Avatar of Xaltwind


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8 days ago
Regular weekends are too short. We needa get four day weekends instead.
14 days ago
If you're a mother, or if you've got one you love; Happy Mother's Day
15 days ago
It's not even the first month of summer yet and it's already too hot...
22 days ago
First mosquito bite of the year... Gaaah!
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1 mo ago
Micro-one-day-vacation? Yes!
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

@A Lowly Wretch
Well, so far I've received exactly one PM from another player on the matter. Unfortunately, this person has expressed that thtey're not in favor of the Fortunomancer-idea. As such, I must reject the concept, as per my previous comment.

Feel free to submit any summaries for any other character-ideas you may have though.
I'm going to wait with posting any further things for Serafaye, giving our slower participants time to catch up before the deadline.
Pfft, we all see through your lies, silly lizard. Don't even try.
Well, considering Kaze already went there, this was the only way things were ever going to play out. Plus, at least there was no fondling of angel-pillows.
The horned girl, now revealed to be named Serafaye, stood utterly dumbfounded and stared at the woman who was offering her a cookie. Nothing of what this spunky lass had just said made any sort of sense. Palagria? Falling Star? Crystal? And how could she not know about Herculon Gorge or Severanoxis? Was she roleplaying some kind of resh-out-of-the-oven scrub adventurer? And what was this whole thing about a this falling star, and a week ago? It'd just happaned less than a few minutes ago! The girl did however reach out and take the cookie offered - onlyto realize something.

"No trade window, or confirm or decline buttons?" She muttered to herself, as she looked at the tiny baked crumbly sweet in her hand. Raising her head, she looked at Cecilia with a contemplative expression. "Banished to anothe world, or killed, huh? While it's true that I was just about to be hit by the Omnistorm, even if I'd died, I should've resspawned at the Temple in Tarrtais, not here. And banishe dto another world? That's a bit ridiculous, don't you think?" Although she dismissed the idea, once she held up the cookie and took out a bite form it, Serafaye's entire being froze.

Her eye shot wide, her body seemed to enter a state of complete paralyzation and the cookie she had just taken a bite from slowly slipped from her fingers and fell onto the ground. For a moment she said or did nothing. Couldn't say or do anything. But then, a soft, trembling voice left her lips.

"I... I could... I could taste that." Her words almost quivered, as if the sensation was so alien or intrusive that it shook the young girl down to the very core of her being. "How... How's that possible...? There shouldn't be any way to taste anything... And the... Touching...? Wait." She suddenly lurched forward, with incredible speed, towards Cecilia. With swift motions, both her arms came up and then.


Both of her palms now firmly planted on Cecilia's cheeks, the horned Serafaye began to very gently tug and massage the other woman's cheeks. Her eye was as wide and full of both amazement, confusion and even fear, all at the same time, while her mouth formed a small 'o'-shape as she proceeded to half-assault, half-molest, half-investigate the girl, before letting go before long. Holding her hands infront of herself, she stared at her own palms and fingers for a bit.

"...I can... Touch you...? Feel your... Your avatar... Your skin's so soft... But, why? How?" Serafaye seemed... Agitated and confused by this sudden realization...
Central Ruins, Royal Plaza

“Are you okay? Words require context to make sense, I’ll have you know. Who are you and how did you get here, anyway?”

The young horned girl was snapped out of her inner monologues by the voice of this other woman. It seemed these were either very committed roleplayers indeed, or something else was very, very wrong here. Although frusrrated - and now also slightly concerned, after the lizard had touched her - the young girl felt irritated that none of her own questions had been asnwered, but perhaps by playing along for a bit would open these people up to more 'meta' questions... She sighed.

"I guess you can't see my name either then. Haah, fine. I'm Serafaye, I was fighting Severanoxis, by myself, over in the Herculon Gorge just ... Moments? ago. As to how or why I'm here, I dunno. Suddenly I was up in that tower behind you, and I don't know why or how I got there." She stated, as plainly as possible. She looked around briefly, taking another once-over of the surrounding ruined cityscape.

Now of course, neither the Herculon Gorge nor Severanoxis the Elite Siege Hydra World Boss actually existed in Oublioth, so these names would mean nothing to those who heard them. Natrually, the names of the places in Oublioth didn't exist in Oubliette Online either, so such exchanges would be mutually unenlightening.
While I have said, in the past, to use D&D as a reference-point for looking up appropriate spells for each tier of magic, please keep in mind that the world is still more based on, and akin too, an MMORPG, rather than a turn-based tabletop game. The only correlation between FOTO and D&D is that the spell-tiers of each magic-castig class is a good guideline for what level of powers a spell of X tier shoudl/could have.

The main issue isn't the way the additional chaos effects afflicts people, it's that some of them outright bypasses any need for consent or approval from a different player. Take the affliction that causes everyone in a set raidus around the caster to speak complete jibberish for example, if this effect occurs, every player within said distance would be forced, whetever they wanted to or not, to be unable to converse or interact verbally. Even if the other players didn't wish for this, they'd have no say in the matter, which is the main issue. Yes, you could remove some of the things that afflict other people besides the caster and target, but then you're also taking away a large part of the whole point with the character as well.

A beter idea would perhaps just be to ask everyone else in the RP if they're cool with roleplaying out the effects of Mercurio's spells, regardless of what or who they hit, when they do hit. But then, you'd need consent from everyone, not just the majority.

The issue witht he karma points is still that he can rack up a very large sum of points in very little time, even if e can only earn one within a set period of time. Given his character and backstoy, he also seems prone to misfortune, which will readily supply him with a constant influx of these points. Additionally, I have no way of keeping track of how many points he has PRIOR to joining the story, nor will I be able to constantly check in your CS just to check if there has been any edits to the number of points he's banked. Now if there was a hard-acp on how many points he could store, say 10 or so, that'd be more agreeable, but again, doing that will ultimately diminish the character's original concept.

I'm not opposed to the idea at all. It's unique enough (to me at least) that I can say I haven't seen a character quite like this before. However, I'm not certain the concept lends itself overly well to a more free-form RP, as opposed to a pen & paper tabletop with actual dice and note-keeping.

Also, while his reason for wanting to join the group may be to ivestigate Serafaye, there are some flaws with that concept.

1. He isn't present in the story, and Serafaye has already been released from her crystal prison. As such, there would be no way for him to reasonably figure out that she's an otherworlder.
2. While he may be interested in following her around, I'm not so sure she'd be overly happy to have an obsessive stalker constantly barraging her with questions.
3. Even if he may be pragmatic, his character is still described as rather unstable and outwardly unsettling, sort of like Cicero from Skyrim... Except less jester and more former-slave-now-turned-fortune teller... xD

But, hey, if everyone else in the roleplay is fine with, I suppose there's not really any issue. So, go ahead and let me know what you think, boys and girls. And remember. I don't care either way - is not an answer. I don't want a lazy shoulder-shrug, I want you to read the sheet and the character and let both me ad Wretch know if you're fine with his powers and abilities.
@A Lowly Wretch
I've read through Mercurio's character sheet, as it is currently.

As it is, even if the history-section was complete, I'm afraid I couldn't accept the character. While I have no doubts you would roll fairly in the department of dice rolls, the main issue is that many of his effects are forced onto other characters, or appear to be auto-hits or otherwise unavoidable. This is always a big no-no for me when I do roleplays, as I'm a firm believer that (unless the GM tells you otherwise) you should always have the ability or option to determine the outcome of another player's inter/action towards your own character. Having effects and spells that force themselves onto others, without them having a say, isn't going to fly with me.

In addition, while he seems amusing on paper, I question the viability and likelihood of the other characters in the group picking up someone who seems so clearly deranged or mentally unstable. While I'm sure you could score sympathy-points for him with Serafaye and Yinha, pragmatists like Aretemisia, Locke and Kaze seem very unlikely to want to travel along someone who teeters to himself and talks to invisible friends or hallucinations. He also comes across as flippant and unreliable, which makes me wonder why he'd bother to stick around with a group of random people when he has no apparent goals or ideals that align with the rest of the group.

Finally, his ability to manipulate and store 'karma'' is sadly just way too overpowered. Being able to essentially stockpile "luck" or "good fortune" in exchange for misfortune, which could be basically anything 'bad', is a rather absurd power to have. Say he stubs his toe while walking. +1 Karma Point. Say he gets a bucket of water thrown at him. +1 Karma Point. Say a fly lands on his pie. +1 Karma Point. Say an enemy insults him before a battle, charges him even though there are other targets available, and delivers a blow that causes a shallow cut. +3 Karma Points. Essentially, it would be incredibly easy to break and abuse the system, and many of his spells and abilities that are linked to this power are also just as guilty of forcing their effectrs on others if they activate.

These are of course only my thoughts from reading your sheet as it is. If you feel I've made an unfair judgement, or misunderstood or otherwise failed to properly grasp your concept, please feel free to counter my concerns. I'm never going to just flatly forbid a character - unless they're broken as duck - and will always allow their creator to try and alleviate any issues I may have. :)

But, as for right this moment, Mercurio is not accepted.
You just focus on your exams, Tree. :)
Central Ruins, Royal Plaza

"Eh?! H-hey! Don't just touch me!"

Wait... What? Touch? I could actually feel this lizard-bro touch me? Like, his scaley hand actually felt like it was on my forehead. That's... That's impossible! The game didn't have any kind of sensory simulation for touch and feel! That sorta stuff would be sci-fi tech! Wait, maybe that was me unconsciously touching myself? But I'm wearing the headset, so I couldn't... touch... my.. forehead...

The girl recoiled from the lizardman's touch. The only thing that the large reptilian man would have felt was soft and smooth skin, no raised or lower body temperature than any other healthy human. The horned girl, however, was now seemingly in a state of renewd, self-absorbed bewilderment, looking at both her hands infront of herself, as she slowly closed and opened them in what looked to be some sort of excersising motions... Or perhaps she was just making sure they could bend properly?

What gives? The HUD and hotbar's gone, I can't call or hail the Customer Support or GM channel. I can't open any tabs or menus, I can't see the other players' names and I can't force a logout! On top of that, now I can feel when somebody's avatar pokes me? Did... Did I fall asleep? Is this just some lucid dream? Come to think of it, a lot of stuff here don't add up, like this weird location and the overly detailed costumes and all the other guys are wearing. Even with the VR-high quality textures, their equipment just looks way too... Detailed and realistic...

The girl had stopped clenching and opening her hands by now, and was instead looking like she was deep in thought, contemplating something so deeply that her entire mind was consumed, rendering her largely oblivious to the world around her.
You alright there buddy? You've been awfully quite for a while. 'Cuz your last IC post was 9 days ago, which means you missed this week's deadline.


Two days behind deadline, with no contact, explantion or excuse via PM or in the OOC. Sad to say, but as of today, PigeonOfAstora and Ciel are henceforth no longer part of the active cast. Ciel will be turned into a minor NPC until such a time that he can be written out of the story.
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