Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

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Lars raised an eyebrow when Jules began a coughing fit, but otherwise stayed silent while she waited for him to clear his windpipe, supplying little more than a firm slap to the back and a little sympathy for her friend. It’d be embarrassing for a young wizard to die from choking on a sandwich, after all. The following pun didn’t help his case any, but it made her smile so she didn’t complain.

Introductions flew by quickly, courtesy to the youngest Tituba, and quickly flew into a fresh attempt at scaring the poor first year. She laughed a bit at the tall tail her friend supplied, and quickly fell into step behind him for the Café. Gar and Bel squawked noisily before opening their wings and tossing themselves into the air after the three. Gar landed silently onto Lars’ shoulder, and Bel onto Jules’, where he quickly began chirping into the boy’s ear. The older witch smirked a bit at her bird’s form of revenge, and then turned back to the strangely silent blonde. It felt a bit bad teasing such a frail looking girl, even if spooking first years was a normal occurrence during the first few weeks of school. She hadn’t said a word this whole time though. Maybe she really was scared? Lars frowned, and took a few steps closer to the girl.

“Don’t let him scare you with his troll hullaballoo. If any of it were true, he’d never have made it to his third year.” She taunted in a hushed voice, but purposefully loud enough for said third year boy to hear. She cast him a quick glance, and then turned back to smirk at the younger blonde and continue her reassurances. “This place is actually really chill, so you can relax a bit, ya know?” Lars chirped, hoping to get some sort of response from the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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These two were turning out to be an interesting and somewhat intimidating. Jules seemed funny at first, as him taking a bite out of his sandwich only to almost comically begin choking the next second brought an amused smile to her face. This smile quickly vanished however, when he brought up that being a first-year was the worse before saying they would have to fight a troll. Amelia had no idea whether that was a good thing or not until Jules said there had been dismemberments. At those words, Amelia's face went as pale as a ghost's and she had to sit back down as she suddenly felt weak in the knees. What kind of school made it's students fight a creature that could easily rip their limbs? It sounded like pure insanity!

Luckily though, Lars was there to dismiss this, rather scary, lie. The older girl moved closer before telling Amelia that the troll bit Lars said was 'hullaballoo'. Amelia had never heard that word before but the way it sounded managed to get a laugh out of the girl. Or, at least it looked like it had. Amelia had obviously laughed yet no sound escaped her lips, almost as if someone had cast a spell on her to keep her silent. Still, she seemed happier now and managed to have a real smile on her face. She just nodded at Lars before standing up again, ready to get going for some food.

@c3p-0h @Fumari
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Even if Aella had the slightest question in mind, she wouldn’t ask. Either way, it didn’t matter to her that much since the likely hood of the USA changing isn’t exactly high when it comes to capitalism and classes. So, instead of commenting, Aella just nodded her head politely and eyed the Tomb’s bar. Her throat ached with the need for something cold and some Sprite usually helped with the aftertaste of throw-up in her throat.

“Well, I’m going to go get something to drink. So, er, excuse me. I’ll be right back.” Aella hurried to stand up, the missing pencil falling off of her body and to the ground, though she paid it no attention.

Aella hurried to the bar and tapped her fingers on the surface, thinking and waiting for her nerves to settle. Aella might ask for a potion of some sorts from Mrs. Woden at the Institute…if she’d give her some. Last year, Mrs. Woden had to halt her supply due to needing the potions because of an outbreak of the common flu. Finally, after a moment of gathering herself, Aella called the bartender – who switched every trip to someone they never met before and so most students gave up learning the bartenders’ names – with a timid flick of her fingers.

“Hello, what can I get you?” She asked, smiling sweetly while stereotypically cleaning a glass. Part of Aella just wanted to smack the glass right out of her hand for being such a cinematic bartender.

“A Sprite, please.” Aella muttered, her legs shaking and her short hair bouncing with the rhythm.

The bartender quickly poured some Sprite into a glass with three ice cubes, sliding it over to the neurotic Strand girl. Aella freaked and fumbled with the glass before catching it firmly between her fingers. Knowing it was time to get back to her acquaintances, the brunette began walking, hurrying so as not to keep them waiting. And then – whoops!

Aella somehow didn’t see a stray textbook on the floor, probably thrown by a student or another, and she tripped over it, falling forward as her glass of Sprite splashed onto her face. Aella managed to place a foot onto the ground before she fell completely, but she couldn’t help the glass falling from her hand and shattering onto the floor. Really, who decided giving a bunch of kids some breakables would be a good idea?

Instantly, Aella could feel her face blaze into a glory of red. Her shoulders hunched, her hair dripping, and ice cubes slipping down her clothes, Aella never felt more embarrassed in her life. She could only muster a tight nod when the bartender assured her she would clean up the mess and she barely kept her walk even and slow as she stalked to the staircase despite the overwhelming urge to dash up the stairs and never come back down again. How embarrassing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

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Dor couldn't help but get excited. His curiosity piqued, and he looked at Phoebe with an expectant grin. "Of course, of course. You were there the whole time, cheering on your favorite Chaser. That sign you made was a nice touch." Now what could she mean by radiant?

He was further intrigued by her mention of Hawaii. He'd never been but the paradise he had in his mind was of sea, sun, sand, flowers, fruits, and beautiful women. There was a sudden yell from above, which Phoebe seemed to have been expecting. He grew more excited to see what was about to happen as he walked with her to a set of chairs near the bar.

He glanced at the doorway, wondering when the target of Phoebe's prank would arrive. He leaned back in the cushy chair, resting his feet on the low table before him. "Well I didn't do anything nice as going to Hawaii. Make sure you extend an invite whenever you do decide to go back. I did visit Danny up in NYC. And that was hella fun. I spent most of the summer working though. I thought it'd be a good idea to take a muggle job. Sort of place kids our age work, so I was a lifeguard at a pool." He shook his head. "It was awful. The kids are just little demons. I wanted to jinx every last one of 'em. The job had its perks though..." He glanced at the doorway just to make sure he hadn't missed it. "I worked in the apothecary the rest of the time. Not as stressful, a lot more chill. And I managed to sneak a few samples of differen-" He was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass.

He jerked his head in the direction of the sound to see Aella standing there, red as a tomato, soda spilled all over her and staring at the ground. He turned away quickly, uncomfortable with witnessing the girl's embarrassment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rina
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"Aww, poor thing." Phoebe said sympathetically as she watched Aella rush away from the scene. Being in the same year and house, the two have gotten to know each other quite well, at least on academic terms although Phoebe had to admit that Aella was the smarter one out of the two when they were paired together. They had a friendly relationship especially when Phoebe needed to pass the time waiting for a teacher to start up a lecture but besides that the two never had the chance to really get to know each other, although Phoebe had a feeling it had to do more with a clash of personalities and a rough first year between the two of them than a different circle of friends that the two had. Phoebe always meant to try and mend the issues the two had years ago but gotten around to doing it as of yet. Maybe this year would be different.

"You were quite the busy little bee this summer it seems. Sadly it doesn't seem to help with your maturity." Phoebe jested as she looked towards the stairs. Ignoring the yells and snickering that started to grow as her target started to make their way towards the Tomb, it was the unusual light source coming from the stairway that tipped her off that the fun was about to begin. Watching in anticipation as the stairs started to grow brighter, the girl broke out in laughter as the captain of the Tituba came into view, glowing from every visible spot on his skin as if he was a human glow stick while his hair was colored in a vibrant red, one of Good's house colors. Even with many sets of eyes on him, it didn't take long before he spotted Dor and made their way towards the duo.

"Aren't you a tad bit early on the pranks this year Dor? I hope that you're not trying to compensate for something."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

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Dor turned to Phoebe at her comment at his maturity, an expression of mock indignance on his face. "My maturity doesn't need any help." Before he could any further, a drastic change in lighting drew his attention. Phoebe had really outdone herself. Artem Zelenko, the Tituba Quidditch captain and probably the tallest guy in the school, stood there glowing like something out of a comic book. The boy wasted no time in confronting Dor about it.

"Pranks?" Dor asked innocently. Without getting out of his chair he looked up at the boy towering over him. Trying to hold back his chuckles, he made a show of squinting and shielding his eyes from the low light Artem was emitting. "I have no idea what you're talking about Arty. You know I only do that sort of thing the week leading up to a match. You're looking good though. Really. Just brilliant. You'd be right at home in a rave..." A grin spread across his face. "Hey someone turn the lights out and let this guy really shine." He turned to the bartender with a hopeful expression. She merely shook her head and returned to cleaning a glass. "Well all right. Guess not." He looked up at Artem again. "Seriously though dude, I had nothing to do with it." Dor had to admit to himself, this was more something he'd do to himself. In fact, he made a mental note to consider this for future pre-match hype as well as any raves he might attend.

Artem had blushed, or at least he might have? It was hard to actually see. "If you didn't, you definitely know who did. Don't play dumb." He looked around, clearly trying to spot any other members of the Good Quidditch team or anyone who looked guilty.

With the whole room tittering, Dor doubted anyone would stick out. In fact, he doubted Artem would even do much. He was typically level-headed and calm, which made it hard to get a reaction out of him. Ever the Tituba stereotype, confrontation and revenge all that stuff wasn't really his style. Even now, he was dealing with the situation much better than most would. It was honestly kind of annoying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

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The spillage of one's own desired beverages was truly a detriment to one's enjoyment of their time at gatherings, especially when the precious liquids that would have satiated the thirst of the throat were spilled upon one's own person. As such, it was with sympathy that the teenaged magical known by the name of Lü Ziya approached the emotionally-distraught Aella! Paper towels in hand, acquired with a well-cast spell of summoning, he sought to bring relief to her seeming sufferings, for it was the duty of all citizens to assist one another to bring about a world of equality! Indeed, for even if he knew little about the older student, she was a person in obvious distress, and it was unacceptable for him to simply leave without providing any comfort he could.

"These can serve as a temporary alleviation," declared the Chinese teenager, voice muffled as usual behind the mask that covered his face. "They are of the ability to dry you of the capitalistic liquids that torment you so."

His hand was outstretched, the stack of paper towels sitting within his grasp in a manner not quite dissimilar from how Michelangelo had depicted the breathing of the aether by God into the life that would become the first man, Adam, upon his famed frescoes that situated themselves within the Sistine Chapel. The situation at hand, however, was a far humbler occurrence, but the comparison still was one of slight merit. Even from behind his concealed cheeks, one could note the growings of a smile, a dazzling one displayed by the young Ziya in an attempt to bring comfort. It was a simple one, yet filled with a meaning to do well!

This was the type of person he was!

A boy who worked for a glorious future!
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