Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

"Hun, I'm used to crazy ghosts fussing over me," Eddie laughed. "Just don't treat me like a kid needing to be looked after. I don't need that." hearing that Mercury seemed to blush a little as he fidgeted. ”Sorry, I’ll try not to do that… How about you take care of me, and I’ll take care you. How does that sound?“ He wanted to reach an agreement, and get along with Lucifer. She seemed like a nice girl, and was maybe the very first friend he’d ever made. That is if he didn’t chase her off with his stupidity or insanity.

"Because, you know, everyone walks around with a crow on their shoulder," Mercury laughed at warmly in amusement. ”If they give you looks it’s only because they’re jealous. Everyone wishes they had a crow sitting regally on their shoulder.“ He puffed out his chest doing a bit of a pose, but for the life of him couldn’t hold it as he burst out laughing.

After a while he sighed taking calming breaths as he listened to Eddie speak.

”I’m not exactly sure what they want. Or even who they are really. For the moment I have to go with the hunch that I killed someone they cared about, and want revenge.“ Mercury was glad that Lucifer was allowing him to stick around her. As most people would’ve just shooed him away long ago. So he was going to do his very best to stay on Lucifer’s good side. It was a learning process with her, and in general interaction skills. Seeing as he didn’t get a lot of chances to be around people, and hold prolonged conversations.

”So… What do you want to do Lucy? Figure I picked all the locations till now. So it’s only fair you pick where we go next for a while… Besides I don’t have anything better to do usually. Plus I need more time to heal so hiding places a normal… Semi-normal girl would visit sounds like a good idea at the moment.“ He then began to laugh at his misery, and sighed softly. Shaking his head then looked up at Lucifer with uncharacteristically yellow eyes for a crow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie nodded. It seemed that Mercury, despite his claims of being some sort of elite being, able to hunt everyone and anything down, hadn't the faintest idea how was chasing after him. Had Jackson been there, he likely would have called it an amateur move. She didn't judge him on it, however--he too easily could have judged her for the numerous mistakes she already made.

"Right, normal girl places..." she paused, glancing at his yellow eyes. He looked almost like a demon, and she chuckled. Somehow, he was more intimidating when he was trying to puff out his tiny bird chest. And even then, he was about as frightening as a cupcake.

"Well, I'll just go to where I was going anyways," Eddie shrugged. Pulling out her phone, she screamed at Siri a bit, before asking her to take Eddie to the lab. The phone buzzed happily, and gave Eddie directions. Thankfully, they were in English.

She still didn't know a single bit of the language here. For all she knew, everyone was talking about rainbows and Donald Trump all day, rather than normal conversations. "I work at a lab, by the way."

Eventually, they reached the nicer part of town--and by nicer, Eddie thought of it as being more sterile. There was still some partying in the streets, but it was lesser. Tall white buildings with glass doors and a security guard were the norm. Eddie walked in, past the guard, flashing her ID badge. They didn't have the money -- or the need, even -- for a proper scanner. Eventually making her way towards her own work area, Eddie threw her bag to the ground.

"Welcome to my lab. I do... Well, I research light and its interactions," she explained. "Though really, I research waves in general... How they disturb matter... The complications they bring...Repercussions for the fabric of reality itself...It's probably boring you, sorry."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury looked around as they entered the new part of town he’d not gotten a lot of chances to go this way. It was really cool to learn that Lucifer worked in a lab. The tall buildings the quiet streets he was enjoying this immensely as after several days of just constant noise it was nice to be able to hear himself think. Well, sorta anyways as his thoughts weren’t always so linear. When he saw her name tag he smiled; so her name is Edwina Fairfax how interesting. He thought to himself in private. Seeing as a talking crow would attract way too much attention.

When they entered Lucifer’s lab Mercury flew over to a wheely chair, and landed he looked around for any security camera’s not wanting to get Lucifer into trouble. After seeing the room wasn’t bugged for the most part he relaxed. ”So you study waves, and it’s affects on the world? That’s really interesting Edwina! Why don’t you tell me more, I like knowing how things work. Sorta my entire lifes goal is to understand it all, so in turn I can find out where I belong… So far I’m still looking. Twenty five years, and still no answer. How sad is that?“ He laughed as he hopped from the chair to a desk. Then walked along it, looking at tools, and bobbles with a curious eye. But, was incredibly careful not to touch anything. Not wanting Edwina to yell at him. ”You should probably sit down by the way. As I learned slash heard standing on an injured foot like the one you have isn’t good for you. Try to keep off it as much as you can... I mean umm if you want to that is.“ His head shirked down a bit as he looked up at Edwina.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


”So you study waves, and it’s affects on the world? That’s really interesting Edwina! Why don’t you tell me more, I like knowing how things work. Sorta my entire lifes goal is to understand it all, so in turn I can find out where I belong… So far I’m still looking. Twenty five years, and still no answer. How sad is that?“

"Can't be any sadder than talking to a bird, I guess," Eddie laughed, leaning back on her desk. "Don't worry, you won't mess anything up. The lazers and stuff are really just for show. I get far better accuracy with my brain."

She twirled her fingers around, as if to demonstrate using her powers. And of course, she couldn't help but giggle at the crow bouncing around from spot to spot. Flexing her foot, she let it rest on the chair in front of her desk, thinking that keeping it elevated wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

"It's a bit complicated to explain how it all works... But think of each thing on the planet as being a tiny little circle, with waves coming out from them. That's what everyone is, really. My hand isn't really here--it's just a wave. These waves interact with the world, and so does light. But our brains assume that light travels in a straight path, so that's how you get what looks like a fucked up straw in your drink, when you notice it looks like it's split...but it really isn't."

She paused again. "Everything is just waves bouncing off and colliding with each other, really. That's all. Nothing fancy."

Glancing out the window behind her, Eddie didn't notice anything strange. Hopefully, they'd be safe at the lab for a little while. She wasn't exactly sure if the superhero police existed--their number would have been useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury looked up at Edwina intently tilting his head up at her as she said, "Can't be any sadder than talking to a bird, I guess." He soon chuckled at that as it amused him, ”I Don’t know I am pretty magical. So I don’t think it’s all that sad.“ He listened to her talk about the waves, and explain them. They were a lot simpler than he thought, but he was sure there was more. Just he probably couldn’t comprehend it, seeing as he was having some trouble just understanding what Eddie had just said. ”Waves are neat, light waves, ocean waves, sound waves… Neat neat neat,“ he tweeted it out as he hopped around in a circle excitedly as he loved learning.

Soon he started to hop around some more looking at the tools, and bobbles again. One of the lasers caught his attention, and he drew a little close before recoiling quickly shaking his head as a little steam came off his beak. ”Man that was brighter than I thought, and that was none too bright of me to get so close.“ He laughed hopping away from the lasers quickly, and looked at some of the mirrors like a bird he got lost in his own reflection for a little bit. Then turned back up to look at Eddie soon flying over to perch on her shoulder again, as to look out the window. With his avian vision he looked into the darkness of the streets down below. ”Good news is, it looks like we are safe for a while… But, Seeing as I don’t want to jinx it, we should probably stay ever vigilant.“ He looked at Eddie then brushed a wing against his beak and held his other wing tight to his body. In an attempt to staunch some bleeding. He still wasn’t healing well, and he swore under his breath.

”I need to sleep for a while… Or I’m going to end up in some seriously bad shape.“ He removed his wing from his beak in order to land on the table again. He just didn’t like sitting still for very long, he liked to keep moving. It was especially true when he felt, and knew he was in danger. ”Do you have any safe places for me to sleep for a bit.“ His head began bobbing as he tried to remain conscious. ”Maybe grab some gauze… As some of these wounds aren’t sealing the way they usually do. Must’ve exerted too much energy, and sustained too much damage as well. Mind doing me a solid? Take care of my unconscious body for a while… Night….. night.“ He chuckled, and keeled over unconscious. His body had turned a shade lighter much like when a sick person grew pale.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


”Man that was brighter than I thought, and that was none too bright of me to get so close.“ Edwina shook her head, laughing a bit. Walking over to the lasers, she shut the switch off, careful to leave the tube inside. To her great surprise, she had last been working with a mercury tube. How fitting.

Though, she wasn't certain how amused Mercury would be by it. He flew over and perched on her shoulder, something she was becoming rapidly more accustomed to. "I really hope your enemies don't know you're a crow," Eddie teased. "Otherwise, you may need to think up a new tactic..."

”Good news is, it looks like we are safe for a while… But, Seeing as I don’t want to jinx it, we should probably stay ever vigilant.“

Eddie nodded a bit, looking at the crow perched on her shoulder. Ever vigilant. Right. She smirked a bit, until she realized that the thing was still bleeding. Delicately, Edwina got him off of her shoulder, remembering everything she had seen. Light, as she figured, was toxic to him.

"Let's try this..." Holding her hands over the crow, she raised them up, mentally blocking light from touching him. He was cloaked in darkness. The only downside, however, was that no light could reach his eyes--as far as she was aware, he wasn't able to see. "I've stopped light from touching you at all," Eddie explained.

”Maybe grab some gauze… As some of these wounds aren’t sealing the way they usually do. Must’ve exerted too much energy, and sustained too much damage as well. Mind doing me a solid? Take care of my unconscious body for a while… Night….. night.“

She nodded a bit. "Yeah, yeah. You'll be fine. Don't worry. I've got electrical tape... That ought to work."

As soon as he drifted off, she kept the light from touching him. Grabbing the first aid kit from the hall, she bandaged him up, replacing the gauze, and cleaning the wounds. Then, she delicately put electrical tape over the gauze, smirking to herself slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury didn’t mind the totall darkness, and if anything loved it. Made him feel safe like no one could hurt him. It also wasn’t so bad that Eddie was holding him gently in her hands taking care of him. He was semi aware, but wasn’t really able to move and was for the most part helpless.
With his wounds now bandaged up Mercury was starting to do a hell of a lot better. So much so he actually began to move a bit. His eyes opened to the darkness, and then shut again to sleep more.

The door began to slowly open, and a woman walked into the lab. But, she was lost in some files of lab results. This was the leading scientist in dark matter, and it’s affects on the world. She was here to run a few more tests. She still hadn’t noticed Edwina until she reached the desk. “Hello… You must be Edwina the assistant to doctor Afonso. I’m Tia Abela,” she reached a friendly hand out. "I am working with on some Dark matter based theories. I usually work down the hall or out in America."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Edwina shook her hand, smiling gracefully. "Colleague, actually. I'm doing my own research."

Glancing at the woman, she couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid. Of course, she recognized Tia Abela. Her research was... Well, it was outstanding! The very best in its field! She can't be working for some hit group, can she? Edwina pondered, shifting uncomfortably.

Luckily, no one could see Mercury. The little bird was snoozing away on the counter, probably entirely unaware of the newcomer's presence. And of course, if Tia did try anything, Eddie had a nifty bunch of lasers, right behind her. Then there were the tubes of various elements, able to be broken and guaranteed to knock out anyone -- Eddie included, however.

"So...Is there something you needed?" Eddie laughed awkwardly, shifting from side to side. "Scientist to scientist, that is..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Tia smiled as she shook Eddie’s hand with a smile. “I don’t need much, I’m mostly just looking for Afonso’s notes I asked him for earlier today. He says he found something that can help me with my research.” She was looking on the desk, and found the blue colored file’s with her name labeled on it. “This is it thanks.” Then she paused before leaving the room looking at odd splotches of black inq, which was Mercury’s blood all over the counter. “You should probably clean that mess up before Afonso comes back. He hates a mess.” Then she noticed it didn’t smell like inq, no it had a strange metallic odor. “Wait… Just what is that? It almost smells like… blood.” She began to feel nauseated, and soon fled from the room. But, not before covertly taking a sample of the stuff.

Mercury woke a while later, and let out a soft caw. He slowly hobbled to get up, and move only to smack into a lamp making it move just an inch. ”Ow, who what? Uuuugh my head is pounding.“ He shook his little avian head as he tried to see through the darkness. Thanks to him being in a zero light environment his wounds were starting to quickly heal. ”Eddwina? You still there?“
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Edwina nodded, letting her take the file. She scowled a bit about her comment on the ink. "I told you, I'm not his fucking assistant," Eddie seethed. She stared Tia down as she left, almost purposefully taking a piece of paper to spread the bloody-ink around the table more. It was her space, her research. She didn't care whatever Afonso wanted. It wasn't his space. In her mind, he could go pound salt.

Huffing, Edwina sat back in her chair, practicing directing light through the various tubes. The pleasing color arrangement calmed her down, from time to time. And of course, most of her mind was focused on keeping any light from touching the crow. She didn't know it, but it seemed to be actually working.

”Ow, who what? Uuuugh my head is pounding. Eddwina? You still there?“

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here," Eddie explained. "I've made it so no light can touch you.... Thought that might help you heal better or something... You missed the annoying expert on dark matter."

Eddie huffed a bit, continuing to pout in her chair. She was no one's assistant. No one's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

”Well it’s worked wonders I’m feeling tons better now. Thanks Lucy! But, umm, can you release the bubble of darkness please? I would like to see your pretty face, aaaand be able to see in general. so I don’t end up falling off whatever I’m standing on.“ He then chuckled softly as he hopped once, and only once he tested his wings a little. They felt okay better than they were a bit ago.
His bodily tests by Eddie saying, "You missed the annoying expert on dark matter." He looked towards Eddie’s voice, and chuckled. ”Lemme guess, she tried telling you what to do? Nail on the head or close?” He shook his head testing his wings again as he wanted to fly a little once the shadow bubble fell away. Though was thinking about Dark matter, just what was it? “Well I’ve never heard about dark matter, I don’t get access to a lot of scientific journal magazines. Usually can only get my hands on old worn high school science text books.“
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie nodded, continuing to sulk. "She thought I was an assistant." Rolling her eyes, Eddie repositioned the laser, popping in a different tube for the next round of data taking. Pausing, she stopped the web of darkness she had built around Mercury, allowing light to interact with him once more.

"You look a thousand times better," Eddie grinned. "Good thing Tia Abela didn't see you, right?"

Eddie walked across the room, opening up a tiny fridge. She wasn't certain what he ate, but she was starving. Grabbing a bag of gummy worms and two sodas, she went back, opening one of the sodas for him, and offering him a worm. "She isn't one of your enemies or anything, right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury hopped over to Eddie now that he was able to see again. ” Tia Abela, Abela… Where do I know that name from.“ He tilted his head this was going to bother him for a while. When the gummy worm was offered he jumped on it fast, and swallowed it fast. ”More please! I ADORE sweets… Not only are they delicious they give me energy like no other food out there.“ Then proceeded to laugh, and then eyed one of the sodas.

It was only when Eddie asked, "She isn't one of your enemies or anything, right?" That snapped him back to what he was thinking about previously. He hummed rubbing a wing thoughtfully under his chin. Then he all but squawked as he leapt into the air flapping his wings madly with panic. ”Now I remember! Abela was a drug kingpin I brutally slaughtered a two years ago. He swore a smart lady would avenge him, well at first that’s what I thought he said. He spoke spanish, and Tia in that language means lady.“ He leapt up onto Eddie’s shoulder as he couldn’t quite fly yet.

They could already hear the pounding of running footsteps approaching the room. Mercury was trying to think of what to do. They were trapped like animals in a cage, as far as he knew. He went to the bag of gummy worms, and downed them fast. Then returned to humanoid form an hour or two had passed so he should’ve had enough energy to switch masks again. Quickly he grabbed the Warlord’s mask, but stopped as it zapped him making him cuss. The masks weren’t letting him switch yet. He had to think fast as they were getting closer. Then he had it quickly taking the form of one of the interns that he’d seen around he grabbed Eddie by the shoulder softly. ”Hide in the closet, and go invisible. That should be enough to confuse them, and make them go away so we can escape. Hurry.“ He then went about cleaning up all the mess of his blood, and the snacks. Wanting to make sure it looked like they left in a hurry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


”Now I remember! Abela was a drug kingpin I brutally slaughtered a two years ago. He swore a smart lady would avenge him, well at first that’s what I thought he said. He spoke spanish, and Tia in that language means lady.“

Eddie grimaced, looking down at the table covered in Mercury's blood. She had no way to tell if Tia had taken some of it--she easily could have. However, it was a bit funny. The world's leading expert on dark matter working for some king pin. It wasn't what she expected.

"Then I think your friends may want to have a chat with you," Eddie quipped, her eyes darting towards the exit. Thundering footsteps were coming closer and closer towards them, increasing in volume and pitch each moment. Eddie's heart skipped a beat, her powers instinctively beginning to kick in, drawing the light out of the lights and into her hands.

She smiled nervously. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

”Hide in the closet, and go invisible. That should be enough to confuse them, and make them go away so we can escape. Hurry.“

She paused, watching as her bird friend shifted into the shape of one of the intern's. She knew that if she focused enough, she could create an illusion beyond just concealing something. But she wouldn't be able to hold it very long. Creating a virtual image to replace a real one... That was a pain in the ass. Her record for holding it was a matter of seconds.

Stepping into the closet, Edwina scowled a bit, feeling like a little girl. But true to her word, she blocked the light that bounced off of her from interacting with other people. To them, she'd be invisible. But at least, with the light still hitting her own eyes, she could see.

Hopefully, Mercury had a plan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury grabbed some random paperwork, and took a seat looking as casual as can be as he flipped through them. When the men burst through the door they saw only an Intern looking over papers. They looked around for a bit, and were about to leave when Tia came into the room. “Idiots he can shape shift! Grab him,” she screamed pointing at Mercury. “he’s key to my research.” She was holding some sort of strange device that was glowing green when pointed at him.

Quickly the men surrounded Mercury, and slammed him down against the desk. Putting handcuffs on him. Then administered a powerful shock of electricity through his body making him return to his true form. “I’ve been wanting to meet you Mercury... So where is your little friend? What was her name? Ugh, whatever I don’t need to remember that she’s just an assistant.” Mercury snarled in rage opening his real mouth that was filled with white dagger sized fangs, wanting to tear this woman’s throat out. ”She’s a brilliant scientist you asshole! I made sure she escaped, and so she’s not here. You’re never going to catch her, she’s smarter than you will ever be. Because I’m going to fucking kill you.“ Tia burst into a mocking laughter before zapping Mercury again. Making him scream in pain, and growl at her. “You’re in no real position to be making any sort of threat. Take him to the lab!” The men escorted Mercury away forcefully, and he stumbled.

But, he was smart and had stumbled on purpose. In order to knock one of his masks loose that he quickly kicked under the desk. He couldn’t really see which one. But, all of his masks were a part of him, and acted like a homing device because they wanted to be with him. That is if one was focusing on Mercury, and were brave enough to actually put it on… Though it did smell like chocolate.

“Careful with him you idiots! Break him, and I use you as a guinea pig for my experiments instead.” Tia was mad, and followed behind the men with an angry scowl. She wanted to make sure Mercury wouldn’t be injured before she got her hands on him. “I’m going to enjoy dissecting you.” ”Oh boy, don’t I feel loved,“ Mercury spat sarcastically. The door shut behind them with a very loud SLAM which shook the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie let out a breath, sinking down to the floor of the closet. Slowly, she let go of the light, becoming visible to anyone who felt like coming inside. Recalling the conversation, Eddie paused. Tia was going to the lab. She then looked over at the tubes of elements. Another glance, and she saw the level on the wall, designed to be pulled in case an emergency quarantine was ever needed.

Stepping out of the closet carefully, Eddie grabbed all of the tubes, and threw them to the ground. Holding her breath, she pulled down the alarm, and grabbed a fume mask from the first aid kit. Taking in a nice, refreshing breath of oxygen, Eddie watched as a deadly cocktail of elements was released in the air, the lights flashing as the doors of the laboratory shut. Metal reinforcements came clattering down, effectively keeping everyone out-- and trapping anyone inside within.

It was more dangerous for this poisonous gas to be released. Everyone inside would have to make do, to survive.

"Part one of Eddie's amazingly improvised plan complete," Eddie muttered to herself, putting the strap on of the mask. She grabbed a fresh lab coat from the closet and put it on over her casual clothes, pausing as she glanced at the door. Distantly, she could hear the swearing and pounding of feet, as people rushed for the oxygen masks.

Hopefully, Mercury wouldn't need one. But then again, it wasn't a detail that would come up in conversation normally.

Concentrating rather hard, Eddie turned herself invisible once more, exiting the room after grabbing Mercury's remaining masks, and into the hallway. Hopefully, she'd be able to get Mercury away from Tia and the others. If not, well.... She didn't have super powers for nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Mercury was quickly hurried past people he would try asking for help. Only to be reminded what would happen to them by a gun pressing into his back. So he shut his trap, and they were almost outside when the alarms went off. “Blast it down it’s only steel reinforced, that assistant is trying to shut us in,” Tia ordered. The men pulled out a powerful cannon, and Mercury was pulled back before they let the cannon rip. The bright flash of light made Mercury cringe in agony, and the loud booming of the door being blown off it’s hinges made him sigh.

“Let’s go,” Tia walked out quickly she could tell the lab was starting to fill with chemicals. So didn’t want to stay long, and risk her lab rat dying from the exposure. ”C’mon kid you can do better than this… I hope,“ Mercury mumbled. He looked up at Tia asking, ”So why are you avenging that monster anyways?“ He could obviously tell Tia was getting something out of this, but he wanted to know the connection between the Drug kingpin, and her. “Simple, that monster was my husband. I loved him, and he loved me. He even took my last name,” she said. Then shoved him towards a black van. “Now get in the fucking car. You two make sure he doesn’t try anything.”

Mercury looked back towards the lab before being roughly thrown into the car trunk, and strapped down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie heard the massive explosion, and swore. Running as fast as she could, she couldn't help but regret that she hadn't worked harder on her mile time in high school. Her chest seemed to constrict with pain, but she made it out the hole, just in time to see Mercury get shoved into a truck. Biting her lip, she thought through her options.

Virtual image. Just moving where my image is.

Biting her lip, Eddie clenched her hands, waving them around in a complex pattern. They still couldn't see her. In a moment, however, she wasn't invisible. Instead, her image appeared across the parking lot, panicked and afraid. She remained exactly where she truly was, right outside of the lab.

No one was able to see where she truly was. Her image had been placed somewhere else, hopefully sufficient to be used as bait. The only issue? The sound didn't travel with it. Hopefully, her panic would be convincing enough to get them to chase after her. With the fiery bright red hair, there was no way they could miss it.

And as soon as they were distracted, racing after her, she would find a way to make Mercury vanish as well. It'd be difficult for her--maintaining two illusions at once. It might even killer her. But it'd be worth it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 27 min ago

Tia saw Eddwina and laughed, “Get in the car, and run her ass over. If we don’t get her keep going to the lab. She’s not worth our time, I’ve got bigger fish to fry. Ain’t that right Mercury?” She got into the van she was still laughing in amusement. What? Did Edwina really think she was anymore important than annoying leech? A quick pull, and the problem was over.

The van took off fast going towards Eddwina, but avoided hitting any cars. Mercury hit a wall in the van, and groaned in pain. He was terrified, and was starting to shake. They drove onto the freeways after exiting the lab parking lot leaving Eddwina looking stupid. Then Mercury’s mask started to glow faintly pulsing almost like a heartbeat. It was his warlord mask, and the expression seemed to fix into that of a berserking rage.

”Edwina… Now I understand that fear you felt.“ He was shaking panting with fear, and tried to get free. But, he was soon zapped by one of the men assigned to watch him. Mercury screamed in pain.

The mask started moving violently then Edwina heard a voice inside her head. ”Lucifer you idiot! did you really think you held any significance to them? Especially after they have what they want, and know you could stop it all? God your stupid as fuck!” This voice was one usually only Mercury heard inside his head all the time he wore it. They were the souls of the masks, and were the beings Mercury embodied when he wore the masks. But, Lucifer was getting talked to because of the dire circumstances Mercury was in. Usually they never talked to anyone or raised any sort of fuss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie burst into tears, sinking to the ground. The mask clattered to the ground beside her, and all of her illusions faded like mist. She pulled at her hair, rocking back and forth.

"This is all my fucking fault..." she sobbed. The car with Mercury in it sped away rapidly. She'd never felt so hopeless.

She glanced at the mask. "Got any good ideas? All I can do is make fucking rainbows appear..."

She wasn't cut out for this. She wasn't someone able to swoop in and save the day. Shining a light on someone hardly ever served to hurt them.

She was fucked. And so was Mercury.
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