Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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(Reply in this order)

Kagiko Shuiji

As Kagiko searched for a place...well...sat in a tree resting, he was approached by a member of Squad 13 telling him about a possible location "I see...alert the others and make sure they head to that specific location. I'll make my way there now" Kagiko stood up on the branch then shunpoed off, appearing at the location Koyoshi had discovered. Walking around with his hands in his pockets Kagiko he observed the place as he spoke to himself "Out the way..peaceful...this could work well..." Kagiko then walked to where Koyoshi was and spoke to her "This is a good find...I think this should do well enough. We will let everyone else arrive first before taking anymore action."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Koyoshi had made sure to check the surrounding area for any signs of life, never know with humans and hollows where they would turn up next so it was better to be safe than sorry. It was when she was checking how strong the roof was that she noticed Captain Kagiko had arrived. Giving a small hop off of the roof she fluttered down to the ground, and for a moment could not help but think that the captains haori fit her well. "Captain" She gave a curt bow to his presence as he started to speak about how they should wait for the others to arrive. "I will make sure to direct the remainder of my team to alert them at once." She responded but it was clear she had something else to say, not that her silence stayed long "Captain, I was wondering... Do you know anything about what is attacking us?" She felt herself tense up a little, she had seen the man talking secretly to people before, and now they were alone maybe she could find out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


Before the Shinigami was able to respond, another members of Squad Thirteen spoke appeared and spoke to Sai with a smile. Koyo-shi had found a fitting hideout for the group, which Sai was delighted to hear. "Wonderful, we should all head off then" Sai spoke softly while holding a smile of her own before turning her body to address the few remaining members around her, along with the one who joined her Squad on a temporary basis. "Let's go, everyone follow me!" Shunpo'ing, Sai followed Koyo-shi's spiritual energy with ease to find the location of their new temporary barracks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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As Sui was walking around someone approached her and told her about a location. "Yayyyyy." Sui said softly slowly letting her body fall as she floated to the destination, with Mr Sits hopping onto her back and meowing a victory tune as they floated to the building and once inside she just waved at Kagiko and groaned. "I call the softest looking area." Sui said floating around trying to find said soft area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

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Following right behind the Squad 9 captain was Akuseru who wore a dull look on his face as he walked behind 'Ms. Slack-a-lot'. Instead of succumbing to my innermost desires, I decide to do the right thing that not surprisingly sucks...the stuff that I do for justice, peace, & all that extra nonsense. The lieutenant thought to himself depressingly as he continued onwards. Luckily though, a shinigami appeared before good ol Capt'n Sui with good news to relay which soon caused her to express a slight sense of happiness shortly afterwards. As a result, they made their way to a place that looked liked it was once used for a special event in the human's timeline. Of course one could tell that that time had long passed simply by looking at the condition of the building of sorts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Kyoichi simply nodded when the acting head captain called out their next action. Following along, he shunpo'ed to the specific location as well. Upon arrival, he took a look to see that almost everyone that was with them earlier had arrived. "Very well. Captain Shuiji and Yoshimatsuto is it ok for me to set up a temporary communication station in order to reach out to more shinigamis that are still alive out there from all the various squads? From the looks of it we will need all the bodies we can find, working towards the same cause. However, with my plan, one possible drawback is the fact that we will be communicating on all wavelengths available to us. This means that the enemy, whoever they are, would be able to tap in on that too... At this point, I have no solutions to that problem. If you two allow me to do so, please help me with a solution to that problem..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

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Shin, having been sent out to destroy hollows, was in the middle of fighting a particularly troublesome one when the news arrived. "Got it... I'll head out once this is finished." He nodded to the fellow shinigami, who left to tell others before using shunpo to move away from where he had just been in case the hollow had been trying to attack him at that moment. The hollow, though not attempting to charge him at the time, began to prepare to do so now.
"Traverse the heavens in but a step, Ma!" Shin spoke, releasing his shikai. He glared at the hollow as he swung behind him, making a portal there, and then got into a defensive stance, ready to strike as the hollow got close. It began to charge at him, killing intent in its eyes. He swung his zanpakuto upwards in front of him just as the charging hollow got within 15 feet, and stepped to the side just a bit so he could see as it passed through. As it finished passing through, he spun around, swinging just one of the two half-circle blades that made up his shikai to get rid of the portals. "HADO #4! BYAKURAI!" he shouted as he brought his arm in front of him, shooting the hado at the hollow. He then proceeded to swing his zanpakuto above him to create a spacial rift, jumping upwards so that he could simply use it as a speed-boost into the air. As he began to slow in the air, about to fall, the hollow jumped for him, and he quickly swung his zanpakuto beneath him, beginning the swing from the other side so that the hollow couldn't follow. He fell through the portal, just barely missing the cut to close the other end of the portal. His eyes widened as he realized the mistake. As he hit the ground, he aimed half of his shikai upwards, utilizing his spacial separation skill to hit the hollow before it could fall through the portal directly onto him. He heard the hollow's scream as it began to dissipate, and he dropped his arm, breathing a sigh of relief. He stood up, returning his shikai to normal, which caused his portals to dissipate as well. He proceeded to shunpo to the location that the messenger had told him of, glancing around at everyone who had already arrived. He found Sui amongst those who had arrived, and bowed, "I've eliminated at least some of the hollows that have begun showing up due to the shinigami arriving here. I would have continued, but the messenger told me where the temporary HQ was, and I wanted to see how it looked."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Reply in any order)

Kagiko Shuiji

Kagiko rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he watched everyone arrive and of course he was asked a few questions...but as it was right now answering these questions all at once was to hectic. "Well...before I answer any questions I'd like to get setup and sort things out. However I will need something from a few of you...it's good that we've eliminated a few hollows however one thing I will request is that rather than eliminating hollows near our HQ that we restrain them and relocate them further away before eliminating them. I say this because Squad 12 will be monitoring the human world and if they see large amount's of hollows missing in a certain area they will certainly track us down quickly..."

Kagiko then took a deep breath before speaking once again "Now I will be sending a few of you out in pairs to complete certain tasks...I will say now that the methods we will have to use to get back to the Soul Society will be...well...I think you get the idea. We will have to do things that Shinigami would otherwise never do...but as it is we're former Shinigami. The Soul Societies law's do not apply to us...of course the basic rules apply but by any means necessary we will return to the Soul Society. Just be aware...you will face former friends, Squad members...and other Captains as well as new enemies. If need be...you may have to cut them down...we cannot risk information of our whereabouts and well-being reach the Soul Society. The more Humane thing to do would be to capture some of them but we currently have just enough space to hold us all. Now...to assign some of you some tasks. Koyoshi and Akuseru...you two will be paired together. I'm putting you two in charge of retrieving a live hollow...I don't want questions asked, I just need this done...now. Kyoichi and Shin...I need you two to clear the area around the HQ...as I said before...you will need to try relocate the hollows. How you do that is up to you but do not dispose of them until they're some distance away from the HQ. As for the remaining Captains...I'll have you set up a small barracks for your Squads...The faster we get this done the better. I don't want to waste time..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


Sai appeared on the doorstep of the new temporary HQ, her straw shoes scratching the concrete floor as she stepped closer within the entrance. She walked around the open area to observe what she had to work with as Kagiko once again gave a speech. She couldn't argue with his speeches, atleast they kept the group some-what up-to-date. On the note of rules, Sai felt the urge to add onto what Kagiko was saying but chose to stay silent instead. It was probably better this way; best not seem patronising since these Shinigami clearly couldn't of been idiots.

Finishing her casual inspection, the Squad Thirteen Captain turned to face Kagiko as he handed out tasks. She had to form a temporary place of residence for her squad. Immediately Sai felt that there was no point to her given task; they shouldn't need separation since there weren't many of them, weren't they going to work together as one whole anyway? Either way, despite Sai's thoughts, she acted on her task and found a room she felt would be suitable to house her squad in the meantime. "Well, I declare this room Squad Thirteen's temporary barracks" And with that announcement, Sai stepped inside the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Koyoshi bowed to Sai as she arrived with the others, it seemed like everything was just fine for this place to become their HQ, though not perfect it was the best they had in the area in her opinion. It was by this point that Kagiko started to give out rules on the others, she did not see these as too unreasonable, more so i the basic rules still applied as well, after all she knew that a few of their number had problems keeping themselves in check.

The next few moments were of telling everyone about their assigned tasks, once again they were to be in pairs but what bothered her the most was her own task! Capturing a live hollow when they have not got the facilities to contain it was problematic, still the captain had picked the right persons to ensure capture with her set of shiki powers, though if he even knew about them was another matter. Turning to Sai for confirmation she made sure that it was a wise idea before starting to make her way to Akuseru, the man easily stood out from others. "Then we shall start right away, let us go then. There is sure to be one suitable within the city."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A young girl sits atop the barracks of the 2nd company on a seemingly normal day. To her side is a small bento box that had been half devoured. The girl has her traditional shinigami gi and a red ribbon tied up her long silky black hair into a pony tail. Her bangs fall just past her thin glasses that she pushes up her face as she wipes the rice from her mouth. On her other side is an abnormally long zanpakuto that is disproportionate to her height.

Letting out a sigh she leans back slightly to look up at the sky. She wasn't particularly bored or sad but she felt like she just didn't have the energy really needed to start the day. However this was put to a sharp halt when a sudden earthquake hit and she fell backwards off of the roof. Luckily for her she landed with all the grace of a cat just on her feet. A voice sounds out over the seireitei and she is informed that there is now a new Head Captain.

"What on earth..." she starts as she brushes herself off. Grabbing her zankpakuto which had also fallen beside her she throws it over her back and rushes out of the barracks. It was lucky too as the captain of 11th company, the Kenpachi, unleashed an attack that brought the whole building down merely seconds later after having left the building. "This is crazy!" She exclaims to herself as she sets off to find someone who might be able to give her an answer of what just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago

(Strong Language ahead, thy hath been warned)

'Dammit Nishiki where are you?! Where the fuck could you of gotten off to you fucking idiot! Fucking worrying me like this... and Shinzo being a vague fuck.... I just feel like ripping someone apart right now!!' The shouting within her mind was mirrored by her brisk walk. The silver-haired, dark ochid-eyed force that was Nairin Reiyoko stromed through the streets of the Seireitei, growing angrier by the minute. Swinging her head left then right then left, Nairin scanned her surroundings in an attempt to spot her close friend... but her search was in vain. "UUURRRGH!!" She yelled in utter annoyance. The stiff scowl on Nairin's face may of made her look livid but in truth she was just extremely worried about loosing Nishiki.

After stopping her brisk strides, Nairin closed her eyes and took deep breaths to control her high blood pressure from rising emotions. 'One.. Two.. Three... Four.... Five....' After five breaths and calming thought-counting, Nairin slowly opened her eyes, soon spotting a familiar face. "Oi! Muto!" Holding a hand up reflexively to get the woman's attention, Nairin jogged over to Muto before coming to a stop. "Long time no see heh. Anyway, do you know what's going on? I'm going fucking crazy here since nobody is telling me anything!" Looking to her right, Nairin scowled before closing her eyes, taking one more deep breath and opening them again to look back at Muto with a serious expression. "Seriously... I'm really damn confused and I don't like it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Muto turned around to see Nairin flagging her down. She recalled the last time they saw each other...or rather it was all hazy. She distinctly remember having to hold her hair while she vomited....or was Nairin the one who held her hair? Questions for another time as more pressing matters force their way back to the front of her mind.

"Yeah." Amaya scowled. Her hand unconsciously gripped her sword tighter and a familiar anxiety fills her chest. "I have a bad feeling. Even if something terrible has happened it makes it seven-fold worse that we don't know whats going on." She looks down at her feet and then had to remind herself to look back up at Nishin's eyes. Amaya was not particularly great with social interaction. Her eyes widen when she see's just how angry Narin looks. It was in some small way comforting to know that someone else was also just as confused and frustrated as she was.

"Oh!" She gasps as if suddenly remembering something. "Your....your captain leveled our barracks. I don't think anyone was inside but still..." Crossing her arms she sighs. "Do you know who might have any kind of idea of what the fuck is going on." It takes a moment for her to process her own language. "I-I mean...well you know. Dammit." Perhaps it was Nishin that made her feel a little more at ease with her own foul mouth but she doesn't normally speak so crudely. Obviously that's how she speaks inside her mind but she finds she is not bold enough as a person to let her real feelings pour out her mouth so readily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


Nairin listened to Amaya's words, tightening her hands into fists as she wasn't the only one lost... What on earth was happening? A feeling nested within her gut screamed something bad was going on, something really bad... "Ignore Shinzo. I don't know what the fuck that was about either, but if he isn't going to tell me why then I don't give a shit. I'm pretty sure Squad Two would of moved out the area. Anyway, it looks like we're both out of luck here, we'll have to find out ourselves" Looking around, the scarce amount of Shinigami that were within the vicinity seemed panicked. Nairin wasn't going to stand for this. Whoever that voice was, he wasn't welcome in her books.

Turning around, Nairin flicked her head forward to beckon Amaya. "I say we head to Central 46. If there is anyone there, no doubt they would know something. I don't think they'd let us in but I can't think of anyone else who would know anything... other than that Squad Twelve Captain, he's a smart cookie. I don't want to go straight to the Head Captain's barracks just yet... I have a feeling that we won't be welcome there... So what'cha say? Central 46 or Squad Twelve?" Nairin looked back over her right shoulder to Amaya, awaiting her decision.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya took a moment to ponder this. On the one hand central 46 would probably have a detailed answer if they were allowed in but at the same time there is a good chance that they would not be let in. The captain of squad 12 is indeed smart but he may or may not know what is going on. At best it might be a speculative guess, albeit an informed one. Her brow furrows but suddenly she relaxes and shrugs her shoulders.

"Seems like squad 12 might be our best bet. Its closer too. We'll get an answer. It just might not be a satisfying answer." She turns and puts one hand on the hilt of her sword. She felt more at peace when she had her weapon in her hand. "Besides..." She pauses for a moment. Her eyes drift slightly to the side but then back to center quickly. "N...never mind. Lets just head over there. I want some god damned answers." She doesn't even attempt to cover up her foul language this time. She turns and jumps up on top of a roof and heads off to the 12th company barracks.
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