Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Both Carson and Victor watched the females argue. They exchanged a glance, the boss shaking his head as Carson nodded back. The big man stepped forward, letting out a deep breath as he waited until Beatrix had finished speaking. Victor's expression changed from one of cool and calmness to one of annoyance mixed with slight anger.

"Enough! Both of you, you're fighting like children. This is not how members of this agency conduct themselves. You cannot be at each other's throats, too much importance is riding on our missions succeeding to have them disrupted by a blood feud. I've been through this exact situation too many times in my long service here, and believe you me, I would love for this time to be the last." Victor said, his voice raised enough so that he got the attention of everyone in the room.

"Lupa, you are not the authoritive figure here. I am, as well as Carson who is damn well capable of leading you all through hell and back. He's among the brightest in the Regiment, you will not question him unless you have a very, very good reason to. If you object to something he orders you to do, you are to speak to me, immediately. You came here willingly. You fully agreed to join us in our cause. But the door is wide open. If you cannot handle yourself around your teammates," Victor said, looking right at Lupa and Ruri, then pausing to glare at Beatrix before looking back at Lupa.

"You and anyone else are free to go through that door and never come back. No questions asked.
The only opportunity to do that is now." He said, crossing his arms and turning his attention to Beatrix.

"No teammate here kills another. Period. You do not want to know what happens if one of you were to do that. Save your hatred for the enemies you will encounter. Whether they be werewolf, vampire, gargoyle or whatever. Now is not the time to fight. I am not asking you to like each other, I am asking you to work together. Which I believe you all can do." Victor stated, finishing speaking as he stepped back to the side of Carson, who didn't really have anything to add. He just kept the same stern look on his face during Lupa's, Beatrix's and Victor's entire speeches.

Then Jaime entered the room a second later, quietly taking a seat.

"Kind of you to join us, Ms. Shambrook." Victor said to human female, flashing a friendly smile in greeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hydra
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When Lupa stood and spoke, Ruri could not help but feel inspired by her. The presence of an Alpha was impressive. "I agree with Lupa, I bow to no human, but i do respect the order your people have established. I have always respected The Regiment and i have been around long before it creation. In fact there have been similar groups but none with the prestige of this one. I am here like Lupa cause you require my skills. I agree with Lupa if Carson becomes bewitched or his minds become clouded I will not hesitate to correct the problem." Ruri spoke with a different tone somewhat matching Lupa intensity Looking at Béatrix.

"You can try to kill them all, but the two sitting in here you will never get the chance." Ruri silver eyes locked on to Béatrix and looked like she was getting ready to begin a hunt. Ruri said but suddenly someone entered the office breaking the lust she was building up. Looking at the door to see a woman, she took a deep breath and relaxed herself. Calming down she spoke again, "If the greatest gift you speak of is smelling like something died and was left out in the sun to long, then you can have it."

It was bad enough that she had to work with vampires but to have to sit in a room with two of them was even worst. The small was horrible, the humans in the room was lucky they didn't have to pick up such a scent. Ruri placed her hand on Lupa shoulder and looked at her in the eyes when she would look. She would give a smile and a nod. Ensuring her that if it ever goes down that she would not choose anyone but her over everyone else in this room. It was a sign of trust and companionship, wolves that run together star together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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“With all due respect, sir…” Trixy began, as if she could have respect for a creature who’d only seen barely 50 years on this Earth, yet referred to her as a child, “fighting generally involves both parties raising their voices, sometimes even a physical altercation. We were merely discussing a topic of dear concern to us, as some of us obviously weren’t aware of what working for this institution entailed. Perhaps you should be a little bit clearer with future recruits.” Trixy leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table as she continued her final piece.

“Furthermore, if the wolves and I had any intention of killing each other, there would already be blood on your pretty little table.” She said as she ran her blood-red fingernails across the table in a gesture of emphasis. “You’re an experienced man, surely you can understand this is how we must handle things: a little discussion to cut the tension and mystery out of everything. This is America after all, we should be able to express our freedom of speech, no? How else are we supposed to work together in the future?” she asked with a bit of a light-hearted chuckle.

“Worry not, I promise not to kill your lupine recruits… but I’m not promising to save them either, and I’m sure they’d say the same for me.” As she finished her speech, her stomach twisted a little bit, but not out of nerves.

Ruri spoke her piece and Trixy nodded, supposing it was good to be honest. She just hoped to be released from this room soon. Trixy's eyes went back to Victor “I’d also probably feel a little more cooperative if you showed me to your dining facilities, as I feel likely to break your diet rules at the moment. Besides, it's pretty clear the wolves don't like the way I smell.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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"Don't try to play mind games with me, Beatrix. I know your kind, I've dealt with ones twice your age." Victor stated calmly in reply, then glanced around the others in the room. Noticing the amount of tension. This was not what he wanted from the introductory meeting, but he figured he should have expected it.

"Carson and I were planning to go over the mission, but he will brief you on that tommorow. For now, we're done with this meeting. You have the rest of the night to yourselves." Victor said, then glanced at Carson before exiting the room, heading to his personal office.

"Beatrix, we have blood packets in storage in the laboratory, simply take the elevator down there and they shall give you your needed amount," He said, speaking to her before turning to the rest of the group. "It is almost six o'clock, if you're hungry then the mess hall is serving dinner right now. The rest of the facility is yours to explore, I suggest you do just that. Just please don't disturb any of the scientists or researchers if they are in the middle of something."

"If you need me, I'll be in the gym. Everyone is dismissed." Carson stated, heading towards the door out of the briefing room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The whole ordeal had David shaking his head with disappointment. He was skeptical about working with the werewolves due to the air of hostility about them and their superior attitude. Though Beatrix, his female Vampire counterpart, seemed equal in her attitude of superiority. 'This is going to be a disaster' he thought. David was a relatively new Vampire in the grand scheme of things, not even two hundred years, but the century that he had seen was undoubtably the bloodiest of them all and he'd fought in all of its major wars. Those men were twice the soldiers that these other beings were and he would gladly replace them. But the reality was that those men were now long dead or far too old for this fight so he was stuck with a divided team of bloodthirsty supernaturals.

He would have to help bring this team together if they planned to survive much less succeed in their mission. A drawn out sigh escaped him as Carson concluded the brief and exited the room. 'Sure could use a smoke..' he thought but that could wait. It would be a good start to talk to the other team members and get a feel for them. The wolf girls would likely be less inclined to speak with him so soon after all the tension so he rose from his chair and approached Beatrix. Perhaps the other Vampire would be more willing to chat.

"David." he introduced himself and extended his hand towards her and locking her icy blue eyes with his own. His handshake would be firm and respectful, giving deference to her age over him but his stare would show no sign of fear or submission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

“Béatrix de Le Croix” she returned the introduction and placed her hand in his, her French accent taking over when speaking her birth name. A vampire handshake was always cold and hard, like two pieces of moving marble meeting each other. Béatrix released his hand and studied him with bright eyes “But if French really isn’t your thing, I go by Trixy as well, it kind of fits my personality.” Trixy said with a sly smile and smoothed down her leather jacket as she stood up at a good four inches shorter than him.

“I signed up for this in hopes of making some new friends to work with… I don’t think I’m doing that well so far.” She said and a soft chuckle escaped her lips “Oh well, perhaps that’s for the best.” Her stomach begged her to seek out the blood in the laboratory that the Englishman had mentioned. “As I said, I’m feeling famished… care to explore with me?” she asked and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

David had to admit, her accent was enticing. He'd never really spent a great deal of time around foreign women even during the wars. 'Beatrix de le Croix' he rolled it over in his mind and thought it was a wonderful name, though Trixy was much easier. Though most Vampires typically had a noble aura about them and behaved as such, David was a fairly hardcore American and was at times a bit brazen and informal. "Lovely name but i think I'll stick with Trixy for now." He returned the smile.

"I signed up for this in hopes of making new friends to work with… I don't think I'm doing that well so far." a light hearted chuckle followed her words. "Oh well, perhaps thats for the best. As i said, I'm feeling famished.. care to explore with me?"

Still wearing his black and red leather jacket, he put his hands in its pockets and smiled with a nod. "Sounds good. I'd like to get my bearings on this place too." he nodded his head at the door in a gesture that they should head out. David would hold the door like any good gentleman would and wait for her to pass before letting it go. "I've already had dinner for the evening but it'll be good to know where i'll be getting my future meals. And don't worry about making friends, Mikael is a pretty solid guy and I'm easy to get along with. Cant say much for those wolves though, hopefully they'll come around. Mistrust aint good for combat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Trixy thought on his words as they passed through the halls and made their way to the elevator that the Englishman spoke of. She pushed the down button and crossed her arms as the elevator descended, balancing her weight on her right heel so that she faced him slightly. “You must be a soldier, as we see combat differently. In the combat I’m used to, mistrust is everything, because the moment you start to trust the people or your environment is the same moment you can be ambushed.”

The elevator doors opened with a mechanical ’ding ding’ and Trixy stepped out first. “Trust isn’t safe when you have worked alone for close to six centuries.” She said, giving the slightest hint to her age, as she wasn’t ashamed of it as some women were. They finally reached the laboratory and Trixy felt as though she could drain a full grown man.

Her nose led her to a chilled box of blood packets and she made is disgruntled face when she looked at them. One, they were cold, and two; they smelled strongly of antiseptic and plastic with the faintest hint of blood. “They can’t be serious…” she said as she plucked one up between two fingers, as if it were a piece of trash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You must be a soldier." those words were the most prominent to him. He'd almost corrected her 'Marine' he was used to saying when people called him a soldier. A silly thing of pride from being a United States Marine for war within the last hundred years. The elevator doors opened and Trixy was the first to exit. David followed close behind. "Trust isn't safe when you have worked alone for close to six centuries." She definitely had him on age, that was for sure. Things like guns didn't exist when she was human and the younger vampire respected that. Anyone could kill anyone with a fire arm. It took a certain skill to slay with a melee weapon.

"I guess you could say i'm a soldier. I was a Marine, back during the first world war. My unit was at the battle of Belleau Wood. Thats also where i was turned. A German Vampire on the front lines got me when i charged him." the memory was not a pleasant one and he grimaced in recollection. They reached the lab now and Trixy sniffed out an ice box of blood packs.

David smiled slightly and chuckled. "Oh yea, they're quite serious. Didn't think they'd have prisoners chained up for us to feed on eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

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One of the scientists noticed David and Beatrix enter the laboratory, he figured out that they were the two vampires Victor had told him would stop by at some point. He watched Beatrix pick up one of the cheap packets then remembered that the boss had told him to give them access to the premier supply, since they both had to be in top shape for future missions. He placed down the clipboard he holding then approached Beatrix.

"Greetings, I'm Dr. Jon Bale. The boss told me all about you two, you're the newest vampires that would be joining our agency." The man said with a smile, adjusting his glasses. He appeared to be in his early thirties and was dressed like every other scientist in the room.

"You don't want that cheap stuff, see I'm in charge of our blood reserves, Vic told me to give you access to the top supply. Only the best for our top field agents."

Dr. Bale disappeared through another door, then came out a minute later clenching two full packs of blood. The blood was of an extremely high quality, it was clearly human and looked like the kind that would be drained out of a healthy man. He approached Beatrix and handed her the packets.

"That's the really good stuff."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

“Ah, a marine... my apologies, sir.” Béatrix said and bowed her head slightly out of respect, she wasn’t American herself, but all countries knew of their pride. Trixy frowned a little when he seemed to recall his transformation negatively; it always took her aback when people considered the blessing of vampirism as a curse.

Béatrix laughed a little bit at his comment about the blood bags “Not that I mind handcuffs, but the blood is always better if the human is willing.” She said as she tossed the bag over in her hand “I actually feel more like a prisoner,” she said and looked up at him and gestured with the blood bag “surely this is prison food.”

When Dr. Jon Bale said his piece, Béatrix let out a sigh of relief. She gladly received the upgraded blood meal. “Well, it definitely smells better.” She said with as much appreciation as she could muster. “Is their anyway I can warm it, I’m used to it being around thirty-seven degrees Celsius, you know?” Trixy asked with a friendly smile. This human seemed like someone she could get along with, he was friendly and respectful, a certain breath of fresh air in this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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"Well, I don't think we can do that. The blood is stored at a cool temperature so that is doesn't go bad. It's not frozen or anything, just cool enough to make it safe for ingestion. I don't see anyway you could really warm it up to the temperature you want. You could just wait until the packs cool down to air temperature, the blood itself is still great quality." Dr. Bale replied, scratching the back of his neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dsnake1
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mikael sat through the meeting shaking his head. He didn't dare say anything, but if the team came down to a battle of races, Mikael knew which side he would pick. That being said, his rational side knew that if the team were to have any success outside of the compound, they would have to learn to work together. Being a human, Mikael was pretty sure he would go along with whatever the supernaturals decided to do. Granted, he knew how to slay a werewolf, and theoretically knew how to slay a vampire, but he knew he'd be thankful for both species' help in the near future.

After the words died down, the tension was still thick in the air, so when David mentioned his name to Trixy, all he did was nod. While it would be his choice to befriend the vampires, he didn't want to get on her bad side. She was many lifetimes old, and chances were, he wouldn't last long alone if she couldn't stand him. That and he didn't really want a blood meal.With that thought, Mikael's stomach rumbled, reminding him of his hunger.

Mikael stood, stretching his back and looking around the room. He had taken special note of the woman who had come in late. First, he had always liked redheads, and second, she was the only other human recruit. He figured she was as good of a place to make another friend as any. Mikael walked to the back of the room where she was still seated and extended his hand saying, "Hello there. My name's Mikael. What's yours?" Then, as a little flirtations gamble to see where he stood, he added, "It's not Gorgeous, is it? Because it definitely could be." His voice was smooth, the same smooth that helped him pick up his wife so many years ago.

"Anyways, do you want to go down to the mess hall and grab something to eat?" Whether or not she flirted back didn't matter to him. The whole flirting thing was more of seeing where he stood in relation to her. If she went with it, then there could be something, and if she didn't, then Mikael would move on and just be friends. Either way, he wanted to eat, and soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Safe for ingestion Trixy thought to herself, as far as she knew, Vampires couldn’t get sick. She shrugged her shoulders slightly, figuring that the human probably knew what he was talking about. Béatrix is many things, but ‘scientist’ is not one of them. She was getting to taken by bloodlust to care about the temperature, anyway.

Trixy's fangs descended with a quiet and almost feminine hiss before she sunk them into the side of the blood bag. If there was a straw, she didn’t really care, that wasn’t really her feeding style. The human doctor was right, the blood was of good quality, but the plastic taste from the blood bag tainted it still. Trixy finished the supply quickly and then looked up with a face resembling that of a person who had eaten a lemon for the first time. She locked eyes with David for a moment, wondering if he had the not quite pleasure of feeding in this way before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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David bore her apology with an accepting nod. Her following comments about being a prisoner and the blood bags being prison food brought an amused grin to his pale features. The initial transition from live feeding to the bags was unpleasant to say the least and even David, so righteous, had to admit that fresh blood was quite delectable in preference to the bags. After the good doctor introduced himself, David shook his hand and likewise said his name. "I can definitely smell the difference. Trixy and i appreciate the effort you've put into it." Though he knew that the older female would rather fresh blood he was comfortable in assuming that she did indeed appreciate the better quality stock.

With some mild amusement, he watched Trixy feed and grinned upon seeing her twisted facial expression. Clearly her first bag was not an experience to be cherished. Doctor Bale offered him a similar bag of blood and though he'd already had his dinner for the evening he'd felt that perhaps he should eat, not wanting to be disrespectful by passing it up and enjoying the social interaction with another Vampire at the same time. As he took the bag, the two vampires locked eyes and David wondered if he should drink from the straw as was his custom or bite into the bag as she had done. He'd chosen the latter and a wide smile revealed his extended fangs as he bit into the bag containing the very essence of life. His gaze did now waver as he drained the bag a little slower than Trixy had done. There was no look of disgust or distaste in any form as he withdrew from the empty bag and he smirked. "That was quite good. Much better than hospital stock. Thanks, doc." he said with a nod to Dr. Bale.

There was a hazardous waste bin not far and David deposited the empty bag inside. "Yea.. I've been feeding on bags for a while now." he said to Trixy now as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, one hand fumbling around with his pack of smokes. "I love my abilities but I'll be honest I'm not too happy with the price."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Before David fed, Trixy took the time to properly introduce herself to the human doctor. She extended her hand delicately to him and smiled warmly, her fangs still extended, but clean of blood. "My name is Beatrix de La Croix. I thank you for your kindness and respect, it is very refreshing in this place." She let go of his hand and went to dispose of the emptied blood bag in the nearby hazardous waste container.

When she returned she said "I can't say it was better than what I'm used to... but David says it's better than usual, and it will keep the sunburn away, so thank you." Trixy's eyes went back to David when he spoke. The fact that he hadn't broke his gaze with her while he fed did not go unnoticed. Trixy couldn't read into what it meant exactly, maybe it was a sign of respect, maybe it was something more. A fluttering stirred in her stomach surely its just the fresh blood she thought to herself.

"Yea.. I've been feeding on bags for a while now... I love my abilities but I'll be honest I'm not too happy with the price." David said to her as he toyed with his pack of cigarettes. "That is rather unfortunate, but I see that you still have other vices... maybe there is still hope for you being a little fun." Trixy said lightheartedly as she eyed his smokes. "Why don't we go explore outside of these walls?" She suggested smoothly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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A chuckle that he couldn't hide escaped his lips at her remark, followed by a sly smirk. "Alright. Could use a bit of fresh air… so to speak." he added that last comment as he fondled the cigarettes in his hand, thinking it was more than a little absurd to go outside for fresh air then pollute it with tobacco smoke. Ever the righteous gentleman, he held the door for Trixy and waited until she was through before allowing the door to close and catching up beside her. "I forgot to include my last name when i introduced myself, sorry about that. My full name is David Rouland." he said as they would near the elevator. David had still been wearing his red and black leather jacket and feeling a bit stuffy, he took it off and draped it over his right shoulder casually. Without his jacket on, the under arm holster for his Glock was clearly visible and along the straps that held it in place were several knives resting in their sheathes. Normally he wouldn't display his weapons so openly but Trixy was part of his team now and that merited his trust.

"Gota say, its nice not being the only Vampire here." he said with a genuine smile. "Its like explaining military life to a civilian these days, they just wouldn't understand. So its good to have someone that gets it, you know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Trixy turned and gave the doctor a friendly wave before heading out the door that David had kindly held for her. “Rouland?” she asked with a little shock when he gave her his surname. “C'est un nom français, Parlez-vous français?” she asked in fluent modern-day French.

Trixy knew it was probably a long shot and his French ancestors were most likely long since dead, taking their language with them, but she longed to speak her native language with someone. Constantly speaking English was like wearing shoes that didn’t quite fit – an uncomfortable hindrance, yet most men adored her accent as she struggled through foreign words.

She watched as he swiftly took off his jacket, revealing his weaponry. Trixy’s eyes found the glock first and she smiled a little, they shared a favored weapon. Her own two firearms were concealed against each of her hip bones, the cool metal was pressed to her bare skin in a comforting and almost romantic way – a girl’s got to love her weapon of choice. “It is nice to walk alongside another of my kind, it has been quite a long time since I have done so.” She said, recalling the last progeny that she had sired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

His face formed an apologetic frown as she spoke french to him. Sadly he was, originally, a third generation American and the language of his grandparents was lost to him. "I'm sorry Trixy.. I never learned French." his tone matched his frown in that he was sincerely sorry that he'd failed her expectation and perhaps dashed her hopes.

“It is nice to walk alongside another of my kind, it has been quite a long time since I have done so.” she said.

The elevator doors shut and it began to move. "Can't say that my past experience with others has been all too positive.. I think the last Vampire I encountered before today was.." he scratched his chin as he dug through his memory in search of his last interaction with a Vampire. "Hmm… it might have been at Iwo Jima. Yea.. i think thats it. Japanese Vampire.. killed some of my men and well.. I'm here and he's not." Though he's moved on from grieving for his men, he was still tentative to recall those past battles in any detail and his eyes seemed distant for a moment before he blinked it away and smiled at her. The elevator doors opened and he gestured towards them. "After you, Madame."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Trixy offered a small smile and a shrug at his apology “It is okay, that is the way it is with you Americans. You come to this land called a ‘cultural melting pot’ and it does just that, it melts your culture away into a new one.”

Her footfalls were softer than his own as she walked beside him and listened to him recall his past interactions with Vampires. “Mine aren’t all that positive either… if you don’t let those close to you go, they will be taken from you. I don’t quite know which feeling is worse, in all these years.” She said wistfully, empathizing with his feelings of loss.

She stepped into the elevator and chuckled quietly at his tiny usage of French, thinking it was sweet.
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