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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal could not help but be amused at the annoyed look the Argonian women gave him as she turned to face him. "Slavers? Gods no, if I had been here sooner then I would have happily helped you cut them down, but I wasn't. No I heard some commotion and thought I should come and check it out. But it would seem the problem is solved...mostly solved." He said looking toward the wounded Bosmer at the bottom of the hill. "Mind if I lend a hand he." He asked the Argonian as he gestured toward the Bosmer. He didn't wait for an answer as he honestly didn't care before he walked down the hill toward the Bosmer girl, as he neared the bottom he slowed and approached much more cautiously.

"Are you alright ma'am." Kayal asked in a gentle tone. "Its alright now, no ones going to hurt you." He added a moment later. Looking at the girl brought up memories Kayal would rather keep buried away, memories of those four years so long ago, a bitter taste followed with the thoughts but he did his best to push them off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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Sarel didn’t like the attention he was receiving. The Bosmer asked questions while everyone else was still curious about the robbing. Things became rather uncomfortable at the Inn rather quickly, and Sarel questioned why he didn’t just take his drink upstairs with him. He knew he’d have to put a quick end to it. There were few options, and most required serious risk.

​“Sotha Sil, at your service madame.” Sarel answered sarcastically. His defenses were fractured by his recent intoxication and he hadn’t the time for wit, so he settled for barbaric backtalk. He was still mostly unsure how he would deal with this situation, he would need to roll with the punches. Sarel grabbed a small metal case from his bag and opened the top. He took a pinch of the Balmora Blue tobacco and stuffed into the bone pipe. It had stripes of black in places on the ivory bowl while the ebony mouthpiece was adorned with the impression of Boethiah.

​“I must say, my dear girl, I’m finding this entire exchange to be already tiresome. I do appreciate your help, don’t mistake me.”

Sarel lifted the pipe from the table and brought it to his mouth. He created a tiny ball of fire in his palm and lifted it to the pipe’s bowl. He inhaled and lit the tobacco mixture, allowing the fire ball to evaporate once the pipe was smoking. He took a few puffs and let the smoke drift from his mouth up to his eyes. The smoke was sweet and yet pungent, and was oddly tinted blue. Sarel eyed the girl for the small silence. Crimson piercing through smoke, Sarel realized where he wanted this encounter to lead.

The scent of the pipe's smoke was sickening to Ilta. It was sickly sweet, yet it had a unpleasant odour to it that made her eyes water. She watched the blue clouds waft upwards in the silence, watched them swirl and blend with eachother until they dissipated into thin air.

​“I do, however, realize how important it is for me to respond to your curiosity. I don’t care what your disposition is, or where your allegiances lie, I am not subject to your morality.”

Sarel set himself forward, shifting his 180 pound frame into an imposing, confrontational, position. Sarel cast a telekinesis spell on the chair and slammed it forward onto all of it’s legs. The shock from how quickly the chair fell was enough to draw a few glances, but mostly they just returned to their drinks. Sarel couldn’t tell what the Bosmer thought of it. He was putting on a show, all he wanted to do was drink in peace. He couldn’t tell if he was threatening, but he sure did try.

​“I am not a man to be triffled with, girl. At one time I would have thanked you for such righteousness. Unluckily for you I’m half a century away from that life.” Sarel made sure he was very close to the girl’s face then. He puffed his pipe, “Do you understand? I want you to walk away now.”

Ilta had no problems listening to the older man's claims of not wishing for her curiosity or kindness, but it was the moment that magic was used to intimidate her that she could not stand. The Bosmer rose from the chair and slammed her hands down onto the table, shaking the fragile structure. The Dunmer was acting like a spoilt child, unappreciative of assistance and common courtesy and simply tired of speaking with another, so he resorted to intimidation to shoo Ilta away like a lowly fly.

"If I am not mistaken Dunmer, it was you who invited me to sit with yourself. I did not ask for much more than your name and whether or not you had drunk moonsugar before, the latter I did not expect an answer for. I could have quite happily taken the coin for myself but luckily enough for you I am a good enough person to return it. In fact, I could have left the boy off with your purse," Ilta snapped, raising her voice slightly.

She lifted her hands off the table and took a step back. "A simple "thank you" would have been sufficient, the hospitality was not necessary and we would have both been on our ways, never to speak again. So I would ask of you so kindly Mr Sil, whether that is even your name I can no longer be sure, that you not complain about my questions as you brought them on yourself. I am going to do you a favour and leave you in your peace as you requested. But next time, before you choose to throw a tantrum, do not ask for what you do not wish for."

Ilta began to walk back to her place on the barstool - noticing a two figures watching in the direction of the quarrelling elves - when she turned back to face the Dunmer. "And thank you for your time, this conversation was wonderful."

Sarel was quite take aback by the girls show of power. It was entirely unexpected. Sarel merely sat back in his chair and puffed on his pipe. When the Bosmer seemed like she was almost entirely done Sarel simply nodded and smiled. He was unsuccessful in his attempts to intimidate, but this was essentially the desired effects. Sarel watched as the girl proclaimed her feelings and he wondered if she was even aware of the irony of it all. When she walked away Sarel gathered his mug and bag and started toward the stairs. When she called back to him Sarel raised his mug and spoke loudly, “Indeed! Akatosh save the Empire!” Sarel spouted more sarcasm to staunch his wounds. He made his way upstairs, unlocked his door and entered his room. It was dark and quiet, just as he wanted. He cursed himself for not coming up here earlier, it was quite nice. He lit a sconce near him, illuminating not even half of the L-shaped room, and sat at the table nearest him. He placed his mug on the table after taking a nice long chug.

Sarel puffed his pipe once more, turned it off, and placed it quietly on the table as well. The fruit basket before him began transforming into colorful gates which splayed on the wallpaper behind it and spread over the entire wall. The colors of the fruits traced into city streets and cobbled Colovian architecture. Sarel sat entranced in the dark room and cursed himself for not coming up earlier for the last time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well, it seems that this person is apparently going to teach me how to pickpocket better. So be it, I'll listen for now, James thought. He sat down in the chair opposite of the man. "Alright, I'll listen to your tips." James says. In his mind, he didn't like this one bit. Some mysterious man sitting in the shadows, out of the light, telling him how to pickpocket. He wouldn't be surprised if this man murdered James where he sat. But isn't this the only way I can make money now? James thought. The only way I'll be able to survive after my family died? I will probably have to listen to this person, this 'man in the shadows' if I am going to be able to make a living. He thought a little more. In the end, which was a few seconds later, he said "Tell me more," to the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The smirk on Tagorn's face grew ever so slightly as the young Nord took a seat across from him, though if the boy could notice the smirk at all in the shadows Tagorn couldn't say. "Good to see there is some kind of sense in you kid." Tagorn said in a mocking whisper before leaning back in his chair again. "Well to start forget that whole lowly beggar approach you've seem to be found of, that will only get you so far. The real way to get coin is through distractions, simple as it sounds." As he spoke he looked past the boy and pointed out a large Orc, who was obviously drunk, sitting alone at the bar. "Take that brute for example, easy mark you might say? Well you'd be wrong. That lumix may have enough mead in him to put Sanguine to shame he'd still notice the load of his coin purse missing." Tagorn explained as he sat forward in his chair. He then pointed to another man, a Khajiit who was sitting seductively close with a Altmer woman. "But that cat over there is another story. Notice how he hasn't bother to touch that drink of his? His mind is only on one thing and it ain't his coin kid." He winked at the kid as he suggested at the Khajiit's intentions. "But back to it. Give a person the right distraction and they'll never notice you cleaning them out." With that Tagorn pulled his hand from under the table holding a steel dagger. He held it up examining it for a moment. "Like I said a distraction for example I don't know... some advice about pickpocketing can help you get almost anything." He smirked and looked over the dagger again. "James is it?" He placed the dagger on the table with another smirk and leaned back in his chair, being embraced even more by the darkness leaving only his dark golden eyes shimmering slightly in the dark to be seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kentsukan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Another day, another successful hunt. Or rather, another hour and another successful hunt with the promise of spicy pheasant's feet for her cut of the prey. On a whim, she decided to take her meal of chicken's feet with venison to the local tavern; she doubted they'd mind if she came there just to eat. And if she had to order something, she could always order water or jagga, if the barkeep had some in stock.

She made her way into the tavern and nodded her head in absent greeting to the Bosmer male and Nord boy, though she did a double take at the Bosmer with narrowed eyes: his skin looked funny. She disregarded it, however, and merely made her way to an empty table, set her lunch down, prayed, and began to eat quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The injured, filthy and terrified bosmer girl looked on in horror as the blood of two was spilt on the beach with petrifying ease. Clumsy and frantic in her movements she clawed her way back away from the gradually widening space of red sand stopping only when a boulder obstructed her path. Even when crawling she seemed to hobble, unable to place weight through one of her feet.

A second person arrived and startled the girl who flinched into the rock, cracking her head hard against it before rubbing it better as best as she could. The stranger came down the hill and she eyed the weapon at his belt warily. Everyone she had met within her recollection seemed to wield a weapon and, thus far, none of them had been unwilling to use those weapons. She had no reason to believe this man would be different and as he approached she bared her teeth and hissed at him in a barbaric and truly ferocious manner one would expect from a cornered animal. With her damaged feet and the rocks and hills behind her a cornered animal was more or less exactly what she was. Her wide eyes stuck perfectly to the man, unblinking and completely hostile and yet, unlike the rest of her, they retained their natural beauty despite the dirt and the blood. Once cleaned the girl would likely be very attractive indeed. For now though she was little more than a beast.

"Are you alright ma'am." The man asked in a gentle tone. "Its alright now, no ones going to hurt you." He added.

The girl cocked her head to the side and gazed upon him a little less fearfully. What he had said had not surprised him. It had been the gentle and caring way he had said it that caught her off guard. She relaxed a little and flicked her eyes to her legs.

"I'm cold, and my feet hurt." She said finally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal stopped in his tracks and raised his hands in a sort of surrender as she hissed at him. She seemed like she had not been properly bathed in months and showed signs of malnutrition, this only served as more evidence to support that the two men the Argonian had killed were in fact slavers and that the women was not just some cutthroat. Kayal locked eyes with the girl as she starred him down, they were quite beautiful, yet dangerous and wild at the same time beneath that though he could see the fear, she was scared. He couldn't blame her, he remembered when he had escaped from the villa back in the Summerset Isle, Zana had that same look in her eyes as did many of the other slaves, they were angry yet terrified at the same time. Kayal did not take another step forward hoping not to provoke her, instead he crouched down a little as to make himself seem less threatening and remained where he was.

Kayal spared a moment to look over her body, she was covered in dirt and blood and her feet seemed cut up and bruised. She must have been running from them for a while...poor girl. He thought as his eyes returned to hers. Her eyes had not moved from him in the brief moment he looked away from them, which showed she was distrustful of him, for which, he still did not blame her.

That's when she spoke, he gave her a reassuring smile, "Your cold?" He repeated, "Here, this should help with that." He said as he began to remove his coat, making sure he only took the coat and none of the rest of his gear before he held the coat out to her making sure to keep it off the sand, "Put this on." He said still in the gentle tone, "Then we can see to your feet." He added a moment later once more giving her a reassuring smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl sat shivering as the man crouched before her, less hostile now but ready to turn on the slightest provocation. The girl hadn't been lying. She was bitterly cold now she had stopped moving. The dampness, general temperature and the wind all seemed to have ganged up on her. She was completely unable to resist the warm looking coat this stranger offered her. She leant forwards, gingerly at first then suddenly sped up to snatch it from his hands before he could change his mind. She leant back clutching it to her like a blanket before putting it on. After a moments consideration she looked back to the man. He couldn't be that bad if he was willing to give her a coat. It could still be a trick of course but she did feel much better now.

"Thank you." She said, looking into the mans eyes as she said it with her own beginning to lose that sense of fear and expose a warm soul beneath the battered exterior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal did not protest as she snatched the coat from his hand, he understood why she did it, she had no way of knowing if she could trust him or not. To her he could just be another slaver looking to exploit her or harm her in some way, all he could do was try to show he wasn't and that he wanted to help. He smiled at her as she wrapped the coat around her, it was the least he could do to make up for what she was likely put through. "There, much warmer, right? Now lets see what we can do about those feet." He said looking down to her cut up and bloodied feet. He slowly and cautiously inched forward using one hand to keep himself stable and keeping the other raised in the same surrender like position.

"May I?" He asked tenderly, gesturing toward her feet as he formed a small ball of restoration energy in his right hand to show he intended to heal her feet before letting it dissipate. The small orb let off a yellow-gold light illuminating a small area around them before it vanished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl nodded agreement with the mans first statement. She was much warmer and the material of the coat felt great against her skin. For a moment she felt guilty for having dirtied this kind mans coat and then she decided she simply didn't care. Being warm was well worth inconveniencing a stranger and, considering what she had seen that day, things happened that rendered such a small problem obsolete. Having thought that through she began to feel silly for having felt guilt at all.

A glimmer of light and the question "May I?" Bought the girl to attention and she realised she had let her mind wonder. The tiredness was beginning to get to her head. She would need to sleep soon. The girl watched the man make a gesture suggesting he wanted to treat her feet. Almost uncaringly, and yawning as she did so, she nodded. She would permit him to tend her injuries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal noted her yawn as she nodded, he closed the remainder of the distance and gently placed his hands onto both her feet still cautious not to cross the line, once his hands made contact with her skin he began to send waves of restoration energy over the affected areas. The glowing gold light returned as the restorative energies healed her feet numbing the pain, closing open cuts and healing bruises. Luckily the majority of the cuts were not too damaging so it would be an easy fix. Kayal paid attention to her feet keeping his eyes fixed on the healing wounds. It did not take long for him to finish healing her wounded feet, the light faded and the numbing effects of the magic faded as well. he took a crouched step back and looked over her feet.

"There we go." He said before looking her in the eyes once more. He couldn't help but notice that the girl seemed to be only half awake, she must have been more tired then he first thought. "How are you feeling now?" Kayal asked with a warm smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee had been listening to the exchange between the Breton and the Bosmer girl while she was looting the corpses. He seemed to be taking care of the cuts and bruises she had sustained, so at least Sharee wouldn't have to worry about dealing with that. The bodies did have sort of a decent amount of gold on them, 23 coins, but it wasn't near as much as she was hoping for. She could at least take the horses back to town and sell them for a good profit, though one of them was currently laying on the ground exhausted due tot he poison she had used, and the Bosmer wasn't doing much better. She seemed exhausted and was barely able to give any attention to the Breton man. Normally, Sharee wouldn't care, but she was rather impatient to get back to town, and she wanted to know how much of a reward this Bosmer would be giving her for the rescue.

Sharee walked up to the other two, looking down on the Bosmer as she though about how she wanted to approach this.The poison had obviously fatigued the girl, and Sharee did have a potion in her bag that could remedy that, but she didn't know if she wanted to just give it away. Of course, ingredients for stamina potions were common and cheap, and she really didn't want to have to wait until the Bosmer had rested up to talk to her, so Sharee eventually decided it was a worthwhile sacrifice.

"It looks like she got caught in a poison I used to take out the slavers. Drain stamina, non lethal, but effective at bringing your opponent to a standstill. Here, I got something that will fix that." Sharee said as she removed a vial filled with a green liquid and offered it to the Bosmer girl. As she wanted to make a good impression to maximize her potential reward, she was maintaining a very friendly, caring demeanor. If her time as an assassin had taught her anything, it was how to be a good actor. "I didn't mix it with water, so it'll taste like rat urine, but it'll give you a pretty great boost of energy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl watched with interest as Kayal healed her wounds and, when he was done, she thanked him again. She retracted her feet to inspect them herself now feeling much more at ease. She could run again if she had to.

The argonion woman came over, apparently done looting her two victims and now was suddenly eager to help her. That being said the woman had saved her from the two slavers so she couldn't be too bad really the bosmer supposed. The woman offered out a bottle of something vile looking and the girl eyed it suspiciously, unsure if she wanted to touch the concoction. Just then her stomach gurgled and the decision was made for her.

"Who are you people?" She asked before taking a swig of the potion. Eugh. The woman hadn't been lying about the flavour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Name's Sharee-Mar. I'm an independent contractor, a mercenary, and I think I can ask you the same question. Who are you, and how did you get out here?" Sharee asked, wanting to know what kind of a place this girl came from. If she knew how wealthy her or her family was, then she would know how polite she would have to be through the entire ordeal. If it was worth it, she would need to make sure to make a better impression than the Breton man. She wasn't going to let him take any of the credit when she was the one who did all of the hard work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sarel groaned in the dark, slightly lit room. He’d been sitting in his chair for several minutes, certainly, but he couldn’t discern if it’d been just that, or that plus several days. The imagined Colovian city pressed against the wall had turned into something more alerting for Sarel. The Colovian cobbled brick turned into vertical narrow slits, the magical yellow gates became gnarly bistre branches. People no longer moved through the streets but shadows shifting in and out of the slits. Sarel’s whole world turned inside out and he was plopped back on the other side in the murky twisting muck.
He shivered as he remembered the unforgiving nights spent wading through the opaque, damning, Akavirii, swamp. Sarel was at once sitting in his room at the Blackwood Brew and standing in knee-high mud somewhere in Akavir. He caught the tails of shadows in the corner of his vision, but they’d always elude his sight, skipping off into another slit in the background. The slits in the swamps were portals of dim light which for some reason fit perfectly as trees among the dark forest. Sarel whirled around when he felt a tapping on his shoulder. He tried swiping his sword only to find it caught in a trunk. A tiny whisper escaped from the darkness and Sarel spun as fast as he could, his sword out in front of him. He was suddenly in the ashy plains of Morrowind, the dust biting at his cheek and billowing the cape behind him. He could hardly see anything aside from the brief outline of some man in front of him. He called out and the man stopped.

“Don’t… Sarel, you’ll…statue!...Let’s…!”
Sarel kept walking as the shadow tried to communicate with him. He needed to hear what he had to say. It was imperative, surely. But the man just floated away. He voice did to0, and Sarel was alone. He sank into the ashes of his ancestors and began to cry. His katana laid at his side, Sarel wallowed in the storm as it ravaged around him, swallowing him whole.
Sarel was awoken by someone speaking, then he sat up quickly. He was in his bed for, whatever reason, half dressed. He realized then that he was the one who’d spoken, he couldn’t tell what. He stood, and dressed, and had tied his wakizashi and its sheath around his waist. Sarel had decided sometime in between waking up and being unconscious that he was hungry. He opened the door and stepped out; he locked the door and began down the hall. The Dark Elf was stopped by a rather large Redguard man standing in the hallway, blocking the way by leaning diagonally across the narrow pass. Sarel thought for a moment, but only a moment, in order to retrieve this man’s face from his memory. It was scared and heavily bearded. This was most definitely a decendant of Isran.

When Sarel and Beilin traveled Nirn, attempting to train Sarel in the ways of the Order, they lived in many places. One of those places was Hammerfell. Sarel was told by Beilin that he would need to find his own lodgings and food in the mountainous land. Beilin then disappeared, leaving Sarel to his own devices. Sarel, being the adventurous lad he was, accepted the challenge. He set off into the desert and tried to make his way. He found that the land was hard to live by and was not anything like Morrowind, and was very different than even Skyrim. Eventually he found an Orc stronghold, etched into a mountainside. They were slow warming up to him, but once he proved his mettle he was accepted. The Orcs and a local Redguard warrior tribe were at odds and Sarel was caught in the middle. After a series of harrowing adventures and battles at the sides of the Orcs, Sarel was asked to help them take down their oldest enemy, Isran and his band of raiders. The Dunmer was hesitant but eventually agreed. He and the Orcs stormed the camp and Sarel was left to deal with the leader, who was himself a master swordsman. The two dueled for a while as other smaller battles occurred around them. Sarel found himself the victor. After most of the tribe was killed, the Orcs wanted to kill the children and women, Sarel didn’t let them. The Orcs respected his demand because he was so helpful, and assertive, though they did demand one thing of him. He was told to at least take the idol the tribe leader held. It was a tiny coin with the moniker of some kind on it. The symbolism escaped Sarel entirely but he felt obliged. The boy who stood before him now was young and passionate, yet cool, and was most definitely of Isran. The small idol was tucked away in Sarel’s bag.

There was no one else in the hall and the door leading downstairs was barred and locked. Sarel could see where this was going, but he tried to make peace. He held his hands up and then grabbed the idol from his bag. He was in no mood to fight, his hallucination had drained him emotionally and physically. He felt the tiredness seeped into his bones. He wouldn’t be in fighting shape until he rested and bathed.

“This is what you want.”
“Well here, it’s yours, I don’t want it.”
“Then why didn’t you bring it back?” the boy snarled.
“I didn’t think it would have been that easy.”
“Then why do you think this will be?”

Sarel didn’t really have time to react before the boy moved with the speed of light. A small dagger grew from under the boy’s sleeve and he threw it with mystifying accuracy. Sarel tried to dodge it but was still sliced on the shoulder. It wasn’t a deep wound, but it was enough. Sarel instantly felt his magicka reserves zapped. He was half crouched half stood when his assailant sprinted toward him. The brittle wood panels creaked under his weight as he moved through the corridor with unnerving ease and speed. Sarel tried casting some sort of flame spell but could not, so he simply unsheathed his blade. It was out and infront of Sarel just as the boy had tried slicing at him. The blades met and Sarel felt himself giving in to the weight. He fell to his knees and struggled to keep his opponents sword back.

“I am Owyn, son of Pyke, son of Lathon, son of Isran!” The boy lifted his sword again to strike down with all his power. “And you shall be slain by my strength!”
Sarel swept the boy’s feet from under him, sending his fully armored frame to the ground. Sarel stood and jumped over Owyn, trying to reach his room. He was met with another Redguard, this one of smaller stature. He punched Sarel in the forehead before attempting a roundhouse kick. Sarel dodged that and hit him in the stomach with the butt of his wakizashi. The second Redguard doubled over at the blow, then having his head cut off quickly by Sarel. Owyn was up and rushing down the corridor even as he watched his brother decapitated. He and Sarel met at the center, this time Sarel was ready. He moved around Owyn’s strike and planted on of his own. It was an upward slice which separated Owyn from his blade and blade-hand. The two fell to the floor with a clump, and Owyn grunted. He smashed Sarel into the wall where he’d ended up and elbowed the Dark Elf in the face. Sarel’s head whirled as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

Sarel found himself in the center of the hallway facing a window which allowed Secundus to shine brightly into the corridor. He heard crashing foot-steps behind him and knew instantly that he didn’t have any sort of time. He was launched forth after a considerable strike to his back. He flew toward the window, then through it. In moments he was hurtling through the air, an instant later he was submerged in a tiny pond. It was all too much. The hallucinations, the past, and now this fight, it all threatened to eat away at what Sarel was until he was no more; at least that’s what Owyn wanted. Sarel let himself float in the pond for a while, he could hear nothing but the gurgled bubbles he let slip out every once in a while. Sarel resurfaced and stared back up at the window from which he was tossed. Some of the boards were splintered off of the back of the tavern and some lamplight came from the other side of the corridor. Owyn peered out of the window for a moment, then disappeared. Sarel stood up and looked around for something, anything, he could use kill this N’wah with!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl nodded acknowledgement for Sharee's response before looking to Kayal for his answer. Realising that Kayal was probably waiting on her own answer before he made his introduction she cocked here head to the side and began to think. She furrowed her eyebrows. It shouldn't be this hard surely? Everyone had a name and somewhere the came from. She should remember where she came from and how she got here. Getting here must have been at least fairly recent so forgetting it was inexcusable. She leant forwards and began to massage her temples as she searched her memories repeatedly but came up blank each time. She growled at herself in frustration then the emotion suddenly switched from anger to fear once more as she realised she had no recollection of the past back beyond that marsh and that horrible, horrible chase. She didn't know who she was.

The girl looked down to her hands examining both the backs of them and the palms as though they might hold the answer before slowly and reluctantly looking up to the two people looking down at her. Her eyes flicked between them making nervous and brief eye contact with each before she opened her mouth to speak. The first time she rapidly closed her mouth again, not wanting to voice what she already knew as though that would make it real. The second time however she spoke. With a wobble in her voice she said "I don't know." and mentally begged them to believe her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

James was looking at the Khajiit that was sitting with the Altmer woman, then turned around to look back at the mysterious man, now appearing to examine a steel dagger. James was about to say something when the man asked "James is it?"
"How do you know..." James began, but stopped. His eyes darted to where his dagger was, and his hands reached for the weapon, only to find that it wasn't there. James did a glance at the entire room, then his eyes locked on the dagger that the man was examining. It was a steel dagger, it had the name 'James' on the blade.
That was James' dagger.
Once the man put the dagger down, James reached across and gingerly took the dagger, slipping it back into his clothes. "How did you manage to take that without me noticing?" James asked, then thought about what the man said not more than a minute ago. "Oh. Distraction." James said, letting a tiny smile show as he leaned back in his chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee looked quizically at the girl, hiding her frustration. She assumed she meant that she didn't know how she got there, which made sense, but if she knew where home was, then Sharee could stand to get a decent reward for bringing her to it.

"What is it you don't know? How you got here? I guess getting taken by slavers would be a bit disorienting, and considering the state of your clothes, you look like you've been with them a while. We're just outside the city of Leyawiin, in Cyrodiil, if that helps. What do you remember?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The sinister smile on Tagorn's face grew as the boy, now known to be James, started to piece together the little lesson he was trying to give him. "That's right kid distractions. They'll get you more coin than a blade can any day." It was when his final words of advice left his mouth that he smelt it, the faint aroma that no one else in the tavern could of picked up. The smirk on Tagorn's face slowly faded away as he tried to get a sense of what was happening, he got the unmistakable sent of blood, and a lot of it, coming from up stairs. In a lot of his past experiences people had tried to bait him out with blood, like he was sort of mindless animal. But this was different he caught the faint sounds of clashing above him then the muffled sound of someone speaking. "I am.. son of..." He trained his ears even harder to try to pick up on the conversation more clearly, closing his eyes he and tilting his head slightly, only to be met with the sound of glass shattering and the sound of a body falling in water out side. With that Tagorn was out of his chair in the corner and dawning his hood and mask. "Give me a moment kid, I got something to check out." His voice came out a muffled whisper before he pulled out a small pouch of coin out of his pocket, the one he stole from the dock worker he feed off of earlier, and placed it on the table. "That's because you gave me a distraction kid." He smirked before leaving the table and heading up the stairs of the tavern, making sure his face avoided the lights of the candles. As he headed to the seconded floor he was met with a locked door, a very common obstacle for him. He picked the lock, breaking his pick on the first attempt, but soon found that the door was barred. "Why can't things be simple?" He complained before taking a step back from the door and kicking it with a surprising force. The door broke free and swung open reviling the gruesome seen behind it. The sight of a disembodied head was not new to Tagorn, but the sight of the one handed Redguard did take him by surprise. "Rough day eh boy?" He asked as he looked toward the broken window. "Think you might have to pay for that." He smirked before stepping forward through the doorway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl growled in frustration as the severity of her problem was misunderstood by her companions. In a brief burst of anger she snarled "I've forgotten everything!" Before she regressed in a sudden mood swing back to fear. "Sorry. Sorry!" She said as fast as she could flinching back to avoid repercussions before breathing and calming down, almost sobbing. "I don't know how I got here, I dunno how where I'm from. I don't remember my name."
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