Avatar of WolfLover


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11 mos ago
Current “Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes.”
12 mos ago
“Every time I think I can move forward, there’s this force bringing me back into darkness.”
12 mos ago
@Midnight Stars. People have a life outside of the site and will unfortunately disappear when emergencies strike. Not everyone has the time to be online every day/all the time.
12 mos ago
"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery."
12 mos ago
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."


WolfLover here, I am 27 year of female writer. Has been writing for over 5 years, so has lots of experience in the roleplaying/writing field :) I live in the Uk.
My interest check and My Character Storage for anyone interested :)
I am currently unemployed. (Lots of personal reasons, some of you may know, some don't). Last year had been bad for me, and my mental health. Still trying to recover and try to battle my problems. Muse has been slow, but slowly trying to get back into writing. If anyone's interested in rping, send me a message and we can work something out together :) Happy writing dear people.

The Witches and Warlocks of Tanner (Active) GM'S: @Hedgehawk@HaleyTheRandom@SouffleGirl123

Rhodes (Active) With @Jones Sparrow
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@Joker892 A little help for you. There's plenty of pics and gifs, for Hugh Jackman that you can use for your character :)
Kili felt Yavanna and Saeril try and soothe him...not to mention...another Dwarf from their company, was fussing over him "Leave me alone." Kili grumbled...slapping his fellow Dwarf's hand away.

"I am sorry Fili. We've had enough delays already." Thorin said "One day, when you'll be King. You'll understand. I can't risk this quest,for the sake of one Dwarf...even if it's my own kin." he told his elder nephew sadly. As Fili went to step out of the boat. Thorin grabbed his arm "Fili, don't be foolish. You belong with your company." Thorin said looking at his elder nephew. Before he glanced at Yavanna, wondering if the young she-elf would follow.

"I am sorry Thorin...I can't leave Kili like this...he needs me." Yavanna told him; responding to his unspoken question to her. "I am not leaving Fili either...or Saeril." she spoke. They needed her; she considered them family. Plus, with Kili's condition seemingly worse...she had to stay.
Yavanna watched the argument between Bard and Thorin. She felt tense, and from the corner of her eyes. She noticed Saeril too; was feeling rather tense and worried. This Quest, was getting harder..especially since Dragons were known to guard, what was theirs...until their dying breath. And Smaug had owned Erebor and it's treasures the last 200 years. It would not come easily...to reclaim the Dwarfish Kingdom and deal with the Dragon at the same time.

Thorin glared up at Bard; his jaw clenched. "I have the Only Right!" Reminding him, of whom he was. Thorin was the true King of the Mountain. If it had not been for Smaug. He then turned around facing the Master "I speak to you. Master of this town. Will you see the prophecy full-filled? Will you, join in the wealth of our people?"

There was silence from everyone, including the Mayor. Yavanna held onto Saeril's hand feeling even more tense and worried.

"What say you?" Thorin asked looking at the Mayor.

"I say...onto you." The mayor began "Welcome...Welcome. King under the mountain." The Lake town's people cheered for Thorin and the Dwarves.

Later on,
The company were making their way towards the boat that'd take them to Erebor. They even carried gifts from the Master. Yavanna had been given two pair of daggers. It wasn't her usual weaponry, that she used. But at least it was something. As they walked, Thorin muttered "Where's Bofur?" he asked. They had not seen him, for the last few hours.

"Looks like, we might be leaving him behind." Balin muttered slightly.

As they reached the boat. Thorin stopped Kili. "Not you...we must travel at Speed. You'd slow us down." he spoke, as he helped load up the weapons into the boat.

Kili looked at his uncle, in disbelief. "What are you talking about? I am coming with you!" Kili had been looking more paler lately, over the last few hours...whiter than a ghost. But he wouldn't give up on this.
Thorin just shook his head "No...No."
Kili looked hurt, his uncle was denying him this? After all his life, waiting to see their true home. Now he wasn't allowed to go? "I am going to be there when that door opens! I will look upon the halls of our fathers..."
Thorin sighed softly, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Kili...stay here...rest. Join us when you're healed." he gently patted his nephews cheek. Kili's spirits were shattered...he walked over to one of the benches near the dock sitting down.

Watching the Scene, Yavanna saw how sad and broken Kili looked. But he did look considerably worse, since she had healed him at Bard's house...it meant the poison had spread a lot. Being the group's healer. She could not leave him, she walked over to him..rubbing his shoulder softly. "I am so sorry, Kili." she whispered...she was sorry for more than one reason.

Lady in Waiting, Amaranthea Ashwood

Location; Her Chambers ~ Abhainn Ballroom.
Interacting With; Servant

That Afternoon, Amaranthea had enjoyed spending some time with Lord Aedan. The pair seemed to have quite a bit to talk about. She asked a little bit about Sliabh, if anything had changed. Whilst Amara has grown accustomed to Abhainn, as her home now. She often thought about Sliabh. She missed her former home at times..all the people that still lived there. Oddly enough, she sometimes missed even the cooler weather. Not that, Abhainn was too hot. Amara at times, just preferred the coolness that Sliabh offered. It had always kept her cool.

But the pair soon had to part; knowing there'd be more time to converse during the evening's celebrations.

When the evening arrived; everyone was getting ready for the ball. Amaranthea had been in her own chambers; after she had checked up on Julianna. Trying to make sure, her new chambers were to her liking. As well as helping her set out a few things, to help her get ready. But her Lady, had sent her off to get ready. As well as Evangeline. She didn't find her Mistress on it. Simply done as she was told. Besides; she too herself needed to clean herself up.

Amara was looking through her wardrobe. When there came a knock on the door. "Come on in." Amaranthea called softly. One of the maidens, that Julianna had sent walked into her room. She curtsied greeting Amara. "My lady, her highness Julianna sent me, to check on you." she smiled warmly at Amara. Amara smiled to herself softly. That did sound like Julianna for sure. Amaranthea was rather grateful for that.

"That's very kind of you." Amara told her softly. The young maid, drew her a warm bath. Setting out fresh towels and soaps for the Lady in Waiting. Before picking out a hairpiece, that Amara had liked. Of course, with Amara's approval. Soon enough, the young lady was soaking in the bath-tub. Feeling the warm water, wrap around her. Soaking her muscles. It made her feel refreshed. The soaps smelled of Levander. The young maid, helped wash her back. Before washing her hair.

Once Amaranthea was all washed. She stepped out of the tub. Beginning to dry herself off...the young maiden that was helping her, was drying her hair. The young lady in waiting, then proceed to get dressed. She wore a beautiful dress. It was off red color, with golden and dark patterns. It was one of Amara's favorites; one that she always saved for special celebrations and occasions. The corest beneath was tight, but she was used to it.

"That dress looks beautiful, my lady." The servant complimented with a soft smile. "Why thank you. I do love it myself." Amara replied with a warm smile, as she felt the servant begin to brush her hair. The young maiden, styled her dark raven locks, into an elegant hairstyle. Before lightly placing the hairpiece, into her thick locks to complete the style.

It wasn't long after that; that Amara was all done. She was feeling clean, refreshed and looked ready. "Thank you for your service. You may go now." Amaranthea smiled kindly at the young girl; letting her go about her business. The young maiden, curtsied to her before leaving the Lady in waiting. She herself than began to make her way towards the Ballroom. On her way, she stopped. Hearing the sound of the fireworks. She admired the spectacle from the window..the aray of color. She smiled softly. Abhainn did pull of spectacular fireworks, from what she had seen.

She smiled to herself. A few nobles had spotted her, offering her a kind smile. Amaranthea had smiled at the Nobles; a warm gentle smile. She then walked into the ball-room. Taking everything in, but looking for Lady Julia. Or at least, someone she knew. Amara had still been longing to catch up with a few people from Sliabh. Looking around the grand-ball room; Amara soon spotted her Mistress over with Prince Jaxton and Princess Elaisse. Amara made her way across the ball room, towards the trio.
I love how we think alike :)
Yay :)
I was thinking, that Yavanna at some point should stay a little with Legolas and Tauriel. So Yavanna/Legolas, can mainly develop their relationship through the story...but she'd still be united with the company, during the Battle of Five Armies at some point. But I see the trio*Yavanna/Legolas/Tauriel*, being good company and fighting together as a team, during the battles. Aswell as Yavanna helping the company in the battle, of course.
But I think Maybe Bofur and Saeril might suggest, she stays behind when they see her around Legolas and what not :) She might be torn between staying and going. So they'd just offer her some advice, and the general..'keep her safe', speech to Legolas.
You know, the scene where Kili/Tauriel were saying goodbye. I was thinking that'd be re-done to a Yavanna/Legolas scene, but Yavanna would be reluctant to say goodbye, so that's when Saeril/Bofur do the above. Maybe Kili/Fili might add in a few words and all :) <3
Being a healer and lover of nature; and all that it offered. Yavanna had taken an interest learning about different plants and their properties, years ago. She found it helped her craft, and many plants she learned about...had been used in Elvish Medicine. Including Athelas.

As she searched for the plant..she picked up on the slight commotion. But busy worrying about Kili, she didn't think of it at first. Until Saeril grabbed her hand and the pair of them rushed towards the chaos. Yavanna's eyes widened when she saw the Company of Thorin...their company had been brought before the master. She just heard Alfred's Insult about them being desperate mercenaries. They had been caught, trying to steal weapons from the Armory. The weapons that Bard had given them; were not to their approval. They wanted something better for them all. Thorin didn't look too happy about that insult.

Yavanna breathed out softly' low enough for Saeril to only hear. "Mime melin iluvátar, emme cannot lende tien er an a few moments" (My dear God, we cannot leave them alone for a few moments.)

Thorin's jaw clenched...he stepped forward. "We are the Dwarves of Erebor! We've come to reclaim our homeland!" He proclaimed. There had been muttering among the crowd of people watching. He could hear Bilbo shivering slightly in the back, as young Bilbo stood besides Fili and Kili. "I remember this town, back in the Great days of Old! Fleets of boats, lay at harbor! Filled with Silks and Fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a Lake. This was the center of all trade in the North!" The crowd cheered for Thorin, agreeing with what he said. Lake town was not what it used to be back then.

"I would see those great days return! Unite the great Dwarves and this town...send flows of riches and gems, coming from Erebor!" Yavanna could see the people's happiness at Thorin's speech. But she then felt Bard barge past them near by. Kili on the other hand felt somewhat guilty...if he hadn't tripped down the stairs with the weapons...they would not be here. But the pain in his leg, had returned forcefully. Making him loose balance in that moment, when he had been carrying those weapons. His leg felt sore again, but he ignored it. For everyone's sake...especially his uncle. He didn't want to be forced to stay back; Because of his injury.

"Death! That is what you will bring upon us!" Bard shouted, as he stepped into the middle where Thorin stood. "Dragon fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast. It will destroy us all!"

"You can listen to this Ney-sayer." Thorin said looking at the people of Lake Town "But I promise you this. If we succeed...all will share in the wealth of the Mountain. You will have enough Gold, to rebuild Lake town three times over!" The citizens cheered again, smiling.
Yavanna knew that Saeril would ask that question sooner or later. "A special flower. It has healing properties...that work miracles against poison." Yavanna said softly. "It's for Kili...just in case..." she said softly. She didn't know, how much the poison had spread in his system, by the time she helped him out earlier in Bard's home...but this might be needed. If something were to happen.
Yavanna looked up at the elder, with a warm; kind smile on her face. Saeril's motherly touch, made her smile and brought her comfort. It seemed to ease some worries away. But they were still there...at the back of her mind. As she heard her offer, she nodded softly. "Four pair of eyes, is always better than two." she said softly. Happily accepting for Saeril to come along.

As the pair, walked down the stairs away from the house. Yavanna kept her eyes wide open...as they walked. She felt the cool breeze tickle her skin. But she kept looking for signs, of the flower she desired. Checking most flowers, she passed by.
I like that idea :)
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