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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sho Baba

Sho bounces in place from his spot on the ground as Makiko barks her orders, seemingly not at all upset by her scolding. One might get the impression he hears this kind of thing all too frequently. “Sorry Makiko-Bucho!” He says, almost reflexively but with unabashed excitement. He nods at Nao, still grinning despite his tumble, “Sorry for messing up your name! I’ll try and remember it better next time.” The demon boy says as he starts to sit up. “At any rate, I ran into you cause I was rushing, so no need to apolo-“ He is suddenly interrupted by a feathery weight impaling itself on his back.

A part of him couldn’t help but enjoy the fact he was running into all kinds of people today (perhaps more literally than he normally would have liked, but still). "Aamuu-chan, I think you are causing a bit of trouble to the one underneath you." He hears, hearing slightly muffled from a pile of feathers (belonging to what he still wasn’t sure.) “Nah I’m fine. She’d have to be Shina-sized before her falling on me would hurt. Though you should be careful Aamuu-senpai...” He says addressing the older girl (well chronologically that wasn’t true, but she LOOKED older than him, and with Yokai that’s sometimes the best you’ve got to work with.)

He sits under Aamuu for a second as she rapid fired questions to a spooky blonde he didn’t know and Yuina. He wondered if she was actually scared of whatever job they had (they really should have meetings before going on these kind of things…) or just looking for an excuse to hang around Makiko’s waist. He was more or less inclined to guess it was both.

None of this, however, seemed to have slowed Makiko and he was worried they’d get yelled at again if they didn’t move. “Aamuu-senpai...” He says softly, interrupting as she begins to interrogate the scared Futakuchi-onna. One arm reaches over, wrapping around the Tengu’s waist and getting a frim grip on her hip, while the other presses against the ground. He pulls the tengu girl upward, gently draping her over his shoulder as he stands. “There we go! Much better!” he says, following after Makiko.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaminari Hotaru

The Firefly Maiden

The wolf's ear twitched again, slim blue eyes sharpening in distrust. Inugami turned on his heel, tucking his clawed hands further into his coat's large sleeves. "Lady Hotaru, I must say I do not approve of this choice. However, as your familiar, I will respect it." The icy gaze shifted over his shoulder to Wolfram. "I will prepare a room for him." The words were laced with a poisonous tone, but before he could be questioned on it, Inugami swiftly left into the shrine.

An arm swung around Wolfram's shoulder, the snake taking a bite from the already unwrapped candy bar. "Ehh, don't mind the mutt, he's always like that." Nure, despite his appearance, was completely dry. He leaned over in a friendly way to whisper in the priest's ear. "He acts like a big bad wolf, but he still is half dog. He won't really hurt anyone without his master's permission." The blonde nodded towards Hotaru, who was distracted by the little tanuki tugging on her dress and urgently asking if he could bring the packages inside, they becoming heavy for his tiny arms. The shrinemaiden simply nodded, Juju racing inside as she turned to see Nure quickly release Wolfram.

Hotaru merely cocked a brow, before brushing it off. "Sorry about that, Wolfram. I forgot to mention how hectic it can get around here... I hope you don't mind." She nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Anyways, let's go inside. Inugami always has tea brewed, so you can relax for a bit. Maybe you could tell me about your trip and where you have to go?" Though she still seemed conversationally awkward, Hotaru was much more relaxed at the shrine, and it showed in her body language. She wasn't as tense as before, most likely due to the fact she was in her own environment.

She began to lead the priest inside calmly, Nure rushing ahead to the kitchen, probably looking for food since he had finished his chocolate. Hotaru held out her hand to the small living room of the shrine, four comfortable looking tatami mats around an oaken table out looking the back garden, beautiful and well kept like the rest of the shrine. "Take a seat. I'll bring the tea." She offered in her quiet voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

”Sorry, I’m more of a city-goer. A generic pedestrian. Somebody who likes his feet on the ground, or rested on the floor of the occasional bus.” He waved off the offer with what by his standards was a courteous gesture. But that wasn’t the only state of confusion Styx would find himself in. Just like that the overlord of the MYO let somebody into their party, which kind of made the Ankou take back the hour he spent filling out that grueling application form. For the hell of it, he wrote that he self-identified as an attack helicopter. Now that was an interesting and equally comical subsequent review session.

Meanwhile, Boobsforbrains was having a panic attack. Perhaps she had eaten too much and the cholesterol was finally catching up. Wouldn’t that be a blessing for Seth, and by the looks of it, Makiko. Even though a ravine had formed in between the leader’s brows, she displayed an extensive amount of tolerance, especially for a grown ass young adult bawling over a ghost whose very existence has yet to be confirmed. Just then, Aamuu, the unnoticed kouhai came crashing down onto the street in an inelegant plummet. But rather than a collision with the asphalt, she met something a bit more squishier. ”Hey, Aamuu, how does airdropping Yuina through the apartment win-”

[color=#FFBF00][i]”No. No. Fuck no. My eyes must be deceiving me.”[/color] Styx rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Perlescent beads of pure gold waned and waxed in the transition from scrutiny to surprise. ”How did an OTP flag form so quickly?! What is this, an anime or a fanfic? These series of events seem like something conjured up by kids writing on a forum or something.” Still, to save the pseudo-sheep from death by mortification, the Ankou spoke up with his common wry tone, ”If my analysis is correct, and they usually are, it would appear that you are currently perched on top of a sentient being. It would be smart to move, or the kid’s gonna turn into a campsite soon.” He nodded towards the newcomer sprawled out on the floor, his cheeks encompassed by a deep crimson. Perhaps he was feeling a minute measurement of enrapture too? Random passer-by eyed the armada of teens gathered in front of the rundown establishment. Human and Youkai alike were left perturbed, but simply wrote off the sight as “just another day in the District.” To keep things moving before the leader popped more than just a vessel, Styx dropkicked a certain deity from the wheel and took the reins, so to speak. ”If she wants to see the onryo, might as well let her see the onryo.” The local reaper spoke, obviously in referral to the blonde. Although his attention was now focused on the newcomer, leader, and the girl quivering uncontrollably behind her, his peripheral vision traced the sheep-boy delicately guide his senpai’s figure back onto her feet. ”...What’s with all of these bloody flags?”

With his brows turning into a furrow that would rival Makiko’s complexion if this was to continue on any longer, Styx jabbed a thumb over to the complex, ”Guess we don’t need to call for backup? Shall we?”

Meanwhile, Mizar hovered closer to his owner and spoke in his own voice, ”Styx, did you noti-” The Ankou quickly cupped a hand over the orb of blue to curtly cut off his hushed dialogue, ”I know. Not just one… Two.”


The district in general was comprised of a large expanse. A sea of skyscrapers and underground railways filled to the brim with humans and youkai. The fundamentals of carrying capacity had been defenestrated and landed on the street dwelling asphalt with a resounding splat. Despite its elusive and clandestine location combined with the invisible veil that enshrouds the city, the sun's rays didn't fail to kiss the network of rooftops. As specks of light drizzled the region in evening luminosity, there perched on the roof of a building easily considered the district's pinnacle was a young girl. Arms stretched wide to each side, head raised high, a vermilion hood and dress, all prevailed in face of the heavy gusts of wind that resided at this altitude. She then craned her head over the boundary of the circular rooftop and peered down at the ant sized pedestrians below in an almost condescending manner. With only her index finger and thumb sticking out, she aimed her hand at one of them and cocked it back, as if she just shot one of them from this height. "BWAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS WHOLE DISTRICT IS MINE!!!" A rather haughty bellow echoed from the unparalleled petite figure. She had a pungent Russian accent, strong in both clarity and formidability. The girl continued to laugh aloud while it gradually lessened in intensity. Then all of a sudden her eyes darted around in a visibly frivolous manner, "...Wait. How did I get up here?"

Anastasia Alkaev was her name. She was many things. A student. A part-time worker. A maverick. But "loved" was not one of them. At least not anymore. Betrayal and empathy waged a war within the girl's mentality, and what was left was a jumbled amalgamation. Had she still been within the borders of Russia or in earshot of the Brutva, maybe that would have actually mattered. But Anastasia was now a denizen of the hidden Imaginary District, a haven to many. A place to turn a new leaf, a clean slate so to speak. Though that didn't meant she abandoned the morals she was taught from the manifestation of her conscience. The things her grandfather taught her were invaluable. She'd rather die to some bird-youkai than discard what has kept her going all this time. This district was Svarog offering a second chance. And she would sure as hell take it.

And thus little red riding hood descended from the rooftop, with a basket full of groceries in one hand and a subsonic sniper rifle slung over her shoulder. The Wolf knew to kindly fuck off this time around.

"Hey, what are we looking at?" Anastasia nonchalantly queried as she appeared next to a jubilant kitsune unannounced. Her little figure had nonchalantly crept up on the onlooker completely unnoticed. Scary, really. She rested her rounded hands over her face to emulate binoculars while she was lead on by the other individual's gaze. Ah, right, the MYO. She had caught word of them both at school and her job. Bunch of kids and a couple drunkards striking out to make a difference. The unwillingly admittance that the organization was diverse and accepting couldn't help but to be made. An eyebrow arched as the scene developed, "What the hell? What's with all of these flags?" She questioned in utter confusion. Well, no matter, it was time to spread the glory of commun- "HEY! WOAH. I DON'T DO THE POLITICS."

She doesn't do the Japanese that well either, but is fluent more the most part. "Okay, time to search and destr- I mean draggle! Draggle!" The girl whispered the exclamations, though chances are a handful of the individuals down there already knew of their presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Raineh Daze@Natsu@Rune_Alchemist@Vocab

Seth had followed close to the group as they made their way to the girls address arriving on the street she lived with short time since it was only a few blocks away. The boy looked around trying to tell which building was the girls address before spotting a young girl who matched the description of the girl who Makiko received the job from. Seth looked at the other group members not wanting to be the one who initially had to approach the girl due to his more quiet nature, his eyes first gazed over to Shina who though amusing to see the girls reaction to the Oni approaching her it was probably not the best choice.

He then turned his gaze over to Akio who had been approached by someone, a girl wearing a kimono who seemed somewhat familiar, wait she was the one who had approached him a few weeks back asking for blood for some of the other races that need it within the Imaginary district. Seth would of said yes to her since her work was fairly well known among other humans within the district but his somewhat shy nature around new people made him too anxious to accept and he had told her he was busy at that moment.

Feeling confident that Akio would be okay around the girl especially since Shina was sort of acting as his guardian deity and as away to not have to deal with being asked to donate anything again Seth left the group and approached the girl and introduced himself "Hi, I am from the Miura Youth Organisation here about your missing cat, would it be alright if I ask you a few questions to help us in our search?" He calmly asked masking his shy side hoping he could get some nice easy answers from the girl but given her age he was not going to completely trust the information if it sounded a bit too far far-fetched.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

He was obviously a newcomer, since no-one used to the district would find the specific ratio of humans to youkai worth noting. This was good and bad... good because it mean that he hadn't rejected the request to join her register at some point in the past but bad because outsiders tended to retain completely reasonable preferences to not share their blood out. Nor life force, being terrified out of their wits, or stranger things that various youkai needed.

"This one maintains a register of the humans within this district, to co-ordinate a schedule for more exotic diets. The more people that join, the less inconvenienced each participant is. This one hopes that it would not inconvenience you to occasionally give blood, chi, terror, or more exotic requirements," Hikaru explained, expression as schooled as ever--aside from glancing at Seth and determining him to have put off coming to a decision upon their last meeting...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 26 days ago

The car elegantly stopped to an halt, as the businessman rapped his fingers against his knees, impatiently. He shot a look at his assistant, who shuffled her clothes once more, readjusting the form-fitting business suit with some difficulty. She let go the steering wheel, and it was then when he noticed her trembling hands. His eyes gazed for a second, before Kuro reached for his necktie, adjusting it.


"But, I can smell them. They're powerful, and some predator youkai smells." The girl answered, her eyes round and big in an effort, as her ears twitched and drooped.

"We'll be fine." Kuro said, as he opened the door, walking confidently in his business suit. He was proud of his dressing sense, even if somewhat tight in some inappropiate places, sometimes. He motioned to his assistant to follow him. She did obey, although with no small amount of fear, judging how she insistently tried to shield her appearance with her Lord's shoulders. She had a similar likelihood in the features than that of the man, with a black hair cut in a bobcut, her suit struggling to contain her bust, and brown eyes. She did not have the beady expression like that of her master, and she sported a band of freckles just under the eyes, which she shifted nervously. Both were not bothering to hide their animal features, as it was said trust was good in business. Sort of.

Kuro stopped a few steps, as he eyed the collective. "Good day. The MYO organization, I presume?" He said, doing a rather articulate, if slightly stiff and ornate bow. "My name is Mr Tamagi. Word has reached my ears that you may have some sort of contractual business within one of my properties." He added as he got up. "Since time is gold, allow me to be concise and precise. My assistant can-"

It was then when the assistant's nerves did not hold and with a "NUUU,too scary!" dropped all the papers she held in a folder, and scrambled for the nearest corner, holding a leaf and quickly vanishing in a puff of smoke... leaving behind a rather droll signal.

Which had a couple of not so droll protuberances, as the young Tanuki botched her own transformation in a fit of panic.

Tamagi's reaction was of course, befitting. A hearty facepalm. "Nevermind." He sighed as he picked up the papers and shuffled them. "I can help you with your goal. I only ask of you to not deface said dwelling any more than necessary." The tanuki smiled. "After all, we do not want to disrupt the wellbeing of the community, do we?" The elder tanuki announced, as he looked at his assistant-turned-signpost.

Well, it is worrisome to an extent. Most of them are young'uns, but not all. I even reckon that some of these, all alone, would be encounters i would not relish upon. Some of them are even stupid KITSUNES. But the golden rules of bussiness and war are to never show your fears to the enemy Kuro thought mentally, as his glare pierced his assistant.

"Sorry about that. She's new. And panicky." He quickly pieced together an excuse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Raineh Daze

The trek to the girl who was missing her cat was a short one, though not entirely entertaining. Boring, mostly, consisting of small conversation between the others. For the most part, she remained silent. None of the conversations were all that interesting. At least, not for her anyways. That said, she was supposed to be looking after Akio, and she wasn't one to shirk duties given to her even if she avoided having duties in the first place. Which was why she was currently staying well rather close to the kid. When the unknown woman walked up asking if he was human, Shina immediately became suspicious.

She walked over, standing next to Akio as she gave the woman a small glare.

"Yeah, he's a human." She said, voice indicating clear hostility towards this unknown. "Why you asking?" Simple question that should receive a simple answer if this woman was reputable at all. For now, the cat was shoved to the back of her mind. Seth and the others could handle the details for now and fill her in after she dealt with...whoever this woman was. She was obviously likely not human herself, judging from simply the way she carried herself. She may be wrong, of course but she was fairly certain she wasn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Waiting for Yuina's relply, she heard Styx talking to her.
"I am not perched I... she began to protest when suddenly something grabbed her by her waist, a firm grip lifted her, putting her on his shoulder

"Wha-??" she gasped, surprised.
Then she realized that she was, in fact, still on top of Sho.

"I completely forgot that I was on top of you... Do you mind if I... stay here?" She asked Sho, blushing.
While waiting for his answer, an elegant car stopped, a strange man in a business suit walked out of it, with an air of superiority.
Leaning forward on Sho's shoulder, she let a rather indiscreet sigh out, with a comment

"Ugh... A businessman... Never liked those shady bunch. They always act like they are all high and mighty, always thinking about money..." She said, throwing the businessman a cold stare.

"You are already disrupting it. She said.
"What have you done to your poor assistant for her to be so panicky? She said, looking around, trying to find her.
Her eyes met the weird signpost, it was... trembling, sweating and it had...

"Why does that signpost has boobs? She thought out loud, squinting her eyes and looking directly to the weird, sweating signpost.

@AtomicNut @ghastlyInc @Jedly
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sho Baba

Sho was about to say that he was fine with Aamuu sitting on his shoulder. She was, pardoning the pun, a feather weight after all. And given the perks of demon strength, he could probably carry most of the group with ease, if he could figure out a way to carry them that wasn’t awkward. He hears a soft sigh brush past his ear as the tengu shifts her weight, leaning into his shoulder as an expensive car slowly grinds to a halt beside them.

Out steps a handsome young man and his assistant, both sporting dark rings around their eyes and round ears poking out from the top their dark hair. “ohh…ears..rings and ears…” Sho begins, thinking out loud to himself quietly as the man begins to talk, racking his brain trying to remember the name of this particular strain of yokai. “It should be easy…” he thinks, “they got cute lil’ ears. That’s like, half the list gone….” He continues to try and remember as he watches the assistant beat a haste retreat, effort barely visible on his face as he watches her transform into the world’s most effective stop sign. He would have figured after living in the district for so long he’d not struggle this much with names anymore.

It dawns on him as Aamuu begins to ask about the busty signpost. “PENIS DOGGIES.” He says, abruptly, somewhat certain of himself despite how far off he was. “Er, I mean, don’t worry Mr. Penis dog guy?” He says, remembering he’s supposed headed towards a job and that Kuro was, after all, just a concerned citizen right? “We at the MYO are always really careful when we go out on jobs. Plus, I’m pretty sure this ghost lives in a house, not a well. So they’re a housebeing I think? But we’ll try not to disturb them too much either way!” He says, in a chipper, sincere tone.

“…also Aamuu-senpai, I think that’s the big boobied penis dog girl who was just here.” He says, pointing to Kuro again. “I think she was just nervous about meeting new people so she changed into a sign? So I don’t think signs normally that boobs that big...maybe we should tell her?” He waves over at the well-endowed sign, shaking his bird cargo a little bit as he does so. “HEY BIG BOOBIE PENIS DOG LADY WHO IS ALSO A SIGN! I THINK YOU MESSED UP ON YOUR TRANSFORMATION THING A LITTLE!? ” He yells, gathering a few strange looks from passersby.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

There was... some disruption, but for the most part they were on their way relatively smoothly afterwards. Makiko kept Yuina as calm as possible, not wanting her friend to be too distressed(and thinking the whole thing is tremendously silly. She's a youkai, after all, comparatively there's just not as much to be scared of there). At least, until the tanuki businessman and his rather nervous assistant stopped them... and the assistant ineffectually turned into a lamp post. By this point, Makiko's patience had been worn quite, quite thin. So thin, in fact, that it had now snapped quite cleanly in two.

"We'll hardly be wrecking the place, Tamagi-san," she said, sighing, "Besides, isn't it more important to the tenants to be safe?"

She folded her arms. It was true, wasn't it? A little bit of damage was nothing compared to the inhabitants getting word that the building's owner would rather limit property damage then let people go all-out in getting rid of a potentially highly dangerous spirit.

She tried not to pay too much attention to the weird, surreal sight of a lamppost with... breasts. That was just strange. Even by the standards of the Imaginary District. She also tried to tune out the ridiculous commentary that was occurring.

"There shouldn't be much damage involved, anyway, if we can exorcise it," Makiko continued, "We'll be going now."

The building was just ahead, as Makiko made a bid to pass the tanuki. It was a fairly average apartment, nothing seemed to be particularly wrong with it. Only... the girl was certain she saw a face in one window briefly, looking down at them. With long black hair.

As the MYO members and various other hangers-on spoke amongst themselves, there was some commotion from inside the house. The door opened, and out came the little girl they'd all come to see.

The girl was pink-haired, small, and slight. She looked like your average cute little girl, really. She seemed fully human, insofar as appearances indicated. After a moment's hesitation, she stepped in closer.

"Are you here to look for Himeko-chan?" she asked. "I'm Hasegawa Mii, I'm the one who asked for help! I think she got stolen so you need be really fast!"

She waved her arms in a not particularly illustrative manner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kuro winced. All of sudden, a Tengu was staring at him back, from the shoulder of some sheep human thing. He raised an eyebrow in response, not bothering to utter a quip at the rather stupid accusation of him doing something to his assistant. Poor thing was just scared of people like them. She probably was alarmed at the Tengu, and a few others, even.

Trust the tengu to be haughty. he rolled his eyes, and out there came the offensive dimwit moniker that the the wool for brains perch had to say. Bother to learn the different kinds of youkai before saying it out loud. Penis dog? Not even Kitsune would find something more insulting if they tried. But true to his business temper and self-restraint, he managed to actually not explode in a stream of invectives against the fool.

Nor he did explode when he brazenly heckled his assistant, who unable to retain concentration, collapsed in a catatonic mess of embarassment, her lite humanoid figure sprawled all of the floor while her face was steaming red. Kuro clenched his fist hard.

And there it came the so called leader. A mere human, in her words condescendence. Humans. They always thought they knew everything, didn't they?

Kuro could not restrain himself further, as he stared down at the human. "Safe also means having four walls and a floor, human. Mess up any wall, or disturb any other tenant, and you'll hear from me.. Now go play heroes. I don't really care. People like you should be learning to do something more productive!" He finally did it, snarling.

Halfway across the way, he picked the catatonic mess of his aide, now just a blubbering limp body, and shoved it unceremonously on the car, starting it up hurriedly in anger.

You guys piss me off more than my sons or my wifes. He bit his lip as he drove away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ennui
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Ennui A Multifaceted Puzzle

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


All hilarious moments aside, she couldn't have expected for a girl of Anastasias character to simply pop right next to her without noticing. Creepy was a better way to put it as no one had ever managed to sneak up on a vixen such as her. Her ears quickly perked up in response to the voice behind her, or rather right next to her. She almost instinctively forced out her tails but managed to keep said instinct at bay. Nudging her head to see the small girl standing right next to her, eyeing the MYO people was rather... odd. All kinds of questions sprang into her mind; "Who is she?" - "What is she doing here?"

But the most that perplexed her was the fact that she had not noticed even a bit of her until she was right next to her. Her face sort of had that look to it, with its own bemused expression. Though seeing as the lass did nothing more than stare at the rest of the group down the road, she sighed of slight relief and went back into staring at said antics. "I was THIS close in attempting to smack your sudden appearance to a wall. Taken aback and not even slightly so, as Anastasia basically had succeeded in making Setsura put her guard up for nearly no reason at all. "The adventures of these young'uns amuses me to no end, so I merely follow them around in a daze."

Following the surprise of Anastasia, another one decided to come and creep up on the whole of MYO. The brazenly obnoxious tanuki with his fancy car, Tamagi. "Oh deary me... I hope he doesn't realize I'm here. I might pop a nerve or two if he simply even sees me." She implies jokingly, as the tanuki did have patience worthy of some praise. But not enough to call good. She moves her fingers on her mouth to hide her sly grin, just in case. "Or perhaps he's learned?" But seeing his assistant go into such a panic and turning into... whatever that signpost was, made her think otherwise. Badly enough to make it incredibly hard to keep her own laughter in. And thankfully it didn't take long for Tamagi to leave as he had finished his business concerning the so-called "well-being". "If that accounts as 'well-being' then I might as well fill my pockets with gold and call it my happiness." Not a moment too soon, as she held her hand over her mouth now to cover the light chuckling that escaped it.

And... after finishing after a whole half a minute, she'd finally calm down. Her normal demeanor and expression returning back.
"So who might you be?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was time for Styx's pastime! No, no, he's not going to whip out a flash quicker than one would with a pocket knife. Facepalming! "Mr. Face, Ms. Palm, I know you two have only had the sporadic chance to become acquainted, but I believe we need to skip to the honeymoon." Yet again to both the Boss' and his dismay, the scene panned out before them without a moment of pause or intermission in between acts. Sure. It was the ID. The term normal, as many people constantly exclaimed with jubilation, has been contorted to the point where what now remains is only a disparate arrangement of letters. So when Styx's lackadaisical gaze bore witness to a busty sign post manifest from a cloud of smoke that dissipated so swiftly that it must have been in a rush, he wasn't too surprised. In an entrepreneural sense, quite a fair amount of people would pile money for posts with a bit more... grip to them. He knew the white collar with a stoic exoskeleton too well. Styx was a tenant of his housing dominion, but they never directly met in person, and as he would soon find out, this encounter wouldn't count either. Without a filter affixed to his larynx, Sho bah'd obscenities without the slightest repent. Styx's face dug deeper into his palm to the faint childish giggle of Alcor. His familiar was enjoying the public exhibition of mayhem pure comical value. The Ankou on the other hand felt like playing Russian Roulette with himself. As if that would be enough to off him.

Welp, that rustled his jimmies. The amalgamation of Aamuu's derisive stare and Sho's crude and rather primitive vocabulary set off the business man. Any moment now, his tie would begin to levitate as his body was engulfed in flames imbued with economic chakra. Rather than pummeling the two, or worse, following the principles of Capitalism and suing them for every penny to their name, the man stalked off in a huff and made sure to grab his employee on the way out. Though it's not as if the fault rested on the shoulders of two teens yet to be jaded by the ID's version of reality. They were still just that. Teens. Kids. They were members of a youth organization for crying out loud. Somebody who resided in a high echelon such as Mr. Tamagi should have more of a tolerance, lest diplomatics go right out the window. Then again, the only diplomatics the businessman has ever concerned himself with is an eviction notice.

And how does the jury rule? Everybody's a bunch of bird brains. Metaphorically speaking.

It was at that point that Styx promptly flicked Sho's forehead with the wrath of a thousand young suns. "You've got homework. When you get back to your flat tonight, look up the definition of "restraint" and use it in a sentence five times, then hang up those lines over your bed." The Ankou then shifted his finger over to Aamuu as if it was the hand of G-hewhoshallnotbenamed, "And don't be ragging on white collar workers. They're the reason why even a place as sect off as the Imaginary District has a stable economy, commerce, and flow of food." After delegating judgement unto his juniors, Styx' piercing gaze slacked. His narrowed beads of gold rounded to the point that they almost appeared affable, "'Big boobie penis dog lady', shit, I need to write that one down. Well, let's get on with this." He announced while he nodded his head towards their boss, whose patience waned by the second.

"Something's in there." He was obviously stating... well, the obvious. But in case the two lovebirds still stirred within their private next, hopefully his sharp tone sliced cleanly through their shared daydream. Styx took in the establishment in its fullest. It was better than his place, that was for sure. Though not being member of the living anymore, his list of necessities entailed a more meager amount of items. His eyes rested on the now still curtains, in wait of the chance that whatever was inside would do a double-take. With no visual sign of further activity, the undead fixed his stature, "Mizar. Alcor. Stay out of harm's way."



The two obliged in their individual manners as the Ankou loosened the surgical mask strewn tightly across his face. The piece of thin cloth slid down unceremoniously and rested at the root of his neck. There weren't any defining characteristics of his lips except for the lack of facial hair, even though most presume shaving to be a far too attentive task for the likes of him. "Minimize collateral damage. Got'cha." Was going to be a tad bit hard with a scythe, but he was up for a challenge.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Mmmff mmfm mmff mf mfff?"

The short girl had managed to catch up with the group going to investigate the case of the missing cat only a few moments ago. Atop her head, what appeared to be a pair of catlike ears twitched as she approached. In her mouth, she held a piece of pink mochi, likely to keep her hands free while still keeping the sweet on her. After a few moments of looking around at the people assembled out front of the house, she started chewing and rapidly took the mochi into her mouth. Moments later she swallowed it entirely, audibly gulping it down.

"Did I get here too late?" she asked, looking around at the assembled Miura Youth Organization Members. She'd set off pretty quickly, but she knew she was going to be late... so instead, she just went to one of the places she knew that the Youth Organization had been planning on going. But even then, it looked like she'd gotten there pretty late... the short green-haired satori tried to peer past the others, unable to see if the little girl was even out there yet. Finding a kitty was only the natural choice for the youkai!

Aoi wasn't any good at fighting, so taking on an onryo really wasn't something she felt like she could manage. But saving a cute little kitty from potentially being kidnapped... that sounded like just the right kind of mission!

"I hope I didn't, I really wanted to help!" Aoi added. As she approached, the ear-like antenna twitched more. While in her more restricted state(receiving too many thoughts could be overwhelming!) she couldn't get anything specific beyond... knowing there were people there and they were thinking, but she thought for sure she was picking up someone she hadn't met before in the immediate vicinity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 26 days ago

Step by step he was growing closer to the object of his dreams. The search had been long. The hope had long been cast away, but here he was, a brave soul against the storm. Another brisk hop. Another firm step towards. He was breathing heavily, the atmosphere choking him. He looked at his goal. So close yet so far.

Damn stair of flights was taking quite a while to climb. Ricardo, the mysterious tourist, and wandering soul, was now in one of those situations he would rather not be. He struggled to remember how to proceed from now on. What was he even doing here? It had been a passing whim, a fancy that struck his sadness apart, a fleeting sensation of casting away what had hurt so deep and travel half the world across in order to forget. He had picked Japan. A foreign, mysterious place.

...And he had lost his wallet on first day. And probably on top of a building, since after having some sake and some kind of noodley-like soup with foodstuff with it (he had forgotten how was it called), had braved enough courage to climb up and oversee the Imaginary District. The first thing he learnt was that A- He wasn't Batman and B- Heights were dangerous and drafty. And he had dropped his phone and wallet inbetween the miscellaneous posturing and viewing earlier. Granted, the district had its charm. And then the weirdos. Youkai too. Well, he was in a sense a weirdo, but still!

Well, he was in the top now, so he might just walk his way around the rooftops and try to find his wallet and phone, hoping that no one pilfered it. Because he'd have to sleep outside the street, and while most of these not-quite-humans were peaceful... rain, wind and cold would still SUCK. He tried his best to be aware of his surroundings, although the fixation with his missing belongings made him tunnel vision a little.

"Nope, just more roofs, some crud, some chewing gum, someone's cute widdle feet, a pair of sexy legs...curious, some cat furball, a dead rat...eww.. Now where's that wallet?"

It was then that something clicked on his mind. Two widdle feet plus two sexy legs equalled four lower limbs. Which meant two seemingly female people, which meant...

"WAAH!" He jolted upon the realization, and flailing and fumbling, tilted over the rooftop, not falling in the very last second thanks to some dumb luck. "Wow, I almost died there, um." He pondered, trying to stand tall at his 6' but failing miserably as he crumpled like wet people.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... I...wallet..." He pieced together as his speech devolved soon into an incoherent mess. "Wagahaba..." Nevertheless, the newcomer ruffled his hands in his pockets and breathed deep.

"This is so awkward. Sorry. I'll...leave you both be. Um. Whatever you are?." He said, having no idea of what they were the other two people. He didn't have enough courage to look at them to the face, anyway.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sho Baba

Sho flinched as the busty street sign fell forward, falling into a heap of frazzled (and flushed) racoon dog. “Oh dear…I she ok?” He begins to say, wondering if they should help. The other tanuki then turns back to the group, clarifying his demands before brushing past Sho to the collapsed girl, shoving her into his car and driving off hurriedly. ’Ooooh. Guess he’s making sure she’s getting taken care of. Man, what a nice guy. I bet he’s a great boss to...” he thinks to himself. He turns back around, only to be met with the vicious and mighty flick of divine justice.

“Hey…” He starts to object before his senpai tears into him and then Aamuu, though the sheep isn't precisely clear what they did wrong. Maybe he got the penis-dog name wrong? He was 90% certain that was right. Or was it scrotum? “Ugh...yokai names are dumb…” He thinks, as he hurriedly attempts his homework assignment to his cells ‘to do list’. “....the same sentence five times or five different sentences?” He asks while walking behind Styx.

“Cause one of those is much easier tha-” He is cut off as the Ankou warns the group to the presence of...something in the house. Sho gently sets Aamuu down, reaching into his pockets, pulling out a pair of brass knuckles and slipping them over his fingers. As weapons went, they probably didnt have the visual impact a scythe or a sword did, but the knuckle dusters shone with a muted golden sheen, decorative rams heads embossed on the striking side seemingly thirsting for something. The oddly violent aura they gave off seemed somewhat at odds with the cheerful idiot currently wearing them. “...So if we’re sure that a ghost lives here…” He begins to ask. “Why cant we just exorcise the whole building? Seems eaiser than trying to just catch the thing. Plus, seems like the best way to keep four walls and floor, like we were asked.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Oh... So that weird sign was in fact her..." She said looking to the girl, who had fallen on the ground.
She was almost going to her, when the irritating businessman came and got her, throwing her into the car.

"And don't be ragging on white collar workers. They're the reason why even a place as sect off as the Imaginary District has a stable economy, commerce, and flow of food."

"You can say whatever you want, but I still don't trust and don't like them. They are pitiful creatures that act only by greed and selfish desires. On the mountains that I came from, even on the village, things work perfectly well. Its a far and isolated village, and they work not because there is some of those greedy businessmen, but because everyone does their job. Always respecting others, they are good and help everyone, not for money, but they do it only out of respect and kindheartedness. Not everything revolves about money, economy and such things." She said, giving a firm sermon to Styx

She was going to continue talking to Styx but suddenly Sho gently put her down. She was about to ask him what happened, when she saw him take out his brass knuckles. "I shouldn't be this careless." She said, scolding herself as she perceived that they weren't alone.

Holding her tessen with one hand and the beautiful, tanto, a blood red blade with streaks of black, imitating a black feather.
Hovering above Sho, she opened the tessen with a gentle flick of her wrist, as the wind started to shift and blow fiercely around her and the group.
"Well... As I said, minimizing collateral damage will be difficult, but if you want the house cleanly cut down in half, you just need to ask." She said, her posture changing to a serious and elegant posture, as she moved the tessen with an elegant grace in beautiful hand movements. The wind started to blow furiously, blowing the trees nearby, their leaves blowing with the wind and the ones who got near her, shredded to small pieces as they touched the rapidly spinning wind currents that surrounded her.

@ghastlyInc @VitaVitaAR @AtomicNut
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ryuuko, Newcomer Dragon

Ryuuko was having A Day. There was no reference point available yet but Ryuuko was somewhat inclined to believe that it would be referred to as an Interesting Day later down the line. This was the first day that she had ever been able to experience, however, and the rest of her existence was an invalid comparison; lots of time but no days. It seemed inappropriate to compare time spent floating, even divisible by the same length of time as days, to a span of time chosen for its intrinsic relationship to the rotation period and orbital path of the planet that she had bumped into.

So far, the day had been exciting in unpleasant ways or simply confusing. Space was notable for its lack of obstacles to run into and, consequently, one of the more mobile specks the dragon was used to seeing getting bigger and bigger was well... unexpected enough to make avoiding the Earth a tricky proposition. She hadn't even thought to slow down (noticeable gravitational effects were rare as well) and had made rather a big trough on landing... which had set off the furry hell-beasts until someone had noticed.

The following talking-to had first made sure that this wasn't intentional and that Ryuuko was a dragon and not anything more common, as well as rather awkward for the police officer until they'd managed to get some fitting clothing. After something that fit the description of a "stern talking to", hey had asked her to go into a waiting room whilst a detective was fetched. At first, Ryuuko had been baffled by this--was she going to be helping out a detective on her first day on Earth? That seemed exciting but a bit of an odd choice...

The white-haired girl had more pressing matters on her mind after a few minutes. Namely, the chairs: not only were they uncomfortably small for her tastes, the backs were solid. What was she supposed to do with her tail in this case? The nice officer that had tied a ribbon on it had told her to not break anything else or start a fight, but the only solution Ryuuko could think of was to use her talons and claws to just tear a hole in them.

So the, rather tall, dragon had ended up crouched on the floor and glowering at the furniture.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Detective Shun Baba

The alarm cuts through the darkness with a soul wrenching shriek, ripping Shun from his slumber. ”And thus it begins...” He thinks, pushing his white hair out of his face as he slams (with no small amount of hostility) the off button from the offending clock. With reluctance, he throws the covers off of himself, stepping onto the cold floor of his empty apartment. Heat cost money, after all, and with his job...well, money didnt grow on trees in the ID.

He rubs his eyes, the above not being necessarily true. On rare occasions, idiots would leave the district and hit up china, buying money tree seeds. Inevitably, they’d either get caught, with the contraband on the way back, or they’d soon discover the trees only yielded bronze coins and get caught trying to pawn them. He drops his PJ bottoms and boxers, turning the shower on. ”Damn shame though. Solve me a lot of problems if someone figured out how to breed a yen variant.” he thinks as he cleans himself, then lets the hot water warm him as he slowly manages to awaken.

It wasn't like he was in a rush after all. Today was the first shift he had since his minor ‘vacation’, and he had given himself a good two hours to get to the station. ”Still cant believe they made me take vacation time for this. Three damn days just to move and that warrants eating into my vacation time.” he grumbles, turn the shower off and stepping out. Wordlessly he grabs his toothbrush, letting himself air dry as he brushes. Spit, rinse. ”Its damn wage theft” he continues, walking back to his room and then gently throwing the closet open. ”We should just unionize already. F**king treat a bunch of effective immortals like wage slaves just cause we dont need to build up a retirement. Chiefs a bigger damn thief than the landlord…” he says while he dresses, clean tailored suit hugging comfortably against him and the familiar weight of his gun resting gently on his hip.

He didnt really mean much of what he was says (well, except for the scalping landlord part). It was just noise to fill the uncomfortably silent air of the apartment. While he was living with his family he’d become accustomed to a certain level of(...the only word which fit in his mind was chaos) to fill his mornings...and afternoons. Most of the day really. As such he found filling the silence with reflection helped ease his discomfort….he then found reflection a terribly dull subject and opted instead to complain even his most minor of grievances to his captive audience of chairs and wall paper.

He stifles a frustrated sigh as he examines himself in the closet mirror, straightening his tie. Enough self pity and whining Shun, today is going to be a good day. In fact, its going to be a damn fine day. The finest damn day you ever damned to to deem as a damn fine day dammit. You’re going to walk to work, clock in, get a REAL case, get some productive work done and clock out feeling like-

”A Massive Asshole.” Shun says, steely gaze affixed on the (admittedly) unfortunate secretary as he handed him his days assignment. ”...I am deadly serious Yui, is that what I am. A massive asshole?” He asks again. The young (well, he guessed anyway. It always being difficult to tell) Sunekosuri folded her ears back, intimidated as she stammered her answer. ”Y-y-you aren’t a massive asshole j-j-j-j-j-j-ju-”

”Then why is it, Yui” he says, interrupting the girl as he reads over his ‘assignment’ once again. ”Why is it then that I’m being asked to act as a glorified babysitter…” he continues ”Because, with all honesty. I’d love to know. Your insight would be valuable as a friend and colleague.” he returns his gaze to the dog girl, who is now somewhat confused as to how to take that question.

She hides behind her small stack of papers, nose and glasses pressed up hard against the forms. ”I d-d-d-dont know ok? Maybe be-because you’re such a cute little k-k-kid and-” she feels a physical wave of mild irritation fire off from the sheep demon and presses her face harder into the papers. ”WRONG THING TO SAY WRONG THING TO SAY YOU’RE NOT CUTE OR LITTLE OR A KID WELL YOU ARE CUTE BUT YOUR NOT A LITTLE KID IM SORRY FOR CALLING YOU CUTE PLEASE JUST DO THE JOB THEY GET MAD AT ME WHEN I LET PEOPLE RETURN THEIR ASSIGNMENTS BECAUSE WE’RE SHORT HANDED AT TIMES AND I DONT KNOW HOW I GOT INTO ALL OF THIS I JUST WANTED TO BE A SECRETARY AND READ TRASHY NOVELS AND MY EX GOT ME THIS JOB BUT NOW IM SINGLE AND STRESSED AND IM SORRY I CALLED YOU CUTE AND LITTLE PLEASE JUST DO YOUR JOB SO I DONT GET YELLED AT MORE.” She says over the span of a quarter second moderately loudly.

Shun maintains his cold stare at her, unflinching at the rapid fire (and very confused) apology. Yui huffs a few times, catching her breath. ”...alright Yui. I appreciate the input and will get it done. Thank you. I apologize if I upset you.” He says coolly, standing up and walking towards the waiting room, leaving the poor girl to attempt to recover on her own. ”Thank you Baba-san….” she wheezes as the sheep demon walks away.

The sheep demon pushes the door the waiting room open, one eye glowering out into the room behind a sea of bangs. Directly at the crouching scaled woman currently eyeing the office chairs like they had a history together. . “Excuse me,” he says, uncomfortably reminded of his stature by the dragon girl. God, he must REALLY look like a child next to her… he shakes the thought from his mind and continues. “You are the dragon girl who fell earlier today, is that correct?”
@Raineh Daze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



As she waited on a more...in detail answer from the woman, Shina turned her head to the house. It seemed like things were going...very slowly? Whatever it was, it seemed the others with her hadn't done anything relating to the mission at all. That was fine, really. She wasn't really all for this little get together anyways. What she wasn't fine with, was the fact she said she'd do this, and it wasn't getting done. Which meant she was gonna have to get off her ass and do this herself.

Goddamn it. Unless she was fighting something she wasn't entirely sure she was capable of doing this.

"You," She said to Akio. "Don't get into any trouble." There was a vaguely hostile unspoken 'or else' left there. Not that the kid would have much choice in the matter if he did, but she could at least encourage him to not do anything stupid while she took care of this. Sighing, the Oni walked over to the kid.

"Yeah that's us. Nice to meet ya kiddo." Shina replied with a grunt. "Himeko-chan is your cat, huh? Where'd you last see her?"
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