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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 22 min ago

Magus Nilrem
Ethereal codex lesser memory archive
Thoughts on the other councilor's ideas so far
Current stat readings: Assets(5) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0)

Magus Nilrem remained silent, listening to one councilor putting up an idea, only to have it shot down by another councilor who then put up an idea of their own, before having that idea shot down to be replaced by another idea, thus repeating the cycle. Nilrem had thought of his own ideas, but like the other councilors were doing right now, Nilrem had found flaws in his plans and deemed them unworthy to be submitted for council approval. After an hour of not being able to think of anything, Nilrem had decided to just go to the meeting and support the good ideas that were put by the other other councilors. So far, Nilrem liked the idea put forward by Jarvis the most, the noble made some very good points on how a worker's guild would benefit Dakhen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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[Fourth Post]
Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

Katherine listened to the plans of agriculture and work unions with a vague curiosity. Matters of agriculture were an admitted failing on her part, but topics raised of decreased work hours, unionization and centralization were ringing alarm bells in her mind regarding the kind of men sitting on this council and their ultimate agendas. Yet she could already tell she would be standing alone if she raised serious objections at this early junction of the council against three of her fellow councilors with obvious socialist agendas. So she would have to take a different tack to bring sense to the vapid idealists appointed to council positions. That, and this Workers League idea did have some merit to tie up laborers in agriculture and grunt work, away from fields of industry that needed more "sensitive" types of labor that was her business to provide for.

"Fine words mister Pentaphraxis, and an apt summation of the core problems of the agricultural sector and our general workforce." Meaning the non-biosynth workforce in her views. "Although while I raise my voice in support of a plan to give the masses productive work for the good of Dahken, I must also question how to avoid opportunism and wastage in such a vast social system you intend to set up. Yes we need labor and crops alike, but we need order as well to keep workers who we will be entrusting the maintenance of vital infrastructure and resources to. As you state yourself, we will likely be recruiting from the most potentially violent demographics of our populace for such a workforce, and will practically be putting meals into their mouths our of our reserves and treasury until the new fields become productive and the workers trained. It would be prudent to take measures to ensure we obtain a....return on our investment.

Mandatory ID tagging and creation of a central database of workers tied into this Worker's League program would be a good start towards identifying problem workers and abusers of the system. A reward system of competition between work groups to strive for more meals of meat or script for the pleasure districts would also make for a good carrot for the commoners to encourage productivity. And should the working citizens refuse to recognize the full value of what is being offered to them....well we need to get around to rebuilding our military anyway, so why not start with the military police corps? Surely these are sensible policies to follow up upon in conjunction with such a grand social endeavor to guarantee the stability of Dahken as well as its growth?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zamiel


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"Indeed, that is a very well founded concern Madame Greywind. In fact, I have put some thought towards this inevitable issue myself."

"There exist several social vectors to consider and balance in this situation. These are: bureaucracy, scapegoating discontent, and decline of work effort per capita."

"One must accept from the onset that wastage and inefficiency is not possible to fully eliminate. In any industry, one comes to a point where increase in efficiency would cost more in upkeep than the increase would generate in profit - that point is where you stop and say: 'Good enough". This is indeed a basic tenet of commerce and industry and I apologize for repeating it to you. I merely seek to bring it to the foreground of this discussion as a governing rule to how much control can be applied to the operation of the Worker's League."

"Building effective organizations is very much like building a house. Each component reinforces another, which in turn does so to another, which then supports the original component. Walls hold aloft your roof, while the weight from your roof holds the walls vertical. Bureaucracy, is analogues to conscripting a hundred men to take shifts holding a roof over your head, or propping up your collapsing walls due to lack of roof. Components of an effective organization reinforce each other, without the need for active support to prevent collapse - the same goes for governance as it does for construction. Our aim is to build a self regulating structure whose parts keep each other accountable without the need for layers of surveillance."

"Scapegoating is another rather straightforward human tendency. When something goes wrong, most seek a target for ire. The grand sleight of hands is directing blame to an ultimately replaceable individual who is ideally a representative of the party you are puppeteering. All that remains for higher command to do is remove the faulted individual from office and punish to the satisfaction of those who blame him. This is understood to be the fundamental principle of the governance structure known as 'democracy', where figureheads are paraded before an uneducated public to absorb their scorn to be throw away only to be replaced by another."

"Decline of work per invested capita of a workforce in an environment where such decline increases standard of living is inevitable. If you give someone leeway to be lazy, rest assured that they will seize it all and more. This is also a well-understood social axiom although with slight over-generalization. Prevention of this social tendency is directly proportional to efficiency of the operation of the Worker's League. This must be done without layered bureaucratic oversight that defeats the purpose of its use - increasing efficiency. We can not knowingly sew the seeds of our own defeat. The Worker's League will function and keep itself accountable through a renewable cycle of scapegoating."

"I have several times come a hair's width of revealing the simple principle under which the Worker's League can be near-fully self regulating. Some of you may have been able to guess, but I am obliged to elaborate. Our command and representatives - the garrison commanders - will be the agents of reward and good. Inside each garrison will be a pseudo-democracy under command of our appointed commanders. Speaking in military terms, men will be arbitrarily assigned to squads of about ten each with one 'elected' representative. Three squads select a representative of their platoon, and three platoons subsequently elect one to represent their company. Most garrisons will contain two companies that have no further commoner leadership."

"I will emphasize, these 'elected' leaders are no more than figureheads - our scapegoats. They receive boons and advantages for holding their 'position' to the extent of company commanders having their own quarters, three meals with meat each day and access to vices. The intent of this is for all men to covet such luxury and attempt to hold it for themselves as best they can. Company commanders whose company does not complete projects on deadline are removed and replaced. The company commander, to retain his boons becomes forced to hold elected representatives below him accountable and working efficiently - otherwise he loses his coveted position. This commander has the right to dismiss platoon commanders only - who in turn may dismiss squad leaders. Thus each tier must complete their quota of labor allotted them by a higher tier of command or else be removed from office by those above who are doing so to keep themselves from being removed."

"What exactly is the result of all this you may ask? In brief terms, the commoners choose their own overseers and glorified slave drivers who are either removed for not meeting our quota, or because their constituency comes to hate them for brutal efficiency in which case our man, the garrison commander swoops in and punishes them as an 'enemy of the people'. In other words, punishment will always come from the hands of those who commoners elected - our scapegoats. Meanwhile, our own appointees distribute rewards, and other such gratification. The cycle continues until positions eventually become filled by commoners who can balance meeting our quota and appeasing those beneath them thus both satisfying our need for efficiency, and keeping happy all members of the Worker's League."

"Several more advantages of the Worker's League become more apparent under this closer examination". Jarvis nods to Madame Greywind. "By this structure, men of the Worker's League will be primed and conditioned for military service both physically and psychologically. As I mentioned before, garrisons are capable of filling diverse roles in their regions. Response to emergencies may very well include localized response to crime in addition to fire and other such events".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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[Fifth Post]
Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

Credit where it was due, this guy knew human resources and marketing. Katherine mentally bumped Pentaphraxis' respect/threat rating (she made no differentiation between the two) up significantly. Of the two other nobles here, she was immediately coming to see the younger man to be the greater economic mind, and the way he worded his sales pitch on contingencies was well refined salesmanship to say the least. And left very few grounds for objection. Very well played.

"The benefits are obvious." She said after Jarvis finished his speech. "I vote in support of the Worker's League, and will work on my end to smooth out any wrinkles that may interfere in its establishment once protocols of its foundation are set." The unspoken reference to Katherine's connections amongst the aristocracy and industrial elites, while her mind worked away at how to profit herself from this setup given its clear overlap with some divisions of base-level genejack production.

The answer of course lied in what it didn't cover, namely certain fields of industry and social "services", and Katherine pulled out a stylus to begin tapping and drawing out notes on her dataslate to begin drafting plans of her own. None that would interfere with the worker's league, but still beneficial for her company regardless. And as much as the councilor's may disagree with her work, it was there, and it was too essential to allow to weaken. They would come to realize this in due time. For now, she would play along.

"Is there any who oppose?" She continued, her fingers dancing on the tablet while her eyes never left her fellow councilors. Gauging their next move. For the moment she had to play low and to the confidence of the others, lest she unite them all against her prematurely. That, and the policies she intended to bring up were more industry than labor, something to bring up later. Not to mention the unenviable question of who was the shoulder the government's electricity bill.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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[Third Post]
Sir William
Current Status: Assets(5) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2)

William had been tuning out from the meeting the matters of agriculture did not concern him, but at the mention of his military structure the soldier in him spoke out. "I don't agree with your methods." He said quite bluntly "The commanders of our former kings army were fat and decadent because of their rewards and spoils. They did not care about their soldiers, all they cared about was the extra food and a whore to warm their beds. So your workers would be forced to work grueling hours with slave drivers at their backs so these slave drivers can take food out of their mouth. If you wish i can put the militia to work with the workers, it would give both sides a better understanding of how the other works, but i will not let them lord over them." He said, he was all but yelling by the end of it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 22 min ago

Magus Nilrem
Ethereal codex lesser memory archive
Vote casting and season spending
Current stat readings: Assets(5) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0)

"I agree with Sir William" Nilrem chimed in, rather cross at Jarvis for suggesting such an outrageous idea "Scapegoat or not, I won't support any form of mistreatment towards the people of Dakhen. And furthermore, whose to say that any of the scapegoats become fair while meeting the quotas simultaneously?".

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mpjama2
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Lord Green
Stats: Assets(5) Power(0) Production(4) Influence (4) Charm( 3)

Lord Green calmly listened to Lord Pentaphraxis's proposal, and once everyone else was done talking, he said his piece: "Lord Jarvis, using the word 'slave-driver' may have cost you this vote. However, I am under the impression that since each part of the management requires support from their underlings, the 'drivers' will not mistreat their workers. You have my support."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zamiel


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Jarvis Pentaphraxis
Stats: Assets 5 / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5

"Sir William, that is indeed the unfortunate way our militia was handled, and I hope is no longer the case. I reiterate that unlike in a military situation, the Worker's League has a very sturdy baseline on which to see which commanders are pulling their weight. A construction project must be completed, and men under their command kept happy as they do so - those who can walk that fine line deserve the spoils of their position as they continue to perform to our high standards. Twelve hours is a standard work day for a vast majority of those few who in fact have a job at this time for less than what the Worker's League would provide. Spare a moment to speak to them yourself - ask them, is starvation preferable to honest labor? At present, benefits I have proposed are in fact far more generous per work hour than those of any factory you can find. In fact, factories may eventually become forced to improve conditions and pay drastically to remain in competition with the Worker's League for employment."

Jarvis paused, considering whether he had removed enough subtlety for this muscled oaf to catch the drift of the matter under discussion. Having been to this point very patient in speech and appearance, Jarvis now slightly narrowed his eyes and added a measured amount of chill to his voice. Looking directly into the man's passionate eyes, he added:

"... and with what I hear currently of the state of discipline in our militia, many have come to question whether we have any competent commanders left to teach our, [pause] soldiers to stand at attention, much less how to handle their weapons. It would not come as a great surprise if a reshuffling of militia leadership were to be not much further down this council's list. I would advise to do the utmost to convince your superiors that we require results, which as of late are less than apparent if we are to continue to invest assets. I expect many young, capable commanders to emerge from the folds of the Worker's League and turn our militia into a military force to be reckoned with."

Jarvis now swept his gaze around the rest of the members, addressing them all.

"In times long past, The Councils of Six were always governed by the understanding that the councilman who proposes does not vote on its passing. Three of the remaining five must be agreeable for a measure to pass. As it stands, it up to Master Lanc to tip the scales in favor of one or the other. I believe you will make the correct choice in favor of developing our infrastructure, providing honest labor to the unemployed and training them in all manner of skilled occupation to create the most robust middle class that Dakhen has ever seen."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

As Lanc silently tapped his own vote on the table's checkboxes, Katherine tallied the votes.

"2 opposed, 1 abstention (Lanc), 2 in support plus the proposer counted in matters of a tie. The motion carries, the worker's league will be implemented with all due process." She announced with slight smugness. She hadn't had to do anything yet, and already she was achieving several of her goals. The council was split, the socialists forced to deal with the reality that half of the council did not support their aims, and that if they intended to get more of their agenda passed, they needed her vote to get around the knight and magus.

"Onto more current issues before proposing further law: our government's expenses. Namely the matter of paying the wages of the militia and our power bills. Union Laborworks will foot some of the bill to Madame Vol, but I can't foot all the burden of government on my own." Nor do you want Madame Vol to think I'm the only one she can count on to be reliable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mpjama2
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Lord Green
Stats: Assets(5) Power(0) Production(4) Influence (4) Charm( 3)

Lord Green drummed his fingers on the table as he waited for the rest of the council to speak their piece, once they were done, he spoke up: "If necessary Madame Greywind, I will chip in for the utility bills. *cough* Someone has to do it."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zamiel


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Season 2, of the year 3901,Turn 2

Our High Council

Minister of State: None!
Minister of War: None!
(You haven't elected any)

Magus Nilrem
Sir William of Dakhen
Lady Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Master Alexander Lanc
Lord 'Duke' Jarvis Pentaphraxis
Lord Robert Green


Office of the Coin
The Office of the Coin reports directly to the council on the state of our economy.

Taxes: 0 assets paid to the Office of Coin
City Assets:0
Allocated Funds: Magus Nilrem (2,power), Lady Greywind (1,power), Lord Pentaphraxis (1, militia), Lord Green (1, power)

Expenses:-5 total
Militia , 1 per season
Energy, 3 per season +1 paid to Estate Power for a total of 4
Our bills are paid this season!
Laws Enacted by Council

News of the Greater Lands

King Nestor, our ally and king of Pillar Neln has offered to resume trade with our city. His neutrality in our war with Pillar Malka was a 'necessary evil' as his royal ambassador has stated. Their terms are reasonable and will provide the city with +1 asset income in trade.

King Prospero, of that loathesome city Malka has sent troops to Fort Algerin, a mere 400 miles across the Tempest Sea! Knights in War Machines (mechs) have been spotted among the some 1000 regular soldiers. This is a clear violation of our treaty agreement!

News of our city, Dakhen

This seasons top news:

  1. We're Hungry!

  2. The Workers League will give us jobs!

  3. The Workers League will ruin us all!

  4. The Arena is open again! Hooray!

  5. Malka soldiers have taken Fort Algerin! Soon they will come for us!


Report for Madame Greywind
Stats:Assets(0, -2 engines, -2 investiture into workforce reorganization,-1 city power bill), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

Report for Sir William of Dakhen
Stats: Assets(5, you spent 0 this season) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2 )
You have made no plans this season.
Report for Magus Nilrem
Stats: Assets(3, 2 spent on city expenditures((power))) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0)
You have made no plans this season.
Report for Lord Robert Green
Stats: Assets(4, -1 city power costs) Power(0) Production(4) Influence (4) Charm( 3)

Report for Duke Jarvas Pentaphraxis
Stats: Assets (1, 1 asset paid to the militia, 1/2 to expand company operations,1 asset in donation to the Priesthood of Tallus) / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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[First Post]
Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

Joy, joy, and damnation. Just as soon as things were looking up, another crisis was descending upon Dahken. Katherine sipped at a glass of wine served by an attractive biosynth maidservant in her private chambers as she pondered the news on the screens before her. The worker's league reforms were underway, with not quite unexpected unrest resulting from them. She would let Jarvis pay for his own project, Union Laborworks was busy reshuffling its assets to adjust for the labor pool disruptions it would cause. The Pillar was still quite dependent on goods made with biosynth labor, so they would have little reason to protest her focus.

But none of that would matter if they were invaded yet again. Scowling and ordering her wine refilled, Katherine pondered her options. First and foremost, the Knight had to be roused into action. It was clear he had little mind for administration (indeed, his militia were paid by Duke Pentaphraxis last season), but perhaps a immediate threat to face would give him something to focus on. But as for her.....options, she needed to determine her options.

First, to follow up on the actions she had taken before. The engines, the biosynth reallocations....yes. She had plenty of options.

"Shannon, my memo pad and speak-writer."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zamiel


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[First Post]
Jarvis Pentaphraxis
Stats: Assets 2 / Power 0 / Production 2 / Influence 5 / Charm 5

Narrative Notes for Familial Posterity

I had expected nothing less. Obstinate, waffling officials who could not provide no more than token effort towards a solution. They throughout history have acted as a gripping morass, pulling those with innovation in their minds into their depths of mediocrity. I was prepared for my proposition to have been defeated. Failure would only have meant I would get my way later rather than sooner, and under a different guise. Just as with young kittens who refuse to drink milk from a plate, these councilors would have to be shoved face-first into the drink until they realized that what I offered was in fact good for them. The doting old lord retained enough economic sense and large scope view of society to see how it would benefit the general populace. So much so as to overlook the twelve hour work day which I had expected him to voice protest to first - merely as bait for concession so as to keep more important components untouched. Not only did he not bite, he accepted the entire package without so much as a complaint.

Kathy voiced her support quickly and enthusiastically, which revealed much more than she suspected. With those such as her, a certain degree of unpredictability has to be accounted for. Given her clear economic and social standpoint, it could only be assumed that she had come to this meeting not expecting to accomplish much to her own desire. There were multiple ways that such shifts in workforce patterns as the Worker's League could be exploited by an industry such as hers to very lucrative ends. Acceptable. In this council, I have the initiative. I shall not assume that she does not posses the art of finesse - yet in not revealing this, she displayed possession of enough wisdom to keep her mouth shut against a socially united council. Insofar as I steer council in a path that spoon-feeds, or withholds progress towards her own desires - those which she could not attain alone - I will make her dance to my strings, without her realizing that she is only a rook in a game far more ambitious than her own.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 22 min ago


Magus Nilrem
Ethereal codex lesser memory archive
Season Two of the year 3901
Thoughts on the Malkan army and plans on defense against possible attacks
Current stat readings: Assets(3) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0)

So it seemed that Pillar Malka planed on coming for us once more. Even from Dakhen, Nilrem could sense the evil in Lord Prospero, a man like that is hard to discourage once his mind is set on something, and it appeared Prospero had his mind set on leveling Dakhen. Nilrem however, had his mind set on stopping Prospero. The Malkan army prepared to strike at Dakhen from across The Tempest Sea. To halt any possible advances Nilrem had devised several defensive measures.

Nilrem planed on putting these measures into place immediately. Nilrem would not spend a single asset on hiring help, he was perfectly capable of setting up these defenses himself. Nilrem did not plan on consulting with the rest of The High Council on this matter. Current circumstances required action now rather than later.

Echos of past events nudge the tiller on my present course, I await it's reflection in the future.

-Magus Nilrem
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind
Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2)

Mess and tangle. Transitioning from one line of biosynthesis production to an entirely new one was never an easy task, but was now merely a matter of management and direction than serious innovation now that a profile for production had been locked in.

Which still meant obscene amounts of paperwork crossing Katherine's desk she had to read and sign off on. If she didn't have her trusty maid-biosynths to serve on her around the clock, she didn't know how she'd have managed to get it all done within the span of days instead of years. Aaaand now she was giving into unsubstantiated hyperbole, not a good sign for her sanity at this point.

Cradling a glass of fine wine, Katherine waved away a maidservant with another pile of papers as she endeavored to refocus her mind. She needed a break, damn what the other councilors may say, she needed a break before she started acting and ordering irrationally and undermined both herself and Dahken with a ill-timed execution or something.

She blinked. Execution. Thats right, the city arena had just opened up again recently. She almost forgot to reserve her usual booth! Scrambling for a pad, she rapped out a message directed to the Master of the Arena to reserve a VIP booth at the arena so she could get a clear first-hand view of the bloodshed and combat. A few thoughts later, and she decided to send invitations out to her fellow councilors to join her if they wished. Wouldn't hurt to be polite and show off some wealth, unlike the pauper Jarvis was driving his family to be with his current rate of charity.

And if they chose not to drop in, she could invite Madame Vol and some of her fellow tycoons instead. Best to make arrangements sooner rather than later.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mpjama2
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Lord Robert Green
Stats: Assets (4), Power (0), Production (4), Influence (4), Charm (2)

In a dusty old office that may have been extremely fashionable and sleek back in it's day, sat Lord Robert Green typing away on a datapad. He had quite a few restless nights over the past season, and was plagued with self-doubt. Angered that he let, nay supported a law, that violated his principles was not excusable in his eyes. "For the good of Dahken.", he thought to himself as he gave his support for the Worker's League. He knew something needed to be done, that was certain. Lord Green was not willing to leave the council chambers without passing some sort of law. At least the Worker's League would help stimulate Dahken's economy, even though it is the rich using the poor for their benefit once more. Perhaps he would have been more up to the task of councilor if he was younger. "I would be little more the male-version of Greywind, but then again even at my worst I never made those Biosynth abominations", the lord mused. His typing was interrupted by a flurry of coughs, as was not an uncommon occurrence. What was not common however was a splattering of blood on the table. The old lord's eyes widened, but then he resumed his typing as he muttered: "Get the job done." The phrase reminded him of his time in the underclasses when he worked the assembly line himself. One of his peers lost his middle finger while fixing the conveyor belt, as most factory owners refuse to turn off malfunctioning machines as they are being repaired, as that would slow down production. As his friend screamed in pain while he clutched the bloody stump where his finger used to be, a manager tersely told him to get the job done. His friend worked the remaining 7 hours with his shift with a bleeding hand, he died of infection a week later. Such is the work-ethic of the underclass, you get the job done or you lose yours. This work-ethic is one that Lord Green has retained. The typing stopped, and he clicked send on his letter to Fitzroy. Lord Green sighed, and was about to grab his cane as a hologram of his secretary's head appeared on his desk with a quick chirp. The secretary was an woman twenty years younger than the Lord, but still had hair white as snow, she spoke with a hoarse voice: "My Lord, Madame Greywind requests a council meeting at the arena."

The Lord slowly rose from his seat with help from his cane: "A bit more macabre for my tastes, but this is important. Send a reply that I will be there. Oh, and call for a doctor."

"Yes, my lord.", the secretary croaked, and with a chirp the hologram dissipated. The Lord hobbled to the door, while his cane tapped along the ground.

The old lord drafted a quick message to the owners of the Dahken Arena, detailing that he requested to give a speech before the fight, while they were angry that the Lord asked on such short notice and they had quite a few plans made already, a small donation and the leverage of a council member shut their mouths. Afterwards, he sent out the production order for the various items required for the project. The old lord chanted in his mind: "I will fix Dahken, I will make it better..

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

[First Post]
Sir William of Dahken
(5) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2)

The streets were alive with the sound of gunfire, William and the newly created platoon he sarcastically dubbed "Jarvas' Honor" were pinned down in a shop for a training exercise, peaking his head out a shop window William took the situation in, another platoon of enemies had them pinned down, but their position could be flanked. "Easy squad, hit the back door and go around in that toon in the tail. The rest of you provide covering fire." William shouted, Easy squad did as they were told and went the long way around and ended up behind the enemy, who could either hold position or rush into the street, both were detrimental to their health. They took the latter option to try to find a new batch of cover but they were gunned down before they could even move to a new position. "Clear." William shouted, Easy squad answered back and they moved out of the shop.

They secured the rest of the fake practice street and set up a watch, and they waited William knew at some point the enemy would come through here at some point. What came next nobody wanted but they had been training for this moment. "We got a war machine Inbound." A soldier shouted before hopping down from his watch post, the war machine was a basic Malka walker, something a newly anointed knight would be in, nothing like The Judge or any higher up Knights machine, apparently pillar Dahken had a few lying around for practice. "You know the drill." William shouted and they did they were already in position, a thin but powerful wire stretched out in the mechs path, when the mech hit it, it fell and fell hard, the next part was storming the back hatch and spraying the pilot inside with a volley of paint rounds. After that process was done the order came through from on high that the "Enemy surrendered." and just like that Sir Williams company won.

Enemy losses 110 out of 135, William's platoon inflicting 40% of those losses, William's losses 27 out of 135, and those were mostly in parts where Jarvas' Honor could not reach. Training had paid off and if that wasn't enough William payed both the militia and bought them new equipment so that if Pillar Malka did decide to attack they would be in for a treat, something they would never forget.

After training, William grabbed his data pad and read over the messages he had missed. Lady Kat offering her help to William was nice, but he would not need Biosynths in the militia, not after the way both sides had trained and shown how well they performed. Training over the last season had been intense, due to Jarvas poking at William who after his comment at the last meeting drove him to run the militia through the ringer, there were rumors that some died in the training but those were only rumors and if some did die during training it was because they were weak and needed to culled out anyways. The next message was about the arena and how it had reopened. William smiled and sent a message to the arena master about wanting to join the games, he could use the winnings to better provide for the militia and the council, and sent a reply to Lady Kat's message.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 22 min ago


Magus Nilrem
Ethereal codex lesser memory archive
Season Two of the year 3901
Greywind's invitation to the arena
Current stat readings: Assets(3) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0)

Nilrem had came back from setting up the defensive measures he had devised when his loyal underling Deeds approached him. "Master" Deeds said "I have a message from Madame Greywind".
"What does she want?" Nilrem asked.
"She has invited The High Council to attend the arena's grand reopening fight" Deeds replied.
"Has she now?" Nilrem said with a raised eyebrow "Well seeing as I'm not busy, I guess I'll attend". Nilrem had always found arena fights quite boring, they only used people, biosynths, genejacks, and war machines in the fights, never any monsters or eldritch creatures. But seeing as the rest of The Council were coming, Nilrem decided to go for the conversation instead. Nilrem then looked at his ethereal codex and said "Codex, send the following words to Madame Katherine Greywind".

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