Avatar of Vampiretwilight


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1 day ago
Current I'm up for an arranged marriage rp if anyone is interested in one.
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18 days ago
22 days ago
Had another bad day, to put it mildly. Feeling a bit depressed atm. Responses may be slow for a while. sorry everyone.


I joined 5 years ago now.

I enjoy pm rps, if anyone is interested. but I will do thread rps too.

I am into otome games. I enjoy rock music. I like reading.

My time zone is: EST

My fav. colors are: red, blue, pink, white, and black.

I am open for any rps.
However, I am not into rps that are strictly nation, horror, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, superhero, military, or sci-fi.
But I MAY give them a shot if they are mixed with another genre, like romance for example.

Most Recent Posts

Angel was unconscious for some time. When she awoke, she discovered that she was tied up. She gasped. She cursed and struggled. She looked around. She saw the room that she was in. She was surprised that he had not just thrown her in a dungeon or killed her, she thought with a frown and a glare.
i suppose she could stay out cold after he ties her up.
as for bleeding...i had not thought about that.
Angel gasped as she, in the end, ended up falling backwards over the side of the staircase. She fell to the floor with a hard thud. She would fall unconscious.
Angel made it to the grand staircase and was soon charging up them. She saw the beast as he charged down at her. She glared and attempted to use the bladed weapon in her hand. The floor shook a bit underneath her, but she did not care. She would fight this creature and defeat him, she thought.
Angel was continuing her chaos as she searched for him. She was angry and not willing to give up yet.

"come out you coward!"

She charged in the direction of the grand staircase, but she would not find that area before he was fully dressed.
Angel could not find him, not yet. However, she was still not about to give up. Her eyes narrowed. She gave a human growl. The hunter began to search for him. She resumed her hunt.

There would not be a single place in that castle she would not look. She would not stop looking. She would overturn things, open doors, look under things, and so on. Her determination was quite strong. She kept a weapon in her hand while she searched.

The hunter eventually worked her way downstairs. She was mainly going by instinct after a while. She smashed a few items and what not down there as a result of her relentless searching for her prey.
@Demonic cupcake
Angel blinked. She stopped in her tracks when she heard someone talking to her. She turned around and saw them(Alvina). She blinked again in surprise. She cleared her throat.
"oh, um, hi."
She moved a strand of hair out of her face. Her wings flapped a bit.
Jason nodded.
"Alright. i suppose i'll see you later then."
However, he was not sure if they had any classes together. He shrugged and got up from where he was sitting. He started to head inside the school.
that makes me wonder who Angel and Jason will be classmates with. :)

also, if a teacher is needed, i am open to making one. :)
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