Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Kal-El said
If you sheet battle me, I promise you....I will be efficient and I will win.@ Gowi, Also you put the Green Lantern twice in the intro talking about who J'onn called out to help. I think you meant The Flash in there somewhere. Lolz

Old "sorta not a typo" thing from the rough draft, thought I edited it. Thanks for having eyes. =)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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thatguy said
My ideas:Aquaman- Agent of ATLANTIS. The underwater kingdom has been traded in for a top top secret paramilitary organization, standing for Agents who Target Land Aggressors And Neutralize with Intelligent Strageties, Aquaman as he is known, is their best agent.Guy Gardner- the Lantern with attitude becomes the soul wielder of the Red Lantern Corps. What will he do with his anger? Become a hero, or a villain?Bane: Year Zero- detailing the rise and the mysterious early years of the muscular madman's life.Vandal Savage: Good Guy Extraordinaire- Nobody knows who he is, or where he came from, but what they do know is that is one man has waged a war on national poltical corruption, drugs, and poverty, and he is winning... that should be all that matters, right?Doomsday The Creator- detailing the early years of the monster's life, before he was an nigh immortal killing machine. Before he fought Superman, did he feel happy, loved, nice? Did he have friends, or a family? Find out.

We're not here to tell you what character to play as. Pick one, submit a sheet and remember you're expected to pick a hero before submitting a villain sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jeez guys, I didn't expect such negative comments. Those are all ideas I feel equally strong about, and I just wanted to get some opinions. Can I not turn a hero into a villain in this game and vice versa?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Can I not turn a hero into a villain in this game and vice versa?

Possibilities are open, after all this is the same Ultimate DC (at least in spirit); but villain origin stories such as Bane and Doomsday do seem a bit strange. That's not to say we can't have villains, but remember what I said in the OP:

 It is recommended/suggested your first application to this game is somebody who can "soloplay" well enough which is generally a protagonist. While I'm making this more of a guideline instead of a rule, I hope we'll see this to help make the game more driven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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thatguy said
Jeez guys, I didn't expect such negative comments. Those are all ideas I feel equally strong about, and I just wanted to get some opinions. Can I not turn a hero into a villain in this game and vice versa?

I'm not being negative. I'm just letting you know that if you pick Aquaman, be prepared for character war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kal-El said
I'm not being negative. I'm just letting you know that if you pick Aquaman, be prepared for character war.

I think that was probably more in reference to
Roman said
@thatguy, you should stop coming up with concepts and start coming up with sheets. Premises don't get approved.

Lord Wraith said
We're not here to tell you what character to play as. Pick one, submit a sheet and remember you're expected to pick a hero before submitting a villain sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

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Bounce said
CS voided. TBD

But I was looking forward to reading Billy Batson shenanigans!

Why'd you keep doing this to me, Bounce?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Agent Orange
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Agent Orange Dutch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll probably post an application at some point. I'd just like to point out that some of that 'origins' bit in the OP has some terrible writing and could use some editing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Agent Orange said
I'll probably post an application at some point. I'd just like to point out that some of that 'origins' bit in the OP has some terrible writing and could use some editing.

It doesn't bode well if the first thing you state is a blunt criticism when joining a game. I'm hardly sensitive and am well aware of the mess that is the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Agent Orange
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Agent Orange Dutch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm just noting it because the rest of the OP is fine and it kind of sticks out. Those first few sentences are pretty unreadable. I wouldn't mind having a go at it, if you'd like?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 5 mos ago


| Identity |

Guy Gardner/The Raging Red Lantern

Include proper historical background that doesn't contradict setting or pre-approved CS's.

Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you are home to? Notable NPCs?

This one is pretty straightforward.

Since the name of the game is reinvention or delivery; I’d like to see how the character is “ultimized” per ce. For example with my Batman I tend to use a variety of content from previous games, the films, the DC Animated Universe, and of course the comics combined with my own ideas. It’s not to say you have to reinvent the character where it’s completely foreign either as we’ve had players who play “by the book” per ce and things have worked just as well.

I’m just looking for motive and drive. If you passionately explain your goal then I can have confidence with you being active in this concurrent role-play.

I’m looking for your “voice” with the character; samples will be theoretically backstory written or non-continuity posts. I’m looking for a few paragraphs with decent sense of narrative, mood, and characterization. For example, my Batman post goes through the motions of an entire response sequence to a criminal robbery at ACE Chemicals in Gotham City.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 3 days ago

| Identity |
Lor-Zod (Superboy)​

| Origin & Backstory |
tl;dr said Lor-Zod is the son of General Dru-Zod and his lieutenant Ursa, born after their exile into the Phantom Zone and raised by both his parents in the wake of Krypton's destruction.

If there could have been a King of Krypton, General Dru-Zod was such a man. A great strategist, he emerged as the preeminent soldier in the Daxamite-Krypton War that shattered all connections between Krypton and the last of it's former colonies, leaving the former celestial empire in stagnation as more xenophobic and anti-exploration policies began to be put in place by the ruling council of Krypton, led by Jax-Ur. General Zod was believed to have had great potential as a scientist, if not for the caste that he was born into and the outbreak of the colonial wars. He made friends with two of Krypton's top scientific minds, the outspoken Non and Jor-El. In the social and economic slump that followed after the negotiated armistice concluded the Daxamite War, with exploration now forbidden to Krypton, it was this trio that undertook a movement to return Krypton to the stars. Except this time, there was a new motivation for exploration.

Krypton was dying. The planet's resources were exhausted. Overpopulation and changes in Krypton's sun spelled out a coming devastation to the planet, but Jax-Ur and the council would hear none of it.

To respond to the crisis, Zod, Non, and Jor-El had designed a new kind of colonial ship -- one capable of travel beyond anywhere that Krypton had traveled before, using a gravitational drive that would open a portal into a dimension that Jor-El had discovered and dubbed The Phantom Zone. By passing through this 'sub-space', the ship could emerge at a location lightyears apart and experience no passage of time. The trio went to the council to present their discovery and their solution, and were charged with treason against the planet Krypton for 'creating an atmosphere in which the population would panic.'

When Non would not be silenced, the great scientific mind of their time was imprisoned and mutilated, rendering him mute. To ensure Zod's loyalty, the council imprisoned with Non the mate of General Zod, the woman Ursa, who was with child. Jor-El accepted the vow of silence pressed on him by the council, taking leave to make his own preparations to save those that he might still save. Zod's loyalty, however, was not as secure as the council might have hoped. A revolt broke out, one which resulted in the assassination of everyone on the council but one -- Jax-Ur.

Freeing Non and Ursa from their prison, Zod watched as Krypton began to break apart as the civil war swelled into the mass hysteria that the council had predicted would occur. He tried to make it to Jor-El, but it was too late. The general boarded the colonial ship and gave the command to make the jump into the Phantom Zone. That ship disappeared as Krypton was destroyed, vanishing into the night unaware of two rockets en route to a distant world orbiting a yellow sun.

Seventeen years passed, as those on Earth count time. The ship emerged out of the Phantom Zone at a location in empty space, unaware of the time that had passed. With few survivors left of the once great Krypton Empire, General Zod set out to try and find a world that could be their new home. Months passed. Ursa gave birth to a boy, who was named Lor for Ursa's father, who had been the general that had instructed Dru-Zod in the arts of war. The birth of Lor-Zod was seen as an omen, the first of a new generation of Kryptonians who would know nothing of Krypton. And yet, their existence would be their survival.

Seven years later, the ship continues to search the stars for a place to call home. Trading where it can, fighting where they must, protecting their own and guarding their children as their future. Lor-Zod is the oldest of a handful of such New Kryptonians, the leader of the children with a young Kryptonian canine at his side.​

| Character Notes |
URSA-KA ZOD - Academic caste, a laboratory assistant to Non who had been promised to him in an arrangement by her family and his. Broke tradition and defied both families when she instead mated with Dru-Zod, causing significant disruption between the House of Ka and the House of Zod which may have led to the decision to have Dru-Zod transferred to the battle front in the Daxamite Conflict. Like Dru-Zod, she despises the caste system but is more public about her thoughts, having a desire to have been Warrior caste.

NON - Academic caste. The shell of a once great scientific mind, rendered mute and partially lobotomized by Jax-Ur in order to prevent the scientist from revealing the nature of Krypton's problems to the public at large, and send a message to Zod at the same time of what would happen to others if the council's decision were to be countermanded.

KRYPTO - A young Kryptonian canine and Lor-Zod's frequent companion.

CAT GRANT - Gossip columnist at the Daily Planet and a single parent, now divorced.

ADAM GRANT - The son of Cat Grant. A 7 year old, going on 8, who is about to start third grade at Benedict Arnold Public Elementary School in Metropolis.

| Powers & Abilities |
Lor is a full-blooded Kryptonian, possessing all the qualities, attributes, and weaknesses of the species with a developing juvenile physiology. Lor-Zod's genetics differ from that of a natural Kryptonian's because of the exposure to the Phantom Zone while in the womb, making him capable, despite his youth, of manifesting a scaled down version of the same powers as Superman when exposed to yellow sun radiation: Superhuman Strength, Stamina (so-called "Invulnerability"), Vision (telescopic, x-ray, ocular heat blasts), Breath, and Flight.​

He is not as strong as a Kryptonian adult, but many times more so than a human. Absent that charge from a yellow sun, Lor-Zod is no different from a human child of similar age, other than he keeps the anatomical differences between Kryptonians and humans obviously. As with other Kryptonians, Lor-Zod is depowered and weakened by exposure to red sun radiation or kryptonite.​

| How Is This Character Different? |
The major departure is the relationship between Dru-Zod and Lor-Zod. That being, in the DCU there was no relationship. Lor-Zod didn't even recognize Dru-Zod or Ursa, so instead he emulated the example of Kal-El and Lois Lane. In the Ultimate continuity, there's an actual parent-child relationship between Dru-Zod and Lor-Zod. From Lor-Zod's perspective, his parents are like gods. Dru-Zod isn't just his father, he is his role model. Lor-Zod wants to be Dru-Zod. I've also painted Dru-Zod as more of a Walking the Line character than a straight stick villain. I'm also making changing his age from DCU continuity. As demonstrated visually in terms of appearance and in the dialogue he used, DCU Lor-Zod seemed to change between 6 and 12 in the various issues and titles he appeared in. He was stated by Lois to be 12, yet in his initial appearance he is playing with blocks which suggests elementary age vice middle school age. For UDC purposes I'm splitting the middle and assuming him to be around 8 years old.​

| What is your goal with this character? |
Honestly it wasn't until I joined UDC that I'd ever even heard of this character. My DC fandom starts and ends with Batman generally, but I was doing a wiki crawl and stumbled across a picture of the character sacrificing himself in Action Comics Annual #11, flying out of Superman's reach with the words "up, up, and away" and had about a million and one ideas slam into my head. Ever since Smallville came out, with its references to Clark's childhood (shattering his crib, throwing a bully through a door when he was in the 3rd grade, etc), I've wondered how writers might develop a Kryptonian character as a child. Sadly, in the case of DC canon, the writer's appear to have elected to create him and write him out with equal speed in order to transform him into a teenager, though he's now even older. So this is me trying to flesh out a part of the Superman mythos that's been by large shunned: What does the world do with a Superchild? He'd be capable of feats both heroic and terrible. And that's more or less what I plan to do with him: He's large, in charge, and when he's done with his nap you will kneel before Zod!​

| Sample Post |

Benedict Arnold Elementary School
Metropolis, MA

"What do you have today?"

Part of the education experience was an unofficial course which every kid dabbled in throughout their formative years which could best be likened to an Introduction to the Black Market. Unlike traditional courses of education, this one had no instructor and most often took place in the school cafeteria. "Bologna Lunchable," the young Kryptonian reported, despite not having yet opened his Ben 10 lunch box.

That was another part of the daily game. "What do I have?" Adam Grant asked, pushing his own Star Wars lunch box closer to the Superboy.

"Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and a Capri Sun," Lor-Zod answered with a sigh. Pointing at the plain, brown paper bag of another student the boy added, "Tommy Jenkins has the best. He's got pizza." Having been raised in the ethereal dimension of the Phantom Zone, Lor actually had no idea just what his parents liked to eat... but he had every idea that bologna Lunchables probably weren't an appropriate food for a warrior's son.

"Oh," Adam chirped, with a disappointed gaze at his own lunch. Perking up slightly, the flaxen-haired youth opined, "Hey! Its sloppy joe day. We could buy school lunch! How much money do you have?"

"Uh, two of those large silver things and a penny," Lor answered, fumbling through his pockets. "Wait, its not a penny... just an old gum wrapper."

"Oh," Adam answered, deflated. "All I have is a dollar."

The two boys each sighed as they rested with their heads in their hands and looked out across their lunch boxes at the kid happily munching away on his pizza.

"Wanna trade?"

Lor pushed his lunch box over to Adam, the pair swapping the disappointed meals that had been prepared for them. "Seriously, you saved Texas and all you got for it was a bologna Lunchable? Not even a Happy Meal?" Adam commented, as he began to open and assemble the Lunchable.

Without answering, Lor popped open the Star Wars lunch box and took out the juice box.

"Have you made up your Christmas list yet?"

The question made the Kryptonian pause. It wasn't the first time that he'd heard mention of this term. "What's Christmas?"

"What's Christmas!?" Adam all-but-screamed, a look of horror crossing his young features as though suddenly he viewed Superboy as a heretic of the worst sort. "Seriously, its, like, only the best holiday EVER!"

Lor planted the straw down into the Capri Sun pouch and took a sip as he contemplated how his friend could answer a question without ever actually answering the question. "But what is Christmas?" the alien child demanded quietly.

"Christmas is about how Santa died for our gifts, and rose from the dead, and... moved to the North Pole. And..." Adam answered, his enthusiasm sparking the boy to gesture wildly as he talked, sending bits of cracker and cheese flying across the cafeteria. "And because of that, every year Santa comes down to forgive us our sins and give us eternal presents!"

Lor-Zod took a sip of his juice. Blinked. And simply asked, "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Adam answered with an exaggerated nod and a large grin plastered across his face.

Lor just blinked a second time, set his juice back on the table and, looking his friend in the eye, said, "Humans are really, really strange."

The other boy got the same look on his face as he usually did before he either punched Lor in the arm or kicked him in the shin, both of which typically hurt Adam a lot more than it did the Superboy. "Well what do Kryptonians celebra--" Adam began to retort hotly.

And that was when something blew up.

Even with his multi-dimensional senses and faster reaction time, it would have been hard for Lor-Zod to have described the exact sequence of events. There was an explosion, the lights went out, the fire extinguishers overhead suddenly dumped water on the cafeteria, and there were voices of a hundred children crying out in terror simultaneously. Or maybe the screaming came before the water began showering down. It was hard to tell.

When you had super-hearing, the screaming part of the whole ordeal was what really, really sucked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

We are going to have a lot of Kyptonians in this RP.

Not that I mind - it's nice to have someone capable of beating sense into Superman when it's needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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So do the apps get the thumbs up seal of approval?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

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Byrd Man said
So do the apps get the thumbs up seal of approval?

Note: Sloth is not a GM and does not withhold the power to announce the Batman seal of approval.

I couldn't find the one of Superman in the Batcowl, which saddens me greatly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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After discussing the completed submitted sheets with Gowi, we have passed verdicts on the following:
Roman said | Identity |
John 'Constantine' Constantine

Zacharius said | Identity |
Yara, Yasmin Starr, Power Girl

Byrd Man said | Identity |
Jonah Hex

Hound55 said | Identity |
Originally Charles Szasz, now Vic Sage (with alternate identity The Question – also known as “No-face”)

Bounce said | Identity |

However, I hate to be...

Kingfisher said | Identity |

Kingfisher, Gowi and I talked at lengths about your Duela sheet and ultimately we've decided that we're not willing to accept it as is. We found the back story to be illogical as most organized crime certainly wouldn't recruit a snitch, and they especially would not promote a snitch to the position of a lieutenant. Snitches are known for doing one thing, and as such they're extremely untrustworthy. Additionally the later part of the back story feels very contrived, especially given the circumstances of Duela's 'rise to power'. How did killing an assassin suddenly allow her to take charge of the street gangs? A further question I might also pose is that, despite blind luck how did a girl who was likely malnourished and suffering from the symptoms of withdrawal manage to evade and stalk a professional killer? A rather minor point, we were both rather baffled with the girl's self mutilation, while I understand cutting herself at one point you talk about her entire body having had a blade stuck under it. Not only would this potentially be incredibly harmful if not down right fatal as they're some places on the body that you just can't get away with that but the blood loss and other side effects would be horrendous.

Since Duela is also a Gotham criminal, and one I assume you intend to have interact with its heroes perhaps including even the Batman, Gowi and I thought it was a little odd there was no mention of Batman within the sheet. Especially since Batman basically changed Gotham, along with that the CS does very little to align to the timeline all the while mentioning Duela remained a teenager yet not giving us any real indication of how much time had passed. I understand villains have more appeal when their back stories have that vague aura to them but based on what she's accomplished and the outlook provided through the CS it strikes me as odd that neither Batman or the events that have taken place in Gotham haven't affected Duela.

To conclude we're not flat out rejecting the character but asking that you make some revisions with the above in mind. If I might make a suggestion in terms of her self mutilation, look into George Foyet from Criminal Minds. His self mutilation took a purpose in that he covered his body in scar tissue which slightly increased his durability. I like the idea of really making Duela an urban gritty villain, but we feel the current backstory doesn't portray that in a way that doesn't seem forced and unnatural.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

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Lord Wraith said
Kingfisher, Gowi and I talked at lengths about your Duela sheet and ultimately we've decided that we're not willing to accept it as is. We found the back story to be illogical as most organized crime certainly wouldn't recruit a snitch, and they especially would not promote a snitch to the position of a lieutenant. Snitches are known for doing one thing, and as such they're extremely untrustworthy. Additionally the later part of the back story feels very contrived, especially given the circumstances of Duela's 'rise to power'. How did killing an assassin suddenly allow her to take charge of the street gangs? A further question I might also pose is that, despite blind luck how did a girl who was likely malnourished and suffering from the symptoms of withdrawal manage to evade and stalk a professional killer? A rather minor point, we were both rather baffled with the girl's self mutilation, while I understand cutting herself at one point you talk about her entire body having had a blade stuck under it. Not only would this potentially be incredibly harmful if not down right fatal as they're some places on the body that you just can't get away with that but the blood loss and other side effects would be horrendous. Since Duela is also a Gotham criminal, and one I assume you intend to have interact with its heroes perhaps including even the Batman, Gowi and I thought it was a little odd there was no mention of Batman within the sheet. Especially since Batman basically changed Gotham, along with that the CS does very little to align to the timeline all the while mentioning Duela remained a teenager yet not giving us any real indication of how much time had passed. I understand villains have more appeal when their back stories have that vague aura to them but based on what she's accomplished and the outlook provided through the CS it strikes me as odd that neither Batman or the events that have taken place in Gotham haven't affected Duela.To conclude we're not flat out rejecting the character but asking that you make some revisions with the above in mind. If I might make a suggestion in terms of her self mutilation, look into George Foyet from Criminal Minds. His self mutilation took a purpose in that he covered his body in scar tissue which slightly increased his durability. I like the idea of really making Duela an urban gritty villain, but we feel the current backstory doesn't portray that in a way that doesn't seem forced and unnatural.

I wasnt aware that criminals were renowned for being honorable and trustworthy, but if the GM's want me to change that element of the CS then I shall. I tried to take a few more creative liberties this time around, and stray further away from the source material, but I can always go back to my orgional formulae. I'll put my hand up and admit that Duela killing the assassin was stupid, I'm not sure what was going through my head at the time I wrote that. I didn't literally mean that she'd cut every inch of her body, more along the lines that she'd self-harmed extensively, apologies if that wasn't clear. If the whole "criminal ring-leader" type deal isnt working for you guys, then I might simply re-write her to be more of a spree-killer than a crime boss, seeing as in the comics it's the Joker's face that makes her cronies follow her, which is obviously lacking in this incarnation.

Right now my laptop is completly fried, so I might not be able to get a revised CS up prompto, but I'll try my very best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

| Identity |
Rorek Blood, Raven

| Origin & Backstory |


Azarath was an interdimensional realm that existed between the planes of known reality. It was once a veritable paradise with blue-green skies and crimson clouds. The streets were paved in solid marble and the buildings were accented with columns of pure gold. Hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, a mysterious woman known as Azar convinced a group of Earth humans to abandon the ways of man and embrace a world of peace and prosperity. Whether Azar was herself a native of Earth, or whether she originally hailed from Azarath itself has never been revealed. Leading her charges from Earth to Azarath, she guided and taught them the ways of peace for more than two centuries. These men and women established the Temple of Azarath and formed a mystic society. Ages ago, they decided to purge their bodies of all evil. Embracing the concept of peace, these humans exorcised the dark passions of their souls from their bodies and cast it beyond the Great Door of Azarath into the nether-realms. This leftover evil energy floated in space for years before finally coalescing into a single physical form. The last inhabitants of an alien world summoned this darkness from the ether and it impregnated a woman from the order. Nine months later Trigon was born.

As an infant, Trigon slaughtered the very cult responsible for his birth including his own mother. In less than a year, he had conquered the entire planet. By the time he was six-years-old, he destroyed his home world and began traveling across the cosmos in search of new planets to conquer. By the time he was thirty, Trigon had conquered his entire dimension and several million worlds.

Over the span of centuries, Trigon sired many children - all of whom he hoped would become extensions of his own great power. In many cases, the children of Trigon rebelled against him and were destroyed. Other times, their human mothers recognized the threat such spawn represented and killed them while they were infants. For all of the seeds he had spread across the dimensions, none of his offspring survived to become the heir of Trigon.

Over two decades ago on Earth, a woman named Angela Roth had fallen in with an occult circle. Though they were rank amateurs in the field of Satanic ritual, they nevertheless attempted to summon the Devil. What they succeeded in conjuring was far worse. Trigon emerged and took Angela Roth as his bride. He left her pregnant with child then abandoned her, patiently awaiting the day when he could call his offspring to his side. Trigon manipulated the priests of Azarath to journey to Earth in search of Angela Roth. He knew that the mother of his soon-to-be child would be safe under the care of these pacifists. They found Angela and brought her to Azarath where she was renamed Arella.

Not everyone in Azarath was pleased to know that the wife of Trigon was among them. But Azar, the granddaughter of the First Azar and leader of the Azarathians realized that should the child of Trigon be allowed to grow on Earth, his existence would threaten all life on that planet, and indeed, the entire universe as well. Shortly thereafter, Arella gave birth to a son who was provided an Azarathian name - Raven.

From the very moment that Raven was born, the entire reality of Azarath changed forever. Raven once described the moment of his birth and its effects on Azarath. "It's emerald skies turned black as death itself. The sweet smell of Gossamer became the pungent odor of Brimstone. Our world shook and rumbled with protest. And peace turned to fear. Life became death."
(Information taken from DC WIKI)

Early Life (1996-2008)

Raven was known as an incredibly curious and volatile child. His emotions would switch from happy to sad in an instant. Unfortunately, it was his emotions that controlled his powers. Numerous tantrums resulted in destroyed buildings and no less than a few broken bones. The Azar, recognizing the young boy’s lack of inner peace would take the child under her wing and begin to teach him the mysteries of Azarathian magic and emotional control. Raven took to the studies with a fervor that surprised the aged Azar. Only a boy of twelve and already he was mastering spells far beyond his years. The demonic blood within his veins augmented such prodigious talent.

His talents and sickly form set him the object of much ridicule by his peers. This scorn led the boy to shun the people of Azarath. And many became fearful of him. The Magistrate of Food Production, Juris, felt that Raven's existence threatened the sanctity on all life on Azarath. To safeguard his people, he elected to break Azarath's most sacred law - the taking of a human life. Snatching Raven from his studies under the guise of teaching the boy a new spell, he attempted to hurl the Teen through the Great Door into the Limbo realm separating Azarath from other dimensional worlds and planets. Upon opening the door however, he exposed himself to the incomprehensible power of Trigon who disintegrated him with a mystical magical blast of golden glowing energy. Raven, however, was mesmerized by the power and his blood sang. Trigon burst through the Great Door and possessed the young teenager. Wielding the boy’s untapped potential, Trigon slew the inhabitants of Azarath in vengeance. The souls of the Azarathians were forever lost as Trigon devoured their mystical energy. Even the great Azar was no match for his power. And so Trigon entered the realm of Azarath and made it his throne.

Raven, now left without the possession that had controlled his being, was left in utter horror as he observed the broken forms of his mother and the Azar. The boy barely had time to realize his predicament before his father transported him to the realm of Earth leaving him with the warning,

“Prepare for my coming to this realm, my child.”

Life on Earth (2008-Present Day)

Lost and alone, Raven’s demonic blood was a beacon for all manner of danger. Numerous beings of darkness prowled near the boy and sought to claim his power for their own. The Presence, however, had different plans for the boy. Recognizing the potential for good within the child, the Presence sent its agent The Spectre to the boy.
As Raven slept underneath the Spectre’s watchful eye, numerous creatures of blood and darkness were vanquished as they tried to steal the boy’s power for their own. While Raven never directly interacted with the agent of Wrath, his supernatural prowess let him know that he was watched over.

Raven made his way on the streets for two years until the guidance of the Spectre would lead him to Gotham City where he would find his new guardian, Jason Blood. Blood was surprised at first to find the spawn of the Demon Trigon upon his doorstep, but the watchful gaze of the Spectre convinced him to let the child into his home.
Raven would speak but little as he was accepted by Blood into the home, but slowly the two entered into a pleasant apprenticeship of the magical arts. Raven even going so far as to take a new name. Taking the name Rorek after a great wizard centuries ago, Rorek is legally Blood’s son.

Under Blood’s tutorship, Raven has made some connections with the magical beings of the Earth despite his own social awkwardness. Most noticeable of these is an odd friendship with Klarion the Lord of Chaos and a rivalry with the former dragon Malchior. Years have passed in some semblance of happiness with Raven even going so far as to enroll at the University of Gotham for a degree in Psychology, but the half-demon has felt the growing anxiety of his biological father’s arrival upon the Earth. Together with Jason Blood, the eighteen year old now seeks to find a way to prevent the destruction of his new home.

| Character Notes |

Jason Blood is the world leading expert on the occult and demonology. He started life as Jason Blood of Norwich was a nobleman and Knight of King Arthurs court in the 6th Century. The demon Etrigan was originally summoned by the wizard Merlin as part of a last-ditch defense of Camelot against the evil witch, Morgaine le Fey. When it became clear that the kingdom would fall regardless, Merlin sent the demon away and bonded him into a human named Jason Blood to wait until he was summoned. Jason Blood was called to the crypt of Merlin and discovered a poem that could change him into Etrigan. Unfortunately, he was followed by the long-lived Morgaine who lusted for Merlin's secrets. That led to one of Etrigan's major battles and to the solidification of Morgaine as a major enemy. By being bonded to the Demon, Jason Blood was now immortal and lived throughout history fighting the forces of darkness. In the 20th Century he moves to the United States and makes Gotham City his home.

The Spectre is a cosmic entity and the physical embodiment of God's vengeance on Earth. Permanently bonded to a human soul, he uses his incredible divine powers to punish the truly wicked, usually ending his victim's lives in creative and ironic ways. His existence is in response to the failure of Eclipso, the spirit of God's wrath that turned completely malevolent and evil. He is currently bonded to Crispus Allen, a cop in the GCPD.

Klarion, Lord of Chaos, is an odd fellow in that one never really knows which side he is on. As an embodiment of Chaos magic, Klarion tends to have very little that is stable. His friendship with Raven is one of convenience, but also tinged with deep respect for their shared studies in sorcery of the Highest Orders.


Malchior was a large hulking, evil dragon nearly 1000 years ago. Malchior was challenged by the expert magician and wizard Rorek. When Malchior was about to kill the hero, Rorek used a curse to contain Malchior in a book for the rest of his life. Present day, Malchior's book was among the ones in Blood’s library. Raven enjoyed the book and, one day, Malchior began talking to Raven through the book. Instead of telling the truth about his identity as a dragon, Malchior said that he was the wizard, not the dragon. He and Raven bonded very well and the dragon taught Raven the basics of Dark Magic. Eventually, Raven freed Malchior from the book. The Dragon broke free from the book, but was suddenly changed into the mortal form of a man by Klarion. The Lord of Chaos watched in amusement as Raven and Malchior dueled. In the end, Malchior was defeated and fled to parts unknown.

Trigon is a powerful demon lord existing in the Azarath dimension. His son is Raven, born from his union with the human woman Arella. The Demon Lord wishes to use Raven as a gateway to conquer Earth.

Locations of Note:

Azarath: Once the home of the peaceful Azarathians, it is now the throne of Trigon the terrible. His dominion is unassailable.

University of Gotham: The ivy league university of the Gotham-Bludhaven residents was established in 1901 by the Kane family, originally named Kane College it was systematically renamed in 1948. It serves with highly sought after psychology courses, business courses, and the liberal arts.

Jasmine Bookshop: A simple bookshop in China town just a few blocks away from Dixon Docks, the Jasmine Bookshop is one of the few bookshops in the world that freely sells Arcane texts.

Blood Manor: An older mansion on the outskirts of Gotham, few people know it even exists due to the numerous protective wards. It is the home of Jason and Rorek Blood.

| Powers & Abilities |

Empathy: Psionic ability of empathy, the power to absorb emotions, enabling him to feel the feelings of others.
Emotion Negation: He can also use his empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb".
Empathic Healing: He can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries.
Soul-Self: Raven can manifest his "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either his human shape or a giant raven.
Astral Projection: Through the use of his soul-self, Raven can project his consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in his own meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering his enemies unconscious.
Teleportation: It also serves as a way to travel into other dimensions. Using his soul-self, he can teleport himself and others over vast distances.
Flight: With his telekinesis, Raven is capable of limited flight.
Sorcerer: Not in small part to his demonic blood, Raven is a combat sorcerer of the highest caliber. The twenty year old is capable of performing advanced pyrokineses and telekinesis. He is capable of numerous rituals and protective magics, though not to any advanced extent.
Arcane Knowledge: Under the tutelage of Jason blood, Raven has a decent grasp of the Occult and Demonlogy. Raven has spent the majority of his life studying the arcane arts and is knowledgeable about most forms of magic.

| How is this character different? |

This Raven is a blend of the Teen Titans cartoon, pre-52, and my own unique twist. He is male, but also suffered the destruction of the Azar and his mother as opposed to them living. Furthermore, he is the adopted son of Jason Blood and the Presence seems to have a desire to have him on the side of good. I do recognize that integrating the Presence into the backstory has the potential for going a little crazy with power in future posts. So to avoid that and Godmodding, The Spectre and Presence will offer no real assistance in the coming RP. As Raven has grown stronger, the Spectre has moved on. So the Presence will have no effect on Raven’s story aside from sending the Spectre to Raven in his past.

| What is your goal with this character? |
My goal with this character is first of all just to have fun and contribute to the fun of others in this role-play. On a more character development oriented goal, I’d love to see Raven begin to interact more with others and really become a hero as just opposed to an occult expert. He has had a tragic past, but nothing really to push him into that role of being a true hero. So I’d like to see that develop. Personality wise, I’d love to see him really develop true friendships with fellow heroes. On a story-development line, preparing for the arrival of Trigon will be a major point.

| Sample Post |

Raven’s nose twitched as the pungent aroma of sulfur and incense began to suffuse the room. The young man’s chanting did not cease however as he continued chanting in meditation. Such smells were common in this home.

“Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos," Raven murmured as his lithe form hovered in the air with his legs crossed and eyes closed. The comfort of a queen-sized bed rested underneath the young man as he slowly opened his eyes. Not much could be made out in the darkened room, but three large bookshelves covered the walls. Numerous arcane texts filled the wooden shelves.

The young man floated to the edge of his bed and stood. The slightest hint of annoyance could be seen on his face as he dressed in a simple black t-shirt and blue-jeans. Shoulder-length brown hair framed his angular face from which purple eyes gazed out. The young man flicked his fingers and a light of unknown origins lit the room. Raven grimaced as he looked into the mirror upon the wall. His hair would need to be dyed soon again. There was a purple tint starting to make its way known.

Raven open his door and walked down the darkened hallway towards the kitchen. His eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of his adopted father sitting next to an unconscious succubi atop the dinner table. The young man shook his head and stated,

“Tell me you didn’t sleep with her.”

Jason Blood looked up from the arcane text he had been reading and the barest hint of a smile graced his face,

“I would never be so foolish. My soul is damned enough to Hell as is. Rorek, if I may,” the occultist motioned to the sensual form of the Succubi, “This is Arenairic. She required my assistance in enforcing a contract. Don’t you have class in an hour?”

Raven nodded as he took a glass of the steaming tea resting upon the counter top and turned. His eyes turned toward the demon and then back to Jason,

“Yeah, Abnormal Psych and then Calculus afterwards. After that I’ll head to work.”

Jason nodded and then turned back to his text. The barest hint of jasmine wafted through the air as a black globe enveloped Raven and then the young man was gone. The day passed normally for the young Sorcerer as he went through his classes and then his job at a local bookshop. The way home was somewhat more eventful.

“Stop!!! Help!!!”

The cry of a woman rang out as Raven turned the corner on the street. While the young man typically preferred to teleport, that night he had decided to enjoy the midnight air. Raven was disgusted to see two burly men pulling a woman into an ally. With a sneer, the young half-demon closed his eyes and murmured something for the barest moment before his eyes opened with a dark red glow.

Strands of magic in another realm moved and the fear that was so apparent in the woman being assaulted was suddenly turned upon the men; magnified beyond what the woman even knew. The men screamed in horror and released the woman. So horrified were these men that they dropped to the ground, frothing at the mouth. Their minds were lost to the annals of insanity.

The woman ran, never knowing why those men had acted as they did. Some blocks away atop a roof-top, a young man with pale skin retched and shivered in utter disgust at the emotions he had taken from the men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Kingfisher said
I wasn't aware that criminals were renowned for being honorable and trustworthy, but if the GM's want me to change that element of the CS then I shall.

While mobs/mafias obviously operate outside of the law, they are indeed honorable and trustworthy in their own skewered sense. Naturally they have a different perception of honor and while they wouldn't be above using the supplied information I couldn't see one being able to join them. Additionally for most mobs/mafias, you need to have someone put their life on the line being willing to vouch for you. A mob or mafia acts like a family, and blood is thicker than water. Add to that the need for the proper ethnic background and relations, the mobs are almost impossible for a random person to join. All that means, Duela would have a very hard time joining and an even harder time leaving, there would have been a huge price on her head the moment she betrayed her first mob.

Gangs on the other hand would be easier to infiltrate but no less hard in terms of leaving.

Kingfisher said
If the whole "criminal ring-leader" type deal isnt working for you guys, then I might simply re-write her to be more of a spree-killer than a crime boss, seeing as in the comics it's the Joker's face that makes her cronies follow her, which is obviously lacking in this incarnation.

We aren't against a ring-leader, it just doesn't come across as believable with the current CS. That said I personally like the spree-killer idea more as I feel your style of writing, voice and tone all seem to suit it a bit better.

Kingfisher said
Right now my laptop is completly fried, so I might not be able to get a revised CS up prompto, but I'll try my very best.

No need to rush! We aren't going anywhere. Looking forward to seeing your revisions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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(My usual technique of PMing it to myself to finish it seems to not be working, so I'll just leave it here for now. It's probably still considered a pretty hefty W.I.P. but hey.)

| Identity |
Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen, Green Arrow, famously nicknamed the Emerald Archer

| Origin & Backstory |
1988-2006: Before the Bow
Born in Star City California to Robert and Moira Queen, Oliver Jonas' life was one of outrageous opulence and wealth. Very much a spoiled child from the instant he exited his mother's womb, Oliver spent the vast majority of his time partying and becoming the social butterfly of Star City alongside his equally wealthy and childishly arrogant friend Thomas Merlyn. Despite his father's constant berating and disappointment, Moira was fiercly protective of her son and all but refused that Robert discipline the boy, which Ollie to this day states as the cause of his devolution into debauchery. At the tender age of four during a family trip to Barcelona, Ollie witnessed one Bonnie King win a Gold Medal in Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympic Games, and pleaded with his parents to let him take up the art, which they accepted, even going so far as to hire King herself as Ollie's instructor after her retirement from competition.

Three years later, Moira went into labor with Thea. Upon his sister's birth, Ollie made a childish promise to be a better child than he had been up to that point. To nobody's surprise, he was back to his old ways within a week.

During his education, Ollie proved his doubters wrong by passing effectively every exam or project he took with flying colors, earning a reputation as one of the beightest young minds of his generation. A freshman in GWU by his sixteenth birthday, it would take Oliver only two years, without even slowing down his playboy lifestyle mind you, to obtain a business degree. In celebration of both Oliver's graduation and coming of age Robert decided to take his son on a personal father-son bonding trip, just the two of them on a "Men's fishing trip."

While at sea somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, the Queen's Gambit ran into a catastrophic storm, causing mass flooding and engine failure. Barely making it to a lifeboat, Ollie witnessed his father's suicide when the latter realized that the boat only held enough supplies for one person to get to the nearest island. Shell-shocked by the experience, Oliver eventually made it to the island after exhausting almost all of his supplies. It would eventually become horribly apparent just where he had landed; Lian Yu, the prison island of Asia's most notorious criminals.

2006-2009: Purgatory
During his first few days of being stranded on Lian Yu, Ollie came into contact with a father and daughter identified as Natas and Shado, who saved him from one of Lian Yu's native predators and nursed him back to health. When asked just how long they'd been on the island, the pair would always answer with half-truths and riddles. Once Ollie had regained his health, Natas took it upon himself to teach the former billionaire how to survive on the island known as Purgatory. While he already had rudimentary teachings of archery, it was on Lian Yu that Oliver truly became the Green Arrow. Shado trained him in unconventional methods of archery while Natas taught him how to make herbs and poultices out of the fungi native to Lian Yu.

Six months into his stint on the Island, Oliver and his mentors would come into contact with yet another castaway; Lawrence Crock. Finding him washed up on one of Lian Yu's shores, the trio would nurse Crock back to health in much the same way they had done for Ollie months prior. Now with four members, Natas took it upon himself to find a way off the island for his newfound partners.

Eventually, the group would come into conflict with a man known as Eddie Fyers, the head of the mercenary band that operated as Lian Yu's security, or dictators. During the conflict, Lawrence was compromised and convinced to turn against his allies. Taking Natas and Shado by surprise, he killed them and almost did the same to Oliver before the latter escaped into the jungle. Having lost the closest thing he had to a family on the island, Ollie would spend the next year on his own in the wilderness of Lian Yu before being found by a pair of Chinese Fishermen. Ollie is unaware of what became of Fyers or any of the other inhabitant of Lian Yu.

2009: Nock and Loose
After his rescue, Ollie returned to the United States in 2009 without informing the press or his family, wishing to see just what had become of his beloved city during his absence. It was during his first week or so in the underbelly of Star City that Ollie made the most important decision of his adult life; something had to be done about the massive criminal element within the Triangle. Returning to the Queen Family Mansion, Oliver was greeted warmly by his family. Informing his mother and sister of Robert's death, Ollie was rather distraught when he discovered his mother had moved on to one Malcolm Merlyn, one of his father's former business associates.

Moira also assigned Oliver a bodyguard named Johnathan Diggle, a retired Army Veteran Ollie would have to shake constantly just to move forward with his plans. Though his return was documented by every newspaper in Star City, Oliver genuinely attempted to keep a low profile during his first few months back home, spending his time and newly returned fortune to build the secret hideout now known as The Quiver within an abandoned Queen Industries factory in The Glades. This endeavor wasn't exactly helped by Tommy, who arranged everything from a massive welcome home party to a private outing on a yacht in Orchid Bay, which Ollie often used as a device to begin his patrols. Early on in his career, the Emerald Archer spent his evenings making hell for Star City's lesser known thugs and cutpurses before grabbing the attention of one Daniel Brickwell, one of the triumvirate of Star City's crimelords.

2010: Brick's Collapse, the Claw's Grasp
Ollie's first true test came during his second year since his return home. Having essentially made himself a thorn in the side of Star City's criminal regimes, one druglord rose amongst the rest to oppose the Arrow. Daniel Brickwell took advantage of his competitors' weakened state and began an aggressive expansion which would come to encompass all of the Triangle. Catching wind of one of Brick's weapon shipments, Green Arrow intercepted the cache at the docks before being apprehended by the mastermind himself. This being Ollie's first encounter with a metahuman, he was shocked to discover his arrows had no effect on Star City's King of Crime, as the traditional weapons shattered on contact with Brick's namesake maroon skin. Confronting his adversary in hand to hand combat proved equally fruitless, and Oliver was barely able to escape with a broken right hand, four shattered ribs, and a dislocated shoulder.

Seeing nowhere else to turn and almost blacking out from his confrontation, Ollie managed to locate his bodyguard by using a tracking device he'd planted on all of his inner circle's cellphones, Ollie would eventually come to call that day the only one where his penchant for jailbreaking an iPhone would save his life. Just before losing consciousness from internal bleeding, Ollie navigated Diggle to his hideout in the Glades. Luckily enough for him, Digg managed to find the medical equipment without assistance.

Upon being nursed back to health, Oliver explained himself to Diggle and managed to convince him to help in Green Arrow's crusade against injustice. Using Diggle's connections from his time in the military and Ollie's multi-million dollar bank account "Team Arrow" began to substantialy upgrade their arsenal and equipment with everything from standard military grade explosives to experimental compounds and software straight out of a Q-Core laboratory. What was once Ollie's greatest adversary proved to be little challenge when trapped by an industrial grade polyurethane foam.

Following his apprehension of Brick, life returned to relative normalcy for the Battling Bowman, returning to stopping petty thieves and drug deals, which proved to be positively boring in how monotonous the task was. However, some six or so months after Brick's incarceration, a new druglord appeared in the Triangle, Steelclaw. Beginning another goose chase, Green Arrow would eventually confront Steelclaw and discover his identity to be one Thomas Bolt, the leading candidate for Mayor. Wanting to control crime, Bolt was using the money he made as Steelclaw to fund his Mayoral Campaign.

Despite being shut down by Green Arrow, Bolt would still move on to become Mayor of Star City, with one Oliver Queen as his harshest critic.

2011: Star'ro incident, Royal Affairs
Doesn't show up for Star'ro because of reasons, run in with Count Vertigo. Queen family drama

2012: The Undertaking, first duel with Dark Archer
After his "unannounced vacation" to Vlatava Oliver returned to his operations as the Emerald Archer without a hitch. Curiously, the more names Arrow crossed off his list the more his former targets turned up dead with three black arrows in the chest. This was the beginning of what Malcolm Merlyn would call "tying up loose ends." Oliver and his team swiftly began an investigation into the homicides and even tracked one of the archer's arrows to Saggitarius Supplies. When Green Arrow arrived at the only known warehouse of the company, it turned out to be a trap set by the mysterious Dark Archer. Green Arrow's emergence in Star City had forced Merlyn and his cohorts to move up their plans, and it was finally time to deal with the problem head on.

Barely escaping with his life, Ollie returned to the Quiver with three arrow wounds in his back and a new adversary to apprehend, his second near death experience since picking up the bow to protect his home. Through weeks of tracking and investigating the so called Undertaking, Green Arrow would discover the Dark Archer's identity as Malcolm Merlyn and his meetings with a man known as Ra's al Ghul.

Before the Arrow could reveal Merlyn's plot to the police, his newest adversary armed his machines and prepared to bury the Glades and everyone in it. This obviously took years of plotting an preparation, and the tools Malcolm used to enact his scheme, four massive "Earthquake Generators" placed at each corner of the neighborhood, cost a fortune and a half to build.

Drawing his opponent to the roof of a Merlyn Global Group warehouse, Oliver managed to distract the Dark Archer for long enough that his team could disable the generators. Exposed and defeated, Merlyn escaped capture in a last ditch effort. Curiously, Tommy Merlyn refused to take his father's place at the company and Merlyn Global Group was purchased by Lacroix International.

2013: Cupid's Charm, Hostile Takeover
Almost a year after the Undertaking more of Green Arrow's adversaries began dying, this time by slit throats rather than arrows to the chest. Curiously, a heart was always cared into the body of the victims. Intercepting the murderer at the home of her next target, Oliver was shocked to discover one Carrie Cutter, a previous girlfriend. Pleading with her to receive help, Cutter, or Cupid, as she was calling herself, professed her love to Oliver. When Arrow failed to reciprocate, Cupid vanished.

A week later, on Valentine's Day, Star City was engrossed in the newest development out of Orchid Bay. The Queen Women had been taken hostage in their own home. Cupid's only demand was that the Battling Bowman "come home alone". Racing to the scene, Cupid threatened to slit Thea and Moira's throat if Oliver didn't confess his secret. Frantic, Oliver removed his hood, to the shock of his mother and sister.

Cupid would not keep her end of the bargain however, and killed Moira Queen right then and there, and motioned to do the same to Thea. Intercepted by Oliver, the Emerald Archer very nearly killed the woman if not for the pleading cries of his sister. Fleeing the scene, the police would arrive and take Cutter away to Haven Security Village. Oliver attempted to contact his sister to no avail, who had decided 18 was the perfect age to attend college, and swiftly enrolled at Weisinger University.

Emotionally distraught, Oliver remained unaware, for quite some time, the disastrous state Queen Industries was in following Moira's death. Declaring that Oliver had "no clear interest" in taking his place as CEO, the board of directors began a hostile takeover, and before long, the competitors began ending up dead at the hands of an assassin codenamed "Komodo". Snapped back to his senses by his friends, Ollie publicly announced his intention to return to Queen Industries as CEO. In an unexpected turn of events, the assassinations stopped almost overnight, along with Oliver's becoming a multi billionaire businessman.

2014: Doppelgänger

| Character Notes |

Setting, Locations, and Companies
Star City - Situated on the upper coast of California, Star City is a particularly picturesque metropolis, and one of the United States' greatest tourist traps. Unfortunately for residents and traveler's alike, this makes Star City a hub of drug smuggling, black market weapons trading, human trafficking, and all other manners of criminal activity. While Orchid Bay and Downtown are effectively drowning in opulence and sophistication from the money brought in from naval trade, the neighborhoods of The Glades, South End, and Adams Heights, affectionately referred to as "The Triangle" by townspeople, are the center of Star City's criminal underworld, and susceptible to constant gang warfare and corruption. (More info to be added)

Queen Family Mansion - A luxurious plot of land on the outskirts of Orchid Bay, the Queen Mansion is bordered to the west by the Paacific Ocean and to the East by the towering skyscrapers of Downtown Star City. Retaining a gated driveway, the Queen family has become synonymous with secrecy due to just how far "out of the way" Robert Queen decided to build his home, with the nearest neighbors being roughly a mile away. The interior of the residence however is very welcoming and screams socialite, with everything from antique vases to billiards tables decorating the innumerable rooms and hallways.

The Arrowcave - Built in a cavern underneath the Queen residence following the aftermath of Cupid's attack, the Arrowcave operates as Ollie's main base of operations as Green Arrow. Both Oliver and Diggle have taken steps to ensure the cave's safety, such as wiring the walls and implementing top class security systems. Nearly three times as large as the Quiver, the Arrowcave is fully stocked with equipment, an archery range, adaptable obstacle course, and barracks.

The Quiver - Oliver's original base of operations built within an abandoned Queen Industries Factory in the Glades, with the construction of the Arrowcave underneath the Queen Mansion, the Quiver rarely serves any function to the Arrow Clan outside of a variable weapons cache and tech dump. Though still fully serviceable, the image of the Quiver is one of antiquity, filled with mementos and out of date equipment, a museum of the Emerald Archer's first exploits within Star City.

Queen Industries - The West Coast equivalent of Wayne Enterprises, Queen Industries is a massive conglomerate of numerous smaller companies with a basis in military and commercial technology. Based in Downtown Star City, the Queen Industries headquarters is the largest structure in the entirety of Californi, standing almost half again as tall as the Merlyn Global Group building. Though rooted in conspiracies of corruption and less than humane activities, Oliver has made strides to legitimize the company, whether it be discontinuing some of it's shadier operations to completely overhauling the workers' safety regulations.

Lian Yu - An almost impossible to locate island in the South China Sea, Lian Yu is something of an experimental prison in that Asian governments send their most feared criminals to the island and have them fend for themselves with effectively no government involvement, even lacking basic ssecurity protocols to prevent escape. In actuality run by a secretive private military company, Lian Yu is a variable death camp for criminals, and in Ollie's case, castaways.

The List - A small journal book authored by Robert Queen over the course his last few Earth, the names written on the list range from ruthless one percenters to political officials and judges. Although the majority of the people Oliver has crossed off of the list were fairly well known for their villainous activities, the Battling Bowman has begun to more thoroughly investigate the names on the list before pursuing them. Assuming of course, that he ever finds time to break away from his usual run ins with drug dealers and gangsters.

Queen Industries Applied Sciences Division, "Q-Core" -

S.T.A.R. Labs -

Lacroix International - Founded by Simon Lacroix in 2003, in only ten years of history, Lacroix became one of Queen Industries' fiercest competitors within Star City. Using every trick and tactic taught to him by Robert Queen, Lacroix took his company from a single office building to an international technology Empire, and following Moira Queen's murder, very nearly executed a hostile takeover of Queen Industries before Oliver Queen's intervention.

Telesaur Incorporated -

George Weisinger University - One of the oldest universities in California, Geore Weisinger University, or GWU, once stood as a proud pillar of the Ivy League schools across the United States. Recently however, Weisinger U's reputation has shifted from a melting pot of cultures and ideas, to one of an unruly party school, overrun with frat parties that seem to run every day, under the influence of underage drinking and innumerable other illegal narcotics.

Slabside Penitentiary - Located on the outskirts of Adams Heights, Slabside Penitentiary, affectionately nicknamed the Slab by inmates and city goers alike, Slabside has a fearsome reputation for police brutality and mistreatment of prisoners, which caused it to be shut down sometime in 2008. Recently refurbished to house both mundane and metahuman inmates, the Slab has been receiving a number of new inmates from across the west coast, who's former prisons didn't have nearly as thorough precautions against metahuman threats.

Haven Security Village - Opened in 2012 and built on an Island three miles out from Star City's ports, the Haven Security Village acts as an "impossible to break out of" asylum. Rather than restrain the population with straitjackets or handcuffs at all times, Haven attempts to create an atmosphere of equality by allowing patients a great deal of freedom. Fully manned with a coast guard and 24/7 security personnel, HVen has garnered a reputation of excellence during it's small time of operation.

Iron Heights - Where Slabside Penitentiary retains some of the most nefarious of Star City's criminals, despite its intimidating name, Iron Heights is the minimum security prison of Star City mostly occupied by shoplifters, drug addicts, and corrupt businessmen.

The Kingdom of Vlatava - An economically struggling Kingdom in Eastern Europe, Vlatava recently suffered a succession crisis following the assassination of it's former King. The throne eventually passed to Perdita Zytle, now known as Perdita II. Facing aggression from Russia, Vlatavanians fear for their country's independence while under the watchful eye of their communist neighbor. Perdita has been seeking diplomatic assistance since coming into power.

Supporting Cast, Rogue's Gallery, and Street Gangs of Star City

Robert and Moira Queen - A classic tale of the self made billionaire marrying his high school sweetheart, one could make a movie about the story of romance between Robert and Moira Queen. Having met during their freshman year at Star City High, the two married almost immediately after Robert's graduation from college. Robert, a ruthless businessman, took his father's relatively small computer business and turned it into a multi billion dollar technology empire spanning the entirety of the United States within two decades using every underhanded play, every dirty trick, and every bullying technique known to man. Naturally this garnered him an abundance of enemies. Moira remained blissfully ignorant of her husband's crimes and peacefully took her place as a fiercely protective and doting mother.

The two would die some seven years apart, Robert committing suicide to ensure their son's survival, and Moira being murdered at the hands of Cupid, a deranged psychopath obsessed with Oliver's alter ego, the Green Arrow.

Thea Queen - Ollie's younger sister and only surviving family member. During Ollie's exile on Lian Yu Thea fell to drugs and alcohol, the very same vices Oliver himself partook in. Though they struggled at first, Ollie and Thea would reconcile after the former opening up about his experience on the Island with his surviving family. Now clean for some three years, Thea was distraught to learn of her brother's true nature as the Green Arrow as a result of his conflict with Cupid, during which both Thea and Moira were taken hostage in their family's home. Following their mother's death, Thea has all but removed herself from Ollie's life. Oliver fears that without the guidance she once had, his sister might very well fall into alcoholism once again.

Johnathan Diggle - A retired member of the Green Berets, John Diggle, or Digg, as Ollie calls him, was hired by Moira Queen to be Oliver's bodyguard upon her son's return to Star City. After becoming aware of Ollie's identity as the Emerald Archer, Diggle began using his connections to the military to acquire technology for Ollie to use in manufacturing new trick arrows.

Bonnie King-Jones - A former Olympic Gold Medalist, Bonnie King, eloquently nicknamed Miss Arrowette in her prime, is perhaps the most well known former athlete in the world's archery community. After obtaining her medal in 1992, Bonnie settled down in California and became Oliver's private instructor, though even she couldn't teach Ollie how to properly handle a bow. Now married to Bernell Jones, Bonnie is a stay at home mother.

Bernell Jones - A rather adept engineer and head of Q-Core, Bernell Jones is the everyday sort of person one would never assume to marry a Bonnie King type. Bernell met Bonnie a few years after her first pregnancy and eventually found his way into the woman's heart, becoming a loving father to a daughter soon after his wedding.

Natas and Shado - The father and daughter duo who took Ollie under their wing on Lian Yu and trained him into becoming a human weapon, Oliver is unaware of Natas and Shado's past connections to Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows, of which they were top ranked operatives before their self imposed exile on the one place they thought their past would not catch up to them.

Sandra Hawke - Found by Oliver in one of Eddie Fyers' camps, Ollie escorted Sandra to the crashed commercial airliner he, Natas, Shado, Sportsmaster, and Slade used as their base. In actuality Sandra was there to bring Crusher Crock the offer that would cause him to betray the group. The man who would become Green Arrow shared a brief romantic fling with the damsel he had saved from Fyers' clutches, and unbeknownst to the Emerald Archer, Sandra became pregnant with his child.

Slade Wilson, Deathstroke - One of the four principal prisoners Ollie would group up with on Lian Yu, Slade Wilson is a former Australian Secret Intelligence Service operative who was sent to Lian Yu to extract Billy Wintergreen. Left to die by his commanders when his mission failed, Slade would spend years searching for a way off the island to return to his children. A one time lover of Shado, Slade has vowed vengeance on Sportsmaster after his betrayal of the group. Oliver has not been contacted by Slade since his return to the United States.

Eddie Fyers - The field commander of the mercenary group stationed on Lian Yu, Edward Fyers used Lian Yu as a Mecca for drug operations and slave labor. Whether an inmate or a castaway, Fyers never let a resource go to waste. Fyers often employed the prisoners of Lian Yu to bolster his own staff in exchange for a bed and warm meals. A vain man from birth, Fyers didn't do much to stop some of his men's more barbaric practices on the Island. His operations exposed by Oliver, the Chinese government has taken it upon themselves to handle Fyers and his company.

Lawrence "Crusher" Crock, Sportsmaster - A former small time crook and assassin for hire, Lawrence "Crusher" Crock was exiled to Lian Yu by the League of Assassins for taking a contract that belonged to them in order to send a message to their competitors. Brought into the fold by Oliver and his group, they would later be betrayed by Crock, who had been coerced by Ra's al Ghul to eliminate the former League of Shadows operatives.

Maggie Sawyer - A ten year veteran of the Star City Police Force, Maggie Sawyer is a staunch opponent of vigilantes around the world, and has a personal mission to prove that her precinct can be just as effective as "that crazy Robin Hood wannabe." a single mother of one, Maggie is a gay rights activist and open lesbian, and although the more bigoted of Star City's law enforcement hierarchy have held her back because of this, Sawyer has proven one of the most efficent officers on payroll.

Mack Morgan - Warden of Slabside Penitentiary.

Sebastian Blood - Born to the political elite of Star City, Sebastian Blood turned against his roots and became a lawyer based out of the Glades. In a matter of years Blood became the champion of Star City's lower class. Following the Undertaking, Blood was named District Attorney in a plea to placate the man's fanatical followers who had been sowing descent ever since Merlyn's exposure.

Queen Perdita the Second - The fifteen year old Queen of Vlatava and outspoken supporter of Green Arrow, and despite his not being a member, the Justice League. Perdita rose to power following her father's assassination in Star City International Airport.

Mayor Thomas Bolt, Steelclaw - The first hero to claim to be inspired by the Emerald Archer, Steelclaw's philosophy is one of controlling crime rather than stopping it. Seen by Ollie as nothing more than a corrupt politician using his skills to pay his way into office, Bolt and Arrow reached an agreement; leave the criminals to GA, leave the politics to Thomas Bolt.

Malcolm Merlyn, the Dark Archer - A central figure in Star City's hierarchy, Malcolm Merlyn was seen as a poor man's Robert Queen, just as ruthless and cunning, but only made a half of what his contemporary managed with less resources and time. For reasons unknown Malcolm left California in his teenage years and early twenties. Eventually, Malcolm would marry Robert's widow Moira before her untimely death. A central figure during the Undertaking, Merlyn was exposed as the Dark Archer but escaped capture.

Noah Kuttler, the Calculator - A wealthy investment banker and accountant, Noah Kuttler operates an abundance of extortion rackets and oversees a number of Swiss Bank accounts under the guise of "The Calculator". A genius mathematician, Kuttler has been able to find a way around almost every loophole without a second thought, all from behind a computer monitor. After Green Arrow's interference in his schemes, the Calculator has begun using his massive funds to hire killers to apprehend the vigilante.

Ricardo "Junior" Diaz, Richard Dragon - An as of yet unseen former student of Richard Drakunovsky, Ricardo Diaz murdered his teacher and took his name for his own. A human weapon, Diaz is one of, if not the greatest hand to hand fighter and martial artist on Earth, retaining an uncanny ability to read his opponent's movements and find any weakness in a person's body and exploit it with deadly proficiency.

Werner Zytle of Vlatava, Count Vertigo - Currently rotting in a prison cell, Werner Zytle conspired a bloody rise to Kingship by ordering the assassination of his elder brother and only niece with the assassins posing as American extremists. When Perdita returned to Vlatava to claim the throne, Vertigo made to execute her himself and take power by force. Thankfully however, Vertigo was undone by the Emerald Archer.

Simon Lacroix, Komodo - Born into poverty in the Glades, Simon Lacroix is a self-made man who ended up working as the personal assistant and confidant of Robert Queen. To Robert, Simon was everything Ollie wasn't. By that time Ollie had already fallen into constant fits of partying, recreational drug use, and underage drinking. The son he never had, Robert would give Simon the head start he needed to launch Lacroix International.

Isabel Rochev, the Queen - Born in a small village in eastern Russia, Isabel Rochev was inspired from a young age by Robert Queen, who had a number of mines built in the mountains around her home, which caused her village's economy to flourish. Eventually becoming a personal intern for Robert while still in business school, the Queen Patriach began an extramarital affair with his young assistant. Her internship was later terminated without notice. Holding a grudge against the Queen family, Rochev would become the primary business partner of Simon Lacroix at Lacroix International.

Constantine Drakon - Direct underling of the League of Assassin's head honcho, The Sensei.

Daniel "Danny" Brickwell, Brick - Star City's most prominent crime lord due not only to his namesake skin, but for his ruthless efficiency and almost impossible feat of taking control of the Triangle, Danny Brickwell was a victim of his environment and thrived in the criminal underworld following his father's termination from a Queen Industries factory in the Glades.

Carrie Cutter, Cupid - A former romantic conquest of a young Oliver Queen who volunteered for an expedition to locate the Queen's Gambit. While at sea something changed in Cutter, and she is now certifiably insane, with an absolute obsession with Ollie after the news of his return. After taking Mia and Moira Queen hostage in their own mansion in an effort to become closer to Ollie Carrie, then operating under the name "Cupid", was shocked to discover that Oliver was the Green Arrow. Following the murder of Moira Queen and Cupid's capture by Green Arrow Cutter has been placed in the Haven Security Village for the Insane.

Solntsevskaya Bratva - A powerful Russian Mafia organization led by Anatoly Knyazev, a former operative of the KGB, the Bratva have been muscling their way into Star City's underworld since the early 2000's. Through ruthlessness and backing from their main branch in Moscow, the Star City Bratva have silently taken control of the South End of Star City, and is one of the primary claimants to the Glades.

The White Lotus Triad - Formerly led by Zhishan, the White Lotus Triad almost imploded when their leader was killed by Steelclaw. Dazed and confused, the Triad was all but wiped out by Brick during his war with Green Arrow. During this time, Chien Na Wei came to power within the order and quickly began recouping her loses. Back to full strength in just under a year, the White Lotus has taken a position of power, rather than in the lower class areas of Star City, but within Orchid Bay and Downtown.

The Red Darts -

The Royal Flush Gang -

Dr. Linda Friitawa, Fright - A former assistant of Gotham's Dr. Jonathan Crane, Fright is the head doctor at Haven Security Village.

Dr. Alex Sartorius, Doctor Phosphorus - A former scientist of S.T.A.R. Labs

| Powers, Abilities & Skills |
Archery - Oliver's chosen method of curtailing crime, Green Arrow is capable of shooting an arrow down the barrel of a pistol from fifty yards at a moment's notice, Ollie's aim is impeccable, and some have ventured to call it superhuman. Whether boasting or being honest, the man himself has claimed to be able to fire roughly twenty-nine arrows per minute one at a time, and split a droplet of water while falling from the tap of a sink. Aside from his pinpoint marksmanship, the eccentric billionaire also makes use of dozens of self-manufactured trick arrows, that can function in any number of ways, ranging from a simple explosive arrow to flash-bang and EMP arrows.

Physical Capabilities - During his time on Lian Yu, Oliver was forced to transform his body from that of a spoiled playboy to that which would put Olympians to shame. The extreme training regiment instilled in him by the likes of Natas and Deathstroke has carried over to his life as Green Arrow. Most notably, Oliver's hand-eye coordination and eyesight have seemingly developed beyond what many thought was humanly possible.

Tracking, Hunting, and Stealth - Adapting to life on an uncharted prison island forged Oliver Queen into an apex survivalist. Ollie seems to posses a natural talent and sixth sense for tracking down his foes and remaining unseen. A benefit of his chosen color gives Oliver a natural camouflage, and using this, along with his penchant for remaining quiet while on the prowl, renders the Emerald Archer almost undetectable by friends and foes alike. Oliver has told almost anyone who would listen the story of how he once hunted a tiger on Lian Yu and took the beast by surprise despite being only five feet away.

Intelligence and Deductive Abilities - Although he openly gallivanted as a spoiled child of old money, Oliver actually possesses a keenly intelligent mind and knack for computer and technological engineering, having earned a major in business from GWU at the age of 18 while maintaining his reputstion as Star City's greatest partier. Often to the annoyance of his allies, Oliver innovate new arrows on a daily basis, though he refrains from using some of his sillier ideas like the boxing glove arrow. Despite his prowess as a predator, Oliver is not an overly capable detective. While able to bust most of Star City's lower level criminals and street gangs on pure ingenuity, one of equal or greater intelligence than the Battling Bowman can seemingly slip through his grasp. Luckily, Oliver's team make up for this flaw 9 times out of 10.

Medical Knowledge - Oliver retains a fairly large amount of knowledge on emergency medical procedures and remedies, having had to remove dozens of bullets and the occasional arrow from his body. Particularly, Ollie knows the cures and treatments for nearly all known poisons and illnesses from his time on Lian Yu, and maintains a small stockpile of herbs and salves in his archaic bowcase. He also retains firsthand knowledge on the affects of most recreational drugs.

Multi-lingualism - Along with his superhuman archery abilities, Oliver was also taught how to speak both Chinese and Japanese from his two mentors on Lian Yu, and self taught himself the Russian language during his conflicts with the Star City Bratva branch. He also studied French during his playboy years but only remembers vague sentences and phrases and would more than likely offend most French nationals.

| How is this character different? |
For one, his stay on the island was much longer than in canon, roughly three years to the usual one. Also this version of Ollie is effectively merged with television counterpart, with a supporting cast of family members and comic characters alike. Unlike Arrow and recent comic books (the ones I've read anyway) this Ollie is much more paranoid, or rather suspicious, of the government, hence his refusal to act during the invasion of Star'ro. He also uses a much more "realistic" arsenal of trick arrows, and I say that with a grain of salt. Think Hawkeye from avengers rather than having an arrow capable of creating a black hole. (Note: I am not overly knowledgeable on Arrow or G.A. in the New 52, so I might screw some stuff up in conversion.)

| What is your goal with this character? |
Would it be wrong to say I just really want to shoot people with a bow and arrow? Also I want to yell to people that "they have failed this city". I'll put a legitimate reason here eventually, just gotta run.

| Sample Post |
To be written
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