Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
10 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
11 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
11 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
11 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Outside Phenac City Precept Gym

“You full?”


“Brimmin’ with energy?”


“Rarin’ to go?!”


The fiery pair shared a moment of resounding laughter together outside of their chosen restaurant, uncaring if they disrupted the strangers around them. Zita wasn’t an intentionally rude person, but she came from Unova - the land of the loud and home of the boisterous. Plus, she was on vacation! Sort of. The red head was serious about training in Orre, but it was also her first time outside of her home region. Neither she nor her Pokemon took the “when in Poke-Rome” approach, preferring to let their hearts lead. And their stomachs as it were, but now that that was taken care of, trainer and Pokemon were eager to get a move on.

“Okay, so stadium or gym?” Zita thought aloud, looking down at her partner. Bo returned her look with wide eyes and an equally wide grin. Of course, they’d already decided on gym! It was a more familiar concept to Zita, so long as it was the same kind of thing the Pokemon League had going on in other regions.

Bo let out a happy chirp and spun in place, before striking a sloppy pose and pointing towards the building in question on the upper level.

“Lead the way!” The teenager instructed, and her little partner wasted no time in doing just that. Bo shot away and up the stairs, this time keeping to a fairly straightforward path. Once outside of the gym, the Darumaka skidded to a halt, toppling over himself at the end. He wasn’t injured, and merely left himself roll a bit before getting up and running in circles in front of the entrance, making quite a spectacle.

Soon enough his trainer arrived on the scene, her bright red hair appearing over the staircase as she climbed it. Her eyes roamed all over the gym’s outside, giving it a proper once over. It… didn’t look impressive at all! What the heck?
Oof that is one fancy image down there Sly!

edit: as far as discord goes, I'm fine either way.
In Forsaken 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
With the Warforged’s introduction, Flick beamed up at the metallic being. Something about the big guy just tickled him. But Nemorad didn’t keep Flick’s attention for long, being a Warforged of few words. Soon enough the others at their table were discussing their theories and plans amidst exchanging names. The genasi was more than happy to lean back in his chair and listen to what they all had to say, though it was all things he heard before for the most part. When you got hired to take wannabe detectives into the woods, you heard a lot of theories. Some Flick thought were plausible, some he thought were outright stupid and crazy - but everything brought up by the people immediately around him seemed well informed. He supposed that being brought together in the particular way they were, their benefactor would have made sure there was no one off their rocker. Then again…

He glanced over to the bar area where the hot head and kobold chef were.

...yeah, maybe a few of them were a little unhinged. Maybe just stressed, though.

Flicker committed all of their names to memory. He couldn’t really say it was nice to meet them all, but it was interesting for sure. He even laughed at the human girl - Faint’s - joke.

“Hey, a sense of humor. Gonna need that in this town,” he chuckled. Eventually his gaze settled on the yet unnamed man and his… skeletal friend. Now, this man’s proposal was intriguing. That wasn’t to say that Flick liked the idea of raising a zombie or ghost and asking it a bunch of questions - in fact it made his skin crawl just to think of it - but he was right. Surely some of the deceased had seen something.

“I think Goliath-Guy is on to somethin’,” Flick said hesitantly, “but I don’t particularly wanna be around for that interrogation.”

He turned to Faint. “I don’t suggest splittin’ up if one group is heading out to trail. More than the wildlife, there’re plenty of im-be-ciles runnin’ around tryin’ to claim the reward for solvin’ this mess. Im-be-ciles that don’t play nice.” The genasi shrugged one shoulder, finishing off his drink. “Splittin’ up in town shouldn’t be a problem though.”
I stole your formatting Stone

Sando: Evening

Ah, Hawke had called him eager. Did he seem eager? It was true that Asante was very much looking forward to this job and taking on more responsibilities with the guild, but he wasn’t looking to betray his carefully crafted “shell,” the serious disposition he liked to put forward, regardless if most older Runners could already see through it easily.

"I heard," he confirmed with the other man with a nod, and despite himself Asante could barely fight the small smile growing on his face. Okay, he was a little eager.

His expression instantly changed back to neutral with the arrival of two - wait, three others. Two women, one human and one fae, as well as… That skavver. Really? It was hard to believe the guildmaster would assign the Zitan to this job, but who was he to question it. Asante had to grasp of hand language at all so he took to staring at the Zitan while Hawke handled the questions. Even as the woman, Karissa apparently, made some very suspect remarks Asante did little more than look at the people gathered. Look intensely. Glared at them, even. The young man crossed his arms and clamped his mouth shut tight should he let anything rude slip out. Didn’t want to make a mess of his first mission, after all. His displeasure was very clear on his face as he took stock of the group himself.

First, Hawke and Torvin - who’d just arrived with an armored man in tow. Asante completely trusted the veteran Runners, no issues there. The paladin he’d seen around a few times, never spoken to him but the man seemed capable. Next, Iyana. She was… confusing, but competent. Skahn, the Zitan, had been more or less actively avoided since Asante had first seen it - or, them - in the middle of his thoughts Asante scratched the back of his head and let out a single, hot puff of breath.

"I’ll ride alongside if it’s all the same," Asante said, choosing Team Boga. He did quite like the animals and he felt… not afraid of Skahn, who’d already been placed in the schooner, but... well, he didn’t really know how to process how he felt. Although Asante had steered clear of the Zitan as much as possible, he’d also kept an eye on them. They were nice, totally unlike the skavvers he was used to.

Lastly, the mage Karissa. She seemed to be close in age to him, and skilled with magic. Though despite her claim that she’d support them, she seemed to have some kind of issue with the Sunrunners at large, so could that claim really be trusted?

Asante thought on all of this as he went to move further into the stables, but he stopped short and thought it might be wise to introduce himself first.

"My name is Asante, by the way. Sunrunner," he punctuated the word with an intentional meeting of Karissa’s eyes before he moved on, feigning politeness, "looking forward to working with you all."

With that out of the way Asante picked out a shorter Boga with a brilliant purple mane of feathers. He gave the creature’s neck a quick and affectionate caress then began to saddle it up.

H e a l t h ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 100%
E f f e c t s : None
W i t h : Everyone
N o t e s : None
Still around by the by, will catch up in my next post

Compared to the previous night's meal, the freshly baked goods laid on the table before the group were practically heavenly. Not that Taras was one to complain about the quality of food, especially in this day and age... well, publicly complain. He was convinced whatever they'd left for them at the old barn barely qualified as bread. He'd eaten worse, but given the choice again he might have opted to chase down a rabbit or something instead.

"Another," the large man instructed, catching a server's eyes and gesturing to the pot of coffee. It was rapidly disappearing, but all the agents needed it after the scuffle in the woods. Now that they'd made it into town, Taras gladly ate his fill, ignoring the rest of the world outside the confines of their shared table. He ignored it, but wasn't unaware of it - even in broad daylight surrounded by fancy sights, sounds and smells, it would be dangerous and downright unprofessional not to take stock of the restaurant. It wasn't the only thing Taras was keeping an eye on either.

During their battle, three out of four agents' abilities were revealed. Yonaka, despite her devil may care attitude, had an incredibly powerful and versatile stand. Oscuro, small and fiesty, had a stand with a just as impressive ability. They were both a great deal larger than Taras' own stand, and better suited for battle too. Which left one among them who remained a mystery...

Lilliane - who somehow had procured a new coat from somewhere? - most definitely had a stand of some kind. It was only logical, given that the rest of them did. It was the reason they'd come together to investigate in the first place. While the women seemed to be getting along better overnight, Taras couldn't feel at ease when someone knew something about him and he couldn't say the same. To ask upfront would be embarrassing and weak-minded, but his heavy gaze wasn't at all subtle and likely betrayed his thoughts easily to those in the business of people watching.

Speaking of people watching, Taras turned his attention to the stage, though he snorted at Yonaka's comment about "Paree." He was really beginning to find her more humorous than annoying, but that was a thought for another time. For now, the music and dance. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen a show. It was kind of nice. Though the woman wasn't really his type.

"We should begin thinking about our next move," Taras eventually said to the group at large. What a buzzkill.
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