Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@Kurai Assassin


There were three brothers in merry Scotland
In merry Scotland there were three
And they did cast lots which of them should go
Should go, should go
And turn robber all on the salt sea
The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin
The youngest of all the three
That he should turn robber all on the salt sea
Salt sea, the salt sea
For to maintain his two brothers and he
Trinity sang as she approached the bunkers dragging her load of trailer two 40’ containers, tools and tires she’d collected back at the dead truck stop.
She stopped singing as she noticed someone in the air who appeared to be on fire and let the trailer down then walked over towards those assembled and watching.
She didn’t move too close to the others because she wanted to study what she was seeing before formulating a response knowing that as odd as things were around here to act without knowing what was going on was unadvised.
Everyone around her seemed to more amused and mildly disturbed so it must be a power test; Didn’t Jae manipulate fire?
Sighing she went back to work on her little external project and picked up the tongue of the container trailer and drug it over to her tower and Smokehouse before setting it down once more.
Trinity worked quickly and methodically assembling the containers into a square using the others she had brought here yesterday and after that checked her fire and added a bit of fuel enjoying the look of the pigs smoking at the other end as she thought of beef sides and more pigs and perhaps a few croc tails.
So when she emerged from her smokehouse Trinity sniffed herself then giggled how absurd it was to wonder if she stank of smoke then noticed she was sweaty as well. So with a bounce in her step she decided to take herself to the river for another display of dominance picking up a 16’ 375 pound ash tree that she’d made the trouble of stripping of limbs to make a flexible long pole
Soon she was by the river stripping down to her navy blue sports bra and gray flannel boxers making ready to enter when a volunteer lunged from the water and ran up the bank towards her eager for it’s lunch trouble was that he’d gotten their roles flipped.
The heavy end of the sapling landed with what for Trinity was a love tap and it cracked his skull in half felling him without so much as a twitch of muscle after the blow.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Jake Evanston

Interacting with :

Jake woke stretching and with a big long yawn. He had gotten some good sleep. Since he had done some training last night he felt he should do some exploring today. Maybe even see if they have any maps from before the asteroid and do a little updating with some info added to them. If there weren't any maps he could just easily make his own.

Getting dressed and grabbing his notebook and pencil, Jake made his way out of his room. He decided that if anyone knew where any maps would be then it would be the Commander. Jake searched throughout the bunker asking anyone if they had seen him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Michael Sykes & Harlow Grey

In Collaboration with @Kurai Assassin

Harley leaned back slowly. "Most everyone got powers at some point yesterday or this morning. The commander can heal anything as far as we can tell. He healed Ryder and he had cancerous tumors all over him." She said looking down at the dog. Her arms were still around Mikey's waist and she felt a blush creeping up.

"Jae got fire, Audrianna got force fields, Grayson got...." The look on her face changed and she looked up at Mikey. Harley was kind of at a loss for words for a moment and she took a deep breath and just said what was on her mind.

"I kissed a guy yesterday that I liked but I really thought he was going to die. I hope that doesn't become a problem." She bit her lip and waited for him to scream at her.

Mikey looked down to her. "Dont worry about it, we can deal with that problem as it comes. For now we dont have to worry about anything" he said holding her closer.

"You know whats strange though. Y'all got some cool powers and I didnt. Its kinda weird you know" He said as he laid down on his bed and pulled Harley down with him. "You know your really cute right?"

Harley grinned as he pulled her with him and she was laying practically on top of him because the bed was so small. She was almost positive if she moved even a little she would fall off of the side of the bed. "I think I've heard that before."She thought about the powers a moment. "I bet you got your powers but you just haven't stumbled on them though. Mine and Jae's are obvious powers but the commander and Grayson got powers that took a little work to figure out. Grayson can Astral Project himself. It sounds cool but it is more dangerous than it sounds.I bet yours is just trickier to figure out."

Harley kept trying to keep her mind off of how much of their bodies were touching each other so she wrapped his hair around her fingers to distract her. That wasn't working very well either. "Dinner should be ready soon, I think." She said trying to distract herself. Just as she finished saying this there was a big paw that landed on her back as Ryder stood up and smacked her in the back to tell her he was still there.

Mikey laughed a little and shook his head. "Looks like we better get up before we miss it then huh?" he said as he helped her to her feet before stumbling backwards onto the bed himself. "Yeah i really need to get one of those double rooms like you, theres no where near enough room in here."

"You know, it really is weird how we've never crossed paths even at dinner you know. They say small world but for so many people to be in here its a surprise we havent met until now" He said as he picked up his guitar from across the room. "You wanna head out now?"

Harley nodded and took his hand in hers. "There are actually enough double's now to accomodate everyone. I believe the one next door to mine is empty." She hinted flirting a little.

"It's not really all that surprising. When the elders were still alive our population was more than doubled and I usually helped out in the kitchen on cleanup and so I rarely ate in the cafeteria when most others did. I hung out with a lot of the older people mostly because they always astonished me at how much they knew how to do. Technology really has spoiled us. I actually feel rather helpless other than my power."

Mikey laughed slightly as he swung his guitar over his back. "You may have to escort me to this room you speak of madam" He smiled opening the door to the room for her to go through.

"So its been a year since we last saw each other which means you've not heard me play either in a year. The cafeteria should be quiet enough for you to hear the guitar if you would like a private gig?" he said as he winked at her, flirting back. Hopefully he could take the room next to Harley's before anyone else had the chance to. Especially that Grayson fellow he had heard about.

"Come on, let's go get you a key." She pulled him with her and headed towards the commander's office. Once she opened the door she explained. "I help the commander with maintenance issues, mostly water related ones so he is cool with me coming in here when he isn't in here." She took a key to the double next to hers and handed it to him.

"There you go." She said while handing him the key. "Do you want to move over now or after we eat? I can help you if you would like." Harley was feeling that giddy butterfly sensation in her stomach that new relationships usually bring. She felt like a teenager suddenly and wasn't sure what to make of that. She smiled at him and closed the door as they entered the hallway again.

Mikey smiled back "Lets move it later after dinner, I would hate to move on an empty stomach." He said as he put his arm around her.

He began to walk with her when he thought about something. "You know before all of this what did you do, like job wise or were you a student?" It didnt really bother him either way he just wanted to know more about her, about who she was and what she was about. All the kind of things you'd want to know when you start dating someone new.

Harley put her arm around his waist as they walked. "Hm, well I graduated then I went to community college for a couple of years. After that I took a year off and backpacked around Europe. I learned a lot about myself and about life in general that way. I was a life guard during the summers and I was scheduled to start at University for Marine biology in the fall of last year." She thought about the future she was never going to have and shook it off.

"What about you?" She asked watching her dog round the bend into the cafeteria. When Harley rounded the corner into the cafeteria she found her dog watching someone bouncing a ball against the wall.

She looked up and realized that Audrianna was not in the kitchen. There was another girl serving dinner tonight. Harley recognized her but had never spoken to her. "I guess Audrianna took the night off? Good for her!"

Mikey shrugged. "Didnt really do anything other than music. I dropped out of highschool in my senior year to persue music. My dad kicked me out cause of it so i crashed at my brothers most nights, so i dont really speak to anyone in my family other than my brother. It's why i laid that asshole out back then cause i just kept thinking what if she was family"

He led her to the corner of the cafeteria and sat her down. "Now, do you have any requests?"

Harley smiled and said, "What about Dance Dance by Fall out Boy?"

Mikey began to play the song. As he played he noticed the general atmosphere of the room turn more happy from the dreary depressing atmosphere it was before. People actually got up from their seats and began to dance with the people sitting opposite.

As he came to the end of the song the once dancing people went back to their dreary depressing meals. "Do you have any other requests? Maybe something a bit heavier?"

"Light em up!" Harley said happily watching the others react to the music.

"On it. Keep an eye on the crowd for me im gonna test something with this song" He said. As he began to play the now dreary people began to get angry and mad and started fighting one another. As the song got heavier the fighting got worse. Mikey quickly stopped the song out of fear of someone getting hurt and immediately the crowd stopped fighting instantly. "What the fuck?"

Harley was as perplexed as he was. It was almost as if they went into a trance based on the music's darkness or lightness. "Could that be your power? To manipulate people's moods?" She looked at him and moved a little closer to him as one guy appeared to be pissed off that he was hit in the face.

"Let's go move your things over and come back to eat later. It's still a little early yet." Harley was clearly a little shaken by the turn of events. When the commander walked in she curiously said. "Can you do it again? I want to see what the commander does."

"I dont know, i dont know what i did to make it happen... wait, why werent you effected by it?" he asked, if this were a trance power surely everyone in his vicinity would have been affected. He just hoped he played something calm for the commander.

"Lets just head back to my place and get my things then we can talk to the commander" He said as he grabbed her by the hand and led her away from the disaster zone that was the cafeteria.

Harley was about to call Ryder but the commander was feeding him and she left him there for now. She felt confused on how it had made everyone so angry. "Can you imagine if you had played Metallica. People would have been killing each other!" When they got to his single Harley grabbed his things as he did and she lead him to his new room.

As soon as he opened the door and they walked in she put his things down and turned around to find him right behind her. She could see the worry and questions in his eyes and she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against his chest. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah just a little shook thats all. Why hadnt you been effected Harley. Surely it should have right?" Mikey said as he sat down on his new bed and pulled her down to sit with him. "What happens now, what if i want to play something and i couldnt predict if it would frenzy people. I could lose everything, i could lose you."

"You aren't going to lose me. I'm not sure why I wasn't effected the same way. Since I know it can do that though maybe that is why? Maybe this is your gift...to somehow be able to change people's moods, to stop or start fights? I'm not sure. We can always go somewhere so you can play without changing others' moods."

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@kurai assassin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: @Poohead189 and @Kyrisse

I have to admit that this was fun at first, but now this guy is really trying to actively get away from me. Lex thought as he tried to follow Jae around. He had been so determined to catch the man on fire... Aw fuck it! Lex just let his dust form slow to a halt. To his surprise, he remained afloat. Just the thought of lifting so high off the ground astonished Lex. I guess that's another thing to note about these powers... Dust doesn't do this normally... actually dust doesn't do anything I make it do nowadays...

After a moment of pondering, Lex made his dust form reform in the vicinity of Ben, Jae, and Audrianna. He peered over to see Jae face down and naked on the ground. He whipped his head to Ben with a quickness before looking down at himself. Clothes??!?!? They're here!

"Uh... you can tell your friends that I'm fine. Um gonna go now." Lex said as he walked away while containing his excitement. It was beginning to become dark, but Lex a lot more confident with his ability than he has ever been. Seeing that his powers were better for use outdoors he figured he could truly challenge himself. One night out... after dinner that is. Lex B-lined to the inside of the bunker and to the cafeteria.

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Commander Cody Varicke

The Commander walked out of the showers and headed to the office to check o some things. Within a few minutes he was on his way to the cafeteria. Once there he looked around and saw that there was a girl in the kitchen and she was not Audrianna. He had seen her around and he guessed that meant that Audrianna was still out with Jae and the others. He walked into the kitchen and the young woman grinned and said "I found my power! I am now a wizard in the kitchen! Take a look at this." She showed him just about every kind of dish you could ever think of with the ingredients that they had. Cody looked somewhat astonished and smiled.

"Well, I guess this will give Audrianna more free time. Do you need me to do anything? Dishes?" The girl was giddy about the cooking and she shook her head.

"Nope, It's all under control."

"Okay then." Cody grabbed an apple one of the others had brought in and took a bite of it as he walked out of the room. He wondered when Audrianna would be back and if this was going to be a problem for her. He was wondering if she would be back for their date soon.

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@kurai assassin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FunnyGuy @King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

Kwan saw anger in the bird’s eyes as it stroked back up for elevation so it could give it one more try at her and the idea that it would angered her. So scanning around her she spotted a hump of pea gravel that must have been used to mix with cement and sand for whatever; for her it was a place to make a stand and send a message.

It took the big eagle about three minutes to gain enough altitude for its next dive and as she waited Kwan took small handfuls of the gravel throwing it to set her range and coverage.

It dove this time for revenge which explained what was destined from the beginning of their encounter. Kwan sprayed the air in its path with a cloud of gravel which it shrugged off because it had surprisingly thick feathers. Given little choice in the encounter she attacked the bird with a flurry of crane style nerve strikes which brought a scream of pain from her assailant and cause him to lose control and crash tumbling nearly 50 meters in a cloud of dust.

Kwan practically danced over towards the huge creature that had tried to kill her humming to herself a club tune as she drew a throwing needle in each of her hands. It struggled to regain its balance flipping itself with its wings only to be assaulted by the insane two legged beast who played the rhythm of her favorite dance tune on it’s beak in staccato before leaping on his neck and slapping him so quickly on the top of the head that he experienced balance draining vertigo.

Mister Eagle I will not eat you today for I have no way to take your meat back to my people. It is also against my nature to eat the intelligent, prove yourself so she said to him as she stepped back and stood just out of his reach.

The red brown giant was forced to face her because of her treatment as he fought to regain his senses. The small she had beaten him and if she chose to could kill him at her leisure but instead stopped short of doing so and while he didn’t understand her sounds her intention was plain; she was queen of this land to all beneath him and he wished to live.

The huge bird bobbed his head almost touching it to the dust and never raised it above Kwan’s as he stumbled sideways in a running takeoff keeping and eye at all times on her.

Kwan for her part stood her ground till he flew over the horizon then chuckled as she fetched the camera and checked out her filming experiment and decided she needed at least six camera to film a large scene solo and have something worth editing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Audrianna Kent

Interacting with: @POOHEAD189, @FunnyGuy, @Wick

Audrianna glanced towards Lex and gave him a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sure he appreciates you trying to help him out," she said as she watched him walk back to the bunker. When Jae groaned, she turned her attention back to him, belatedly remembering the state of her young friend's clothing. "Clothes. Y-yeah, I should get you some," she exclaimed as she looked towards Ben. "Can you watch him for a bit? I'll go get him some clothes. I don't think anyone would appreciate seeing him walk back in like that. I won't take long." She gave him the same apologetic smile she gave Lex earlier and then hurried back into the bunker.

Once inside, she hurried towards the room and headed straight to the one the Korean boy stayed in. She grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweat pants and then hurried back out. In her haste, she didn't notice anyone crossing her path and soon found herself sprawled on the floor, having collided with the Commander. "Cody!" she exclaimed, surprised. "I-I mean... Commander." she corrected herself and then, regaining her composure, stood back up and hurriedly picked up Jae's clothes from the floor. She looked down as she immediately apologized. "I'm sorry I was in a hurry that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Commander Cody Varicke

Interacting with @Kyrisse

Cody was eating an apple and when he turned the corner he was run straight into by none other than Audrianna. She had come out of Jae's room and she was carrying men's clothes. He frowned slightly and helped her to her feet. "You don't have to call me commander." He looked at the clothes. "Does that mean Jae is naked somewhere?" He turned putting his arm around her and walked with her outside. When he saw Jae trying to cover himself behind a bush he grinned. He took the clothes from Audrianna and tossed them to Jae.

Then he pulled Audrianna into his arms and kissed her deeply. Knowing that Jae would have seen him kiss her he smiled a little sheepishly. "How did you end up naked? Did you burn all of your clothes off?" Cody couldn't help it. It was a funny situation and said, "We have to find a way for you to remain clothed when you are on fire."

@King Tai@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@kurai assassin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 5 hrs ago

Ben the Fighter

Ben sprinted over to where Jae was, following Audrianna. As they passed by the boulder, Ben skidded to a stop to see a bare Jae slumped onto the ground, having just mumbled a few words before slipping into unconsciousness. Now he found himself looking at a naked Korean boy. He supposed large wind resistance and galeforce speed would do that. "I don't know what I expected." he deadpanned.

Ben gave a nod to Aud. "I'll watch him." he told her. He didn't know what he was going to tell Jae when he woke up, but Ben felt confident Jae would be safe under his watch. He let out a sigh, but gave Aud a reassuring smile as he slumped down to sit. Maybe practicing like this should be done in a more controlled manner? He grinned. But then, guess they wouldn't have as many stories to tell later on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago



"Hmmm..." Lex let out as he sat at the table as he gulped down some of the leftover soup. He could have eaten something fresher, but eating the soup made him feel like he had earned it since he had helped Kwan the night before. As he sat alone, he let himself think on the use of his powers. Through his experience today, Lex began to hypothesize. Okay, so I can definitely fly and I can somehow make my clothes reappear on my body when I go from dust back to flesh... I can change my body and my clothes into dust then, but I couldn't do that before... or at least I didn't know it was possible. A year ago I would have thought all of this was far from possible... Back to my complicated power. So instead of creating new dust, I can break not only my body, but other things down into particles. At least some of this makes sense. So I probably use a lot of energy making the conversion back and forth.

Lex sighed as he finished his meal faster than he could finish pondering. With a nod to himself as a way of saying 'good job', he got up and placed his bowl and spoon in the appropriate sink to be washed out. As he walked out of the cafeteria, Lex shoved his hands into his pockets and kept his head down as he thought some more, this time it was about tonight's adventure. Catching an animal might be too much, maybe there's something else I could do, like find some kind of commodity... shit, I'll know when I come across it. Maybe I can get something nice for myself. Ooh I hope a Walmart survived out there!

Lex's eye lit up as he smirked towards the bunker door leading to the outside. As he made his exit, Lex noticed that the sun was beginning to vanish over the horizon. He took several steps forward knowing full well that he had to test one of his hypotheses. When I become dust, everything is gone... Lex continued to walk as dust started to rise off from his skin and clothes, tearing away slowly as if to add dramatic effect. Nerves, muscles, and bone... I can't expect to move dust as if it's my arms or legs... Lex shut his eyes before his body burst into a cloud of dust that flew through the treeline. All I need is mind... my imagination. Now let's have an adventure tonight!

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@Kurai Assassin


After smashing the croc in the head Trinity leapt across the little river and landed amid a group of three crocs and grabbed the nearest one by his nose then used him to beat the other two to death while smashing him as well. For several minutes she roamed up and down the river bank grabbing crocs where she could and chucking large 200 pound rocks at them when they retreated into the water. The crocs proved they understood the danger they were in by vacating the area swimming rapidly down stream.

Her work finished Trinity grinned and headed into the water for a swim and bath removing her sports bra and boxers so she could wash them and herself with some shampoo she’d found in the cab of one of the wrecked trucks she searched.

She was so happy to finally have the river to herself so she could skinny dip like she used to in the rivers near where she was raised. Sure she could have taken a shower in the Bunker but frankly she was tired of it’s confining and dank concrete walls. She was working hard to build a safe habitat outside of the bunker for others that wished to escape the rabbit hole and breath the fresh air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Harley closed the door a few minutes later and she headed to the reservoir to refill the day's usage. She had calmed Mikey's fears and she felt a little sad. His one thing that he loved to do was now something that could hinder his ability to do it. She was preoccupied as she walked into the boiler room and past it to the reservoir. She aimed her hands and she began filling the reservoir.

After she finished replenishing the water supply she walked outside of the bunker for a moment. It was dark and she heard screaming in the distance. She squinted to see who could be out there. It sounded like a woman's scream. Harley not giving her own safety a thought took off running into the woods. After about a minute she thought about what might bite her if on the ground so she rose up into the air on a large wave of water.

Harley had to go through a lot of debris and she found the people. They were not from her bunker. There was something different about them. They all seemed aggressive and sickly. Harley immediately caught their attention and she landed in front of them a little afraid of scaring them off and just plain a little afraid of them.

"Hello, where did you all come from? I -we have a bunker. You should come with me. We can heal you and have room for you to stay if you would like." Harley couldn't see them very well and the figures in the dark were hard to recognize or count. She could tell there was at least 15 or 20 of them. She didn't see the one who snuck up behind her and hit her over the head with a tree branch. Harley collapsed on the ground.

When Harley woke there were screams all around and it looked like the bunker was on fire in the distance. "NO!" She screamed when she realized what was going on. These people had attacked the bunker in the evening when most were in the cafeteria and set it on fire. Harley's wrists were tied together. She didn't know how to call on her powers without her hands. Harley screamed as she saw figures running in the dark near the bunker. She hoped her people were alive.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: @RumikoOhara

This is AMAZING! Flying as a dust cloud seems pretty dull, but fuck whoever thinks that. The wildlife out here doesn't even seem to pay much attention to me. If only I had music. Lex was so excited to not only to be out at night, but using his powers the way he had wanted to from day one. He reformed his body and clothes in a clearing within the woods. The first thing he did was take a look at himself.

"Clothes, skin... everything feels fine. Alright, let's keep it... Oh?" Lex let out as he heard loud crashing sounds followed by splashing and thrashing in some form of water. Animal fight? Epic enough I guess. Lex thought as he converted his body into a dust cloud again. Flying swiftly between trees, Lex headed towards where he had last heard the sounds of what he believed to be a fight between two extremely evolved predators. Huh? Those gators... they're all headed one way, and fast. Lex thought as he hovered over the river. His first conclusion was that the creatures were fleeing away from a larger predator, and if it was this close to the bunker, he'd need to see this thing so he could warn the others. He flew high as to be less easily spotted, though he was not too worried about being attacked. At the moment, Lex felt as if his powers were perfect for recon as he could move around almost unnoticed and unable to be harmed.

And then he saw... a female bathing naked in the river while also washing her clothes...

Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I have to save her from the thing that fucked up those gators! Oh fuck! As a dust cloud, Lex crashed into the river bank few feet away from Trinity, making a soft thud against the grass. "Hey you have to..!" Lex shouted after reformed with his hand reaching out before he recognized who it was. Oh fuck... no monster predator... Just the really strong girl that I just peeping tommed. You gotta love these moments. Lex thought before noticing that he was still staring. Shit! Lex quickly turned around. "Uh... I am sooo sorry." He finally said once realizing everything. "I was... I thought you were in trouble, but after seeing who you were, I now know that you are just fine." Lex explained with a shaky voice as he imagined this woman performing some insane fatality on him out of one the Mortal Kombat video games with all of that strength that she had.

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park & Audrianna Kent

Interacting with: @POOHEAD189, @Wick

Jae regained consciousness a few minutes after Audrianna disappeared back into the bunker. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head and areas that he had scraped when he had tumbled down onto the ground. It was a good thing Audrianna erected a force field around him. If she hadn't, then he would probably have broken bones here and there. A broken neck was not something he'd appreciate. A little disoriented, he looked down at himself. His eyes widened when he realized that he was buck naked, his hands immediately flying down to cover his private parts. Right. I totally forgot that I'd burn my clothes away. He looked around embarrassedly, his eyes falling on Ben. "Uh, sorry, dude. I didn't mean for this to become some sort of strip show," he immediately apologized and then chuckled uncomfortably, shifting himself so that he was completely covered by the boulder.

Having confirmed that Jae was indeed naked somewhere outside, Audrianna walked back out of the bunker, Cody's arm draped on her waist. Still unaccustomed to the obvious attraction the Commander was showing her but still unsure of what they were to each other, her cheeks flushed bright pink. As soon as she spotted Ben by the boulder, she called out. "Sorry for the wait, Ben. I got...uh... sort of clumsy..." she explained.

Jae's head popped out from behind the boulder. As soon as he saw Audrianna, his face broke into a huge grin, relief shining in his eyes. "Aud! Tell me you brought me clothes. I---Oh, thanks," he said as the Commander tossed a shirt and a pair of sweat pants to him.

Audrianna was relieved when she saw Jae's head pop out from behind the boulder, thankful that he was okay and was awake. "You should---" she stopped short as Cody grabbed her and kissed her full on the lips. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink but despite that, she couldn't help but melt against Cody.

"Uh, yyeeeaaah, thanks," Jae said, a little uncomfortably. Was the commander staking a claim on his friend? He really didn't mind especially since Audrianna liked the guy for the longest time. But their leader sure was making a big scene of it. Shaking his head, he disappeared back behind the boulder and struggled to quickly put on his clothes. Once he was fully clothed, he jumped up triumphantly, the sudden movement making him dizzy. He reached out and steadied himself on the boulder. "Eh, right. Probably burned out all my energy there... I really should take it easy and..." he looked towards the Commander. "Yeah, clothes that doesn't burn up would really help. But..." he gestured around them. "With the current state of the world, I don't think there's any tailor out there up for making me a customized suit."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@Kurai Assassin


Oh hi Lex no need to be sorry; it's not as if you were perving me then she blushes before adding I guess I did raise a lot of noise clearing this section of the river.

Excuse me but it's time to add to the threat so they’ll learn

Then she raised her left hand up with her palm held flat as if she were about to slap a bug on the water. Her strike was fast but so fast it couldn’t tracked with the naked eye but it did have enough force to flatten a car in a crusher. The result was loud and spectacular.

It was as if an artillery shell had struck the water between them and the water beneath her palm exploded out of the river in a temporary crater that exposed the rest of her nude body almost to her ankles. Birds and other creatures suddenly take fight either on foot or wing and several catfish and bream float to the surface stunned by the proximity of the explosion.

But it is the result it has on Trinity that is a sight to behold as she stands briefly stunned before she begins laughing loudly.

Must strike the urge I had to splash you it seems because the result might be a mini tsunami
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FunnyGuy @King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

Kwan was forced to run slowly pushing a really nice off road bicycle which she had strapped a huge pack made of a green tarp with rope about and held a little over 160 pounds of goods from feminine products, vacuum packed pounds of dark coffee and tins of tea; of course slowly was about 50 mph because the bike was set up to hold a person up to 200 pounds on shocks. She really liked the new bike and planned on practicing riding it later this week because even though she could cover ground 10Xs faster she missed a great deal while exploring and also because she loved these style of bicycles ever since she had to learn to use one for 3 stunts she performed in her former career. She had kept that bike and it was nothing when compared with the competition level machine she presently had possession of so the chances of her giving up the one she was pushing were slim.

It was a result of the noise the hour and her speed that made her ambush initially possible as to large male shadows rushed out of hiding one holding a lariat and his partner flinging a bola at her; it would have worked if it hadn’t been the hyperactive princess of wuxia.

Kwan planted a foot and lifted the bike of the road surface spinning like a mad top six revolutions before she dropped the bike allowing it to fall over as the man with lairat the flung his weapon at her because the bola had been deflected. She went hyper seeing the world around her slow to a crawl like a Wachowski brothers action scene as she reached out and snatched the lariat out of the unknown man’s grasp so quickly he suffered serious friction burns.

She looped the rope to its free end and used her knot tying skills to tie a monkey’s fist knot and send her new weapon spinning so rapidly it produced a deep buzzing hum as it rotated above her head.

Now fellows I am by nature a peaceful being but your attempt to waylay me in so foul a manner is unforgivable and I grant you both …. she was saying when a woman dropped down out of the sky like the eagle of earlier that day.

Kwan only took the initial strike force because she had begun to pivot and roll with the blow as she took the lariat end of her rope and looped it other her attacker’s shoulders as she sent the other end at the bola thrower to tangle around him so he could serve as her earth anchor. The man wasn’t moving at any great speed and the flying woman was moving at about 100 mph when the laws of physics took over creating a tremendous and frankly brutal crash.

Ouch that had to hurt but it's all on you lot how this ends now surrender and save yourselves farther pain
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Interacting with: @RumikoOhara

Lex attempted to keep himself calm, so as to maintain a cool head. At the moment, he was kind of afraid for his life. He knew nothing of this woman except she was more of a loner and had super strength. Lex had wanted to meet Trinity, but not like this, though he was not going to completely complain. The next few seconds would tell if he was at the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time. The moment Trinity spoke, Lex's eyebrows raised and relief was just pouring over his face. He was glad Trinity could not look him in the eyes at the moment, due to all of the emotions showing on his face.

"A bit of noise? I thought I was about to witness real monster fight or something... Not disappointed though." Lex said as he nearly turned around by mistake. It was just his habit of looking people in their eyes as he spoke to them. Lex stiffened up and was so focused on himself, that he hardly heard what Trinity said about reminding the local predators of who was sitting at the top of the food chain. This meant that Lex did not foresee Trinity slapping the water... which in turn meant that she scared the living hell out of Lex. "Oh shit!" Lex shouted as he quickly turned around watch water from the river shoot up and out. Unavoidably, Lex wet by the splash of water. "What was..." Lex was going to question Trinity, but again he would be considered guilty of his sight. "Now this time, I'm not apologizing." Lex said as he turned his head to the side rather than turning completely around. "You know, you would make a good hunter or something. Those fish are just waiting to be grabbed, and you can take on any animal out here that judge you by your looks." Lex said with a nod. "You're out here skinny dipping instead though and just happened to run into potential food." Lex deduced. "Lex is the name by the way. And I'm guessing you're Trinity, right? You interested in finding an intact Walmart?" Lex said as he looked to her as he asked, a lot more comfortable than he was initially.

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

.@FunnyGuy@dabombjk@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@Kurai Assassin


Trinity tossed the fish up on the nearby banks and laughed at Lex’s attempts to be discrete then said You do know that while you are trying to be the shy gentleman that a croc could sneak up on you if I hadn’t scared them off; I know I am naked and should be squealing in protest that you can see me but I am a big girl and made my choice to swim in public naked.

I am a hunter by the way but only because I can’t perform my former profession as a Land Surveyor, we hunted all the time back home and lived the Rendezvous life so I have some experience at living in the wild like the mountain men did.

Oh and the idea of hunting for repositories of good s sounds wonderful to me so give me a sec to finish washing my underwear and then we can put our heads together and make a plan on where to go

Then using the apple scented shampoo Trinity carefully scrubs her bra and boxers knowing if she isn’t careful she’ll be commando soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nina Nunes

It's been some hours now after Nina found out she could speak and control plan life. After her first attempt to create fruitage to eat, she became a bit more curious about what else she could possibly do. I mean, maybe it's before the plant she was using wouldn't be able to come up with something to eat. Maybe....she needed to find any other plant life to weight out any differences at all on the type of plants she can manipulate and possibly find out if with the other plants, are there ways she can control their characteristics. Meaning, if a poisonous plant were in her proximity of use, would she be able to increase the potency or decrease it or perhaps change it to a healing herb?

The possibilities would be endless as she needed to find out. Once she got started in learning something, she brings about 'what if' scenarios to find these possibilities. She had to leave. She stood with the plant she's been manipulating and went to head out of the bunker to start exploring a bit. She couldn't wait anymore, her interest and curiosity was getting the stimulation from her last results and there was no telling what she's run into out there but she was going to risk her life for it.

She could bring Kai along but she wasn't going to bother him about this. She needed to find things out for herself. This may be foolish to go out alone but...in a sense, she wasn't being that she can communicate with the plant life she grown accustom to. With everything that was in mind to do, Nina was cut off from the screams and the extreme heat coming from within the bunker along with smoke.

Nina jumped up while feeling the fear of the flames that started, wanting to protect her plant. She went to looked for others to either try and put out the flame or escort the others out so they wouldn't be harmed. Kai was still in his room sleep. Oh god, GUUUUYS!!

@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@kurai assassin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: @RumikoOhara

"From a land surveyor to crocodile hunter. Steve Irwin would be proud." Lex joked as he took a seat on the bank of the river. His looked down to the fish that was just barely twitching beside him. "I'd hate get slapped by you for staring too hard. That might actually be worse than getting attacked by wild animal for being a gentleman." Lex said as he thought about whether he should just look, or just kind of look off in a random direction every now and then. If I look, I'm going to stare. If I don't she'll splash me again. If she was closer, I could focus on her face, but at this distance it's all or nothing. Worse case... I get slapped into a pile of dust... right?

Lex tosses the fish back into the water while looking down stream to see if any gators had tried to return, but it seemed that Trinity really traumatized the whole lot of them.

"Thanks for saying you'd tag along. I need a strong lady to hurt anything we run into. This is the farthest I've gone and I can guess that asteroid beefed up some other wildlife in the surrounding area... By the way, how are you gonna dry those... or are you gonna... Hmm." Lex left it alone as he caught himself gazing. His eyes shot down toward his sneakers as he let loose a silent sigh. "This is torture. I'm just gonna look. If I stare, then I don't what else to say. I'm a guy, you're a woman, and you're naked, and you smell good, and yeah." Lex said, but even with these bold words, he said them while looking at his sneakers. His eyes then slowly trailed up, before they locked onto her entire form.

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku
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