Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1901

Kalpian News

The Ambassador Falver has come to the capital in order to supervise the purchase of 20,000 rifles , our own ambassador followed by several representatives of the owner of the company that made rifle had start to discuss with him the purchase stating that the selling would be in blocks of 10,000 rifles , the Sirilt/99 created by Dieter Gregor has seemed very important as it is already considerated the best rifle in the world as always manufactured in Kalpia , the selling of this rifles to foreing nations has seemed as neccesary to show the incredible products of the Kalpian industry , the shipping would be done by Anvegad itself and the delivery would be done as soon as possible , because of the previous war several of this rifles were produced in the mainland most of them were to the Salerian islands showing a great performance in the battlefield , because of this the goverment this year had ordered more of these rifles but as the war ended they are now in stockpile for the army .

The goverment has already started several projects too in terms of research using the previous experience on the battlefield and the projects of the previous year are now in finished , the new railroads are now working and is it expected that this will give a boost to the economy , here in the Newspaper we personally recommend to go to the new train stations that are in the country , they have a great design and they provide some commodity if the client is wating a train.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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The Kingdom of Soroya

The voice of the people are freer than ever in Soroya, and yet their shouts seem to only get louder. With every right granted, two more issues of freedom take it's place. The kingdom of Soroya often finds itself struggling to meet all these issues, but can only move forward into the darkness. Seeking what future lies ahead.

On the issue of indentured servitude

After much discussion over the past months over the treatment of indentured servants in the colonies the current Prime Minister Kevin Notles has pushed for the Labor Act of 1901. This bill will focus on the treatment of citizens within the country no matter their age, skin, or wealth. There are four acts within the document:
1. Indentured servitude will be made illegal in both the colonies and at home.
A. Anyone caught in violation of this act will serve 10 years minimum
B. All currently owned Indentured servants will be released from their care, any owners will be compensated
2. Workers must be paid for their services in any form of labor.
3. Children are not to be abused in performing dangerous tasks.
A. Heavy labor jobs are illegal for children under the age of 16. These include heavy lifting, sharp objects, deadly machinery,
or life threatening situations.
B. Children must be paid equal pay to that of an adult performing the same task.
C. Exclusion from section B includes agricultural work on family farms as long as work isn’t taken priority over school.
4. All Children must be accepted into district assigned public schools
A. Children can’t be discriminated in any scenario involving wealth, race, or nationality

Though not officially enacted, it is expected to pass in the largely liberal parliament currently in power. After it has gone through parliament, the king must officially approve the document, but much like parliament it is doubted he would do so.

Osmad protesters

After nearly 100 years of occupation of the Osmad region, protests weren't uncommon. While the time of independence had been forgotten by these people, their national identity had remained strong. A problem the Soroyan government has dealt with countless times, yet now they are asked the question, "what if the enemy doesn't fight back?"

Though news of Osmad protesters had reached the capital, Kevin Notles was reluctant to do give into their demands. “Sir, what should we do?” Asked General Joep Eupe, age 56 he is a well known and esteemed military commander in the Soroyan army. He was worried that this situation would lead to military intervention, however Notles wasn’t as worried.

“Arrest the leader of the group, Mr…” he paused for a second trying to recall his name.

“Ayyud Ba-Kabir, is his name Prime Minister.” The general interrupted.

“Thank you. Arrest this man for disturbing the peace and disperse the crowd. He shall serve his time and we then will release him.” The general simply saluted, and left to carry on the orders. It will be swift and the crowd would be dispersed as peacefully as possible. If things however got violent, the general was prepared to order the execution of any in the crowd.

Treaty of Evemont

The delegate was surprised by the offer to stay in the capital to witness the launching of the TPS “Mettle”. Soroyan’s often had a fascination with ship building, often looking up to Zellonian craftsmanship, and he wasn’t the exception. He quickly accepted the offer, but notified the Prime Minister that he couldn’t stay long after.

Submarine lay’s down it’s first keel

As tradition in Soroya when a submarine’s keel is first laid down, so shall its name. Submarines in the past have given female names, often named after the wives of the captain expected to take the ship, this one was no different. Named SRF Merel, after Merel Berkhof, Huibert Berkhof’s loving wife and future captain of the SRF Merel.

SRF Merel under construction

The Cruska Gun

With new and advancing military, an unknown military theorist named Maxwell Cruska has began work on a fast firing gun. With close eyes watching his progress, the Soroyan military has fully begun funding the development of this weapon. Official statements have been few and far between, often stating “This will revolutionize modern military.” Some generals however fear that this will any sense of honourable warfare.

Design idea for Cruska Gun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TommyToledo
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The Wolf Hungers

Tensions between ethnic Numerians and Salardia have been growing despite "the best efforts of Vatanno-Galvia to ease hostilities". The wolf hungers and watches with intently as Numerian militias raided the border towns of Salardia. This militias were known to commit brutal atrocities such as rape and pillaging and even slaughtering entering villages. They were of course armed by the empire itself, with rifles being delivered by the army in secret.

The policing force that Vatanno-Galvia had sent to its borders ignored the nightly border raids done by Numerians for the most part. Salardians who wanted to retaliate or simply defend themselves were turned back, sometimes forcefully. Salardians were known to have been shot simply by being in distance of Vatanno-Galvian rifles. Tensions kept brewing fueled on by Vatanno-Galvian intervention.

Of course the Empire was already making plans on how to mobilize the army and what routes to take to occupy the kingdom. The forces stationed on the border only needed the order to advance and take the kingdom under General Varma.

Blatant Greed

As tensions kept rising, the Second Kingdom of Salardia demanded an explanation. The blatant greed of the empire was causing the nation a stir. In 1900 a Salardian delegation was sent to Monda, the capital of Galvia and home of the Emperor, demanding answers. They were turned away however. Galvia promised to have a written letter explaining their actions in the region.

The letter would come January the next year. "The reasons for our military expansion in Numeria is to guard against the injustice caused by your people against the citizens of the Empire", it reads. What frightened the Salardians most was the last line of the letter. "If Salardians do not dissuade from border clashes, the Empire would be forced to take more drastic measures."

Coaxing their Neighbors of the Sea

With the Empire so close to war, it's neighbor, Tramel, condemned the actions it was taking. Coaxing their neighbors of the sea was not an immediate concern with the Empire. Vatanno-Galvia was not worried about Tramel intervention. However it was worried about the possible actions of Zellonia in the coming war. Vatanno-Galvia was becoming a large enough threat to garner the attention of its neighbors. A naval power such as Zellonia could block the relatively unprotected ports of the nation and could shatter the fragile navy of the Empire.

Venerable Amelia of Ardox

On Febuary 17th of 1901, the faithful of the Corthide faith gathered in the streets of Polma to hear witness the pope himself make a declaration. Pope Gaius IX has officially canonized the then Venerable Amelia of Ardox. The Deltoran heroine led her countrymen against the lords and nobles in servitude to a foreign power. She fought for four years, leading her armies in the name of God and won victory after victory. In 1503 however, she was caught but her enemies and burned on a pole. Her canonization as a saint has rallied many Deltorians to Vatannia to celebrate her sainthood.

Pope Gaius IX also beatified several Deltoran democratic revolutionaries that other popes refused to. Their souls can now be granted passage to heaven and their families may rest easy. Pope Gaius IX then makes a proclamation to all followers of the faith to head the word of God before all else. "Vice and sins are the enemies of the soul" Pope Gaius IX stated "but conflict and wars will rip the faithful asunder."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The Year 1901
World Tension: 7%
Zellonian Declaration of War on Kalpia (12%)
Vatanno-Galvia stations troops on Salardian border (2%)
Deltora Allies with Soroya (8%)
Survaek Fabricates Claim on Honneria (4%)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Honneria Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Vatanno-Galvia Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Tramel Denounces Vatanno-Galvia (-5%)
Deltora Guarantees Luckland (-5%)
Anvegad signs Trade Agreement with Khernikovia (-3%)
Soroya signs a Defensive Alliance with Kelric (-5%)
Soroya signs Trade Agreement with Deltora (-3%)
Deltora signs Trade Agreement with Luckland (-3%)
Anvegad signs Trade Agreement with Survaek (-3%)


April 1st: Honneria immediately Mobilizes it's Home Army and it's colonial garrison in response to Grand Survaek Empire mobilizing it's own troops to the north.

April 3rd: In the first great Faresia gusher, oil is discovered at Flulin in New Soroya, Faresia.

April 7th: The government of Honneria accepts a trade agreement with the Republic of Kalpia. It follows this up by requesting a Defensive Alliance with the nation.

April 10th: After a great many technical difficulties, a submarine laid down in 1900 is completed by the Grand Survaek Empire. It is immediately commissioned into service.

April 11th: The first public telephones are installed at railway stations in Avenhold, Anvegad.

April 15th: The Republic of Deltora lays down the keel of TPS Vigilant, a destroyer. Packing six 4-inch guns, it would very well have the most firepower of any destroyer ever built. It is anticipated to be completed at the end of the year.

April 18th: Kavarri University is the first Soroyan private school in the New Soroya, Faresia.

April 21st: Prime Minister David Vanelli of Galvia in the Vatanno-Galvian Union is shot while leaving his home by Kadjeek Petrik, a Numerian nationalist. He immediately goes into surgery and pulls through. Kadjeek Petrik is taken into custody.

April 25th: 10,000 volunteers of the Soroyan Army finish their training, but the underfunded army lacks rifles to issue to them and they are immediately put on reserve status.

April 30th: Vatanno-Galvia begins constructing new industrial facilities and production on new firearms.


May 3rd: The Survaek Empire and Avengad Empire sign the Haerk-Eberstark Treaty of 1901, an open trade agreement between the two nations. 50 Heavy Artillery pieces are delivered to Foedinei, purchased from the Anvegadian government.

Map of Varius, 1901

May 5th: The Cruska Gun is hastily finalized in Soroya and will be available for manufacturing in 1902.

May 9th: Khernikovia and the Survaek Empire finalize a Defensive Alliance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Republic of Deltora

Evemont Shipyards

The People's Ship "Vigilant", the ship that would once more place the Republic of Deltora among the naval powers of the world. The Destroyer, heralded as the most deadly ever built of it's kind with some of the most advanced armaments of our age surpassing even those of Zellonia, found itself the center of attention for many a journalist and military officer alike. With the ships construction being a testimony to Deltoran engineering and industry, inquiries are also being made into modernizing the nine other active Destroyers of the Grand Fleet to that of the TPS Vigilant.

Regardless, the TPS Vigilant serves as a reminder to the world that Deltora is and will remain a player upon it's stage as the peacekeeper and the liberal, a remainder to all that ones civility, liberty and independence will be he upheld. Within or outside of it's borders.

Keel of the TPS Vigilant.

Deltoran Serranthia

As the stress on the colony and the disruption caused by a large number of men in one place, seemed to slowly shift away under the command of General Leroux and the efforts made to comfort them. As the new year dawned, 100 Light Artillery pieces carried across by barge under the supervision of the two Destroyers TPS Bounty and River made their way to the two port cities. Supplying either garrison of 50,000 with 50 Artillery pieces and crews each to reinforce their positions.

Trade Agreement with Luckland

Given the ever improving relations between the two countries, the Republic of Deltora and the United Provinces of Luckland, a trade agreement has been reached upon the dawn of the new year. The diplomat Eric Duclos, responsible for making the push to increase foreign relations with Luckland and the one whom secured both attempts to improve said relations, namely Deltora's guarantee of the United Provinces independence and more recently the trade agreement by land. This new accord serving to strengthen both nations industries and income as the new years begins.

The Cruska Gun Deal

In light of the Soroyans recent research into the weapon known as the Cruska Gun, the idea of such a weapon remains of great interest to the Deltoran military. Upon it's announcement, one, General Pomeroy accompanied by several diplomats by way of automobile made their way to the Soroyan Capital of Sikea to propose a deal representing Deltora. The purchase of Cruska Guns when they would be available for manufacture. Price and their number pending, but as early as 1902.

- TPS Vigilant under construction.
- 100 light artillery pieces moved to Deltoran Serranthia. 50 to each 50,000.
- Cruska Gun Deal taking place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1901

Kalpian News

Today , the first Zepelin in Kalpia has started to fly , its trayect was all around the city of Mistburn to show it to all the public in general , this project was financed not by the state but by private investors seeking to support the science cause , as the first of its kind the attention to it was as expected , even foreigners came to the city of Mistburn to watch it fly in words of them it was an spectacle seeing such a big airship ."In the future this will be use to travel long distances" , say some of the most enthusiasts.

Another important matter has been the recent mobilization of Survaek and Honneria in the Serranthian continent this doesnt worry the goverment that much as they are not involved , but since the Honneria aggreed to make a trade agreement with us they have requested an alliance , maybe to guarantee that they will get help from a mayor power in Varius , the trade agreement benefit us but is unknow what could unleash an alliance with Honneria and so the goverment discuss about this request.

In other news the army has started to develop new strategies and tactics from the experience in the war with Zellonia , this has received several funding from the goverment and it is expected that the high command of the army implements this later in this year , the army proud as always have received new equipment , included the Sirilt/99 bolt action rifle .Some of the troops that had been in Sarelia had returned too to the mainland counting around 20,000 men and the 20 LART Narct that had been sended before.The goverment has too started its own project of a weapon that fires hundreds of bullets per minute, this year but other nations had the advantage.
Kalpian Machinegun Project FT-19 Mark I
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Soroya

Offer to build a pre-dreadnought

After reviewing a recent offer sent by the Honnerian government, the current minister of foreign trade and diplomacy, Walter Scholte in't Hof, gladly accepted the deal. Official statements on the topic seemed to be entirely focused around the payment for the task, rather than helping out Honneria. He was even clear as to state “this is a simple business trade between two nations, nothing more and nothing less.”

Official signing of the deal

Cruska gun

After the recent completion of the Cruska gun by military theorist Maxwell Cruska, the Soroyan government plans on supplying the army with machine gun weaponry by next year. Nations such as Deltora have already begun looking into the guns production, and in an attempt to further their relations with Deltora have gladly accepted the offer to supply their army to. However they made it clear that this deal can not be discussed further until the weapon has begun production.

Cruska Gun, Circa 1901

Black-Gold in the colonies

New’s of possible oil in Flulin reached all of Soroya, as a result many prospectors and businessmen have begun surveying the area around Flulin in hopes of finding more. Though there is no guarantee that more will be found, many citizen’s feel that this could change the entire economic situation for their city.

Grand Opening of Kavarri University

Kavarri University the first ever private university in New Soroya had recently opened. The current principal, Justen Veeneman, publically announced that it will accept anyone no matter their nationality or foreign background, so long as they met their academic standards. Following his previous announcement he made it clear that they will begin accepting applications next month, and have student in class by fall of 1901.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Empire of Zellonia

The first people on the new luxury Cruiser were of course the King and his family but also all of their advisors aside from their foreign minister who had been detailing the peace treaty. The King thought of the Cruiser as nice and comfortable and each to produce especially with Zellonia's mighty Shipyards.

Meanwhile the Foreign Minister was just on his way back from signing the treaty that ended the war with Kalpia. While they took heavy losses they had won. The main reason they won as sad as it was for him to admit was the shortage of supplies the kalpians had. He knew as did others that they'd either need to step up their own line of rifles or buy them with their very limited budge.
In Other news, the Empire sent a formal Request to Honneria.

Finally the Empire got an interesting Letter from the Vatanno-Galvia. While he personally distrusted the declining empire his King wished for the deal to be made with fees of course.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The Year 1902
World Tension: 3%
Vatanno-Galvia stations troops on Salardian border (2%)
Deltora Allies with Soroya (8%)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Honneria Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Vatanno-Galvia Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Deltora Guarantees Luckland (-5%)
Soroya signs a Defensive Alliance with Kelric (-5%)
Soroya Guarantees Muranheidt (-5%)

- All unaligned nations have +5% National Unity.
- All unaligned nations have +10% GNP boost.
- All Status Quo nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +10% National Unity.



January 1st: 81 miners are killed in an accident in a mine 20 miles north of Reyirik, in the Grand Survaek Empire.

January 2nd: The nation of Honneria declines a contract with the Zellonian Empire to go with the initial offer from Soroya. The Honnerian Foreign Minister, Peter Kuttle declared: "Honor has always been a characteristic of the Varian continent, perhaps this is why Zellonians do not live on it."

January 3rd: As per a contract from Honneria, the government of Soroya lays down the keel of a Pre-Dreadnought to be finished sometime in 1904.

January 4th: The world's first passenger-carrying trolleybus in regular service operates on the Viedda Valley Trolley in Summerwall, Anvegad.

January 9th: Hafas, a Soroyan trade ship carrying grains and foodstuffs from Soroyan Faresia, sinks off the coast of Alcoln, Deltora. The Deltoran destroyers TPS Storm recovers 17 of the 151 sailors from the freezing water. They are sent via automobile back to Soroya.

January 10th: The Survaek Empire finalizes it's document regarding previously owned lands in Honnerian Serranthia. The Survaek government is now certain of it's claims in the region.

January 20th: The eccentric general Ishui Gvardiu of the Survaek Empire finalizes his designs for the Ishui Model 11 Heavy Automatic Rifle. It is available for production.

January 22nd: 10,000 volunteers who had signed up to serve in the Zellonian Royal Army finish their training. Without rifles to equip them however, they are put on reserve status.

January 25th: A minor factory complex in Anvegad completes and begins hiring workers. It will open later this year. The factory is along the Avenhold Rail Line, which opens February 1st, 1902. It is the first completed rail line in Anvengad.

January 29th: The Honnerian Colonial Army is bolstered by 15,000 Professionals of the 22nd Corps under General Giovanni Moth. They make port at Wadke, along with 50 Model 99 light artillery guns.

January 30th: The Soroyan government announces the Societatem, a political ideology facilitating the ideas of free peoples and their own self determination. The world recognizes Soroya as a bastion of freedom in the world, coinciding with the passage of the Labor Act of 1902, which was held up in ferocious debate for over six months. The Labor Act does a great deal to extend personal liberties to former "indentured servants" in Faresian and Sarelian colonies under Soroyan control.


February 1st: The Grand Railway is completed in the Deltoran Republic. It connects Acloln, Kulburn and the capital Evemont and is the longest existing railway in the world.

February 3rd: General Damien Arceneaux of the Deltoran Army finishes his theory on massed barrages of artillery. When observed by Deltoran High Command, they are stunned by the results and anticipate great enemy casualties in battle.

Deltoran massed barrage in practice, 1902

February 7th: The Manual of Strategic Assault is finished by the Kalpian Republic, thanks largely due to Deltoran military theorists. The Kalpians now have a fundamental understanding of trench warfare.

February 8th: Six hundred miles of railway are laid from Mistburn, Kalpia along the coast to Lochare.

February 15th: Research on a handheld explosive in the Deltoran Republic is finished. Called a hand grenade, it will increase the individual firepower of every Deltoran soldier. Mass production will begin within a few months.

Deltoran soldier demonstrating the proper stance to throw a grenade

February 25th: The colony of Anvegadian Sarelia is fully explored, mapped out and inhabited. It's fertile fields on the south banks and heavy mountains in the north make it a diverse climate. Fort Camber is established.

Sarelian Subcontinent, circa 1902

February 28th: Reconstruction on Memoth, damaged during the Zello-Kalpian War (1900-1901) is nearly completed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Xian Clique

The Divines shined their light, at last, in the earliest days of 1902. For the last three years, the Xianese people have faced against their own. The Blood Years began in 1899, when nationalist revolutionaries took over the city of Changtan and declared revolution against the longstanding Yong dynasty that had ruled the Xian for generations. The leader of these revolutionaries was Lu Wen-Yan, a young doctor and philosopher who led 'The Chang-Five', republicanists who vied for a democracy in Xian. The armed wing of these nationalists, the self-described 'White Tigers Army' took to the streets of Changtan and gunned down any who dared stand against the revolutionaries. Sadly, this purge of Changtan included the Hmu minority. The actions against the Hmu would later be condemned by Dr Wen-Yan's moderate faction and denounced as ethnic genocide.

White Tigers marching Changtan Provincial Govenor and Imperial Loyalist Chia Kueng to his execution, circa 1901.

Once the Nationalist Republican forces had established their stronghold in Changtan, Dr. Wen-Yan called for all those who wished for freedom from the Yong and the control of Xian's destiny to rebel themselves. Within days of Changtan's fall to the Nationalists the city became besieged by Imperial soldiers. This would begin a long and bloody siege that only ended when, after chaos similar to that experienced in Changtan, Shangwu fell to her own republican cell. The fall of Shangwu forced the Imperial forces to route and spread themselves out, attempting to contain the defecting republican territory like a virus. However, it didn't take long for the armories to be raided and the barricades to be built. By the end of 1899, the maps had been drawn and the Changtan revolution came into full effect.

The Temple of the Divines in Shangwu burning as civilians look on in dismay, circa 1899.

The Changtan Revolution quickly fell into brutal combat as, due to both sides receiving aid in the form of weapons from foreign powers, modern technology came into use for the first time in Xian's history. Machine Guns, barrage artillery, and repeating rifles all faced serious usage by both sides throughout the entire conflict, and to great effect. By the end of the war, over two hundred thousand Xianese soldiers and civilians had fallen to the gun smoke and bombs of modern war. However, despite the losses, the tides turned in favor of the Nationalists in the spring offensive of 1900, when a massed assault blew a hole in the lines of the Imperial troops holding Xizaolin. By the end of April, Xizaolin had fallen to the Nationalists. The road to Beiqling and the Imperial Palace laid open.

Imperial Soldiers at a machine gun implacement outside of Beiqling, circa 1901.

From there, the death-blow to the Yong dynasty was swift. Imperial forces scrambled to set up a new defensive line around the capital city, leaving Jinqianpo defenseless to the coming Nationalists and Ta-meng with only a mere garrison to hold her. By Fall Jingqianpo had fallen to the Nationalists, Ta-meng prepared for a long winter siege, and the capital of the Xian Empire was facing artillery barrages from outlying Nationalist soldiers. The Emperor, Pu-Shin, faced only two options. Surrender, or face a long and bloody winter for both himself and the few people who remained loyal to his will. In a declaration to the people of Beiqling, the Emperor boldly called the Nationalists traitors and pigs, and that the Divines would shine their light on him and the citizens of Beiqling. His words, while certainly strong for his position, did little to ease the pain in his peoples stomachs or the growing weariness in their hearts as more and more wives lost husbands and children fathers.

The winter was just as everyone had expected it to be, if not worse. Hundreds starved, and the Nationalists continued their attacks on Imperial positions inside and outside of Beiqling. On December 18th, Ta-meng accepted surrender to the Nationalists. Only the capital remained in Imperial hands. Nationalists generals such as Lang Shao-Ren felt pity for the people in the capital and called for a winter assault to end the war and put the cowardly emperor to the sword. However, such an attack against a mountain city facing six or more inches of snow was strategic suicide. So, with melancholy, the Nationalists kept their siege of the city as more and more starved due to the Emperor's ambition to hold on to what little he had left.

Nationalist White Tigers, in winter garb, pose with captured Imperial soldiers in the cold days of January, 1901.

The Emperor, despite all of his failures as a leader and a tactician, faced a fate perhaps too great for his character. Pu-Shan and his wife, Empress Do Ying, were stabbed over fifty times in their beds by their own starved servants in the early spring of 1901. Their bodies were dragged through the streets and hung by the feet in Fozao Square, only three miles from what would eventually become the Congress of Xian's building. Nationalist forces quickly took the capital, bringing as much aid to the weary and starved people of Beiqling as they could carry in their packs. General Kao Jun of the Imperial Army of Xian signed The Changtan Treaty, accepting unconditional surrender and his own arrest for crimes against the people of Xian. General Jun would face the light punishment of imprisonment, while many of the Imperial generals faced death.

Imperial Generals preparing for execution after recieving their 'Divine Sayings' from Divination Priests, Summer of 1901.

Many believed, with the slate at last clean and the Nationalists having taken control of Beiqling, that this marked a new age for Xian and her people. However, the promised freedoms and opportunity that Dr. Wan-Yen pledged had yet to come by the Fall. It had remained a secret, but Dr. Wan-Yen had passed in the winter of the previous year of pneumonia, he left only his writings as a outline for Xian's future administration. In these writings, Wan-Yen depicted a republic like those in Varius, where the people elected officials to govern and all had the opportunity to rule their nation's fate. When it came time to decide upon the future of Xian, General Chiang Cai Xiao rejected this option. Was it not him and his colleagues that freed the Xianese people from the Emperor? Was it not his soldiers that bled and died for the future of Xian? After all, half of the population of Xian couldn't even read, how would they govern a nation? Officially, The Xian Empire became The Republic of Xian. Unofficially, The Xian Empire became The Xian Clique, with General Chiang Cai Xiao and The Liberation Council as rulers. Chiang had been close friends with Dr. Wan-Yen, but in the end betrayed his friend's final wishes... In his mind, this was for the people of his motherland. Yet, the first decision the Council made was declaring May 10th as 'Quintuple Day' as remembrance to Wan-Yen and the four over key figures of the Changtan Revolution, Chiang just so happening to be one of them.

General Chiang Cai Xiao sworn into office as President of The Republic of Xian, 1902.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 5 mos ago

1902, Year of the Prophet

Is Emperor Shayaer the new Great Yvor? Some wonder this aloud, from the highest circle of generals to the lowest peddlers and laborers in the city streets, and even many peasants in the countryside. Some mean it genuinely, others with irony, others with more than a hint of resentment. Either way, it is a question worth asking, for Yvor embodied the Aspect of Raegar in a way never seen before or after -except for the Prophet himself, of course-. The first title of the Great Yvor was The Reformer, and this Shayaer has lived up to, for better or worse. Whatever critics may say about Shayaer's Purge, it was not far from the spirit of Emperor Yvor's own battle against the nobles of his day. The second title was The Conqueror, one Shayaer has yet to prove. It is now his twentieth year on the throne, high time in the eyes of many for his Majesty to make due on this expectation.


Emperor Shayaer Khaitis allowed the slightest of smiles to form across his lips as he admired the painting. What a man. What an Emperor. He was the greatest hero that any Emperor could hope to live up to, second only to the Prophet Raegar himself. Emperor Yvor Khaitis, the Reformer. Emperor Yvor the Conqueror. The Great Yvor. He had uprooted and thrown out his own generation of corrupt nobility, and he too had reconquered Raethon from greedy extortionist lords. He created the Imperial Bureaucracy and the Surv-Vyaez, and he transformed the Surv-Akur from a small auxiliary force to the greatest army the world had ever seen. And he too had reorganized the land to the benefit of the peasants, in the great Yvorian Contract of Peoples and Settlements. The contract that supposedly governed the land until Shayaer's own rise to the throne.

It weighed on Shayaer, how what was only inches from perfect could fall so low, mired in graft and abuse so deep it had to be abolished. He knew he wasn't the only one in Survaek to compare himself to the Great Yvor, but perhaps he was the only one who feared what this could mean. If what the greatest Emperor in the last millenium had accomplished failed to endure in its proper glory, what would become of the legacy of Emperor Shayaer, who knew well how uncertain that legacy was? Will it all be for nothing?

The Emperor shook his head. He couldn't let such thoughts deter him. It was too early to ask the question anyways. First, Shayaer would have to finish proving his likeness to Yvor in the first place. He would need to demonstrate the Second Aspect of Raegar. And, if he could say one thing in his defense in relation to that glorious predecessor -his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather he believed it was- then it was that the international situation was more difficult today than in 1674. Much more difficult. But no matter, Shayaer was determined to prove himself equal to the task.



The flash popped unceremoniously, affecting absolutely no one. The soldiers' eyes had already adjusted from the bright sun and, more importantly, from their exercises. Their focus on the horizon ahead was unbreakable.


Ten Model 11 Ishui Heavy Automatic Rifles let loose on a new set of wooden targets. After a long, deafening rattle of gunfire, they were mostly reduced to chips and sawdust just like the last set.


Normal systems for scoring marksmen were not especially useful here, so the officers present had chosen to rely on the older method of “Does the target look sufficiently dead?” Of course, the answer was yes for every single one. The guns were as powerful as promised, and after weeks of training their operators were well in the habit of using them properly. The drills today were noteworthy in that no one in the platoon had pushed their Model 11 too hard or worked it the wrong way; not a single one overheated or jammed, at least not yet. Now it was just a matter of repetition, repetition, and yet more repetition until their new skills were second nature.

Of course, the officers still made a show of walking all the way from the firing line to the pitiful remains of the flat wooden dummies. A few even pointed their batons here or there, and whether it was just for show or an actual analysis of the machine-gun fire was unclear. When they returned, they had very little to say, except for the occasional tip to tilt a gun slightly higher or lower.

Yet, it wasn't only the commanders making a show of the exercises. The troops responded earnestly to the tips, gave their superiors salutes like they were drill sergeants in boot camp, and looked at their targets as intently as a cat dying of hunger looks at that small rat or bird that might be their only prey for weeks. Of course, they were proud Surv-Akur, heirs of three centuries of tradition they surely all hoped to live up to. But there was something more, a feeling that hung in the air and tugged at the entire unit like a set of strings moving a puppet show.

War. War was coming, not someday but soon. The officers knew the day and the hour, and the troops had a rough idea. The Grand Survaek Empire, armed with a brand new set of predators' teeth, was about to make its first bloody mark of aggression on Serranthia in over six generations. At least, that was the hope and the expectation. It would be up to these men, and hundreds of thousands more like them, to see it through.



In the name of Aed, creator of all things, and his three Principles of Duty, Mastery, and Dignity, I, Shayaer Khaitis, Sword of Aed and Grand Survaek Emperor, by the authority invested in me by his Holy Excellency Vaekir Koen IX through the Crown and the Red Cap I wear, hereby declare war on the cruel heathens of the Republic of Honneria. This glorious and righteous struggle I dub the Reconquest of Southern Raethon.

I cite as my cause that the lands of Southern Raethon, which the heathens rule as their own, rightfully belong to the Grand Survaek Empire according the Mandate of Aed and the Laws of History. Furthermore, the Crown of Honneria has instituted heinous and unholy oppression and corruption of the Survaekom living in South Raethon, oppressing them and turning them away from the Holy Word of the Aedknam and the Raegarnam.

In this declaration, which I decree to be made public throughout the land and beyond the borders of the Grand Survaek Empire wherever it can be brought, I also call upon all faithful Aedakom and all righteous Survaekom in South Raethon to rise in support of their Faith and their Emperor. For the Faithful of any nation they may be will share in the glory and rewards Aed brings, and Survaekom of any faith they may be will be guaranteed the Justice and Dignity due to them as Citizens of the Grand Empire.

To arms!


– Emperor Shayaer Khaitis contemplates his connection to the legendary Emperor, the Great Yvor, as he considers how to fulfill the Second Aspect of Aed, Victory in War.
– Surv-Akur troops train with the new Ishui Model 11 Heavy Automatic Rifle. They know a war is about to begin.
– The Grand Survaek Empire declares the Reconquest of Southern Raethon on the Republic of Honneria to reclaim the former imperial lands now part of Honnerian Serranthia. Furthermore, the Empire calls on all Aedakom living in South Raethon, whether Survaekom or not, and all Survaekom living in South Raethom, whether Aedakom or not, to rally to the cause of the Empire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TommyToledo
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Archive 3021:
The Imperial Accord
Vatanno-Galvian Newspaper
April 23rd Release
Prime Minister Shot While Leaving His Home By Numerian Nationalist

Galvian Prime Minister David Vanelli was shot leaving his home in Monda by a Numerian Nationalist, April 21, 1901.
Prime Minister David Vanelli of Galvia was shot while leaving his home by Kadjeek Petrik, a Numerian nationalist. Kadjeek Petrik has been identified as the perpetrator and is taken into custody. He is sentenced to be hanged in the Galvian grand square in October 12th. In response to the assassination attempt, Emperor Petris Varelli has ordered an investigation under the crown and a special force directly under the control of Numeria's governer, Demis Kotrevo, was deployed to quell any insurrection. A detachment of the Vatanno-Galvian Royal Army has also been sent to the city to root out possible accomplices of Kadjeek Petrik as well as other nationalist instigators. Prime Minister Vanelli is alive and well and is set to fully recover in a few weeks accroding to his personal physicians.

The Wolf and the Hawk

Vatanno-Galvia had always been a land power with its navy severely lacking and ignored for the most part. That was before the wolf and the hawk decided on a trade deal. Vatanno-Galvia had produced 50,000 Mannicher Model 65 rifles for the sole purpose of trading them off towards Zellonia. In return, Zellonia would allow Vatanno-Galvia to build ships at her dockyards for a reduced cost.

Some in both Vatannia and Galvia viewed this deal as little more than a bid to win Zellonia as a possible friend on Varium. Emperor Petris Varelli was convinced that the Empire's navy was key to keeping her holdings safe. While Vatanno-Galvia received a large chuck of budget from its factories in Vatannia, its coastal trade could not be ignore. A simple blockage of any of its port towns could see the empire lose wealth or a region of the empire go into famine. The revitalization of Vatanno-Galvia's navy was under way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Year 1902
World Tension: 10%
Vatanno-Galvia stations troops on Salardian border (+2%)
Deltora Allies with Soroya (+8%)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Honneria Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Vatanno-Galvia Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Grand Survaek Empire declares war for Honnerian Serranthia (+10%)
Grand Survaek Empire allies with Empire of Anvegad (+5%)
Soreno increases Border Tension with Kalpia (+3%)
Anvegad Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Deltora signs a Defensive Alliance with Murenheidt (-5%)
Soroya signs a Defensive Alliance with Kelric (-5%)
Soroya Guarantees Muranheidt (-5%)
Zellonia signs Trade Agreement with Tramel (-5%)
Zellonian signs Trade Agreement with Vatanno-Galvia (-5%)
Anvegad signs a Defensive Alliance with Khernikovia (-5%)

- All unaligned nations have +5% National Unity.
- All unaligned nations have +10% GNP boost.
- All Status Quo nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +10% National Unity.

Sorenan Corridor (Kalpian Republic): An important link between all of Varius, this predominantly Sorenan area is bitterly contested between Kalpian political authority and Sorenan rule of the land. Without it's cooperation, much trade in the region is lost. (+$2,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)

Rochefort Passage (Deltoran Republic): The Rochefort Passage is necessary for nations wanting to ship goods around Varius. A less than ten mile wide strip of sea between Serranthia and Deltoran Varian, control of this is of utmost strategic importance for the nation controlling it. (+5% National Unity, and +$1,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)


March 1st: The Grand Survaek Empire kicks its industry into high gear, laying down the keel for 2 unnamed submarines expected to be finished later in the year.

March 2nd: The Republic of Kalpia begins immense industrialization, beginning construction on several hundred lines of rail as well as several arms factories. Secondly, Kalpia announces it's adherence to the Sociatatem ideology, promising freedom to all peoples.

March 4th: Missionaries from Soroyan Faresia arrive in Beiqling, Xian, but are uncertain whether they will be permitted to spread the Word without legal trouble.

March 7th: Zellonia lays down the keel for a destroyer and a submarine, both expected to be finished before the year is up.

March 9th: A minor factory begins construction in Vatanno-Galvia.

March 11th: The Kingdom of Soroya lays down the keel of the SRF Hoekstra, a light cruiser that will be completed in 1903.

March 15th: The Deltoran Republic and Soroya both Guarantees the Independence of the nation of Murenheidt.

March 19th: A massive industrial complex begins being built by Zellonia.

March 22nd: The Osmadi revolutionary Ayyud Ba-kabir is arrested by colonial authorities in the Soroyan Serranthia. Several hundred looking on as the men handcuffed him and dragged him away quickly gained fame in local circles and newspapers for shouting: "Is this democracy? Is this Sociatetem?"

March 25th: 20,000 Professionals are added to the Anvegadian ready status. Equipped with Kalpian purchased Sirilt/99 rifles. They are the most well equipped, well trained troops on the planet.

March 29th: The Kalpian Republic lays down the keel of a submarine, expected to be finished at the end of the year.

March 30th: In Kulburn, Deltora, the Voix Hotel, the first hotel exclusively for women, opens.


April 2nd: The Sorenan Free Army launches an attack at the Kalpian owned city of Kirjdz. The Battle of Kirjdz lasts only four hours, as the 5,000 Kalpian police and constabulary forces there are quickly overwhelmed. The Sorenan Free Army, a multi-ethnic group of guerrilla fighters in the Sorenan corridor, has an estimate between 4,000 and 12,000 men. They fight using Sorenan K/91 rifles and stolen rifles from Khernikovian sources.

The Sorenan Corridor has a population nearing 500,000. 465,000 of them are native Sorenans, while 20,000 are a mix of Soroyans, Khernikovians and Etellians. Only 15,000 Kalpians live there, but the area is under loose Kalpian control. So long as Kalpia controls this vital corridor, her trade lanes to the East will lie open. Care must be taken however, for forcibly controlling the corridor under threat of arms may increase tension with Soreno to the north.

[Kalpian Republic receives Loss of Sorenan Corridor: -2,000,000,000$ GNP so long as corridor is uncontrolled]

Sorenan Corridor, 1902

April 4th: The Anvegadian Empire mobilizes it's reserves. They will be called up by the middle of the month. Soldiers of the Anvegadian Imperial Army are put on general status, moving to their staging areas around the country.

April 6th: The Treaty of Kholkov (1902) is signed, finalizing a tripartite defensive alliance between the Grand Survaek Empire, Khernikovian Empire and the Anvegadian Empire. These nations will defend one another if attacked.

April 9th: The Anvegadian Empire lays down the keel of a submarine that is expected to finish in the fall.

April 12th: The Grand Survaek Empire Declares War on the Republic of Honneria. Within hours, the First Army Group (170,000 men, 3,000 machine guns, 75 light cannon, 20 heavy cannon) under command of General Pjjokhat, set out southeast from the port of Kafu. Maintaining a close link to the sea, they head toward the Honnerian border.

April 19th: A second Survaek army, the Third Army Group (130,000 regulars, 2,000 machine guns, 75 light cannon) departs from Khjaed in the far south. Led by General Hjarkin, the army skirted along the open desert until reaching the road entering Honnerian territory. They encounter no resistance and march in great spirits.

Survaek troops marching in the desert, 1902

April 21st: Foreign Minister to Soroya, Patrick Lamiere of Honneria pleads with the foreign ministry in Yadke for intervention against the Survaek. The Honnerian Army mobilizes it's home guard along the Khernikovian border, fearful of a declaration of war by Survaek's ally.

April 24th: While returning north to avoid war, the Anvegadian Navy ships ANV Dagger, ANV Venom and ANV Fearless leave the Honnerian port of Wadke, which is in chaos and heads north toward Avenhold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Empire of Anvegad


Chairman Volkov has issued a public statement confirming the signing of the Treaty of Kholkov, and the signing of a three-way defensive alliance between Suravaek and Khernikovia. With this, a solid defensive accord has been established guaranteeing the security and sovereignty of its signatory states with the might of our combined militaries.

Chairman Volkov has declined to state whether Anvegad troops will be sent to intervene in the Suravaek-Honnerian colonial war as of this time of writing, but notes that Anvegad will take its alliance commitments with all due seriousness should the Empire be called upon by its allies when in need. A statement made with the same breath of a new military expansion plan intended to ensure this would be no empty promise. Further backed by comments from leading military generals on the possibility of military officer exchanges for better joint-defense.


In other news, the Ministry of Industry has declared a bold new plan to establish railroads across the country, bringing every city of the Empire together through the modern miracle of steam-powered locomotives. Alongside telegraphs and telephones to be built alongside the rails, our nation will be united like never before.

Mass-recruitment for railroad work crews is already underway as entrepenourial railroad companies, labor contractors, and military engineers are all called upon to bring about this union of progress for the state, with the intent of uniting all the major cities of the Empire within the span of a single year, and to provide a basis for further expansion of the railroad to support our growing ports and industries.

"We toil today for the benefit of future generations. While there will certainly be sacrifices and much toil required to bring about this mighty project, our children and grandchildren will forever thank us for giving our nation the gift of iron rails and the boons of industry hastened by iron horses." - Minister of Industry Janus Kalburn


In a report from our distant colonies in the Sarelian Islands, our venture report has confirmed the raising of the flag on Fort Camber and the beginnings of bringing civilization to the natives of the land as proper citizens of the Empire.

Our reporter interviewed the local magistrate on the stance of "uplifting" the natives.

"While we endeavor to integrate these native peoples into the Empire as productive workers, we will also place equal effort into educating their youth into being proper citizens that can provide more than sweat and labor. We will show these native peoples the superiority of the Anvegad way so they can find their true calling in the service of the Empire and help us in turning this colony into a productive establishment of the Empire. Perhaps as auxillaries for our military after seeing their hunters track their prey and how they navigate the wilderness of this island." - Magistrate Arkon Collier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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The Kingdom of Soroya

Sociatetem! Peace in our time.

With the announcement of the Societatem, came a speech from the Prime Minister Kevin Notles himself, “I’ve come to you bringing news and with that news a sense of hope. Hope that we will see a bright future where we live in peace. Every man, woman, and child, can proudly claim that they have a birth right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

I, Kevin Notles, and the people of Soroya, humbly ask any nation that shares this sense of responsibility towards your fellow man to join us in this quest. With this request, I bring a warning. Nation’s with villainous intent, one that would see it’s fellow man brought to their knees to beg for mercy to that of a mad king or dictator, that we shall do everything in our power to bring a stop to your reign.

Lastly, I bring a gift. The gift of god. Because it was god himself that sought to give us the right of free thought. The ability to challenge others. The ability to rise up against our oppressors. We, the people of Soroya, intend to see this gift given. To all people. To all races. To all ages. To all people. And with that, I bid you farewell.”

Kevin Notles “I bring a gift” speech, circa 1902

Injustice in Soroya! Freedom of speech under threat?

After the recent arrest of Osmadi revolutionary Ayyud Ba-kabir, many local newspapers have reported this to be an injustice. The colonial governor of Serranthia however has only made a single statement on the issue, “He was arrested for disturbing the peace, and disrupting the people's freedom of movement, a law that has been around for several hundred years. His time will be served, and he can then continue to protest whatever issues he sees fit legally.” This however has not turned away many journalists, as some continue to claim this to be a blatant lie.

Prison facility holding Ba-Kabir, circa 1902

Honneria in need.

Though the Prime Minister refused to intervene in the current war against Honneria stating “If you are unable to take proper measures to defend your colonial land from foreign powers then it is perhaps best in the hands of those foreign powers. However, if they call in allies with the intention of taking more than colonial land, I will gladly aid your people.” The conversation was quickly dismissed shortly after.

Trade ship sunk?

After the recent sinking of the STV Hafas, a joint investigation between Deltora and Soroya was quickly organized. While the Deltoran’s investigated their waters at home, Soroya shall question the crew. After all seventeen men have recovered investigation on Soroya’s part will begin immediately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1902

Kalpian News

The goverment has started to industrialize the country at a very fast speed , thanks to the construction of the lines of railroads around the coast , several big industrial complex had started to be constructed , the project had started thanks to the invesment of both the goverment and the private capital , this will create more jobs for the growing population of Kalpia and the goverment has assured that the new citizens have more enought jobs to live as their parents .

And about citizens ,in the Sorenan Corridor a terrible thing has happened in Kirjdz as the city has been taken by a group of rebells
self-proclamated the "Sorenan Free Army" , with an estimated of 12,000 men from different ethnic groups , our goverment has to take action in order to protect the 15,000 Kalpian civilians there which are in constant state of danger from this group , we dont say that the other peoples in the Sorenan corridor are not our citizens and as they are in same danger as the citizens already mentioned.Because of this the goverment plans to send a force of 40,000 regulars to maintain the security in the zone , this is only temporal as the goverment will take time to resolve the disputes between ethnicities in a more peacefully way as the Sociatatem shows., the final mean of this is to secure the civilians in danger and to stop the "Sorenan Free Army" from trying to danger more citizens of the Kalpian Republic.

City of Kirjdz

-The New Kalpian Republic Military forces will send 40,000 regulars to retake the city of Kirdjdz and then pacify the region , they will avoid harsh treatment to the prisioners and citizens of the Sorenan Corridor as the Sociatetem ideology tells, the other mission they will get is to evacuate the minorities from the Sorenan Corridor, they will be able to choose if to stay or to leave temporarily until the region is pacified . In case of the Sonerians , they will be able to evacuate as well under protection of the army.The frontier will be maintained in vigilance aswell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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The Republic of Deltora

The Hafas Issue

On January 9th of the new year, a trade ship of Soroya sunk just of the Deltoran coast. 17 survivors were saved from the sea by the quick reaction of the TPS Storm and it's crew, while the other 134 sailors remain unaccounted for. The event saddens the people of Deltora at it's allies loss and actions are being taken to investigate what occurred for the trade ship to sink as it did. Several Deltoran ships have taken to the site of the wreck, in an attempt to retrieve the trade ship from the depths for further investigation to be carried out into this strange occurrence, hoping evidence remains within the hull of the sunken ship. Deltoran officials have also requested Soroyan officials to share information gathered from questioning the 17 survivors now within it's borders in order to find the truth. As of the moment, foul play is suspected.

Tidings of War, and the Price of Peace

Tidings of war in the south had reached the Deltoran Government, a state of war declared by the long sleeping Grand Empire of Survaek on the Second Republic of Honneria in an attempt conquer Honnerian Serranthia. The act in itself was unfounded, and required immediate reaction. In the interest of keeping world peace, and in the belief that Deltora would stand alone in restoring the status quo as the Sociatetem effectively threw Honneria to the wolves. The handling of the situation by the faction has created a divide between the two powers, with the Prime Minister Edouard Geiger making a counter statement to that of the Sociatetem on the Honnerian Crisis:

"The Sociatetem's belief that a nation if unable to defend itself against a foreign power deserves to lose it's land, is preposterous and runs hypocritical of the aims the Sociatetem claim to believe. How can the freedom and liberty be kept, if it is quite willing to abandon those who are at risk of losing it? Throwing them instead to the circling wolves that would see those rights disappear! The Republic of Deltora will be taking steps to reverse this mischief and set right this wrong."

Meanwhile, talks with Murenheidt had proved fruitful, in the face of increasing tensions with Survaek expansionism in Serranthia, as of March 15th the Republic of Deltora and Murenheidt have signed a defensive alliance pledging their forces in the defense of the other against hostile aggression.

Latest Developments

Entering into the new year, Deltora has seen and experienced a good number of industrial and technological advancements and achievements. The Grand Railway after years of work has finally been deemed ready. Yet another testimony to the prowess of Deltoran engineering, the Grand Railway connecting the entire coast of Deltora by rail features as the longest in the known world. Similarly, the Voix Hotel has been finished, the first hotel to cater exclusively to women and showing to all the advanced culture within Deltora.

With world tensions rising, research into the advancement of the military has been deemed necessary. Theories put forth by General Damien Arceneaux have been widely adopted within the Deltoran Army, which would see a change to the use of artillery in it's entirety. No longer would artillery pieces have to take to the field for direct sight of their targets, but could be fired using measurements from afar and out of sight based on trajectory, expected of increasing the efficiency and required range of the A85 Auguste Field Gun currently in use. As new inventions for war came into being such as the Cruska Gun, the Deltorans have designed their own, so named the Hand Grenade. Handheld explosives to be carried and thrown by infantry to devastating effect. It could not be said that the Deltoran Army was not advancing with the new century.

- Investigation into the sudden sinking of the Soroyan trade ship "Hafas" taking place.
- Criticism of the Sociatetem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The Year 1902
World Tension: 10%
Vatanno-Galvia stations troops on Salardian border (+2%)
Deltora Allies with Soroya (+8%)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Honneria Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Vatanno-Galvia Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Grand Survaek Empire declares war for Honnerian Serranthia (+10%)
Grand Survaek Empire allies with Empire of Anvegad (+5%)
Soreno increases Border Tension with Kalpia (+3%)
Anvegad Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Deltora signs a Defensive Alliance with Murenheidt (-5%)
Soroya signs a Defensive Alliance with Kelric (-5%)
Soroya Guarantees Muranheidt (-5%)
Zellonia signs Trade Agreement with Tramel (-5%)
Zellonian signs Trade Agreement with Vatanno-Galvia (-5%)
Anvegad signs a Defensive Alliance with Khernikovia (-5%)

- All unaligned nations have +5% National Unity.
- All unaligned nations have +10% GNP boost.
- All Status Quo nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +10% National Unity.

Sorenan Corridor (Kalpian Republic): An important link between all of Varius, this predominantly Sorenan area is bitterly contested between Kalpian political authority and Sorenan rule of the land. Without it's cooperation, much trade in the region is lost. (+$2,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)

Rochefort Passage (Deltoran Republic): The Rochefort Passage is necessary for nations wanting to ship goods around Varius. A less than ten mile wide strip of sea between Serranthia and Deltoran Varian, control of this is of utmost strategic importance for the nation controlling it. (+5% National Unity, and +$1,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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The Empire of Anvegad

Steelhold Military Academy Journal
Railroad Wargames

With the war in Sarrelia limited to Honneria's colonial holdings, Anvegad High Command has decided to make use of the mobilized state of its troops to conduct wargames on a large scale to test and drill its troops, as well as test potential new theories of warfare with industrial developments sweeping the country.

Training with the railroads is on the forefront of many generals of both the old and new schools of military thinking. Conservative commanders consider the rails to be simply another instrument of logistics, admittedly a potent one as General Theinbridge noted that "while the iron horse is only little faster than a regular horse now, it does not tire or eat its own cargo, can haul great tonnages, and can operate at a much higher tempo. The emphasis of railroad doctrine should be solely focused on transporting goods and troops from point A to point B. A difficult enough task as it is without trying to complicate it further."

Radicals in military theory propose more proactive and aggressive applications of railroads. Brigadier Federer has recently proposed a number of modified heavy-duty cargo flatbeds that could be used to mount heavy artillery not just for transport, but for bringing mobility to normally cumbersome Ozo-pattern heavy siege howitzers. "Railroads unlock new frontiers, and we would be fools not to pursue any and every possible use these trains can bring to war to concentrate firepower and tactical superiority when and where we want. Our enemies would be far less eager to desire our lands if they know we can protect them all with a battleship's great guns."

As the debate is ongoing in Anvegad military academies and officer's clubs, regiments of troops are drilled on efficient loading, boarding, and transport by rail on Anvehold's local railroads while reservist troops led by the Anvegad engineer corps are allocated to labor-duties supporting railroad work crews to establish understanding of railroad construction for themselves in the event of having to build rails into enemy territory or perform emergency repairs in the field, whilst assisting in the construction of strategically important rails and bridges connecting the major cities of the nation.


Anvegad High Command has recently disclosed the beginning details of a broad-sweeping new plan to modernize the Imperial Army, dubbed "The New Model Army". Under this plan, the standing army of Anvegad will be brought into the future with a standing force of professional soldiers.

Already two regiments (20,000 men), consisting of a combination of veterans and able new recruits tested to the highest standards, have been raised to a modern professional army. Not just armed with advanced rifles and heavy artillery, but with the best training and organizational performance possible in the world thanks to the tireless efforts of Colonel Lindon Styker and his trusted assistant Master Sergeant Jorgan Maxwell to develop intensive training courses and drills to prepare for battlefield's defined by artillery and bolt-action rifles.

"Sheep go in. Wolves come out. But like wolves, they know they can't work alone. Alone, they're nothing. Together, they're the baddest ******* in the world."
- Master Sergeant Jorgan Maxwell

While High Command refuses to disclose numbers, additional professional army regiments are expected to be added to the Imperial Army soon and existing regular line-troops retrained as training programs are refined to take into account new technologies and industrial developments. Many military observers project that the NMA-trained regiments will also serve as testbeds for new military thinking and doctrine given the concentration of open-minded and aspiring officers in the ranks of the existing regiments now shaking down in Port Endeavor rumored to be working with a Anvegad-made machinegun design under classified training.


The Anvegad Ministries of Industry, Commerce, and War have come together with a bold new retirement plan option for soldiers reaching the end of their terms as soldiers and for our honored retired veterans. Instead of a conventional pension, soldiers may instead opt for a "active retirement" in the newly expanding colonies in Sarelia to participate in expansion of the Anvegad frontier and serve their nation in a new capacity.

"Actively Retired" soldier-colonists are expected to serve an additional extended tour of service as second-tier militia reservists in Sarelia whilst assisting in the prospecting, exploration, and exploitation of colonial land for an initial duration. In exchange, soldiers are permitted land-grants and a percentage of proceedings from any discoveries made on the Frontier along with a fresh start.

Already thousands of veterans flock to military offices looking to grab their "30 acres and a shotgun", looking to make new beginnings on the frontier and be the first to hunt down a colonial motherload.


With the conflict in colonial Honneria taking twists and turns, many officers in the Anvegad army are champing at the bit to get involved to aid their ally and end a war close to the homelands of Anvegad.

Chairman Volkov has made no comment on whether an expeditionary force will be sent, pending word from the Empire of Suravaek should they intent to invoke joint-military operation clauses of the alliance treaty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Year 1902
World Tension: 10%
Vatanno-Galvia stations troops on Salardian border (+2%)
Deltora Allies with Soroya (+8%)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Honneria Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Vatanno-Galvia Mobilizes Troops (+3%)
Grand Survaek Empire declares war for Honnerian Serranthia (+10%)
Grand Survaek Empire allies with Empire of Anvegad (+5%)
Soreno increases Border Tension with Kalpia (+3%)
Anvegad Mobilizes Troops (3%)
Deltora signs a Defensive Alliance with Murenheidt (-5%)
Soroya signs a Defensive Alliance with Kelric (-5%)
Soroya Guarantees Muranheidt (-5%)
Zellonia signs Trade Agreement with Tramel (-5%)
Zellonian signs Trade Agreement with Vatanno-Galvia (-5%)
Anvegad signs a Defensive Alliance with Khernikovia (-5%)

- All unaligned nations have +5% National Unity.
- All unaligned nations have +10% GNP boost.
- All Status Quo nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +10% National Unity.

Sorenan Corridor (Kalpian Republic): An important link between all of Varius, this predominantly Sorenan area is bitterly contested between Kalpian political authority and Sorenan rule of the land. Without it's cooperation, much trade in the region is lost. (+$2,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)

Rochefort Passage (Deltoran Republic): The Rochefort Passage is necessary for nations wanting to ship goods around Varius. A less than ten mile wide strip of sea between Serranthia and Deltoran Varian, control of this is of utmost strategic importance for the nation controlling it. (+5% National Unity, and +$1,000,000,000 per turn when controlled)


May 3rd: While headed back north, the Avengadian Navy destroyer ANV Dagger, while returning north toward Anvegad is struck by a torpedo at 11:51. The captain orders all hands abandon ship at 12:26 and the survivors are picked up by the light cruiser ANV Fearless and destroyer ANV Venom. 7 sailors are lost at sea. The two ships continue northward.

May 12th: The Deltoran Republic begins modernizing the destroyer TPS Defiant, adding an additional three 5" guns to the deck, for a total of six. The renovations will be complete sometime in 1903.

May 13th: The Battle of Wadke begins as the First Army Group of Survaek reaches the Honnerian colonial port city of Wadke. Numbering 170,000 with nearly a hundred guns back them up, the battle started with simultaneous barrage of Survaek artillery batteries and an order forward by General Stae Pjjokhat. The battle begins in proper when probing regiments meet Honnerian defensive embankments and trenches a few miles west of the city. Probing attacks are carried out, while the Survaekoms attempt to find the best places to assault enemy positions.

The Honnerians have laid long Trenches in western desert reaches outside of Wadke, establishing hard to assault positions that overlook long swathes of empty dunes. These trenches are manned by 55,000 Honnerian colonials as well as 20,000 of the Honnerian Golden Guard, a well trained fighting force that has its root back in the age of feudal knights.

May 14-15th: The first major assault along the northern shores totaling 8,700 men, begins after an hour long barrage from Survaek guns. Under Lieutenant Kiraeji, two brigades of men begin a mass assault against the trenches there in a smaller battle known as Battle of the Long Coast. Without machine guns, having failed to broker a deal to purchase them from a Varian power, the Honnerians instead focused on massing their rifle fire as best they could on attacking Survaek forces.

Survaek soldiers moved in and set up their own machine guns, often simply laying down across desert dune to rake the enemy positions with fire while their comrades moved up. It was the Honnerian artillery however, that gave the Survaek true fits. The Ssurvaek army had never truly developed their engineering corps, and so under heavy fire, the foxholes constructed by Survaek soldiers were soon to carry the name early graves. Honnerian artillery, numbering around 40 field guns, was heavily concentrated at breaking up the Survaek right at their axis of attack.

The second day of the battle saw a 2,000 man assault repulsed again. It wasn't a stark defeat, but Lieutenant Kiraeji reported back to General Stae Pjjokhat that the northern coast was well defended, and it was unlikely that a flanking attack to the south would be equally unsuccessful.

Battle of the Long Coast (Honnerian Victory)
Survaek: 6,164 Men
Honneria: 985 men

May 16th: The Honnerian submarine Pheonix sinks the Survaek destroyer Sekhai while on patrol in the Vicarri Sea 350 miles east of New Byrnia.

May 17th: The Freedom Debates begin in Lord, Luckland. Soroyan Prime Minister Kevin Notles and Deltoran Prime Minister Eduoard Geier attend to answer the question "What is freedom, and what is worth defending it?" Prominent politicians of all kind attend the debates.

Soroyan Prime Minister Kevin Notles opened his speech with: "How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people whom we know nothing." Soroyan, and even Deltoran lives were not worth the price of Honnerian sand and oil.

Deltoran Prime Minister Eduoard Geiger instead asked "What will be enough? Today it is Honneria, and tomorrow Deltora, Soroya, or Kalpia." Both nations found support in the international community, while delegates of the Grand Survaek Empire were said to have declined their invitations to attend.

May 24th: The Third Army Group in the far southwest moved on as soon as the dust storms had settled. They encountered no resistance, but found much to their chagrin the Honnerian oil fields had been largely destroyed and made inoperable. It would take months before they'd be back up and running. With his objective complete he ordered his men with all due haste along the road toward the second port city of Keyvah. A standing garrison of 1,000 men and 5 machine guns were left at the oil fields.

Spirits were high and the men sang Ode to the Prophet in the dying light of the sun.

May 29th: Covering the reaches of the Vicarri Sea to prey on Honnerian shipping, the Survaek destroyer Ndea alerts the First Fleet that an incoming Honnerian fleet is headed south with a heavy armed escort. With 2 Pre-Dreadnoughts and 8 Cruisers. The First Fleet sets sail from Foedinei to make contact with the enemy.

At 15:51, Honnerians on board the Pre-Dreadnought Falcon make contact with the closing Survaek Fleet. The Honnerian Fifth Fleet was made up the Pre-Dreadnoughts Falcon and Eagle, 3 Armored Cruisers, 4 Light Cruisers, and 5 Destroyers. The Survaek ships moved into position, attempting to cross the T against the incoming fleet, while patrolling destroyers converge on them from all directions.

At 16:06 the Honnerian Pre-Dreadnought Falcon opened fire on the Survaek Pre-Dreadnought Aesthis, who had just bought all it's guns to bear. Four minutes later the Honnerian Armored Cruiser Simeon also opened fire on the Aesthis. The Survaek had the benefit of being able to bring their entire battle fleet to beat, while the Honnerians were attempting to protect three merchant freighters carrying supplies or reinforcements to Honneria.

At 16:12 the Honnerian light cruisers Howell and Kamber raged in on the Survaek destroyer Rayani and sank her within minutes. At 16:13 the survaek light cruiser Erdhei heavily damaged the Honnerian destroyer Sparrow, which limped out of the battle line, listing heavily to port.

The battle raged on, with the full brunt of the Survaek fleet bearing its full complement of guns on a Honnerian fleet forced to maintain it's current course or risk exposing the unprotected merchant ships. At 16:31 the Survaek light cruiser Pekhai went up in flames, presumable from the Honnerian armored cruiser Willow. The Honnerian fleet finally managed to turn, but Falcon was heavily damaged, taking fire from Survaek Pre-Dreadnoughts Aesthis and Adea. The Honnerian fleet continued it's long turn, all the while trading fire with a Survaek fleet that for all intents and purposes was neither weaker nor stronger in disposition. By 17:21 the Honnerian fleet had set back out to see beyond the range of Survaek guns.

Battle of North Vicarri Sea (Survaek Victory)
Honneria: DD-Sparrow (scuttled), DD-Calvin (sunk), CA-Franklin (sunk), BB-Falcon (61% Damaged), BB-Eagle (22% Damaged)
Survaek: DD-Reyani (Sunk), DD-Nei (Sunk), CL-Pekhai (Sunk), BB-Aesthis (17% damaged)


June 15th: The Kingdom of Aontas announces it's adherence to the Sociatatem, the ideology advocating a world free of oppression and tyranny. Also a call for the status quo, this means that the Aontan leadership enjoys it's status in the world and doesn't want to see it lessened. Delegates from the Kalpian Republic and Soroya welcome Aontas into the fold.

June 17th: The Kalpian Republic finishes research on a machine gun type weapon. Prototypes smuggled from nearby Soroya allow the Kalpian military to finish the project. Bureaucracy within Kalpian Army Headquarters was blamed on the length of time required to finish the weapon. They are now available for production. The machine gun, the FT-19 Mark I is considered superior to the Soroyan Cruska Gun, offering 250 rounds per minute over 200 rounds per minute.

June 21st-23rd: The Survaek Second Army, after fierce fighting at the Battle of Keyvah finally takes the city. After two days of heavy fighting, the Honnerians fighting in Keyvah simply laid down their arms after both ammunition and foodstuffs ran down. "It wasn't lack of food that forced our hand," a Honnerian lieutenant said, "It was that God awful artillery."

Battle of Keyvah (Survaek Victory)
Survaek: 12,743
Honneria: 8,942 (+10,846 prisoners of war)

The World, circa 1902

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