Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Holiday

Grant brushed himself off and looked his attacker up and down. Grant could sense the power radiating off him.....but something else was there. Grant tried to detect what it was but whatever it was, it was very strange. Grant shook his head slightly, clearing it. He could figure out what made him so wary of this man later. He collected himself and stood up straight.

"My name is Kyle Hishamie. Very...nice to meet you my good man. My companion and I are here to simply collect a few documents. I was assured that this was Miss O'Neills office. What are you doing here?"

Grant technically did not lie. He had used the alias Kyle Hishamie many times when he went under cover, so being Kyle Hishamie was nothing to him. He did not trust this stranger.

@wraithblade6@ojo chan 42
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Jean Belair ( Noir Youyou)

Jean squinted his eye's as Mitthias called out his old last name. He had trown it away, together with the past he wished to forget. It was a bloody one, everyday tainted with the blood of those who were guilty of crimes or those who were innocent but dangerous to SOLDIER.
''Good evening to you as well mister Mittias. I would prefer it if you would call me Jean Belair form now of on. Noir Youyou is a name my past life had'' He said annoyed, tilting his head slightly. He figited with his gloves, stretching the leater as if he was using it as a stressball. ''And may I keep that a secret for now, I am not particulary proud on the time before I met miss O'Neill. As for my friend, could you please let him go. We mean no harm, I just wish to know why in heavens name a big name like you is doing, sniffing with his nose through the papers of me and Miss O'Neill''

''This office belongs to both me and miss O'Neill since we work together, and I have already told you to much... now tell me what you are doing here, did soldier send you to kill me? Or are they targeting Sasha?'' Jean knew that at one point Sasha would get in throuble for sticking her nose to deep in buisness that was not hers. Digging up information seemed like a second nature to her. The feelings of love for her were not forgotten, as long as he did not made a move on her it was alright...rigth. To love her form afar, protecting her within the shadows, while she was happy with someonelse in the sunlight... moonlight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42@dabombjk

Mithias looked form Kyle to Jean and his heart sank. They didn't know anything. He didn't have the ability to read their minds, as some vampires did, but he knew that much. They were innocent however, simply walking in on him at the wrong time. He straightened up and relaxed somewhat, his one of two swords down at his side. The yellow eyes in that darkened slit between his hat and sash narrowed as he responded, but was it in anger or pain? "Soldier betrayed me. They blew up my car in an attempt to murder me. I'm not surprised you weren't aware, as I am certain they covered it up. The corruption of the organization runs deep. You'll have to forgive my sneaking around and breaking into your friend's office." Mithias went back around the desk to the computer, casually touching the mouse as he went back to what he was doing. "There are those on both sides now that want to make sure I stay dead, and I am in need of a lot of information. The core of Soldier now is very anti-vampire, yet you would never suspect it on the outside. The peacekeeping force that was once our justified salvation will soon become our undoing, and I am trying to stop it. New, biased laws are being made. Vampires everywhere will be rounded up and put in camps, and our elders hunted down. I've watched this happen once before. It's bad enough what humans will do to each other let alone to those they fear."

He closed whatever window he had open, depriving Kyle and Jean from seeing what he had been looking at, and addressed them again. "Ms. O'Neil has collected a wealth of information and seems to be good at it. I have no intent that harm should come to her. I assure you it is a complete surprise to me to find you here, Jean. I hope for Sasha's sake that you have successfully parted with your previously dangerous activities." Mithias made it clear that he didn't want an ex-assassin to endanger his new reporter. It wasn't a direct threat. Without revealing his stance on the matter he made in implication. "Doesn't it seem strange that my murder coincides with the rumors of a new 'Dracula?'"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora walked further into the room and went to Rick who was talking to a young woman who was obviously human and being guarded by a hybrid? Nora noted to herself that he looked very formidable and somehow quite familiar. This was going to bug her til she figured out who he was. She did the only thing she could think to do. She walked up to them and smiled. "Hello, I'm Nora, Rick's wife." There was something extremely familiar about him. Suddenly a memory flashed in front of her. "Sir?" She said to Vlad. "Are you any relation to the Van Helsings? You seem very familiar to me."

Piper turned around and many of the other guests turned to hear Vlad's answer. Violet smiled as she already knew. She kept up with odd things like that and she was just watching reactions.

@blackpanther@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon@dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@dabombjk@Ojo chan 42@Wick@mrzerkon
Vladimir chuckled when Sasha spoke. "I'd rather hope you didn't mean me dyvol....that would damage me quite badly" the sarcasm that was laced on that sentence also held humor. He tilted his head into her hand and moved his face when she went to kiss his cheek. Her lips instead met his. He then pulled away and looked at Rick. "Yes vampires can feed on animals. The tricky part is learning to hunt them. Perhaps I could teach you pup" pup was laced with teasing. A different tone then what was used with that word earlier.

He then looked up at Nora his features darkening..all humor gone. His eyes seemed to hold a storm as he raised a brow. "Perhaps. considering the place we are all in as of now that would be extremly convient would it not?" he then looked at Sasha a question in his eyes. If he exposed his name here she could be in danger. It was up to her if he would reveal the name he held hidden for so long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora smiled slightly. She was right and she knew it. "No worries, you are among friends here. We all know we need to kill that evil bastard Dracula." Nora spat that last part out with loathing. "You look similar to your relative. I was there when Dracula died the first time and with any luck at all I'll be the one to kill him this time." She said looking at Rick with so much love and tenderness that she almost forgot who she was talking to. "I am happy that you are here. If you have any of the same skills as your relative then it could make this endeavor much easier."

Nora looked around the room and there were many nodding in agreement. Violet also agreed. "Do not worry Vlad. Your love is safe in my home. There is not a vampire alive who would attack one of my guests in my home."

@blackpanther@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon@dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Sasha O'Neill&Rick Hoover

Sasah felt her eye's widen and her cheeks take on the colour of red roses as Vladimir pulled a quick one on her. For a moment she wanted to drown in his kiss, not having felt his lips since the morning of her capture. Soon however she remeberd that she was in a room filled with people...... vampire's and werewolfs.

''You.. don't kiss me when there are so many people around us'' Sasha said shy with a pouting face. Her hands cover her burning cheeks and Rick laughed. He ruffed his hand though the hair of his little cousin.

''Still shy?'' Rick teased and Sasha's hand found a pillow thaid laid on the couch. Seeing as it had proven before to her to be a good weapon she took it in the hand and trew it at Rick.
''Stop teasing me and get serious here..auch''Sasha laid her hand on the side of her neck and felt on the bandaeges. they were a bit wet, and her fingers had traces of red on them. Her wound had started to bleed again. Rick inmediatly took a few steps back and held back. He was still young and he found himself having trouble with keeping his composure when fresh blood was flowing.
''I would love to learn how to hunt animal properly. I know how to hunt them with a bow and arrow but thats about it'' Rick spoke slow as he took Nora's hand in his.
''Also, Sasha. This is my wife Nora''

Sasha looked at the woman that stoot infront of her. She was unnatrually beautifull, wich could be explained by her beig a vampire. Carefull of her other wounds Sasha lifted her arm to shake the hand of Nora. As expected it felt ice cold, and Sasha could not help but wonder how old this vampiress was. She was at least able to tell that Nora was quite old and powerfull.
''Hey miss Nora, nice to meet you. I am Sasha O'Neill, his little cousin. I am glad to finnally have another girl in the family. My generation were all boys''

Sasha only then noticed the look thta Vladimir had given her. He was waiting for her awnser.
''Do what you feel is the right thing to do, I will follow your lead Mr packleader'' Sasah said the last part with a bit of a tease.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Holiday

Grant nearly laughed out loud. Rumors? And who did this man think he was? With the tone and attitude, Grant did not believe they would ever truly get along. But he had to play nice for this encounter.

"Exuse me..but I dont believe your tone is necessary. We have come here with permission from Miss Sasha, so we shall grab we came for and leave."

Grant motioned for Jean to help him look for the information and folders they needed. As they looked Grant spoke to Mithis.

"Dracula is not a rumor he has returned and we are fully prepared to stop him. He is a danger to everyone. Man, vampire, Lycan, and everyone else. I do not know much about Soldier and assassins and such, how could I? But it seems as if it has caused you much heart ache. Do not let your emotions rule you. It is....barbaric."

@ojo chan 42@wraithblade6
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42@Wick
Vladimir chuckled as the two teased each other. He shook his head and then froze somewhat when Sasha began to bleed. He eyes Rick and exhaled. He nodded when Sasha spoke...basically giving him permission. He spoke as he took off his shirt and began tearing it into strips. "My name is Vladimir Von Helsing. I have been around for a very long time." he then stood faster then the eye could trace and rewrapped Sasha's bleeding wound.

"I am typically neutral in these sorts of matters but Dracula puts me in a non neutral spot" he then turned and pulled a syringe out of his boot. He handed it to Rick. "When you feel the blood lust...use it. I will teach you...though it will be somewhat different then what you are used to." he then took his place once more in from of Sasha and eye balled the elders. A dare almost clear in his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora started to say something to Sasha but Vlad was so fast in changing her dressing she almost didn't get to. She looked at Sasha and said "My blood has healing capabilities. If you drink just a little of it your wounds will disappear. I am aware that you don't know me but I live with humans and your cousin was human until recently. He can vouch for me that I am not causing you any harm, there are no side effects of any kind." She lifted her arm and bit gently into her own wrist and offered it to Sasha. "We are family and I hate the thought of you suffering needlessly." She looked at Rick and at Vlad and finally at Sasha. "Please, I want to help you."

@ojo chan 42@blackpanther@mrzerkon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@dabombjk@Ojo chan 42@Wick

Kyle's lack of comprehension was utterly shocking. Mithias tried to reach the youngling. "'Barbaric?' I've lived through Medieval Europe, and if that means nothing to you, then let me tell you that I've watched with my own eyes the rebel lord Magnus pluck a full grown tree out of the ground and proceed to hurl it at an airforce helicopter. That is barbaric. 'Emotion' doesn't even begin to touch the meaning of the word 'barbaric' to me." But it was futile. The earth-shattering implications of what THE Mithias Varomere had said about THE world-wide superpower network Compact-enforcement organization had completely gone over Kyle's head. How could his jaw have not hit the floor immediately? Mithias felt just a touch of sadness, a reminder of all the innocents that would be lost in their ignorance.

Again, Mithias tried to reach him. "The gears of war are turning once again, Kyle. We're looking at another Nightwar which could wipe us all off the face of this Earth, and you are worried about one gifted newblood?" Mithias shook his head slowly. "Magnus was over a thousand. You have your priorities confused."

Mithias looked to Jean. "Take whatever you need. I'm done here. But mark my words, Soldier has become too powerful and is out of my control. They will betray the rest of us very soon."

Mithias lingered briefly, for a vampire, before turning to go. He had a summons to answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Violet Braddock

Violet had noticed that Mitthius had not answered her summons or her text. How long had it been? A few hundred years at least. It had been a short time but it was the happiest in her memory. There had been no one since him. She sighed and wondered what he had been doing and what was keeping him now.

Violet had gone outside to take a walk. It was very crowded in her home right now. She tucked her lavender hair behind her ear out of habit. She supposed she had done that all of her long life.

She could feel the wolf eyes on her as she left her own property. Her mind went to Dracula and what chaos he had created. The compact was broken and there was no trust between species any longer. Violet stretched and felt something pop in her neck. She sat down on a bench near the end of the road. Violet herself had found that she tended to take walks at night and would always stop there to turn and go home so she had put a bench there. Others used it but it was primarily known as Violet's bench. She sat down and leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Her senses were on high alert as usual. A smile played about her lips when she caught his scent in the area. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair & Rick Hoover

''Tell me something new'' Jean spoke as he tried to find Mithias in the darkness of the night. Ofcourse he could not find him, the vampire had laready dissapeared on the Streets. A tad annoyed he turned to Grant and sighed.

''You certainly have guts, calling the vampire Mithias barbaric. Guys are good, but you know just as I that guts are a dangerous thing to have in our trade of buisness''

Laughing for a bit, Jean patted the shoulder of Grant before walking over to the bookshelve that stood in the corner of the room. Ontop of the bookshelfe's stood some odd curiosities, like a very old globe, a strange compass and a old rapier. Jean traced his fingers over the leather bound books in search for Sasha's notebooks. Sasha had told him beforehand that she should have noted it down in one of her notebooks from two years ago. She stumbled upon the record they needed right now when they had gone for a little vampire club investigation. Turned out the club owner had a lot of old vampiric books, and Sasha had grabbed all of them, most of them stood in the shelf on the other side of the room, next to Sasha's desk.

''Grant, I have 5 notebooks which could contain the information. Maybe it is best to take them all towards the safehouse and see what we can find. If I need to I can always drive back here, but for now this is all we have. Lets return as soon as we can and reunite with the others''

Sasha tought that after seeing it all, seeing Vlad without shirt would not affect her anymore. How wrong she was as she practicly felt the need to trow yet another pillow at him. She watched him tear up his shirt and at first she asked herself why in heavens name he was doing that, until he moved closer to her in a flash. He wrapped the pieces of his shirt around her neck. Hopefully now the bandages would be thick enough to stop the bleeding from Calis his bite marks.
''Another good shirt of you down the drain...you have bad luck with keeping your shirts in one piece'' Sasha joked as she watched Vlad hand Rick a syringe.

''Thank you Vladimir'' Rick spoke as he took of the piece that held the needle and just poured the content in his mouth. ''I am not a big fan of needles'''Rick laughed akwards. He could not place the taste but he did not disliked the flavour. It was just a heck a less sweeter than human blood.

The girl blinked a few times as her forest green eye's looked at the woman named Nora as she offerd her healing blood to Sasha.
''I find your offer really kind Miss Nora. However, I am not to keen on drinking your blood'' Sasha smiled softly as she poked Vladimir in his side''I am wounded, but I enjoy being doted upon by this Dyvol. I will heal eventually''

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Holiday

Grant shrugged nonchalantly and walked over to Jean. He asked for the notebooks and Jean handed them to him. Grant flipped through them quickly, skimming them.

"I am not scared of that man. He is may be old, and yes if he and I were to fight with pure strength he would win by far. But he is lapdog, led by emotions. If I had any time to prepare for a fight between him and I, I would win. Soldier....I have heard of them. I am not suprised that they betrayed him. I have worked with them in the past. But you..."

Grant looked at Jean and raised his eyebrow.

"I did not realize I was in the prescence of another assassin. Albeit from soldier but still."

Grant tucked the notebooks under his arm.

"If you would like you can return to others. I believe these notebooks contain what I need, scattered the information may be. If you would like to join me you can though."

@ojo chan 42
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Wick@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir chuckled. "I think the shirts know I don't like them" he looked over at Rick and watched the new vampire down the blood. "In that case you may want to invest in a flask. An emergency portable blood store if you will. For me I use syringes since my blood lust is generally....unpleasant" he shrugged. "Or buy some rabbits" rabbits are known for how much they breed. So a vampire that bred rabbits would have a large amount of blood on hand as long as they didn't kill all the rabbits. Vlad just preferred hunting to sedate the wolf side...the syringes for emergencies.

He raised a brow at Nora. He kept it raised as he watched her bite herself and stand there with a bleeding arm. He was then poked and he rolled his eyes at her comment. "I enjoy doting on you. But when it's due to injuries I end up being much more protective" he sat down in front of her and gently kissed her hand. "Remember any pain...let me know." that she had no choice on. He wouldn't let her sit there and feel pain when he could numb it. He also didn't fully trust Nora...so he wouldn't ask Sasha to accept the blood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair & Rick Hoover

Suprised Jean looked over his shoulder, Grand had not noticed he had been an assasin. Had the stench of death finnaly left him after all these years of no bloodshed.
''Really, I tought you knew kidd. Maybe I have not gone as rusty as I think I have gotten, I saw what you were the moment I first saw you''Jean spoke calm as he stacked the notebooks. he gave them to Grant and looked at the vampire.
''Sasha cannot know, I don't care if anyone else you trust knows, as long as Sasha doesn't know what I used to be''

''So what are you planning to do. Like I said we can take these books back to the group. I think that would be safer since there is a chance that Dracula has send some of his minions here. Everybody who knows how to use a computer can find the adress of this office if you goolge the name of Sasha. She might still be a small fry in this industrie but she is doing her best to leave her impression on the journalism of today''

''Vlad'' She smiled as he kissed her hand. Carefully she let her hand trail to his cheek before she ran her thumb over his cheekbone.
''There is no need to overprotective though. It was my own dumb fault for trusting Calis way to easy while there had been a dead threath send to our door. If I had not gotten out than I would not have gotten injured. This is my own stupid mistake'' Her voice had become a bit hoars as she spoke. Soon however, sasha felt her eyelids become heavy and she rubbed them, trying to chase the sleep out of her eye's.
''What time is it? I have no idea'' Sasha spoke before yawning a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora had stood there with her arm bleeding for several moments and then when her help was obviously bring rejected she allowed it to close and sat next to Rick. She knew she was a vampire but Rick was her cousin. Nora was unusually quiet for quite a while taking Sasha's rejection very personally.

Nora decided to go out back with Piper and see if she could figure out the pack members and their stance on the entire situation. Nora was waiting to tell what she knew til Violet said that everyone was there. She didn't want to do this more than once, especially since she was largely responsible for much of it. She knew that there was a lot of it that might make her very hated but she had done what she had to to protect Rick and Piper and if they their safety were the reward she would do it again. She sat on the steps out back and looked out into the yard. One particular wolf emerged and came up to her.

Nora's expression was sad and troubled. One of the younger wolves came forward and shifted to human. Nora looked at his face as he sat down next to her. He was about 25ish she guessed. "So why aren't you afraid of me?" She asked quietly.
"Should I be? Do you have intent to harm me?" Nora shook her head.
"No, but I've done terrible things to protect my family. Things that I've been ashamed of and would never do on my own otherwise. Does this make me a horrible person?" She asked the wolf.

He thought about it for several moments. "I don't think so. Intent tells everything about someone. It tell you who they are deep inside." Nora shook her head.

"No, it doesn't. Sometimes intent has nothing to do with it. If you do bad things to save people you love they are still bad things, regardless. Even though I did them for the right reason it was still wrong and cost a lot of people their lives. That is the hardest part for me. The innocent's lost." Nora wiped a bloody tear off of her face and looked up at the moon.

The young man looked up at the moon and said, "That is how you know you are not a monster, you still care about the innocents that are lost." He shifted and walked back into the darkness.

Nora nodded slowly. "Thank you." She stayed outside for quite a while longer.

@ojo chan 42@dabombjk@wraithblade6@blackpanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Holiday

"My next course of action is simple Mr. Jean. I must move forward with haste and swiftness. Dracula knows of my betrayal, and so I have no doubt very soon I shall be discovered by his spies and attacked. It is safer for everyone if I keep some distance from anyone in any safe haven. You are free to return to Miss Sasha, but my next move.."

Grant quickly skimmed a few pages in the first notebook.

"Is to go downtown. From Miss Sasha's notes, it seems she encountered my missing person on account of rumors she investigated. It seems wise to follow in her footsteps."

Grant looked around quickly and found a small back pack. He took it, placed the notebooks in it, and slung it around his shoulder. Then he walked out of the office. As he did he pulled out his phone and sent a small text to Piper.

[text: My dear, I hope you are well. I am close to completing my objective, I shall see you soon.]

@ojo chan 42@wick
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sometime later, again.

The hum of a motorcycle seemed out of place so late in the evening as Mithias cruised down the highway nearing the end of a long journey. The tiny amount of blood they had shared a hundred years ago had called to him, and he knew, she was looking for him. It seemed out of the blue, what with over a century passing since they had gone their separate ways, but what was time to an oldblood? He was curious. Allies were scarce at this point in his life, and whatever lead she had was worth investigating.

Mithias wore a helmet with the image of a fanged skull and flames on it and his characteristic black sash which covered his lower face. Its tails blew behind him, mixing with his long hair. How had it all began? He recalled everything he could about the violet-haired vampire in preparation for their meeting. He had stalked her, as he had with so many other vampires and supernaturals that dared to live too close to his human descendants, expecting only to be forced to eliminate her as a threat to them, yet he found that she was more than prepared for him and much more alike himself than he could have imagined.

Like himself, Violet's appearance drew human attention, and that had consequences. She however, had not let any anger over human rejection consume her. In fact, she seemed to respond completely contrary to what would be expected, she loved humans. She fed exclusively on animals and insisted on finding a way to coexist with them, to live amongst humans in their very homes! How Mithias had envied that. He quickly became so fascinated that he couldn't justify killing her, even if he could have overpowered her. Fortunately, she had decided not to kill him either. They became something like friends, although no loyalty was ever promised. Mithias had sincerely tried to feed on animals, as she did, but discovered he could not and was reluctant to admit it. Perhaps that shame had been part of why he had left her. Soon afterward, a branch of his living bloodline traveled across the sea to the new world, and Mithias chose to follow them.

And now we are here, ages later, wars later, generations later, on the eve of a dying peace. Vampires had become known, and the war had gone into hiding. Mithias took an exit and began winding his way toward the house where the gathering had been summoned. Magnus had been stopped, but peace had never been achieved. He stopped his bike and rumbled at the end of the driveway, allowing his senses to detect movement, psychic energy, and heartbeats inside Violet's place. Humans, and his own Soldier organization were now the biggest threat to vampire existence. He had no idea how to re-establish peace, that dream was already crumbling before his eyes. Right now, in order to be able to do anything, he had to make sure to live to see tomorrow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Violet and Mithius

collaboration w @wraithblade6

Violet watched him pull up to her driveway and stop. She knew he was assessing the people in the house and he could certainly smell the wolves in the area. Violet stepped out of the shadows and into the lit up part of the driveway and smiled.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to come or not."

Mithias took off his helmet. White clawed fingers protruding out of cutoff leather gloves contrasted the blackness of it. Then there again, after all those years, eyes that she had never seen the likeness of since. He stared at her as she approached confidently. It was him.

Seeing him in person brought up old feelings that she had thought had been stamped out. She walked over to him and hugged him. "I've really missed you."

Her embrace struck him harder than he had expected, and he found himself pressing her against himself. A faint confusion arose as he spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Violet." he didn't need to explain why, she knew. As noble as his knightly heart was, he couldn't follow in her millennia-old footsteps. He killed, he hunted and manipulated, and fought. Mithias couldn't stop himself from getting involved in wars, the Night wars, and after that, it took all his waking dedication to run the Elite program in Soldier. He had let all of it take him away from her. What had he been living for? He released her, listening as she continued, politely.

"You'll find that there are a bunch of vamps in the house along with 2 hybrids and one human. The backyard is full of werewolves. Yes Dracula is alive ,and Yes we know what happened to the blood compact. Come on inside, dinner should be pulling up shortly. Park in the front so you don't make the wolves jumpy and please come in the front door." She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It really is good to see you."

Violet turned, walked towards the house and as the motorcycle engine went off a van full of humans arrived. They got out of the van laughing and chatting. Violet held the door for them and allowed them to enter. She barely got into the door when an old vampire named Liam grabbed one of the towns folk and as he went to viciously bite the young man Violet's hand went through the vampire's chest. As the vampire's body fell to the ground dead Violet's anger was stoked. She let the sight of Liam's dripping dead heart settle in a moment.

"I will not say this again. If you come into my town, MY HOUSE...you will respect the humans. If you choose to feed they will appease you as long as you are gentle and heal them afterwards. You will also pay them $100 per bite and you will not take more than two bites. I won't have any of them harmed." Violet looked at Piper and Piper nodded and dragged the vampire corpse, heart included, out and tossed it into the bushes asking the pack to bury it. Violet grabbed a towel and wiped her hand and arm off.

Quiet, Mithias did as Violet instructed, after all it was her home and one didn't argue with a vampire who had lived beyond five ages, but what he witnessed next was quite unexpected. Liam was dead. Had she known him? Had she given him warning? Mithias didn't mourn the fledgling lost, but from that instant on, he would be inwardly questioning Violet's motives. An immortal life was something precious, but it seemed they disagreed on this point. he'd have to be very careful around her.

Violet announced, "All of the feeder humans have been checked every month for diseases and are all disease free. After we are fed we will discuss the matter at hand."

Violet pulled a pretty young woman to her and said, "The humans will introduce themselves by first name only and you must treat them as friends or suffer Liam's fate."

She smiled and asked the young lady where she would prefer to be fed from. Violet bit her gently on the neck and suckled blood from her tenderly. Slowly the others followed suite. When Violet looked up she stared into Mithius' eyes.

Violet licked her lips and asked Mithius "Would you like to share? Her blood is quite good, sweet even." The young woman moved towards him and pulled her hair back so he could feed as well.

Mithias came in the front door, nodding in greeting to all the eyes that met his, scanning each of them for any sign of recognition. He pulled down his sash and revealed his face, to not do so would have been impolite. Had he any enemies here, he wanted to find out immediately.

So it seemed Violet did feed from humans, with less reservation than Mithias had remembered, yet she respected their sacrifice and spared their lives. These were innocents that had been brought by van tonight, as much as any human could be, young, sweet, curious, and not yet filled with the wrath of betrayal. Hopefully they would never be, but they would be a minority.

Mithias would not be so rude as to refuse sacrifice freely given, yet he checked the girl for himself. She was strong, healthy, not on drugs or dehydrated, and Violet had not taken very much from her, leaving plenty of blood to recover comfortably. He approached.

"You don't have to do this." He whispered in the girl's ear, gauging her reaction. Shyly, she smiled and nodded. He didn't' ask further and trusted she was going to be compensated as promised. He drank what would be considered very little by vampire standards, on the same side, and closed the wounds.

"If only it could be this way." Mithias mused out loud as he looked at the girl. "Vampires not hated, blood freely given in return for something more than the right to live. Humans are not animals. They are sentient, our progenitors. Simply because a life is destined to end does not mean it is meaningless... but vampires aren't the only ones who forget that." He looked to Violet in particular, saying not a word of poor Liam, whos life actualy wasn't going to end.

Of course Mithais knew he had been guilty of the same, murdering his own kind, and all the while, back in his youth, he thought it had been justified. Times changed, and now he had to look back and wonder if the defense of a few family members here and there had been worth it. Humans were clearly capable of great evil, even his own decendants, and vampires were equally capable of innocence. The truth was many shades of grey. How was one supposed to fight a war when the lines were so blurred?

After everyone was fed and the humans left Violet said, "Everyone be seated. We are about to start. You all have heard the rumors and yes Count Dracula is back. He is ultimately responsible for the death of 7 of the 9 members of the vampire council as well as the breaking of the blood compact. He must be eliminated before we can't get him under control. Nora was his consort for quite a long time a couple of hundred years as I remember it. She can answer most questions you have about him. She is not any longer. She had since fallen in love and married after his death." Violet glanced over at Rick who was suddenly beaming and holding his wife close. Violet couldn't help it she smirked. "Once he rose from the dead and reclaimed her as his, he found he couldn't keep her any longer." Nora inwardly thanked her for not telling them that he made her break the blood compact.

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