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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

You know what this sounded like?

This sounded incredibly tiring, that's what this sounded like.

Rachel wasn't a fan of heavy physical exertion beyond a bit of lifting to get computer parts in their proper place, and that was not extreme physical activity at all. The brunette yawned, resting her chin on the top of Impmon's head as the two digimon continued to speak. She wasn't a hero, and she really didn't want to do any heroics. She was more...neutral evil? Yeah, she was pretty sure she wasn't hero material. Eh. Still, maybe if she got paid this would be worth it. When it was her turn to be hugged, Rachel hardly reacted, but Impon ended up sandwiched between the two of them in quite the comical fashion. When the two of them were released, the small digimon managed to finally get free and take a few cautionary steps away from Rachel.

Questions, eh?

"Maybe." Rachel said, in reply to Vivian's question. For the most part, he had asked pretty much all the important info she would have wanted to ask. Well, save for one. "...what if we don't want to do this?" Rachel asked, tilting her head to the side. She had mixed feelings about all of this, honestly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Flamdramon just looked at the two that had questions. He started with a somewhat confused and tired look at Rachel. "I don't know why you would accept in the first place if you don't want to do this, but you can leave the same way you came in if you really don't want to." He scratched his head, before moving on to Vivian's questions. He thought on that for a half minute, thinking of the best way to describe it before nodding and looking the boy in the eyes. "Have you ever played those games where you pick up requests at a tavern or something of the sort? You can pick up jobs like that by yourself and other times we have Emergency Missions that we ask of Tamers ourselves in a group. Typically we give it to those we think fit in the skill level. As for what they're like. . . Well, they vary."

The fire lizard started to think for a little bit before Lillymon butted in, "You'll find out on the job! On the job training they call it!." She looked awfully proud of herself. . . Well, she just looked that way really. "There's a thingy in the digivice that gives a little list. It lets you digivolve and call other digivice holders. It's useful."

Flamedramon was a little irritated that his explanation got hijacked, but Lillymon commanded the floor as it were. Arukenimon looked enthused as well, but she was a rather happy-go-lucky digimon dispite appearances. "As for where we live. . . Does this one's appearance catch your attention so, boy? I can't blame you, I'm rather proud of my beauty myself. I'll let you know, if you want to hit on me you'll have to try harder than that." Lillymon seemed to answer the question deftly dodging the contents. A few in the room chuckled at the debacle Yumeko, Tinkermon and Arukenimon among them.

Flamedramon sighed as he went to continue to actually answer the boy's final question out of nothing but pity and was again cut off by Lillymon. "Oh boy! Look at that Flamedramon, it's time for us to go out and find out what their first mission is!" The flower digimon then grabbed the blue lizard and carried him off to some backroom.

"Wait, I'm not fini--!" He started to protest as he was dragged off.

"Lillymon's weird." Tinkermon said after the two departed.

Arukenimon chuckled slightly, "I'll go check on them, if you all want to stay around here or outside near the fountain and talk for a little bit until we get you mission in order feel more than welcome to do so." The spider said while waving at them before pitter-pattering back to where-ever Lillymon and Flamedramon ran off to.

Yumeko just stood there and put her arms behind head, "Hey, she. . . it? Dodged your question. Are you really into her though?" The Japanese girl teased a bit. Nothing to break the ice like a little making fun of someone.

Tinkermon had to hop in to join the teasing train, "Fufu. . . Geez, someone wants to skip a few steps don't they?" The little fairy up to her mouth to stop additional laughter from coming out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

Hmm...meh, maybe this could be fun? She wasn't too keen on the whole working thing still, but eh. She had nothing better to do, really, aside from tinker with computer parts and maybe some programming. Well, and do her usual various shenanigans online in her usual haunts. So maybe she could get into this with a bit. Though, the fact they so dismissed her question made her a bit irritated. They didn't exactly give a person a lot of room to agree to this or even know what they were getting into.


Arguing or talking about it would be tiring, so it'd be easier to go along with it for now. Maybe she could get...Impmon? To make her a delicious sandwich or something. She was feeling a bit hungry.

"Hey, human," Impmon poked her side. "Quit starin' off into space and say somethin' already."

"Hmm...not enough land. Wouldn't make for a good pillow." Rachel said with a small smile towards the gathered people. What she could be talking about was anyones guess, but Impmon seemed to at least assume it was something from the look on the digimon's face.

"...out of all the things ya could say, you say that?"

"Mhm~" Rachel replied with a hum, stretching as she did so. She should probably stand up, shouldn't she? More importantly though, what should she do? Small talk wasn't exactly her forte. She'd just go along with whatever everyone else did, for now. Her sleepy seeming gaze turned to Yumeko and Vivian, watching them silently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vivian Benini

His questions answered and he found the information quite useful. He liked the idea that they will go mission by mission base. It opened it up to him skipping mission or taking a few one after another depending on his other responsibility. He was checking the digivice out and the function they mentioned it had. Wanting to make sure he knew how to operate it, when the flower digimon dragged away the blue geko one away. They gave away the vibe as if the two were dating? Maybe he read into it.

He didnt get too much of a pause to think about it as tinkermon and her partner started teasing him. It took Vivian good 30 seconds to realise they were implying he liked the spider digimon. Then he blankly blinked at them. Vivian opened his mouth to say a simply no, but his boss jumped in on the fun. Candlemon chuckled, softly saying no escaping. He changed his mind on what he wanted to say.

"Ah, she is breathtaking for sure."He briefly rubbed his ribs. "... but not my type exactly. It wouldnt ever work out between us." Vivian turned his eyes towards the other boys and then averted them to the floor. Allowing the girls to make their own conclusion on whatever it meant. He heard candlemon hum, and pet his arm. The redhead felt positive that his digimon knew what he was doing served as a distraction. Gossips can be fun.

Thought then he heard the other girl speak and it sounded confusing. He pulled out a sandwich out his back, seeing now only two left and called out to the digimon. "Hey Impmon catch." He throw the sandwich to him. "In case she tries to eat you again. I have some juice as well, if anyone is thirsty?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"I guess seriously enough it'd be odd to keep up a relationship like that with a digital being. Would that be like one of those Gal Games?" Yumeko asked no one in particular in response to the one boy's answer. He seemed to be the only boy now, actually, those other two that came with them left and didn't seem interested. They kind of just disappeared over the course of the action earlier. Their partners didn't seem too surprised and went back the way they came.

Yumeko made notice of that too. "Oh hey, those other two left. Guess it's just us three in it. Should we just do an introduction?" The girl asked and looked to her partner that looked back and nodded. "I guess I'll start. Name's Yumeko Yukihara. High School student. I'm in your care." The girl's partner jumped off her shoulder and floated in mid-air. "Ooohhhh, in spite of everything that's rather cool."

"Of course, I'm the wonderful Tinkermon. Cutest Digimon this side of the Binary River. It's hard to compete with MarineAngemon after all." The little fairy seemed modest enough there.

"Oooohhh, someone's cocky with their looks." Yumeko said with the slightest disinterest in her voice. She grabbed the little pixie's mouth and pulled her close into a hug before looking to the other two humans and their partners, speaking with interest now. "Would you all introduce yourself now? It's hard to talk to people you don't have a way of addressing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

"Wargh!" Impmon hadn't been expecting to have a sandwich thrown at him, and let out a little cry of surprise, though fairly easily caught the sandwich that had been tossed at him. "Oh, uh, thanks there bucko." The digimon said, turning to Rachel. It had to wonder how exactly effective that'd be, but hopefully if the demon of a tamer got the munchies again she'd be interested in the sandwich. "I'll take some juice, too if yer offering." It said towards Vivian as Yumenko began introducing herself.

"Hmm...Rachel. Holt. From the US." She said. "Middle of nowhere Wyoming. High school student and tinkerer of computers, heh." Rachel continued with a small smile towards the other two. It was a shame about the other two leaving, but eh. Not her problem. Less people to mess with, but she'd have fun with these two...probably.

"And I'm Impmon, partner." The small digimon spoke up, grinning somewhat smugly. "Best all 'round Digimon you ever saw, heh! And if someone tells ya I get into trouble by stealin' food from people, they lyin'."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vivian Benini

The Imp digimon caught the sandwich, even if he fumbled a bit, thanking him. Vivian nodded and at pulled the bottle of juice he did offer. He was quite more polite than Vivian would await with someone called a imp. But that only proved nothing can be judged by just their name. Even if the digimon appeared to have names that fitted their appearance and changed them with evolution.

"What is a Gal game?" Vivian asked, not being able to pull a parallel to the things he played. But curious to hear something new. It was a bit sad the other two boys opted to leave instead of staying. It was then the japanese girl decided to give a name and a bit more on herself. Yumeko Vivian nodded, at that the little Tinkermon jumped to introduce herself as well, as the cutest digimon after one other. Surprisingly enough Candlemon raised one wax finger.
"And Cutemon."

"Cutemon?" Vivian questioned, and his partner nodded in confirmation that yes there is a digimon called like that. "Well I suppose if the digimon name is having the word cute in it, they had to be quite a bit cuter than any other."
Rachel introduced herself next, still being quite the odd ball in her behaviour. She was starting to remind Vivian of a cat. One that demanded to be feed and and declared the oddest places as their nap place.

"Nice meeting you both. Like I already said after we fall from the sky, my name is Vivian, a newly appointed digimon tamer and a good cook. Planning to earn some money, have some fun. Maybe steal some hearts of fellow collages. Who knows. I am mostly excited now to see more of this strange world." Vivian finished and looked over at candlemon, who looked back at him briefly before looking at the other digimon and humans.

"Candlemon." The candle digimon introduced himself and Vivian chuckled, he really liked his partner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Cutemon can't hold a Candlemon to the adorable moi!" Tinkermon pouted at Candlemon as she escaped Yumeko's grasp. The little pixie took a look at Candlemon for a second before adding something on. "Ah, well, you know what I mean."

The Japanese girl just sighed as she scratched her head, pondering the situation. Then she remembered, "Uhh, Vivian. . . Benini." Yumeko pondered it for a bit, but decided that westerners tended to use their given names. There was no need for honorifics either right? Would it even translate? "Then. . . Vivian. . . A Gal Game is one of those games where you date those pretty girls. Or something."

Still, she looked over the two westerners with her and came to a conclusion. "Do Westerners all greet each other with a kiss on the cheek like they say they do? I hear it all the time, but it seems weird." She looked at Rachel who seemed to be mostly out of it and then to Vivian.

The group would hear some noise coming from far down the hallway. The digimon that went to grab their mission came back down with some papers in hand. They seemed to be lacking Arukenimon however. Hello again! It's me, the lovely Lillymon! Reporting in to tell you that we want you to go to a small village over in the Fractal Forest!" She handed the papers to the three remaining members. They mostly just gave a bit of information on the Forest itself. "Just read ot a bit."

There some weird runes on it, but the humans could understand it well enough. Fractal Forest is low level with some different digimon villages within. Some wild digimon were there but they stayed to the rookie level or lower so they were hardly a threat. The only thing noted as "High Danger" on there were something noted as the "Chess Empire."

Yumeko just looked at the paper and read. She was unsure of what was what. "Your mission is to go to an Agumon village in the forest and investigate reported activity of "Hackers". Flamedramon told them. There seemed to be more to it, but the digimon didn't really let on more than he said. "You'll want to talk to our contact in the village for more. And Arukenimon will help you a bit on this mission."

Yumeko processed the information and came up with a quick question. "It says 'High Danger' and 'Chess Empire'. What's that mean?"

Lillymon and Flamedramon looked between each other before looking back. Flamedramon spoke up, "The Chess Empire is a hostile group of Chess Digimon led by the cowardly KingChessmon and the Elegant QueenChessmon. The only reason they're labeled dangerous is because they have a small base in the area. You probably won't run into them though." They looked at the others, "Any other questions you can ask Arukenimon or our contact. You can leave through the gate. That paper will add Warp Points to your digivice you can pick and it will take you there." After that, the two digimon practically pushed them out of the building.

"Dang, pushy ain't they?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

Rachel, for the most part remained her usually quiet self as Vivian and Yumenko spoke. Instead, she elected to mess with Impmon a bit. meaning, she started petting him right behind his little horn like protrusions on his head. The small digimon was leaning into the petting just a bit, completely unaware that he even was doing it. It was funny seeing him do that, since he seemed fairly opposed to any sort of physical contact earlier. As soon as Lilymon came back though, he blinked, realizing what was happening and hopped back from Rachel with a grimace.

"Some people need to relax." Rachel replied to Yumenko, not particularly resisting being pushed too much. "Hmm...hackers, though..." If it was things relating to computer programming and hacking, Rachel was, if she was being the modest as she could be - was one of the best damn programmers and computer wizards out there. So if 'Hackers' were being a problem in this digital world, well, maybe this would be fun? A good programming challenge was one of the few things she got excited over.

"Sounds excitin'" Impmon said with an excitable grin towards the humans. "Maybe them chessheads will show themselves, and I'll get to rough 'em up a bit." The digimon perhaps seemed a bit too looking forward to fighting something. "Hey, maybe them hackers will even make this fun for me. Heh, it's been awhile since I had a good rodeo. " Glancing over to Rachel who was simply observing silently as she usually did, Impmon frowned. "Anyways, since I'm the obvious brains of this operation here-"


"Oi, can it cactus head!" Rachel simply smiled slyly at the digimon as he continued. "How we gonna do this? Just show up, find them hackers and teach 'em a lesson?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As he listened to the explanation Yumeko provided he gave a small ah. It explained why he wasnt aware of the slang for those games because he wasnt exactly playing that type of dating games to begin with. Then came a funny question and Viv couldnt help but to be laughing a bit.

"Do Westerners all greet each other with a kiss on the cheek like they say they do? I hear it all the time, but it seems weird."

"No, no. I would do that only to dear friends, and you are still a stranger to me. No hard feelings. I am sure we can be excelent work collages with time." Candlemon hummed at that explanation and tugged on Vivian pants to get his attention. "Me." And Vivian found it the most endearing two letter words ever spoken. He looked at the flickering flame before rubbing his chin. He know what his partner was asking him, and he thought why not. It felt befitting, even if he only knew the digimon for several minutes.
"Sure, I think I can greet you with a hug and cheek kiss Candlemon. " The Candle in question grinned crossing his wax arms over his body as if he just won something others didnt.

Then their mission came, he studied the information and found it pretty clear cut. Go there, talk to that contact, do this, etc. Viv put the piece of paper in his backpack to not risking losing it. FOr a change he didnt have any extra question, checking the time on the digi device he hoped they get it done before his father starts missing him and start asking questions. Still he found it amusing as they were pushed out.

"Obviously we have to first go to that contact person. Then we can see what is even being hacked to begin with." Vivian said as he looked over his device trying to activate the wrap point. The wording indicating some form of teleportation.

"I bet Impmon will fall in a trap first." Candlemon spoke the set of eyes on the wax body looking over at the digimon he just bed on while the flames looked at the other digimon in their small group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yumeko looked to her digivice. One of the folders on it lit up and it was labeled, "Warp Points." The girl opened it up seeing two options. "Tamer's Bureau" and "Fractal Forest - Agumon Village." She clicked the Agumon Village one assuming that was right. "Yea, Candlemon's probably right. Impmon seems to have that kind of luck."

The group walked over to the area where they came in. After looking around a second, one of the tamers would have noticed a weird metal pad. There was a sign that said "Digital Gate - Warp Point." Yumeko could only assume that was where they were suppose to go. She figured she'd go first. "Ohhhhhhh, look. I think this might be what their talking about. Vivian, Rachel, let's try it!"

[color=tan]"It's not going anywhere!" Tinkermon complained, being thrown off of Yumeko's shoulder as the Japanese girl started to run a bit. "Calm it!"

Yumeko stoop on the odd metal panel. Some odd metal contrations jutted out of the ground around and surrounded Yumeko on the pad. "New Tamer, Identified." A digital, robotic feminine voice said. "Press desired location on your digivice, and then press confirm."

The Japanese Tamer looked around with a slight bit of surprise. "Uhhhh, o-ok." She said as she looked back to her digivice. "Ano. . . Fractal Forest. . . And press. . . Confirm. . . There." With confirm pressed, a weird light covered Yumeko and her partner that caught up with her. Soon enough, a weird scanning bar went over them and made them disappear.


Yumeko appeared on the otherside, with the other two following her. She looked over her body, curious. "Oh, you're finally here." A somewhat familiar voice said. The voice was similar sure, but where it came from was unfamiliar to the group.

"I've been waiting here. I thought that lizard and flower would never send you." The woman said, crossing her arms with a smile. She obviously seemed familiar with the group as she looked each person in the eyes. . . At least, it seemed that way through the sunglasses. Behind her were a few small buildings, big enough for just a small digimon or two each. There were more even further back. It was easily a village of sorts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

"B-buh! I ain't gonna fall for any trap!" Impon rebutted.

"Ten bucks says he does."

"H-hey! We're supposed to be partners here!" Rachel gave Impmon a small smile, before turning her gaze in the opposite direction. "Y-you...urgh, and they call me an imp." The small purple digimon grumbled to itself as the humans walked to their destination, arriving before Rachel and her usually slow pace. The digimon didn't comment any more, and simply kept to itself as the others went about inspecting the warp point - it had decided non of 'em were worth his time, so he wasn't going to talk to them unless needed. Rachel, on the other hand, looked quite interested at the device in front of her as she watched Yumeko activate it.

"Hmm..." Well, she wasn't too sure it was safe. This whole thing might be a trap after all. No that was just her wanting to mess with Impmon a bit. Reaching over and grabbing the small digimon while it was looking in the opposite direction.

"What in tar-ack!" Were the only words it was able to get out before Rachel tossed the digimon right into the warp gate. "H-hey wait!" Rachel pressed the button to send him to his destination. A few seconds after letting the digimon sweat a bit and letting Vivian and Candlemon go through if they wanted too, Rachel followed.

Impmon was the second through, stumbling out of the warp point, running right into Yumeko as he tripped over his own feet.

"Argh, that demon woman! She practically tossed me in that gate! Blegh, so much for 'seeming cool'..." The digimon complained, brushing himself off and getting to his feet. "And...who're you, lady?" Impon questioned the new person as Rachel eventually managed to make it through the warp point.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

They spotted the warp point on their way back to where they came from. Viv chuckled at watching Yumikos enthusiasm about it. He looked it over just like it and back to his digivice. Candlemon casually jumped over, never appearing to be in any kind of hurry or care. He settled to stand beside his partner and observe.

As they spotted the instruction Vivian offered a simple. "Ladies first." Thougth he didnt await for them to all but vanish in light. Teleportation?... Isnt that technically kill youself to have your collections of memories and thoughts implanted in a perfect copy of your body?... Then again wasnt something similar that happened when they he said gate open? ... Another point that he died and this was heaven or afterlife theory.

He wasnt the only slightly mistrusting person, or at least the one who was taking his time as Rachel throwed her partner in it. He blatantly turned to stare at her.

"... I hope you arent like that to your boyfriend or pets." He wanted to strike some more conversation to waste some more time. So the uncomfortable mind of his settled down again. Candlemon on the other hand decided no time wasting and took Vivians hand and pulled him to the warp point.

The light went over both of them, before the redhead could form a protest.

The arrived and simple stepped out and beside the others. Candlemons flame looked at Viv and gave him a small smile, one flame eyebrow raising in question. Viv huffed, feeling nearly as if the digimon was telling him it wasnt that bad, was it now. Slightly embraced about being caught in a bit of doubt he gave a nod in return and focused instead on the ....adult woman in front of them?

"Oh didnt know we would meet other humans here. We are sorry it took us a bit longer to arrive than awaited to, mam. " Vivian spoke up looking around and behind her to the buildings. It was quite unique in style. "But we are here now to help out."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yumeko stared back at the woman, curious who she was. She couldn't be one of those hackers, right? That'd be far too easy. She wasn't the contact was she? "Who. . . Are you?" The Japanese girl mumbled to herself. Tinkermon was a little surprised by Impmon's question though. They were around the Bureau a bit so he should know who she is.

"Oh, did my appearance decieve you? How could you forget a beautiful subject like me? And I was sure those two would mention me here. Geez, Vivian. I thought you fell for my appearance before and you can't even tell it's me now?" The woman asked many questions but ended up shrugging and looking to them. [b]"It's me, Arukenimon. I'm a bit less beautiful like this, but I can actually travel around like this. My kind have a bad Reputation around so it's easier to not scare Digimon off like this.

"Geez, Impmon. How could you forget that Arukenimon could do this?" Tinkermon complained at the black colored digimon. Then she looked to Candlemon. It didn't say anything but she might as well, "I hope you didn't forget either Candlemon!"

"So, uhhh, Arukenimon. . ." Arukenimon's current appearance confused Yumeko, but it was probably better than her normal one. "We're suppose to find signs of hackers?"

The spider disguised as a woman nodded a few times as she motioned toward the village. "I'm just here to supervise and make sure you don't get into too much trouble and give you a feel for this. I'd go around and ask. Your contact will probably find you. You stand out a bit more than they will probably." Her saying 'probably' didn't sound very convincing. "You could cover more ground if you split up." Yumeko looked to the others and shrugged. It didn't matter to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

In response to Vivian's statement, Rachel simply tilted her head in a somewhat curious manner as if she was trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that. Treat her boyfriends and pets like that? Why would she ever even have one of those? Too much work. People were tiring. Also sometimes annoying. Pets just ate all your food and got hair over everything. Except horses. Horses were nice. Smelly though.

She arrived just after Vivian, just in time to hear Impmons question and Arukenimon introduce herself again.

"I-i didn't forget! I jus' didn't want to make you all look stupid!" That was so obviously a lie, it was a bit painful. Rachel was her usual quiet self, seeming to internally debate what she wanted to do here. She could follow one of the others and be forced to work...or she could say yes to the splitting up and find a nice place to take a nap. Or find something to snack on. Besides, sometimes the best way to find something or gather information, was just to watch and act like you weren't actually actively trying to find said information.

"Hrm, I'd say splittin' up is a pretty good idea." Impmon said. "We could, uh, you know. Get more done." Impmon, unfortunately share Rachel's view a bit. "We could probably find our contact a loooot more quickly." Rachel nodded in silent agreement.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the digimon appearing human told indirectly who she was, it clicked in Vivian head. He heard a giggle start up as Viv face turned into a surprise. He looked back at his partner who was grinning at him. It was clear Candlemon didnt mention anything on purpose. Wanting to see the human reactions and get a bit of fun for himself. Impmon was just a bonus to the candle amusement. The human coughed in his hand to regain some of his surprise.

"My apologies mam, I ... they didnt say a word about it. Thank you for you help.." Viv explained, trying to not give the digimon a reason to tease him even more. He was now torn between asking if all digimon can look huma and to wonder which human are secretly oversized spiders.... His father would probably explode if he ever asked him about this strangeness. At the idea of splitting Viv nodded.

"I dont mind it either, there shouldnt be much problems. Candlemon you okay with that?" Viv asked and the Candlemon nodded and started to jumping into a direction ahead of the others. "Good I am not the only one eager to do this job." Vivian commented to himself, turning to the other two digimon tamers. " Well see you Yumeko and Rachel later. " With that said Vivi ran after his partner to catch up. Definatly not wanting to be left behind in this strange looking village.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yumeko looked between Rachel and Vivian. One left and the other was about to leave. If they were going to split up, Yumeko decided to go the direction the others weren't. Arukenimon waved the lot of them off but kept her eyes on Rachel. . .


Yumeko and Tinkermon wandered towards the Village's entrance. There was something that caught Yumeko's eye though. "Is that a giant dinosaur, Tinkermon?" The girl asked, pointed at an orange digimon with blue strips and some kind of protective plate on it's head.

Tinkermon laughed to herself a bit before she answered. "Nahhh, that's just Greymon. He's like this village's guardian. A lot of these villages like this will have a digimon that's a higher evolution to guard them."


In the meanwhile, Greymon noticed the two and made his way over. "Aren't you two cute? A human and her digimon? I think I heard about a new group coming in. Are you here to look into the Chess Empire?" The dinosaur Digimon said, surprising Yumeko a little bit.

"No. . . They sent us to look into Hacker activity." Greymon's face went a bit more serious for a second as he thought.

"Hacker's ehh? I've heard of some hacker activity lately, but nothing I've not been able to handle. I think there was another boy in town looking into that. Maybe you could ask him for something. Did you want me to tell you about the area a little bit? Greymon asked the couple, they both nodded. It wouldn't help to have more information on the area. Would it?


Rachel wandered to the west side of the village. She found nothing especially exciting as it was a residential district. Adobe houses sat there, in the middle of a forest. If nothing else it showed the weirder side of the Digital World. There was also a Treehouse with a bunch of little dinosaur digimon. If Impmon wasn't stupid, he'd easily be able to tell that they were Agumon, the namesake of the village.


Vivian and Candlemon found themselves in a section of town that seemed to be trading posts of somewhat. Agumon manned the tents peddling weird foods off to other digimon. Some were these one's in blue coats and weird plants. There was eve-- "Opphh!" A male voice called out as it's owner collided with Vivian slightly. Knocking the both of the back a bit. "Sorry! Sorry!" The voice apologized. As Vivian turned around to it's owner, he probably would notice something special. "Ohh, you're human too? Haven't seen anyone today." Yes, a human.

"Be careful where you're going Niels." The hulking mechanical lion behind him said.

"Come off it, GrapLeomon. I just got distracted." The boy, Niels, said. He looked to be about the same age as Vivian and didn't seem all too annoyed with Grapleomon who merely shook his head and tapped him on the head a bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rachel Holt

Letting the other two go off to do their own thing, Rachel and Impmon moseyed away from most of the commotion and the other two tamers. They passed a number of houses on their walk, and a few digimon as well. For the most part all seemed fairly peaceful and no one seemed to notice a girl and Impmon loitering about. Eventually, they found their way where a little treehouse sat. A number of funny little dinosaurs were playing around the place.

"Augumon." Impmon said with a grunt, looking up at Rachel. "Probably why the village is named the way it is." Rachel quietly hummed, lazily observing the treehouse. Again, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary...maybe she'd get of easy and not have to do anything? Nah, if video games taught her anything, the universe loved giggling at people in situations like hers. "So what we doin', partner?" Instead of replying, Rachel walked over to where the treehouse was, for the most part ignoring most of the Augumon.

And took a seat right at the bottom of the tree. She crossed her legs, yawning tiredly and stretching her arms.

"...Y'know, I like the way you think, heh." Impmon chuckled. "But uh, the boss people are gonna be cross with us if we slack off like this." Well, he did sort of have a point...maybe she could use the Augumon here to her advantage or something? Eeeeh...too much effort. "Haaa, you know I wish I could be as carefree as you-eh!?"

Before Impmon could finish his sentence, Rachel picked up the digimon, and sat him in her lap as she started petting his head like one might a cat.

"W-wha? Stop that!" The imp digimon waved its arms in a somewhat childish fashion as it unsuccessfully managed to get the human off of him. Unfortunately, he was doing a fairly poor job of hiding his actual enjoyment. Fine, time for tactical sandwich distraction then! He still had it from when Vivian had given it to him. "Hey, catch!" He tossed the sandwich into the air, followed by Rachel immediately releasing the digimon and catching the sandwich with surprising skill. Realizing that she had just been tricked with the promise of munchines, she looked over at Impmon, her expression not changing at all as she brought the sandwich up to her mouth.

"Y-you're not fazed by anything..." After a few seconds of not receiving a reply, he continued. "...not much of a talker, either are ya?" He sighed. "I can't tell whether you got nothin' between those ears of yours, or your just playin at being as dumb as a rock. We really should get back to work though, shouldn't we?" Not that he was looking forward to it, but he didn't want to really get in trouble. With a tired sigh, Rachel pointed to the ground in front of her.

"Not happenin' there bud." Rachel seemed less than impressed with the answer and finally decided to say something from her last few minutes of silence.

"...you're not too bright, are you?"

"G-geh! I'm plenty smart!"

Rachel once again, pointed at the ground in front of her. After a few seconds of consideration, Impmon begrudgingly walked over. Thankfully, Rachel hadn't decided to get handsy again. Instead, he simply took a seat on the ground next to her - facing the rest of the village.

"So what's your big plan here, partner?" Rachel tilted her head to the side as she looked at Impmon. "I'm not no mind reader!" Rachel then pointed towards the village. "I don't do sign language either!" Rachel's eyes shifted to the side in a disappointed fashion.

"...you sure you're smart?" At this Impmon simply frowned.

"I'm smart enough to know your head is full of tumbleweeds and trough water!" Rachel grabbed impmons head, turning it towards the village.

"...watch." She simply said. After a few seconds, a plan finally seemed to click in Impmon's head.

"Oh, you wanna watch for any suspicious activity? that it?" Rachel gave the digimon a small smile. "You know, you gotta work on your communication skills there, partner-hey!" Rachel had already stretched again, and had leaned against the trunk of the tree. "You just want me to do all the work while you sleep!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Vivi was looking around as he followed him. The digimon stopped as he noticed his human partner craning his neck to look into a tent manned by a Agumon. Trying to see more of his goods.
"Curious?" He asked him and Viv nodded. There was time to find the contact and hackers. So with that on mind he hopped closer to the trading tent that caught his partner eye.

It wasnt that interesting, mostly some cloths, scarfs, coats, some food and a few jewelry. Some items looked old or second hand some hand made. Looking at Vivian he could tell the man eyes were all but glued to a necklaces. It didnt look all too special some orange stone with a few symbols carved on it. It shined pretty, but that was it. "Like." He pointed the necklaces out, already deciding to buy it as a present for his partner. Maybe from his first payment on a real mission, not a training one will be enough. Tranning missions payed peanuts in his knowledge. Surprisingly enough his human lied. Shaking his head.

"Nah, that girly I was checking out that cool coat."

He wasnt, but Candlemon tilted his head. Not sure why he would hide liking it. Vivian had continued speaking even commenting at something that appeared to be looking as a strange plant. Candlemon wasnt paying so much attention to the waterfall of words. The only thing that mattered to him was that pointing out his partner likes made him embarrassed and prone to hide.

Hidding was fun, so Candlemon didnt mind. "Stay?" He offered to the human to check the place more thoughtfully, eyeing to get the Agumon attention at the trading post but Viv once more shock his head. "We shouldnt waste time. Lets go on"
"Sure." Candlemon accepted the end of their little break and made his way onwards. Only his human still had his eyes on the goods instead where he walked so he collided with another human. Huh? So humans tended to collide, an interesting observation. "Ohh, you're human too? Haven't seen anyone today." The blond human spoke and Viv stared at him for a moment longer. Once more today his human shock his head and put on his pleasant mask, not before Candlemon studying eyes could spot the way Vivs eyes went from head to toe over the other human.

"I am new to this actually, first day on the job. I came here with a group of other humans, half of them thought gave up and returned home. They are missing out big time, dont you think. "

The flame looked up as he heard the others humans partner speaking, while the waxs body kept his eyes on his partner. GrapLeomon, level Ultimate, Attribute Vaccine, Family Nature Spirits and Nightmare Soldiers. A strong interesting fellow. The Niels human must been for a while a tamer to raise his partner like that.

"Niels, thats a cool name. I am Vivian nice fancy meeting you. " Vivian offered his hand for a handshake and Candlemon hopped back up beside his partner. Noticing him, Viv added. "Oh and this is my digimon partner Candlemon. " At being introduced he gave a polite nod to the other two and turned his attention to his redhead.

"Like." He stated. He would have pointed to the other human but he was taught pointing at others was rude. His grin spread even wider as he watched how those four letter made his partner turn a funny shade of red. Even without obviously pointing at what he meant, Viv understood the object of his non existential sentences. It was great having someone who could guess what he meant. Viv took a breath and slapped him over his waxs head much to the digimon surprise.

It didnt stop him from giggling. "Please ignore Candlemon he tends to say weird things all day long." That wasnt true, all he said were concret things, he had yet to try and play how much can I weird you out game. " Where were you going, if you dont mind me asking Niels?"

Viv was a lot of fun, he liked his lies. He wasnt half bad at saying them. He kept smiling wide and opted for the moment to watch what will happen next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The group of Agumon around them are playing some kind of ball game. Really, it looks like they're just kicking the ball at each other. From a quick glance, it seems like that ball was a sort of dodgeball. Actually, there were two of them. There was a lot of dodging and blocking. A few Agumon took a direct hit to the face but stood up, not phased. Laughing even! Same couldn't be said when one ball passed by it's intended recipient and instead, slammed right into Rachel's face. A few seconds later, another nails Impmon in the back of the head. It shouldn't have hurt Rachel too much, but the one that hit Impmon might have be more so.

"Uhh, sorry about that. It's probably best not too take a nap over here." One of the Agumon said, staying away in case the girl and Digimon were angered.


"You guys are a laugh and a half." Niels said as he chuckled a little bit at the two. "But you wanna' know where we're going? Are you sure? Really sure?" The boy looked to his partner who just sighed. "No where right now, just investigating and seeing if the Digimon from other villages have seen signs of Hackers or the Chess Empire, might have something though. That said, if Candlemon is his highest evolution, you probably shouldn't leave town by yourself." The boy crossed his arms, seeming slightly more serious.

GrapLeomon spoke up, "We've heard that the Chess Empire has been patrolling lately. Could be nothing. Could be bad. But definitely nothing good." He shook his head as he seemed to remember something. "Actually, Niels, I think we got a Digimail earlier mentioning we should help out the new group of Tamers. It's probably his group."

Niels seemed to have the very thought dawn on him as his palm met his face. "Of course, can't believe I didn't think of it. At the very least we can help each other. Might have something about where they could be. Think that's the kind of news you want to hear?"
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