Avatar of webboysurf


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9 days ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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La Vida: Wayward House --> Lobby

Knight nodded as the others acknowledged him. They were an eclectic bunch, and the woman with the dogs was giving the street ninja a weird vibe. But Knight politely indulged himself with snacks and drinks. He hadn't eaten much over the past couple weeks, so he took what he could get. He picked up one of the phones, nodding as he looked it over and immediately got to work scrolling through the phone and beginning to fill out a few contacts. He didn't bother paying much attention to the holographic AI. Quite frankly, he didn't care much about electronic advancements, given he was trained in the old ways of doing things.

He didn't really begin paying attention to the kid until he heard his name spoken. He wasn't used to being called by his first name, so it was a slight shock to the system. "Right... Where's my room and when do we get started?"
@Gisk If you approved my character in the Interest Check, is it approved here? Regardless, below is the CS again.

<Snipped quote by Gisk>

Then that means they were successful and they have their own Spider-Men.

If my character were to donate blood would those who receive it become a Spider-person? If so and she found out, there might be a plague of Spider-people. Spider-island anyone?

Spider Park: Fallen Kingdom
Hehehe, Dev'll probably give more final instructions... and homemade rocket is a decent description.
I'm actually pretty excited for this. Can't wait for it to start up.
Haven't forgotten about this RP... just trying to figure out specifics for Dev and his little arts and crafts post. Like what kind of music he'd be listening to, the positioning of the explosives, and how giddy he is going to be in general (answer to the last one may be "very").
That's Jackson in a nutshell as well, but his is less of wanting people to underestimate him and more of he doesn't want people to count on him for anything. And he just doesn't fucking care.
School doesn't dictate intelligence or Parker-ness. Jackson is intelligent, but doesn't demonstrate it in school and does most of his learning outside of class.

La Vida: Wayward House --> Lobby

The cold steel of a gun was a familiar feeling for Knight as a nervous voice behind him whispered in his ear. "Just give me the bag, man. I don't want to shoot... but I'll fuckin' do it!" It was clear the kid was trying to convince himself that mugging Knight was a good idea. He couldn't have been more wrong. Knight's voice was almost mocking, as he whispered. "Do it."

The pause was distinct as the mugger tried to discern what it was Knight was trying to say. This wasn't exactly going according to the script... and that pause was exactly the moment James needed. Almost as a blur, the teenager's head jerked to the right while he spun around, his right hand reaching up to grab the gun and aim it away. The mugger pulled the trigger, and a bullet rocketed into the pavement. Knight's left hand bolted towards the Mugger's neck, delivering a swift blow that knocked the air right out of his opponent. Knight gave a smile as the bag rolled off his left arm and his right hand twisted the gun right out of the mugger's hand. Within a moment, the gun was unloaded and at the Mugger's feet, and James was in a textbook defensive stance.

The quick display was too much for the boy, only about 14 from the looks of him. They keep recruiting younger and younger... The mugger gasped for breath, falling to the ground. Knight got out of his stance and took a step forward, but the boy flinched and began to crawl away. Knight sighed and turned away from the running child, picking up the pieces of the disassembled handgun and stuffing it into the back of his jeans. He had an appointment to make, and he didn't want to be late.

James walked with his phone in hand along the mostly deserted outskirts of La Vida. If he had to describe it in a single word, Shithole probably would suffice. Regardless, it was the kind of environment he was used to at this point. His year of running and hiding saw the teen squatting in empty apartment buildings all over the California coast. The teen was carrying a large duffle bag on his back with ease, though it was clear that the bag was packed to the brim. His entire life was in that bag.

The teen's normal black hoodie and whitewashed jeans were clearly higher end, though they had seen some serious wear and tear in the past few months. The rips in the jeans were authentic, and the hoodie clearly looked worn down in the elbows and shoulders. As for the teen's face itself, it was flawless. The remnants of dirt still clung to it as expected, but there was not a blemish or scratch in sight.

He kept looking at his phone's GPS. This can't be the right place... Regardless, James proceeded towards an abandoned apartment complex. His GPS had led him astray before... but today wasn't one of those days. He approached the entrance of the location, unsure what exactly it was he was getting himself into.
Finished up the char sheet, it's updated above. Let me know if it needs to be adjusted.
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