Avatar of WolfLover


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11 mos ago
Current “Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes.”
12 mos ago
“Every time I think I can move forward, there’s this force bringing me back into darkness.”
12 mos ago
@Midnight Stars. People have a life outside of the site and will unfortunately disappear when emergencies strike. Not everyone has the time to be online every day/all the time.
12 mos ago
"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery."
12 mos ago
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."


WolfLover here, I am 27 year of female writer. Has been writing for over 5 years, so has lots of experience in the roleplaying/writing field :) I live in the Uk.
My interest check and My Character Storage for anyone interested :)
I am currently unemployed. (Lots of personal reasons, some of you may know, some don't). Last year had been bad for me, and my mental health. Still trying to recover and try to battle my problems. Muse has been slow, but slowly trying to get back into writing. If anyone's interested in rping, send me a message and we can work something out together :) Happy writing dear people.

The Witches and Warlocks of Tanner (Active) GM'S: @Hedgehawk@HaleyTheRandom@SouffleGirl123

Rhodes (Active) With @Jones Sparrow
The Mystery (Active) with @Fetzen

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Just a little note about Yavanna and Legolas' thought about her age :)
She's Immortal...even though she's part Mortal...she like any other half-elf can pick between mortality and Immortality.
Plus with the books, Aragorn is older than he looks lol.
Aragorn chuckled a little at his surprised expression. "I think you look more surprised that I know her, than me, knowing that you know her too." he smiled at his new-found friend. His voice still lowered enough that only Legolas could hear him. "After the death of my father, my mother took me to safety...I grew up in Rivendell. It was my new home, I still consider it home. I know Lord Elrond's family...I do know of Yavanna...she was only about 2 when I left."
Notice for everyone:

Tomorrow, late in the evening. My gran is arriving and she will be staying for 3 weeks. Due to that and Christmas ect...replies here will be rather slow. I'll do my best to keep up,but if it takes me a while to catch up...or I might not seen for a little bit, real life/holidays is the reason why.
I am not leaving the rp :) but if I am slower over the next 3 weeks, please bare with me.

Also, feeling a bit stuck for Vivienne's response...if anyone's got any ideas/suggestions...I am all ears.
Notice for everyone:

Tomorrow, late in the evening. My gran is arriving and she will be staying for 3 weeks. Due to that and Christmas ect...replies here will be rather slow. I'll do my best to keep up,but if it takes me a while to catch up...or I might not seen for a little bit, real life/holidays is the reason why.
I am not leaving, I'll be around :) but if I am slower than usual, please bare with me :)


Notice for everyone:

Tomorrow, late in the evening. My gran is arriving and she will be staying for 3 weeks. Due to that and Christmas ect...replies here will be rather slow. I'll do my best to keep up,but if it takes me a while to catch up...or I might not seen for a little bit, real life/holidays is the reason why.
I'll still be here, and lurking around if I am quiet :)

Aragorn noticed the necklace around his neck. Tilting his head slightly...he saw the beautiful glow it gave off. But the necklace looked very very familiar...it indeed reminded him of the necklace, his beloved Arwen wore. Expect this one had a slightly different design and a blue moonstone. The name too was indeed familiar. There was only one Yavanna he knew and heard off...Arwen's little sister. Of course, the young elf would not remember him most likely. She was very small when he had left Rivendell.

"You mean...the youngest daughter of Lord Elrond?" the question slipped out...before Aragorn could even think twice about it. But he smiled, as he heard how Legolas referred to her as 'His Star.' "She must be all grown up by now." Aragorn spoke, more to himself in thought. "You must be rather fond of her." he said softly, He definitely did sound on the smitten side, judging by the way he said her name and what he called her a few moments ago.
Aragorn had been somewhat surprised, to see the new arrival. But unlike some of the Rangers, he was elf-friendly. Having been raised in Rivendell after the death of his father. His mother, wanted him to be protected. Lord Elrond had given him a new home, kept his heritage a secret from those that would seek to end him and his line. Other Rangers were not so...welcoming. Feeling more skeptical, maybe bit cautious about the new arrival. Aragorn was sitting near by; sharpening his weaponry. Noticing that the elven Prince looked deep in thought...almost like he was missing someone close to his heart. Aragorn knew that look rather well. "Who is she?" Aragorn asked looking at Legolas, with a slight raised eyebrow. Giving him a friendly smile.

Yavanna glanced over at Saeril, giving her a soft warm smile. She was glad to have her...and Kili in her life. They were the best friends and family she could have ever asked for. But deep down, Yavanna felt a fear in the pit of her stomach. She did not want the same, cruel, untimely fate to meet Kili. She could not loose him, not after she lost so much already...including his elder brother and uncle. He had his full life ahead of him. He deserved all the adventure, excitement, happiness and love in his life he could possibly get.

Kili was silent; but watched the stars in Awe. Every one of them was unique...individual. Kind of like a person, had their own personality. But somehow, none of them could ever shine brighter than Yavanna. He savored this peaceful moment, with two people that meant the world to him. He was glad to have Delva and Yavanna by his side.

Yavanna let out a slight giggle, at Saeril's teasing. "Mhh, I might have to." Yavanna then looked up towards the starry night sky...watching the stars twinkling so brightly. Yavanna's mind thought back on the young Prince, wondering if the stars were leading him on a safe path, towards his destination north.

Kili walked over to them both, as he glanced up at the perfect night sky with them both. The evening air felt fresh, crisply cool and soothing. The night sky was beautiful...it brought back memories, if the first time he properly flew with Saeril back in Rivendell. Kili's hand took their hands in his...one squeezed Yavanna's softly...the other Saeril's.

Yavanna gently squeezed his hand back, feeling the breeze on her skin and ruffling through her hair.
Yavanna smiled back at the elder she-elf. Withdrawing her sword from the said position...before sliding it back within it's sheath.

The young elf, was quiet a fast learner. A good listener. "Thank you...I've always been a quick study." she told her softly, nodding gently. It was getting rather very late. "I am sure, any tips might prove helpful in the future...I appreciated that." she said softly. As worried, as she may have been at first...this little practice proved helpful. And Yavanna was glad to have gained a new skill, that would give her advantage in the battle-field.

She smiled softly, feeling her hand on her shoulder.
Yavanna remained still...her eyes closed. Listening intently. Her mind free of any thoughts...her breathing was even. Kili watched the pair of them, biting his lip curiously...he could see his God-mothers glowing in the darkness from the tops of the trees. As it was silent for a while. Yavanna's listening did not falter. Suddenly, sh could hear flapping. It was fast...coming down and behind her.

Yavanna's eyes snapped open...spinning around faster than lightening. Her sword flew up even faster...blocking Saeril's way. Yavanna's turn had been so sharp and quick...the air around her, was left with a slight shimmer of her light.

Kili stared a little in shock; he never seen Yavanna turn fast before. It was almost eye-uncatchable. One could easily miss it with a blink. He clapped..applauding the two she-elves.
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