Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mi hurried back to gym. She ran inside and apologized to the teacher for leaving. The teacher excused her as she had been wounded and told her to just join the class. Mi began to do her stretches. She had great stamina. A bonus of being good at running. Stamina. It sort of made up for a lack of strength, no large amount of courage, and her overall blandness. She frowned slightly when Yukito was made fun of. Not all people have stamina and strength. Everyone has their own strengths. So making fun of someone for their weakness was stupid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Hebigami Shiho@samreaper@Silverlight138@Kurisa

Shoske turned around, his eyes quickly widening as he saw that same guy still in hot pursuit You gotta be kidding me, why doesn't this guy just break his leg already! Shoske was too caught up in his thoughts and preventing from getting his ass kicked to notice what, or who, was in front of him. Shoske didn't even know what hit him, landing on his ass as another student began scream loudly for crashing into him. Shoske didn't really care who the guy was, all he did was rub his lower back "Yeah congrats, you fucking cussed! Welcome to the twenty first century. Now get the hell outta my wa-" Before he could finish, another person came into the hallway followed by two lackeys.

She spoke to the other guy, Kurisa was his name, and it seemed like they were rather familiar. Shoske turned his head back around to look at Kurisa who was catching up, also noticing a few other students poking their head out the doors You gotta be kidding me, its like a damn festival in here Out of nowhere, Shoske was lifted by his collar as the same female delinquent was staring at him eye to eye "Well since we're at it, I hope you don't mind for THIS!" Without a hint of hesitation, Shoske quickly headbutted Utaho's forehead to loosen her grip. Taking advantage he got out of her grip while also taking a few steps away, his back now facing the windows. He quickly reaching into his pockets, pulling out a handful of something unknown and a mechanical pencil, being held like a dagger

"Now I'll give you two two ways this could end up. Either you two leave me be and I return to go take my nap and no one hurts. Or you two could attack me, and most likely end up kicking my ass in the end. And I don't give a fuck if you're a guy or girl, I assure you that the end of today one of you will end up with a missing eyeball if you attack me" He said as he clicked the pencil a few times, pencil lead coming out of its tip. "So what is it gonna be?" Generally, people would laugh this off and continue onto their antics, since Shoske was a short guy. But the look in his eyes was dead serious. If they attacked, he would attack with whatever it took.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Within a handful of minutes later, the class was dismissed, much to Akane's distaste. She was absorbed within nature's beauty; present on the opposite side to the pane of glass she was staring out of. Releasing an exhale through her nose, Akane placed her pencils, pens and papers within her shoulder bag, making sure to organise the contents of her bag and close it before pulling the strap across her body and onto her right shoulder. Facing the exit, Tetsuna's sour expression aimed pointedly at Akane clearly displayed that the girl still wasn't happy with the outcome of her obnoxious speech from earlier. 'Foolish girl. There are more important things to occupy your mind with than silly grudges. Amusing how one could be so obviously jealous.' Securing her strap, Akane didn't grant the girl any emotion, only the same straight, serene facial expression she was known for.

The students of the class filtered out of the room quickly, leaving only Akane and her Mathematics teacher. "...Hm? Aren't you going to go too Akane?" The teacher's eyebrows raised a touch once she noticed that Akane was still sitting in her seat. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that I was still here. I'd much rather stay through break." Her voice sounded almost monotonous as she responded while showing no signs of planning to leave. The teacher simply chuckled at this. "Hehe, well I didn't notice until I looked around after cleaning the board. Anyway, I have to lock the room on my way out so unfortunately I can't let you stay here so come on, let's go" The teacher continued to smile as Akane stood, the latter's face blank. 'Dammit.' Leaving the room after the teacher, she turned before walking down the hallway, holding up her hand to flick it in a short wave motion directed to the teacher.

Once Akane had reached the staircase, she looked down. 'Why is the floor damp? Who's the idiot that thought this was a good idea? I wouldn't be surprised if it was one the the school's well-known delinquents. Disgusting behaviour with no consideration for others, how shameful.' Swiftly stepping around the dampened puddle, Akane proceeded down the steps towards the floor below. Just like a train approaching it's station, a cluster of noise bombarded her eardrums, as was expected when nearing the 3rd Year's floor. Although Akane looked as though she didn't have a care in the world, inside her irritated mind, annoyance quickly ensued. 'I will never understand why these children can't simply use their inside voices when they're inside the building! No consideration for others trying to learn inside class! How utterly appalling.' Deciding to make a detour to her final destination, Akane chose to completely dodge the 3rd Year's floor as a whole and continue down the staircase to the 2nd Year's floor. This one was considerably more quiet, but still bustling with life. 'This is just ridiculous. I shouldn't even have to change my path just to reach the other side of the school. Oh I can't wait to be rid of all of these creatons.' A quiet sigh escaped from between Akane's lips as she continued walking restfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aki scoffed a bit at Kurogane's comment of it not being their family influence, but that fact they are just better than him. So he was the type of person who looked down on others that had less than he did. What a bothersome person, usually the upperclassmen were suppose to be role models yet this one just acted like a major asshole. Having the money to do whatever he damn well wants, getting away with "skipping" due to the fact their family could probably fire the principle. "Is that so? Sorry for being born inferior then." Aki replied with. That was when the sister asked why he hadn't left, well sounded more like a demand with how she said it but at least she was being somewhat nicer.

"What does it matter if I stay or go? I stay and I can have fun and remain clueless. I go I will remain clueless and bored. You two probably wouldn't get it but I know Im not smart. So I decided just not to bother with it today. It's not like I skip everyday. So pretty much like your brother stated, I'm inferior to you two." Aki stated as he took another bite of his jerky expecting a comment of the likes to him being inferior and that he waste his time. Well it's not like the rich will understand the poor in a day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Throughout the speech of 'inferiority', Kurogane had lied back on the blanket, staring up at the sun through long locks of red hair. He wasn't stupid; on the contrary, he was an immensely intelligent young man with a tactical mindframe. He was the heir of the Hazekage Clan, and would inherit millions upon millions of dollars in the next few years. However, despite all of this, he wasn't arrogant. He wasn't ignorant. He wasn't foolish enough to believe that anyone was inferior to him. His previous comment was mostly to make the boy walk away; after all, peace and calm bliss was better, even if it made a no-name student hate him with all of his guts. But...this was a tad sad. The boy was giving up too easily, and admitting that he was inferior. What sort of soul and heart was that?

"To be a human being means to possess a feeling of inferiority which constantly presses towards its own conquest. The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge for conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation." With that being said, in his usual cold, distant tone - Alfred Adler was a brilliant man - Kurogane slowly stood up, bending down to clean up the brief crumbs that have befallen due to their eating. His sister knew that he was a lover of poetry and psychologists, so she wouldn't be surprised by the philosophy. Speaking of that...he would have to read through the Twentieth Sun Tzu's Book of War. It would be expected, for tomorrow's meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@BlackCat (The name's Yukito. Yukito Amamiya.)

He saw, in the midst of his activity, Mi frowning at the insult. At least someone here isn't mean. He smiled at Mi, and nodded, as a quick greeting before proceeding to do the assigned warm-ups. Yukito was going slow and steady, but he didn't drop once after Mi *sorta* cheered him up. But when the push-ups started, he did maybe about two before falling down flat on his chest, and the kids burst into laughter. Yukito frowned, and tried his best to ignore them. "Can you please... stop?" Everyone surprisingly did stop, but the lower kid from earlier, also probably the most athletic kid in his group, walked up to Yukito. "And why should we?" The giggling girls, also probably really athletic, came up behind the guy, also probably with the same mission and purpose. "Because... it's mean...?" And as quick as that, it was back to laughter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Such a horrid case of teenage angst." Megumi waved her hand in front of her face and let out a small huff. The boy, the one who had the arrogance to remain on the roof had stated his opinion while attempting to be deep as well. It didn't touch her heart, in fact it was a rather pitiful attempt to get back at them in some deep, Shakespearian way. She shook her head, almost chuckling, yet the girl retained her stoic exterior and laughed on the inside.

Megumi folded up the empty lunch boxes and buried them deep within her duffel. She slowly rose to her feet and picked up the lace napkin she sat upon. "Well, that concludes lunch. How about we all just shut up for awhile and admire the car smog over the city, hm?" If anything, she just wanted their bickering to come to an end, but alas, they were both intent on outsmarting one another... Or at least something so that one comes out the alpha male... Men can be quite competitive... Whatever, no homo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Phobos@Hebigami Shiho@samreaper@Silverlight138

As Kurisa continued to chase Shoske down the hall he suddenly halted seeing Shoske crash into some guy that he probably should have known, yet their identity escaped his mind as they can't have been that important. Instead Kurisa just stopped and began laughing at the two, he then noticed Utaho come around the corner as then spoke to Kurisa whilst grabbing Shoske by his shirt. "Well when this started I only wanted to hit him once...Now I want to break every bone in his damn body!" Kurisa listened as one of Utaho's followers told her to be careful as the Prez was watching...well that sorted that one out "The Prez huh? Guy looks like a stuck up dickhead...probably cause he is"

Kurisa rested to long broom handle on his right shoulder as Kurisa's eyes widened a little seeing Shoske headbutt Utaho. This kid had some balls but at the same time he didn't...Kurisa wasn't exactly the nicest guy but shit he had some morals! he wouldn't hit a woman unless it was for self defence...or unless the two wanted to actually have a fight but still a headbutt? that was a bit far even for Kurisa and that alone further pissed Kurisa off as he slammed the broom handle onto the floor "The fuck's your problem!? First you go and disturb me, then try trip me up with your shitty little trap, flip me off, shout a bunch of shit at me and then hit a woman!? I think kicking your ass is a pretty just punishment! And really? A fucking pencil? Well how about this...you get down on your knees and apologise to Utaho and Me?...that way no one gets hurt right? I mean...the Prez is in our presence...we should all be sensible and mature and handle this in a way that I'm sure even the Prez here can agree with" Kurisa looked at Utaho as he finished saying this, almost giving her a look to show that he wasn't being serious with that option...more so wanted to get him into a weak position so it'd be easier to slam his fucking foot straight into the little shits face...well Utaho would read it as just get him on his knee's so it was easier to hit the bastard
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You really should stop," Mi said out loud. Making fun of someone was a terrible thing to do " Just because Yukito isn't good at sports and PE you shouldn't tease him about it." Once she had said what she wanted, Mj returned to her warm ups, trying to do push-ups. Her weak body strength resulted in feeble push-ups. Mi's arms were shaking but she was managing to do a decent amount of push-ups. Mi had to thank her stamina once again on this one. It gave her the strength to keep doing push-ups even if she was weak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Teenager angst? If you think that's depression, I could say much worse things. Besides never said I was depressed. I just simply agreed with you guys. I will admit I envy you two though. Yet those reasons are my own. Also thanks for trying to cheer me up I guess." Aki said, as he pulled out his game system again. He stared at it for a few seconds but yet like a sickening urge his mind just wouldn't accept what he wanted to do at the moment. The female stated they should just shut up and admire the car smog, which made him chuckle as he wouldn't have expected something like that to be said.

Aki remained silent before rubbing the back of his head, it would probably be stupid since they already sentenced him to detention, but might as well as try to ease the tension, which he somewhat fueled. "Well, It will probably be dumb of me to say but my name is Aki Okumura, class 2-C. Sorry for being rude in anyway. But hey at least if you really want to drag me to detention, you have all the information you need."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, great. His sister had to pull his manly pride card, and now his pride dictated that he hashed things out.

"...Names Hazekage. Kurogane Hazekage." He finally forced out, his normally stoic, controlled, and cold voice holding a tint of piqued companionship. He released a slightly hollow chuckle - the only chuckle you'd probably get out of him - before sitting back and staring out at the clouds. Curiously enough, far in the distance, his sharp eyes could see the slightly gassy figure of smog; most-likely from industrial buildings and vehicl- God damn it.

"And no detention." Immediately after, as if explaining himself, Kurogane said coldly, "Only because it's lunch-break for your class right now." The tall, red-haired young man sat back on his palms. His voice spoke up again, in it's usual cool tone, "She's Megumi Hazekage."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yup, Megumi, class 2-A." Finally things calmed down, allowing breathing room for the three. "You're lucky, Okumura. We would've served you twice as many detentions, but my brother sees redeemable merit... I suppose," She said, shrugging her shoulders. Megumi wandered over to the railing of the roof and leaned forward. The scenery would've been better if there wasn't so much shit loitering the sky. The young girl placed one hand on the smooth metal surface and another on her cheek, her eyebrows slowly furrowing as she was deep in thought.

This smog reminded her of something... But she didn't know what. She knew it was about her brother and the boy, it was almost on the tip of her tongue.

"Ah yes, bukkake." She whispered under her breath, just to herself. Those things crossed her mind, just out of the blue, however that didn't necessarily define her as a lewd person. Megumi was still a cynical girl, inside and out, but there would always be those soft moments.

"How much longer must we stay on this roof?" Megumi asked, pushing aside her earlier thoughts. She looked towards her brother for the answers.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Learning both of their names, even though it was a tad obvious who they were yet didn't say anything, just so drama didn't start over names. Yet then he said no detention since it was during his class lunch break. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion. "What? No it's not..... Oh, I mean of course." Aki said smiling, while Megumi gave a small lecture on seeing redeemable merit. Aki just blinked then nodded. "Thank you.... I think." Aki said, not sure if he was being praised or insulted.

When she mentioned how much longer would they be on the roof to her brother, he looked at the time on his system. Funnily enough it was getting near his lunch break time now, so he would probably just stay up here a tad longer before going back down. Didn't want to give them any reason to actually do their job and drag him to detention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sweet, sweet peace. Now, no more annoying drama, no camaraderie...things are going back to normal. At Megumi's question, Kurogane merely rose his wrist up to his face, his sleeve drifting down to reveal his watch. The time...Class 4-A would probably be in Civics, but he had that class Wednesday, at home. Hm...He was never for sleeping on the job, although the feeling of sleepiness began to ensnare his senses. Kurogane finally dropped his arm, crimson hair lying across his face, and swamping across the floor like a feathery pool of blood.

"We wait until it's time to leave." He finally responded, a lazy glint in his eyes, which was quickly wiped away. Sighing, he sat up, taking his backpack off of his back and moving his bokken to the side. Quickly taking out Sun Tzu's Art of War, Edition 20, Kurogane propped back on his bag and began reading. His sister would find something to do in the meantime; he knew that she didn't want to go back down into the masses, either. As for Aki...well, he had a pass for today. He could do whatever, as long as he didn't work Kurogane's nerves up again, which hardly happened...he must've been hungry as a whale.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-too many players to tag-

Being involuntarily bulldozed by Kenny down the hallway was embarrassing, and even more so that more people had appeared, drawn by the epic collision which was unsurprisingly acting as the central point of focus. Hurriedly, Reiko dismounted from Kenny’s Nope Train of Embarrassment and stumbled, almost tripping over a leg of the rolling chair in the process. She smoothened out her attire with a few adroit flicks of her hand, glad to have missed out on the opportunity to have her face acquainted with the floor.

“Good lord Kenny, don’t pull something like that next time, please.” Reiko sighed, resting her fingers on her temples. “Free train rides are good and all, but I would rather not,” she remarked.

Meanwhile, the commotion in the hallway had erupted in that mere short span of time. The individual who had collided into Akiko wasn’t someone Reiko was familiar with at all – his face had failed to jolt any sense of recognition in the girl’s mind. On the other hand, Utaho, whose name evicted all sorts of unpleasant experiences of one too many lectures on delinquents expressly made by Akiko, failed to amuse Reiko.

For the next minute or so, Reiko watched with a keen, observant gaze the scene which had unfolded before her. The three were in a deadlock, the noise made escalated by Utaho’s bitch hags from hell cheering her on, while both delinquents screamed bloody murder.

Then, Reiko’s interest waned.

“Well, that completes this week’s training for our synchronized idiots’ team,” Reiko remarked aloud, and started off. She threw a backward glance at Kenny. “Best you go off too. I think Akiko is about to scream up a storm.”

With that, she made her way towards the stairwell leading up the rooftop. Normally, she avoided the place like the plague, but seeing as how the rooftop’s most frequent patrons were busy occupying themselves with brainless activities, she relished the prospect of an uneventful hour away from PE class. Skillfully, she navigated the stairs up with ease, her eyes lightly grazing the pages of a book before emerging into the sunshine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Megumi sighed and nodded. She might as well do something to pass time.

The girl sat back down on the ground and pulled out work, namely calculus. If they were to wait for time to pass by, working on homework would surely aid in that. Megumi pulled a mechanical pencil she had convieniently slipped into the recesses of her sleeve and began scribbling down answers to some of the problems.

She hadn't expected them all to have a friend chat, in fact that was the last thing that was on her mind. They weren't on good terms, maybe neutral grounds, but not friendly enough to talk about their day.

Quietly, the two siblings passed time with studying and work, which is what they usually did when there was nothing to talk about. It was up to that Aki boy if he wanted to stay or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 4 days ago

[@half people involved]

On the chair sped forward with Kenny and Reiko in tow, though it was going a bit too slow for his taste. That was solved when Reiko jumped off, nearly falling in the process and with it, the chair sped forward. Kenny threw up his arms like a child enjoying a ride after one last hard push from the ruler, which snapped in half from it and lost any chance of controlling or altering his path.

The flapping of his hood caused by the rushing wind muffled nearly all other sound, and for a moment he felt as if he was free, soaring through the skies. The song I believe I can fly played in his song as he relished in this exhilirating euphoria, having dreamed of just leaving; to go wherever his feet carried him. He didn't really have anything keeping him from doing so, other than Reiko, but it wasn't like they were close enough that she'd really care or miss him.

Nothing but a dream and his fantasy short, the voices ahead snapping him from his daydream to see kurisa and two others. One cornered against the window holding up a small object, the other two looking like hungry predators about to tear into an defeneseless, harmless, useless, cowering baby animals. He started waving his arms to try and signal them to get out of the way, though of course without a verbal warning they wouldn't notice and the chair going too fast to stop now.

Sure, Kenny could use his feet to stop, but that might cause the chair to flip over and send him flying into them anyway. Something that would only hurt worse and he needed to decide quickly since he was looming closer by the second, like a speeding train with bystanders stuck on the track. With his limited choices left him, he chose the best likely course to just abandon ship.

Giving his body a twist to turn the chair around till his back was to the group. Taking a deep breath before leaping up off the chair, arms held out. In that instant it felt like he was falling forever, his life flashing before his eyes and awaited the horrendous pain his body would soon feel.


His body landed with a faint thud on the floor, the fall only a measly 3 feet with his masked face resting against the floor. Realizing that he was being a bit over dramatic just then and lifted his head followed with a right handed thumbs up to any that could see to show he was all right. Seconds later the he could hear the crash from the chair ramming into kurisa and the girl as Kenny had turned his head just in time to see the two falling into each other.


Springing up off the floor, he marched off, acting like nothing happened with a barely audible, nonchalant whistle thinking he might go see what Reiko was up to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After parting ways with Ben, Paneru traversed the hallway slowly, gliding his hands leisurely along the walls as he did so. Marble maybe?, he randomly thought to himself, lightly touching and feeling his fingers as they moved through grooves of the wall. Most people would probably think it was weird that he was feeling the walls, but to Paneru, there was unique sense of art in everything. From the forest, to a clay vase, to the simple structure of a wall, each had its own feel and origin and artistic style. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, stepping back from the wall as he gazed upon an oil painting that hung on the wall. In fact, it was his own, submitted to the Art Department at the beginning of the year as a majestic display of his talent. He didn't feel like he was talented in much...but when it came to his swimming and painting, he certainly dominated. Paneru stepped back further, persistently goggling at his own artwork, though, he folded one arm across his chest and rested the other on it, lifting up his finger and unconsciously beginning to nibble on it. What he loved to do so dearly, he was also very critical of. He examined and inspected his artwork that was on display, thoroughly looking over every mark. Maybe I should of added a bit more darkness there...the contrast is a little pale... he thought to himself critically, though, not harshly to the point that he'd accidentally pilfer his own pride. He cocked his head slightly, allowing his long blonde hair to lazily fall over his chest, further glaring down his art as if it were a staring constant. He brought his delicate finger to his mouth once more, nibbling on it like a mouse, when all of a sudden he heard a loud bang and crash. He hastily turned his head in the direction of the sound to see his friend, Chisato, lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the roof top. Strangely, a puddle of water was there.

He quickly rushed over to her, briefly looking over the puddle of water with a confused expression on his face as he timidly tip toed over to her and slowly knelt down beside her as to avoid slipping himself. "Ouchie...", the girl moaned, wincing as she lightly held her ankle within her palms. Paneru reached out and lightly touched her ankle.."Ouch ouch, don't touch it...", she shrieked, jerking her foot away in a quick motion, but only to her own dismay and causing herself more pain. "Ahhh...look what you made me do Paneru..", she whined in a semi-playful fashion. "Sorry sorry..", he chimed to her teasingly, though, his expression was clearly concerned. "I think it might be sprained Chisato. Maybe we should take you to the nurse...", Paneru said in a motherly, but serious tone. He affectionately reached out to her face, re-positioning her headband that had fallen over her eyes and placed it back at the top of her head. He chuckled softly and smiled to her like a worried parent.."Practicing how to be blind are we?", he said to her jokingly. She stuck her tongue out at him, but quickly found herself wincing again in pain as she gripped her hands around her ankle. Paneru placed his hands on her legs, trying to decide how he should carry her there himself. Well..if he could for that matter. He paused for a moment, stuttering slightly as he spoke once more."Hey Chi-Chi...have you seen Megumi today?", he asked in a low and awkward tone. She opened her eyes wide and wrinkled her nose at him. "Ummmm...Noooooo. Why would I want to see that bitch today? Or Better yet, on any day for that matter?", she boldly exclaimed, her tone authentically aggressive as her eyes furrowed like an angry owl. Paneru frowned and spoke softly..."Don't talk about her like that...she isn't....". He paused. "a bitch...", he finished in a whisper and airy like tone. Chisato blew air out her nose like a bull and blow air up at her bangs, making them flap briefly. She rolled her eyes and winced once more. Chisato sighed deeply and huffed, "Let's not talk about her anymore. I don't wanna be jinxed with her presence.", Chisato said lazily.

Paneru made a pouty face to Chisato, who leisurely, only responded by lightly giggling before releasing her grip off her ankle and reaching out to him with her arms wide open like a child reaching out for its mommy. "Pick me up! pick me up!", she playfully whined. Paneru looked at her and smiled affectionately, moving over to her in a crouched position so he could wrap his arm around her waist as she wrapped her arm over his shoulder. "1,2,3", he counted out calmly, trying to use what muscle he had to pull her up to carry her, but unfortunately, he almost fell over in the process with her. He grunted under his breath as he tried to gain his composure, gently positioning her so she could sit down on the bottom step. He flicked her ear softly as if annoyed. "Oh my god, your so heavy. What have you been eating?", he quipped at her as banter. She raised her fist and lightly punched his leg. "Nothing. Well...except for your soul.", she retorted with a devilish and evil grin. Paneru rolled his eyes at her teasingly and looked around the area briefly, definitely hearing all the loud commotion going on further down the hallway, but opting not to look for help there before directing his focus to the top of the stairs. "Either way, I don't think I can carry you by myself. I'm gonna try and find someone to help me carry you to the nursing office, so stay put. And no more blind test while I'm gone", he cheekily responded back to her.

She lazily motioned her hands to him as if to say yeah yeah and pulled out her phone as Paneru slowly traversed up the steps, the sunlight becoming ever more illuminating the closer he got to the top. When he finally reached the rooftoop, he let out a deep sigh and held his hand out in front of the sun, doe-eyed and peering at it entrancingly, watching as the loving sunlight peaked through his spread out fingers. The breeze was amazing up here and his long shiny blonde hair seemed to majestically dance along to the rhythm of the wind. He finally brought his hand down and looked around to see who was up there. A few students were there, one playing some kind of game, another with long brown hair and green eyes, but he froze when he saw Megumi and his heart seemed to skip a beat. His face turned slightly red as he took a moment and watched her cute self hard at work, as if he were suddenly spellbound by her presence. He certainly knew of she and her brother's reputation, but he wasn't one to immediately fall into negativity. And how could she be a bitch? Just the simple act of doing school work made her seem so precocious, so lovely. Paneru took notice of the beautiful brightness that the sun did to her face that made it glow like porcelain. Though, it seemed to have the same effect on his unnaturally feminine and beautiful countenance as well. He walked a bit closer to them and spoke clearly, loud enough for them to hear, but not to loud to where it would disturb them, especially since this was his first time speaking directly to them, even though he had seen and heard of them on numerous occasions. He especially admired Megumi from afar. Perhaps though, he would be better off not tainting the doll-like and graceful image he has of her, should he discover for himself first-hand that she really is....a bitch.

"Kurogane-sama...Megumi-shi", he began in a pleasant tone, bowing his head deeply for a brief moment as a show of respect, his long blonde hair draping over his shoulders as he did so. When he finally raised his head back up, he clasped his hands together in front of himself and spoke once more, though specifically directed towards Kurogane. "I apologize for disturbing your studies but...my friend, Chisato, she slipped in a puddle of water at the bottom of the stairs and I think she might have sprained or twisted her ankle.", he paused for a brief moment to catch his breath and then continued. "Unfortunately though, I can't carry her by myself to the nursing office. Clearly...strength is NOT my forte. But anyways...I'd definitely appreciate the assistance of helping me carry her there. I'd definitely owe you a favor for sure.", he finished saying in a calm and sincere tone, slowly backing away from them in the direction of the door, hoping that the notoriously heartless Kurogane...would actually have one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was a pleasant, lovely afternoon - pleasant enough for Reiko not to be bothered by surprised yelps which had somehow found its way up to the rooftops from where she had came from. For a brief moment, she wondered if Kenny was still amongst the throng of mentally defective students in the hallway, but her mind quickly resumed back to dissecting the book before her.

A rapid few sentences later, she shut the book with an audible clap.

"Boring," Reiko muttered. The writing was abysmal, and she made a mental note never to read from that author again. It was a crime-based plot that gave away one too many glaringly obvious hints to its readers, and even that was an understatement. Or perhaps it was just Reiko being her typical, overly critical self. Books rarely held her attention for more than a few chapters, despite her penchant for reading. More often than not, Reiko found herself reading for the sake of sifting out excellent reads amongst thousands of other dismal ones.

Having caught sight of a student whom she failed to identify, along with the Hazekage siblings, it prompted the raise of a brow. It had been a while since Reiko last saw them. A half-smile crept onto her face as she recalled all their extravagant, rebellious antics during a few notable events which their parents had attended and brought them along. Their relationships were grounded on mutual understanding, and a general distaste for heirs of rich families who knew nothing more than to sip tea at prestigious functions, unanimously agreeing with whatever their parents commented on.

With a swift toss, Reiko's abandoned book went straight into a trash can.

"Greetings, my lovelies!" Reiko exclaimed. Her voice had switched gracefully into a smoother, more feminine voice a tad higher than her natural tone, executing an exaggerated but elaborate and graceful curtsy as befitting one of the sophiscated upper class.

"Kidding. That was disgusting." Reiko broke into a smirk and resumed her upright, polished posture. "How's your old man?"

Then, the door to the rooftop was cast open, revealing the figure of a dainty, feminine male with golden locks of hair even more lustrous than good ol' Kurogane's. Reiko would remind herself to prod the guy about it later. Meanwhile, she observed the newcomer. From the looks of his crisp uniform with its colours still bright and strong, Reiko inferred that he was a freshman. Usually, uniforms start to turn soft, lumpy and dull the further one progressed through his academic years. Along with his sunny disposition, the newcomer also came with a polite request.

"I'd definitely appreciate the assistance of helping me carry her there. I'd definitely owe you a favor for sure," he said.

Reiko blinked twice, instantly evoking a mental image of the route one would have to take to get to the nurse's medical center. She frowned.

"Well," she directed her words to Kurogane. "You could clean up after some year threes on your way there," Reiko said. "Knowing you, that is quite unlikely," she added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Phobos@Hebigami Shiho

As Kurisa waited to see what Shoske would do he suddenly gained a confused look as he heard an odd sound that was getting louder at a fast pace "The Fu-" Kurisa's eyes widened as a chair hit him from behind causing him to fall into Utaho which would have caused her to fall and ultimately Kurisa would have ended up on top of her. As Kurisa pushed himself up he realised what position he was in which caused his eyes to widen as he quickly leaped up and rubbed the back of his head, trying to play it off "Where the fuck did that even come from!?" Kurisa looked at the direction in which the chair came from to see nothing "Damn cowards. Tch!" Kurisa then turned his attention back to Utaho as he extended a hand out to her to help her up "Sorry about that..." Kurisa was still trying to play this off and yet in truth he was somewhat embarrassed...not even from being hit by the chair but landing on top of Utaho "I swear...if she thinks I'm some sort of perv after this I'm going to find the fucker who did this and murder him!" Kurisa had almost turned his attention away from Shoske but then again...after what happened, Shoske likely wouldn't have been running, more laughing
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