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5 days ago
head's still foggy but otherwise better, hoping to catch up soon
13 days ago
migraines got me afk, better today, hopefully back soon
1 mo ago
afk until sunday, back with posts then
2 mos ago
Feet? No, I'm more of a meter man myself.
2 mos ago
i need a medieval fantasy rp like i need oxygen



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Not much changed when the lights flickered on. The hallway remained featureless, and the floor was thick cement as far as the eye could see. No bells and whistles, no clues and, most frustratingly of all, still no windows.

Pebs walked up to him with a map in tow. She was turning it around as if trying to align it. Duncan figured it was best to let her have at it, and settled to peeking over her shoulder to see her progress. Once she found a proper angle, she pointed at the hallway in the middle, seeming nervous even as she prepared to lead them forward.

"Let's go!" Duncan echoed confidently as if to encourage her. For a fleeting moment he intended to slap her on the back for good measure - but upon realizing how large his hand was in comparison with her back, he promptly went for some sort of an awkward pat instead. Probably less encouraging. Definitely less harmful.

Clearing his throat in apology, he settled to walking behind her for the rest of the maze.

Duncan didn't keep track of how long they spent in the maze, but it sure felt like too long. Somewhere during the trek, he'd finally given in and went for a smoke, unable to handle the shakes any longer. He was walking a good few steps behind Pebs to try and save her from the smoke, when he saw her stop.

"Huh?" lost in thought, he walked up, "What, a dead-end? You gotta be shittin' me!"

He grabbed the wires on the window and gave them a futile rattle - only to notice what lay behind them. An... obstacle course, ending in a ramp and a button. A button that begged to be pushed. Literally.

"My gut's saying that's either our way forward, or a self-destruct button," he sounded carefree about it, but he could feel his stomach turn at the thought. "Don't see much choice but to take our chances, though."

Duncan sighed. "I guess we ain't fitting through that gap anytime soon, so..." he stuck what remained of the cigarette between his teeth and fished out his beloved toy truck. "This should dho ith," he mumbled from behind closed teeth. With a light push, he got the car into the room - then took up the controller. Thank god he'd went for that smoke. His hands were shaking as he controlled the truck as things were - with withdrawal, this would've been impossible.

I think I gotta drop out in the end, sorry. Won't have as much time for new things as I thought!
Caw's Turn | Init: 19

HP 09/09 | Status: None

Caw was so focused on staying hidden that he didn't even realize the group behind him had split. And, after streaks of pink burst forth from the fortress at the kobolds, his attention was entirely stolen by the source of the attacks; a figure high up on the wall, their details obstructed by distance. A mage?

Whatever they were, they seemed to be on his side. Caw welcomed it warmly. He had met far too many enemies today.

He turned back to ask if the others had seen, only to find the alley behind him dark and empty. His heart sank, and fear threatened to buckle his knees. Scared to be on his own - and eager to share what he'd seen besides - Caw was about to turn and reunite with the others. Before he could do so however, he realized how close one of the kobolds was. Separated only by a short stretch of the alley and a few crates, he feared it might wander after him should he move. Worse yet, should it find him, it might find the others too. His friends and the children and all.

He had to make sure it would not follow him. He had to... had to take it down, maybe. But if he were to fire an arrow and strike it down now, he'd be spotted for certain. Worse yet if he missed. He had to make the kobold come to him, but in a way that wasn't dangerous.

Caw pondered for a moment. It wasn't his forte; the curse of his kin tore apart each and every plan before he could even form them.

All new ones, anyhow. He remembered something he'd seen done, back when he'd lived with his flock. A way to lure targets to them - by using voices that might entice them. The voices of family, friends, loved ones. For a man, the voice of his wife; for a mother, that of her daughter. For a kobold... the voice of his kin. But he did not speak their language, and though he could repeat what he'd heard from their conversation earlier, he knew not what anything meant.

Taking a chance, he let out a simple yapping sound he'd heard among them earlier; short, curt, like a shout to catch someone's attention - or so he hoped.

With it done, Caw withdrew into the shadow of the crate next to him, unable to see whether the Kobold had heard or cared. All he could do now was draw his rapier and wait, breath bated and heart wild with worry.

Still interested as well, hoping to find some writing time later this week.
Sorry for the wait, will get my character(s) up later this week! Also could I get a new Discord link? Looks like the old one's expired.
Gotcha! Will edit today after work.

The discord link's expired/otherwise invalid, sadly.
@Vertigo You good man. Although Snom starts at 1. We don't really have a 0... Or at least I don't think we do.

Regardless it's good to go. You can give Snom a 4th move though.

The first post said this, so that's why I went with 0:

You can only start with 2 types, Baby Pokemon that are hatched freshly start with 0, while any other starter will start with 3. Eeveelutions uniquely start with 5 while Eevee itself starts with 3.)

I can change it so that it isn't freshly hatched, if you'd prefer. As for adding a move, I can do that too, sure. The reason it had 3 was because Snom only learns 2 moves before it evolves, and we were only allowed one egg move. But I can slap a Fairy Wind on it as a second egg move.
Adding onto the interest train!
You have my axe gun.

But give it back later I might need it along the way.
Awesome, thanks for the answers! I love all the kingdoms, so will most likely play two characters to help me decide what to play and from where, ha.

So right now I'm thinking of either a princess from the fruit kingdom or a noblewoman from the sweet kingdom (but I see someone else already planned that, so might go with my original fruit idea instead), and a warrior from the meat kingdom.
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