite Morph in a pinch while out in the field. Sectonia, however, could provide invaluable support with her antlions, at least until the team got their numbers up again.

Hoping to be on the same page there, Wonder Red explained all this to her. "...so you see, if we can coordinate between each other, I would be able to assist to my full capacity," he said, finishing off a long-winded speech on how their suits and Unite Morphs functioned. Their train pulled into the station just as Red wrapped up. Did he really talk for the entire ride?! Apparently not out of breath after all that, Red was quick to jump to his feet. "Stay close," Red warned his partners, even though one of them was a giant wasp and he himself was right red, not the easiest people to lose in a crowd.

When the surge of rough-and-tumble folk petered out enough to let them off the platform, Red took in the surroundings, from the derelict, rotted buildings, to the various monsters dotting the landscape. "This place seems dangerous," he noted. "Was it like this before? Or could this have happened because of this World?" Red thought this over as he took a few steps out from the station, onto a root big enough to stand on, putting him higher than the dwarven Scout. Eventually his gaze sat on the big blue tree, emanating a sense of comfort.

"We should call our Moogle someplace safer than down here," Red said, "maybe higher up? If those rooftops are any better. We could look for this area's largest hub, but there's no guarantee that would be a nicer spot for it." He turned to his compatriots. "What are your thoughts?"

- - -
Word Count: 476
EXP Gain: +1

1/50 EXP

Interactions: Therion @Yankee, Jesse @Zoey Boey
Nyakuza Metro -> Queen's Station

When Raz reached the end of the train's rails, he hopped off, landing with a little skid that turned into a half-jog back to where the group was supposed to meetup. "Got mine!" Raz held up his passbook, having managed to find the Purple line's booth along the rails. "Seems like three of us are going Purple," he said, giving his pass a wave to Jesse's and Therion's. It wasn't clear if the decision to break off into groups of three was because of Raz pointing that out, but there wasn't any harm in him thinking so.

Once they boarded their train, Raz was trying to contain his excitement. Sure, the mountain may have bested him in the long run, but this was his real strength: exploring! Being outside of such a large group meant his unique talents would pop out more, too. The actual ride to their destination would probably be the hardest part, since tiny Raz found himself between two tall, keep-to-themselves types. So, naturally, he went to break the ice, with a bit of, "So this place is going to a 'Queen's' station, AND a resort. Seems like a pretty easy mission," and some, "Ya know I've always liked purple. It's like blue... but redder!" When his attempts at small talk hit a wall, Raz too lapsed into an awkward silence. At least, until something came to mind.

"Oh, hey, excuse me?" Raz addressed Jesse, "I saw you flying around and lifting stuff with your mind before. You must be a psychic too. And a pretty advanced one, I can't even levitate like you or Milla can yet." This train of thought sparked another, and he turned his head to Therion. "Oh right, and you... Thermin? Uh, I remember you getting scared back in that mountain cavern, and I just want to assure you that my psychic abilities can't 'run out' or however you said it. They're pretty reliable!"

Whether he managed to spark a conversation or not, the train eventually reached their first stop. Not a lot of the other passengers got ready to leave, so there wasn't much rush to get to the exit. Raz took the time to dig into his pack, pulling out a small notebook and a smaller pencil. He flipped the page over. "Queeeeen's... Staaaationnn." He said as he wrote the spot's name down. "Dark," he continued, "a lot of plant growth, moist conditions, bugs. Many bugs." He scratched his pencil across the notebook three times, underlining the word 'many'. "Eh, actually, 'dark-ish' works better. Plenty of light, just scattered all over. Not quite dim, though. Foggy..."

Raz was lost in his note-taking for a while, nearly tripping over a patch of moss and into a bug-lit lantern that hung low. Eventually, though, he stopped, and took it all in properly. "Huh. This place is funky," he expertly observed. "Do you guys know how this Moogle thing works? It feels too echo-y to just call it, right? Plus I'm pretty sure we're underground... in Psychic Tales 171, Otto Mentalis was stuck in the Cavern of the Demids, and his long range Telepathilizer couldn't--" He stopped himself short, since neither of his teammates seemed interested in Psychic Tales 171. Their loss.

Clearing his throat, Raz spoke again. "Soooo. Would you guys say this place has a more wibbly or a wobbly atmosphere, exactly?" He asked, turning his attention to one of the sigils, trying to replicate it in his notes.
- - -
Word Count: 597
EXP Gain: +1
This still a thing you wanna do, Mintz? I'm huge on Epithet Erased, would love to see an RP come to fruition on it :b

38/40 EXP

Upper Nyakuza Metro

Grinding along the electric rails really helped ease Raz's mind about all that went down the day before. Twisting and turning along with the cat-like trains gave him something to focus on. Plus, the higher the tracks led, the more of the enormous metro Raz could see. It stretched on for miles, not just where the tracks went but way further up than you'd noticed at ground level. This place might've been a section of the world all on its own. Hopefully there wasn't a Guardian around, though. Raz has had enough of fighting on trains for a while.

Sight seeing wasn't going to help with collecting pons, though Raz's method was also turning out pretty unfruitful. The problem wasn't a lack of pons - the tracks were littered with the things - it was actually getting to them! The layout of the individual rails overlapped, double-backed, and sometimes went clear straight up, making it tricky to hop onto the one that'd get him where he wanted. If that wasn't enough there were the trains themselves, too. Raz would have to jump lines to avoid becoming a kitty pancake, and every so often some enterprising shady cats would be leaning out the windows and swiping pons for themselves.

Needless to say that it wasn't very productive. But it was pretty fun.

At least until Raz got flung off the tracks. While racing towards a lone pon, a train overtook him on the neighboring rail, and one of those pon snatchers whacked him clear into the air with a butterfly net. Raz soared for a distance, the momentum of his sliding making him sail like a skipping stone, landing on a metal platform jutting off the side of a building. The impact made him lose his grip on the only two pons he was able to snag, rolling along the floor until they came to a stop against the legs of a fold-up table, manned by a particularly slimy alligator, in more ways than one.

"Whoa!" The alligator yelped. "Good thing nobody else was around for that. You came in so hot I'd've had to tell them, 'hit the deck!', which I think wouldn't be a very tasteful phrase considerin' your current circumstances."

Raz picked himself up and dusted himself off. "Thanks. I guess? Hey, those are mine!" Raz rushed to collect his pons, but the alligator didn't seem to want them.

"You got me all wrong, pal! I don't take people's belongin's that way. That's what pickpockets and pigeons are for. Nah, I only steal in the 'technically legal' way. And by that I mean I run a perfectly legitimate games business that does nothin' funny! No humor to be had here! Not even a chuckle. Heheheehh." To prove his clean-handedness, the gator picked up one of the pons closest to him and handed it back to Raz. "Name's Slick Mickey, by the by."

"I can, uh, see why," Raz muttered, holding the pon Mickey gave him between two fingers, a very clear slime patch dripping off one side.

"Guess y'got a good head on yer shoulders then! Well, anyone can see that, cuz it's big, and bigger's always better. At least that's what my dermatologist said when I went to get that weird thing on my inner thigh checked. 'Course, that was after he screamed in abject terror, but he assured me it was due to a spooky ghost he saw out the window and I see no reason to think otherwise." Mickey placed a hand down on his table with a wet thunk. "Say, I happen to, ahhh, entertain people with big and/or good heads. You lookin' to buy a Metro pass, right? If you put your pons up for a bet, you can quintuple your grabs! Two to ten in just one unrigged diversion."

Raz thought this one over. The math did seem in his favor there, but he'd had enough experience on the road to run into scam artists before. Eventually he said, "I guueeeeess I can do that, sure. But I get to pick the game."

Mickey visibly gulped. "Uh-hah, well, see, that ain't really how it works..."

"Well, if you say so. Guess I'll just take my two, WHOLE pons with me to someplace else..." Raz made like he was going to march off. He didn't even get a single step in before Mickey practically threw himself across the table.

"Ah, no no! I-it's fine, heh. What sorta gamesgator turns down a game? A bad one! Or one that's fed up with the career choice, which is perfectly valid." Mickey produced a stack of cards and set them down. "So, kid, what's it gonna be?"

"How about... you pick a card and I have to say which it is."

"Really? Y'wanna go with that?" Mickey could barely hide his joy, shaking in his gatorskin boots (which were his feet. He didn't have shoes.) "S-sure, sure! Let me just..." In a frantic jolt, Mickey rifled through the deck of cards, turned his back to Raz, did a bit of futzing about, and turned back, a single card in his hand with the back towards Raz. "Alrighty then! What do you say this card is?"

Before Raz could begin to guess, Mickey tossed the card into his gullet and swallowed it down! "Hey! That's cheating!" Mickey merely shrugged and did his worst at playing innocent. Not that it really mattered. Raz wasn't fixing to play fair himself. He'd felt a familiar tingle in his brain ever since yesterday, and now it was feeling a lot closer to home...

Raz squinted and brought two fingers beside his temple. Since Mickey only just met him, he'd have no idea this kid was psychic at all, so this should be a piece of cake. The brainwaves cleared, a fog in Raz's head clearing just enough to catch what was going through Mickey's head.

"The card was... a Queen of Hearts... that you scribbled over with a blue pen and turned into the King of Clubs."

Mickey's jaw dropped so low it almost flipped his table. "That's, what, wow! I can't even be mad, that was exactly on the money! Y'got some real intuition on ya! Normally I'd be weaslin' my way out, as you do, but I'm too impressed and frankly a tiny bit scared to really scam ya here." Mickey scooped two handfuls of pons from his pockets and laid them out on the table. "There y'go, kid, eight pons with your name and my skin secretions on 'em. Don't go spendin' it all in one place! Haha, see, it's funny because you will."

Raz looked a little less than pleased as he rolled the pons into his pack. "Gee, uh, thanks for that. Good luck with the card stuff, Mickey."

"Oh, no, you cleaned me out. Only had eight to my name. Gotta fall back on my second source of income: letting people pay me to get away from 'em." As Mickey folded up his table to move on, he gestured towards the train rails. "If y'wanna know where to get a pass, just follow the lines. Eventually they loop back 'round to the stations for 'em, where you can buy one."

"Oh, thanks!" Raz waved Mickey off as he turned back to the rails. The closest one way a bright purple, so Raz figured that'd be the one he'd go on. Why not, right? And then he was off, back to his grinding.
- - -
Word Count: 1,263
EXP Gain: +3
Rank Up!

Wonder Red
Level 1 (XP: 6/10)

Lower Nyakuza Metro

Much, much farther below, Wonder Red was somehow having worse luck in his search. The alleys looked promising, but it seems most everyone else had thought the same thing; the nooks and crannies down here were picked clean. It made sense that not a lot of passerby would be adventurous enough to collect the ones above. Wonder Red picked up every trashcan, smashed every crate, opened every payphone's coin flap, and there was not a single pon to be found. As adverse as he was to return emptyhanded, Wonder Red needed to retrace his steps back to where they first split off and look for a different way to gather pons.

On his way through the alley again, Wonder Red heard something strange. Some sort of laughter and a bell-like jingling, that echoed off the walls, giving it a very eerie quality. His searching earlier must have masked the sound. Seeing as they were off exploring for pons anyways, Wonder Red decided to investigate. It took a bit, trying to determine the source of the sounds since the alleys were so numerous that it felt like it came from every direction, but a few right turn and several wrong turns later, Wonder Red found himself at a metal door cracked open.

Stepping inside, Wonder Red saw what looked like a big soundstage. In the center was a handcrafted set made out of fabric, cardboard, glue, tape, and other sorts of DIY odds-n-ends. All over the place where small, bouncy dolls, or what looked like them, also made out of various materials in an array of colors, decked out in costumes ranging from paper animal masks and PJs to sci-fi visors and jet boots. And they were just everywhere. Some were hopping around their personal play area, climbing walls, jumping between precarious platforms, slapping decals wherever they fancied. Others were at the fringes of the stage, trying on different pieces of costumes or collaborating on building colorful new set pieces. A few were even rooting around a huge machine, tugging at its internals as it sparked and jittered.

For a moment Wonder Red thought this was some strange underground militia of doll people, but just watching them for a bit revealed that they were only having fun. Playing, dressing up, crafting for the heck of it all. It brought a smile to Red's face - even with Galeem's influence, it seemed some worlds were able to retain their innocence and joy.

Just as he was turning back out the door, one of the little sack persons up on a high, wobbly 'icicle' stumbled. The whole thing swayed back and forth, and the doll atop it lost its balance, tumbling right off. Wonder Red, seeing it out of the corner of his high, leapt into action. "Look out!" He sprung forward, closing the distance from the door to the stage, and landed under the falling doll, managing to catch it in both arms. "Are you okay?" He asked as he set the doll on its feet.

It gave two thumbs up and a big, open-mouth smile. There was also a smattering of soft applause from the ones that were looking their way. Wonder Red nodded. "That's good. You should try securing your structures more, so this doesn't happen agai--" Above, the rickety tower finally gave way, collapsing into several pieces and falling towards them. Wonder Red was once more quick to act, jumping straight up to meet the falling debris in midair. "Hah! Whah! Pawh!" He delivered swift punches to each piece of the structure, sending them flying away from the person he just saved, or any of the others loitering in the danger zone.

When he landed, the assortment of sack people erupted into an even greater applause, cheering on Red's heroics. There was even a few shrill whistles. Red blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, really, it's all part of the job. No need to clap or anything." The sack person he had saved waved to get his attention and pointed behind him. At the other tall platforms were more sack people, looking at him expectantly, and toppling the towers again! Wonder Red was back at it, smacking away all the chunks of the set as they came, to the continuing enjoyment of the crowd. After a brief while, when there was little more on the stage for Red to punch, he was pretty tuckered out.

"Alright," he huffed between breaths, "I think I've done quite enough here. Really, you shouldn't be playing around so dangerously like that." The playful dolls didn't seem to take in his advice as most of them were already right back to work, gathering the scattered materials and setting up a new set to play on. One of the group wearing a little hardhat and vest approached him, a big bubble in his arms, and offered it up. Inside, 10 whole pons floated around. "This is for me?" After the sack person nodded, Red took the bubble. Was it payment for entertaining them? Did they expect him to punch this now?

Whatever the reason, Wonder Red saw it fit to take his leave, before they roped him into anything more. "Thank you for this," he said as he side-stepped to the door, "please try to remain safe from now on!" Of course, none of them paid him much mind anymore, their attentions diverted to something even newer.

Wonder Red hurried out the door, the large pon-filled bubble under one arm, and started to finally head back to the station proper. At least he was helping in some way, despite everything.
Word Count: 955
EXP Gain: +2
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