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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - 4th Period, Armory Class Exhausted from having expended all of his nervous energy at once, he felt worlds better. As a result, he collapsed into a slump at his desk and set his furry little head down for a brief rest. Sighing contentedly, he temporarily shut the world out for a moment as his mind 'rebooted' itself. For anyone who would come to know him, his outburst was a rather normal method for him to expel any anxiety, stress or nervousness. It's an odd phenomenon, to be sure. But, it worked for him. No longer with a worry or care in the world, he basked in the afterglow of his outburst. Mind devoid of any stressors, he hadn't noticed Marcus distancing himself. He barely noticed Sapphire coming near him and speaking to the teacher. "Oh, right Sapphire. She's probably furious at me." His white ears relaxed as they lay on his head, his tail lazily sweeping back and forth behind him. He quietly yawned and blinked repeatedly. Sniffing once, he shook his head and returned to his senses. "Oh. Right. Sapphire..." He mentally repeated himself. Tuning in during the middle of Sapphire's speech, he frowned as he realized that she was requesting that Shiro be excused to the Infirmary. "What? But, I'm fine. During my spar with Daniel, he never hit me in the head." Shiro turned and looked at Daniel, who was in the class with them. "Right? You only burned me a couple times." Scratching at his cheek, he tried his best to recall his fight. Not once did he ever remember sustaining a head injury of any sort. His white eyebrows furrowed as he went deep into thought. Did Sapphire honestly care for him and thought he was still hurt? How sweet of her. Smiling, Shiro opened his mouth to thank Sapphire for her concern and that he was really fine, but then Mokuren stood and offered to escort him to the nurse's. He didn't understand why he would need an escort for a nurse visit, much less why her of all people would want to escort little ol' him.. "Though, if the teacher still believes I need to be checked out, I wouldn't mind.." His face started to flush bright red again. Before he allowed his thoughts to run away from him, he turned to the teacher and assured him. "Sir, I'm fine really. I don't need to go to the nurse's, I can continue with class." he grinned widely, as if to affirm he was indeed okay. It broke his heart a little to have to miss out on a chance to have a nice stroll with... In any case, Shiro was really itching to get to working on his equipment. Nurses and crushes could wait, his gear demanded maintenance and tinkering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel - Armory Class
As the teacher arrived and gawked at the tank, he then had everyone make their introductions. Daniel was certainly interested in the tank, too, but there were things that were more important than staring at a tank. Everyone then began making their introductions, including Shiro and his somewhat... loud intro. He chuckled when Sapphire mentioned Shiro's brain damage, which Daniel wouldn't really put past him. When Shiro objected and tried to go to Daniel for support, Daniel looked up innocently at the ceiling and said, "Oh, I dunno, maybe in all the excitement you did suffer some brain damage from the lack of oxygen. You know, because the flames ate it all." He then got up himself and made his introduction as well. "My name's Daniel," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I may not look it, but I'm actually pretty good at making a few things. Explosives, mainly, but I'm working on some others." Satisfied with that, he sat back down and got himself comfortable again. He supposed he had to thank his adoptive father for what skill he had in this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rayna Bryson - Armoury
All in all, the rest of her class seemed nice enough. A few people seemed to break that trend, however - there was a bit of a spout between an adorable Fox Faunus that she wanted to snuggle and some sort of cat faunus. Then, of course, you had the one guy who decided to drop the bomb-shell that he used to be in the White Fang. Frowning in quick annoyance, she turned to Victor quickly. They were closer and separated from the other groups so she thought that her words was hushed enough. "First the school accepts perverts and now they're accepting terrorists? I thought Beacon had some standards." She could completely understand if someone had put that life behind them but she followed the mentality that if they used violence for their political aims once, they wouldn't hesitate to do it again. When Victor sat back down, she gave him a quick nod of approval and a short smile. "You did good! If you think about it, you did a lot better than that guy..." She whispered, referencing Shiro who didn't look like he was in a good state. "You think he's ok? He looks like he's about to have a heart attack." She seemed concerned, despite her rather cold statement aimed at Geni only a few moments earlier. Finally, she decided that there had been enough people who went before her so she slowly climbed to her feet. Clearing her throat, she began. Hi. Ugh, my name is Rayna Bryson and I specialise in personals and ugh... aeronautics." She seemed to shift after that last point like she was desperate to return to her seat. Unfortunately, however, Professor Chatsworth had other intentions. Adjusting his spectacles, he seemed to final focus on her and apparently was surprised by what he found. "You wouldn't be related to General Bryson, considering your name and your specialisation?" Elijah was sharp, it seemed, and well-versed in the Atlas military power which was utterly horrible for her - she didn't want anyone to know who she was. "Ugh... Yea- Yes sir. His daughter." Her voice was shaky now and she took a second to cast her eyes around the room before sinking down into her seat again. There seemed to be an underlying shame in her past, in her privilege. She didn't go through half of what the others went through and she felt that because of it, she was of less value. People were set on becoming hunters because they knew how horrid life could get but she only ever knew luxury. Her status was her weakness.
Professor Elijah Chatsworth
His class were a peculiar bunch indeed. First, you had the bot who revealed to the class that he was originally a member of the White Fang, then you had someone who worried Elijah on whether he was having a mental break-down and then there was the daughter of Atlas' General of the Tactical Air Force. However there did seem to be a good trend between all of them - there was no one in the class with no experience in engineering whatsoever. Granted, some of them had worked on tanks while others had just their weapons to speak of but the average was of a good quality. Then there was the odd case of the fox faunus who seemed much too willing to help to help the young man who looked like he was very definitely having a mental break-down now. "That's a very good point, Miss Sabella." Seeming to stroke his beard intelligently, he used the few seconds of free time to decide. "Ok but return to class immediately after delivering him to the sick-bay." And then the boy decided that he didn't in fact need to go. "Ok, return to your seat please." "Right. Now we have all been introduced, let's get down to some actual work. Dust! A wonderful substance indeed! Such great properties..." And thus began a proper lesson in Armoury, not what they thought they would be doing which probably included making things for the entire year.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“Good job young man! Truly a warrior in the right place!” the professor offered the praise, nodding at Ben to return to his seat. “I hope you all noted that the cub was more fierce than the books will tell you. Usually the older the grimm manages to live, the more it will learn. that doubles for the wendigos who possess higher than normal healing abilities.” Port explained, waving his arm to the door, “Now for our next match, we shall move outside.” Leading the class out, it was fortunately a rather sunny day. Perfect opportunity for the students to learn about species that would usually be dangerous to encounter in the wild! “Now, who would like to attempt to tame our next challenge? Mister Bellum perhaps, you seem eager for a chance, come and show us what is in you!” he cheered the student on, the sarcasm in his tone going unnoticed. Whether on purpose no one could tell. “Remember students, to take noted of the fight. this time we will see an adult individual, however, outside of it’s usual environment and, most importantly, company.” Port teased about the creature before slamming the lock off of one of the many cages set up in the yard before distancing himself He kept his weapon at the ready in case it was needed, as slowly, as if uninterested by the students, a Sitting Bull walked out of the cage and gazed upon Aurellius, as if it was teasing him to make the first move.
When Aurellius took a seat next to her, Diamond gave the man an acknowledging nod. He seemed uncomfortable with his suit, which she noticed was a fresh one. It would seem she vacated the mess hall just in time indeed. She watched the fight with interest. The datura their team fought in the initiation was a one of a kind grimm, and she was interested what other danger was out there. It didn't get much different than the beast the guy was facing, so quick and agile compared to the lumbering plant monster. When the fight concluded, the class was moved outside. Diamond guessed it was to prevent collateral damage, which soon proven correct when Aurellius was picked next, and to her great amusement was pitted against an evil piece of steak. She immediately imagined her teammate in one of those ridiculous corrida outfits and had to stifle a fit of giggles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni took a seat next to Amy leaving he weapon next to Shiro. He was not the slightest bit worried about it though. Although the kid seemed like he was...loopy, he was still sure the kid was responsible. Unfortunately, Geni did not feel that way about himself, he could not believe he had let that slip. "No, no, no, I am not a part of the White Fang, I left them." He wanted to yell. But what use would it be, they would all look at him the same way. Terrorist, Murderer, Thief, never just Geni. Geni's while demeanor changed, he became quiet, much more quiet than he usually ever was. Anyone looked or sounded peved about his slip he would give them a crippling stare, especially to the Ivan one. Geni made sure he listened to everyone's introduction. Although were some of them were weirder that others. Geni felt uncomfortable the second he heard Shiro's introdutuon, he felt that his property was in danger, but Geni shrugged it off and let it go. The daughter Breyson was something new also, maybe she was afraid of him. Geni immediately shook his head, she was the daughter of the General. What could she be afraid of, a lowly terrorist like him was nothing to her. After the teacher signaled that the introductions were over, he was glad, he was tired of hearing people's voices. Anger and rage had been at the forefront of his emotional state. He had to calm down or something bad was gonna happen, but he could not control himself. Luckily the teacher started a lesson on Dust, just the thing he was looking for. Inspiration took the forefront of his emotions now, pushing the rage under it. Geni wished he had a note book, luckily there was paper and pencils on the desk. He grabbed 2 pices of paper and 2 pencils. With one pencil in each hand he began to scribble furiously on one sheet, and write softly on the other with the other pencil. On one paper he drew a weapon, and a gauntlet, one that encassed the whole arm. On the other he wrote down the notes. He noticed some people using there scrolls but Geni was old school. Geni was finally starting to calm down, unfortunately, the slightest distraction would make him blow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mokuren heard that her partner was ready to hold on, not wishing to miss a class for something as minor as brain damage. While she was slightly sad that she couldn't speak to Shiro, she sat down anyway and smiled. He valued learning over licking his wounds. While it might be dangerous in some situations, she loved it now. Then there was some other things, someone was the daughter of someone and Geni seemed irritated and angered for some reason. She wanted to throw a marshmallow at him and remind him that no matter what, she hated him before everyone else. But, she didn't have a marshmallow, so she had to listen to what the teacher said. She was glad she came in slightly late and avoided the introductions. She didn't know how to introduce herself. The idea of Dust, as the teacher brought up, was an interesting one. Her weapon didn't have any dust useage, nor did she ever touch the stuff, but others seemed to like it's usage. Mokuren wondered if Sarasagi would use some sort of dust, but there wasn't much application for it. The mechanics where rather complex as it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ivan met Geni's glare with an absolutely withering one of his own, his green eyes burning with intensely focused purpose. In his world of absolutes(Either against the Grimm, or with them. Either hurting the innocent or saving them. Either likable or intensely dislikable. Either heroic or villainous), redemption had never crossed his mind. Criminals went to jail, or the executioners block. Those were the only choices. It wasn't 'murder a few folks and cause copious amounts of public distress' and then get a pass because 'I feel bad about it'. It just didn't work that way. It couldn't. Taking in a White Fang cultist of all things just screamed of desperation. Was that it? Was this prodigious school really stooping to such lows? Promise or not, taking some criminal scum of the side of the street just didn't make sense. In a rare moment of introspection, Ivan glanced around at the rest of the group, breaking the intense glare. He had worked hard to get here, of course, but what about the rest of them? Ozpin said that he only took the best at Beacon, and that meant every single one of these people had taken the test and passed with flying colors. Indigo, with his laid-back actions and extremely violent use of his defensive aura. Ineko, who was hiding some sort of unknowable power in his drones. The Goldstein boy, with his tank. Gren Orchid, who's terrifying power and even more horrifying weapon had put Indigo on the defensive. The flamethrower boy, Daniel. Mokuren, the creepy fox girl and her uniquely troublesome semblance. Victor, the man who made prostetics look like an upgrade to regular limbs. Rayna, bedecked with her righteous chains of fury and her powerful lineage. And as much as he already disliked the girl, Sapphire was a right terror in close combat. Even the tiger fanus, with his... outbursts and sheer enthusiasm. So why had Ozpin chosen a member of the White Fang as his- their equal? Ivan frowned. That sort of thinking lead down a dangerous path that could make or break his convictions in the rigorous trials of combat. If being dangerously unaware about the nature of his companions would sharpen his aim against the true horrors that lurked inside the darkness that surrounded the world, then he'd(For now) accept the horrible implications of working with a terrorist. He'd keep an eye on him, though. Sighing, he withdrew a notebook from somewhere on his person and absently began to scrawl along with the professor's lecture. His semblance intimately dealt with Dust, so he probably knew more about what actually happened in the reactions than the man leading the class did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - 4th Period, Armory Class Hearing his allowance to remain in class, Shiro brightly beamed and grinned. As the professor began his lesson with a introductory lecture in Dust, Shiro quickly pulled out his Scroll and located Sapphire and Mokuren in the Beacon Directory application installed on it. Sending them each a short text message, thanking them both for their concerns. To: Rode, Sapphire From: Kuhaku, Shiro Subject: Thanks! "Hey, just wanted to thank you for your concern about my health and wellbeing. Thanks again, team leader!" To: Sabella, Mokuren From: Kuhaku, Shiro Subject: Thank you! :D "Hey, thank you for your offer to help me out when I may have been hurt. I'm glad to know that we're all looking out for each other! :3 P.S. - I know we're all on different teams, but I hope to get to know you better in the future and we become good friends! x3" Shiro's ears perked as his cheeks tinged a slight pink from sending the second message to Mokuren. With a big smile on his face, he expanded his Scroll into a tablet mode and began to take notes. Typing with swift efficiency as he devoted the remainder of his attention to the Professor's words. He wasn't too skilled in utilizing Dust in its raw, pure form, so he could stand to pay close mind. He was only familiar with using the Dust-based ammunition. As he recorded his notes, an odd scent wafted into his nostrils. He could detect stress within the room, looking up, he saw Geni and another student glaring daggers at each other. Though, unsure why, he frowned and tilted his head. Did those two know and not like each other? "Did I miss something here?" Just then, a question popped into his head. "Oh!" Raising his hand, he waited for the professor to address him. Once properly addressed, Shiro asked "Excuse me, Professor? I apologize for disrupting your lesson, but may I ask when we'll be able to start working on our equipment? Such as maintenance and fine-tuning?" He lowered his arm and waited patiently for a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gren orchid
Gren took note of Sapphire's insistence that Shiro head to the infirmary. Gren just sighed. If she wanted him to act more... Modest, she should try to talk to him about that than just expect him to spontaneously heed her demands. Gren didn't think that Shiro's introduction was too bad. it certainly seemed like it was unique enough to earn him a new friend in the form of the fox girl. Gren had watched her fight and was able to analyze her fighting ability, to at least what little of it she showed. She seemed to have some sort of deflective semblance if what her opponents and what his observations were true. He came to this conclusion since he heard tales of her "cheating", though apparently this amounted to simply relying on one's semblance over their trained abilities. So putting two-and-two together he could figured that the fox fauna's semblance allowed her to easily win her battle due to reflecting her opponent's attack back at her. A fearsome opponent indeed. Gren wondered if such a semblance could be replicated. And that's what Gren's weapons focused on. Not more guns or blades, though that was always a nice addition. No, he wanted to create weapons that would augment his aura and utilize his semblance. There was only so many weapons Gren could wield at once, but if he could make something that complimented his armament, the better. Gren actually had a lot of schematics in the works that he just hasn't been able to work out. One was miniaturizing The God Eater into something more compact but equally as effective. If he could make it small enough to be used in one hand, he could potentially make two and increase his firing power. Gren also tried to pay attention to Chatsworth, but what he was telling them about dust Gren already knew. He did however wonder how dust could affect one's semblance, or vice versa. He imagined what it would be like to combine the flaming properties of certain dust to his Friction Semblance. Something akin to napalm perhaps? Or use the friction to create an intense heat, burning through all that it touches? Questions that Gren would want to test and see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aurellius had been a tad disappointed at not having chosen to fight the cougar type Grimm, but had been placated by being able to watch the fight that ensued. It was amusing to say the least. Slightly disappointing that the creature was only a youngling, it would've been certainly nice to watch a full grown one rip people to shreds. Of course, when invited to fight his own Grimm, Aurellius grinned happily. As he stood up, carrying the bulk of Ascalon on his shoulder, he stepped onto the grass five or so meters from the monster. The bovine beast was a sight to behold. His eyes widened slightly as he took it in, noticing its thick muscles and strong legs. It reminded him of those old Cowboy holo-vids he had watched as a child. Aurellius looked back to the crowd of students. "Anyone got a lasso? No? How about a red cape? Nothing?" He shrugged as he turned around, staring at the bull. Shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders, he dropped his weapon onto the ground as he stepped forwards, holding the jacket like an improvised cape. The bull snorted slightly as he waved it around, ignoring him completely. Aurellius stamped his feet, trying to get it to do something. Anything. The cow grunted in response. With a scowl, he tossed the jacket to the side and scooped up Ascalon in one quick motion, the weapon beginning to whirr as he held down the trigger. "Respond to this, asshole," Aurellius said as the minigun began to fire. The weapon began firing, explosively propelled bullets launched towards it. The two second burst collided with it, peppering its flank with bloody holes as it let out a scream of anger and began charging towards him rapidly. Having been satisfied, he threw the weapon to the side and scooped up his jacket again, running at the beast with fervor. He stopped on the drop of a dime, spinning slightly as the bull charged through his feint, going past his flipping jacket and stopping itself, nostrils expunging air as it suddenly stared at him. Aurellius stayed still for a moment before suddenly backing up, tempting the Grimm to charge at him again, only to be halted by a step to the side as he positioned himself next to his weapon. He flipped a switch as he grabbed it, the gun transforming into a lance as the bull passed him again, only to be on the receiving end of a quick stab. It roared with pain as he penetrated its thick leather, grinning as he dug it in deep before pulling out to avoid being gored by its horns. He stabbed at it again, cursing as the tip of his lance glanced off the beast. He backed off just in time as its sharp horns flew inches past his face. He turned and flipped another switch, activating the jets on his pack. The bull screamed yet again as fiery red dust covered it as Aurellius was launched away. Spinning in midair, he landed ten meters away, stopping himself and flipping the Grimm off. It snorted angrily and charged yet again, and Aurellius responded with something stupid. He pole-vaulted it. His weapon dug into the soil as Aurellius flipped over the head of the Sitting Bull, landing backwards on it with a grunt as the beast sent Ascalon flying. With no hesitation, he turned around, hands wrapping around its horns and his thighs clamping tight. It bucked, legs kicking backwards as he held on, letting out a whooping sound as he let go with one hand, waving it around as the beast began kicking. With a grin, his semblance activated, any pain in his body trickling away as he grabbed onto the Sitting Bull's left horn. Aurellius began pulling with all of his strength, ignoring both the popping sounds coming from his muscles and the bull's new cries of pain. With a horrible ripping sound, its horn was pulled out of the socket, blood spurting out of the newly created hole as the bull screamed more. Flipping the horn around in his hand, Aurellius brought it down on the beast's neck. Its scream cut to a gurgle as a large gash was opened in its jugular. Aurellius kept on stabbing, the beast's bucks slowing down until it finally collapsed, blood pumping weakly from the newly created holes. Aurellius hopped off of its back, hands bloody. "Well. That certainly was fun, I'm gonna keep this as a souvenir if nobody minds," he said, holding up the horn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Bravo, Bravo!" the professor cheered, "This is how the best stories are made!" he said, the boy doing everything he - and if the loud cheers were any indication, his teammate - expected of this match. "Unfortunately, Nature would have your wish not granted." he lectured as the horn in Aurellius' hand begun to dissolve like the rest of the grimm's body. "And that is why we must take every opportunity to study the live specimen! As you may have seen, this fight was rather easy, but be not mistaken. In the wild, these usually form herds of hundreds that would make greater grimm less dangerous." the lecture continued. Port took his notebook and opened it on the page with the current class. He wanted to see how members of the other teams did. Picking a name and looking up, he noticed another one who volunteered and fit the criteria. "Mister Taupe, perhaps you would care to go next?" he smiled at the student as he moved along to the next cage, considerably smaller than the last one but none the less containing an interesting specimen, a broodling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

ARMOURY As he sat and listened to the rest of the students introduce themselves Victor whispered back to Rayna “I’m not certain about the standards either, but why not accept anyone who’s willing? A pervert can kill a Grimm just as easily as a Monk. A terrorist can probably kill a Grimm better than most, so I can kind of understand the logic. I don’t agree, but I understand it. That Shiro seems a bit... loud and him and Mokuren give the same vibe as that Robert and Pricilla. I suppose it's good to see that Beacon is such an accepting place right? Besides, I'm still learning about our team so I don't really have the time to worry about that. It's you I'm more interested in hearing about.” Grinning broadly Victor slightly reclined in his chair to listen to Rayna’s introduction. Aeronautics? As in planes and such? That seems rather specialised the Professor almost immediately confirmed this and unveiled a part of Rayna’s origins. Glancing up from where he sat Victor could tell Rayna was uncomfortable and when she finally sat down she looked like she wanted to melt into the floor. Unsure what to do Victor did something he rather disliked, he used his mechanical arm in a rather intimate way and put it around Rayna’s shoulders. Leaning in close Victor whispered in Rayna's ear “I guess I was right to call you Captain... Captain Rayna.” Smiling Victor disentangled himself and asked “Now, Rayna, could you please do me a favour? Since you seem to have an affinity for removing my arm off if you would be so kind? I would like to do some maintenance” Extending his arm he offered it to Rayna, hoping she realised how much he was actually trusting her by doing this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 39 min ago

It was with fascination that Abel spectated the brief duel between Ben and the young Wendigo. Rarely had he ever attended a battle against a creature of Grimm secondhand. Even when training at Pallisade, the preliminary academy of the same name had been too poorly equipped to capture and bring back live Grimm for practice, so calmly sitting by and observing such an event felt very strange to him. For the first time, Abel was able to clearly examine the thing with more than just a tactician's eye. He witnessed the scarlet sheen of its pupil-devoid eyes, what little bony armor it had managed to grow, and its quick, feral motions. Of course, he studied Ben as well, but not with the same degree of interest. While he had never held tonfas, or had a peer back home that used them, he could tell that they were a risky choice of armament. To really hurt something, one had to get in even closer than with fists, and even though they were bladed, swords in such fixed positions were less versatile than ordinary blades. Still, Abel mentally applauded the leader of team BAST; without delay, Ben had gone for the wendigo's biggest and most threatening natural weapon and disarmed it. Agonized and enraged, the cub seemingly abandoned all attempt at outsmarting its foe, and that decided its fate. Abel considered clapping for Ben as the little thing, previously so full of hatred, that now looked like little more than a sad heap of jet-black fur on the floor. Instead, he resigned himself to rolling his eyes as Ben made a big deal of his shirt. Little claws probably didn't even pierce his aura, the guardian observed, any trepidation he had previously felt at the cub dissipated just as it had. Dumb of me to get scared of that thing Next, it appeared that a change of venue was in order. Abel grabbed the Ampere from where he had laid it and joined the other students in Professor Port's wake, holding his weapon like a walking stick. It was currently in its staff mode, which was slightly less cumbersome and dangerous to carry around than its blade mode. He had no objection when Port singled out the besuited snarker from earlier, Bellum. Abel dimly remembered the guy's first name, but made no attempt to dredge it up—it could only have been as dandy as the rest of him. He could not help but raise his eyebrows in approval when he sighted Aurellius's weapon, a large, impressive tool that looked like a lance and a minigun in one, hefted over his shoulder. The Grimm, at least, Abel could name. Sitting Bulls were fairly common near Pallisade. He remembered being assigned to 'herd duty' several times, which involved making sure that no large Grimm could wander into a herd of the Bulls and trigger a stampede. He watched the ensuing fight with declining interest, for he had expected Aurellius to either rip the overgrown bovine to shreds with his minigun, or to pin it to the ground with his lance, not dance around it before leaping onto its back. Abel pictured what he would have done: wait for the thing to charge, dig himself in, and allow the dumb brute to drive itself throat-deep into the Ampere's blade. He did not doubt that he could hold the weapon steady enough for self-impalement. Still, the guardian admitted that Aurellius surprised him by wrenching the Sitting Bull's horn out and jabbing it into its body over and over again. “Brutal,” he remarked before considering his earlier plan. “Not bad at all.” The information given by Port was already known to Abel, but he was also aware that what knowledge he had gained from his work on Vale's edge wouldn't last him much farther. Some of the things that Ozpin had mentioned during the naming ceremony were downright foreign to him, like Salamanders. Then, Port pointed out another cage and named another student. Abel was rather disappointed that the next task was open for volunteering. He eyed the diminutive cage. Not many Grimm were that small, unless it was a young one like the wendigo. Was it a Creep? Abel hoped not. Unless he was nuts, there was nothing to be learned from those things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 9 days ago

Trad-Grimm Studies When he heard Ben being picked first, Trad changed his raised hand into a thumbs up towards the Bastion leader. “Good luck.” As soon as Port opened the cage Trad was on edge. He knew Ben could take the cub, but how well? He got his answer during the match. Watching Ben dodge, counter, and trip up the wendigo was amazing! Half way through he gave up trying to follow in his book and just watched the fight. When the foe was defeated, Trad pumped his arm at his side and let out a small “Yes!” “That was a great demonstration of skill, Ben.” Trad congratulated as the class moved out doors, “I’m eager to see what manner of Grimm we’ll see next.” However, the next Grimm didn’t impress Trad, but rather the student. Not only was he fighting in what looked to be an expensive suit, but he wasn’t taking any of it seriously. Either this Bellum guy had impressive skills, or they were about to see what comes from over confidence. Luckily for him, it was the first. Putting on a show for the crowd he teased the Sitting Bull while landing a few good hits. It looked like this sharp dressed man knew what he was doing, and then he vaulted onto the bull and lost his weapon. “Well, looks like this is the end for-“ Trad spoke quietly to his team before the breaking of horns cut him off. “I guess I spoke too soon.” He applauded the “cowboy” walking back to the cheering class. How could he have done that though? This guy didn’t look like he had the brawn to pull that off without hurting himself somehow. And yet there he was, strolling back like it was nothing. Turning his attention back to the field, he awaited to see what the next battle had in store.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni/Armory Class This kid...Ivan was really starting to get in Geni's nerves. That look on his face was on that Geni could recognize, the face that almost every human had. Disgust, and it was pointed all towards him, and it was angering Geni all the more. Geni was usually a calm and collected guy, but everything changed once he let one little thing slip. He used to be invisible to most students, all of a sudden almost everyone was thinking or whispering about him. It was like he could hear every thought, every snicker, every whisper, and it was all negative. "How could they let a terrorist into our school?" "I though Beacon had much higher standards." "Who would have thought a member the White Fang would be here sitting amongst us." Geni heard it all, and he hated it, absolutely disspized it. His body was shaking with rage, one of his pencils was starting to break. He felt another voice at the edge of his conscious. It grew and grew until to began to rival the one that he already had. "All of them hate you. You could end it all, by making an example of that kid." one side whispered. "No, that is not the solution, those who resort to violence to solve stupid problems are terrorist." whispered the other side. They both argued in his head, pushing for 2 different beliefs. Geni shook even more and his pencil finally broke in his hand. He had snapped, one side had finally beat the other. Geni stood up abruptly and stared at Ivan, and smiled. His demeanor had changed once again, but it was not like before. This time, it was like he was a different person, this Geni was new to everyone he had met so far in this school. "It looks like you have a problem with lil'ol me. Why don't you say it out loud, I wanna here ya. So I sock the shit out you so hard that it would take and archaeologist to find it." He said with a bit of and edge to his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Oswald/Armory Class Geni's ham-fisted attempt to stop himself from mentioning his involvement with the White Fang was rather unfortunate. The Lion Faunus certainly hadn't made himself any friends with that introduction, and he likely made a few enemies. Thankfully, Oswald hadn't had any interactions with the organization, but he'd heard stories that the once-peaceful group had turned to violence and extremism in their quest for Faunus rights. In his mind, it had only been a matter of time. Oswald paid careful attention to the rest of the class as they did their introductions. Shiro was, by far, the most memorable person in this group. In less than an hour, he'd thoroughly humiliated himself, and by extension his team, twice over. It was....kind of sad, actually. He could tell the faunus was a good kid, but he just needed to work on not being such a damned clutz. He put enthusiasm into everything, but he put in too much. The exchange involving Shiro, the professor, Sapphire and Mokuren was probably the best entertainment he'd had in a long time. The fox-girl was clearly infatuated, Sapphire was already fed-up with her team member, and Shiro was his usual self-an idiot. A nice idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. Most of the other introductions were quickly forgotten, and Oswald noticed the rising tension in the classroom. His note-taking was mostly done half-heartedly, as his instincts were screaming at him to take his sword out and fight. The primary offenders were the two students who'd been glaring at each other, Geni and Ivan. Mokuren and Shiro gave him some discomfort as well, but it was mainly the former pair that had his neck hairs tingling. When Geni finally snapped, breaking his pencil and threatening the other student, Oswald's hand made its way to the hilt of his sword, his left hand dangling limply at his side. His Aura was flaring, his mind focused on the two students in conflict. Before either could make a move, he'd be there to stop it. They could take a swing at each other, but the sudden appearance of an armed and armored man would get anybody's attention. For now he waited, hoping that the two would be rational and solve the issue with words, without forcing Oswald to use his Semblance. Day one was not when he planned to reveal his greatest trump card.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Sapphire Rode - Armoury

Satisfied with herself Sapphire returned to her seat to listen to the teacher talk about dust. Sapphire had some limited experience with raw dust. It packed a much larger punch compared to dust ammunition but it was also a lot more unstable. Her father had tried to teach her how to use it raw, it was a deadly weapon in the hands of one who could master it. Sapphire had a good number of burn marks on her back to prove that she wasn't one of the people capable of such a skill. The dust ammunition had done well enough for her though she'd always been curious to know if she could maximize her weapons use of dust without greatly increasing the risk to herself.

Geni took a seat on the opposite side of Amy from Sapphire, she didn't know why but she sort of liked him. He had an energy about himself that she couldn't help but admire, a magnetic personality so to speak. It wasn't something she'd ever really mastered, you wanted a Grimm dead from forty yards she could do it just fine, sky driving off Beacon cliffs she'd be thrilled, but conversation? Non-violent, non-argumentative conversation. That was a prospect that scared her more than she liked to admit. She'd been taught to fight, not to talk.

As Sapphire tuned into those around her she hear whispers about Geni, White Fang, Terrorist, Murderer, Thief. She'd heard what Geni had let slip earlier and logically there was only one organization beginning with the word White where you could learn to forge weapons. It didn't trouble Sapphire in fact she thought it said something about Geni's character. The White Fang had the right ideas, things were not right in the social and political worlds but they weren't going about it the right way, the only thing violence would accomplish was ensuring that humans never trusted faunus again. They also had some of the top notch fighters. One of the only people who had ever beaten her father in a one on one fight had been a member of the White Fang. If Geni could cut it in that organization then he was more than qualified to attend Beacon. Sapphire couldn't imagine that line of thinking would be popular with most people but then again it had been a very long time since she'd cared.

Apparently though Geni did. It couldn't have been easy, likely these whispers had followed Geni around ever since he'd left the White Fang. Watching from the sidelines it was easy for her to see the logic of both sides and to know that nothing anyone said about Geni should make a difference to him but then she wasn't in the conflict and she had her natural defense of apathy and indifference, when someone wanted to make you angry the worst thing they could see was no reaction at all.

Sapphire heard Geni's pencil snap and for a moment it was like all the sound in the room had given way to that noise. Geni exploded, challenging Ivan who'd been the chief one whispering and staring daggers at Geni since his accidental mention of the organization. Sapphire could see a fight about to erupt and knew she needed to act soon. Geni, not usually quick to anger was right now riled up as much as she'd ever seen him, which admittedly wasn't long but this was clearly not his usually self. Then of course there was Ivan who'd always be up for a fight and was stupid enough to pick one in the middle of Armoury Class.

"Lionheart... Geni stop." Sapphire said standing up, she may not have been good with people but she could handle herself in a crisis. "He's not worth it." She said moving around Amy just in case Geni decided to do something rash. "He's pigheaded and probably hasn't wanted for anything in his life, he wouldn't understand what it means to fight for something you believe in. If you could make it in the White Fang why should Beacon be such a big step? If anything you have more experience than we do. You're a good fighter and unlike Ivan you care about people. His word shouldn't mean any more than a stranger on the street." Okay she was mostly bullshiting, Sapphire didn't actually know enough about either Geni or Ivan to make any of what she said true but she considered herself a fair judge of someone's character if nothing else. She stepped a little closer so only Geni could hear what she said, and possibly Amy too if she was listening. "If you want to kick his ass I'll back your play." Sapphire stepped away from him with a little smile nodding, it was his move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ivan Oakley - Armory
"And I just worked myself around to letting your past lie. Pity." Ivan spun his chair around and casually pushed his revolver away, moving deceptively calmly as he slowly turned to face the fanus with a curiously cold look in his eyes. "You want to hear me, little man? You want to hear my problem with admitting a member of the White Fang into Beacon?" "Allow me to state a fact, something even your simple mind will take as gospel." He sounded more bitter than prideful, even if he was quite happy to prove this upstart brute wrong. "The White Fang are murderers and terrorists who make their points through horrific acts of violence and crime. They spill the blood of the ones unstained by the war of extermination with those filthy creatures and bring only more hatred into a world that's not lacking in horrors. The White Fang drag up the terror and hatred and pain and crippling despair that feed the Grimm, and expect only the best from their horrifying actions."His green eyes flashed, the intense displeasure quite apparent. "And you were a member of this organization, of criminal scum who'd be better off slaughtered along with the Grimm. And therein lies the problem." He snarled, curling his lips back from his startlingly white teeth. "You think that suddenly feeling that you want to turn a new leaf erases those things? All that innocent blood you've spilled in your quest to set things right just suddenly evaporates? You think the society will just forget the things you've done?!" Ivan was on his feet now, letting loose his feelings with a terrific bellow. "How dare you expect forgivess! You expect nothing to come of what you've done because you simply feel like it's over!? It's never over, you goddamn coward!! You.. you.. Grimm-allied freak!!" He whirled on Sapphire, his expression darkening to one of pure, unadulterated hatred as his voice dropped to a hiss. "You think you're the only one with drive, woman? You think you're the only one that works at what they believe in with every waking breath? I live only for the moment that the Grimm's clutch on humanity falls into ruin and their wails for mercy are broken under the cleansing fire of the Huntsmen. The only day I will rest easy is when I can hear the dying screams of the Grimm as their broken corpses burn as the light of day ends, and have their horrifying despair as their young die unfulfilled and unwanted lull me to the first fitful night's rest I've had in nearly ten years." The moment of introspection that had taken root in his mind earlier reminded him that the fact of the matter was that Ozpin had selected him, and that calling anyone Grimm-allied was dismissing them from humanity entirely. And then it pleasantly reminded him that he no longer spoke only for himself, but for an entire team. And that revealing his motives to an authority figure would probably result in him seeing the school psychologist. Again. The gunslinger panted, his breath spent. The battle earlier had taken a toll on his already low amounts of aura, but he couldn't resist a final jab at the one who had challenged him. He sneered. "Although... I have to admit, the threat of violence doesn't do jack for you turning over that new leaf, you sniveling coward. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist, is that right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Amaranth Desire, Armory, Getting angry. IC: Amy's stress had caused her Semblance to spike, allowing her to hear what Sapphire was saying in crystal clear detail, and pick up a lot of small visual cues that had gone on between the Faunus sitting beside her and the boy on the other side of the room. Her voice fell to a whisper. "Geni... I've got a past that I'm not proud of, but I'm #### sure not going to let that interfere with my classes here. I'm not going to ask what you did or didn't do. I would prefer not to get in the middle of a firefight involving a tank, though. Especially since one of my countless dirty little secrets is that I failed my entrance exam." To be honest, that was the most innocuous of her secrets. And then, the rant from Ivan happened. Amy stood, one of her hands smoothing down her feathers, her voice calm, if trembling a little. Freak. "Shut your ####### mouth. Honestly, Geni seems to be the least psychotic person in this argument, and he's the accused terrorist. Chill out, sit down, take your crusade to the Grimm you so hate, and let us learn what we've come here to do. This is a classroom, for God's sake, and you're interrupting a lecture with rants against a fellow classmate. Pasts are irrelevant. Get your... Butt in your seat, your eyes toward the front of the class." Amy sighed and turned to Chatsworth, suddenly feeling very exposed now that her rage was gone. "S-sorry for the interruption, Professor." She sat back down, biting her lower lip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Gren Orchid
This disturbance has gone for quite longer than Gren had hoped. He largely ignored Geni and his slip about his past. It didn't matter to him, but it seemed to have an affect on others, include Geni himself. And it did not help that others seemed to want some sort of conflict to occur from Geni's slip. Gren wanted nothing to do with it... Until Sapphire chose to involve herself. At least the worse Shiro does is make a fool of himself. But Gren knew Sapphire was walking into trouble, and Gren would have to ensure that this trouble ended quickly. Though he didn't want to involve himself this was no time to sit idly by. Gren stood up and turned towards the two loud mouths. "Enough. Take your conflicts out of this class. You're no use to Beacon holding into that hatred." Of course Gren knew this was never so simple. Once the White Fang was brought up it was only a matter of time before violence occurred. At least Gren wouldn't allow himself to be caught off guard. He wished he could have at least started on that weapon's project, but alas...
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