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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

left Wiz at age 41, arrived on earth in year 1912 || died at age 136, would be age 142 present day

Born in The Under, his parents were quite popular among the poor and educated many wizards, even tutoring a young wizard named Angeles Apollos who eventually grew up to become the rebel leader Seraphion. They were kind, chivalrous people and were incredibly happy when Mephia was born.

Mephia, however, did not quite turn out how they expected. It was as if Mephia was born with all of the bad parts of themselves and none of their good; he never showed anybody genuine love. He was born with incredible physical strength that was unnatural for even a wizard and often used violence to get his way, usually combining his strength with dark magic to win. One of the few redeeming qualities he had was his politeness and tolerance to those he respected, and he respected his parent's power, despite him not loving them. Mephia hated weakness and always asked his parents if he could "get rid of some of the pests so that they did not have to waste their time or concern on them". His parents managed to keep him from growing up into a serial killer by allowing him to soothe his blood lust through participating in colosseum fights, where killing opponents was allowed. Miraculously, he did not kill many of his opponents, for Mephia believed it would be a waste to have powerful fighters like them die.

He barely paid any attention to his younger brother Mephisto when he was born, thinking of him as both weak and a nuisance. He felt his brother's only use was to distract their parents from getting too involved with Mephia's activities.

When the king passed away and Bellarose began her rule, Mephia's parents became thieves who stole from the nobility and distributed the riches among the poor. Mephia often argued with them about giving the money to "the pathetic wizards we have to live with in this dump" and hated that they wasted their time caring about strangers. He eventually ventured onto the surface on his own and became fascinated by how different the world seemed to be. Deciding that there was no way he would settle for living in The Under with his foolish parents anymore, he began plotting on how he could live on the surface.

Mephia, admiring the way the queen used her power to crush the weak and demand absolute authority, approached one of her followers and begged for an opportunity to become the servant of such a powerful queen who had great ideals. It took a long time to get what he wanted, but after Mephia brought the heads of his troublesome parents and their accomplices before her and claiming that they were "filthy thieves who wanted to rebel against her and gathering the money in order to hire an assassin", Mephia finally proved that he could be a worthy follower. He became one of Bellarose's personal assassins and devoted the next seven years to carrying out the queen's wishes. Mephia worshiped the queen and basically acted like her loyal slave when he wasn't on a mission to assassinate someone; as long as he got to kill and fight, he didn't mind being treating horribly. He completely abandoned his brother Mephisto in The Under and the only reason he didn't finish off the last tie to his annoying family was that their father pleaded Mephia to spare Mephisto. Mephia, despite never loving his father, did respect him in his own twisted way and stuck to his promise.

When the prince had Bellarose publicly executed, he could do nothing to stop it because he was not in the city and when he returned it was just in time to hear her final words. While he was truly loyal to Bellarose, that loyalty died when she did, and he would have loved to serve her bloodthirsty son who displayed such wonderful power in the public execution. Much to his disappointment, he knew Belzeneff would never accept him and was going to execute all of her followers, so he planned to escape before he was killed by the prince's wrath. Since the late queen often exiled people, Mephia knew exactly how to go about the process, and fled to the human world. He arrived in a country called America and immediately set out to find a place to live.

He used his magic to "convince" a wealthy man to let him marry his daughter. Mephia did not care about the human girl at all, but she had money and a nice house that he needed. He rarely interacted with her and was not even attracted to her and hated that she was weak. He tolerated her for a few years until he joined the war as an excuse to leave. Mephia loved fighting in the war and did not use his magic in order to make it more "fun" unless he needed to heal a wound, however sometimes let himself get shot in order to feel what the weapons were like. Afterwards, he returned to his wife and was genuinely surprised that she stayed faithful to a guy like him and had no idea why she had not left him yet and actually missed him, but then realized that humans were strange and remembered they thought women had no rights. He personally did not think so, since he was the former follower of a tyrannical queen after all, and believed that humans were all equally weak but he made no effort to do something about the human's stupidity. He also hated that his human mother-in-law kept nagging him and his wife about having children. Mephia just killed them and took all of their wealth for himself, then moved to a different city where he enjoyed the roaring twenties as a bachelor and just partied. When the Great Depression occurred, he was incredibly annoyed, but managed to retain his wealth and remain a member of the upper class. He hated and viewed the New Deal programs as handouts to the worthless and unemployed, which reminded him of how his parents used to give money to the poor back on Wiz. He participated in many wars and battles during his time in the human world, such as world war two, but there were often times where he got bored with wars since he had to listen to human commanders so he often just stayed home to do whatever he wanted.

In 1984, he got a knock on his door from a fifteen year old boy claiming to be his son. Mephia did like to mess around with the humans, so he thought it was entirely possible for the random kid to be his child, but since he did not sense much magic in him he did not care. He decided to stay in contact though, in case he eventually showed some magic (since he did not know if half wizards developed magic as quickly) but never actually bothered to mention to his son that he was a wizard. In 1989, Mephia's grandson was born and he could sense that he was strong. The boy had inherited his powerful strength, unlike his weak son, and Mephia was determined to make sure that his descendant did not end up like the rest of his weak and worthless family. He felt an odd possessiveness for his grandson. He killed his son and daughter-in-law and all of the rest of his grandson's human relatives one by one, blaming it on "tragic accidents" so that Mephia could be the only one to raise him. He changed his grandson's name to Mephis, to keep with Wiz's tradition, but kept his last name as Roosevelt because deep deep deep deep deep down, he felt slightly guilty for killing his son and felt he should be honored in some way.

While raising Mephis, Mephia discovered that his grandson could also see spirits of the dead for some reason and he was glad that the family members he killed off never actually saw that he was the culprit. As Mephis grew up, Mephia developed a softer side and he began to actually love him despite never feeling that way for anyone in nearly a century of living. His feelings were real enough that when Mephis was ambushed and shot in the head by thugs in 2007, Mephia slaughtered the humans who dared harm him. He managed to heal all of his wounds to where not even a scar was showing but Mephia, who resorted to using some of the darkest magic to help the only person he ever cared about, knew he was about to die as a consequence. He didn't regret it at all though, to his surprise, but when Mephis regained consciousness, Mephis started crying over him and begged him not to die. There was no way Mephia was going to leave him alone and depressed over his death, because that would make him weak, so he used the last of his strength to remove his grandson's memory and then his body disintegrated and scattered in the wind.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

41 years old

Anabelle is Bell's daughter. She and her brother grew up together, with their father, after their mother died in childbirth. At this time, Bell was already swimming in cash and bitches, so they lived in an extravagant mansion and spent their summers in private islands and beautiful beaches and all that jazz. When Anabelle got to highschool, she met a boy named Jamie Parker and they started dating in their junior year. At first, Bell wasn't happy about this and threatened Jamie with deadly force if he ever dared to hurt his daughter, but over time, he saw that they truly cared for one another and let them be. They got married once they graduated highschool and traveled around the world for a year before settling down. Their first born son was born shortly after and they named him Jordon Parker.

Since Anabelle's mother was a human, her aging has slowed down considerably compared to her father's. She still looks really good for her age though, and gets many complements on her youthful appearance. By the looks of it, she holds no magical capabilities whatsoever and has no idea that she's a princess or anything. Right now, she's only concerned about her son's whereabouts and hopes that he'll return one day, safe and unharmed.

42 years old
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

39 years old

Abell is Bell's son and Anabelle's younger brother. He works in Japan as a civil court lawyer after moving there with his wife six years ago. Sadly, the two are going through a rocky separation right now and his job makes it impossible for him to return back to America to see his family. What makes it even worse is that his nephew is missing and that he can't do anything about it.

Like the rest of his family he has no idea about his true heritage and has chalked up his lack of aging to his good genetics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

died age 20 || would be 44 present day

The son of Mephia and father of Rodrigo.

Thomas grew up with a single mother and an absent father. The only thing he knew about his father was his name and the story of how his mother met him; he was a US soldier who met his mother in Hawaii while he was on leave, and he apparently left to go back to fight in Vietnam before his mother ever realized she was pregnant. Mysteriously, he could not be found when she tried to look for him, as if he magically disappeared off the face of the earth. So Thomas assumed his father died in the war and never thought about him. As a kid he was left alone for long periods of time because his mother was forced to work a lot and at school he was picked on for looking younger than most of his classmates. He was also poor and had to wear old clothes to school, giving his mean classmates even more material to judge and pick on. Thomas' life got even worse when his mother got ill from stress. He attempted to please her by pretending he had friends and never mentioning the bullying, not wanting to give her more to worry about, but her health kept declining and he was too young to get a job to help her.

When he was thirteen she passed away and Thomas was sent to live with his grandparents. They were nice to him, but his aunt's family who lived in the same house hated him and emotionally abused him. Thomas tried spending all of his time away from home and to occupy his time, he decided to try and find more information about his mysterious father. He eventually tracked down a war veteran who remembered the name "Mephia" and he learned that his father did not actually die in the war like he thought. It took until he was fifteen to finally locate where his father lived and he showed up on his doorstep, and even though they just met he surprisingly allowed Thomas to stay with him. He tried asking his father questions, but he was never taken seriously and just responded with strange answers that drove Thomas crazy. When he asked his fathers age or how he looked so young, Mephia would just respond something like "113 years old" or "Magic keeps me youthful", causing Thomas to lash out at him but Mephia was never affected. He was ignored most of the time and his father let him do whatever he liked, but he definitely preferred him over his mother's family. After graduating high school he met a girl named Jasmine at a coffee shop and they became fast friends. She eventually became the girl Thomas married and he was happy, finally glad that his life was truly looking up now. Even his father had gained an interest in him and his family once his son Anthony was born, which Thomas considered a miracle. But, as if he was cursed to never be happy for too long, Thomas and Jasmine were killed in a car crash a few months later.

died age 21 || would be 45 present day

The mother of Rodrigo.

An average human girl living on earth, Jasmine grew up with a loving family and was always a popular girl at school. Her friendliness left her with many friends and, even though her innocence and naivety sometimes ended with her taken advantage of, she was a kind girl. After graduating high school, she eventually met a boy named Thomas at a coffee shop. He was a janitor there and he helped her when she accidently spilled her coffee on the floor. He was a bold man who offered to buy her a new drink and they had a lovely conversation over his break. They became fast friends and kept in contact with one another, and Jasmine eventually married him. She was happy married to Thomas and was overjoyed when their son was born, but her life was tragically cut short when she and Thomas died in a car accident. But even death would not tear her apart from her only son, and as a spirit, she watched over him as he grew up. Her son eventually was able to see her, and although she did not have the ability to speak with him, Jasmine liked to show him affection by playing with his hair or kissing his wounds. Even when he could no longer see her because she was not a vengeful spirit, she continued to stay by his side and watch over him from afar. When her son was shot and dying, Jasmine soothed his pain away with what little power she had, before finally fading away into the afterlife because she no longer had any power left to tether herself to earth.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Died 660 years ago at 140

Angerri was the best friend of the 8th King, Belphegor, and his most faithful knight and protector. When he was murdered he immediately suspected Belzebub as the culprit and as a result, was banished underground. A bracelet created by dark magic was placed on his wrist that hindered his magic and, if he did not mine a certain amount of minerals per week, poison would be injected into him and he would slowly suffer until he met his quota. The poison did not kill, because that would be too easy for him and the other prisoners, and it left the wizards in pain that only went away if they submitted to Belzebub’s demands. The only friend he could contact, the current demon king, offered to help him but Angerri refused because he did not want a war to start. He accepted his fate and resolved to help the other banished wizards survive. He could see that not all of them were horrible criminals and many were decent people who offended Belzebub somehow. Angerri also made sure that the true criminals did not find a way to escape to Wiz and maintained order, so that everyone would not kill each other off. He organized a fight club that allowed wizards to take out their aggression on anger on each other, which eventually evolved into the collosseum generations later. As more people were banished, the underground began forming into a city and people rallied behind him as an unofficial leader. He was respected due to his ties to Angelveion and many did not believe that he was truly banished and was actually sent there as some sort of viceroy for Belzebub.

Once Belzebub lost interest in the underground mines and city, the bracelets were removed and the wizards were allowed to do as they please; but they were still not allowed to return to the surface. By this point Angerri had lost all hope of ever leaving The Under and had already started a relationship with a former thief. He lived in The Under with her for the rest of his life and passed on Angelveion’s Sword to his child after he died.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

24 years old
01/01/1989 (earth years)

Rodrigo was found wandering the streets by Angel after suffering from a severe case of amnesia. It left him without any memories of his family and friends, along with his past and even his own name. He was allowed to stay at Angel's home until his memories came back or a missing persons report came in that matched his description. After a few weeks passed and nothing happened, he grew restless and began working at the drugstore below Angel's home, which he also happened to be the owner of. It earned him some money and allowed him to come back to society slowly, interacting with the customers. Months passed and when it became clear that his memories would never come back he was saddened by the fact that his past self, whoever he was, wasn't important enough to anyone that no one had come looking for him. It was then that he assumed the name 'Rodrigo Armando', and name he picked out himself, and began his life over again, determined to become someone people would miss if he ever left. He became more open and began making friends with the people who dropped by the shop and even left to get groceries from the local supermarket.

His supernatural abilities surfaced months after working in the drugstore when the register got stuck and out of frustration, Rodrigo hit it to try to get it to open and ended up slamming it through the counter. He knew that this wasn't a normal thing, even an amnesiac knew that, and he was tempted to grab his tings and run since he knew that Angel would throw him out anyway if he ever found out, but to his surprise Angel was very accepting of it. He simply told Rodrigo that he was 'special' and that there were things about him that were different from other people. It sounded like something a mother would tell their kid so that their feelings wouldn't get hurt, but Rodrigo accepted it. If Angel thought it was okay, that it must have been okay. Angel thought Rodrigo how to control his new found strength since the world wouldn't be so accepting if he was found out, and soon enough Rodrigo learnt how to hide it. But it was shortly after that hurdle was finished that another one popped up. Ghosts, spirits and paranormal entities started to haunt Rodrigo, not only during his sleep, but during the day as well. Again, Angel assured him that this was okay and gave him some charms to ward them away. So life was still pretty weird for Rodrigo, but it wasn't unbearable.

About a year after being found by Angel, Rodrigo was walking home from the store when he found an unconscious man in the snow. Unsure about what to do, Rodrigo took him back to Angel's store. They soon discovered that this boy was just like Rodrigo and was suffering from amnesia. Angel welcomed him with open arms and had him stay in his home. He was soon named Ethan and he began to work with Rodrigo in the drugstore. Shortly after, they found out that Ethan also had magical abilities and Rodrigo felt less weird about himself. Now that they both had magical powers, Angel started assigning them really weird assignments, all having supernatural themes, and Ethan and Rodrigo have been doing them ever since. Under any other circumstance Rodrigo wouldn't put up with all the bullshit Angel's put them through, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go, and secretly deep down he actually enjoys the adventures, though he'll never admit it.

Before his amnesia, he was born as Anthony Roosevelt, but grew up under the name Mephis. He was raised by his grandfather after the sudden death of his parents. He grew up knowing nothing about his parents and though he was often curious about who they were, he was perfectly content with living with his grandfather because he was so nice and treated him kindly. He would tell him bedtime stories about a magical land called Wiz where the people could use magic and that he was a survivor from a war that happened there. This made Mephis admire his grandpa even more and he wished with all of his might that he would become a wizard too. He would boast to all of the kids in the playground that his grandpa was a SUPER POWERFUL WIZARD and would turn them into a frog if they were mean to him, but it didn't work and he was picked on anyway.

Mephis accidentally broke a bully's leg when he kicked him in self defense, and instead of scolding him, Mephia rewarded him with candy and praise. He then found out that he had super strength and Mephia taught him how to control it. He grew up constantly holding himself back, until it became second nature and he hardly thought anything of it when he was a teenager. It was around the time he found his strength that his powers to see the dead appeared. At first, Mephis thought that they were regular people and it wasn't until he tried to touch one of them and his hand went right through their body, did he realize that they were dead. Gradually, more spirits started to appear to him and some followed him around while others played games with him, but it was only the most emotionally charged spirits that were able to speak with him. Because of this, he was never alone and always had friends, even if most of them were deceased. His favorite one was a ghost of a young woman who never spoke to him, but would play with his hair as he slept and kissed his bruised knees when he fell. As he got older though, the spirits started to disappear until he could only see the evil and vengeful spirits, because his childhood innocence was gone.

When he reached high school, his personality darkened and he became a punk. He skipped class regularly and bullied students into giving him their lunch money. His only enjoyment in school came from playing basketball and he was the ace player at their school. He didn't get along with his teammates and was a douchebag to all of them. He eventually had to quit though, because he became involved in a gang and had to devote all of his time to them. Things went south though, when a drug deal went wrong and Mephis ended up getting shot by a rival gang. As he was dying in that dirty back-ally, the spirit of the young woman that he had loved so long ago appeared next to him and soothed his pain. A short time later, his grandfather was there and Mephis woke up in a bed, his wounds healed. But once he saw his grandfather, who was pale and looked close to death, Mephis knew that he had used his magic to heal him. He begged his grandfather not to die because he was the only family he had and he didn't want to be alone, but his grandfather passed away, but not before wiping Mephis' memories away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

23 years old
16/01/1990 (earth)
??/??/1122 (wiz)

One night he was found unconscious by Rodrigo Armando and taken to a shop run by a man named Angel. When he woke up, he had no memories, so he was given the name Ethan and he decided to work with Rodrigo in Angel's shop. It did not take long for Ethan to realize that working for Angel meant being given ridiculous jobs like tracking down magical objects or going through the shadow realm to locate a missing cat. Not long after he started working for Angel, Ethan realized he had strange abilities. He has the ability to sense a person's thoughts, feelings, memories, and even take on their personalities with just one touch. Odd things happen often around him and Rodrigo but, almost like magic, their luck somehow pulls them through and they manage to survive.

After dealing with so many weird assignments, Ethan takes things in stride and tries not to freak out about whatever Angel wants them to do. Most of the time Ethan is polite and tries to act responsible, but things rarely work out the way he wants and he becomes easily frustrated. If he uses his power too much in a short amount of time, Ethan begins feeling confused, and all of the different personalities make him act unstable and his personality will switch at random until his power wears off.

His true identity is Jordon Parker. The beloved son of Jamie and Anabelle Parker, Jordon grew up in a fabulously wealthy family because of his grandfather's fortune. Jordon always did everything he could to be seen as a perfect son in his family's eyes and also stressed himself out trying to maintain his image. He tried his hardest to attain good grades in school and secretly cried himself to sleep any time he got a B. He also played on the basketball team for his first two years before he gave up the sport because he felt that something was wrong with him.

He felt constant headaches and he almost considered going to a psychologist because he felt that he was imagining people thinking things about him, sometimes bad things. Sometimes, he felt as if his personality would change or that he would daydream random memories of people at random moments. But he never admitted his problems to his parents and tried to deal with his troubles alone. Jordon could not handle his life of playing perfect while struggling with what he believed was either "strange powers" or him "going crazy" and panicked so he ran away at the age of 17. He could not bare the thought of his parents thinking he was insane.

Jordon, like the rest of his family, had no idea that he was descended from a wizard and never realized that the strange happenings were his magic going haywire. His drive to be perfect manifested his magic into abilities that would help him with his goal and he unconsciously channeled his magic through touch. After he ran away from home, Jordon's strong desire to not be found by his parents kept him hidden and protected him. His magic obeyed his will but, because he is only 1/4 wizard, Jordon lost his memories as a consequence of using too much magic. He was found by Rodrigo and, since he no longer remembered his name, Jordon was renamed Ethan.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

112 years old

Chief Peacekeeper

Hiyaro is the older brother of Furaha Justus and the two were born in the Main City. Their parents died when Hiyaro was barely turning thirty, leaving him responsible for raising his younger brother Hiyam. Luckily they were an upper class family so Hiyaro was able to support them with the rest of their family’s money, but he still needed a job. He became a workaholic doing odd jobs like babysitting and cleaning, but he became tired of not having a reliable source of income. He enrolled in the academy in hopes of simply getting a desk job of some sorts, but his teachers thought he had a lot of potential and urged him to try becoming a protector or knight. Hiyaro didn’t think that would leave him a flexible enough schedule to raise his brother, so he opted to become a peacekeeper instead. At age 36, he was finally hired as a peacekeeper.

Even after his brother was old enough to take care of himself Hiyaro still insisted that they live together, mostly because he did not want to be alone, and Hiyam obliged. However, forty years ago Hiyaro introduced the daughter of one of his wizard council friends to his brother, a girl named Furea Justus, and Hiyam was smitten. Hiyaro noticed this and began setting them up on dates, but even he was surprised when they got married in just a few months. Hiyam, now going by Furaha, moved out of the house leaving Hiyaro free of looking after him. He still visited them often, but when his brother and sister-in-law adopted a young boy out of nowhere, they abruptly moved to the south.

He had no idea what to do with himself now that his brother was gone, so he just devoted all of his time to his job. Hiyaro never left his job as a peacekeeper so because of his dedication and long years as a peacekeeper, he ended up being promoted to Chief Peacekeeper 25 years ago.

He only visits Furaha, Furea, and Furei once or twice a year, but they still exchange calls at least once a month. Despite how close he is to his brother, Hiyaro has no idea that his adopted nephew is Bellissiah Black, and Furaha has no plans of ever telling him.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

120 years old

Lead Assassin

Jinora grew up as a hunter in the south. At a very young age she learned archery and could hit every target in sight. By the time she became an adult she was the best huntress in her small town and was the top provider for her village. Unfortunately, cruel wizards attacked her hometown while she was off on a hunt, and by the time she returned everything was either stolen or burned to the ground. Having nowhere else to go, she set out on a journey to find a new home. During her travels she befriended a sailor who offered her free passage to the Main City, and because she had nothing left in the south, she accepted. When she arrived she was fascinated by the huge city, since she had only seen small towns and forests, and explored as much as she could.

Jinora eventually became intrigued by the Wizard Council once she realized that she could attend the academy if she wished. She had seen many criminals getting away with crimes throughout her journey, including the ones who burned her village, and decided she wanted to become an assassin. She struggled at first because she got low grades on the theoretical parts of her classes, but Jinora was nearly perfect on practical lessons because of her experience as a hunter. She studied extra hard, though, and managed to graduate as one of the top students fifty years ago. Her talents got her hired as an assassin quickly and she quickly became one of Wiz’s top assassins within a few short years. After just fifteen years as an assassin, she was chosen as the Lead Assassin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

90 years old

A resident of The Under, Tiaro is a regular coliseum fighter and the current reigning champion of the last few tournaments. However, besides his victories, he is infamous as a drug lord who sells drugs to wizard both in The Under and The Main City. He has access to secret tunnels that his subordinates use to do their work, but most wizards assume that he does drug deals with the nobles who ride the elevator to and from the coliseum. His most popular drug is one of his own creation called Refrain that gives wizards hallucinations of their happiest memories, and they tend to live through the illusions as they were real. The more doses a wizard takes, the harder it becomes to feel happy without the aid of Refrain. The horrible conditions many wizards are forced to live in make many desperate for his drug and he feels no guilt taking advantage of suffering wizards. He is the biggest business in The Under besides the coliseum and he treats and pays his subordinates well, but he won't hesitate to fire inadequate wizards or literally set wizards on fire if anybody shares his secrets. His home is very large and the base of his operations, so it is heavily guarded by his paid thugs and Tiaro himself will punish wizards foolish enough to try robbing him. The most heavily guarded room is not his Bell Safe, but his garden. He is not the kindess person and take running his business seriously, but he is not unreasonable, and will pardon forgotten or late payments with just a reminder. Of course, those reminders get worse and worse the longer he doesn't receive his money, and Tiaro kills off any wizard who dares to try running away. Tiaro is a serious and normally calm headed wizard, which is why he gets along so badly with Criminal Nova. Even if the wizard didn't interfere with his drug deals sometimes, Tiaro still despises his personality, and hates the vigilante's strange antics.

He grew up never getting emotionally attached to anybody and he only got worse after becoming a coliseum champion as well as a drug lord. Whether it was for his appearance, power, or money wizards started trying to pursue relationships and friendships with Tiaro, who did not appreciate people trying to take advantage of him. Casual acquaintances he could handle fine, but intimate friends and lovers were the last thing he wanted, and he definitely refused to ever have one night stands. But despite his aversion to both emotional and physical closeness, he still managed to let one person into his heart. Tiaro's lover is named Kailani Callum and they have a son together named Kaiden.

He first met Kailani after noticing she frequently bought his drugs. Tiaro makes it his business to know the face and identity of every single customer so once a wizard regularly purchases his drugs, he pays them a personal visit. Most of the time he does a simple introduction and completes the business transaction himself. Those are usually the only times he personally deals with his customers with the exception of wizards who have too many late payments, tried to escape their debt, or causing problems in other ways he has to take care of. His first meeting with Kailani was purely professional and to Tiaro she was just another wizard trying to forget whatever horrors they experienced in life. He did not see her until months later when another wizard was late for their payments. Tiaro went to personally deliver his terrifying warnings, and since other customers lived in the area, Tiaro decided to deal with them as well. Kailani was one of the people who lived nearby and it was that second meeting that she left an impression on him. She was surprised that he was the one who showed up instead of the regular drug dealer so she asked him about it, which started a conversation that eventually went off topic and they spoke for over an hour. Tiaro left because he needed to return to work, but he felt curious about her, mostly because the only customers he dealt with were already too far gone or hostile towards him by the time he needed to interact with them. Kailani was the first customer he had an actual conversation with that did not complete revolve around drugs or his business.

A few weeks later he went to fight in the coliseum again, but because he remembered Kailani mentioning she was a singer there, he took the time to seek her out and listen to her. Tiaro liked her performance, which gave him another reason to speak with her again. He complimented her voice and admitted he wouldn't mind listening to her again, and bid her farewell with parting words that he looked forward to meeting her again. She interested him, but Kailani was put out of his mind for the next month as he conducted business, and he finally thought about her again once he felt like fighting in the coliseum again. This time he brought a gift for her that he presented after she finished singing, an expensive bracelet that he had received from a customer who did not have sufficient cash to pay their debt, that Tiaro had no use for.

Charmed by her voice and intrigued by their conversations, Tiaro continued to seek Kailani out the rare moments he craved companionship. And after seeing her eyes light up from seeing his gift, Tiaro felt uncharacteristic joy at her expression so he continued giving her presents that he personally had no use for. He began to slightly care for her more than the casual acquaintance they had formed, but it was not something Tiaro considered friendship or even infatuation. He simply had more positive feelings about her than anyone else in his life, and slightly cared about her well being, since he would feel some distress if she were harmed and making her smile made him feel good. Most people did not smile at Tiaro, after all. He had developed an attachment to her and, though he did not completely understand anything about romance, asked if she would consider a relationship with him. Tiaro admitted that he could not spend much time with her, and could never see himself acting romantic ever, but if she could accept that then he would take care of her as long as she was his lover. She agreed and he has remained faithful to her, and though he has never said he loved her Tiaro, he kept his promise to take care of her by giving her a lot of money and helping her move to a better neighborhood.

Tiaro rarely ever initiated anything physical in their relationship, however he would not refuse Kailani if she wanted him since he would rather not upset her. But he always felt hesitant to even hold her, knowing that his hands have killed before and is surprisingly gentle, as if he feared burning her with the fire magic he specialized in. This fear carried over to his son when Kaiden was born and Tiaro never held him as a baby, secretly afraid he would accidently kill him if he so much as touched him. Tiaro, as a child, had accidently killed someone close to him because he could not control his strength and gaining a family in Kailani and Kaiden brought back the trauma he thought he got over long ago. Even as Kaiden grew older, Tiaro was still hesitant to be around him for too long since he felt he was too dangerous.

Presently, the only wizard Tiaro likes more than Kailani is Kaiden, and he showers them both with extravagant gifts whenever he has time to visit them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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50 years old

Arius was born to Aria Mastema and Belzeneff Black, making him an illegitimate prince of Wiz. His mother Aria was a devoted priestess of Oz who would blindly and happily do ANYTHING for the king, but more importantly, the prophet of Oz. When he was a baby, fanatic Belzeneff loyalists killed Aria after discovering the affair because she “wronged the royal family”. Arius was raised by his grandmother in the north until she passed away when he was 20. Arius grew up with knowledge about his heritage because his grandmother couldn’t bring herself to lie about the circumstances about his mother’s death. He moved to the main city after his grandmother’s funeral, having no other idea of what to do now that he was alone.

He asked for an audience with the king using his regular name, but the council thought he was just a random commoner child and denied him, which angered Arius. He didn’t know what to do, since his mother had been from a high class family and he still wasn’t able to get clearance, so he ventured to the church where his mother used to serve. The high priestess, Symphora, recognized his family name and was happy to speak with the son of one of her old friends. She was devastated to learn Aria had been dead all this time without her knowing and as an apology for never checking up on his family, revealed he had a way of grabbing his father’s attention. At birth he was secretly listed as Belarius Black in the royal family records with no documented mother, to make it harder for anyone to find him in the future despite that idea not working out too well. Arius did not hesitate to use that name in order to secure an audience with the king.

When he met his father for the first time, Arius was disappointed about the one parent he had left seeing him mostly as an inconvenience. Belzeneff did not have much to say to him and the only thing he wanted from Arius was a promise to not reveal his identity. Instead of agreeing, Arius childishly threw a tantrum and threatened to expose himself as an illegitimate prince because he was angry that Belzeneff didn't care about him, only that his wife not find out about him. At first Belzeneff tried to convince him to keep his mouth shut, but Arius continued arguing with him and it escalated to Belzeneff yelling in frustration that he didn’t care anymore if Arius said anything. So out of spite, Arius did just what he threatened without a shred of remorse. He was in despair over feeling alone and having no family left, so he cared little about what happened to him now. But to his shock, the queen summoned him after she heard about him and spoke to Arius in private. She said that if she didn’t accept him when she managed to accept Belisario, it wouldn’t be fair to him, and she invited him to stay in the castle. Arius accepted her offer and looked to her with reverence, while at the same time realizing another reason to despise his father; he is absolutely the worst type of person for cheating on the wonderful queen. He loves Bellona as the only real parent he has ever had and in contrast with Belzeneff he acts polite with the queen, who happens to be the only person he’s willing to listen to. Arius tends to do whatever he wants, fully intending to take advantage of the fact the royal family is above the law, and often acts on a whim. He rarely plans for anything and makes things up as he go, so one day he might wake up and decide to randomly leave the city for a “vacation” from the job he doesn’t have, which usually causes his protector to panic when he suddenly disappears.

While he was easily angered when he was younger, Arius has become a calm man who has a constant polite smile on his face. However, he tends to make people uncomfortable just because he thinks it’s amusing. He purposely gives long awkward hugs or handshakes, stare unfazed into people’s eyes, sits uncomfortably close to people, and other actions that invade personal space. His status as an illegitimate prince is public knowledge but Arius has no interest in succeeding the throne. He doesn't want to ever rule over foolish subjects who genuinely adore his tyrant father and especially not become a prophet of Oz, since he knows it was devotion to the wizard god that caused his birth mother to fall for the prophet; his unfaithful father.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

68 years old

Before she was Pemari Abernathy, her name was Victorianna Ceil and she was born to a high class family. Not as high as the the relatives of the Royal Family, but her family line was still very important. Her mother's family were weapon smiths and had been for centuries. Her grandfather forged the sword used by Belzeneff to execute the mad Queen Bellarose, and because of it, her family was rewarded richly. Her father's side had less of an interesting background, and yet her father managed to find a job at the Wizard Council and worked under Mayara Vega as one of her assistants. So coming from two well off families gave Victorianna the childhood every little girl wanted. She attended school as soon as she was old enough and graduated from the Academy in her early twenties, years before the rest of her age group. Her mother wanted her to follow in her footsteps and become a weapon maker but her father wanted her to be involved in the Council. Unsure of what to do, Victorianna chose neither and moved to the South instead. There she traveled around for a while, enjoyed the scenery, and essentially relaxed.

She returned to the Main City was she was 46 and got a job in the Council, just like her father wanted. Her younger brother, Victor, chose to follow their mother's line of work and became a weapon maker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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died at 44 || would be 93 present day

She was a priestess of Wiz and one of Oz’s most devoted worshippers. As a child she took a trip with her father out to sea, but a vicious storm struck and even with their magic, the ship was wrecked and many of the passengers died including her father. She fell overboard and clung to driftwood for safety, and prayed to Oz the entire time that she would survive. Miraculously she made it through the storm and a few hours later, Pegasus Knights found and rescued her. After recovering and returning home with her mother, Aria decided to become a priestess when she became older and fully devote herself to Oz. She completed studies and memorized as many writings and prayers of Oz as she could, becoming a priestess at the earliest age allowed at 25 years old. She was very altruistic and devoted her time to helping the poor wizards, usually by feeding the hungry and telling stories that reinforced faith in Oz.

When she was sent to give the last rites to some prisoners meant to be executed, Aria accidently met the king for the first time while she was on her way back to the church. Unable to help her excitement at coming face to face with the prophet, Aria immediately bowed and told him praises like what it honor it was to be in the same room with him, how he was the greatest wizard on the planet, and that she “would do anything at all to please the King and Prophet of Oz”. With her blind devotion to Oz and adoration with Belzeneff for being the prophet, it didn’t take long for them to become intimate with one another, and she began meeting up with him from time to time. Eventually, she became pregnant with his child, and it was the wizard council who panicked the most.

Belzeneff’s heirs had been born only a few years ago and her child could cause trouble not only with the queen and the public, but with the line of succession. There was a reason the previous rulers of Wiz had a tradition of only having one heir and the illegitimate child could grow up to cause trouble if they wanted the throne for themselves. The wizard council wanted to banish her to The Under or earth, but High Priestess Symphora interfered on her behalf and convinced them to just let her raise the child in secrecy away from the city. Aria was allowed to move back to her hometown in the North and a few months later, her son was born. Part of the deal was that her child would have to take her name rather than Belzeneff’s, so she named him Arius Mastema. Life was going well for Aria and she still participated in her town’s local church, but a few months later fanatic Belzeneff worshippers found out about her affair. One of the wizard council members blew the secret and told one of their friends about Aria, who ended up being a member of the group. They became angry at her for wronging the royal family by having an illegitimate child with the king. It was simple to find her because she did not change her name and she still worked with the church, so they brutally killed her for her “crimes” in the dead of night, only sparing Arius because he was half Belzeneff. Aria’s mother found her dead in the morning when she went to visit them and took guardianship of Arius.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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116 years old

Baskette is a wizard who lives in the main city and she currently stays with her older sister, Basa, in a large house. Baskette is an accomplished and talented artist who specializes in paintings. She spent her childhood living in the poor district and became inspired to become a painter after seeing graffiti and murals all over buildings. Her magical paintings have pictures that move and sometimes have amazing effects, such as sparkles or 3D effects. She enjoys giving her art to her sister and hanging them all over the manor. Despite her success with her hobbies, Baskette has a hard time in social situations, and her only close relationship is with her sister.

She has always had trouble with relationships, both romantic and platonic friendships, because she is afraid of commitment and being held back by people, and especially the thought of becoming a parent someday. No matter how hard she tries Baskette never lasts in a relationship more than a few months, but she thought that she changed after befriending Weruweru Taiga. He was depressed over his missing sister and dead father, and she did her best to pull him out of despair and make him smile. They made each other genuinely happy and he became her best and only friend. She slowly fell in love with him as time passed and for once, she dated him without fearing commitment and he was her longest relationship. She happily accepted when he proposed to her and she thought she was ready to finally start a new chapter of her life, but on her wedding day Baskette’s fear returned tenfold and she didn’t know how to handle it. She ran away in distress and didn’t realize she had abandoned Weruweru until it was too late. She was too ashamed to face him again, so she moved in with her sister, and could never find the nerve to speak to Weruweru again.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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131 years old

The Head Executioner before Judicael, Basa is a wizard who believes in justice and did her best to cleanse Wiz of wizard criminals. She has great respect for the royal family and could never bring herself to harm any of them, which made her disobey Belzeneff’s orders and save Belissiah Black by giving him to her friend’s daughter, Furea. She currently lives in the Main City in the wealthiest district after buying a nice house with the money she earned from her old job.

She grew up as an ordinary commoner in the main city and spent most of her youth getting in trouble with her parents for getting in fights. Basa hated bullying and always beat up her classmates if she saw anybody picking on someone, and she was often isolated from others her age because she was bossy and intimidating. It wasn’t until she was 15 that she started learning to think first before throwing a punch, when her younger sister Baskette was born. Basa was involved with Baskette’s life as much as she could and always found time to play with her sister. She became much more patient and level-headed after constant babysitting and learning she couldn’t boss around an infant. Despite their age gap, Basa and Baskette developed a strong sister bond.

Basa was 21 when Bellarose began her ruled and she developed a hatred for criminals even more during this period. The middle class no longer existed and her family was unlucky enough to fall into poverty during this time, but they survived by growing their food in a large garden that her grandmother planted before she was born. Basa had to constantly fight off thieves trying to steal from her family and more than once she saw people killed on the streets over simple loaves of bread. When Belzeneff took over and their family was slowly able to recover again, Basa developed a great respect for the king. Her hatred for criminals still burning strong, she eventually became an executioner for the wizard council. As an executioner she was very strict about wizards who broke laws and as the years passed, started to feel less and less remorse for criminals sentenced to death. She was crafty in getting information out of prisoners and became one of the best torturers. Basa was eventually promoted to Head Executioner at age 70 and held the position until she decided to retire 15 years ago, when her health started to decline. She now lives in a luxurious house with Baskette, who moved in with her 10 years ago after getting cold feet at her wedding.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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64 years old

Gracidea’s mother is a knight so she always wanted to become one too, but eventually Gracidea decided to become a protector instead since she could barely use a sword. Her parents both had their doubts because Gracidea has always been very easily frightened and bashful, but they supported her nonetheless and tried their best to help her overcome her timidness. She never got over her shyness, but she excelled at her tests when it came to combat due to training with her mother, which gave her enough qualifications to land her a job as a temporary protector for wizards who needed to be safely escorted to places. At most she had only guarded wizards for a week at a time, so Gracidea almost fainted from surprise when she got news of her first real assignment. She was to be the royal protector of Prince Arius, who had no interest in having a protector, and did his best to ignore wizards assigned to him. Apparently, he could disappear for days and would only be found if he let himself be found, and Gracidea was scared she would not be capable of being a good protector for someone like him. But when she actually met him, to everyone’s surprise he never tried avoiding her. Instead, Arius consistently stayed by her side, actually informed her when he was going to leave somewhere or do something, and willingly initiated conversations with her.

To this day, Gracidea is still very shy so half of the time she gets into awkward silences with him and she feels embarrassed whenever Arius randomly holds her hand or hugs her. The prince has a sporadic schedule so one day she could just quietly listen to him speak while they have tea at his house then the next day he’ll decide to take a random trip out of the city. He has some strange habits that confuse her and he always gives her strange gifts on holidays, and despite being his protector for the past 25 years, Gracidea still has no idea what to expect from him sometimes.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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32 years old

Jaycee was found in the poor district as a child abandoned on the streets. His parents, both members of the rebellion, rescued him and raised Jaycee alongside his numerous adopted siblings and encouraged them all to join the revolution. Growing up with adoration for their leader, Seraphion, Jaycee joined at the first opportunity and does his best to try to be useful for the cause. He acts as Seraphion’s messenger when information needs to be delivered in person to the recipient, especially in The Under where phones are rare, and usually follows the rebel leader around when Seraphion delivers news personally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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79 years old

Lysandre grew up in the west, but arrived in the main city two months ago after leaving behind his family and hometown. He is quiet and aloof, never saying a word to anybody; only communicating through nonverbal gestures, writing, and the occasional grunt. He aimlessly wanders the poor district every night and tends only to stop when he comes across a place of interest, such as a bar, or when somebody offers him a smoke. Lysandre is deaf in both ears so he judges others solely by their actions. His eyes are more developed than the average wizard; he can clearly see through the darkness and has enhanced peripheral vision. He is very observant of his surroundings and nearly nothing escapes his sight.

Despite how indifferent he seems on the outside, in reality, Lysandre has a kind heart and won’t hesitate to lend his aid if he spots somebody in trouble. He helps silently and without reward, even if he is put in danger like fending off attackers on a helpless wizard, and tends to wordlessly leave before he can be thanked. He has a soft spot for children and he is popular among the orphans on the streets because he randomly appears bringing them food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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123 yeas old

Nataraji is the cousin of Bellona and Valiant. When Shakkir moved to the Main City, he left behind his father and younger brother. His younger brother, Shantan, remained in the East and took over his father's sheep herding job. He got married and had a son named Shayear. When Bellarose took over the throne, Shantan allowed his brother, now named Valdmar, and his family to stay with them. During that time, Shayear met his cousins Valentia and Valiant. They quickly befriended one another and through them, Shayear learned all about the wonders of the Main City and wished to go there.

After the Queen's downfall, Valentia and Valiant returned to the Main City and Shayear longed to go with them. But Shantan wouldn't allow him to leave their village. Instead, Shayear grew up in his hometown and eventually got a job. Before he knew it, he was getting married and having children, no longer dreaming about the Main City. The years passed by slowly and uneventfully, that is however, until his son hit puberty. Their relationship wasn't the best before, but when his son hit his teenage years, it got much worse. He had trouble controlling his rebellious behavior and thought about shipping him off to Valiant's house so that he could learn discipline through the Academy. But before he had the chance, his son ran away from home and totally cut off contact.

His son has been missing for over thirty years, and the last he heard was that he was running with some underground gangs. He desperately wants his son to return but doesn't know the first place to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

48 years old

Nataraji's son and a member of the rebellion, Nathrachean has always been a war enthusiast. When he was younger he would spend all his time in the libraries reading about the great wars in the past and longed to be in one himself. But unfortunately he was born during a time of peace and in the wrong location, making it impossible for him to train to become a knight. As an alternative outlet, Nathrachean began getting mixed up in the East side gangs and started got into alot of trouble. When his father found out, he threatened to send him away, and although it was to the Main City where he could get the training to become a Knight, he was so sure that he was going to get rejected from the program that he didn't even want to try. On the night of his last day, he ran away from home and moved in with one of his gang friends. From there he bounced from house to house of the different people he knew until he eventually landed in the Main City. With no money for food, he resulted to thievery and got caught by a PeaceKeeper. The crime was petty and didn't deserve death, so he was sent to the Under to serve out the rest of his punishment.

In the Under he met a man around his age named Destrinnian, or better known as the Red Rose. He was a notorious gang member who was ruthless in fights, but Nathrachean had gotten on his good side and became an underling. When Destrinnian joined the Rebellion, Nathrachean did too, seeing this as the perfect way to get into fights. However, he is unaware that he is related to the Royal family because his father never told him.
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