Avatar of Zeroth


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6 hrs ago
Current Using "before:2023" or "-AI" usually removes them from my Google searches. Don't know if other engines like Bing have any other ways to filter them out.
2 days ago
GM Tip: A "puzzle" isn't always a locked door or pushing blocks. For example: PCs hunt a monster, it leaps over a ravine w/ no bridge. How do they get across? Describe hints for their options!
4 days ago
Roses are Red / Weapons against me won't prosper / With this Sacred Treasure I summon / BIG RAGA, THE OPP STOPPAH
4 days ago
GM Tip: Villains w/ "good intent" are all the rage now. But they CANNOT be right. Have them share traits w/ your Players, taken too far. They could've been the hero, if not for...? Too far gone now.
7 days ago
There's only one relevant question in any Kirby VS topic: Did the opponent steal Kirby's cake?


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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𝕬 𝖓 𝖙 𝖆 𝖊 𝖚 𝖘

North Forest Clearing

Once the girl was stable, Antaeus breathed a sigh of relief. Now all they had to do was figure out how to take back some form of proof--it would probably take him and the orc both to carry the girl, but there was no way they could carry the stag as well. But other deer hunters always kept trophies--the horns, the pelts, things like that. If only they had something to dress the deer with in the first place, though...could he use his javelins, or his pick? Probably not without making a much bigger mess than necessary.

While he thought about this he walked around the edge of the White Stag's trail, and easily found a stick that would serve as the other side of the stretcher frame. But he also saw, almost as if by chance, a glitter of something metal in the bushes. Blinking curiously, he leaned down and picked it up. It was some kind of steel object, incredibly well made...and as he grabbed one side of it between two fingers to lift it, it folded open on some kind of hinge! There was a blade inside! Antaeus had seen a folding pocket knife before, but somehow this one seemed much more...complex? The blade wasn't just on a hinge, it looked like it had a tiny spring, and the handle seemed to require a kind of flipping motion to open. Where had something like this come from? Did it belong to the girl? Her clothes had seemed somewhat odd, after all.

But, now that they had this knife...

"Hey, mister!" Antaeus called to the orc as he returned with the knife in one hand and the wooden stick in the other. "If you'll use this to finish the stretcher and help me take her back to Frontier Town, I'm going to try and dress the stag. We need to take back proof that we brought it down for the reward!"

The orc had been very helpful thus far, which brightened Antaeus's spirits and gave him hope that they'd make it out of this yet. He hated to waste food, coming from a rather poor family that sometimes struggled to make ends meet--especially when his younger sister had been born--but if they left the meat of the stag here, maybe whatever wild creatures were here would be drawn to it and not to the three two-legged targets trying to get back to town. All they needed was the pelt of the stag. The boy was sure its distinctive silver color and texture would be enough proof. If he had the time or skill, he might try to take at least one of its horns as well...but the pelt was his priority.

After all, he wasn't even a hundred percent sure he knew how to do this in the first place...

Asura, Momma Slime

As Asura tried to loot Rattleskull, he would find that while he could hold the smaller items besides that ramshackle wooden armor within his membrane he couldn't really "use" them. Rattleskull's weapon had been destroyed, and while his new Limited Shapeshift rank might let him get a better grip on things he just didn't have the type of structure he needed to "wield" these things, much less wear them. Unless he perhaps mimicked Rattleskull's shape...but he didn't have enough mass for that.

So he eventually began to eat the items. He found them especially hard to digest, as they had been crafted meticulously, even though the wooden armor was just rough hewn boards tied together. But Slimes could get the most out of any meal, even giant lumps of cellulose and fiber.

Momma Slime did the same, and soon between the two of them all of Rattleskull's inventory had been devoured. His body was quickly disappearing as well--Asura had taken off one limb for his own, and Momma Slime had eaten both legs and was now working her way up the torso. Both slimes' translucent insides were rather disgusting to look at for the moment.

Mourningstar, Orchid, Ash, Reoth, Crispy's Party, Goblins, Ardur (In the Air and somewhat far away)

"B-But there's more animals outside da cave than there are monsters INside it!" protested the torchbearer. The one whose shield Orchid helped repair, however, seemed to be taking her words about working together as an epiphany of sorts. He looked at her with eyes that were wide with awe but somewhat confused. "Why not stay in and...and do somethin' to keep 'em away!"

"Like what?" said the other shieldbearer. "Ya tink we can just...get behind da rocks or sumfin'?"

The wide-eyed one's eyes got wider.

"If Crispy is smart, he'll know that too. Especially now. You two with me." Orchid looked to the torchbearer and another shield goblin. To the one who she just mended the shield for, she had an important task for him. "I need you to stay here and tell Crispy I'm back. I'm going to be in the forest with these two so we can gather more wood. I'd like him to meet me so we can talk. It's not safe in this cave. Too much weird things going on." When she asked their names, the three answered in a manner indicative of their personality as if they had suddenly become more distinct.

"Bigs!" said the first shieldbearer. He was actually the second of Orchid's minions, not the one who had created the much better stone spear or the one who had created the worst shield. Both of his crafting attempts had been somewhat mediocre. But as he thumped his chest he indicated that he was at least a typical reliable goblin--not quite as scared as a smarter creature would be, not quite as hesitant as a less brash one. And he was, true to his name, a little bigger than the average goblin, though not nearly as muscular as the brawny one had been.

"Wej!" said the other shieldbearer. He was a little squatter in build, more pudgy around the middle, and he suddenly seemed very excited. "An' I gots an id--"

"I'm Jezee!" piped up the female torchbearer. As the youngest she was also the shortest, and the skinniest, almost appearing to be malnourished. With Orchid's encouragement her timidness had been somewhat abated for the moment, but only for as long as she stayed close to the "mini-boss."

"I said, I gots an idea!" spoke up Wej, slapping his chest. "We CANS hide behind da rocks! We can make tings like ya showed us!" he practically shouted as he pointed at Orchid. Then he grabbed a stone from the ground, and put it further in front of the fire at the edge of the light. This was followed by a second, and then a third stone, making a small pyramid with them.

"WE CAN BUILD A WALL!" he crowed triumphantly, pointing up into the air at the height of this imaginary wall between the goblins and the monsters--just as Crispy's party came charging into the camp, kicking over the pile of rocks and shoving Wej out of the way unceremoniously.

"All of yas, listen up!" Crispy shouted, before taking several deep breaths to get air back in his lungs. The entire group looked like they'd been sprinting for their lives. "Rattleskull's dead! T'ain't safe heres no more! Dem udda mobs done ganged up, and dey gonna--"

"We already knows, Mid-boss!" spoke up Bigs. "Mini-boss told us!"

Crispy slapped the goblin upside the head, then turned to look at Orchid. But then he blinked and his glare disappeared.

"Youngling! Ya didn't get gibbed!" He patted Orchid's shoulder, then turned to the others. "Okay den! Ya already knows dat we gots to go?"

"Y-yeah...if everybody keeps sayin' dat, I guess we's gots ta leave..." mumbled Jezee.

"BUT WUT ABOUT DA WALL!?" protested Wej as he sat up on the ground, shaking dirt out of his face.

"Wut?" Crispy turned to Orchid. "Wat plan dey talkin' about? You doin' sumfin' else crazy?"

Skill Gain: Stronger I!
You have grown stronger through tough training! Tear muscles down, and rebuild them anew! Your physical power stats have increased! By gaining at least one rank of Faster, Harder, and Better, Skill Synergy will occurr and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.

Yo! You have reached the Demon King's Prayer Hotline. Please hold, your prayers are NOT important to me.

I kindly request that you STOP IMMEDIATELY. Do not EVER pray to me again. Prayers are for deities and I don't want that kinda fuckin' responsibility. This is an automated response system, do not reply to it or I'll send somebody to fuck you up.


Update: As of [9 days] ago, if you're one of my Damned Heroes, this is for you. If you can prove your strength to me and survive, find my Palace. Protip--it ain't in that shitty cave. Try the Dungeons.
Update: As of [0 days] ago, you Damned Heroes are growing faster than I thought you would even though I went to the effort of making sure none of you had Cheats or unusual natural talents. Watch yourselves--standing out means drawing attention.

If it had not been for his new skill, Ardur likely would have found it impossible to fly with Steve in tow. Gliding for a short distance, possibly, but only that extra boost to his strength stats gave him the power he needed to sustain flight. Even then, though, it was clearly much slower and more tiring than normal. But, at this point how else would he do it? Having Steve follow him on the ground would have been just as slow and exposed his friend to danger.

As a tamed creature, it seemed like Steve responded fairly well to pretty much anything Ardur requested, although she still seemed independent enough she likely wouldn't do anything to threaten her own life or interfere with her basic needs like food. She could probably even still hunt without him. But now they were in it for the long haul, just two buds heading on the road to...somewhere.

As Ardur flew, he soon noticed the gaggle of goblins down below...Would he stop for a moment, or continue towards the entrance?

Jason, Ed, Danny, Oberon, Torrent, Digbie, Asteria, Mother Rat

As Torrent slapped the fish out of the air easily, its small size and limited mobility no match for her new form, it lay and flopped on the bank for a bit. By observing it she could see it really was nothing more than a small fish, like one of those mini-piranhas some people got as exotic pets or because they liked throwing other animals into the tank like psychopaths. It could probably have given her a nasty bite, but outside of the water it was no threat. Good thing she hadn't tried to stay in that tunnel. Now that she was back above ground, getting back to the others was easy, although one might have to wonder what she had walked in on with everyone showing off their changes and new abilities...

You used Mana Sense!
You sense a dreadful and sickening energy! This Mana is highly negatively charged and reeks of death and resentment!

You used Mana Sense!
You sense a warm and comforting energy. This Mana is protective and envelops you like a metaphysical coat. You feel like you won't be harmed with this spell.

You used Monster Analysis II!
This is a new monster to you! This used to be the Pixie you knew as Oberon, but he has transformed! A highly territorial, but otherwise relatively friendly type of creature. Quite similar to Pixies at first glance, they are much more empathetic and even altruistic than other types of Fey. Unless an enemy presents a threat to their homes and families, they often prefer to flee rather than fight, but if something enters their nesting area they are known to swarm much like wasps. They are aligned with the light element and their wings have scales similar to some types of moths. When these scales fall they sometimes glitter, and the Sprite's body is often covered with them.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Mana Sense!
The Mana you sense is heavily diluted. What little you feel gives you a momentary feeling of depth, like putting your foot down in the ocean and suddenly realizing the shore is no longer beneath you.

The Skeleblin remains gave Asteria the heebie jeebies when she used Mana Sense on them, but Oberon's Shield spell was far more pleasant. Analysing the former pixie's new form revealed some interesting information, and then...

There was definitely something in the water, wasn't there? Or was the water itself magical in some way? But the feeling was so heavily diluted, it had only been there for a fraction of a second. And now it was gone. As Asteria dammed up the little stream, it began to pool out somewhat at its end. By this point it seemed the water levels had equalized, though, and it flowed no more. Mother Rat, who had warily hissed a warning when Asteria approached, now began to cautiously creep back towards the others. She dipped one paw in the water as if testing it, then huffed in satisfaction.

As Ed checked his lizard skin pouch, he could see that this item clearly would not make another trip. Here in the corner of Jason's cave it would serve for the moment to store the Mana Crystals, but it looked and felt like picking it up would cause it to rip and tear, as would trying to drag it along the rocky ground. But this misfortune might be somewhat leveled out; when he ate the Healing Herb, Ed received a message that his HP was back to full! While his stamina didn't give any indication of increasing, eating the herb also seemed to satisfy his hunger a bit. However, he could still eat, and he still needed to get some real sleep. He had already run too low on stamina once in the past 24-hour period.

You used Monster Analysis I!
This is a Dire Rat you have come to know as Asteria. Dire Rats are quite large and strong for rodents, with sharp senses. They are predator scavengers, and because their teeth constantly grow they forage and gnaw constantly. Their forepaws are somewhat capable of gripping and manipulating, but they aren’t very skilled. Rats often hunt in packs, composed of family units, but the mothers will often drive off the fathers as they will behave aggressively towards the young. You know Asteria is a Reincarnator.
This is a new type of monster to you! This used to be a normal Slime you knew as Jason, but he has Transformed! Stone-Hardened Mage Slime: Slimes are normally of limited intelligence, but every so often one somehow learns magic. With its poor magic stats its casts are limited in number, but few expect a Slime to have such abilities. This one has somehow earned the Stone Hardened Variance, signifying a bond of some sort with the Earth element. You know Jason is a Reincarnator.
This is a Dire Rat you have come to know as Ed. Dire Rats are quite large and strong for rodents, with sharp senses. They are predator scavengers, and because their teeth constantly grow they forage and gnaw constantly. Their forepaws are somewhat capable of gripping and manipulating, but they aren’t very skilled. Rats often hunt in packs, composed of family units, but the mothers will often drive off the fathers as they will behave aggressively towards the young. You know Ed is a Reincarnator.
This is a Goblin you have come to know as Digbie. A semi-intelligent monster with the limb dexterity and mental capacity to use tools. By comparison, usually as large, strong, and intelligent as a human child, but far more vicious. Digbie lacks the usual vicious traits...or at least you thought he did, but now there does seem to be something off about him. Digbie has an unusual level of magic ability for a goblin. You know Digbie is a Reincarnator.
This is a Wisp whose name you haven't learned yet ((Danny)). More magical manifestation than biological creatures, Wisps nonetheless possess physical bodies. Their ability to cast spells from range makes them a foe that should not be underestimated by the novice. Wisps are magically oriented monsters, normally possessing two spells. This one is unusual.
This is a new type of monster to you! This used to be a normal Fanged Lizard you knew as Rain, but she has transformed! Lesserwurm: Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, this creature burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. You know Rain is a Reincarnator.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Magic Analysis III!
---Rock Spire---
A basic Earth-aligned spell that creates a sharp spike of stone by drawing loose or broken fragments of earth out of the ground. The caster possesses two Ranks of this spell. It deals more damage than most level one spells for the same MP cost, but requires that solid earth be within the user’s range of sight or perception. Solid earth can include soils and sands, but if the ground is too solid it increases the MP cost of the spikes as new fragments of stone must be broken off. The spike is created beneath the targeted area, object, or creature. One drawback of this is that the flash of Mana produced as a side effect of driving the energy into the earth might alert the opponent. Does Piercing and Earth Magic damage. Currently this spell is being altered by another magically oriented skill.
---Analysis Complete!---

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.


As Danny observed the Healing Herbs, without the actual Plant Analysis skill being activated yet all he had to rely on were his physical senses. Obviously these things were green, a healthy color even in his old world, except for that one oily black one. He knew they could heal wounds somehow. He knew magic existed in this world, so the herbs themselves were probably magical. Jason had obviously put work into growing them here, so they could be cultivated. He could see the seed pods on the underside of the leaves, but they hadn't filled out yet so this batch still had some growing to do if the group wanted to get more seeds.

The water pool was safe enough to drink from, as at the very least Danny didn't immediately die after drinking from it. It was cold and relatively clear, although there was a little silty taste to it after it had washed through the dirt.

You used Magic Analysis I! This is a Monster, but it has some magical properties. Effectiveness reduced. You have Monster Analysis, Skill Synergy increases Effectiveness. This Monster has some Material properties. You have Material Analysis, Skill Synergy increases Effectiveness. Total effectiveness at 70%.
---Skeleblin Bones---
These are the bones of a Skeleblin, a Skeleton-type Undead-class Monster created from the remains of a Goblin. Magic energy can be detected within them. This magic animates the bones and allows them to move without muscle. They are suffused with energy that feels negative and dangerous. These bones are still naturally hard enough to be used as materials.
---Analysis Complete---

Once again drawing his new 'staff', waving it in slow, steady circles; focusing his magic through it, Jason began his ritual once more. "Souls of the accursed, may I grant thee peace." The green mage-slime could feel his energy beginning to flow, and now that he was intentionally trying to ritualize his magic he could feel the buildup of energy and the changes in directon within that flow. "And as all life doth spring forth from earth, may the power invested in me, as master of this dungeon, allow thee to return to it at ease." The golden rings, glowing brighter now, began to spin. And new symbols were appearing within them. Jason could feel his MP surging! " No more shall ye wander a tormented existence in death, but be born anew in the afterlife." Now, within the innermost ring, a line bisected the odd magical diagram into two halves. "Taint of death that damns these bones I banish thee, relinquish yon vile grasp!" Another line began to form, to turn the bisecting line into a squared X--but halfway through it stopped. The entire circle suddenly made a sound like crackling static. "Let this poor cursed soul move on, and rest in peace at last..." Jason felt his mana beginning to leave his body as he released the spell. "ROCK SPIRE BURIAL RITE--Earth's Mercy!"

You have no MP remaining. Spell cast canceled.
You have overexpended your MP. You are experiencing Mana Burn. MP regeneration is slowed.

You used Magic Analysis! This is your own spell, effectiveness boosted.
---Rock Spire I---
A basic Earth-aligned spell that creates a sharp spike of stone by drawing fragments of earth out of the ground. It deals more damage than most level one spells for the same MP cost, but requires that solid earth be within the user’s range of sight or perception. The spike is created beneath the targeted area, object, or creature. One drawback of this is that the flash of Mana produced as a side effect of driving the energy into the earth might alert the opponent. Does Piercing and Earth Magic damage.
You possess the Focus skill, which may allow you to increaes the base range or power of the spell. Using Focus with this spell does not cost as much MP as Rank II of the spell but costs more MP than Rank I.
You are developing the Spell Chant skill, which may allow you to change certain properties of this spell...
---Analysis Complete---

((Working on logical assumption here, may edit later if needed)) No doubt confused by this, Jason would probably use his usual tactic of restoring his spent MP with one of his two Mana Crystals.

You have recovered MP.
One Mana Crystal in Inventory.

Before he had evolved, using a single crystal always restored him to full MP. Was it just because he had enough MP now that one crystal might not always recover the full amount? Or did it have something to do with the Mana Burn he had just experienced? What was more, how could he heal it? If MP was the fuel for magic, maybe recovering it was like recovering the fuel for the body, Stamina? He was getting low on that due to lack of sleep as well.

As Jason ate the corpse of the nearby Dire Rat, he began to feel a little bit better...but ultimately it was nothing more than the satisfaction of a meal. His Stamina would likely begin to recover, but his magic still didn't feel right...

There were other things to contend with, like Oberon's sudden announcement. While dealing with this, Jason used his Material Analysis on the husk that Rain left behind.

You used Material Analysis I!
---Fanged Lizard Skin---
A large amount of shedded skin and scales left by a Fanged Lizard. This skin is [Average] Quality. The properties of this skin currently make it unsuitable for most types of crafting, as it is too fragile unlike other forms of animal hides. It is only a surface layer, rather than a true hide or pelt. If there were a way to strengthen it or layer it, maybe then it could be used for something.
---Analysis Complete!---

Then, as he touched the Dungeon Core...











As the Lesserwurm dug straight up, she was able to create an air pocket above the surface of the water, and once she had a handhold in the dry dirt the strength of the current flowing into her tunnel couldn't pull her back down. However, the earth would soon absorb the water and grow muddy, so she had to move quickly. As she emerged just on the bank of the pool, she felt the ground sink slightly underneath her. The sound of running water continued back in the direction she had come, and the water level of the pool began to lower slightly. Her tunnel hadn't been at a low enough elevation to drain the whole thing, and neither was her tunnel large enough to hold that much water in any case, but as the pool dropped a few inches the stream below her began to grow quieter.

However, something in the water began to stir.

Leaping straight up out of the hole she had dug to freedom, one of the carnivorous fish of the pool (the ones Oberon had seen) leaped up! Though it was only about the length of a human finger, its head was rather broad and its mouth, as Torrent soon witnessed, was round and full of snapping teeth as it launched itself at her--!

Asteria, Digbie, Oberon, Mother Rat

You used Magic Analysis III!
This is a monster. This monster is semi-magical in nature. Effectiveness reduced to 55%.
This is a Skeleblin, an Undead of the skeleton class created from the remains of a Goblin. It is infused with magic, but has no magical skills yet. These magics are negative and volatile in nature. It is under the effects of an environmental magic.

You used Magic Analaysis III!
This is a monster. This monster has developed unusual magical abilities! Effectiveness reduced to 50%.
This is a Dire Rat from your party. Since you have last seen her she has developed new skills granting her magic. This is very unusual for a Dire Rat, but her MP levels are normal. This one is unusual.

--Analysis Complete--

Skill Gain: Monster Analysis I!
Gain basic biological information about a monster by actively observing it.

While Asteria fought, Oberon analyzed both combatants. By the time Asteria had been hit, Oberon had finished and now cast a Shield spell to protect her against further attacks. Instead of continuing to fight against the rat, however, the skeleton turned on Digbie as soon as the goblin came out of the cave. As Oberon readied his next spell, the bony monster let out a death rattle and headed for the still-living goblin.

Oberon attacked from above, in the blind spot of a creature already distracted by something else. As his Mana Dart struck on target, just like the Sprite had assumed it quickly pierced the cranium like a broadhead arrow. The skeleton pitched forward, the projectile continuing through the faceplate and taking off a piece of the jaw before its force was spent, and it dissipated before it reached the ground. The skeleton collapsed, lifeless once more...though its remaining bones still felt oddly ominous, as if they had been soaked in something unpleasant.

Speaking of being soaked, however, Digbie and the two Dire Rats might soon hear the gurgle and bubble of a babbling brook. The tunnel Rain had created when she left suddenly began to sink in along its top, and in a few moments the loose dirt fell in to reveal a small stream of water forming along the trail. The little creek filled to its brim, then overflowed slightly. Mother Rat moved in alarm as a tiny trickle, cold and wet, touched her paw and startled her awake. She sniffed at the water suspiciously, then lapped some of it up...until, after a few moments, she recoiled sharply. The fur on the back of her neck bristled, and she moved away from both the stream and the dungeon core, going deeper down a side tunnel that had a slight upward slant.

Was this water coming all the way from the pool?

Mourningstar, Orchid, Ash, Reoth

Skill Gain: Muffle I!
This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy, with a focus on reducing the sound of your movements.

”Oi. Rattleskull is dead.” The goblins all jumped, but then they looked visibly relieved when they saw Orchid.

"Mini-boss! Youse alive!" yelled the third of her shieldbearers, hoisting his broken shield above his head triumphantly. But then he and the others quickly lost their enthusiasm as she explained their dire straits.

”It’s not safe in the cave anymore. The monsters have gathered together and they’re going to push the goblins out, or worse. But I know a way to survive outside of the cave. Make weapons, shelter, and food. And once we’re strong enough we could even take back this cave.”

"But dere's more Mobs outside!" protested the youngest of the trio, the torchbearer. "Is, is da ones in here really worse dan all dem?"

"If we climb da trees I tink we be safe from most o'da aminals!" spoke up the other shieldbearer. "But...Crispy and da uddas still out dere." He pointed in the direction Crispy had gone. "Him and four udda gobs. We needa wait for dem!"

"But we already cleared out all dis!" The third shieldbearer gestured around the area they had fought so hard to claim only a few hours ago. "Dey can get to da woods on dey own! I dun wanna stick around and fight dese weird Mobs no more!"

The three began to bicker among themselves, occaisonally glancing back at Orchid as if waiting for her to chime in...

Jason, Ed, Danny, Asura, Momma Slime, Crispy's Party

You used Monster Analysis! Effectiveness at 100%, but this is a brand new monster to you!
Amorphous Slime - Slimes that have a preference for shape shifting sometimes develop a weakened membrane. Their defensive abilities stop increasing so quickly compared to normal slime types, but their shapeshifting and movement skills rise more quickly. These slimes avoid water, as it has a much stronger diluting effect on them. This one is unusual.
--Analysis Complete--

Skill Rank Up: Monster Analysis I > Monster Analysis II!
Gain more information about Monsters. Other analysis skills will further boost the information this skill provides, such as a creature’s capability with magic or its equipment.

You used a Source Crystal!
This is Crispy. He is an adult male Goblin with a Flame-Touched variance. He is Level 7 and roughly 4 years old. Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and while their physical strength isn't to be underestimated, they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and while they can use tools they have a limited intelligence. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and a lack of emotional control that causes them to do whatever they feel necessary to satisfy any primal craving they happen to feel at any given moment. They aren't typically capable of long-term planning and have difficulty with abstract concepts. Crispy is longer lived and more accomplished than most Goblins. He possesses the following skills: Fireball II, Poison Resistance I, Crafting III, Intimidate I, Magic Resistance I, Fire Resistance IV, Use Light Equipment. Crispy is developing the following skills: Blunt Resistance I, Slash Resistance I, Pierce Resistance I, Slash I, Keen Ear I, Magic Analysis I, Monster Analysis I, Faster I. Crispy has the following items equipped: Cane-weave Hat (Average Quality), Vine Belt (Good Quality), Straw Sandals (Average Quality), Torch (Bad Quality), Stone Knife (Well-Made Quality). These items provide him with slight boosts to his defenses, his speed, and his close range offensive ability with slashing damage.
The Source Crystal needs to recharge. 1 Mana Crystal consumed from Inventory.

"Good! Glad we all come to unnerstandin'!" Crispy said quickly as the others accepted his offer. He began slapping his minions and pointing, quickly starting them off back towards their own territory, but lingering just a bit himself. "Remembah! Tomorrow! Just one guy!" And with that parting shot, he was off after his cronies--with a fairly quick step.

If Ed and Danny were truly being observant, they might notice Crispy purse his lips and blow out a long breath. Then as soon as he caught up with the others he took the lead from them, and made them increase their speed until the goblins were practically sprinting away.

While the others had been talking, Momma Slime had done as Asura suggested and begun to slowly envelop Rattleskull's corpse. She started with one of his large feet...and as hair and flesh began to sizzle in her gut, so too did the Straw Sandle he was wearing. It was digested rather quickly in comparison, being made of old plant fiber. Mourningstar and Asteria had already taken his Vine Belt and Woven Cane Headband, but the monster still had a few objects left on his person...although probably not for very long, considering how quickly Momma Slime seemed to be taking her meal...

As Jason began the journey back to his cave and came across the Brawny team's corpses, he began a new chant with the intent of giving some form of rite to these departed souls. In functionality he simply wanted to destroy the corpses to prevent them from rising again...but now, just as he had seen before, something different happened. Again those two rings appeared, each rotating in a different direction...but now they had some sorts of symbols inside them! If Jason had a good memory, he might remember these symbols from the White Void, the moment the Demon King had granted the reincarnators their choices for new life. These same symbols had been on the "screens" of each monster he had been shown, detailing what they were and what they could do. He remembered back then, those symbols had changed, melting before his eyes until he could read them in the same language he read back home. The same language he read his System Messages in. But now, these symbols were unreadable to him.

Nonetheless it was clear they had some obvious effect. When his Rock Spire rose from the ground, despite being the lesser ranked version of the spell it was much larger than before, and differently shaped--broader, and flatter. It extended up into the air, and then basically just fell over flat--in the process covering up the majority of the goblins' bodies after crushing their skulls. The manner in which it did this lacked speed and force--it would not have been suitable as an attack. The looser soil that had been disturbed as a result of the spell had formed a small little pile around the edge of the now-fallen spire. For all intents and purposes, it was no different than a hastily made grave for the three.

Somehow, the changed air of the dungeon seemed a little brighter. At least until Jason turned away and headed back towards his cave.

𝕬 𝖓 𝖙 𝖆 𝖊 𝖚 𝖘

North Forest Clearing

"THANKS BE TO THE GODS!" As the mighty White Stag went down, kicking its last, Antaeus practically fell to his knees with arms thrown out wide. Breathing heavy, sweat pouring down his body, his muscles aching due to the constant tension caused by fear, hands beginning to shake from the adrenaline rush, he looked towards the wild Orc man. If not for his experience working in the mines with the Boss and her crew, he might have been afraid--after all, for all he knew this was an Orc raider or bandit of some kind. But that didn't even occur to him, as seeing an Orc was a daily thing for the young miner. Instead he felt an incredible sense of relief.

Then panic struck him as his memory refreshed.

"Sir, she needs help!" he called to the Orc as he scrambled towards the silver haired girl. Antaeus was no doctor, but as an elder brother he had treated a few of his sister's scrapes, and he had grown up watching his mother treat anyone in the family who came down with a cold or injury. Still, he didn't know if there was anything he could do about this. How hard had the Stag hit her, to cause bleeding like this...?

"C'mon, miss, please don't die!" he said as he did whatever he could, gulping nervously. She, and the Orc too, had pretty much saved his life--if it hadn't been for them, he had no doubt in his mind he could never have overcome the stag, even if he had tracked it and trapped it. But a real Hero wasn't supposed to sacrifice others, or let them get hurt for his sake...the Hero was supposed to sacrifice himself for others!

Antaeus had realized long ago that he was in over his head. Being a Hero wasn't going to be as simple as he thought. He wasn't going to be good at it just because he was strong. But right now, he couldn't think about that. Just like fighting the stag. Just like working the mines. Make your brain shut up. Turn off all the bad thoughts--about Dad, about everything--and just do it. Push the cart. Swing the pickaxe.

Save the girl?



Further south of Jason's Cave, near the dark, shadowy area where Asura had found Momma Slime, another skeleton rose from the ground. Its bones bore no trace of gristle, meat, or fat, but they were old and cracked in places. Some of its teeth were gone, and it walked with a hunch--obviously, this creature had lived much longer ago than the goblin tribe that had just recently been decimated. It had a much longer dig, but immediately after emerging it too turned towards the distant mouth of Jason's Cave. As if following an invisible trail, it headed towards the pool...


You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

As Torrent dug down into the ground, she found that her more developed forelimbs and claws were a fair deal stronger than they had been as a lizard. Moving the earth was easy, even in places where it was hard-packed. Clay and loose rocks could be pried out with her sturdy claws, and her limbs moving through the soil felt like a farmer's sharp trowel or plow gliding through loam. Still, moving enough earth to get her entire body through tunnels wasn't an instant process. She burrowed along at about half the speed she could probably have moved up top...but if she went deeper, wouldn't that allow her to remain hidden even without activating her stealth skills? Then again, while she was down here she was practically blind at the moment--there was no light, only the feeling of the earth all around her, and all she had to rely on for her sense of direction was where she had set herself before entering the earth and her own mental imaging.

As she progressed, she had pointed her nose towards the cave's entrance. Every so often she could hear some sound up above her, but nothing as of yet that would be overly alarming. But as she kept digging, she soon felt the soil becoming more damp. Dark, cold, wet pressure surrounded her. No matter how useful this skill, it wouldn't do her any good if she developed claustrophobia.

Between Jason's Tunnels and the Entrance to the cave, however, there was another obstacle.

Torrent suddenly broke through the dirt, but she had not yet intended to return to the surface, had she? And the next instant she was forced backward by water that rapidly began to pour into her tunnel, the stream flowing fast thanks to built up pressure behind it. That flow began to eat away at the edges of the tunnel, causing more water to pour in, and the earth around her to turn into mud and slush that threatened to either drown her or suck her down like quicksand! Had she tunneled into the side of the pool?!

Asteria, Digbie, Oberon (Approaching), Mother Rat

You used Magic Analysis III! This is a Monster. You've never seen this type of monster before. Effectiveness reduced to 30%.
This is a Pygmy Drake. They are more magically inclined than some other low ranking reptile species. This one has 1 activated Spell Skill and three magically related skills. Several other spell skills have not been fully developed yet. This one is unusual.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain from lack of sleep.
Your Stamina Drain has slowed, you are well-hydrated. Stamina Drain has not stopped completely.

As Oberon stopped to drink at the pool, he would notice something on the bank quite a distance away from him, but still within sight. It was a corpse--specifically a Dire Rat. The wounds on its body looked to have come from fangs rather than a weapon or magic, but they were quite vicious nonetheless. From the state of dessication, Oberon could make a reasonable guess that this rat likely had not been killed by any of the reincarnators. More than likely it was just a victim of the usual food-chain in this cave...but then why hadn't it been eaten completely or dragged off for later by whatever creature hunted it? Maybe something had interrupted that meal?

But part of the rat's corpse was in the water of the pool, and from the deeper water where it wasn't quite so easy to see, small fish (though they were still big enough to bite the fingers off someone Oberon's size) were darting out to nibble from it, then heading back to their hideaways. They seemed more energetic than usual, but then again maybe this was just a sign that using fresh bait could net the inhabitants of the cave another food resource.

As Oberon stood from his drink and called out to the others, he would likely notice that in the 24-plus hours everyone had been running about, fighting, etc, that the Healing Herbs growing around the Pool had greatly replenished themselves. With a full day of being relatively undisturbed--or at least not overharvested the way the reincarnators had on their first day--the green sprouts were starting to pop up all over the place, not fully grown but well on their way. Except for those that were an odd, oily black color.

But not too long after he called out, as he continued to search Oberon would see the entrance to Jason's Cave. And heading towards it, a walking, skeletal goblin!

You used Monster Analysis! Effectiveness at 100%, but this is a monster you've never seen before!
---Rain (?)---
Lesserwurm - Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, this creature burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. You knew this creature as Rain, the Fanged Lizard. She is a fellow former human like you.
---Analysis Complete--

Skill Rank Up! Monster Analysis I > Monster Analysis II!
Gain more information about Monsters. Other analysis skills will further boost the information this skill provides, such as a creature’s capability with magic or its equipment.

You are experiencing a Fast rate of Skill Progression.

In the moments before Oberon saw the skeleton, and even further back before Torrent began digging her own tunnel, Asteria spent some time developing her skills. By the time Torrent was long gone and Oberon approached the cave, she left on a vague hunch that something was wrong, her Beast Senses sending slight shivers down the back of her neck--for someone who used to be human, having fur that would raise up or hackles that reacted with your mood might be an unusual sensation.

But as soon as she saw the skeleton, Asteria went on the attack! As Oberon watched from up above, she came charging out of the cave, her Faster skill turning her into a streak of fur and fang! The skeleton saw her as well, its empty sockets lighting up as it raised its claw-like hands, jaws clattering.

Asteria angled her way in, before whirling and using her thick muscled tail as a whipping club! The skeleton swiped and missed due to her speed, and her blow met its kneecap with a hearty crack. The creature went down on one leg, but though the bone had been fractured it was still intact. The skeleton held up its arms as Asteria aimed to assault its head, and though her claws and fangs left gouges in the ulna and radius of both limbs the undead managed to keep its brainpan safe. Then, suddenly, the skeleton lashed out--faster than something with no muscles should be able, even faster than a living goblin! Asteria was struck in one side, tossing her back...but as she landed, she would feel that the distance she had traveled seemed to be due to a combination of her own reflexes, jumping back from the hit, and being off balance while attacking the skeleton. The actual hit had done some damage, but not nearly as much.

The skeleton chattered angrily as it stood up, eyes still blazing with ghostly light. It seemed about as sturdy as one would expect of something made from bone--Asteria's experience with cracking the Lizard bones told her it probably had about that same level of durability--and it was faster than a goblin, but its offensive strength was weak! Still, could she afford to underestimate this opponent?

At this moment, Digbie walked outside, calling for the others. He would immediately see Asteria fighting the skeleton, and possibly the new and shiny Oberon hovering up above. And the skeleton also noticed him, turning its head immediately to glare at him with something that seemed like a very specific, very focused hatred.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain from lack of sleep.

Jason, Ed, Danny, Asura, Momma Slime, Crispy's Party

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

"Of course Crispy! In exchange for working with us, I can supply you with Healing Herbs and Mana Crystals, the tips of the spikes I summon can be used in the creation of spears, and as time goes on, we will only have more to offer!"

"Hold it, slime!" Crispy held up a hand, taking an authoritative tone despite his disadvantages. He didn't really know any other way to "negotiate," but at least it made the other goblins think he wasn't intimidated by these slimes. "I already gots my gobbos, we can gather stuff on our own! I wants sumfin else!"

"Perhaps... Assisting our purge of the undead is all you need to transform... Together, our power could be unrivaled..." Jason said, before another idea came to mind, "Why, I'd imagine that if we were to work together, you could build an EVEN BIGGER bonfire, make better weapons, and goblins would prosper like never before.... Do we have a deal?"

"You talks too much, too fast!" Crispy snapped.

Asura raised a gooey eyebrow when Crispy said he wasn't doing anything for free. He stayed quiet however and let Jason talk to the goblin. He shook his 'head' a smidge when the other slime started to try and cut a deal. "I was of the mindset that letting you and your other goblins live being your payment until you proved to be trustworthy." He stated as he slithered his way over to Mother Slime. At this, Crispy's eyes slowly moved towards Asura. The variant goblin licked his lips.

"Both 'a yas talks too much!" Crispy said, although his voice was slightly less loud this time. He cleared his throat. "I can change by myself too! And build fire and weapons! Ya gots to give me sumfin dats da same kinda shiny as I can give youse--makes it fair!"

Makes it fair? Was...Was Crispy actually trying to go by some kind of honor code? Did goblins have that? It seemed like Crispy didn't just want things that could be made or gathered, because he and his little tribe could still do that kind of thing for themselves. So was he asking for something specific that goblins had no capability to do by themselves?

"As for giving, I have nothing to give. I'm able to train your goblins smartly but I'd rather keep my knowledge to myself until you and your minions prove useful and, again, trustworthy." Asura continued as he contacted Mother Slime. As she removed her bulk from the torchbearer, both he and the other goblin quickly scurried back to Crispy's side. Because Crispy was already standing next to the shieldbearer, the goblins were now all together again--Crispy's voice recovered some of its volume.

"If I'm gonna help yas get rid of a bunch of zombos or whateva," Crispy started, banging one fist on his chest, "den dat means we're all gonna fight a lot! Lots of risks, need lots udda stuff! We gots ta be...uh...satirical! Makes plans!" He pointed dramatically at the motley group of monsters. "You goes back and thinks bout it! I'mma take my gobs back too! Let's meet tomorrow morning, at da old fire-place--just one of us!" He held up one single finger and looked around at Jason, Asura, Ed, Danny, and Momma Slime. "You picks one guy, and we picks one guy! Den we meets and makes da deal!"

Crispy grinned with a mouth full of yellow teeth, looking like a car salesman waiting for someone to take his offer.

Mourningstar, Orchid, Ash, Reoth

You have not recovered enough Stamina. You are experiencing HP Drain.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain from lack of sleep.

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain from lack of sleep.

As the Pygmy Drake, Goblin, Fanged Lizard, and Wisp made their way around the pool and towards the entrance of the cave, they soon could see the flickering light of a small campfire. The other two shieldbearers from Orchid's party and the female torchbearer were here, huddled close around the fire and peering out at the cave as if they were terrified. And more than likely this was exactly the case--Crispy had taken the majority of their forces to go check something out, Rattleskull hadn't come back, and they were all on their lonesome in a cave that even they could feel was rapidly changing. Without their tribe around, they were a poor and lonely party constantly on edge.

While one of the shieldbearers was trying to fix his wicker defenses where the Wispmother's attack had broken through it, the other kept watch with his stone spear at the ready. However, because the light of the fire was nearby, his eyes were adjusted to that and not the darkness of the cave.

To Orchid and Ash's small party, this trio would be visible from a further distance. Would they try to sneak around them and avoid conflict? Would they try to finish what the goblins started? Would they try to negotiate? The choice was for the making...but for how long?
@Lucius CypherI LIVE (for now)

𝕬 𝖓 𝖙 𝖆 𝖊 𝖚 𝖘

North Forest Clearing

Antaeus had no time to think, no time to plan nor consider, no time to do anything but act. Yet there was certainly a logic to his chosen action. Subconsciously, he knew this, and thus chose to do as he did. He had been in a few risky situations in the mines, after all, and had learned from his father--as he had in many other cases--that you had to prioritize. If you tried to help someone else, sometimes you just made things worse. Sometimes you wasted time that could have been spent solving the problem, and because you couldn't help someone else you ended up getting the both of you in even more trouble. Sometimes everyone died in the cave-in because you tried to hold up the support pillar with someone else instead of sounding the warning like they told you.

If he ran from the Stag, it could outrun him. It could kill him. He didn't have the time right now to try and save the Silver Haired girl; he could only hope that she would last just a few moments longer. But if he succeeded, then he could do it. Then they would be safe, at least for a moment.

For right now, he had to fight. It would do no good to try and save someone else if he couldn't save himself. He had to fight the Stag, and he had to win.

Sweat flying from his brow, eyes wide with both terror and adrenaline, he swung the pick with both hands at the White Stag's bleeding and battered form...




"You didn't, Motome-chan. It's cool." The words were out of his mouth as soon as she apologized, and he meant them...but she was still looking at Yashiro. Kenichi gulped as he turned away, rubbing his side.

But now, as he entered the room proper, he saw for himself just what his classmate had really gone through. And, as uncomfortable as he was right now, he still felt a cold pang through his chest. Fast as the crack of a whip, Kenichi's breath caught in his chest for a moment.

A camera lay on its side, still recording despite the chunk of black in the corner of its lens. The aftermath of the bomb left little to see--scattered parts from the jeep, dust clouds swirling in the wind. Blood in the sand. A man's arm barely in frame, not moving. Those who watched the recording later would not be able to see what was going on, only hear the shouting of the soldiers as they shouted and scurried about. At some point, the gunfire began. A hand covered the camera, and everything went dark for several seconds.

Then Kenichi's father appeared, one side of his face caked in blood and dirt. It was so gore crusted that you couldn't even tell that his eye had been blown from the socket.

"Ken-chan...Hotaru...I love you both. But I'm...not done yet." Somehow Yoshida Nobuyuki managed to smile. A big, shit-eating grin. "I'll see you both...soon..."

Another explosion, or something much like it, went off, and the camera went black.

Kenichi hadn't actually seen that recording until after his father had made it back home. Before that, he and his mother had simply suffered through all of their worries, crying and feeling absolutely distraught and helpless, while knowing nothing more than what they could see in the news. He hadn't seen his father until weeks later, after he had finally returned to Japan, and finally been given more than just "keep him stable" surgeries, and finally been moved out of intensive care and to a local hospital. And by that time the leg, the eye, one of the kidneys, two fingers on the left hand, and several pounds of flesh and blood were gone. Some of them would later be replaced, along with a plate in the skull and several screws in the bones of the right arm.

But nothing had ever healed the crack in Kenichi's own heart. Rage and hate had just filled it up instead.

"...Yo. Yashiro-kun." He managed after a long moment of silence. The bones in one of his hands popped as he shoved his fists into his pockets. His tone of voice was hard and flinty, and his grin had twisted into a sour frown. His eyes, however, were much like Fumika's own when he looked at Takeshi. That look of wanting to help, and not knowing how.

"...Looks like somebody really fucked you up, huh?" he said point blank. That...that wasn't how he wanted it to sound. "...Any idea who did it?"


Jason, Ed, Danny, Asura, Momma Slime, Crispy's Party

As Asura whipped Crispy's female minion across the back of her head, she recoiled from the blow and went past Jason without her stone knife making contact. The goblin that Momma Slime was sitting on scrambled desperately to get out from under her weight--she hadn't started crushing or digesting him yet, perhaps because she was wary of taking the time to envelop him while there were still enemies around. So it created the somewhat cartoonish scenario of the goblin, sticking out from the waist up, futilely trying to haul himself out from under the great blue bulk. The other minion was picking himself up off the ground, shaking his head to clear away a hallucination of pixies fluttering around his head. The shieldbearer stayed focused on Jason, though as he glanced towards Asura he was starting to break out in a sweat.

Crispy pulled his own stone knife from his belt, adjusting his grip on it as Asura spoke.

"You're a smart kid, I'm a smart man. I honestly don't really wish to fight you. If you call back your people and return to your fire I can get the other slimes to back off."

The scarred goblin licked his lips, glancing from one slime to the other. They were both so differnt from normal slimes, it was clear they had evolved.

"If it's not too late Crispy, I'd like to apologize for my outburst. Getting betrayed the moment I tried to talk to you made me act irrationally..."

Crispy slowly, without taking his eyes off Jason or Asura, reached down with his free hand to feel the blood running down his leg. He wasn't crippled, it would hurt but he could still run with no real problems. But could he afford to run here...?

"In fact, I was hoping we could work together to cleanse our home of an even greater threat: UNDEAD."

These slimes talked too much. But if they were talking, that gave Crispy time to think--even though he could feel himself getting more annoyed with every word the green pointy slime said, just like when that youngling would ramble on...

"Though their numbers may be small at the moment, they need to be destroyed before the cave is overrun! I can't destroy them all myself Crispy..."

"Un, un-d-d-d-dead!?" chattered the shieldbearer, interrupting the slime and drawing some of the attention off Crispy for the moment. "L-l-like guh-guh-ghosts?!"

Now, all present here no doubt knew by this point that Goblins were not the smartest of creatures. Their brains were like those of children, albeit extremely vicious children. They lacked foresight, they lacked many concepts of abstract thought, they lacked emotional maturity. Crispy both was and was not an exception to this. Crispy had simply survived the best way he knew how.

Rattleskull had been too strong. Crispy couldn't fight him for control of the tribe. But Rattleskull and Crispy had been brothers, and they had both seen and fought Humans before, and they both knew that having more Gobs was better than getting all the Gobs killed. So Rattleskull bossed the others around, and Crispy got what he would have wanted if HE had been the boss anyway--he got to boss around other gobs too, and he got at least one or two mates every season, and he and Rattleskull worked like they had seen the Humans work. Together. A big strong guy, and a guy who could do magic. Crispy was convinced that one day, his fire would be the strongest in the world, and maybe then he would get rid of Rattleskull--but he didn't have to. Sometimes you didn't HAVE to be the biggest and strongest to get what you wanted.

But these Slimes were not Gobs. And they were both changed like Rattleskull. Back when the tribe had been forced to flee that first time, when that youngling had tried to convince them to make friends with the other monsters, Crispy had already known they couldn't afford to wait. The longer you waited to take out an enemy, the more opportunities they had to grow stronger.

"Can I count on you and your fire to make this cave safe, not just for goblins, but for all it's living denizens?"

If Crispy let these Slimes boss him around, he wouldn't have to risk his neck in a fight. But the Slimes would grow stronger. And Crispy would lose face in front of all the other Gobs. But if he fought, he didn't think he could win. And more Gobs would die, and there were already so few of them. What about running away? He still might lose Gobs. He still might die. The Slimes would still grow stronger. And he would still lose face. And this made the short-sighted Goblin rage in Crispy begin to surge--if he didn't have any other option, then he might as well hurt them as badly as he could--!

But...these Slimes were the ones telling him to back down, asking for HIS help. He wasn't asking THEM to spare him. And this caused the opportunistic, cowardly, but still vicious Goblin brain in Crispy--the part of him that had kept him alive in the back row, throwing fireballs at anything that Rattleskull couldn't smash in one blow--to overcome the Goblin rage, just for a moment.

"...Youse says you dun wanna fight, and youse wants me to HELP yas...But I ain't doin' nuffin' for free!" Crispy said, a smile slowly quirking at one corner of his mouth. He acted as if he were relaxed, stepping over to help his female minion to her feet. "What you gots, what ya gonna give Crispy if he helps youse!?"

The torchbearer slapped the ground to get some attention.

"I helps, I helps! Just get dis ting offa me!" The other minion grabbed the goblin by his hands and began pulling as well, although Momma Slime made no move to get off and simply rumbled silently, her mass shifting somewhat between the goblins and Asura as if she were looking at them.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕝𝕪 ℂ𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟




As Ardur returned home, his eight legged friend Steve almost seemed happy to see him, despite the inability of spiders to express any discernable emotion. Still, maybe the way it seemed to wiggle was indicative. When Ardur fed the spider it hurried forward to sup as if it were ravenous, but it seemed clear from the other carcasses wrapped up in the web that the creature hadn't been starving in Ardur's absence. Was there some reason for this increase in appetite?

Ardur reached out to use his Taming Skill, and as he touched Steve's back there was a mental "ping" in his mind.

You used Taming I!
Attempting to Tame: Non-Monster, Common Spider Species
You have named this creature Steve.

It seemed if this process was successful, it wouldn't be immediate. So Ardur returned to his workouts until he had completely exhausted whatever energy he had left, after all that fighting and flying around for almost twenty four hours straight. But when he had finally exhausted himself, and he flopped back onto the floor covered in sweat...

You have used a Mana Crystal. Your MP is Almost Full.

That large crystal that had been growing in his cranny cave for some time suddenly began to disappear. He must have been close enough for it to activate! He felt his MP recover, though by now he had gained a little bit more of it through level ups, if the fact that it didn't top him up completely was any indicator. With this MP, he could cast his Heal spell on himself to recover from the muscular damage of his exercises--it wouldn't restore his stamina, but it might make the process of getting Stronger a little faster.

But before Ardur could sleep, there was another "ping." Except it didn't come from him. When he looked for the source, he would find a large, web-spun coccoon in the place of his friend Steve.

Taming Successful!
You have tamed Steve, a Non-Monster Common Spider Species!
...What's this?
A Creature you have Tamed is Transforming!

Transforming!? Was this the result of Ardur's care and semi-symbiotic relationship with Steve, not just from his attempt at Taming it but from the moment the pixie had been reborn in this world and begun trying to keep the spider as a pet? Was that also why it seemed like Steve's appetite had grown? But Steve was just a normal, non-Monster spider, right? Did non-magical or "normal" beings in this world grow and evolve too? Perhaps, in his former life, Ardur had heard or read of the supernatural beings in some Asian cultures--like spirit foxes--that gained power after living for a long time or being affected by other supernatural forces.

After several long minutes, the web-coccoon split open. And Steve emerged.

Tamed Creature Status:
Name: "Steve"
Gender: Female
Species: Oculus Spider - A low-ranking Arachnid-class Insect-type Monster. While it possesses venom, it is not that much more potent than a normal spider and thus is virtually harmless to humans save in very large doses or in the case of specific allergies. However, because it has adapted to Mana in its environment and thus become a Monster, it has gained a large eye that works differently than its normal eyes. It will swing from a web in a hypnotic manner to entice prey.

  • Level 1

    • Web Spit - Spit a glob of sticky web at an opponent. Deals very little damage, but may Slow an enemy's movement.
    • Doze - For the Oculus Spider, this spell is cast using their eye as a catalyst. May inflict Sleep on a single target.

Common Spider Species > Oculus Spider

Stomach Sac - 0/3 Slots Filled. Small Items only.

Steve had grown quite considerably in size, being roughly the size of a spider from the real world called a Goliath Birdeater. Her hard exoskeleton appeared much tougher, however, and save for her furry backside she seemed to have few vulnerable areas. Now, however, a small glowing mark appeared on the section of exoskeleton between her head and the bottom of that large eye on her back. After a moment the light died down, but the mark, almost like a tattoo, remained to show that Ardur's Taming had been completed.

Steve immediately scuttled over towards the pixie and nudged his leg softly with one of her own. She looked up at him, and "waved" with several of her other legs.

Asteria, Digbie, Mother Rat

While the others seemingly left them behind, Asteria and Digbie set out to dig their tunnel despite the earlier change it had caused in Jason. Mother Rat, having found a safe space near the back of Jason's garden chamber, curled up to sleep as she was clearly exhausted from all the battles and running around of the last day-night cycle. They might have seen Rain/Torrent emerge from her shell with an all new form.

But what none of them could see, at the moment, was a patch of dirt near a large, rocky outcrop somewhat between the pool area and the nesting area where many Dire Rats and Fanged Lizards had been seen. This patch began to shiver, until finally a hand burst through the earth and grasped the soil between its fingers. But this hand had no flesh.

Covered in bits of gristle and blood, with dangling bits of tendon that had not yet dried into jerky, and yellow crusts that had once been fat scattered over its form, the skeleton pulled itself from its shallow grave. Its skull was oversized for its proportions, and its spine was somewhat hunched now that no muscle could support the head's weight. It had large ridges where pointed ears and a somewhat bulbous nose had once been attached to it, and stood roughly three feet tall. In the depths of its eye sockets, green, sickly fire flickered alight.

With a slow, jerky, mechanical gait, the skeleton began to walk towards Jason's cavern. Every so often it turns its skull this way and that, looking at its surroundings. It moved into the shadows whenever it could, but it did not seem to be trying to hide its presence...it was more like it was avoiding something in its path, walking around an obstacle that only it could see.

Slowly, it came closer and closer to Jason's cave, as if it knew exactly where it was headed...


As Torrent struggled and fought her way back to her body, the air seemed as thick around her as gelatin. And while her physical form lay in the proximity of that odd crystal, it almost seemed like that red Dungeon Core was watching her, an inhuman eye simply floating and observing. But as her anger drove her on, she finally managed to touch a slightly transparent claw to the mass of swollen, dead skin that had become her body. With a sound like a sudden intake of breath, she was drawn back into the physical realm!

Fanged Lizard > Lesserwurm
You have Transformed!
Your base Speed-stats have increased!
Your base Power-stats have slightly increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. The skill Minor Recovery's development is reduced. Current Skill progress is (0.5).
You have not reached your full Potential. The skill Poison Breath's development is reduced. Current Skill progress is (1.6).
You have lost a part of your body! Adjusting to this new form may take some time.

The first thing Torrent could feel upon awakening was how cramped her back was--and just how much back there was to cramp. Her abs hurt like she had been doing situps all day, but the pain went down much lower than just her stomach. And as the pain grew more intense, the only thing she could do was reflexively try to stretch and twist. With her claws she reached out, pushing at this shell around her--

The dead skin of a former Fanged Lizard split open, and with her scales bright and shining Torrent the Lesserwurm emerged into the world. She looked like a fantasy version of a skink lizard, her head being more bony with scaly outcrops along her snout and over the ridges on her eyes. Though she had no back legs, her front limbs had become somewhat longer and stronger. While she didn't have true thumbs, her claws had been reduced to three digits, two of which were longer and the third of which was shorter, thicker, and set at an angle to the others. It was a bit like a human's hand making a constant "Spock-hand" by holding the index-middle and pinky-ring fingers in pairs and curling the thumb. The joints of these "fingers" and the natural curl of her claws gave her a stronger grip that she could feel even as she began to pull herself along the ground--she would be able to pull, or to scoop and dig, quite fast if she felt so inclined. She was roughly twice as long as her previous form, though not so heavy-set throughout her body. As her tail instinctively lashed behind her, she would likely feel confident that she could easily contort herself in a variety of shapes.

But, now that she was awake...

Mourningstar, Oberon (Unconscious), Jason, Ed, Danny, Crispy's Party, Asura (Unconscious), Momma Slime


It seemed Jason would not be able to force the Dungeon Core to recognize Asteria just yet. He would have to find some way to increase the Dungeon's level...whatever that meant. Increasing his own level was one thing, all he had to do was keep surviving and learning. But how did one "level up" a dungeon--essentially a location, not a living being in and of itself?

At the moment, however, he had other things to worry about. He raced off back towards Rattleskull's corpse for some reason...was it perhaps his connection to the dungeon telling him that something was happening? How else would he so conveniently know that he needed to head that way to get involved in a large-scale scuffle no doubt about to happen? But before doing this he grabbed 3 herbs from his garden, reducing the total count to 7 green herbs and 1 odd black one.

As Mourningstar prepared her Mana Blade, a Fireball sprung into existence between Crispy's palms and the goblins following him began to slowly spread out. Whether to get away from the ensuing explosion or to surround the Wisp wasn't clear just yet--but when Jason came rolling onto the scene, he immediately used his War Cry and caused all of them to turn towards him.

"Mourningstar! Stand down!"

"Mid-boss, dat slime just talked!"

"Would you shut the fuck up!?"

"I know he talked ya dum, dese Mobs is weird like dat!"

"Crispy! I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to make you an offer--"

"Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit--!"

As Mourningstar's spell misfired, the goblins reflexively drew back until they realized the spell had hit someone else. Crispy narrowed his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on, but the others were confused and hesistant.

"Mid-boss, which one do we attack!?"

"He killed Rattleskull, not me!"


"Shaddup, all of yas get ready for dat Slime!"


Between Jason's raging and the glow coming from those lights on the ground, Crispy saw the attack coming and leaped back out of the target area, hurling his Fireball as he did so. He had no way of knowing, however, that the upgraded Rock Spire spell produced three spikes instead of one. In a straight line between Jason and Crispy, starting from those rings of light, the earthen spires shot up one after another. The rocks and soil upheaved with them gave the impression that some kind of enormous mole was chasing Crispy from beneath the earth, and the last spike caught the goblin on the side of his leg just after he relased his own spell.

At the same time Crispy cried out, his blood spattering the ground, Jason got a faceful of fire. Earlier he had been hit with a torch and it hadn't hurt too badly--but this was real magic, and it was more powerful than Crispy's earlier fireballs the group had seen. Without any resistances to it, despite having high natural defenses Jason felt an incredible amount of pain as the flames surged over his membrane, leaving blackened spots on his "hat". The explosive impact knocked him over, interrupting his attempt to cast his Mind Wave spell.

It was at this point that the Shield Goblin charged forward, thrusting with his spear while he kept the defensive implement up in front of his body. Its stone tip pierced Jason's hide and then yanked back out in a swift motion before the goblin drew back--he had learned by this point that Slimes didn't take a lot of physical damage, but they could trap one's weapon inside their bodies. Still, every bit of damage helped. And as the Shield Goblin stepped back from his own attack, one of Crispy's minions--a female--came from Jason's other side with a scream, rapidly swinging her sharp stone knife...

But before the other two goblins could join in, they noticed something that stole their breath away. Their green skin practically turned white as they pointed and began to jabber in fear.

"M-m-m-m-mid-boss, IT'S DA B-B-BOSS!"

Rattleskull's body began to stand up. Without his head.

The huge, furry shoulders lifted one by one. The torso began to rise up until it was standing on its knees...

And out from underneath came something huge and blue that made a distinct, almost happy blurbling sound.

"AM BOO SHA!" rumbled Momma Slime as she tossed off her "camoflage", before using her huge psuedopod to "backhand" Crispy's other minion head over heels across the rocks, then falling with her entire mass onto the unfortunate torchbearer. The goblin managed a scream as his torch was knocked out of his grip.

You used Monster Analysis I!
This is a Fanged Lizard undergoing Transformation. Fanged Lizards are a reptilian monster with potent venom. When injected via a bite, it acts as a neurotoxin to paralyze the prey. When exposed to the air, it becomes a highly acidic liquid. The lizard can spit at a distance. However, this one has either lived long enough or become strong enough to Transform into another type of creature. It's extremely vulnerable during this process. This one is unusual. You think her name was Rain. She is like you.
You have analyzed this type of Monster before. Effectiveness boosted.
This is a Goblin. A semi-intelligent monster with the limb dexterity and mental capacity to use tools. By comparison, usually as large, strong, and intelligent as a human child, but far more vicious. This particular specimen is an adult male, and you have learned his name is Crispy. He possesses an unusual Variant that has given him a magical skill involving fire. He has a Torch and a well-made Stone Knife on his person to use as weaponry.
---Analysis Complete---

As Danny watched from afar, he saw Jason and Crispy's spell flinging duel and the other goblins rushing to assist. He also witnessed Momma Slime's ambush, and saw Asura come out of his temporary coma in an all new form. If he were to join the battle, his fellow reincarnators would equal the Goblins in number, but so far it seemed like none of the enemies had noticed him yet. Did he want to take that risk...?

Oberon (Regains Consciousness), Mourningstar (After Fleeing)

"You are not the one either, yet you are also a human in the form of a monster..." The blue eyes didn't seem to have heard Oberon properly at first. They looked down at his body, being carried away by Mourningstar, and then over to the red slime that now seemed to be moving again.

"Spirit, if you remember anything...bring a Human to this place! Find a Hero!" The eyes seemed to be growing more distant now...but they made one final effort.

"I...am not the one that binds you here...This Place does not...know you. But outside, the World...knows you do not belong..." It seemed the eyes were going to say something else...but they drifted away before Oberon could learn anything else.

And then he felt something in the air snap.

A̝̭͖ͦ̿̍̈̀l̟̩̭͉͙̠̐̔̽̓ͥ̕r̛̞̼̫͕̙̩̤͂̓͆́ͭ̓í̓̆͂̋͒̀g͇̞͓͔͉̟̦ͮ̃ͪ̐h͔͓ͦ̄̑ͮ̾̋͢tͤ̓͋̉̎ͮ͒̀,҉̜͕̱̭̫̠ ̧ͮ̃I̦̥̣̪̓̐ ͈̮̠͘t̥̞͈͈̬̳̟ͥ̆͠h̤̗ͩͣ͒ȋ͎̫ͫn͋͒̆͊̏ͦ҉̭k̠̣̪̤ͪ͋̓̿͞ ̮̯̓̿̆ͨͣĪ͚̗̦͓̪̺͎̽̄͒́ ̀̓́g̢ͪ̉ͭͭ̽ö̘́ͣ̓̉t ͓̳̯̭͓͊͗i͉̇ͩ̒ͥ̀̏̌͘t̳͇͚͓͕̲̬͌̑̓ͬ͢.̣̭̪̣̝̻̄̍͂́ͅ ̲̭͍̗̯̜͜ͅT̻̓̅͂͐h̪͎͓̦̪̑̄̆̊ë̲̱͖͖̺́̒̓̓ͧ ̛̭̘͊͊̈́̾̔S͙͎ͮ̆̉̃ͪ̉ͭo͏͔̜̗͓̲͕͚u̖̖̭͐̅̍ͭ̅͆̋ͅl̯̥̤̓ͯ͑̏̌ͫw͙͔̻̤̎̈́͛͂̒͌͑̕ͅa̷̤̠̹̪̠͈ͯl͈͚̥̦̆̒͘l̩ͯ͌͒̍͗ ̘͊ͩ̏ͮ̇s̘̏ͫ̈ͥ̚h͙̝̰̮̃́̃̔̃͑o͒̄̉̑̍u͋̐̄̔̓ͮͧ͜l̼͖͕̱̜ͩͩ̃d̾͗̂̏ͦ͡ń̪'̫̲̖͖͎̘̳̓̂̈̿t̛̗̱̣̯̳͓̯̄̌̽͑͒̉ͥ ̱ͬͬ͗͜b̳̭̯̖̙̣o̝̥̻̺̺͐̈́t̼̙͍̩̺̼̿̔h̪ͩ̑ͧ̍͗̿e̱̝̺͓͎̰̗ͥṟ̥̬͖ͤ͟ ̞̻͚̟̏̂̊̑̈̔y͍̘͓̮̳ͮ̾ͣ̑͞o̓̒ͮ̓̈u̼ͭ͞ ͚̬͔̖̆͌̓̅ͣ̾̆ͅg̷̀̅̃͑ŭ̬̼͐̍ͣͅy̫̞͕ͣͧͮͯ̔̔s̮ͥͭͦ̀ͨͨ ͍̠͎͙̩̹̮͊̐ͭ͡ḁ̤͇̖̯n̡̺͔͈̻̯͊ͬ̍ͤ̚y̢͕͔̥ͭ̅̂m͇ͫö̧̗̪̤͍̳̜̾͋ͅr̢͈̻̮̪̟e̲̩͝ ͚̼͚̼̬w̟̞͔̺͉͋̆ͨͦ̅i̛̼̘̼̦̭͇͊t͡h̷͛ͧ́̉î̱͙͎͛ͭͬ̾͟ṇ͔̠ͮ͒͒̃̄̃ ̵͔̘̗̣̮̖ͭͦ̊̉͆̑th̦̹̫̩̘͖͌i̍ͧͮͥ̈́̂̃s̥͢ͅ ̬̊ͥ̅̓ͤD̤̲̮̣̣̜̾u͈ͥ̽ͤ̔ͥ̚n̯̞̻̈́g̜̳͈͉̋̐͒͂̀ë̴̤̘̲́͆̓ͩͥ̐o̳͍͖̞̼̪ͯ̍̎ͩ͢nͩ͏̫̺̼͎̥-̤̪-͕̮̼͓̳́i̫̻̲̼̓̿͆̂ͩͬ̾͘t̄̌ͩ̊̎'̞̤ͨ͒̌̄̈́͋͂͢s͉̣͌ͮ̍͋̓ͤ͑ ̊ͮ̚͏̖̗aͧ̂̀̇̉̚ ̳̬̫͑̾ͨ̚D͈͋e̜ͯ̆̓̎͑a̪̱ͫ̐ͯ̄̀t̰̦ͬ̀h̽͘ ͑̋͊̒͑ͤ̄ͅTy̖̟̭ͭ̽͊͂ͫ̅̂p͇̘̮̠̯̖̈́̽͛̆̔̊̑͠e͕̗̦̦͇͗̉̾̃̍̒̄ ̮̼̞͐̓ͣa̱̮̥͒͗̈́̊ͣ́n̝̮̳̣͚ͬ̾̎ͣyͭͨͥ̑w̼ͤͣa̦͎̺̫͍ͨ̂̽̌̍ͬ͘y̬ͪ̍̂ͯ͗,̲̭̺̯̙̍̃ ̘͕̥͓̘̊ͯ͒͢s̷̫ͮ̏o̤ͤ͌ ̲̗̤́̉̒̌̍̀ͨi͔̰̹̣͊͆͊ṫ̤́ ̗͙͉͈̭ͤͭͯ̋̄͝n̹ͪͮa̻̞͕̺̠̒̿ͯ͐̂̕ͅț͖͇͚͛͒̓û̹͓̠͓̆͋ͤ̂͒r̤͍͓͖͇̍̈́a͗͗̋ĺ̗̬̤̣̺̻l̞̹̈́̋́̔ͬ̈́̚̕y̓ͬ̉̌̉ ͙̜̠͙̫͛̍ͨ̈́͒̎h̩̒ͫ͆̓̅̚͝o̢̺͙͎̩͈̗̍ͨ̃̾̿l̤̠͇͎̹̖̽d͇̜͍͕̆̄͒ͧͣ͡s̋̅̀̄̔̉̄͡ ͕͈̱̦ͣ̑ͧ̃̎̅̽y͎̩̪̠̭̌ͪ̒̄̒ͮ̌̕o̻̊u̢̜̼̺͑̊ṛ͈̞͍̐ͫ̈͋ͫ͠ ̧͆̌̍̓ͩ͆̌s̲̖̰͗̅̒̇ͅȯ͐̃̃̈̅͌u̗̘̜͇ͫͭ͛̎̏ͧ͒ͅḻ̜̬̠̝͚̲͑̑s͋͡ ̻̺̘̥̖̲̆̔ͤi̺̯̫̹̠ͧͥ̈̽ͦͭ̑n̩͍͂̔͆̓̚ ̻̦̗̬̟̅ṗ̖ľ̡̲̹̏ͥ̑ͪͥ̚ͅa̹̤̥͕͓̲͍͞c̳̞ͪͣ́e͙͕͍̼̲ͪͪ͂̄.̪̺ͧ̏̓̓ ͆ͣ͗̎͌A͙͚̞̮̻͎̱̅͑̿͛̊̊̅s͚͓͆̕ ̨̳͚̯̼̖̳l̟͍̮̉̎̾́o̪̭̟̱͙ͫͤͦ͊͂n͆͋͏g̱͔̲̞͎̠͢ ͔̮̦̭̫̈́̋̋̆ͪ̿ͅa͙͖̤̖͍͙ͩ̉ͪ́ͮͅs͉̟͓͔̲̹͛̅̀͐̈́ͪ͘ ̩͜y̶̥̖̗̼̆̚o͉̹̻͙̮ͭͭͣ̆͒ͅu͍̜̻̫̜̙͠'͊ͧ̎́ͤͨ̋͟r͉̟̂́̒ͥ͢e͚̙̦ͫ̑ ͕̗͚ͦ́̍e̪̽̆̇̒̿͆̔v̸̳̣̙̟ͯͬͧͩͅő̲̻̩̬̻̭̐̒̀̍̏ͤ͠ͅl̶̝̙̖̝̥̥͇v̪̙̦͓̮̖̜í̳̒n͓̐͐̋ͭ̏ͯ̚g͓̼̦̗̦̠͐̆ͪ͞ ̣̩̎́̒͒ä̢̘͎̂ͣ̓ͩͯ͒ͅn̪̬̻̗̱̻ͬ͌̒ͣd̞̋̓̆̔ͅ ̞͕̰͉͈̮̬ͩ̇ͧͦ́n̑̓ͩ̾ͩ̅oͫ͐͏̫̻̬̦̞t͉͔̜̊ͮ͌̔ ̳̱̯̥̮̹̻͛̀̚̚a͇̥̒͊̊ͩ̃ͭć͈͕͎̻̪ͮ̈̀t̮̝̊u̮͖̽̍ͧͧ̉a̢͇̫͈͐̚ͅl̸͕̪̪̈ͬ̐̇̉̅͐l̈͆̄ͩ͐ͩ҉̜̣̝̙̟̖ͅy͉̰̠͖̟̾̂͜ ̢͕̙̯̙͑ͧ̽̉d͡y̜̩̩̘̦̓ͥ͒̋͛ͩ̒i͙̘͙̣̥̩͊̆ͫ͑ͦ͟ń̉͒̾̆͛͘g̙̉̈́͌̇,̮͓̘̫̂̓ ̥y̌ͥ́ͭ͏̟̤̲̝̠̬ö͒ͬͣu̜̗̘̱̝ ͕ͫ̐̅͐̋͐s̽̽ͨ̆͛ͪh͚̯̻̔̅͋ͬ͋́o̷͚̟̫̣͆͂̈́͛uͥ͑͋̈͆́l̛̟̭̥͕̱ͪd̓͊ͧ͜ ͇̮̪̉ͪ̇ͮj̶̼̱̺͚̜͛u̹͉ͮ͊̐͒͑̚s̶ͩ̅͛̒ͧt̅͑̀̓͛ ̢̟͓̱f͍̭̦̬̜l͕͝ṓ̩͉͕̣ͤ̍ͪ̋a̠̞̰̎͊t̸̠̱̬̳̝̃̌ͣ͗ͥͬ ̡̦͔̲̓ͭ̒͗͋͛ͅa͓̳͂ͣ̾ͫ͗ͦ́r̡ͯͤ̈́̚ó̦̩̥̟̭̟͊̉ͅụ͉̭͎n͖͔͙̼̒̓͆ḏ̵͊ ̛̻͉̥̌ͭ̈́̍̊ͨf̵͍̣̙̀͗̾̃͂o͙͖̝̦̰̎̈̌r̖̪͈ͨ͋ ̥̜͎̋̈́̾̌̿̑͘a̬͓͆ ̝̠̲͚ͧ̀ͩ̈́̂w̡̟̼̖͉̍̅̐͐h͆i͉̍́l̷̖͍͓̻̭͖̅̊̏ͬë̌ͩ҉͚̮.̶̞̙̫ͤ̐.̵̯̘͇͚̤͓̀.̇҉͙͇̝ͅ
͊͐͛̑͛̕Ȗ̘̭͖̤͊͊ͩͫñ̫̲̫̞̯͛̏̃͢f̶̱̻̫͍̯̦ͥ̅ͫ̊o͎̣̟̪̖̤̙ͣͧ́ͪͦ͢r̷̟̪̘͕̝̼̻͛́̐̍͒̋ͦt͕͎̙͋ͯu̝͓̣̭̻ͤ̔͆̏͑ñ̀̃͆̔ͨ̀a̤͉̬̹̰̗ͮ̔̾͛̂tĕ̋̃͏̰̲̠̦̞͚͉l̢ͣͬ̀̃ͫ̽y̡̟͈͈̠,̧͎̰̙̔͊ͫ̇ͩ̒̈́ ̴̰̙̰̱̆́̂͑̂t̨̳̹̫̿h̳̤͑̏i͙̭͖̱̱̐͟s̠̣̳̺̼ͨ̾̆̆͢ ̴̫͖̦̼͑i͆ͩ̔͗s͓̑̑ͣ̃͑̐̓n͍̗̻̥͕̹̞ͭ͋͐̏̋'̦̜̭͚̣̞͑͋̍́t͒͒̾̚҉̝̩ ̩̜̖̺̙̗͐ͦͭs̷̫̜͍͉̼̻̓͌̾̇̓͗͂ọ̾ͤͨ̽͗̒ͪmͩ͌̈́͋̿̃ͥe̟͙̳̐̌̿̏̆w̥͔͈̱̙͍͞h̰̪̞ͬ͐ͪè̳̹͕͍͚ͬ̆̌͢ͅr̷̯̭̩͖̲͚͎͌̽̑̒e͎͓͓͗͛̂̉ͩ̽͂ ̯͖̫̰̦̤̭́y͈̰͕̝̻ͬͦ̒̈ͯ̔ͬ̀o̖̺̞͕̔͒ͩͫ̍u̘̯̪͂ͥ ̹͖͚̥̻w̤̥̅ḁ̣͈̞̗̲̺̿̍̂͢n͉̱̓ͯ̀ͨͣ̆ͭn̛̈ͦ̾ͯͤa̼͎͢ ͎͕͖̭̠͉̽̀̂s̴̒̈́͐ͩ͒t̟̙͇̮̫͗͒͗ã̞̥͍̮̭̪̫̓̾̂̑͗͛y̙̺̞͖̮͍͎̚.̣̟̻̤ͦ͛̆ͧ̀ ̗̤H̼͊̉o͓̦͠p̔̊̕e̷̫͙͚͓͋ͯ̃͂ͪ̇̇f̟͔͕̥̿͋ͤ͊ͦ͂̋ͅu̴͈̝̺̜͎͙l̙̝̹͚̰̫̱̍̈ͬ̚l̙̜̪͕̬͓ͧ̅̓͢y̠͔̽ͯ̃́̓̽̌ ͘m̴̥ò̦̩̾ͦ̃̍̚̕ŝ̖̱͙͙̱̏͆͛̔́̄ͅt̛̮̰̮̪̋͒ͫͬͫ̍ ̢͕̳̑̄̅̐̄o̭̻̣͌ͨ̔̀f͙̦̣̗̼̪ͧͪ̏̐͑͞ͅ ̲ͤͣͤy̰̟̭̠̮͓͂ͧ̇͝o̶̟̝̺̣̝̺̘̒̂ͥù̱̼̿͒̒ ̯͖̦̙̼͖̈̽̏̈̈́͑̚͡w̭̫ͯ̍̃i̩͋̽̎ͤ͐̋l̨̥͐ͮ̊ͧ̓l̀ ͤͨ͏͓̜͕̣̬̥m̖̳͓͓̬̳̈̇ͣaͤ̎ͦ͌k̕ê̢̐͊ͬͮͧ̚ ̾̍҉̼̗͕̲i̴͍̒̃ͯ̽t̶̩͎̟̪̂̾͋̉̆ ̺̭̾̿ͯ̓̏͛͑o̼̳͆ͧ͗̈́ͪͩ͜ư͙̤̘͆̐̍̌ͩ̇t̙̖͚ͯ̈́́ ̤̰̞͍͋̃̆̍o͈̹̣̻̬͊ͬ̽̃͋̋̑f̞̩̞͉̺͕̋͆̒́̀ ͤ̾̍̏͐ͭ͝h̝̺͎̯͕̻̚̚e̐̋ͧ̉͏̠r̶̲̠̉͐͋̅e̔͆̑̈́͛ ̝̖̱͋̑͗̎͋ͭ͡b͎̙̆͐͗̓̚e̺̬̗̓̇́ͯf͎͈̭͚͖͙̫͋ͩo̱͔͉̹͊́r̡̳̙ͅe̝̪̺̖͇̰̱ͥ͂-̦̦̞̠̟̱̪ͮ́̌ͣ̉͠-̺̰̅ͮͪ̓

Before he could finish reading whatever it was the Demon King had to say, Oberon found himself plummeting back towards his body...

Pixie > (Immature) Sprite
Your Max MP has increased!
You have increased the Rank of your skill, Minor Heal!
Minor Heal I > Minor Heal II!
Your Minor Heal now recovers more HP for the same MP cost!
You have not reached your full Potential. The skill Minor Heal All is reduced to (0.5).
You have not reached your full Potential. The skill Light Affinity is reduced to (0.5). Increase it further by learning more about Light magic.

The bundle being carried by Mourningstar suddenly gave a kick like a baby in the womb. If her Lesser Force hadn't been ranked up recently, she probably would have lost her grip entirely. The wings that Oberon had wrapped around himself suddenly cracked, their translucent shimmer gone dull and dead and gray. But as they unfurled, falling away like shedding scales, long and thin spirals of bright color were left in their place. And these rolls unfurled like sails, blood pumping through them as they inflated to proper size, revealing Oberon's body.

He hadn't changed much in size, but his skin had become porcelain in color, as if he had been covered in geisha makeup from head to toe. His hair was the same color but had become far more vivid in shade and tone, standing out in stark contrast to the rest of him. It almost seemed like he shimmered, reflecting light from the Wisp's body and other sources. And his wings, once they were done stretching out, had become like those of a butterfly complete with a distinctive pattern.

But now that he was awake...

Asura (Regains Consciousness, sees Battle)

As Asura struggled and fought his way back to his body, the air seemed as thick around him as gelatin. When you were made of gelatin yourself, that made for a very difficult swim. Yet still he struggled, and when he was finally close enough to stretch a pseudopod towards his body, something gave way. With a distinctive, slimy slurp, his astral form was sucked back into the physical world!

Slime > (Immature) Amorphous Slime
You have Transformed!
All base Speed-stats have increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. Your stat increase has been reduced.
All base non-defensive stats have slightly increased.
You have increased the Rank of your skill, Limited Shapeshift!
Limited Shapeshift II > Limited Shapeshift III!
You can now alter a single property of your body with the appropriate shape. For instance, a pseudopod with an edge could become Sharp, or the surface of your membrane could become Hard. However, only one property may be altered at a time, and these properties are not equivalent to higher ranking physical materials such as steel swords or stone clubs. Your maximum "reach" with stretched portions of your body remains the same. While maintaining your original mass your ability to alter fine details is increased. A "blade" made from your body could be shaped in various ways, for instance, but a pseudopod with a blade at its tip would not be so refined; this would apply to other features like imitated body parts or facial traits.

The red egg expanded as if it had transformed from a shell to a yolk. Indeed, as bits of him began to drip and flow, Asura found himself "growing" about a quarter again his original size. The difference was that, aside from a lumpy bit in the center that more or less resembled a half-sized version of his original body, all this extra mass seemed to be liquid rather than jello. There was a limit to how far he would expand, unlike a true fluid, and he could draw himself into a larger lump if he so wished, but this seemed to be the default form of an Amorphous Slime.

But, now that he was awake...

Orchid, Ash, Reoth, Mourningstar (Approaching), Oberon (Approaching)

Though she stumbled and fell, Orchid managed to protect herself and didn't fall into any of the other traps. As she regained her footing she would notice that she was bleeding, but while it might need bandaging it didn't seem like it was a gusher or anything. She would then notice what had pricked her, now that her bright red blood made the Poisoned Bone Needles more visible. Whether because too much time had passed, or the small dosage used on the needles, the goblin had avoided a damaging infection for the moment...but how many more traps were around here? Had those other monsters set them?

Ash, staying alert, managed to catch the telltale signs of Asteria and Ed's digging and avoided the traps for herself. As she approached Orchid, the two of them saw Mourningstar heading towards them, and the Pygmy Drake requested that Reoth move to help them. From this distance they would soon witness Oberon's Transformation, a rather dazzling spectacle.
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