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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A wide and lush wildlands spanned out countless miles beyond where he stood, hills bleeding into one another and rising and falling like the ocean's waves. The occasional tree or bush dotted the landscape, but aside from that it was naught but a massive field surrounding the Town of Beginnings. It was a peaceful place, one had to agree, and certainly beginner friendly. The only beasts beyond the town were herbivores, though the further into the wilderness one went you might find some more sinister beasts. This close to town Frenzy Boars and Wolves are all the player might encounter, scarcely a threat but good enough to train off of. As the game had just started there was a fair number of players out in the fields, practicing their new skills and enjoying the fresh breath of air that was Sword Art Online. The first VRMMORPG, there was ample reason to be excited. Never before had gamers been able to experience a world this vibrant and exotic in such clarity. Even the most skeptical had to admit that it was stunning to feel actual heat on your face from the sun, or the wind lapping against your clothes. It may have been just a digital world, but in its own right this world was as real as the one everyone had come from. For some, it was even better, a genuine paradise and escape from their droll realities.

Keeping to himself in the midst of all the fervor Oshiro Ren was content in training alone. Frankly he preferred it, being away from the chaotic nature of the other players. Like many here he was a gamer at heart, but certainly unlike the others he didn't play MMOs for interaction. It seemed a bit counter-intuitive to play such a game like that, but too many game experiences had been sullied by the idiocy of another player. He'd found that in order to enjoy his own time here he'd have to go off alone, for the time being anyways. Once people learned the nuances of how to play then perhaps he'd join a party, or even one of these guilds should an interesting one sprout up. Though he was averted to the other players at the moment Ren acknowledged he was not better than them. In fact, in some ways he was arguably worse. Before logging in he'd read as much of the instructions as he could, but it was only after 10 minutes of being in the field that he learned how to equip his weapon. A basic one handed sword wrought of iron, not terribly impressive, but it was just the start. After it was in his grasp he gave it a few practice swings, pleased by how simple it was to use. With people around him already training against monsters he had resorted to slink off a bit further down the valley, hoping to find a more private spot to train.

It was just over the next crest of the hill that he'd come across a few Frenzy Boars, tucked away from the rest of the players and being spared the manic slaying that was taking place. Well, he mused with a smirk, that was going to change rather quickly. He'd still yet to go into combat himself, but how hard could it be? Glancing down at his sword he raised it up into the air, giving it a swing or two once more. The game must be compensating for the weight of the blade, it felt just like an extension of himself, another arm almost. Slowly Ren descended down the hill, keeping a firm grip on the hilt of the sword. The sun had him raising his free hand to shield his eyes from its rays, and below he could make out at least four boars. If they re-spawned fast enough he figured he could train here for a bit without having to move to another spot. Just enough to get an idea of how this game worked, then he'd head back to town to log out. In past experience he'd leveled up quite a bit right at the beginning of games and that always led to it being too much of a cakewalk. While in an MMORPG it may be different he didn't want to soil the experience for himself, so he'd take it step by step.

Right as Ren set foot at the base of the hill he picked out his first target to fight, a boar only a few meters ahead of him. Smiling eagerly he ran right on ahead, moving easily in his simple green shirt and black trousers and boots, simple beginning attire. Once close enough he made use of his sword skill, making a sharp and quick horizontal slice across the body of the beast. In his momentum he ran right on past it even after striking, having to skid to a halt and spin around to face it again. He was thrilled to see the Frenzy Boar's health dipping down into the yellow, nearly red from the single strike. With it not being slain though the beast wasted no time in retorting, giving a nasally squeal before charging directly at Ren, bearing its tusks down on him. With ample space to move he rolled to the side, avoiding taking the hit as he scrambled back to its feet. Like him the creature had to turn around after its charge, giving him an opening to dive in and use the same skill again, finishing it off. "My first kill..." he mumbled, grinning as he watched the boar shatter into shards. Not too bad, it certainly felt satisfying to slay a creature in this game. Not quite expecting it he was a tad surprised when a "Congratulations" notification popped up before him, jumping slightly at the abruptness of it. Written was his experience gained, the money earned and a bit of spoils for his efforts. That was pretty addicting, and it was only his first kill. Maybe he'd stay out here just a little bit longer than expected. "All right then..." Ren mused, turning to the others and twirling his sword, "Who's next?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Komada looked around the City of Beginnings in wonder, having opted for the simplest leather armour because she thought it looked the best, she brightly smiled at the intricate appearance of the virtual world. She was delightfully surprised at how much she could actually feel about it - she thought it would be rudimentary at best. There was a cutlass at her hip and some low-level throwing picks, due to the way she had chosen to start the game. She had also chosen to add cat ears and a tail to her appearance; a surprisingly uncommon choice among the other players which she was happy to take for herself. The first things she did included running her hands over the bricks of the buildings and just generally exploring. However, she finally decided to leave, though she was a bit reluctant to do so, as had never even been to a major city in real life, it was entirely new to her. However, after finally passing the edge of the safe zone and into the fields of monsters and new players, she smiled brightly. The grass was so lush... How could they make something so real? The girl had adopted the name Komada for the game, as she had always loved the way it sounded, but those in real life knew her as Hayashi Shiemi.

She strolled about the fields, feeling absolutely no danger as the other players quickly dispatched of the beasts. She was looking for one person in particular: Oshiro Ren, her best friend from childhood. He hadn't yet known that she had acquired or planned to play the game, but there was no doubt he would recognize her. It wasn't until she was into her search that he might have greatly altered how he looked and she didn't know what his handle would be. Chances were, he would be off alone somewhere, though it was also possible he would still resemble his real life self. By the time she had humiliated herself twice by clinging to somebody she didn't know that had a resemblance to her friend, she was ready to give up, log out, and try to get in touch with him.

With a sigh, she found a more secluded area, swiped for her menu, and scrolled to where she thought the Log Out button would be. There was nothing... She furrowed her brow, maybe she was looking in the wrong place. She began to check another section of the menu, then another, and another, and finally she was sorting through the most distant things, including the Inventory, just to find that button. But it was nowhere; she looked through every button at least two or three times before falling to the ground and staring forward, motionless. Where was he?

"All right, then... Who's next?" She heard from nearby... That voice... The girl pulled herself up and ran up to the top of the hill, looking down to see a few boars grazing as one boy attacked them head-on, one at a time. She had already embarrassed herself twice by jumping on boys she thought were Ren... What could one more hurt, simply because this one sounded like him? If it wasn't, then she would just go back to the City of Beginnings and find a way to log out and find him in the real world. The girl ran down the hill and leapt, clinging to his back as another beast shattered at the strike of his blade, her voice ringing out, "Onii-chan!" A bright smile plastered across her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I've been looking all over for you!" She exclaimed, hoping with all of her heart that she hadn't just embarrassed herself in front of yet another stranger.

"I can't find the logout button... I was going to go call you, but... Do you know where it is? Maybe I overlooked it or there's a menu I missed?" She asked, falling away from him and kicking the grass as she bit the inside of her cheek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

While gaining Col and even experience at this rate would take a while at least it was enjoyable. For the very beginning of the game it was rather exciting, and it would only get better from hereon out. They had done amazingly with Sword Art Online thus far, this was something he could easily do for hours on end. Good thing then he'd done his homework before logging on, otherwise he may never get to it. Slaying another Frenzy Boar he pivoted on his heel to face another, sizing it up before moving to strike at it with his sword. No sooner had his blade cut through the beast did the sound of heavy footfalls make him take pause, glancing over his shoulder just in time to see a figure launching themselves at him. Baffled he scarcely had time to ask who the person was, instead having to fight to stay standing as he was nearly knocked over, his free hand shooting up to the arm wrapped around his neck. "Gah...! What the hell?!" he exclaimed, utterly confused as to what was going on. Looking at the girl behind him he stared at her for a moment, trying to place the vaguely familiar voice that had addressed him. Finally realization set in, and Ren's mouth hung open slightly, staring at the girl wide-eyed. "Shiemi...? Is that you?"

That just made no sense whatsoever. Since when did Shiemi happen to play games? How had she even recognized him for that matter? He scarcely looked like himself right now, save for perhaps his eyes and hair. He had taken on a more mature appearance than his usual 15 year old self. Having more defined facial features, being taller and more than an average physique he could easily be mistaken for an entirely different person. Somehow though his eccentric friend had picked him out of literally a field. Scratching at his head Ren gave his friend a funny look as she asked for how to log out. "Really? You can't find it?" Smiling slightly amused he shook his head, swiping his hand to bring up the menu. Scrolling through the tabs he went to the bottom, bringing up Log Out and... "What the heck? It's not there?" He closed that tab and browsed through the others, figuring it had to be in here somewhere. Not under 'Help', nor was it under 'Profile' or 'Skills'. It hadn't been in 'Inventory' either, which mean that it was nowhere to be found at all. Shutting his own menu Ren sighed, sheathing his sword and looking around them. "It's got to be a bug..." he mumbled, putting his hands on his hips. "I wonder if anyone else has the same problem? Everyone around here seemed to be training without a care in the world, so maybe they don't have it?" He was going to ask just why his friend who was typically not a gamer was on SAO of all places, but right now the glitch took priority. Gesturing for her to follow Ren climbed his way back up the hill from where Shiemi had come, hoping to find someone else to talk to.

As the pair would crest the hill they'd find the dozen or so other players still hard at work with their training. No one seems to have checked it yet, or they simply did not have the issue. Uncertain and a touch reluctant to speak to anyone else Ren approached the nearest player, a lanky looking man swinging a spear about wistfully. "Hey buddy, I need to ask you something." he said, grabbing the other guy by the shoulder and turning him around.

"Dude, come on! I'm in the middle of training here!" the man remarked, a player by the name of "Kuzai", whatever that was supposed to mean. Closing his own menu Kuzai looked at the boy and girl before him impatiently, leaning the spear against his side. "You got my attention, so what is it?"

Precisely the reason he hadn't wanted to talk to anyone, they were rude and bothersome. Forcing a slight smile Ren brought his own menu up, scrolling down again just to make certain that the button was still gone. "I can't seem to find the 'Log Out' key anywhere in my menu, do you see it in yours?" he asked, giving the other boy an inquisitive look.

Kuzai looked skeptical but did as he was asked, opening his own menu system. Being a touch familiar with the layout he scrolled to the bottom immediately, expecting to see the Log Out option right there. Just as he'd been told though all that was there was a blank space. Unnerved he bit his lip, checking other tabs meticulously to make certain it wasn't just an oversight on the developer's part. When his search bore no results he closed the menus, a little pale now. "Well uh... Maybe its an early bug?" he suggested, smiling hopefully. "I mean the game has been out for only a few hours, it's to be expected there's a bug or two, yeah?"

"Yeah... A bug..." Ren mumbled. Without a word to Shiemi he started to walk off, back towards the town. It didn't make an ounce of sense, why would the Log Out button be left out? The only other option they'd have for logging out then was for someone to remove the NerveGear for them, but that also posed the issue of getting in touch with someone outside of the game. If this was really just an oversight then it was a tremendous one that had to be fixed as soon as possible. "Okay... Okay let me think... Shiemi? We're going back to the town. Maybe someone there can shed some light on what's going on." There was no way this could be a universal bug. Games just weren't released like this, everyone who played them could agree on that. Popping open his menu again Ren eyed the blank spot on the bottom, biting his lower lip uneasily. So why then was he so concerned about this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Shiemi nodded, "Of course it's me, Ren! Who else would it be?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips as her virtual tail flicked. She had spent a rather obscene amount of time upon entering the game attempting to learn how to move her ears and tail. It was difficult to master, as they weren't real parts of her body, so sending neural messages to them was impossible without practice. However, her gaze dropped as he hunted through his menu and she nodded, "Yeah, it's weird, huh?" She was clearly naïve, not thinking for even a moment that anything was amiss. After all, she didn't know anything about bugs or glitches. She quickly followed her childhood friend over the hill, keeping quiet during the whole scene with another gentleman named Kuzai. What did it mean if they couldn't log out? What if her parents went up to her room and yanked the Nerve Gear off of her head? Would she just log out, or would she fall unconscious..? Why didn't she just read the instructions that came with the device?!

Ren suggested they return to town and she huffed, "My name is Komada, Onii-chan," She stated in irritation. If she was going to play a game, especially a roleplaying game, she was going to do it right. "And... okay... Yeah, but when I was there, it didn't seem like anybody else noticed," She said sheepishly. The two of them started back for the town, but halfway there, a bright flash of white appeared in front of the girl and she screamed for her friend. However, he would be in the same position, the light dying to reveal them back in the Town of Beginnings, the main plaza. Player after player appeared around them and the frightened girl quickly found Ren beside her, latching onto his arm for dear life, "What's happening?!"

A voice soon answered, naming himself Kayaba Akihiko... He spent quite some time reviewing the new development: this was no game anymore. One hundred floors of Hell had been created and they were all trapped within it. At the mention of a new item in their inventories, everybody opened their menus and withdrew what was apparently a mirror. As Shiemi stared into it, she saw her ears disappear and knew her tail would be too and soon any minute difference between her nearly-identical avatar and herself had been removed, leaving her as the exact image she had seen before entering the game. At least her parents hadn't removed the NerveGear and killed her... They listened to the broadcast... or didn't even know she was in her room, playing the game yet. Oh god, what would they do if they found out later? What if they didn't know what was going on?

Komada let the mirror disappear as her eyes filled with tears, "This isn't funny..." She muttered, shaking her head strongly, "Ren, please... please tell me this is all a sick joke... I want to go home... I have school tomorrow, my parents are going to kill me... Tell them to us go! They can't make us play the game if we don't want to..." She finally spoke as the robe in the sky seemed to melt away and flutter down to the ground, the "Announcement" message disappearing as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ren wasn't too sure what to make of what they had just learned. They had been having a happy enough conversation enough a moment ago just to be abruptly shifted to the city and told their grim fates. Like the other players he was having a difficult time believing it, thinking it was just a joke. There was no way someone would do this, he reasoned, it had to be a prank. Why then had they been changed into their 'real' selves? When he looked down into the mirror at hand Ren couldn't believe it, seeing his boyish face looking right back at him. So he was really in the game now, or as close to being so as one could. What was going to become of them if they were trapped? Moreover, what would happen should their gear be removed? They just might live if they could somehow scrape through the game, but how pointless was that effort if their equipment were to be removed and they die that way? In a split second it felt as though the world around them was crumbling, and this game was now the absolute worst thing to happen to them. Struggling with the numbness that overtook his body he looked around himself, seeing the panic that was setting in over the rest of the community. It was a normal reaction, so why couldn't he do that? There wasn't the same panic in him, only a dull numbness one might describe as hopelessness. If they were trapped in this game and essentially sentenced to die why go on?

Falling into a pit of despair Ren was readying himself for a moot and miserable existence. If not for a familiar voice calling his name then he would have just sat there and let what come may. Looking at Komada sadly as she sought solace in him. What words could he possibly offer to console her over something like this? Who was he to be able to console anyone right now? Her friend, he supposed, perhaps the only one in here with her. Possibly the only person she knew at all in the entire game, and the one person she could turn to. Still, without anything really good to say at the moment all Ren could do was put an arm around her, pulling his friend to his chest in a hug. It might be hell now, but as long as they stayed together then they should be okay. Strength in numbers, right? "Come on, we should get going," he muttered, voice devoid of really any emotion.Taking his arm back he sighed, turning himself and beginning to walk through the crowd. Realistically he was now faced with a nasty dilemma, namely that they now needed to clear the entire game just to survive. The chances of their being the ones to do so were incredibly slim, but if it meant getting Komada out then he'd do his best.

The big question now was where in the world were they supposed to go? By what they had been told they had to ascend the floors to be free, but that was a tall order to fill. Running out to try it now was only going to get them killed too, so that was no good. For now their only real option was to just find a place to sit down and get their thoughts together. Looking over his shoulder to make certain Komada was following he reached back, snatching up her hand wordlessly. With everyone around them in hysterics he wasn't going to get separated from her, not when she needed him... And him her. "We're going to be all right... We're going to make it through this." It was almost mechanical the way he spoke, but he was trying his best to keep her calm. Smiling faintly he kept going, trying to think of some topic to get her in better spirits. "Kind of glad those ears are gone... They looked silly on you. What were you thinking getting those?" he teased, trying to get her mind off this even if for a moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Komada wiped her eyes, trying to be strong, but... she didn't even care about games. However, he seemed to know well enough what he was doing and she followed after him, surprised when he took her hand. "O-okay..." As they left the plaza, she heard two boys arguing about not being a girl or something along those lines. She was a bit perplexed, but despite everything, it did make her giggle a little bit. Honestly, it served them right for lying to each other like that, she thought. Then again, she wasn't a roleplayer, so she didn't quite understand the idea of taking on the personality or appearance of somebody else as being appealing. She didn't feel reassured by his attempt at consolation, but she ran along behind him, being half-dragged by the hand. It was all so shocking that the realization of it likely wouldn't set in until everything calmed down, as Ren was even cracking a joke. She blushed and huffed.

"I thought they looked nice!" She exclaimed in offense, a hurt expression plaguing her face as they ran. There was still a constant stressful pressure in the back of her head - especially if her parents removed her NerveGear... It would kill her without her even having done anything to deserve. Then again, she expressly went against them, knowing they would not be happy she was playing games when she could be studying. Perhaps that puts her at fault all the same, she thought, hoping that she would be given a chance to atone for it. "I miss my tail..." She mumbled wistfully, "I worked so hard getting the hang of using it too."

Komada had always had quite the imagination, though she was never one to care for abandoning her life in favour of another, and learning to control something that hadn't previously been a part of her body was rather neat. But just as easily as she'd gotten it, it was gone, and much to her dismay she was now without tail. How long had they been moving for? Were they leaving the Town of Beginnings? "Onii-chan, isn't it dangerous out there now? Shouldn't we just... stay here?" She wondered aloud, positive that he knew best, but still wanting to know why. She was in light leather armour with a basic, brown duster over top, flapping behind her as they moved. "What do we do next, anyway..? Ren... I'm scared... I don't know anything about this game and I've never even touched a sword, how am I supposed to survive?" Her questions, as usual, came in a torrent of discombobulated words, clearly leaving her mouth the moment they came to her head in absolute worry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

To put together any semblance of a plan at the moment was well beyond Ren's grasp. Try as he might not to show it the panic had reached him as well, though for Shiemi's sake he did his best not to let on to that. If they were going to survive this they had to be calm, or at least present themselves to be. As they got further away from the plaza he slowed their pace down, not quite sure where he was taking them. Trying to crack a teasing joke to lighten the mood only seemed to offend his friend. Idiot... Way to upset her more... he thought, mentally berating himself. Out here there were far less players, most too busy having an episode to really go anywhere. It wasn't until they were nearly alone that he let Shiemi's hand go, sighing as he turned back to her. "We're not leaving the down, don't worry," he assured, smiling slightly. "But we can't stay with everyone else. Panic breeds panic... And we've got to have a clear head right now, yeah?" Being further from the rest of the players didn't cleanse them of worrying thoughts though, much to his chagrin. His mind was still plagued by plenty of nasty scenarios that refused to go away no matter how hard he tried to dismiss them. All he could do was let out a lengthy sigh, running his hand through his medium-length brown hair.

"I don't know Komada... I really don't. But we're going to take things slowly, okay? If we go rushing into anything then we'll get in trouble." Unsettling was the fact that no doubt players would be setting out soon enough, panicked and hoping to clear the game as quickly as possible. How many people he wondered were slated to die today, or tomorrow, or even the following day? Ren was utterly determined to make sure that he and Shiemi weren't among them, nor any of the fallen players. He didn't know how, but they were going to make it through this come hell or high water. Looking over to his friend as she expressed her fears he tried to think of some words of reassurance, though being in the same boat as her it was hard to do. Forcing a smile he stepped closer, leaning over to come eye to eye as he put a hand on Shiemi's shoulder. "Like I said, we'll take it slow. I can teach you how to play and we'll take things step by step. If we're really stuck here then there's no use rushing through it, we've got time to learn." How much of their practice would ultimately matter? In reality he knew that they could swing at air or weak creatures all day, but none of it really applied once you faced a boss. To say these coming days or weeks were going to be a struggle was an understatement. It would be a miracle if things started moving anytime soon, it might be quite a while until progress was made.

Ren still had no clue where they were going to go, or do for that matter. Struggling to retain sanity and some resemblance of calmness he stepped away from Shiemi, biting his lip as he looked around them. The street they were on was relatively empty, save for a few people who were having little panic attacks, comforting one another or even worse being off on their own. It was doubtful that things would calm down for a while yet, meaning their best bet was to hunker down somewhere and catch their breath. "We should go to the inn..." he mumbled, nodding to himself before turning around. "We'll find some rooms and relax for a while until things settle down. Then... Well from there I'm not sure. Once people get their act together though I'm sure a plan will be made. So long as we stick together we'll be okay though, I promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Komada wiped at her face, forcing herself not to cry. She could tell how hard Ren - or rather, Hanta - was working to keep a cool head and she didn't want to make things too difficult for him, so she nodded at each of his statements, giving a quiet affirmative. At least he knew what he was doing; they could be safe together, taking things slowly, being safe. She gave a small smile, "Okay. We'll be okay," She told herself more than anybody with a nod. After a long inhale, she blew air heavily from her lungs, opening her eyes with a smile, "Yeah, leaving now would make things harder... I think I saw one nearby when I was looking for you," She noted thoughtfully, putting a finger to her chin as her brow furrowed and her eyes swept the area. "Aha! There it is," She said with a bright grin, "I know why I remembered it..." She blushed slightly, "It had a really cute name."

The small building amongst the large city was slightly off-putting, though it certainly looked like an inexpensive place to stay, boasting the name 'The Skipping Kitties.' Not a single player was entering that tavern, which was puzzling to the small girl as it was clearly the best inn of the entire town. "Can we please stay there?" She asked with a bright smile, staring up to her friend, her hands clasped together over her heart. Of course he was going to give in to her pleading, he almost always did. As they approached the counter and Hanta started to ready two rooms, Komada cleared her throat and looked to him, interrupting the process, "Erm... Onii-chan, can we share a room for just tonight?" She asked quietly, her gaze falling back to the floor as her booted foot scraped it absent-mindedly. Her face was heated in a blush as she looked all over the room without meeting his eyes. That night, they stayed in a two-bed room, which essentially costed less than two separate ones. It took a few hours, but Komada finally fell asleep, having taken the bed nearest the window. From the third floor at the top of the small building, one could see down to the road and the few players who would walk past now and then. She was quiet that night, answering any question with a maximum of two words and not turning away from the window. Despite her silence, the girl appreciated having somebody she cared so much about nearby as she sobbed without sound, every tear that fell would dissipate the moment it left her face.

Komada laid in that bed for several hours without sleep, but when it did come, it was deep. She woke up late into the next day, it had to be noon when the light that blared through the curtains finally reached her eyes. She blinked a few times, slowly pulling herself up against the headboard and looking around the room, her eyes still drooping slightly. Where was she? This wasn't her bedroom... Had she fallen asleep with the NerveGear on? Was that healthy...? Or even possible? She pushed herself from the bed, her bare feet landing on the wood while her shoulders slumped tiredly. The girl pulled the curtains aside and saw the bustling road outside as people were running about all of the shops in the area to find whatever goods they needed.She stretched and gave a long yawn... Wait, these weren't even her clothes. She didn't own a yellow nightgown with white flower petals dotting it.

That was when the events of the prior day hit her like a bullet train. Her eyes widened as she fell back a step in shock, putting her arms out to find her balance. She froze in dread before swiping her left hand down through the air. The menu instantly appeared and she deflated, looking for the button that hadn't been there. No, she wasn't dreaming. She started to look around frantically, "Oshiro?" She asked, looking around. He very well could have been in bed; until now, she hadn't been fully aware of anything around her. "Onii-chan?" Finally, she whipped around to see if he was in his bed, her eyes shimmering as tears built up in them out of fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You picked the inn... Because of it's name?" Hanta replied, looking at his friend incredulously. Leave it to Komada to do something like that. Then again he wasn't overly picky where they decided to lay up for the evening, and really the name didn't bother him in the slightest. Smiling slightly in amusement he lifted his shoulders in a shrug, relenting to go with his friend's choice. Since he had no clue where this inn was he let Komada take the lead, tucking his hands in his pockets as he followed. Curiously plenty of players were all seeking a place to rest or gather their thoughts, but they were moving in the other direction. That made Hanta a little concerned, wondering just what part of the town they might be going into. Towns were safe of course, but that didn't mean they couldn't be unpleasant. Either the regular player base was unaware of the inn or there was a reason it wasn't drawing large crowds. "Er... Are you positive this is the right way?" he asked, voicing his concerns. An answer wasn't necessary as sure enough they stumbled upon the... Skipping Kitties Inn... Well, it certainly had a cutesy name. It was all he could do to not facepalm, smiling hesitantly as he looked over at Komada to hear out her pleas. "Yeah, we can stay here, I don't mind."

The pair of friends stepped in through the doorway and into a warm and cozy common room. There were a few players besides themselves, but overall the building looked surprisingly empty. Name aside this may be a rather nice place for them to stay, and since it was smaller than most hopefully the price wasn't too bad. Opting to handle the arrangements himself Hanta went right to the counter, already pulling out Col to pay for the two bedrooms. It was in the midst of this that Komada spoke up again, having a rather different idea of how they'd be spending the night. The suggestion in of itself was innocent enough, yet it had Komada's face lighting up with a blush. As it did his own, Hanta realized. Putting a hand on his forehead and rubbing it he smiled meekly, nodding as he felt his cheeks burn. "Yeah... If that's what you want, we can do that." Wanting to keep his friend in as good spirits as he could he was in a rather accommodating mood, even if it meant doing some unusual things. Quickly changing the arrangements with the NPC he fished out the necessary Col, having just enough for tomorrow to buy supplies hopefully. With that done Hanta led his friend up to the room in question, a moderate, two bed abode on the third floor that overlooked the streets below. It wasn't extravagant, but it'd suit their needs just fine.

Graciously sleep had come relatively easily for Hanta. That didn't mean however it was a restful night, not by any means. The stress that had begun to build was manifesting itself in nightmares, and once or twice he awoke in the dead of night from them. Even while awake his thoughts were plagued with terrible scenarios, death of those close to him or even himself being chief amongst those. As collected as he tried to appear for Komada there was no denying that he was frightened. The reality of this... Death game was all too clear, and one false step could spell their demise. Never being an especially optimistic person like his friend his only hope was he gained the strength to overcome whatever might get in their way. The game would be cleared... One day. So long as he held onto that then there was a little hope, hope that they might see their families and the real world once more. As uneasy as Hanta felt eventually sleep began to beck and call for him once more. His eyelids grew heavy and eventually closed, and when they reopened once more the sun's rays shone through a crack in the curtains, unceremoniously waking him. A quick glance at his alarm told him it was still rather early, and a gaze across the room showed that Komada was still asleep. With little else to do and not nearly content with lazing about he silently climbed out of bed, opening up his menu and equipping his gear. He couldn't be sure for when his friend set her alarm, but a safe bet was knowing her it'd be at least an hour from now. Plenty of time to make himself useful, to do something to help their case. With her asleep she wouldn't have to worry, and he could go out and about with relative ease.

An nondescript amount of time passed since Hanta stepped out, he'd honestly lost track, something he was rather good at. By the time he reached the inn again the sun was just coming up overhead, casting long shadows on the roads below. A fair amount of players were out and about already, but with the shock of yesterday's events still setting in the city was eerily quiet, save for the cries of NPC merchants. Back into the Skipping Kitties, a name surely devised by the developer's daughter, he made it a point to sell a few items off to the inn keeper, albeit at prices lower than he might get elsewhere. Any amount of Col would help them, he'd take what they could get. Still in his combat gear he ascended the stairs, taking them slowly as if worrying he'd alert Komada. What a nightmare that would be if she found out, he reflected, swiping a hand back through his medium length brown hair. A change of attire might not be a bad idea, but really all he had were pajamas and this, and he'd not walk around in the former. Boasting a basic gray long-sleeved shirt and black pants it might almost pass for regular clothing, if not for the strap that slung across his chest, supporting the sword on his back. He also had on him a set of boots, something he'd bought that morning for himself. It gave a minute boost to dexterity and a near negligible amount of protection, but it was better than nothing. Opening the door and expecting to find Komada just waking up, Hanta froze in the door when she turned to look at him. She seemed properly concerned, and of course this made him feel guilty almost instantly. "What's wrong...? Bad dream?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The girl was grateful that he had come back... She thought that maybe he'd left her or he had never actually been there at all. She wiped her eyes, stopping the tears as best she could as her eyes remained on the floor. "N-no," She mumbled as she sniffled and attempted to keep herself from trembling. If Hanta could be strong, then she would be too - she couldn't be dead weight. After a few deep breaths, she looked up with still-red, finally tearless eyes. "Sorry... I-I just remembered yesterday... That's all..." The girl waved her thoughts away dismissively before replacing the once-fearful expression on her face with a smile, looking to her friend. "C'mon, let's make ourselves useful today," She suggested, "If we sit around and do nothing, we'll only feel worse." Komada wanted to do anything possible to distract herself from having to focus on their new reality. She swiped open her menu and her body flashed as she equipped her starter equipment. She thought to equip the cutlass, but then she looked a little more into the rapier's stats - now that these things would actually matter to her. It was a speed-based stabbing weapon and she debated for a few moments before equipping it. The girl had decided to abandon her initial favour to the curved sword for the pointed one.

Her foot scuffed the ground awkwardly, "When I saw you fighting yesterday, you looked really good..." She said absently before perking up, "I mean! Like you were good at the game!" She corrected herself without hesitation, waving her hands in her attempt to explain better. "It's just... I don't know how to make my sword glow or do any of those moves... A-and... Well, I don't know anything. I don't want to be useless, so... Can you show me how to play?" The girl asked, looking down again as her hands held one another behind her back. She was still tired due to her poor sleep the night before, but she pushed the need to rest out of her head.

The two would head out to the field that day - along with countless other players. It was likely the safest day for training of any considering the number of players who were out killing the boars as quickly as possible. It was difficult to find a niche or any kills for oneself, but at least there was little danger in a monster killing you. Komada proved to be a rather quick learner, even f she didn't quite get the mechanics of the game right away. She even managed to level up in the droves of other players working to build their skills. She jumped with a bright, gleeful smile as she almost shook with excitement. Maybe she could do this. After all, she gained one level, what could kee pher from a second? A third? A fourth?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hanta felt bad for slipping out unannounced, even if Komada told him she was fine. Tears and sniffling didn't mean she was okay, he wasn't blind. It looked like she was willing to drop the topic, and not wanting to press and upset her further he silently agreed to do the same. Turning and moving to close the door he paused, looking over his shoulder a bit surprised when Komada suggested they make themselves useful. Her equipping her gear told him precisely what he was afraid of; Komada wanted to go out and train. Having just gotten back from that he was admittedly not thrilled, nor was he eager to put her in any sort of danger. Realistically she'd have to do it sooner or later though, meaning that keeping her out of danger was an moot effort. "Sure thing, let's go out," Hanta replied, masking his concerns behind a smile. "And you're talking about sword skills right? Those aren't too hard to get a grasp on, I'll be glad to teach you." Really it was perhaps the most simplistic thing about this game, seeing as combat was solely based around it. It gave him idea though of just how ill versed his friend was in the game, only serving to add to his reservations about bringing her out. So long as he tagged along he reasoned she ought to be all right, he could certainly handle a mob or two. Pushing the door back open he stepped into the hallway, gesturing for her to follow him out. "By the end of the day I promise you'll know how to fight, so let's get started."

A fair portion of that morning and afternoon would be spent training out in the fields. Along with potentially hundreds of other players the area was quite crowded, and spawns were thus being set upon by half a doze players at a time. Being rather difficult to find an available spot the two friends had to travel a bit further out than most, ending up a fair ways away from the bulk of players. Just as well, the privacy meant Komada had all the time in the world to practice. Were it still a game she would have been given every opportunity to practice to master the skills, but it really wasn't anymore. Hanta had a difficult time then letting her fight, even against a single mob, often stepping in to kill the mob when he worried it might hurt her. Realizing how badly that was inhibiting her and that she had to do this herself he finally relented, standing off to the side with sword in hand. It was a bumpy start to be sure, though gradually she was getting the hang of it. For someone who was utterly unfamiliar with the game Komada had begun to get a rather good grasp of the combat quickly. One level was gained, and after some effort a second was as well. It eventually got to a point where Hanta felt confident enough to let her fight without being watched over incessantly, so instead he went off a little ways to train on his own. It was relatively simplistic fighting, the Frenzy Boars weren't difficult at all to beat. Now and again he'd glance over to his friend, smiling as she beamed proudly at her accomplishments. She was having fun for perhaps the first time since yesterday's announcement, and genuinely happy. Thank goodness for that.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today Komada." They had been training for a few hours at this point, and Hanta himself nearly twice as long. With only a few hours left until sunset there were other things they could be doing, namely getting lunch or perhaps even supper. In all Komada had gained herself a few levels, and he one more himself, so it was a worthwhile trip all in all. Standing at his friend's side he looked around them contently, taking a minute to watch a few of the other players wrapping up their own training. People seemed properly tired, but all around them was a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It was a successful day for nearly everyone, and arguably people had fun despite the very real toll of death they now faced. "You did really well, I'm proud of you. But how about we go get something to eat, yeah?" Hanta asked, smiling gently. A nice steak sounded good, though realistically they'd probably have some stew or fish, something cheap. Well and ready to leave he stopped himself when he spotted a lone player still training, taking a moment to watch him. It was a spear user, and he was doing fairly well for being on his own. Hanta couldn't help but appreciate skill, and even if they ought to be moving on he had to take a second to watch. "Look at him go... Not too bad." he mused, letting a hand rest on his sword idly. As he started to turn away however it seemed like time slowed briefly and things took a turn for the worse. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a few dull flashes of light, and when his head swiveled back his eyes widened in shock. A group of five wolves had abruptly spawned around the spear user, and still fighting a boar he hardly noticed them. For a moment Hanta froze, fearing what was to happen as his fingers froze on the hilt of his sword. "No..."

The spear user didn't stand a chance. As soon as he fell the boar and checked his loot the ominous chorus of growls signaled something was amiss. When he turned around and came face to face he saw what was awaiting him, the color draining from his features in shock. In an attempt to protect himself the young man lifted his spear, managing to fend off the first wolf that lunged at him. In a heartbeat the other four descended on him, biting and clawing away at him ferociously. His spear was useful when fighting foes at a distance, but with them so close now he couldn't so much as scratch them. In a fit of fright he dropped his weapon, throwing his arms up to cover himself from the attacks. As he fell back onto the ground and was swarmed he emitted a shrill cry of fear, his health bar dropping unnervingly fast. At his final moments Hanta could have sworn their eyes met, and seeing the sheer look of terror on the boy's face snapped him out of his own stasis. A cluster of blue shards rose up out of the group of wolves, immediately being carried away by a gentle breeze... The last remnants of that boy, who for all intents and purposes was now dead. Someone had died, on the first day. From a cheap ambush attack no less, something no one could have prevented. That wasn't fair, that wasn't how the game should have gone. From his shock rose anger, and Hanta quickly had his sword back out and at the ready. "Dammit...! I'm going to kill you!" he shouted, starting off towards the wolves. They turned and saw him, bearing their fangs instantly. He didn't care if it was a five on one, he had to do something, he couldn't just let that person have died for nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

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Komada would smile brightly and give him a thumbs up in excitement for the day. Sure, she knew the danger, but she was also well aware that Hanta was going to be there with her. Nothing bad could happen as long as she wasn't alone, so she stayed close to him for a while. However, after she had gotten the skills down, she had to ask him to stop intervening. This world would only be more dangerous if she didn't train. Despite the real possibility of death, Komada felt safe in the environment, with Hanta so close and her levels rising at a surprising rate. They had been out there for a very long time, but she found herself truly having a good time. Coming from a person who had never even thought to hold a weapon before, the rapier had a surprisingly satisfying feel to it. Finally, she heard Ren approach and she turned to look at him curiously.

"Huh..? O-oh! Yes... Uhm... Yeah," She looked down and blushed. She hadn't eaten since she woke up and she put a hand on her stomach with a nod. "I'm actually really hungry... I don't think I've eaten since entering the game... But... We don't really have to eat, right? We feel hungry, but eating here wouldn't likely have any real affect on our bodies..." The girl rambled before shaking her head and trying to backpedal, looking a little grossed out. "N-nevermind... I don't want to think about that... Let's go eat - I still feel hungry," She noted before moving to leave with him. However, Hanta seemed distracted and her eyes scanned over to what he was watching and she smiled with a nod, "Yeah." The girl cupped her hands over her mouth and cheered, "Take 'em down!!" She cried out as the man slaughtered a boar. However, she hadn't noticed the other figures spawning around him... At first there were five, and they closed in. The girl's smile dissipated and she took a step back in feaer, "What..? That's.... That's not fair... Get out, get out," She started muttering to herself as she stared on, unable to move. But even after he was overwhelmed, more would continue to appear, and would likely hang around for twenty to thirty minutes before spreading out safely.

Her mind was lost as she stared... That couldn't be all there was to it. She hadn't seen anybody die yet in the game, but... They just shattered like that? Into a bunch of little blue pixels? And that was life - gone and never to be seen again. Theo nly thing that snapped her from her reverie was Hanta and she whipped her head over to look at him as he kicked off the ground. They had been training all day, and she'd been applying attribute points more to speed than strength, so she was able to outrun him, but he still could overpower her. She dove after him and knocked him to the ground from behind before he got very far, calling out his name. He would be able to get back up or push her aside easily, but the initial stop may have been all she needed.

"They won't stop coming, Hanta," She cried, resting on top of him and fighting the urge to cry. "The only thing worse than one pointless death is two of them... Please... don't go..." She pleaded, placing her hands on his chest as she squeezed her eyes shut. They had just witnessed a death... What would she do if it had been Hanta? She needed him - this world would swallow her whole if he went and died on Day One. She paused, blushing and fighting to get the words out, "I need you here..." She could understand that seeing something like that would set him off, but she didn't want him to forget that she was there too. Was it selfish? Very, yes, but she was willing to accept that if he stayed with her. They could both survive and get out of this game safely as long as he didn't leave her. She realized that she was straddling his ribs and blinked fearfully, giving a small squeak and scrambling away, looking down and away. "Please don't go," She repeated once more, trembling visibly.

A few onlookers had gathered around, but everythin gwas already said and done... There was no point getting vengeance on a group of emotionless NPCs and they were all tired. Komada looked around and wiped her eyes, trying to keep others from seeing her so out of sorts. The wolves had begun to disperse as well. "Let's... let's go eat something and get some rest..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

From happy to distraught in a matter of seconds, was this what their lives were going to be like now? One moment they felt elated, on top of the world and genuinely pleased with themselves, and now reality was crashing back down like a waterfall. Hanta couldn't make himself move as he saw the other player meet his demise, both out of fear and uncertainty. He couldn't save the boy, not against five monsters, not alone. Shiemi shared his despair, sounding properly frightened but what they had witnessed. As the pixels of the player fluttered into the air something inside of Hanta snapped, it felt like a fire was surging through him all of a sudden. That boy had no chance, it wasn't even a fair fight. A cheap trick pulled by the game, by Kayaba Akihiko. That was not a just death, the boy had his life stolen because it was all a game to GM, because Kayaba could. Hanta was enraged at that thought, and in a fit of fury took his sword back out and went after the wolves with no inhibitions. In reality they were all ones and zeros, they had no clue as to what they'd done, but that fact was well beyond him, as was reason. They had to die, he had to show Kayaba that they weren't just going to roll over and die, not for his amusement. He could take them... He'd easily do it. Before he could even lift his arm to swing though he was hit from behind and stopped by Komada.

"Komada! Get off of me!" Hanta snapped, wriggling from under his friend. He managed to turn himself around so he came face to face with her, and even in his tempered mood he was fairly put off by how upset Komada seemed, because of him. She was in a proper fit over him, and her being right on top of him made it difficult to get moving again. His anger began to ebb gradually as he heard out her tearful pleas, his grip loosening on the hilt of his sword. She needed him here? To keep her safe? Like he kept that other player safe? Bitterly he moved his gaze away from a moment, out of spite of himself for being incapable of stopping that death. What was he training for if he couldn't keep just one person out of harm's way? If he couldn't save that boy then maybe he wasn't fit to save Shiemi either... "Shiemi... I..." Hanta began, glancing back up at her sadly. He hardly noticed her position, but as soon as he gazed in her direction she let out a timid squeak and scampered off, leaving him a bit puzzled. She was trembling... How badly had he frightened her just then? Smiling sadly he rose to his feet, paying very little mind to those that had gathered around them as he walked over to his friend. "I'm not going anywhere Komada... I'm here." he said softly, placing a hand on her head. His own eyes were stinging as tears gathered in the corners which he quickly blinked away, not wanting to cry now. "Food sounds like a good idea, let's go eat." After sheathing his blade Hanta leaned over, gently placing his hands on Komada's arms and helping her to her feet. People had begun to disperse, as did the monsters thankfully, but it seemed like they had one individual lingering by them.

Another boy approached the pair of friends, looking a little angry for some odd reason. About Hanta's size the boy wore a gray jacket over a black and gray stripped shirt, a simple pair of denim pants and black sneakers, and on his back was a greatsword. His cool blue eyes settled on Hanta once he stopped, folding his arms across his chest and giving a small kick of his head to knock his blonde bangs from his eyes. "Why didn't you help him? You were the closest to him," the boy commented, his tone rather cold. "He didn't have to die, you know."

Hanta flinched slightly as he was questioned, fairly vulnerable to that at the moment. He already felt guilty as it was, and having another player point out his ineptitude just made it worse. Noting the boy's username to be "Izumo" he lowered his gaze, looking away from both the other boy and Komada shamefully. "I... I don't know... I'm sorry." What a weak reply, that didn't help anything. Biting his lip Hanta scuffed his shoe into the dirt before looking back at Izumo, frowning worriedly. "Was he a friend of yours...?"

"No, I've got no idea who he is. But that doesn't matter, he was someone's friend. Now he's gone, and you could have stopped that." Izumo felt justified in his blaming Hanta, and the boy seemed more than willing to take the blame. It was only the first day, people couldn't be dying. If they hoped to clear this game then everyone had to be strong, and more importantly people had to look out for one another. His eyes shifted onto the Komada girl, almost accusingly as he shifted his weight on his foot. She had kept him back, no doubt, and as such those wolves weren't going to be killed. "You two have got to look out for others too, not just yourselves. We're in this together until the end, so try to be there next time?" A distant call drew Izumo's attention away, a group of boys that were presumably in his party. Giving the pair one last spiteful glance he walked off, heading back towards town with his own group.

Hanta stood still as he watched Izumo walk off, feeling perfectly numb at the moment. It was his fault that boy had died, he shouldn't have been so casual about someone being on their own. If he'd had just one person with him then that player would be alive still, or maybe they could even have beaten the wolves together. "He's right... It's my fault..." he mumbled despondently. Breathing a heavy sigh he looked over at Komada for a moment before wrapping an arm around her, hugging her against himself as he closed his eyes, trembling slightly. "Nothing is ever going to hurt you, I promise. We're going to get out of this game." So long as he believed that much they would be okay. Now though he felt the burden of the other players, the other few thousand. He was already getting ahead of the curve, and as such wasn't it his responsibility to protect the weaker players? With one last sharp inhale he placed a hand on his friend's back, gently ushering her along as they moved back towards the safety of the town. For now they'd eat, it was safe to say that training was through for the day, and possibly the next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

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Komada flinched as the boy snapped at her, her gaze holding steady to the ground as her hands rested in her lap. "Sorry..." She muttered dejectedly as his entire mood flipped once he saw her. The girl nodded and wiped at her face as he helped her up, holding onto his arm for support as they started back for the town. Somebody cut into them and began to accuse Hanta of letting the boy die. But... that wasn't what happened, was it? No, she had stopped him... she had let him die. She wanted to protest and to explain that there was no time to make it to the forest before he was overwhelmed - that if he had simply run away rather than try to fight, he would have been completely safe. None of these words found her, however, as her throat remained tight and her jaw set with her bangs falling forward. The girl hung her head darkly, telling herself over and over again to interject and tell Izumo that it had been her who had stopped Hanta. She felt worse when her chance was gone and it seemed that her friend truly believed everything that had been said, her heart constricting as she looked up at him with wet eyes, "But... But it was my fault..." She argued, "You were running out there to fight and I stopped you... H-he should have run from the start..." She shook her head as he simply promised her a way out. She didn't care about that now, she just didn't want him to think it was truly his fault.

The two of them returned to the town, not revisiting the topic. However, the sound... that god-awful shattering was so distant and cold... yet it continued to ring in her head as she was forced to repeatedly watch that boy break into thousands of pixels and dissipate each time she closed her eyes for even a moment. Could that really be all there was? No pain, just the sheer despair of watching a gauge drop and drop and drop until... nothingness. After a rather somber dinner, the two were heading back to their inn when Komada finally spoke, "Onii-chan..." She started, looking over at him, "I... I think tomorrow we should leave the city... This place... It... It's scary," She admitted, looking to the ground as they walked. The Town of Beginnings wasn't particularly unique apart from its size, but when they passed through the central plaza, or even down one of the many roads out of it, an eerie feeling fell over her. Not to mention that she missed home; despite the adventure of being in such a large place, she wanted the peace again... She wanted to be on the ground floor and to be able to look out the window at something... not a wall.

"I'm sorry... Even after what happened earlier, I'm being selfish... I don't want to see something like that again, either, so... I want to get at least strong enough to help other people," She told him with a determined nod. "Maybe not be at the very top, but... so that nobody gets left behind... I don't want to be afraid that helping somebody means one of us is going to die..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hanta would normally have made more effort to console Komada, but he was having enough trouble with himself. Feasibly anyone could have tried to help that player, but would any of them made it in time? As guilty as he felt he also slowly came to recognize he'd probably have met the same fate, especially if he'd gone it alone. "It's not your fault, Shiemi..." he mumbled, using her real name instead, "Don't blame yourself, please." So much for an enjoyable day between two friends. His whole body feeling numb Hanta went back into town with his friend, neither saying a single word on the walk back. Izumo may have been the only one to voice his opinion on the matter, but it sure felt like all eyes were on him for messing up right now. He just wanted to slink away to the inn for the rest of the day and lie in bed, the desire to do much else fading fairly quickly from him. Thankfully Komada was on the same page as nether of them were too keen on going out after this. Tucking their tails between their legs the two friends went back to their residence, settling down after a little while for supper. A warm meal didn't serve to ease tensions unfortunately, and Hanta frankly had little to no appetite as a result of earlier. Just for the sake of something to do other then dwell on somber thoughts he forced himself to eat the entire meal, not feeling terribly well after the fact. Once the tab had been paid they left the restaurant, spirits still downtrodden and their outlooks bleak. It was only one death, Hanta told himself, and it had him so crushed. How were they going to make it through a game that could demoralize them like this?

"You want to... Leave?" The silence of their walk was broken by a rather surprising suggestion on Komada's part, one that Hanta wasn't so sure he liked. He wasn't sure if he'd call the Town of Beginnings scary, though depressing would fit. There were a fair amount of people still here, but there had been talk of attending a field boss battle soon to move on ahead. The idea of moving forward in of itself was appealing, but as to what they had to do made him rather tentative. If they were to take part in the battle then Komada would be in a great amount of danger, and conversely Hanta wasn't terribly pleased with letting other people risk themselves just so they could move ahead. Hearing her out he smiled sympathetically, shaking his head as he reached over and put a hand on her back ."It's not selfish, you just want to help. Nothing selfish about that," he replied, taking his hand back and sliding it in his pocket. "Tomorrow morning how about we look into the group planning to take on the boss? Even if we don't fight we could train with them, that should be okay right?" Strength in numbers, that phrase held more truth to it than ever before after today. Those who were willing to fight the field boss were presumably amongst the best of them, and he couldn't think of anyone better to go out in the field with other than them.

Hanta awoke the following morning to the sound of a crowd outside. Confused he opened his eyes groggily, sitting up slowly and scratching at the mess of hair on his head, turning to look out the window. He couldn't see anything from bed, so he swung his legs over the edge and stepped onto the cold hardwood floor, quietly walking over as not to disturb Komada. On the street below he was rather surprised to see a mass of players gathered, lining the streets and cheering on someone that he couldn't quite see yet. Pushing open the window he leaned out, glancing down the road to get a better look, his eyes widening in surprise. A group of perhaps twenty players were all decked out in their gear, looking ready to go in spite of the earliness of the hour. It was hard to make out the chatter from everyone talking, but what he could gather these were to be the players who were going to be clearing the floor, or at least trying to. All but one of the faces were unfamiliar to him, and the one he did recognized just had to be Izumo. Not realizing he was staring at the boy he was a bit surprised when the gaze was returned, Izumo giving him a nasty glare before passing by. Apparently he was still blaming Hanta for yesterday's tragedy, whether founded or not. People continued to wave and cheer as the collective of players walked on, disappearing out of view as they passed through the town plaza and on their way to the fields to practice. So it really was going to happen, and sooner than they thought. They had to be part of this if they ever hoped to get over this guilt that was burdening them.

Once the crowds begun to disperse Hanta drew the windows closed again, sighing as he ran a had through his hair. Of course the one person critical of him had to be there, that would only make this even worse. Refusing to be deterred by that though he looked over at Komada, smiling slightly. She was still out despite the noise, lucky her. Moving to her bedside he leaned down, gently giving her a jostle to get her up. "Pssst.... Komada? Wake up." he whispered, shaking her again. "People are going out to train, we should go join them. Come on." He didn't know how long those people were going to be training for, but he figured they could at least get a few hours in, possibly gain a level or two. Looking up at his own HUD he took note of his level, frowning slightly. He was higher than the average he was certain, probably only lower than the really advanced players for that matter. Therein then was a sense of obligation to take part again, like he almost owed everyone something for being stronger. His smile waned as he reflected on that fact, stepping away from the bed to equip his gear. Maybe if he did this then Izumo would leave him alone and stop guilt tripping him, and perhaps they'd get a little more confidence in the game. "I'll help them... Even if it kills me..." he mumbled under his breath, closing his menu once equipped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Komada had spent that night in tears. Her head hit the pillow, she waited a few moments, and she began to cry. It was quiet at first, small sniffles and fidgeting as she would move to wipe her eyes, trying not to disturb Hanta or let him hear her. She turned into her pillow as tremors shook her body, the sounds of her sobbing muffled but not silent. She stopped him... She stopped Hanta from helping that boy and just as worse, she hadn't helped... Those wolves were nothing... They could have helped him escape, right? Even if they didn't kill every wolf, they could have saved him if she'd not been such a coward. It was her fault, and that boy had yelled at her best friend for it. She could have confessed her hand in it, but again fear swept over her. This wasn't life... She wanted to go home... To her bed... To the safety of her house, where there weren't wolves or boars or swords... Just as she felt her mind slipping into the darkest of places, she felt something on her back. There was a small noise as a window appeared in front of her, asking if she was being physically harassed. It was a bit cold, but it did issue a small smirk from her as she wiped at her eye, selecting no. She knew without even looking to whom the hand belonged - it was Hanta. A moment later, she was trembling again, but now she felt tethered to something in this world. Not Aincrad or Sword Art Online, no, but something was anchoring her to reality as it was perceived, holding her to the world of emotion and relationship.

"I'm sorry," She apologized, "I'm... I'm so weak... But... I want to be stronger," The girl shared rhetorically.

She expected and desired no answer as she felt another sob shake her , slowly slipping into a slumber. A part of her felt guilty for having indeed disturbed her best friend, but another part reminded her that he was always there, just as she would be, and it calmed her more so. The girl had no idea how long he'd been there or how long he would wait for her before he went to bed; however, upon waking up, she would find he was already awake. How was he so prompt? Her waking was gentle and her eyes fluttered open again to find Hanta nudging her up, ready to train. She nodded tiredly, sliding off the bed and placing her small, bare feet on the floor, rubbing her eyes. For a moment, she collected herself, doing a full check that she was still where she thought she was. Komada swiped her hand through the air and a menu appeared, which she promptly closed with a sigh... She felt a phantom touching her back and the night before came back to her... She hadn't seen anything, but she could still feel his hand on her back and she gave a soft smile at the pseduo-warmth as she placed her hands together over her heart for the briefest of moments. Really, it would just seem she was clearing her head and reminding herself that this was home. This room in the Skipping Kitties Inn was where she was living as well as this floating castle in the virtual world.

The girl rose to her feet and re-opened her menu, blushing slightly as she waited for Hanta to turn around. It was a bit redundant, but there was a very short second whenever she changed clothes that she felt exposed. It was when the clothing flashed, even if she was constantly covered, it still seemed slightly violating as she put her armour and rapier on. The girl looked at Hanta as he mumbled, not quite catching what he said to himself as she stepped to him and placed a hand on his arm. "I'll be with you too, Onii-chan," She said quietly with a small smile, looking up slightly at him, feeling so much safer in his presence.
In the field, it was amazing how quickly the group could dispatch monsters. Larger ones would be taken on in teams and smaller ones were torn apart with ease. Two girls in particular stood out. They were clearly twins, both sporting short, silky, silver hair and both being of the same height made their paired up fighting rather smooth. One used a curved one-handed sword and brilliantly incorporated the use of thrown weapons in her other hand, seeming to not miss a single moment of fight time. It seemed insanely strenuous and like it required a lot of concentration in order to keep up. In fact, it almost seemed dangerous if one were to lose track of their movements, but her actions held a very noticeable finesse about them as she and her sister took down beast after beast. Komada admired them, but she felt that her sync with Hanta was impressive... Perhaps not quite the very best, but they knew one another and he had showed her how to switch on some of the stronger monsters. It was surprisingly efficient as the group pushed through the first floor, opening a few of the towns for the lower leveled players. In all honesty, the girl was surprised that there were enough monsters to go around without danger to the party, and she was quite grateful for it. She felt like she was a part of something too - it warmed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The night following their traumatic afternoon had hardly been ideal. Hanta couldn't get rest no matter how hard he tried. Every time he closed his eyes he'd see that boy's face, and Izumo's voice would ring out in his head. He didn't want to be at fault for it, but it was difficult to see it otherwise. Even as the sun had dipped well below the horizon and the moon hung high overhead he remained seated in his bed, staring at the walls silently. The grim images weren't the only things preventing him from getting sleep either. She might be trying to hide it from him, but Komada was clearly under duress too. Every now and again a small sob and whimper was heard, only serving to further ruin his mood. He didn't blame her for it though, only himself. Even if he felt that way it didn't mean his friend shared that opinion, and by the sounds of it she blamed herself. While he might be okay with self-loathing he couldn't well in good conscience let Komada spend the night miserable. What kind of a friend would he be if he left her there to cry herself to sleep?

"You're not weak Komada," Hanta whispered, smiling sadly. "And you'll get stronger. We both will."

He probably didn't have to say anything, but Hanta felt a reassurance was in order. As Komada resumed her crying he dutifully remain at her side, keeping a hand laid on her back to let his presence be known. In all honesty he had no clue how his being there helped, but all that mattered was it did. He may not have been able to help that boy, he reflected, but there was someone right in front of him who he could help. Even if it boiled down to only being able to help his friend he would continue to train, strive to become strong enough to ensure her safety. If in the process he should become strong enough to protect others then just as well, he'd gladly take up that mantle. Someone had to after all, and already he felt obligated to do such a thing. He wasn't going to end up clearing the game, that he was certain of. So what better did he have to do other than help keep players safe? Hanta shook his head, smiling ruefully as he looked down at Komada's now sleeping form. It was too late to be deciding things like that, he'd decide what he'd be doing later. With his friend properly consoled he could finally get some rest, or at the very least try to. Waiting a moment longer to make certain Komada was asleep he slowly lifted his tired frame over to his bed, almost collapsing onto it graciously and crawling into place. His troubled thoughts persisted, but knowing that Komada was sleeping soundly now helped slowly ease him into some much needed rest.

The sun seemed to rise much too early that morning, yet as always Hanta was prompt in waking up. As always he checked on Komada before anything else, as if having to be reassured she was safe and sound every morning. Seeing that she indeed was perfectly fine he exhaled, raising his arms up over his head in a stretch. Ideally now he'd like to go out and train, get a little more experience before his day with Komada began. That was the plan at any rate, but the sounds outside of a crowd drew him to the windows instead. The procession he then witnessed had him both awestruck and somber, the later mostly due to seeing Izumo far earlier than he'd have liked to after yesterday. It was amazing how quickly people had been mobilized to start clearing the floor, even after one of their own had just died yesterday. Hell, more than one probably died, he only knew of the one boy himself. Despite those nasty scars in their memories these players persisted, going out even though it was dangerous. The word "Clearers" kept coming up in the crowd, and for a moment it confused him. So these were the players who would be taking on the boss then, is that what it meant? That was a very admirable feat to undertake, even if it might be suicidal.

Well it was set then, he'd try to take part. If not necessarily in clearing the floor then in helping them get as close to it as possible. It was a purpose to train, more than just to keep his friend safe. Once the showing had ended he closed the windows, immediately equipping his gear without a second thought. He then went to Komada's side, giving her a gentle shake to get her up.

"Hey... We've got some training to do, rise and shine sleepy head." he whispered, smiling gently. "Some other players are going to train, and we're going to join them."

Figuring that Komada needed a moment Hanta stepped back, giving his friend space. Per usual she was slow to come to, picking herself up after a moment and collecting herself from her slumber. It was always amusing to see, and he knew full well she had never been an early riser, only making it funnier for him. The humor had to take a back seat as she rose to her feet, bringing up her menu to get dressed as well. Even if one couldn't really see anything when someone changed it was a matter of principle for them. They were friends after all, and even then it was just common courtesy not to look. Smiling knowingly Hanta turned himself around, bringing open his own menu and taking a glance at his money. If they had a good day in the field, he reckoned, he could buy Komada some new armor. So long as she was protected he could fight more freely... Hopefully. At the feeling of a hand clasping his arm he looked away from his inventory, smiling at his friend as she spoke to him. He wasn't quite sure what it was in reply to, but he nodded his head politely, glancing back at his menu and closing it silently.

"Glad to hear. Ready to go?"
Being among the Clearers gave Hanta a much better view of what he ought to strive for in terms of power. By level alone he was comparable to many of the people here, but what he really lacked was skill. He could fight a basic Wolf or Frenzy boar, even two or possibly even three if necessary. His skills were relatively lacking though, and while he'd never say it his cooperation with Komada made fighting a little difficult. She wasn't bad, but it was difficult not to worry about her while they fought. Even their surprisingly good chemistry when switching against monsters did little to alleviate his nerves, it still meant that she would be in danger. While most of his attention was focused on his friend alone he took the occasional glance at those around them as often as he could. Seeing other skilled players in action was something else, and if he didn't feel the need to train he could easily sit there and watch them work. Everyone was doing exceptionally well, but two sisters had his attention more than anyone else. They were incredible at working together, easily comparable to him and Komada. When he got the chance he'd watch these two girls, trying to pick up on any nuances of switching that could help him and his friend. Hanta was so caught up in their training he scarcely realized how much they were progressing, and by the time it dawned on him they had advanced quite a ways, clearing four new towns for players to call home. That was going to help immensely, as the Town of Beginnings was cramped as it stood. The roads would be clear for a short while, meaning people could finally begin to fan out a bit. It was a very simplistic step towards clearing the game, but by the time that they finished fighting he couldn't help but feel accomplished.

The Clearers had settled themselves down in the last town to have some lunch as a sort of celebration. It was a tiny little vale that sat in a valley of lush, green grass. Buildings were sparse here, certainly more open than the first town they had seen. It was almost like a village really, with cobble homes and buildings dotting the open, spacious area. It could be a really nice place to live if it weren't so small, and if nearly every home wasn't filled with NPCs. Since there was no real place other than the inn to gather everyone, and so the entire group of some twenty players sat cluttered together inside. Hanta and Komada had found themselves a table by the window, giving them a view of the main road outside. NPCs were hurrying about their business as usual, and children ran around chasing one another, laughing and giggling merrily. In a way, Hanta reflected, he was jealous. To them this was reality, and they were home and safe. To the players this was a prison, and it was doubtful they'd ever be that happy here. No, he was confident that until they returned home this place would always have an unshakable feeling of dread about it.

The two friends sat by waiting for their food to arrive, happily chatting about how well they had done today. Or to be exact Komada talked, Hanta offered a small reply and nod now and again, not quite as ecstatic as his counterpart. Training like that was going to be a normal occurrence for him, so it was honestly not that exciting. If Komada enjoyed it though and so long as she was safe about it he'd certainly bring her along more often, as it did get lonely when doing it alone. Over the sound of people talking Hanta could hear a less than pleasant conversation taking place. By the sounds of it a girl and boy were arguing, though over what he couldn't quite tell. Curiously he lifted his head, looking around to try and find the source of the argument. To his surprise the noise seemed to be coming from one of the twins from earlier, as she was getting into it with some boy from the Clearing group. It really wasn't any of his business, but he didn't like how frustrated the girl seemed to be getting, and the guy looked to be the instigator.

"Tristan, everyone has to pay for their food! No exceptions!" the girl shouted, balling her hands into fists. "And that includes you!"

She wasn't a terribly imposing figure, but she certainly was loud. Dressed in a simple set of plate armor she stood at perhaps five feet and a half, boasting a bright head of blonde hair. From where Hanta sat he could see she also wore a set of iron bracers and shin guards, with leather boots beneath those and matching gloves on her hands. A sword and shield rested on her back, and from earlier he knew full well that she was rather adept with her weapons.

"C'mon, just spot me this once, will you?" Tristan replied, smirking as he put his hands on his hips. "Just do me this favor Hana and I'll pay you back, I swear."

Two boys were with Tristan, and they laughed it up as their friend teased the young girl. Tristan chuckled to himself as he reached out to grab at Hana, instead having his hand swat away from her. Narrowing his eyes he retained the smile, though he didn't seem nearly as amused as before.

"Well... I thought you were cute, but I guess you're just a bitch..."

Again he raised his hand, this time intending to slap Hana. As soon as his hand was raised though someone grabbed it, and he blinked in surprise before turning to his side to see who it was, noting the sword user in simple leather gear looking at hm.

"Just who the heck are you?"

"I'm a nobody really, but you're a creep. How about backing off and leaving the girl alone? She said she's not giving you money, so find your own. You ought to have some from training anyways."

Hanta released his grip before a warning about conduct could come up, keeping a stern look on his face. He hated guys like this, they treated girls like crap because they thought they could. It was a pretty big assumption to make so quickly, but he felt it fit this boy perfectly.

"Oh ho, mister hero is going to tell me what to do?" Tristan asked, grinning as he and his friends turned now onto Hanta. "If I say no then who is going to-"

"Tristan, that's ENOUGH!"

The shout came from another table, surprisingly from Izumo. The blonde boy was giving Tristan a very nasty stare, and Hanta found himself rather grateful it wasn't directed at him this time. He really didn't know who or what the deal with Izumo was, but after his input the other boy backed off. With one final exchange under his breath Tristan sulked off, heading back to his table with his friends following suit. Relieved that was over Hanta exhaled, turning to go back to the table but instead stopping as his arm was grabbed. Confused he looked over his shoulder, curious to see the girl he'd helped beaming up at him.

"Uh... Yes?" Hanta asked, giving a small, polite smile. As soon as he asked he saw the girl inhale, and braced for what he knew was about to come.

"OhmygoshthankyousomuchforyourhelpwiththosecreepshowcanIthankyou?" Hana exclaimed, not taking a single pause nor breath during her rapid speech.

Hanta only stared at the girl for a second, really not clear on what was just said. Looking back at Komada uncertainly for help he turned back to Hana, biting his lip as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I uh... Didn't catch that?" he asked apologetically. Again the girl beamed, this time getting on her toes and nearly smacking his face with her own as she leaned in.

"Thanks for the help! Those creeps were going to share their table and now we don't have anywhere to sit. Do you have room at your table?" Hana asked, slowing herself down considerably this time. "Oh, my name is Hana, and this..." she paused, grabbing her twin by the hand and pulling her over. "Is Lily? Please can we sit with you? I don't want to stand!"

Hanta was utterly beside himself, giving Hana a clueless look as he tried to process her sporadic speaking. He didn't have a problem with their sitting with him he supposed, but he wasn't the only one at the table. Holding up a finger he backed off a bit, giving Komada a hopeful glance that said "help" all over it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The server had given them drinks rather promptly and Komada opted for a clear glass filled with some kind of bright orange liquid. She held it with two hands carefully, enjoying slow, long draws of liquid from the straw... It was still amazing how they could make anything flavoured in this place. They were eating and felt full, and yet they wouldn't gain a pound. There was a rather pungent kick to the drink, but it also tasted somewhat carbonated. Her initial reaction was one of surprise, but after a few sips it began to taste normal and she gave a small smile, letting out a sigh as some commotion raised nearby. Her attention perked up and she turned curiously, impulsively leaning down without removing her eyes from the scene before her to take another sip. Those twins from earlier seemed to be a bit involved, but one was so entirely detached from what was happening to her sister that it was almost stressful. Komada almost envied her for being so calm and able to let absolutely nothing affect her demeanor. But, wouldn't those boys have money from the training that day? Even Komada was impressed by her cash intake and was rather excited to see what she could do with it. Finally, Hanta rose out of his seat and she watched him.

"Onii-chan, wai-" she started, finally putting her glass down and hopping off of the seat after him, but he had already involved himself.

The girl instinctively put a hand on the hilt of her blade, though it was far from intimidating, she didn't want to seem useless as she stepped up behind her friend. The scene was silenced by that boy from yesterday and Komada looked down, the life draining from her for a moment as she remembered why she had even met him in the first place. Thankfully, the atmosphere would soon change as one of the twins almost attacked Hanta and she felt something twinge inside of her but ignored it quickly and smiled as Hana praised the boy. Komada opened her mouth to answer his non-verbal plea for help before being cut off.

Finally, the other girl spoke as she walked by, "Of course we can sit with him. He wouldn't have interfered if he wasn't prepared to accept responsibility for it. You ask for permission too often, Hana," She said, resting her hands on her hips.

Komada was in shock - that was a litlte bit rude, asserting herself like that... But then, she was right, the action was an invitation on the most basic level. She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment, looking the two girls over, before getting up the courage to introduce herself. "Seeing as nobody else is going to do it, I'm Komada," She said with a smile, extending a hand.

Lily stared at the outstretched appendage blankly before ignoring its existence entirely. Komada huffed in embarrassment, blushing; there couldn't be even a year between them, and yet she felt so much smaller than the other two girls. Why were they so tall?

Once they had all sat down, Komada returned to her drink as a thought itched the back of her mind before she finally, tactlessly blurted out, "You two don't look Japanese... How'd you get into the game?" She asked. It was already considered rude to talk about life outside of Aincrad, but Komada was entirely oblivious to it; however, the question itself was a bit inappropriate given any circumstance, though it balanced well against Lily's previous assuming attitude.

The neutral twin was the first to react with a shrug, "That's because our parents were from Britain before going to Japan. We've lived there our entire lives apart from when we visit family..."

Komada's eyes lit up at the reply and she began to fire off questions, leaning forward on the table, her hands wrapped around her half-full beverage. "Really? What's it like? I've always wanted to go there... Does that mean you guys speak Japanese and English? I can barely read the romaji on the names in this game... Did you guys go to London? Why did your parents come here?" Her curiosity had been lit ablaze and was not running rampant. She had always loved new scenery, cities, and other cultures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I'm Hanta, nice to meet you Hana, and you too, uh..."

The other girl hadn't said a single word yet, and Hanta had kind of wished it stayed that way. She turned out to be the more direct of the two, and definitely assertive. Nonetheless though he put on a small smile, not wanting to come across as rude. Perhaps he had offered for them to join him and Komada in some roundabout way, he couldn't really be bothered to argue the fact. The girl called Hana seemed more than ready to speak on his behalf though.

"Lilyyyyy, seriously?" Hana whined, pouting as she threw her hands down at her sides. "I was asking because it's the polite thing to do. After all he did just help us." Turning back to Hanta she smiled apologetically, folding her hands behind her back. "Sorry, she's grateful too, really!"

"Eh... Think nothing of it?" Hanta said uncertainly, still smiling slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "We got room so I don't see why you can't join us."

Hana was still smiling brightly as another girl came over to join their conversation. Komada then, according to what she said, and Hanta's friend as far as she could recall. They had been in the field earlier and hadn't been doing too shabby of a job, it had been fun watching them now and again. While Lily ignored the other girl Hana readily grabbed her hand, but rather than simply shake it she pushed it aside, instead giving Komada a big hug.

"It's so nice to meet you!" she exclaimed, leaning over slightly to hug Komada. "Thanks for letting us join you!"

Being at his wit's end with this overly bubbly girl Hanta retreated back to their table, taking his inside seat along the window. Komada and Hana sat across from him, and he was left to sit with the more direct of the two. He wasn't sure what was more confounding; Hana's enthusiasm or Lily's boldness. Shrugging his shoulders he lifted his own glass, taking a few small sips out of the mug. It was a fruity drink, though not overly sweet. Reminiscent of banana smoothies if he had to put a name to it, and there was a curious tartness that went with the flavor which he thought complemented it well. As he was swallowing back another gulp Komada suddenly burst out with a question, one that really ought not to have been asked. Nearly spitting out his drink Hanta looked at his friend surprised, giving her a silent warning glance. She seemed too enthralled in the conversation to notice though.

"We weren't really from London," Hana began, smiling as she lifted her legs and crossed them over the seat of the chair, placing her hands on her knees.

"We're from Tokyo, but we spend a lot of time in Lancaster too! It's this reeeeeeally pretty place in Britain! Our dad is from there, but mom is from here, so we travel back and forth a lot!" Hana was rather happy to be sharing her story with people, just enjoying the simple act of having a conversation again. "Because we've gone back and forth so much we know both English AND Japanese, isn't that cool? Though I guess we couldn't have this conversation in English..."

"... I do know how to speak English, believe it or not." Hanta interjected, smiling faintly as he corrected the girl. "Komada... Not so much. If you wanted to talk in English though we could, but I'm honestly not that fluent in it."

Hana seemed abashed by that comment for a second before blushing, shaking her head and putting her hands up defensively. "I figured you k-knew how to speak it! I was just saying is all. I definitely didn't mean that you didn't know how!" Realizing she was digging herself into a hole she stopped, pressing her fingers together nervously.

"Sorry about that."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts and move on from that awkward moment Hana looked back at Komada, smiling as she held her hands at chest level, balled into fists. She was excited to be making friends finally, and to have someone else to talk with. And boy was she going to talk.

"We've been to London a lot, usually to go to the stores or to see events there! It's really busy there, though it's pretty busy in Lancaster too! We spend a lot of time in other towns around London because of our family, and I really like small towns because they're cute, and it's more quiet, and they're prettier with all the trees!" Hana took a brief reprieve, accompanying the word "trees" with a wave of her arms to signify their size. "Plus there are fields, and rivers and lakes, and the leaves all turn really pretty colors! There's a ton of animals, oh! There's a farm in Lancaster too, well a lot of farms... But there's one where there were horses and we got to learn to ride them! That was a lot of fun."

Hanta found it nigh impossible to follow what Hana was saying, let alone hold a conversation with her. Komada looked to be having no issue whatsoever with it, and no doubt Lily was used to it by now. Just trying to follow what she was saying was making him tired, he couldn't go on like that for the life of him. As much as he didn't want to come across as rude he found himself slouching in his chair, an elbow propped up on the tabletop and his head resting on his hand. Well, so long as Komada was enjoying herself he'd remain here and partially listen.

"What about why you came here?" Hanta interjected, looking to his side at Lily. "There's got to be a reason you and your family came to Japan. It's a lot different from Britain after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Komada blushed a little bit as she was pointed out to be the only one among them that did not speak English. In fact, she was a little surprised that Hanta said he could speak some English. She had assumed he knew a little bit because of his gaming, but if he could actually speak it, that would be astounding. Her smile grew broader as Hana described Lancaster and she nodded excitedly, "Oh my god, that's sounds so beautiful..." She said before the two carried on with their bubbly, energetic conversation. Eventually, there was a cut-in from Hanta and Komada looked over, finally realizing what he had asked. "Oh, yeah, I mean... Isn't it strange?" She chimed in, looking to Lily and Hana.

Lily shrugged her shoulders, "We were born here and lived here our whole lives... So to us, no... Our parents love to travel and when it came time to settle, they decided that Tokyo would be their home." She turned her head to Hanta and raised an eyebrow, "Hope it's not too disappointing," She said flatly as their food was brought out.

Komada began to eat with vigor - it seemed as though she and Hana were almost racing. However, when her dish was placed in front of her, Lily stared at it for a moment before slowly reaching forward and grabbing her chopsticks. She had mostly noodles, which she ate very politely. Truly, every action she made was absolutely deliberate and thought out. It certainly smelled delicious, but based on her expression, one would have absolutely no idea whether she was enjoying it. Komada, however, showed a bright smile as she wolfed down her plate. Meanwhile, Lily just shook her head with a sigh, "That's a bit morbid..."

Komada looked up with half of a bite hanging from her mouth, tilting her head in curiosity. "Hm?" She asked, biting off what she had in her mouth and pulled the food away, speaking with her mouth full, "What is?" She swallowed and let out a relaxed sigh.

"Try some refinement, you look like a pig," Lily said with a roll of her eyes.

Komada huffed and looked to the two others at the table, blushing hotly; in all honesty, she hadn't cared what she looked like, but then she realized that she was with other people and she didn't want them to be judged. "Oh... Erm... S-sorry," She said, looking down before picking up a piece of bread and ripping off small bites at a time, humming quietly.

Lily then paused for a moment, looking Komada over, then Hanta, and back again. "You two don't exactly strike me as siblings..." She said thoughtfully, "Her hair is straight and yours is a little bit... shaggier... And your eyes are different and you simply don't look similar... Are you adopted siblings?" Clearly, despite her mentioning of refinement, Lily was not always one for manners.

Komada gulped as she swallowed a rather large bite, slowly reverting to her original pace of devouring her food before she shook her head, nearly answering. However, instead she decided to indulge her curiosity as she glanced to Hanta, awaiting his answer first.
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