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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Sel could not help but notice that something was bothering Kaite, something that was distracting him from what was at hand, or maybe it was this very fact that was bringing something up? Either way Sel could not help the chimera until he told her the truth but even this was becoming deeper than she was expecting, taking her out of her depth for her first time in ages.

"Ok then. I tell you what we will do" She turned around, grabbing a small bracelet like device and once again entering the drug draw as she affectionately called it. She placed it beside him before showing him the pill bottle next "These on the other hand will help you to sleep if you have ploblems." She placed the bottle next to the device. "Without seeing it myself I cannot give you anything for it" If she gave him the wrong drugs it could mess him up even more after all...

“All crewman; a mandatory meeting concerning the current operation in-progress has been scheduled in the Briefing room in fifteen minutes. Guide lights for the Briefing room have been lit for new members for their convenience.”

Giving off a sigh, Sel would have liked to talk about this fact a little more but with the captains call they had little choice in the matter. "We will continue this talk later. For now let us finally get all the information we need on this little mission shall we?" At times she wished she could give a proper smile like human, but her own type of one was good enough for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Indeed" Kaite sighed, grabbing the bracelet and the pills before exiting in haste.

I slipped the wristband over my right arm next to my control band. I had no idea what its purpose was, although I respected its existence in the doctor's arsenal and regarded it with as much as I would the pills which I wish didn't bulge in my pocket as much as they did. I didn't need people to see me like...that.

Glancing over my shoulder to make sure Sel wasn't right behind me, I tore the packaging with a twist with each pill, distributing them amongst my pockets. It was a behavior that pill-jockeys exhibited in a means to hide their stashes, but I knew where to tuck them so they wouldn't show; having experience with catching a couple smugglers before my first jump...I am security...do I need to hide from myself? Why am I hiding? What am I so afraid of? Every camera and medical manifest has me on the record as leaving Sel's office with a grip of these pills. That in mind, I make a point to put them back into a single container for a camera to see. Less than entirely certain, I still proceeded towards the briefing room.

The door to the briefing room slid open to reveal Kaite in less than strictly formal appearance, a rarity. Although, it was fairly commonplace with most of the attendance that his attire wouldn't be looked into too deeply...besides the usual expectation of his presentation.
"Captain" He said with a small bow-ish salute in Rayland's direction. This confusion with formality was his ultimate downfall, since such displays cost his respect from newer recruits, especially on the eccentric spectrum who found such slipups 'adorable' .
Kaite swiftly made his way to a seat away from the others as a form of a test to see who'd sit next to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kassy had started to feel a bit better after finding the cafeteria and downing a dose of pills with several glasses of water. The announcement for a meeting echoed overhead, so she followed the lights to the briefing room. It was a crowded path, and she had to clear her throat several times while traversing. Many people were looking down at the lights as if the path would vanish if they didn't.

How did these creatures navigate? Honestly, they'd be quite lost in the water.

Upon reaching the room, she tried to look for an open space so that she wouldn't be in anyone's way. She wound up whirring the tank to the bench beside Mr. Kaite. Was she imagining it, or did he look more worried than he had?

"Mr. Kaite, I hope you're feeling better." She addressed him with a nod and a smile. Always give positivity. To tell someone they looked ill would plant that seed in their minds, and probably make them feel more ill than they actually were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

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With everyone now assembled in the stadium-like meeting room, Rayland decided to rise from his personal chair, slowly walking around the holo-table and standing in front of the collection of ranks and cultures. The movement alone got the attention of the crew as the noise of side chatter died down, awaiting the captain’s eventual speech to which Rayland cleared his throat for and began. “Good afternoon everyone, I’m sure everybody here may still be a bit groggy or tense due to earlier preparations this morning, though some of you I assume may not be used to universal time scales and currently still adapting.”

Rayland fixed his posture to a more at attention stance before continuing. “To kicks things off, I am Captain Rayland Sul’tari and as you may clearly already know, you are aboard the Infamous Alto; this ship is going to be your new home here for quite some time during this expedition so I would advised getting yourself familiar to it…Assuming of course we don’t end up in a firefight. However we have much to prepare for and little time do so. About less than an hour ago, we had participated in an Interstellar Jump that had shot us over several thousand star systems in an instant and currently we’re in transit to our intended destination…”

The Capitan turned and tapped a single key command on the holo-table, causing the device to project an enlarged image of a naturally green and blue filled celestial body with five satellite moons orbiting it. In detail, scan and statistic reports revealed several major oceans, untouched light green valleys and forests, and highly elevated peaks and gorges covered throughout the northern geography. The planet almost too perfect of ideal colonization was known by everyone in the room well before they had even signed the mission statement and contract; “…Ebrillon.”
“Skimming over a few hundred pages about Ebrillon’s colonial development, the colony was first established about two decades ago and currently supports over five million colonists. This was of course the most recent demographic before contact with the Ebrillian colony was lost only about a month ago.”

Rayland made a few more taps on the holo-table interface before the virtual planet dramatically decreased in size to a spec as the Quox System became the primary focus with the exit point and current position of the expeditionary force displayed on the holographic image.
“We are currently here in slipspace transit…” said Rayland as he pointed to their position in the holographic chart with the display lighting up in response. “In the next two hours, the SWS Howling Sun force will exit slipspace here, potentially outside any known long-range weapon arrays assuming Ebrillon’s orbit is not occupied by any hostile force. Now not to frighten anyone, but earlier scouts that had left transit in the vicinity of Ebrillon unfortunately had gone dark soon afterwards. No official cause has been dug up so jumping out into the edge of the system is the safest course of action.”

Rayland paused for a moment and stared into the crowd listening to the presentation of the mission. He could pick out a few concerned looks in the bunch but everyone else seemed to understand the operation thus far and remained stagnant of any expression. “Scenario one; in case of an confirmed hostile element, the transports including the Infamous Alto will retreat to the exit point with a detached escort force and await further orders. Clear and simple. Now, Scenario two; once Ebrillon is confirmed clear of any hostiles within the surround space, landing operations will take place and ascertain the situation on the ground. That’s when our job comes in. I’m sure you’ve noticed we’re all rather diverse here from specialized technician to heavily armed grunt. The Galactic Coalition has compiled a number of situations they’re anticipating where each of your skills will be put to use. We are well equipped in dealing with irregular solar storms, virus outbreaks, and pirate incursions…Or practically all the above.”

“I shouldn't have to remind you why we’re all here but the GC is expecting a lot of from us and those you’ve been employed by; who knows what we’re going to find. But, if we pull this off, we’re going to come out of this with a lot of credibility and enough credits to last you for life.”

Some of the newcomers and a portion of his own crew vocally made their heightened spirits known whether it was the possibility of fame or being rich enough to own a planet. “Now I assuming many of you have a lot on your mind now and I am open to a brief Q&A before we continue. Who's first?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sel listened intently to the briefing, each bit of information was important when entering unknown territory. However the fact that they truly knew nothing about what happened worried here, almost like it had gone silent within the blink of a eye and that was a scary thought about what could have done such a thing. At least the Infamous Alto was placed on transport duty so they were at least relatively covered in terms of space combat.

As the captain asked if there were any questions Sel raised her hand "A few. I suspect that we are going with the normal commander structure? as in if a situation, such as a plague, arises the medical staff would take command?" That was normal, she just wanted to make sure that everyone knew it since any of the sections of staff could take command at any moment, such as a technical emergency would see engineering take over and so on. Better to be ready than have them surprised when it happens.

"Also, do we know what we will be doing planet side if the skies are clear? Are we given a area to work within or will we be joining over ships and spreading out from there?" She hoped it was the former, she didn't really like working with stuck up military types all that much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

He looked up as the door opened, the whir of treads on steel heralding the entrance of Achieng who made her way to the table. "Looks like you made a friend" Scott chuckled from behind Kaite's seat, mopping up seemingly nothing. It was starting to concern the chimera by the frequency and aggressiveness of his imaginary friend. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table and lace his fingers, he tried to reason it out.

It's obviously subconscious, I'm the only one who can see it. Why a janitor?
"Woah, all this thinking about me. I'm flattered...although you should probably keep it together. People are watching"
True, responding to something that wasn't there would be a good way to cost me nearly all of my credibility. I sigh, taking my glasses off to rub my eyes before replying to the watumaji. "I am fine...simply tired" my words grumble from my lips; it was true, I felt worse than when I had woken up from cryosleep. It was a familiar feeling which I suppose keyed me into how I fainted.
Damn this adrenaline bullshit...

He sat up straight as things started getting underway, cracking his neck and slipping the glasses back on. The corners of the lenses blinked with a dull amber light of the onboard comlink rebooting, accenting the glint of his bioluminescent eyes.
The scenarios Ryland suggested were fair, although after his confident list of what they were prepared for, a question came to mind...probably not one that he should voice, however. At least not in front of the new people.

Kaite wasn't too concerned about space combat and was actually itching to get a chance to fire actual ship-mounted weaponry. As far as the other departments went, Ryland's words in regards to the crew's specialties as well as Sel's input put his mind to ease; there were far more experienced people that'd been hired specifically to encourage the smirk that teased at the corner of the boy's expression.
The federation really wasn't messing around, whatever was on the other side of the jump had better be loaded for bear because nobody intended on pulling a single punch.
However, his fingers twitched as he made a note to doublecheck his hazmat gear since the idea of dying from disease was...unsettling.


But what if it was something they weren't ready for? It's a large universe and who knew how many alien species were left undiscovered or what technology they had. What if the colony was just gone? It had been long enough, over a month...planet and all.

"Tch...pessimists" Scott spat, apparently displeased with Kaite's thoughts as he went about wheeling his custodian setup out of the room.

Kaite remained silent, simply turning his eyes downward before snapping back to attention, curious what the captain's response to Sel would be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sel's hand had raised into the air, bringing with it a duo of logical and informational queries as to the arrival procedures once the Infamous Alto makes it planetside. If it makes it planet side of course but what he knew what was on the other side of the exit point was just as scarce as everyone else's guess. "Right you are Sel'Varok. Depending what we find at Ebrillon, portions of the crew will take command based on their specialties and training once the given situation has been identified. As an example...In the event that hostiles are on the ground and the space around Ebrillon is secured, if the Infamous Alto is asked to participate, we'll more than likely take on the rolls of troop transportation and fire support."

Despite being an AISC commando, a former AISC commando but an commando nonetheless, Rayland had since lost most of the gun-ho eccentric bravado the job demanded and found the idea of the Infamous Alto getting into a brawl of lasers and cannon fire very displeasing but it was the risk he and the rest of the crew signed up for; hardly anyone here no longer had the right to complain. "As to your second question Sel and a follow up to the first one, our main focus is the starport which leads into the main colony. Depending on if the starport can be captured and secured, the Infmous Alto will be able to properly land and efficiently assist with the next phases of the operation, again given the situation."

After everyone in the room appeared satisfied or even more worried about the mission, Rayland tapped at the holo-table’s interface, causing the holographic image to dematerialized as the projector shut down. “At any rate, we got a couple of hours left before we punch out of slipspace. I want everyone to get check their gear and weaponry. Pray to the Celestials or whomever you pray to; we’re soon about to find out why a colony of five million jumped of the radar."


Exiting the dimensional rift of slipspace was far less taxing than it was when the mass interstellar jump took place hours earlier. The flotilla and its heart, the SWS Howling Sun emerged from the slipspace portal, warships and transports pouring into normal space; into the Quox System. The Quox Star System played host to only a small hand full of celestial bodies with the majority being gas giants, leaving the only exo planet, Ebrillon, the only one of its kind. Had the colony prospered for a century more, the surrounding spheres of Helium-3 and Drellium dioxide would have made for an impressive monopoly. But with recent events, the system is now a discouragement for any interested business to take root.

Force Commander Reinhardt Victor Arik sat royally cross legged within his throne at the apex of the massive internal command bridge of the Howling Sun. The man was adorned the commanders cape and fur mane, with magnetic medals and insignias indicating his prestigious rank and display of valor across his armored chest plate. Unhappy that his indoctrination into becoming an Ascended occurred decades after the Interstellar War, Arik had compensated for his denied glorious conquest against Bel’Kian Kotorian warriors and Oun’mai battlesuits though several centuries of service to the Galactic Coalition, consecutively putting down rebellious incursions and rogue warlord agendas with precise efficiency. He was bold, brave, and courageous but also stubborn and cocky; Arik thrived off of conflict created by fools of self interest and welcomed the valor it would wrought regardless of the factors against him. Fascinating in the end that Arik himself would be chosen to command a force three times his usual compliment of super soldiers to even he questioned what he had even done to lead a force large enough to invade a system; he could only speculate the risks at play and treed carefully for once in his entire career; for someone willing to charge a battle-line, even he knew what a deathtrap was.

Spreading several yards apart, haloing platforms of Ascended bridge staff and officers surrounded him, resting in their own terminal seats as. Almost every one of them was consciously diving into the carrier’s immense network array of synchronized personnel, processing the many commands to keep the Sphere warship operations and every ready for action. Since hardly anything was manually done on the digitally mainframe of a ship, the bridge was rather quite; the only sounds usually came from off-duty personnel or the humming ambience of artificial gravity generator constantly and endlessly spinning to replicate the proper living and operational conditions.

With his cyber port already connected to the ships network, Force Commander was capable of speaking to almost everyone on the carrier, even the fleet if he so desired without even physically speaking.

===(FCO ARIK: All hands, status report on current fleet position and ship operations.)=================================
===(ADV SERENA: Aff. All stations showing thumbs up.)==========================================================
===(NAV ZULU: Aff. Confirming position on target system; Grid sector G25, 05 point 34632453)=========================
===(NAV LIMA: Affirmative. ETA on target planet; one hour, 34 minutes at present course.)=============================
===(FCO ARIK: Any anomalies or other vessels in the system? Remnant transmissions?)==============================
===(COM ROMEO-2: Calling Neg. Communication and radio burst traces are null. Target is dark.)========================
===(RAD BRAVO: Neg. No ships or anomalies in range. Scopes are clear.)===========================================
===(OBV TANGO-3: Neg. All is well. No pings on light displacement or gravitational rift traces.)==========================
===(FCO ARIK: Very well. Scout teams report in current status.)====================================================
===(SCT VICTOR-1: Victor Team aff. No visual or sensor pings on potential hostiles, keeping distance.)==================
===(SCT CHARLIE-1: Charlie wilco. Negative on any problems. Maintaining 15 kilometer distance.)=======================
===(SCT HOTEL-1: Hotel Team nothing to report…Its a ghost system I’ll tell you.)=====================================
===(SCT VICTOR-3: Copy on that, Hotel-1. There’s nothing here.)===================================================
===(FCO ARIK: Acknowledging all reports. Maintain current approach vectors.)=======================================
===(FCO ARIK: Sound off on any developments.)================================================================
===(OBV TANGO-2: Effective distance for LRVL Scope verified. Confirmed visual in 40 minutes.)========================


The exiting from Slipspace was a much needed relievement for the crew of the Infamous Alto. When some expected the worse to relapse once more, what they found was an uneventful safe passage back into real space. There were no new phases of the operation that the frigate crew had to concern themselves with as the military force outside was already on alert for any possible threats. Plus the ship was along for the ride. But so far everything seemed quite and calm; an unnerving sentiment considering the vanishing of five million people. Worse were the official reports that came into Rayland’s own personal terminal on the bridge revealed no traces of any transmission being broadcasted by the colony, even before or after its disappearance; it was almost as if the colony never existed.

The slow cautious approach toward Ebrillon was stressfully uneventful with a whole lot of nothing to report. The scouts of the Howling Sun had since stopped bothering with calling in every ten minutes and only settled with reporting anything that they found was unusual while allowing their craft to constantly ping their status. The crews however kept to their tasks in keeping their respective vessels going all the while preparing for whatever would await them once they were in Ebrillon’s local space.

Finally after more than an hour of waiting while on final approach, imagery captured by the Howling Sun’s LRVL Scope began to pop on the bridge of every ship in the flotilla. The sight of Ebrillon was startling to every command staff member viewing the footage. The once supposed green world was now tainted in a redish brown hue of decay and oceans as black as the abyss. The polar caps were uncontrollably frozen white and further spread across the continents fifty percent more than current records had shown. To say the least, Ebrillon was dead and desolate.

“What the hell…Happened to it…?” Rayland muttered; frozen in terrible bewilderment at the sight of the decayed planet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sel nodded in agreement to how the order of command would work given different circumstances, and as she suspected they had thought of everything just in case things went south, west or any other direction it was not really meant too. It took a little while for the meeting to wind down but soon enough they were directed to go and sort out their gear for the mission, which Sel had to admit got her a little excited given all the cool stuff she was given for this mission. Heck she hardly knew what half of it did so she really did take the opportunity to go and check over her equipment.


Time passed and soon they exited out of slip space, though Sel was far too busy to go and watch the first reports on what had happened she did take the time to contact Kaite. "Hey, you doing ok? I wanted to check right after we exited that.. Hello?" She heard some comotion on the other side of the com, heck now she listened she could hear it nearly all over the damn ship!

"What is going on?"

Dashing out of the medical wing door the Vexi made her way towards the command bridge and she could hear the voices on the other side, voices of sheer horror. Her feet slowed as the door opened, her steps becoming heavy and load within the shocked silence that she also joined. Before her was a planet that once held millions of beings, now reduced to nothing more than a wasteland not fit for life. "How?..." The only words that she could speak slipped past her lips as she walked beside Rayland.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The thought of situations arising planet-side eased Kaite's nerves on a level he wasn't comfortable with voicing. In truth, the idea of squeezing off a few rounds from the ship-side cannons gave him goosebumps; He had imagined it to have a different feel than simulations, although childishly assumed there'd be some sort of recoil in the way firearms work. Depending on how powerful the cannons were, the ship might tilt a bit, but nothing that the gyroscopic gravitational stabilizers wouldn't cancel out. Nobody would feel a thing.

All of this considered, with the technology at hand and a few custom simulations, Kaite was confident in his aim if firing upon the planet from long range was a question. He notices his hand lightly shaking under the table and chided himself in his head about being so rash as to already resolve himself to violence.
"Sir" The chimera chirped with a semi-casual salute at the apparent conclusion of the meeting, not wasting time in being one of the first to leave.


I was both surprised and relieved not to find 'Scott' outside. The idea of having hours of downtime wasn't quite what I had hoped for. I mean I understand how going multiple times the speed of light would still take weeks to traverse a fraction of the galaxy...I suppose that's why we're latched to The Howling Sun.
Captain Ryland's comment about praying to divines stuck with me, reminding me of the book Katherine had given me shortly after I had joined the crew. Its spine was still brand new, my contempt keeping me from even reading its title as it collected dust in the corner of my desk with the rest of the drek that she has given me...
"Zehr isn't any reason zeht you can szink uf as to why you hate her..."

This time it was my own voice, musing lazily as I loudly shook a cocktail mixer beside myself as I walked. Now, I knew it was just the dull reflection in the fogged metal walls...or maybe it was my own reflection as I shook the mixer, standing in my room looking into the mirror next to my desk where the pile of books sat. It wasn't uncommon for me to drift off when there wasn't anything in particular to pay attention to. Something about the mechanized construction of test-tube soldier's brains was supposed to be resistant to boredom...many are kept in tubes waiting in semi-consciousness until they're given orders.

"Do you szink I am spoiled?" I muse aloud as I hook the mixer up to the 0-G displacer, filling a foil bag with the drink which it printed a lablel around the top reading "piña colada" before stamping a nozzle on it so it wouldn't spill everywhere in the photosynthesis chamber...I was very curious what space looked like at speeds that would make light, itself, jealous.


Kaite threw most of his clothes off, opening the hatch that there was just enough room to duck through which lead to the clear bubble on the exterior of the ship. The silly symbol of a person sideways with an arrow scooping up and to the side from underneath them to signify zero-G illuminating. The scene cuts with a small glimpse of the mirror with a small crack in the corner which displays a room in the stages of decline. The mattress has a few stab-holes in it which foam stuffing peeked out of, the desk is covered in tiny tufts of fluff from stuffed animals that had their fur pulled out with pliers, leaving them as ghastly ragdoll remnants. The only one still intact was the bunny in a freshly pressed suit, cleaner than ever with an unscarred face besides an eyepatch.

The door closes.



Kaite stepped out of the chamber, tossing the empty bag in a nearby trashcan before getting dressed in his freshly cleaned and pressed uniform. Looking at himself in the mirror as he buttoned up the jacket, he leaned close to note the mild shadows under his eyes. With a sigh, he slipped his eyepatch on over the mint glow of his other eye. His other hand traced the nonexistent numbers on the face of the doll. "Woi! Ello old bean, quoit the tussle we had during yo'r leave" Kaite voiced for the doll, standing it up and giving it mannerisms in time to the poor British accented voice before reaching for the mangled remains of a giraffe in a similar suit.

He stopped, dropping the dolls and snapping to attention as the eyepatch finished syncing, the countdown until they came out of the jump down to the last few seconds. Bracing, he closed his eyes and held onto the desk, expecting the worst only to feel nothing as the timer beeped twice.

Kaite opened his eyes...

The door to Kaite's room slid open and he stumbled out, falling against the wall on the other side of the hall as the door shut. He looked both ways down the hall before shakily standing, slowly looking down at his trembling hands before gripping them into fists. "What the fuck..." he hissed, biting back a frustrated sob before recomposing himself, checking his uniform to make sure he was presentable before walking off down the hall towards the bridge. In his rush to escape whatever he'd seen in his room, he had forgotten his weapons, although his biggest concern was distancing himself from the unassuming door with the nameplate "Jericho Kaite".

"What is going on?"

He rolled his eyes, numb to her first comment as he walked, passing by a window and stopping. No, this one was real. He confirmed this by taking a few cautious steps back, looking back at the...for lack of better formalities, deterraformed world. Kaite's fingers twitched as he scanned through the reports and immediately took off down the hall, easily finding the captain and Sel on the scanners to join up with them.

"Sir, I..." the chimera began, unsure what to say. It was going to turn into an apology for nothing, then his thought process turned to reading off diagnostics, which he was certain the captain already knew. Unfortunately, all he had was questions; "Are vee prepared for zeis?" he asked, his demeanor surprisingly collected in spite of what had transpired.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Achieng had just finished setting up her office. She had hung bright decorations from her homeworld. Cloths, small sculptures, and a beautiful etching of a fish. It helped to break up the sterile, bland metal of the ship walls. Hopefully she could acquire other things to make it more comfortable. With her tank whirring down the hall, she was about to visit the kitchen for something to eat. The images took over the wall screens- all of them- and suddenly her appetite was gone. This was not the beautiful, lush and verdant planet from the documents. Was it?

"How... how can this be?" Her mind flew into overdrive. Was the whole planet dead? Maybe it was just the vegetation? Could there be survivors? If so, then her role here might not just be for the personnel, but for those lost citizens as well...

Pushing her tank into the fastest speed it could go, she headed for the bridge, announcing herself at the door before looking at the terrifying sight. "What do we do, Captain?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Force Commander Arik grimaced upon the dreadful state of Ebrillon and the now surging flow of communications traffic between all the ships in the fleet currently directing to the Howling Sun’s highest echelon of command; himself. A good number of ship captains and officers were desperately demanding instructions on how to proceed with this startling new development. Even the personnel accumulated for this very mission were in disarray and didn’t know what to do; nothing in the briefing would have prepared anyone for this. For a once beautifully green world to quickly turn into an uninhabitable planet of decay and desolation, the idea or the means to bring about such devastation was impossible to comprehend.

The Ascended however remained resolute in hindsight of such a terrible discovery. However it seemed that all of them appeared unfazed or heartless towards the corpse planet, even the super soldiers though still questioned their eyes but their indoctrination to the Sphere creed had made them fearless, seeming stoned-faced to any threat and thus the crew of the SWS Howling Sun continued on. Queries filled the ship’s neural net regarding new tasks and surveys to be conducted as the fleet crept closer to its now dreaded destination, some of them openly personal but all were met with microsecond replies from the command staff to keep the vessel functional and adaptive.

Pressured by the planet’s strange and unfortunate outcome, and the nagging comms from the other captains, Arik arose from his throne and linked himself to the technopathic communications array, eager to settle down the escalating concerns and worries of everyone in the fleet.

“Attention all ships.” boomed Arik’s mind, “This is Force Commander Arik of the Highland Wolves speaking. I ask that everyone remain calm at this time. As it stands, we are reevaluating the present situation. Remain on standby and await further instructions...”

He’d wish he had a better speech than that, something heroic and inspiring that made the situation appear laughable or undaunting. But the entire fleet was not made entirely of Ascended troops nor was this a matter of prideful boasts or show of power; this was a matter of five million people now probably considered damned to a horrific fate and the mastermind behind the grisly scene still at large, whatever it was. The criteria of the situation may have changed but now he had real purpose for seeing this operation out to the end.

Transmissions from the other vessels had finally dimmed down after his announcement and allowed him to focus on the current situation at hand without any pings attacking him. Arik gazed at the dead Ebrillon with narrowed eyes, attempting to formulate a theory of the planets state. Long-range scans of Ebrillion were holographically pulled up, confirming that the plentiful breathable air had since been poisoned by a variety of gasses such as Carbon monoxide, Kerta Sulfide, and Sulfur dioxide. The list continued on until several unknown elements were compiled with the latest scan. Bio-Ops and Engineering were already taking on the task of investigating the foreign traces in the atmosphere.

Another list came forth with new evidence submitted by Observer Tango Three; an anomaly in Ebrillon’s geomagnetic field. The analysis claimed a radical central shift with the planet’s magnetic field had caused a clouding effect where the solar rays and contributing heat from the local star would quickly dissipate. The resulting effects would have explained the north and south poles icing over their respective regions. Not only was the planet poisoned, it was also too damned cold to even live on anymore.

The last aspect of Ebrillon’s fate was perhaps the more terrifying to comprehend. The lush emerald planet was matched by its sapphire oceans and canals, now turned into an ebony mass. Scans strangely couldn’t identify the former seas any longer; there was virtually little to no water traces to be found. All that was left was a substance that even Bio-Ops were reporting difficulties analyzing. Curiously even more that the earlier magnetic field reports indicated a focal point emerging from the core, specifically located in the Zeni Oceanic region.

This was not the result of natural causes Arik pondered as he gone over the data himself. There were too many alien factors in Ebrillon’s demise. The only thing that could cause such planetary degeneration would have been from terraformer. It would makes sense to a dregree; there were at least a dozen reported cases of terraformer malfunctions, mostly during humanity’s automated Branching, that heavily damaged or even killed planet’s geospheres. But this was not an accident. Ebrillon was a world that never needed a terraformer when first scouted as its original state supported the conditions for immediate colonization. Arik’s eyes narrowed with the evidence as clear as day; Ebrillon was murdered and unfortunately likely the colonists too.

The Force Commander opened as consensus to the entire crew of the Howling Sun for theoretical assessment. Just as it was sent, numbers were already quickly being compiled; the results were staggering as the battle tested Ascended pinged positive on his opinion. No surprise really since the Ascended always expected trouble. This kind of trouble however sounded more of the deathtrap kind that the super soldiers would ever rarely cautiously put their feet into.

With the analysis check of Ebrillon ringing true to his theory, Arik’s expression grimaced as he taped the communications array once more and privately made a ping to one of the larger ATC Cruisers, the Judgement VI; He wanted AISCs on the ground.


Rayland fell silent at first to Kaite’s worried query.

Everyone like him was natural scared at this point, probably regretting ever taking on this contract. It had just been more than an hour ago were Rayland briefed his crew on how things were going to go down. Nothing like this was ever covered in the mission parameters; now he felt like a damned hypocrite. He hated it when that happened.

What supposed to be a lively green and blue world was now a white and burgundy hellhole due to whatever ill effects that claimed Ebrillon. He began to formulate what kind of operation they were going to pull now that the mission parameters went out the airlock. Given their uneventful arrival, it didn’t appear that there any hostile forces in the system. When he was an AISC, the space pirates he’d usually hunt would do just about anything to ward off Galactic Coalition advancement and were often open with their tactics. If there was an enemy here, they were lying in wait, looking for an opportunity. But wouldn’t this be the perfect opportunity to strike now that everyone is practically trembling? Something wasn’t right.

Heavy solar activity would have downed or fluctuated common communications array transmissions which would have fried the most unshielded and fragile neural circuitry, could have even trapped the scouts here. But the fact that there was hardly any sign of life. Rayland also would have imaged the planet scorched perhaps due to massive solar flares if that as the culprit but Ebrillon was basically iced over; the opposite of what the star could have done to the planet given the criteria. A virus or plague could have generated such noticeable decay but would not have an influential impact with the rest of the planet.

Considering the effects, it was impossible for him to comprehend what had taken place. But his gut lurched with the dreaded feeling this was trap. But with little evidence to support such a natural claim, he was better off keeping his mouth shut and letting the geeks of the Howling Sun check this out.

“I can’t say.” Rayland finally replied, answering Achieng’s own question too, if that was even considered an answer, “We would have to reconnoiter the planet before doing anything else.”

For a moment, Rayland didn’t notice the amount of pings arriving to his terminal from other sectors of the ship. Everyone on board was also concerned about the discovery and wanted answers, answers that he couldn’t give at the moment. Anything that he could say would be the same unhelpful response from earlier.

“Captain Rayland Sul’tari, incoming transmission from the SWS Howling Sun, on all channels. Patching it through now.” Towan suddenly announced.

“Attention all ships; this is Force Commander Arik of the Highland Wolves speaking. I ask that everyone remain calm at this time. As it stands, we are reevaluating the present situation. Remain on standby and await further instructions...”

Rayland eyed the ping counter slowly deescalate from its original number; at least that was one problem taken care of. The Force Commander’s announcement however was hardly considered insightful but given the circumstances, even the Ascended didn’t know about the situation. It didn’t feel like the best thing do, but they were practically being told to wait.

“There you have it…” Rayland sighed.


Kerra Qoun, or “Cobalt” as her squad mates referred her by like they did with their own callsigns, made herself comfortable and secure within the harness of her own jump bay. The squad’s dropship groaned to life as it prepared to take off from Judgement VI’s hanger. Chatter was at all time low though no one could really blame the AICSs from being at the least bit intimidated by the fact they were going to hit the dead planet as an advanced recon force to secure a landing zone. While jumping in to hell itself was their insane passion, jumping into a planet with little intelligence on their vector didn’t sit well with them, especially not on a month old dead rock.

Apparently the Force Commander needed fresh eyes on the ground since earlier scans and LRVL Scope captures reported negative on any activity on Ebrillon. The only things that seemed active were the colonial city and the spaceport’s sub generators constantly flagging an OK status. That meant power could be partially restored to some of the sectors of the megalopolis and, hopefully, return environmental systems back to full functionality; if that was even still possible. But the more desired piece of the mission was the city’s main black box or any salvageable data stores that could shed at least the faintest of lights on what happened to the colony.

Kerra could feel the dropship shuddering with the high-powered rockets propelling the craft into the air, thrust vectoring engines rotating the craft assumingly into a launching position. It wasn’t long until the dropship’s rockets really became active as she experienced the small push of gravity against her as the dropship shot out of the hanger bay and into local space. She peered out the ship’s viewport, taking note of the other frigates and destroyers spread out around her into their defensive formations. Admittedly, this was the first time she and her other squad members were a part of such an amassed force of warships. She would always hear war stories from the more senior AISCs talk about their tour in the Interstellar War where they would travel along side an entire invasion armada whose immense size could have dimmed the sunlight of a planet unlucky enough to play host to them. The landings would be so intense that many of the AICSs got to see heavy rail-cannon rounds up close before they hit the planet a second later. The feeling of being with an force such as this made her feel invincible but she knew better than to get overly cocky, especially with what she was about to literally jump into.

“Squads Charlie and Delta, this is Harbinger Three. We are currently on schedule with five minutes before the atmospheric dive point. Check your equipment and heat barriers for final assessment.”

Kerra’s on-board computer guided her through several checks of her gear and weaponry. First was the impact bracers deploying all around her suit in case of a hard landing; she could remember AISC training years back where she had to land without the use of her jump jets. The initial contact with the ground was always nasty. Next came the jump jet pre-firing to ensure full operational capacity. The boosters glowed bright orange, igniting small flames from nozzles until they quickly died down after completion of the check. Lastly and the most importantly was the heat shield; the only thing keeping a AISC from roasting up while in atmospheric re-entry. The barrier basically absorbed the heat while entering into the atmosphere until dissipating in a series of quick pulses that prevented a heat build-up.

“One minute until arrival at atmospheric dive point. Cycling out oxygen now.”

Her computer instantly identified the draining loss of air and secured Kerra’s suit from any feasible outlets for oxygen to escape from. In that exact moment everything from the outside her suit had gone completely silent with the dropship now depressurized. Moments later, her own jump bay locks has detached with the cover folding over her head, revealing Ebrillon’s decayed surfaced below her. On her vox, Kerra could hear her CO barking orders to the rest of her own squad but her mind was solely focused at Ebrillon. Suddenly that moment of invincibility quickly fled away just like her now deteriorating motivation as she was faced with the countdown before Kerra had to move one foot forward for the big one. The reports of the planet’s condition were now adding up and she nervously took hold of the bars above her to secure her spot.

It was then her jump bay lit up green; the signal to jump but for a brief moment, Kerra had hesitated, not wanting to move an inch. But the sense of duty pushed her to go. It was either that sense or the manual “jump assist” mechanical arm that would nudge a nervous AISC out of the ship. Kerra made her move and leaped out of the comfortable confines of the dropship and quickly began a free fall towards Ebrillon, into the jaws of hell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
Avatar of ShiningSector

ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The atmospheric descent was pleasantly uneventful aside from the normal expectancies. The AISCs, Kerra included were sweating as their bodies were hugged by the warm atmosphere that made it past the heat barriers and overwhelmed the inner cooling system; it was a tolerable tradeoff than roasting alive. Their training conducted so many jumps before that the heat was nearly irrelevant to them and they’ve since mastered the ability to breathe through the hot oxygen within their modified NVP suits during re-entry. Their experiences had made them adaptable in any environment; Ebrillon however was different. With the polar zones frozen over and warm toxins plaguing pocketed regions over the planet, their operation field was going to be a new one for the record.

After enduring the long freefall with their barriers discharging the re-entry friction, the AISCs had reached twenty-five thousand feet over their landing point; the exact margin for slowing down their rapid decent. Kerra fired her jump jets simultaneously, powerful bursts of ion particles shooting out from the boosters located throughout her NVP suit. The added propulsion slowed her freefall during every busting phase as she moved her limbs in order to stay on course. After she had managed her decent to a safer altitude and decent rate, Kerra cut the jump jets, dropping into another freefall only to fire the booster once more at the next interval.

Eventually she and her squad landed on the planet’s cold surface, her own NVP suit and internal cybernetics cushioned the hard landing as particles of frost and dirt sprouted due to the rough connection with the earth. A quick scan from her NVP suit confirmed no hostiles in the vicinity and pinged the “OK” status while the other AICSs made the same report. The landing site was barren as was seen in orbit, only now things were clearly as worse as they appeared. The foliage and vegetation had since died out, leaving only dried fossils of their original selves. Husks of once tall standing timber laid broken across their hollow base in the collected snow and ice that surrounded the entire plain. To the commandos, it was clear that an artificial ice age of sorts had taken grasp of Ebrillon’s ecosystem.

“All squad members have safely touched down, let’s get started.” came Uranus’s voice through Kerra’s helmet vox, “The spaceport has been spotted only a few clicks away and is designated as our primary objective to secure. We’ll split into two teams; Alpha will comprise of Hob, Cobalt, Vice, and Flux while myself, Ymir, Ion, and Sultan will form Bravo. Approach vectors have been updated on your HUDs; follow them closely and watch for any sign of suspicious activity. Camo up and move out.”

Kerra could sense her squad leader’s tone and vocal pace was off from his casual speech pattern. For such a seasoned veteran who up to this point showed little fear and worry was displaying more than the unnoticeable amount. It was as if Uranus predicted something and wanted off this planet as soon as possible. She couldn’t blame him though if that was the case; such radical changes to a green world would have anyone spooked but at least he showed that he was still in command and was willing to up hold that responsibility. Hopefully it would stay that way.

The cautious trek towards the space port was oddly agitating; there was no sign of any hostility despite the planet’s fate was consigned to such ugly expression. The AISCs were used to getting shot at and favored the presented case of stalking an unsuspected opponent when they were visible. But no one was around. No enemy in need of killing. No one to take responsibility for the supposed death of five million colonists and the geological ravaging of a celestial body; nothing. The means of Ebrillon’s state must have took extraordinary measures, but the measures in question were without a trace. It was as if whoever had done this had long since packed up and left. Could they have jumped over their suspect? Unlikely though as the SWS Howling Sun would have detected FTL activity even during its Interstellar jump into slipspace. The logical conclusion would be that the culprit was still here and that was a fact no one relished to delve into. However their job was just that.

As Uranus ordered, the AISCs made their approach while their Shadow Walker stealth fields were active. Each soldier appeared as a mere wrinkle in reality, almost unnoticeable from quite a distance away. The stealth fields that were emitted bended the light around them and masked their physical bodies with background around them while only presenting a fraction of their shadow as the only trace of themselves. On top of the optical camouflage, the Shadow Walker fields reduced their electronic and harmonic signatures, practically making the commandos nearly nonexistent. However the trade off in maintaining such a low profile demands the isolation of outbound echo imagery sensing and external sensor probing; two very efficient methods in early threat detection that would have made a trace back possible and risk compromising their presence. All they had available was basic radar and visual friend or foe identification which was only handy in close ranges.

The two teams continued their advance to the spaceport half a kilometer apart, marching through the icy tundra of decay with their deployed weaponized Assemblers pointed wherever they looked. Particles of what looked like snow or dust lightly fell from the dark overcast overhead that had slowly rolled in an hour earlier. Kerra kept her wits up as she eyed her surroundings for any activity but just like the last check in, there was nothing. It was hard to keep back the thoughts of the mission while cautiously pacing in single file while weapons were raised. Twice did she nearly trip or run into her comrades while deep in thought to which her NVP suit in response stimulated her senses to focus on the task at hand. Though appreciated, she needed to participate with full willingness and responsibility without a compensating crutch.

Finally after a while of pacing with no problems encountered, the teams had reached the grounds of the space port. The AISCs halted their advanced and kneeled down on orders from Uranus. The spaceport overall showed signs of inactivity and age caused by absent maintenance. Vehicles and aircraft remained unattended, some still left in low power states due many weeks of idleness as indicated by the AISC’s HUD sensors. Upon closer inspection to the facilities, there seemed to be evidence of struggle or erratic activity as tools, equipment, and clothing appeared cluttered everywhere on the ground. However, considering that there were no signs of activity within a month, it was also likely that the new weather patterns could have blown some of the gear around the spaceport.

“Objective reached. No hostiles encountered.” said Uranus through the vox and into his own report journal, “Proceeding to next phase. Our target is the Control Center of the spaceport. If we can secure that and bring the support facilities online, the landing sorties can come down and dock. Alpha, take the Westside hanger and approach the Command Center trough the Utilities ward. Bravo will attempt to access the security and engineering sectors to ensure the spaceport is under our control. Let’s get to it.”

The teams were once again mobile and advanced toward their objectives. Hob took point for Alpha and lead the small unit toward the hanger Uranus had pointed out. The single file formation fractured into individual approaches as they made their way past the cluttered vehicles and equipment. Kerra made her way around a Hauler VBMP used for lifting heavy supplies or even aircraft, carefully walking against the hull and using it as cover. She could feel the internal rumbling of the mecha’s electronic inner workings keeping it active and on standby. Like some of the other vehicles, this one too had been supposedly abandoned by its pilot as her sensors confirmed. However, VBMPs demanded a neural sync between the operator and their mechanical counterpart to even operate at all; the fact that this mech was still active meant that its connection to the pilot had dropped instantaneously, leaving the VBMP literally brain dead. As much as that would warrant an investigation, her priorities were to the objective.

Alpha had regrouped upon their arrival at the Westside hanger; a facility going by earlier blueprints meant to station and maintenance of aircraft and smaller spacecraft such as shuttles or starfighters. Though the structure itself was massive, it was far outclassed by the starship bays on either side of the hanger. Following the apparent trend of unintentional irresponsibility, the hanger bat doors were wide open and frozen in place by the cold weather. Inside the facility were additional aircraft parked in their individual bays, primarily surveyor drones like some outside the hanger and a few number of personal transports and crop dusters. Unlike some of the machines outside, these ones were completely offline, likely for maintenance purposes. Tools and data slabs were littered around the machines and the wall-facing workstations. Much like the scene upon the arrival at the spaceport, it was as if everyone had stopped what they were doing and left in a hurry. Were all the technicians and operators here running from something? The thought didn’t sit well with Kerra, especially adding on top of Ebrillon’s condition.
“Area clear. Move on there, dead ahead.” said Hob as he pointed out an opened corridor leading out of the hanger.

The Utilities ward was in the same condition like everything else they’ve seen. More equipment was left on the ground with the internal back-up lamps either on or flickering, leaving portions of the hallways greatly dimmed. However the AISC’s HUDs created a visual backdrop that illuminated the corridors to them. As Alpha closed in on Command Center, signs of hostility slowly began to manifest once they entered into the main offices surrounding the enclosed heart and brain of the spaceport. Burns from energy directed weapons stained the interior walls and desks. Sections of the ceiling were caved in with impact craters directly over the exposed gashes in the roofing. There were even cases of blackening blood smears on both the floor and the walls themselves, indicating a violent struggle had ensued here. Perhaps the even more concerning part of this discovery was that there were no corpses to add up to the bloodbath.

“This is definitely not good…”Flux blurted out in observation of the destruction before them.

“You always say that.” replied Vice whom was still surveying their surroundings, “Though I must agree…This doesn’t paint a pretty picture. Where are the bodies…?”

Kerra agreed with Vice that the absence of any visible fatalities wasn’t adding up quite right. The question was left hanging as no one could produce a feasible answer. The AISCs, now very cautious at this point, carefully approached the entrance of the Command Center that had been blown inward by some explosion. Kerra surmised that an explosive entry device may have been used to breach the heavily armored doors that were intended to lock this facility down from outside attack. As indicated in the offices, the Command Center also revealed the remains of a battle but again, no bodies to account for. Despite the grim realizations taking place of a very likely hostile invasion, they still had a job to do.
“Colbalt, try to get that main terminal up and running. Vice and Flux, secure the area. Get a Stasis fence on that entry.” Hob ordered to his team while he undid the large radio set from his suit.

“Copy.” replied Kerra, along with Vice and Flux as they set out to perform their duties.

Kerra arrived at the main terminal where the CO of the entire spaceport would have been stationed at where they would be able to micro manage everyone and all essential functions of the many facilities here. The terminal itself was partially powered down with the rest of the spaceport running on emergency power. It became apparent that the main power had gone offline or was knocked out by whatever attacked the colony. Pulling a wire from her helmet, Kerra connected the terminal to her NVP’s suits Cyber Port, neurologically interfacing with the station. The person in charge of the spaceport would have had personal security encryptions based on biometrics and key prints set in place to allow only themselves or authorized personal to access the system. Kerra however was already undoing what would have taken nearly a day to establish within minutes, surgically deconstructing the measures set in place to allow open access.

It didn’t take long until she had enough access to manage the starship bays and other sub-systems through the re-routing of emergency power for the time being. Getting full power operational was going to be a different task all together.

“I’m in. Not much to work with but enough for the geeks to come down and land.” Kerra announced.

Hob looked over and nodded before turning back to the newly established radio setup. “Hob, Alpha to Uranus Bravo. Objective accomplished, we have control over the Command Center. Awaiting next orders.”

“Uranus, Bravo . Copy that. Bravo has secured the security and engineering facilities. We should be up and ready momentarily. Go ahead and get in touch with the SWS Howling Sun. Tell them we’re ready.”


Like many of the other ships in the fleet, the Infamous Alto was on mix of dull inactivity and suspense filled standby state. Everyone learned that AISCs were recently deployed down to Ebrillon’s surface and their status, or fate, was well concerning enough but obviously little could be done with that in mind. Rayland himself for some time had been synced to the network and the communications array, interacting some of the freelance captains of the fleet in regards to the situation, operational status, and a few positive exchanges of dialogue; the moral wasn’t high with anyone so the need to lighten up was desired, especially for those in command.

Everyone had gone back to their duties or began prepping for what was to eventually coming. It had been an hour or so since the AISCs had landed and Rayland naturally concerned for his former brethren-in-arms. He recalled his previous life as an active solider jumping into many orbits of worlds so far away from his own. The feeling of weightlessness during the freefall phase was once a frightening feeling of lawless flight turned peaceful glide was perhaps the most relaxing point until gravity, heat, and possible gunfire seemed to ruin the fun. Of course that was the fact that he continuously faced until the fated mission on Garnene where local insurgents, somehow aware of the stealthy jump troopers descent opened up with triple-a. The barrage eventually clipped his wings while coming out of re-entry as fragmentation shell tore Rayland’s armor apart shredded his flesh with hot metal in midair. The damage could have been worse had it not been for his NVP suit sealing around the shrapnel locking down before inflating the impact cushions for the eventual contact with the ground. Had it been a miss or someone else, Rayland was sure he would be one of the men planetside with a firsthand look of the devastation.

“Captain Rayland Sul’tari, incoming deployment orders from the SWS Howling Sun.” Towan’s mechanical voice suddenly beamed in.

Rayland jerked his head up in surprise, ripping the cable syncing him with local cyberverse prematurely out of his cyber port implant. Though the implant regulated the flow of information and cerebral trance states that allowed the mind to maintain focus and stability even when a connection has been severed, the neurological feedback from such an immediate collapse in the line however proved very painful but only for a moment. Rayland nearly gave a yelp in response and reflexively applied pressure on node until the pain eventually subsided.

“Thank you Towan…” Rayland growled as he pulled up the orders on his terminal.

Darting over the new mission details, Rayland looked over the reports made by the AISCs already on the ground. Apparently the stealth landing encountered no problems, especially with the re-capturing of the spaceport’s central nervous system and returned power to several facilities they could assume commend over. So far the mission was going as planned but with no sign of the any living, or dead, thing however was an unexpected ill manifested development he was sure was was going to be their next priority.

Rayland tapped the interface on this terminal and opened up the ship’s vox channels. “Attention crew, this is your Captain speaking. We’ve just been given orders to initiate landing operations on Ebrillon’s surface. Secure all essential equipment for re-entry sequence. Additionally, the landing corridor has been considered unsecure and thus the Infamous Alto will be assuming Yellow Alert combat status…”

It felt strange issuing an alert like that, something he never really had to do ever; most of the crew probably never even been in a combat situation aboard at all. Of course, had the Infamous Alto had been a freighter and not a repurposed frigate with half its arsenal still operational, the displaced feelings would have made sense. At least now he had a good reason to use the guns now.

“…as for our mission parameters, the Infamous Alto will assist the guys already on the ground as well as the incoming arrivals from other ships with technical logistics and military operations as orders come through. Jump troopers have just taken control over the spaceport and are seeking help restoring full power to the entire compound before further operations move into the main city. Until life support is restored, everyone is required to environmental survival gear as the air within Ebrillon’s atmosphere is no longer breathable. We’ll deploy in five minutes; man your stations at once. That is all.”

All stations eventually reported ready status and the command staff was at full operation capacity on the bridge, just under the five minute mark. Rayland was a tad surprised at how fast everyone moved to their operation posts right after his announcement. It was hard to say if the crew’s efficiency was due to a spike it was out of moral educed determination or fear that they were about to dive into hostile territory. Whichever the case may have been, they were set now.

Rayland restored connection to his terminal as his re-inserted the network cable back into the cyber port implant once more, re-synchronizing with the rest of the ship until his mental presence was everywhere throughout the Infamous Alto’s neural net and was in full control once more. With the SWS Howling Sun’s dock facilities notified of the Infamous Alto’s departure, the clamps that helped the frigate to the Howling Sun folded back, releasing the Infamous Alto back to the void. No longer restrained, Rayland technopathically commanded the frigate forward towards Ebrillon. Sensors around the ship picked up additional movement from the rear; another freelance transport, the Loran’s Run also undocked and formed up behind the Infamous Alto several kilometers apart. More vessels began moving with two destroyers lurching toward the planet, surrounding the small convoy of now joining dropships and VBMWP in fighter configuration. Rayland had to admit that while travelling with such an armed detachment, it was as if they were invading Ebrillon. The sentiment was probably not far off.

The destroyers eventually halted their advance ahead of the landing party and about faced their starboard and port sides towards the planet, railgun and particle beam batteries aimed at the surface. It became a palpable fact the destroyers were now serving as orbital gun platforms meant to kill anything that was deemed hostile. It was good to know that the ships landing on the surface were going to get serious fire support from above if things turned ugly. However, when several more ships popping in on close range sensors and moved in just behind the destroyers, Rayland began to wonder if their support had any contingencies in mind if things went completely south.

“Atmospheric re-entry sequence initiated, prepare for minor turbulence.” Towan announced as the Infamous Alto got within meters of the entry point.

Through the visual sensors on the bridge and other sections of the frigate, heated gas began to spread all across the bow before it soon nearly engulfed the Infamous Alto. Following re-entry procedures, Rayland raised the frigate’s bow upward, creating drag with the ship’s larger profile positioning. The purpose was to reduce the amount of velocity the Infamous Alto was entering with. By presenting a larger underbelly, the compressed gases flowing around the ship were pushed away, lowering the overall temperatures the heat barriers were taking on. The frigate rumbled gently with much of the taken on g-forces were nullified by the onboard inertial dampeners, making the trip down to the surface relatively tame.

After a period of time, the landing party came into a stable enough altitude to where the ships could come into a thruster assisted glide. The Infamous Alto flew through the dark clouds that shadowed the cold badlands below, marauded by the coming turbulence of the gathering blizzard within the darkening haze. So far the approach had been rather uneventful with no noticeable responses to their arrival, they were completely unopposed. If there was a hostile force that had the capabilities of ending a planet, they were either plotting something terrible or thought merely little of the approaching ships. Both aspects were terrifying in their own right.

Ryaland could then see the spaceport materializing out of the dark clouds and already the AISCs were contacting the incoming craft. The Infamous Alto and Loran’s Run both received specific approach vectors from the jump troopers manning the command center, directing them to the starship bays to land at. The dropships and VBMWPs flew right past the two only largest ships in the force made their way to their designated landing areas. When the frigate made its way over the spaceport, Rayland took note of the soldiers spilling out of the dropships weapons raised, watching them as they quickly setup fortifications and entered the spaceport to reinforce the AISCs while the mecha took positions all over the compound both in the air and on the ground, serving as additional fire support and scouts for the ground forces. No one was wasting any time.

The Infamous Alto eventually arrived at its designated pen with Rayland slowly easing the craft down as a jump trooper tagged as “Ymir” directed and oversaw the landing. The bay itself was basically a massive oval shaped dome-like structure that opened up to accept new vessels. Once it was open though, its insides comprised of a large multitude of machinery and balconies to oversee the serving that entered in there. The bay’s giant mechanical arms rose once the frigate had reached a certain altitude and gently took hold of ship, slowly pulling it down into its confines. Rayland relinquished his control of Infamous Alto to the automated starship bay’s control system, cutting the engines and deploying the ships landing gear as his last tasks to perform. Once the landing gear had made contact with the platform below, the majority of the landing-assist arms retracted from the frigate, allowing only a few to keep the ship secured.

“The Infamous Alto has safely landed.” Towan declared as programmed, “Personnel can now safely depart the vessel.”

Rayland desynchronized from the ship’s neural net, properly, and unplugged the cable from back of his neck before the cord slithered back into the seat’s headrest. Standing up, Rayland tilted and twisted his neck from side to side, working his shoulders over before as he fortified himself preparing for what the coming hours had in store for everyone. That and the eerie vibe the darkened rooms of the surrounding stations within the starship bay gave off along with the dusted windows and partially rusted materials didn’t paint a very appealing picture, something he foresaw himself stating until new orders came in.

“Attention crew, this is your Captain speaking…” Rayland announced as he interfaced with the ship wide vox, “We’ve safely landed on Ebrillon and operation orders are coming though to your personal slabs. Though the bay had been deemed safe, Marines will exit first and secure the area before moving on to assigned areas and teams. Technical personnel will depart afterwards with Marine escorts if advised to do so. Medical and Biology personnel are to remain on standby until further notice. For those who are assigned to this ship for its defense or maintenance are cleared to move about the ship bay and the adjacent facilities if necessary, otherwise keep to your assigned duties. That is all.”

Moments later, Rayland observed from one of the visual sensor feeds as the Infamous Alto’s cargo ramp folding down with a detachment of gunmen tactically walking out with weapons raised, aiming in all directions for any hostiles. The soldiers obviously didn’t encounter anything and split their numbers as half the group moved out through the entry terminal of the ship bay. Soon some of the technicians eventually exited down the ramp with several Marines escorting them, each with their own orders to fulfill. With everyone mostly knowing what they were doing, Rayland decided to retire from the bridge for the time being and possibly walk around the ship, making sure everyone was performing their duties. Probably hit the bar too.

Though it may have just been a feeling, but as he was about to step out, he couldn’t help but feel he was being watched. Natural reflexes turned Rayland’s head and he peered out of the bridge, stating at a darkened room-balcony directly facing the Infamous Alto. His quick investigation of the small facility revealed nothing abnormal, no movement or even lights; even his own psionics didn’t pick anything up either. With a quite grunt, he shrugged of the odd feeling off and continued on his way; it’s been a busy day already and a shot of alcohol should calm the nerves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Achieng was anxious. This was no longer the mission she'd signed up for. If something had killed the whole planet, then what chance did she have against that kind of thing? She had only had enough training on her homeworld to defend herself, and that was in water. What could she do here? If there were survivors, of course she would counsel them, and help them through the trauma.

Unfortunately, that seemed like a very large 'if' at this point.

Not wanting to succumb to her thoughts, she went down several decks in the ship. Her room was marked with her name and title, and she scanned her ID to get in. Inside was a large, low-lit tank of water, that took the majority of the space. It was partially set into the floor, and she saw what looked like furnishings inside. She rolled her tank up to the side, and pressed a small button that raised the water basin up, and opened it. Achieng pulled herself from the basin, and slid gratefully into the opening at the top. It closed after she ended, and she exhaled bubbles, relaxing as the familiar pressure of the water settled around her.

Maybe now she could relax. She took her time swimming her dwellings, end to end. Checking all the furnishings, she found them nice, if a bit bland in color. Settling onto the bed, she let her orange and black fin drift in the low current created by the tank's generator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
Avatar of ShiningSector

ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Visiting the onboard bar did little to ease his anxious nerves; then again alcohol was hardly doing it for everyone else either. The most one would expect was to down too many glasses and hope with a now slow and influenced mind is enough to get someone confined to quarters for inability to perform duties given the situation as such. Basically everyone was felling uneasy. Possibly the only person who had it easy was the barkeep, the cooks, and the facilities maintenance staff as their job was stuck within the bowels of the frigate. Everyone else was expected to also work outside too; eventually of course.

"Need another round, boss?" asked the barkeeper.

"...Nah." Rayland replied, "That should be enough Carlos ,just needed to clear my head."

"A lot of that going on around here...I would've assumed you would have kept at least a bottle that in your own quarters." Carlos commented, sensing the easiness with the Captain right now.

"I do. Though honestly I would have emptied the entire thing."

Carlos raised his eyebrow, "So you're instead swigging from my stock...?"

"Well, yes as you can see here." said Rayland, raising the empty glass in gesture, "I just don't want to ask myself for more because I know I will yes."

"...That bad huh?"


With that said, Rayland toggled the holo-projector on his wrist and tapped the interface, depositing his fee into the virtual account for the bar. Saying his farewells and left the stand to perform his own duties. However awkward it felt to end the brief exchange on that note, honesty rang true that they were over their ends with this one; more than the usual.

Rayland eventually arrived back to his quarters after taking several detours through out the Infamous Alto, observing and checking in with the crew as they performed their duties. Despite the tension in the air with the fact they were in ever present hostile territory, much of the crew were unchanged with going about their tasks. It was simply the job they were hired to do; maintain the ship's functionality, regardless of the territory and situational awareness which should have been apart of the job description. Too late for that now. It had almost been half a day and Rayland was already feeling the fatigue of stress against him and his psyche. Perhaps he should have asked for another glass, or better yet that his entire bottle. His childish desires nagged at him but in the end he knew better. Maintaining his own stock was a bit of a priority, as he was sure he would be visiting more often.

As he looked as his at his tired face in his mirror, something caught his attention. In the mirror's reflection, he could see the reflection outside of the ship as the hull sensors manifested the scene through the room's holo-emitters. But more specifically, he could see what appeared to be an humanoid like form, bathed in shadow as its ebony silhouette stared at him with two noticeable white glowing eyes. His adrenaline suddenly spiked, forcing the Captain to spin around and face the projection. But to his surprise, there was nothing there. All he could see was the ship pen in ever poor condition, with the inner facilities unattended by all except the darkness hardly illuminated.

Rayland maintained his gaze as the protected images from the outside, trying to make sense of what happened. He turned around to face the mirror but like the projectors, nothing. Feeling annoyed and likely frustrated, he growled, rubbing his eyes and shutting down the projectors, not wanting to see the outside for the moment. Perhaps another glass would-

A self-inflicted slap to the face kept him in check; he needed to see Sel.

Managing to locate the medical office, Rayland stepped into the office and knocked on the wall. "Hey, Sel? You have a moment?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kaite stalked the barracks. Having disappeared soon after the order to standby, the chimera went about getting himself suited in his custom body armor. However, without a command to disembark, he had little to do than pensively pace. "Two hours, four percent...ten hours..." he rationalized, thinking out the likelihood of there being survivors. He checked the slide on the TMP modification on his sidearm, flicking the laser and flashlight a few times before boredly going back to storming off in his pacing. He held still, leaning against lockers as a few guards passed, doing his best to look in control. The moment they passed, he'd go back to shaking, trying to convince himself that he was ready for something like this.

What were we even looking for? If the planet has been in this condition for any more than about a day, there'd be no way anything was still kicking around. Being so tense for so long was making Kaite start to feel sick. He shook his head, rubbing his temples as he walked out to Sel's hall to see Rayland. Reflex took over as he swung back around the corner to watch the captain's interactions and words with Sel, having no way of dipping in after they'd disappear inside the room.

Kaite itched to have his boots on the ground, although he knew that he'd have little to contribute besides barking orders relayed from higher command...and not even through Ryland, to boot.
I guess that was one of my major concerns. I mean, I know Ryland is the king of his ship, and it's his name on the contracts. Being expected to work for anyone else on even that basic of a level was...daunting.
It wasn't about the idea of incompetence, but simply being subservient to...

...someone else...

I waited, impatiently, trying to glean as much information as I could from the exchange while repeatedly yet quietly snapping the safety switch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Sel tossed the bent scalpel into the bin for reprocessing, the fragile things could not take much punishment but they were sharp... Still clearing the draws out was a boring job compared to what the others were likely doing on the surface of the planet but as everyone else in her profession she was ordered to stay back until everything was safe. She understood why too, given the state of the planet her kind of people were valuable to finding out just what happened here, so making sure everything was safe was paramount... Still....

"Sigh, what a bother."

"Hey, Sel? You have a moment?"

Turning to Rayland she couldn't help but smile a little at the prospect of some company "I do as long as I am kept here. Would you like something to drink while you are here?" She gestured to the seat just beside her office chair. "Was there something you wanted to speak to me about? I do hope it is not more bad news." Reaching into the fridge she pulled out a can which had the vexi logo on it, she did wait to see if he wanted a drink before taking out another can with a small stylized human face on it if he did want one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

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Sel'Varok's opening line rang true more than it should. Like Rayland himself, aside from his usual duties as Captain, didn't hold much command aside from relaying orders and information and of course driving them through giant dimensional wormholes and dead worlds. Most of the specialized crew on-board and now on the field has their own assignments within a separated chain of command. He was basically waiting for the next string of instructions to come up from the SWS Howling Sun, sitting safety from orbit and many guns pointed everywhere with probably two thirds of the arsenal pointing at the spaceport no doubt.

"Water would be good, thank you." Rayland replied as he took a seat in the chair which he turned opposite from the doctor with his stomach pressing against the back-rest while leaning forward. "Operating on a dead world with somewhat high tensions is the only bad news I have for now. At any rate, we can hope that's the only form of bad new's we're going to get..."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "In your own personal expertise Doctor, do you know anything on hallucinations? Like, seeing things that aren't there? And before you bring it up; no, I didn't have one too many drinks..."

Wish I did though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Taking out a bottle of bottled water at Raylands request she started to walk over to him with a rather sad look on her face as he spoke about the dead world. It shook almost everyone to their core that much was for sure, as no matter how big the universe may become losing so many people will always hurt everyone. Though the worst of it for her way how it was done, and could it be done again?

Handing off the bottle of water Sel turned her office chair before sitting down on it, opening the can like one would open a carton of milk, the small funnel that was made was perfect for Vexi who had stiffer mouths than other races. Taking a gulp of the green soda like substance she listened intently to what he was speaking off, and as he finished she could not help but look a little concerned despite her normally stoic nature. Lowering her drink she placed it onto her desk before speaking "Others have complained of something like that too. Though I am not sure it is really the same thing as it happened before we got here. It is likely unrelated to yours, after all it may just be the shock from what we saw which is understandable." Before dismissing it as just that though she had to ask "What did you see? It could help."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rayland was a little hesitant in detailing the specifics of what he witnessed, especially when it was more than likely to be a mental illusion created by an over-stressed mind. His resistance to explain was made out of the possibility that he was going to sound insane for seeing something that didn't expect. The crew was worried enough and having a Captain lose his head wasn't going to help; probably would make things worst.

The Captain took a big gulp of water before relenting, "...I was in my quarters after making a couple of rounds on the ship, feeling somewhat exhausted at the time. When I looked at myself in room's mirror, I saw a reflection of a...Person I think; the outline added up but it was all black and hazy that I couldn't make out any details..."

Great...I must sound paranoid now, he thought but continued.

"...All except the eyes. They were glowing white and was the only other thing I could make out. Going by the reflection of the room's holo-projectors, the figure was outside on one of the balconies over looking the ship. I looked at where it was supposed to be but I saw nothing there. Not even the mirror when I looked back."

Yep, totally coming off as paranoid.

Rayland finally finished off the cup with another big gulp before laying it on the stand next to him. "I...Hope that makes any sort of sense."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Sel nodded and listened to his explanation of what he had seen, the fact that it came off as a shapeless being sparked more interest in her as it started off a theory of what it could be. The more that she listened the more that it started to become clear to her that it was likely what she had suggested before. Though she let him finish the whole thing before she would speak up, after all she did not want to miss out a important detail on the matter.

"I see." Taking another gulp of her drink Sel let the can rest on her left before she started "Hmm, I don't think you have to worry much to worry about. It sounds like what I suspected before; the stress of seeing the planet like this is having a effect on you. Understandable." She tried to put it nice as possible, after all he didn't need to start feeling it was his fault he was feeling this way. "I understand humans, and some others, have a concept of something called ghosts? Given what you saw I suspect you are seeing them because of stress. It is ok to take a break, more so now than ever." Vexi didn't really have such concepts, though they did have their own, just ghosts never showed up.
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