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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Geoffrey Silt
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Geoffrey Silt Prince Of All Saiyans

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

James was curled back in his seat chuckling, as he had just watched Mr. Power do his thing. Though it was quite off that somebody managed to get into the intercomms. He'd need to figure that out for sure.

"Anyways! Now that our good buddy Mr. Power is down, time for another fight! Android 12! Versus! B-Bug-Boy!" he shouted, stuttering on the last name. What an odd stage name. It's likely be a good fight, however, especially with what appeared to be an Android stage name. All odd.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

12 heard his name called and stood up from against the wall. His opponent had an....odd name, to say the least. 12 walked to one edge of the arena, and his opponent emerged......a man in a bug costume. The odd person yelled out "Ha! Just because you painted yourself gray and called yourself an android, you think you can defeat me! You're going down!" 12 just stood there, assessing his combat strength. It seemed that all the people who weren't complete weirdos were the ones who were actually strong. The announcer yelled out, raising his hands in the air, "Let the match.........BEEEGGIINNNNN!!!"

Bug-Boy rushed at the android, punching him square in the chest, before recoiling in pain. "OWWOWWWOWOWOWWW! That was like punching a steel wall!" 12 grabbed him by his sore hand and threw him into the ground, before draining his energy from both his arms. Bug-Boy broke out, and before he could gain some distance 12 slammed his fist into the felt-coated stomach, and he clutched his stomach before falling over and passing out from the pain. After a ten-count, 12 was the victor and slowly walked back into the contestant area. "What a bunch of weirdos." He muttered to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The story of the Galactic Army was quite awe inspiring. Though, he was never really one for military talk, since that wasn't what interested him the most out of her story, but rather how she had been brought up to combat. He sat down, staring at her as she continued on with her story, which seemed almost like an eternity to him, really. He began to wonder if learning how to fight was not as easy at it seemed, but the next fight would quickly erase the thought from him almost as soon as he started to think about it. Quickly, he sat down, and watched it...but there was a problem that he did not realize: He was sitting in the fighters area.

When the announcer called the name of the contestants, it set quite a chill down his spin. Strange names, but he loved it! Kota then sat up in his seat, watching the two contestants enter the stage like an optimistic child, his eyes shining with joy. He then began to ponder if the these type of fighters could ever take on the mighty World Champion, Hercule. Nah, there was no way! He was the strongest in the universe! Suddenly, Kota was met by a strange being behind him, asking for food. Kota was honestly frightened at first, but it seemed the figure was more scared than he was. He smiled and pulled out a capsule. "Um, not that I know of...but here. It's a capsule that contains lunch, kind of. They're like pills that can sate your hunger. Not sure if this will help you, but it can try." He smiled, offering it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gelato's eyes widened somewhat as the monkey tailed Kota took out a tiny little capsule, surprised he was going to simply hand over his lunch like that to him? Who knew people were so kind! The huge pterodactyl like albino dinosaur started to blush, causing a bright pink pigment to caress his rounded cheeks before he used two his his sharp claws to carefully take the capsule from the boys hand carefully, as to not hurt him.

"Huh? You're just handing this over? Really? Wont you be hungry too though? Well... I don't know what to say other than thank you, i guess! I'l put it to good use! Never took a capsule before... Here's hoping they taste good!"

With glee the large dinosaur extended its maw as wide as it could possibly manage, despite the capsule only being pill sized, he slowly dropped it into his mouth, hoping it would help him savour the taste of his magical capsule food device. However upon dropping into his fanged maw, closing it instantaniously afterward, the dinosaurs face twisted, the capsule didn't taste like food at all, it tasted like plastic and medicine mixed into one, a putrid taste which sickened him the longer he kept its taste inside his mouth, and with regret he swallowed it, grimacing comically from the experience. "The disgusting taste of a capsule will never overcome the taste of a 8 course meal, that's for sure!" He thought to himself. However to make the small human like Kota happy, Gelato tried his best to give a big smile, hesitantly speaking, trying to make the boy feel accomplished, forcing the words out of his mouth, while at the same time, his large potbelly growled louder than before.

"M- mmm! That... was... so tasty...! It... was really nice! And so filling too...! Thanks so much...!

Oh Kami, why did he eat the capsule...? Now he was even hungrier than before. "the capsules, they do nothing!" he continuously thought to himself, before standing over Kota, contemplating on what to do, he thought once more... "I mean... Eating another person is bad... But... no! That is a bad Gelato! No eating innocent people! We don't need to be reminded about the amputee leg incident, do we? Good!"

All Gelato could do now was try to talk to forget about the hunger which made itself painfully obvious, hoping it would go away with time.

"So... Human? Are you a contestant as well?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

*minutes before the tournament began*

Maximus sped through the air, closing in on the tournament area without knowing, some civilians were just minding their own business when suddenly they ducked as a sonic boom shook the ground, they looked up to see if they could spot what they assumed to be a jet flying overhead, but they had no luck spotting whatever it was as Maximus sped off. Seconds later Maximus slowed down and descended to the ground, landing with a heavy thud on the sidewalk, drawing a few stares from some people passing by. Maximus looked around and began walking in the direction of the tournament, following the power levels he sensed earlier, when he arrived at the tournament entrance he looked up at the sign, reading it to himself before looking to the person standing at the entrance, not thinking to much on it he decided to walk on in, but before he could do so the person who was looking at a clipboard and writing something down stopped him.

"sorry sir, the viewing stand entrance is over there, this is the competitor entrance"

The staff member said to Maximus without looking up from what he was doing, Maximus looked over to the other entrance where people were still flooding in to get their seats, he then looked to the staff member again. Noticing the person who approached him hadn't left yet, the staff member looked up and was slightly taken aback from the sight in front of him.


"I desire to enter the event"

Maximus droned to the staff member who seemed conflicted.


"o-oh, right, um I'm afraid your just a little late, the tournament's about to begin, and even if you weren't late, I don't know if you haven't heard but... wearing that much armor is kind of against the rules..."

The staff member regretfully informed the seven foot tall armored being in front of him, the staff member would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly intimidated, Maximus looked down to his chest and then his right hand and closed it into a fist.

"h-hey, those are the rules I didn't make them!"

The Staff member pleaded as he raised his arms defensively and closed his eye's when he seen Maximus close his armored hand into a fist. Maximus then lowered his arm and looked to the staff member


"I am not wearing armor..."

Maximus droned the staff member, who lowered his arms and opened his eye's with a confused expression.


"what do you mean?"

The staff member asked in a curious tone, but before he could get an answer he felt a hand clasp his left shoulder, another staff member with a smile had walked up to him.


"aw come on, let the guy enter, haven't you seen what we already allowed in? a girl with four arms, a guy dressed up as a wizard, and a guy who painted himself to look like he was made of metal"

The other staff member said with in lighthearted tone.


The fist staff member looked to the second before looking to Maximus.

"w-well, even if we were to let him in the tournament has already begun"

As if on cue the crowd began to cheer as the announcer began to announce the first fight.

"and if he was to enter who would he fight in the first rounds, he'd be the odd one out"

The staff member explained to the second staff member who looked puzzled, then a deep voice called out to them in an powerful tone.


"Well, worry no more!"

A six foot tall, white skinned, buff muscled man wearing no shirt, blue pants, dark brown shoes, with only a small curl of light brown hair above the center of his forehead, chiselled features, light green/grey-ish eye's, and a thick light brown mustache that curled slightly at the ends approached. Maximus and the two staff members looked back to the man who was wearing a smug grin under his mustache.

"Sorry for being late, but now I, Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm! have arrived!"

Then he struck a pose and flexed his muscles, one could swear there was sparkles shining around him when he did so, the two staff member's eye's twitched slightly while Maximus just tilted his head a little.

"I've come to join the tournament, I was held up by something, and I feared that I was too late and that I would be the odd one out, but I happened to have overheard your conversation, and my hopes were revived!"

Strong-Arm exclaimed intensely as he struck another pose and flexed. The first staff member stared for a few minutes but then chuckled nervously.


"o-okay, um, I guess you can just head on in to the waiting room eh-heh-heh..."

Strong-Arm nodded and entered the competitor entrance, as Maximus went to follow Strong-Arm the staff member's stopped him once more.

"before you go, you have to tell us your name, so the announcer knows what to say when your up"


"I am designated as Maximus"

He said to them in his droned tone of voice, the second staff member nodded with a smile and went off to inform the announcer while the first staff member wrote both Maximus's and Strong-Arm's names down on the clipboard and allowed Maximus to enter. Maximus walked calmly towards the waiting room, and surprisingly quietly as well, to those who weren't paying close attention to their surroundings, specifically the back entrance a few moments after Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm entered the waiting room for the fighters while the a fight was going on they would have been completely oblivious to Maximus's presence as he quietly entered the room and stood still just to the left of the entrance of the waiting room, waiting for his turn to fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Geoffrey Silt
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Geoffrey Silt Prince Of All Saiyans

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

James, now getting into this, stood up from behind his table, and walked nearer the arena. Microphone above his head, he pointed it down to his face and spoke into it. "NNNEXT UP!" he said, shouting at near his loudest so far. "GE-LA-TOOOO!" he said, looking around trying to spot the man or woman who took that name. "VERSUS" He added, getting ready for the next name. "Sniiide NAPALM!" he finished, backpedaling to his desk, rolling over the table as he touched it, sitting into his chair. He was getting good at the arena talking thing, and if anything he could make at least a little money off this.

Across the building, at the top of the seating area, three cloaked figures began to speak. "What are we waiting for..." spoke a certain Mel, her hand, with many cords and clothe wrappings, pulled close to her chest to hide it. The chain leg made a loud clinking noise when she moved it, so she made sure to keep still. "Aren't we waiting for the fights to ge-" yet, again, the boy was cut off, and to this he grunted, his face scrunching up with a light anger. "We are waiting to see everybody at their best.. If they go full power, that is.. Then once we know what we're up against, Mel remains here, I circle around to the opposite side of the area, and you walk between us, still remaining at the top of the seating area, and keeping yourself hidden. Then we can move on them.." he said, making sure they knew the plan through and through. With that they nodded in unison, no more questions coming up about the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Upon hearing his name, Gelato suddenly turned away from Kota to look toward the fighting arena, his name had been called out, it was his time, finally to fight, though he couldn't help but feel worried, as his stomach growled the longer he stood still. Gelato let out a chuckle, taking the black mini top hat off his head, the dinosaur taking off his white chef like suitjacket at the same time, before comically dropping them into kota@corruptedshadow's hands with a large smirk, the albino white and light pink scaled Giras spoke up.

"Looks like that's me! Hey, be a good sport and hold these for me, would you? Don't forget to cheer! Going to need all the moral support I can get when I go fight this little guy!"

With that, Gelato flexed, building up his confidence before he stomped into the arena, listening to the cheers of the crowd wanting a entertaining match made him happy, he could give the crowd what they wanted, and not only that but build up a fanbase, small sure, but some fans would be better than none, at least! Gelato roared, causing a trembling echo to boom from his maw, which only sought to excite the watching small crowd further, and after pleasing the watching collective of different viewers, Gelato grinned, turning his head toward who appeared to be Napalm, a strong looking individual, with what appeared to be gloves coated entirely in some sort of tarish liquid, but before Gelato could question him, the man punched both fists together, igniting both of his gloves ENTIRELY in flames, which like moths of a flame, pun intended, made the crowd roar in anticipation.

"So... Cha happen to me my opponent, eh fatty? Nothin' but an' overgrown, t-bone steak! I'l knock ya' out inna couple o' moves and chunk ya' procine ass outta the ring fasta' than ya' can rush to a' all ya' can eat, buffet! Kekekekeke~!"

Gelato frowned, and poked his pot bellied stomach, tilting his head at the mans interesting speech and at his words, wondering if he was trying to insult him or if he was saying something completely different, but instead of waiting, the huge dinosaur spoke up, smiling cheerfully.

"Uh... c- come again? I didn't catch what you said...! Could you repeat some of that? I- if it wouldn't be too much to ask, ofcourse!"

Napalm grimaced at Gelato, causing the well maintained, fire fisted man to clench his fists tight, yelling at the top of his lungs so that even Gelato would be able to hear him, ready to charge at the giras with all his strength, insulting the Giras as to try and make him lose his guard.


To napalms surprise, Gelato was able to hear what he said, but hearing it was not what bothered him, Gelato's expression busted into a massive smile, as if the insult thrown at him was actually complimentary! A thin blush pushed past the Giras' slightly round cheeks, stuttering with his words as he spoke, wings flapping in shyness, and in a rather odd fashion, his huge tail flapped around to the front, which Gelato hugged, feeling embarrassed from what he perceived to be a friendly remark.

"Aww~! You mean it? You're not just saying that? Nobodies ever been so friendly to me outright before!"

Napalms mouth opened agape, dumbfounded at the actions and words of what Gelato had to say, but the only noise to come out of his mouth was a muffled plethora of confused mumblings followed by a single noise.


Gelato controlled himself, whilst letting his tail go, before getting into a battle ready stance, the ring under him cracking from the weight of his large form. Gelato proudly smirked.

"But I'm not going to go easy on you just because you complimented me! So get ready to defend yourself, okay, Napalm?!"

Napalm could only scream in sheer rage before firing off ahead toward Gelato, flames coating his gloves he quickly appeared in close combat with his foe, without skipping a breathe, Napalm fired a punch toward his enemies stomach, however, Gelato wasn't so quick as to simply allow a free hit to be dealt, and so immediately pushed his arms out into a defencive block, easily taking the firey punch to the arms, his strong bones and thick scales able to easily reduce the damage he would have recieved were he a little more flimsy. Gelato then in a surprising turn gripped napalms wrists by twisting his large clawed hands, holding him at his mercy.

"Sorry about this...!" He apologetically spoke, before the massive Giras reared his head back and send it straight into napalms face with the driving force of a massive ton hammer, the connection made broke Napalms nose in the process, causing him to let out a grimacing grunt, unable to fall due to still being in Gelato's grip. Mercifully, Gelato let his foe fall, but before he could hit the ground, Gelato smirked, he knew Napalm wouldn't be out of the count so soon, something quick and easy? No, he knew he was being tricked, and to counter act, Gelato raised a leg up and drove it down, intent on stomping on his foe. Napalm had seen it coming, and before he could deal significant damage, the quick fire fisted male rolled out of the way, backflipping onto his feet on as moments notice, before delivering a punch straight into Gelato's gut area, only to find his fist rebounding effortlessly off it.

"Gah, fine, If I can't go for the front, I'l head for your back!"

Strafing to the left, Napalm laughed and proceeded to go for the Giras' blindside, however before his fist could make contact, Napalm felt a sudden heavy weight slam into his side, As Gelato's tail smashed into him, knocking the oblivious human onto his stomach.

"You know uh... I have a tail right? Big one? Pretty heavy! But hey, nice try! But I need to move onto the next round so...!"

Gelato nonchalantly walked over to his opponent and lifted him up by his legs, roaring, he started to spin his human foe around like a toy in a childs hands, twirling and twirling him around several times until suddenly letting go with a powerful shout, and as he threw his foe, he launched straight into the air, before falling back down at twice the speed he was launched. With the crowd cheering, Gelato decided to make the finishing blow, charging up strength in his fist, ready to strike as he let out one focused pummelling strike, which as the human was about to land connected, sending Napalm by the force of the dinosaurs fist hurdling out of the arena, causing Gelato to become the victor from ring out.

Gelato proudly drummed his plump abdomen whilst he flexed victoriously, roaring once more for the crowd before walking off back to the fighters section, grinning at Kota@corruptedshadow, hoping he enjoyed the fight, while taking his stuff off his hands, wearing them again.

"What did you think? Pretty cool, right?"

Before he could get an answer however, Gelatos stomach grumbled once more like it was on a timer, which made the Giras clutch it in comical agony.

"B- but m- maybe we should go look for something more edible though...! I'm famished...!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Geoffrey Silt
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Geoffrey Silt Prince Of All Saiyans

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Alright everybody! Time to make things BIG!" said James, growing nearer the tournament ring.

"You've seen everybody fight! Now let's s-" he was cut off however, at the sound of a pitter patter of feet, and a single shout.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" was screamed from the mouth of a scrawny man who had just been given the news.

"There's two new guys here.." they said, as they came up to James.

"Well they're late they c... Ah whatever, bring em in.." he said, the scrawny man handing him a paper and waddling away.

"Sorry for the delay everybody! And now! For the final fight of the beginning few! Maximuuuus! VERSUS! Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm?" he said, his voice trailing off at the end. He would shame his head, hand hands in the air as he waited for both opponents to step into the ring. He was quite ready for things to get more heated, and despite all the fun is was having, it was taking longer than he first thought it would. No matter, the possible yield in cash from this tourney would be grand, he was sure of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Daishin ran his hand through his hand with a sigh. Resorting to his roar so early in the competition was the last thing he wanted to do. His opponent wasn't the most challenging he could have faced but he didn't account for his tenacity and let his guard down. If that was the person I'm looking for I'd probably be dead, roar or no roar... The thought made him grip the bench beneath him causing it to splinter. Watching the subsequent matches he knew if he had to use the roar so early then he had his work cut out for him. All the competitors were skilled in their own right. Maybe none more so than the girl who gave her opponent a hair cut in front of the crowd. Watching her--the precision in her technique, her speed--Daishin fought using his instinct but how far could that get him against an foe like her. The more he dwelled on it the more his desire to find out grew. This thirst for battle was something he never knew until he left out on his search. His thoughts were interrupted by the fighter in the pointed hat. Daishin didn't register what Seji had said at first. Despite his show of sportsmanship earlier he wasn't here to make small talk with the competition. "Sorry if I seem rude but I'd rather not-wait what did you say!?" Daishin jumped to his feet staring intently at the man before him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Strong-Arm looks up slightly when he heard his named was called, a confidant smile under his mustache as he walked towards the door leading to the ring. Sometime during the last round apparently Strong-Arm had put on a blue buttoned shirt with long sleeves, though no one seemed to notice.

(Entrance Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mudZ3QykX10 )

As Strong-Arm entered into view of the crowd they began to cheer, a prideful smile on him as he walked up the steps to the ring, he looked to the crowd, yet again it seemed like sparkles were floating around his head, which only made the cheering intensify. It would seem as if Strong-Arm was known around these parts as most of the crowd chanted his name. While Strong-Arm was keeping the crowds attention, Maximus had begun to calmly walk towards the door leading to the ring, his heavy footfalls making a thudding sound as he passed the other competitors.

(Entrance Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M954D_jyJbQ )

When Maximus came into view, the crowd noticeably quieted down as they took in the sight of the robotic like armored being, some people whispered amongst themselves whereas the other's who were still cheering for Strong-Arm began to tell him to beat down the armored man. Even though most of the crowds attitude had changed Strong-Arm didn't look fazed as he watched Maximus walk onto the ring, coming to a stop next to himself almost two meters apart, Strong-Arm had to look up slightly to look into what he believed to be Maximus's eye's.

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6HM9QXnVdk )

"I'll have you know that even though you wear that armor that will not protect you from me"

Strong-Arm boasted confidently as he pointed his right index finger to Maximus before pointing his thumb to himself, causing Maximus to tilt his head ever so slightly.

"I, Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm!"

He exclaimed as he took off his shirt and threw it out of the ring, before he flexed his bulky muscles in a few poses.

"The Strong-Arm family line have been known around these parts for generations! our fighting technique is legendary! from a young age we were trained to punch through wooden planks, then stone slabs, and finally through sheet metal, on the end of these strong arms are Iron Fists that will make scrap metal of that armor or yours!"

Strong-Arm declared valiantly with a large smile under his mustache which caused the crowd to cheer loudly, if Maximus could smirk he would be doing so right now. Maximus nodded understandingly to Strong-Arm and held his right hand out to Strong-Arm. Arnold stared at the armored being holding out it's hand to him for a few seconds before taking it in his own before they shook hands. With that done Maximus turned around and walked a few steps away before taking his position, turning once again to face his opponent, it appeared the Strong-Arm had done the same, but whereas Strong-Arm had dropped into a fighting stance, Maximus had remained standing up strait with his arms to his sides. Maximus knew that this fight wasn't going to be fair for Strong-Arm, he had a read on the mans power level and though it was definitely higher than the average power level around the planet it was nowhere near Maximus's level, so to be nice to the guy, Maximus greatly lowered his energy levels so he wouldn't knock Strong-Arm out with one hit.

A Gong sounded and the Battle began.

(Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3kfiyfgyak )

Strong-Arm charged forward with a look of intense focus before he jumped into the air, bringing his right arm back while doing so, when his jump reached it's apex and he began to descend towards Maximus he brought his right arm forward with his hand clutched in a fist aimed right for Maximus's head. Having ample time to estimate his movement Maximus quickly sidestepped Strong-Arm's attack at the last second, Strong-Arm's fist slammed into the ground with a loud whack, cracking the stone tiled floor slightly. While most would have cringed at this Strong-Arm looked unfazed as he quickly recovered and jumped back from Maximus, his knuckles seemed slightly swollen but that was all. Maximus slowly closed his hands into fists and he slipped into a defensive boxer stance, tilting his head down slightly, Strong-Arm smiled as he repositioned himself, taking his own stance that seemed to mirror Maximus's.

This time the two both charged at each other, the crowd was a mix of focusing on the fight and cheering on Strong-Arm as he and the armored being fought.

Maximus ducked under a left swing from Strong-Arm, then he ducked under another before jumping back two meters, his sight locked onto his opponent, then he charged forward, Strong-Arm threw a pre-emptive right jab but Maximus ducked under it before delivering a right hand palm strike to Strong-Arm's chest, the impact knocked the wind from him as he was sent flying back a few meters before landing on the hard stone tiled flooring of the ring. Maximus eased up his stance as he watched Strong-Arm get to his feet, a faint bruise forming on his chest where he was struck.

"impressive, even with that armor you're able to move quickly and strike with incredible force..."

Strong-Arm said before he dropped back into his fighting stance.

"but that speed and force will quickly diminish as this fight continues, because no matter how much protection that armor gives you it'll only weigh you down in the end!"

Strong-Arm exclaimed as he broke into a sprint towards his opponent, Maximus went to sidestep his opponents charge but didn't expect Strong-Arm to be expecting him to sidestep him, thus leading to Maximus getting hit with a left shoulder charge that hit with full force, the attack knocked him back a few steps and in those few steps Strong-Arm quickly closed the distance. As Maximus began to regain is footing Strong-Arm began his assault, a right jab hit Maximus square in his face that knocked his head back slightly as a metal clang rang out, as his head came forward after the hit another metal clang rang out as he was hit again by a left cross jarring his head to the right, another clang sounded through the air as right hook slammed into the side of Maximus's head making his head jerk to the left as he was forced to step back with each hit on him bringing him closer to the edge of the ring. Strong-Arm's attack wasn't over as he got in close and hit with a left uppercut that was quickly followed by a right uppercut jarring Maximus's head up twice in a row, knocking him back further, when it seemed that Maximus was finally going to regain his balance Strong-Arm closed in and bashed his head against Maximus's head making him back up more until he was just at the edge of the ring, Strong-Arm couldn't help but grin as he readied for the final blow.

"you're finished!"

Strong-Arm declared as he brought down an overhand right punch to knock Maximus out of the ring, only for his right hand to be caught in the armored grasp of Maximus's left hand.

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w50zQ67D6wY )

Strong-Arm's eye's widened in shock as Maximus slowly looked into his eye's, the crowd who was cheering loudly had went silent as they watched.

"what?! how is this possible?!, I put all my strength behind that punch, I had you on the ropes, you were going down!"

Strong-Arm said in an astounded tone as his arm was slowly pushed back in an iron grip as Maximus stood to his full height of seven feet tall, looking down on his bewildered opponent.


"There is more to me, than meets the eye..."

Maximus droned in his robotic tone before he lifted Strong-Arm off the ground with his left hand that was still holding onto Strong-arm's right hand, Strong-Arm struggled as hard as he could to get free but to no avail, Maximus turned around and held Strong-Arm over the edge of the ring, knowing what Maximus intended to do he held onto Maximus's arm with his left hand, but doing so wouldn't help as Maximus sent a left kick into Strong-Arm's stomach which sent him flying onto the ground below with a thud. Maximus had won the match, the crowd was silent for a few moments before the broke into cheering, Strong-Arm coughed a few times from the kick before he sat up and looked up to the looming armored being looking down at him. Before he could say something he seen an armored hand being extended to him, Strong-Arm slowly smiled as he took the hand before he was pulled back up into the ring. Strong-Arm had begun dusting himself off before he noticed that his stomach and chest was bruised from where he was kicked where the palm strike hand landed, his knuckles were bruised and bleeding, his left shoulder was bruised and swollen then he felt that blood was trailing down the side of his head from where he had headbutt Maximus, but besides that he was fine, but what bothered him was that he didn't even leave a dent in Maximus's armor.


"you fought well and with skill, but you must tell me, what is your armor made of?"

Strong-Arm asked with genuine curiosity, to answer this Maximus had turned away from Strong-Arm and looked over his right shoulder back to him.


"I am not wearing armor..."

Maximus droned to Strong-Arm before looking ahead as be made his way off the ring and back into the waiting room with the other competitors as Strong-Arm made his way to leave the tournament to receive some medical treatment for his injuries which he would later find out were fractured knuckles, ribs, left shoudler and a slightly fractured skull. Maximus wordlessly passed by the other competitors as he went to his previous position by the back entrance of the fighters waiting room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Geoffrey Silt
Avatar of Geoffrey Silt

Geoffrey Silt Prince Of All Saiyans

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

James once again walked to the edge of the arena, hands in the air, microphone in hand.

"From the strongest to the weakest you've seen it all folks! Now it's time for you're strongest to meet the strongest! Ji-" suddenly he cross up, beginning to tremble with fear, looking up at the stands.

Moments after the first fight had ended, a certain Namekian made the call. With that, he dashed across the stands, and his lackey, Dreyar, went half way. With a nod to another, they ripped their cloaks from their body. The namekian smiled a toothy grin, as he began to leap down the chairs, landing just at the bottom. Near the arena. So followed Dreyar and Mel. With every jump from Mel, a hefty KLING! Clunk! Clank! echoed out quickly gaining the announcers attention.

"B-Duh-Ah-EVERYBODY! Make your way to the exit immediat-" he tried to speak, but he was cut off by a swift jab to his gut from Mel, who closed the gap between them in record time, despite her chained leg and banded arm. James spat drool just as he began to collapse. Dreyar, seeing this as a time to shine, took flight, making a quick rush over the arena, snatching the microphone as they fell.

"Thanks for the money! And the quick show too!" he said, just as the announcer was hoisted over Mel's arm, and thrown into the arena, the fall giving off a loud THUNK and a squeal of pain from the man. Not wasting any time, Dreyar dropped the microphone, and with one arm, grabbed Mel, the only none flying person in their group. Manetta grabbed her other, handed arm, and as fast as they entered, they were up and flying off in moments, prize money in hand. The whole ordeal couldn't have taken much more than three minutes.

Quickly, many people began to floor the exit, security at the front gate pushing last to see exactly what was happening. The scrawny man, who had before told about the new contestants picked up the microphone. He was in a panic, and was sweating quite badly. This could ruin his business! And they took the prize money, the contestants could sue or worse!

"U-uh! Everybody! Remain calms! If you were one of the winners in the current tourney, pl-please.. This message is for you!" he shouted, running a hand through his hair, eyeing the security as they made sure the original announcer was still alright. He then took a long deep breaths, his breathing echoing through the speakers, causing his eyes to widen.

"Er-uh! If you can uh... Help uh, get back the prize money from those people and uh.. Maybe turn them into the police or something well.. There's a prize in it for you! Including the stolen zeni!" he said beginning to shout. Making himself fully clear, he finished off with a few final words.

"J-James and I would appreciate it if you put a stop to them... Once and for all..." with that, he dropped the microphone rushing down to the spot where James had been heaved. He was facing up, the security guards keeping him up. He was bleeding from the fall, and was quite banged up, but he could survive.

People however, continued to rush the edit, many shouts being Bullard all across the area. The stands now left empty, with only small groups of people lingering in the area. The attack left many in a daze, but once the group had flown off, it became a small stampede for a short amount of time. Now however, was a time for reaction. Everybody heard the small man. Everybody knew what to do.

Especially one man, who seemed to be whispering to himself, "P-O-W-E-R." And pretending to punch the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

While inside the waiting room Maximus was once again waiting for his turn to fight another opponent, but then something happened, his scanners picked up three new energy signatures approaching the tournament and they were close. He tilted his head up to look out the widows to the ring, he noticed the announcer begin to start the next rounds when suddenly he stopped talking and began to tremble. This caught Maximus's attention, but he remained still as he assumed the reason being was that the energy signature's his scanners picked up were the cause of the announcers fear.

Maximus was correct, just after the announcer began to tell the viewers to leave the three beings his scanners picked up had dashed across the stands and made their way to the ring towards the announcer. One of the three closed in on the announcer before he even had time to react and was hit with a jab to his gut making him reel in pain. Seeing this made Maximus clench his hands into fists, more so when he watched the announcer get thrown into the ring and landing on the stone tiles, they would pay for doing so, Maximus promised that.

Although this was happening Maximus didn't bother to rush out the entrance to the ring to try and come to the announcers aid, having estimated that the likelihood of the other fighters doing so as well, instead he waited for the three offenders to take their leave, and then he left out the exit he was standing beside calmly. He didn't wait to hear the staff member from before pick up the microphone and ask for help, nor did he have any interest in a reward, he wanted justice to be served, and he would deliver it. With a faint flicker of Maximus's silver aura he slowly hovered into the air, looked in the direction the offenders energy signatures went, and began to fly after them, when he was a decent height in the air he funneled energy into his boosters on his back, they glowed brightly before he blasted off in pursuit of the offenders, shattering the sound barrier while doing do.

The sonic boom Maximus created shook the ground making some of the fleeing citizens cower and duck their heads, and disturbed the birds resting in the tree's nearby.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seji chuckled.

"Is the surprise coming from me knowing anout dragonoids, one of my past teachers being one, or my titles as the Ethereal Sage? I doubt it's the latter, as I am by no means the greatest sage alive."

Seji seemed amused by the dragonoid's emotional display.

Before the conversation could continue, the namekian and his companions showed up and raised hell. They were in and out before anyone could really respond. Seji waited, before hearing the offer for money.

"Well...that's The only encouragement I need."

Seji whispered a few arcane syllables, before his cloak seemed to rip open to accommodate a pair of huge leathery wings that sprouted from his back.

"I bid you, adieu, Dragonoid. We'll have to talk more later, I'm curious about you."

He flapped upward, before taking off in the direction of the energy sognatures. He expected he would eb able to get there first and defeat them with his magic before anyone else got there. However, a moment later Seji heard a sonic boom, and turned his head to see a metallic man flying past.

Seji whistled in appreciation of the obviously powerful android, and did his best to keep up.

"Mind if I hitch a ride!?" He yelled to Maximus, beating his wings furiously in a failed attempt to keep up, "We'd work better together!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Maximus almost missed it, he barely managed to hear Seji's voice as he was speeding foreword, in that instant he began to slow down, the boosters roaring on his back quieted down to a low hum as he allowed Seji to catch up. With a slight tilt of his head he took in Seji's odd appearance as he caught up. Though Maximus had barely heard what Segi asked, he replayed the audio in his memory and cleared up the voice allowing him to hear what was asked of him.

Even though Maximus knew that two fighters were better than one, he believed he alone would be sufficient to take on the three offenders and return what was stolen. He reasoned that with two fighters, the defeat of the offenders would take less time, but this winged person didn't look all that strong, he could get in the way, and become a liability. Maximus didn't want to take that risk, so he turned away from Segi and his boosters went to full burn as he blasted off towards the offenders again, once more creating a sonic boom as he sped off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vanina’s eyes went wide at the sight of Kota’s tail. “You’re… Saiyan?!” She would be unable to question him more due to the ensuing theft. Her mouth went agape at the sight of the flying foes; you had to be a particularly powerful being to know how to fly, and two of them would be a problem. She had no choice but to chase after them, because with no money Vanina wouldn’t be able to eat tonight. Turning to Kota and the other contestants, Vanina motioned for them to follow. “Come, we must stop the Namekian and his allies!” She’d then rush into a swift run after the thieves, watching as Maximus and Seji disappeared into the distance. “Damn, I hope they leave something for the rest of us…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Everything happened so fast. Yoyo was waiting eagerly for the announcement of the next fight, fingers crossed it was her and someone interesting. Like that large robot-looking dude, or either of the reptilian beings, or perhaps that unique 6 armed woman (she wondered if she was simply born with the six arms, or was she perhaps using some form of the 'Four Witches Technique'...or even some other shape changing technique, while rare they weren't un heard of. She had studied form-shifting skills while back at home but only in scrolls rather than training. She had wanted to learn some of her schools form altering skills but her father and grand father kept telling her 'she simply wasn't ready nor suited for such techniques' stubborn old goats ) And while lost in this train of thought ting odd seeming bandits leapt from the crowed, exuding a sense of power, skill, and confidence told her instincts they weren't like the weakling show off she had fought earlier.

The next thing she knew they were flying off. With the money. With HER money. She stammered in stunned inaction for a moment as a few of the other tournament goers took up the hunt after the villains. She felt her temper flair and her blood boil as the audacity of those brigands taking her meal tickit filled her mind. With a focus of effort she activated her 'Tigers leap' skill, and with a jump that seemed to onlookers to take the same effort as a simply skip she bounded up into the air and clear out of the arena. She landed on outside, on some poor civilian fleeing the screen, but without so much as a 'sorry' she bounded off again ( and she was fairly sure as she bounded off the person they grunted the word 'POWER' in pain ). Now she was focusing her jump to have maximum forward velocity so it was as if she was running along the ground with each bound taking amazing amounts of distance. She wasn't exactly closing fast on the villians but she could see them and was not losing ground. "I'll teach you to steal from a Tiger!" She called in fury.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seji watched the machine blast off. He sighed internally, flapping his wings slower to conserve energy.

"Well, shit."

He looked down below to see one woman leaping to keep up. She was doing a damn good job too. He winced when he saw her crash land on poor, poor Mr. Power, whose humorous cry of "Power!" did not lesson the harsh reality of his injury.

Seji still chuckled anyways.

Seji looked at the slowly shrinking silhouette of Maximus. He hoped that the robot wasn't able to handle it all before Seji arrived. Seji had need of that prize money, and besides that, the chance to interview a Namekian was a rare one.

Plus, he had sensed a lot of raw ki energy coming off of the other male. Seji wondered if perhaps this individual might be a fellow Ki Mystic. If not, then he would be easily dealt with with a few spells.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jyoliod
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Jyoliod the Victus / Grimoire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the commotion unfolded and several contestants rushed off in pursuit of the villains, Jinshi ran to James' side as security was sitting him up. Jinshi watched security carry the charismatic announcer off before shifting his gaze to the chaotic crowd fleeing the ring. Children were crying and adults were panicked and scared, the scene made Jinshi angry. Quickly Jinshi scaled an arena wall, revealing a large open area of hardened rock and earth with patches of grass here and there. In the distance a cloud trail indicated something was in fast pursuit of the criminals, while other figures dotted the horizon making their way to the criminals as well.

He didn't think he'd be of much use but maybe he could do something Jinshi thought to himself as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a number 9 capsule that looked old and damaged. "I was hoping to get you fixed up with that money before I used you again..." Jinshi muttered to himself. Pushing the trigger Jinshi threw the capsule forward as it exploded into a puff of white smoke that cleared and revealed a motorcycle.

The vehicle was pretty damaged and didn't look all that safe, but without hesitation Jinshi hopped on and kicked the motorcycle into gear, blazing off with a trail of dust being left in his wake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Geoffrey Silt
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Geoffrey Silt Prince Of All Saiyans

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The trio would, having got the upper hand, he quite a while away. Though they weren't moving fast, as Mel was quite heavy. Suddenly they'd hear a loud booming in the distance. Dreyar shook lightly, and the three powered to the ground.

"They're following us! We need to get ready for a fight!" the youngest one, Dreyar, would shout, in quite a distressed mood, as he paced back and forth.

"Yes yes, I understand. Get ready, would you?" the namekian said, glancing at both of his lackeys. They nodded to him, then to one another, before turning around. Mel would stand behind the boy, then Dreyar would begin to lightly charge his ki. Nothing big, no, just a light gathering of his abilities. The moment he saw one of the men or women show up, he would throw off a flurry of ki blasts at them. Hopefully he would be able to down them, but even if he didn't, he could easily get Mel and Manetta to help down them.

"Alright kid, I'll trust you this once." said Mel, giving him a pat on the shoulder, walking a few steps back, awaiting patiently a target. "Try not to mess up." she would add. Now all that needed to be done was to wait for the sap to run into their little scheme, and considering they were people in the middle of chasing them, chances are, it would work pretty alright.

Meanwhile, back at the tournament grounds, the final citizens had cleared the area, all that was left we're a few guards and the scrawny man, rushing around the place trying to fix things up. With that, he was also trying desperately to juggle the phone calls of a few angry onlookers. Seeing the few people rush off to regain the items, he'd pause for a moment, a small grin on his face, and a few nods. Maybe these guys could put the thieves down, then they wouldn't need to worry about this happening anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

As Maximus approached the offenders his scanners told him that they stopped moving, his best guess is that they either somehow knew he was coming and were preparing for battle, or they had stopped to examine how much they stole. Maximus clenched his fists as he continued forward, determined to bring retribution to the offenders for what they had done. Maximus continued his flight until the energy readings of the three offenders were a few dozen meters in front of him, he stopped flying forward and landed with a clank before he began to walk towards them, his vision zoomed in until he got a clear image of all three offenders, two humans, male and female, and a green skinned being who looked human.

After he thought through what he wanted to do, he believed that he should try to speak with them first, to see if this could be settled without conflict, but he was ready to fight if it turned out like that. Maximus slowly and calmly walked towards the offenders with both arms to his side, unless he was stopped from doing so, when he would get within speaking distance he would attempt to say.

"You three have caused harm to the innocent and have stolen... return what has been taken and your punishment will be lessened..."

he would drone to them in his robotic tone as he would slightly tilt his head down in what could be guessed as a glare as his hands would clench into fists. He would continue to approach them until he was only a few meters away.
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