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Tombprince Torn from the void between the planes.

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Blin "Brytag" Alborse

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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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Name: Nikkolaira “Nikki” Wyatt

Abstract: friendly prankster with a clever mind and an appetite for adventure

(Ignore the cat attributes, but that's basically Nikki, in her original form. Modifications have been made.)

Appearance: Nikki is a nineteen-year-old of about average height, with a solid build that evidences the fact that she’s always on the go. She keeps her blond hair cut at her jawline, and her light brown eyes are lively. She prefers to wear flattering clothes, generally showing as much tanned skin as she can get away with. She loves black clothing, and it’s always something that lets her move freely and won’t get in the way when she’s up to her usual activities. She generally wears a pair of woven bracelets with amber and green stones, and shoes are usually a pair of solid-soled sandals with straps so she doesn’t lose them.

Details: Nikki grew up with her father after her parents separated. She knows and loves her mother as well, but the woman’s job as a trader often took her far from home. Her father, Jasper, runs a general shop in town. Nikki herself has very little patience for work and doesn’t have an official job, instead doing odd jobs for various people. Instead of a real occupation, she prefers to get into adventures -- or trouble. She’s been filling her time with both since she was old enough to walk. She tried to pay attention to lessons and such, and did alright, but daydreaming or just wandering off wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. She’s a nice person, if perhaps overly exuberant, though her tendency to tease and play pranks can certainly seem mean. But she wouldn’t wish ill on anyone, and is more or less harmless. She’s quick and agile, with an ability to keep her feet under her even in difficult situations that would put many cats to shame. She knows how to use a knife, and can hit a target from a couple yards away, but that’s only in controlled circumstances. If it came to an actual fight, Nikki is far more likely to keep hold of her knife and use whatever is to hand, often in unusual ways. She’s pretty creative when it comes to innovative solutions to problems, though not all of them would be wise to attempt. The girl has a tendency not to think things through that ends her up in trouble as often as not. She actively courts disaster, be it trying crazy stunts or stealing a bun from a food stall for the thrill of getting chased. She revels in danger, carefully balancing on the line between wild and downright crazy. Telling her not to do something is one of the best ways to get her to try; if you don’t want her to eavesdrop, you’re better off discussing something boring for a bit instead of lowering your voice. She’s a superb flier, mostly because she has to be with all the stunts she tries, and enjoys flying second only to exploring. Well. Maybe third if you count pranks? Something like that. Her approach to life is one of humor and gleeful optimism, diving headlong into every opportunity that comes her way. When she decides to do something, she commits herself fully and holds nothing back. Life is something to be enjoyed, and she plans to do that to the utmost.

~ Glider that’s a bit on the smaller side, but it’s fast and very maneuverable. She just can’t carry too much of anything besides herself. She’s damaged it with stunts more times than can be remembered, but while battered it’s held up pretty well. Her father decided that if his daughter couldn’t be prevented from risking her life trying crazy tricks, he’d at least make sure it wasn’t the fault of her wings should she get hurt.
~Lockpicks, because you never know what interesting things might need opening. She totally doesn’t use them on things that actually belong to people though. Usually. Most of the time. Well, okay, she does, but she puts everything back where she’s found it, so it’s okay, right?
~Her knife is a handy tool she’s never without. She has a second one in case the first one gets broken or lost somehow.
~A bag of assorted tricks, usually including a bit of food, a grappling hook on a length of light but sturdy rope, a small metal mirror, some stick-on bandages, a few safety pins, heavy-duty tape, some string, a permanent marker, and various things to assist in pranking.

Gaius Stronurr - Nikki admires and respects Gaius, and she /loves/ his stories. She’s probably run afoul of him a few times, stealing things and making him chase her down to get them back. Respecting him, it seems, is not enough to make her listen to him. (Would he realize she views it as a game? I mean, if he stopped chasing, she’d stop doing it with the intention of him chasing her down. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t aim for other people to chase her, though.)

Forrest Everfree - she’s a bit jealous of his freedom, and imagines life without parental figures telling you what to do as fun. Not that she wants to lose her parents, but the lack of a supervising authority appeals to her. As a child she found him fascinating, and often followed him around, eventually convincing him to teach her how to pickpocket and other minor thief skills.

Eli Wyn - friend and frequent co-conspirator. Nikki is impressed by what he knows about gliders, and has actually learned a bit about them from him. His quest for excitement fits well with her own, and as wild as they are separately, get the two together and it’s even more intense. He’s the one that introduced her to Rahna and Blin/Brytag.

Rahna Altema - Eli introduced the two, and they get on fairly well. Nikki enjoys racing with her and some of the others. She’s also learned that playing on Rahna’s curiosity is a great way to get her to go along with things she might not otherwise.

Blin "Brytag" Alborse - He’s quiet and he always looks half-asleep, but he’s not bad. And he has some of the craziest dreams! Palling around with Eli and Rahna means she’s friends with him too.

Blank - Nikki’s not sure if she likes bothering him or just plain /likes/ him, but she’s certainly fond of the mysterious teen. Since his arrival two years ago, she has found him an irresistible target for teasing. He’s so cute when he blushes~ Despite his good-natured complaining, the two are pretty tight now, though initially she had to construct circumstances that made adventures unavoidable when he balked at less forceful attempts to bring him along. She’s nothing if not persistent.

Tivo Sol - Nikki's encountered him a couple times, both in town and out near ruins, but they're not close or anything.

Kelari Halder - she's friendly, and she tells interesting tales. What's not to like? Nikki is at least on friendly terms with her, though she's probably tried to use Kelari's equipment at least once. Without permission. She got her tattoo at Kelari's parlor, a small pair of stylized wings on her shoulder blades. Hurt like anything, but the result was worth it~

Song: Dangerous, by Within Temptation
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

NAME: Eden Audrey

ABSTRACT: Pampered rich girl


DETAIL: Coming from a rich family, she was always catered to as a child. Her mother told her she was better than everyone else so she has grown up believing just that. She is more or less a bully and often talks down to others around her. She is not smart in any sense as she has never paid attention in school because she has always known she could get by with her looks alone. She is outgoing and loud with her opinions even though she has no idea that no one ever listens.
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