Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Renatus Gadow

"Mischief? Oh no, I was just finishing my work here. Its pretty noisy at home, so I find it more efficient to focus on it here." Renatus said with a dismissive wave, before he adjusted his glasses and took a step back from Alistair, propping his hand against his chin in a "Thinking" position. "Another place that works...hmm...what about a sidewalk with chalk? Its temporary and all, but it'd probably alleviate the need to do it everywhere else. But, that's your choice after all...What are those anyway? They don't look like any language I've seen. Almost like something out of a fantasy novel." the short boy chirped, seemingly very curious about Alistair's little hobby.

Regardless, he couldn't help but look at the grooves that Alistair had made, all in a very intricate looking code from the way it was spaced out and arranged. Perhaps he thought it nothing more than some little home-made language...a hobby that while odd, might be a thing. Maybe. Who knew what exactly either was thinking besides themselves anyhow? Disregarding the symbols for a moment, Renatus said: "Oh, and me running into you isn't really a coincidence. I was actually hoping if you could fill me in on the details with some of the rumors I heard were circulating before I transferred," which was...a rather odd request for a favor. Why did some random transfer student care about dead rumors? Either way, there was a certain insistence in Renatus' eyes...the kind that said that if Alistair didn't tell him, he'd become very, very annoying very quickly. Whether Alistair would answer or not wouldn't matter though as Renatus lead him out to a nearby parking complex, a good deal of cars still there due to the average work hours not quite being over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alistair Glas

This Renatus kid was getting real bothersome for Alistair to deal with. He gave him a vague enough answer that he grew a little suspect of the boys intentions but never the less. His suggestion caused Alistair's interest to perk. He was quite the fan of chalking sideboards. It went back to memories of his youth where he did just that Practice writing them on the ground and then rubbing them out with his fingers. Ah the joy of youth but that wasn't anywhere near as fun as carving traps into places like some sort of hacker installing back doors into software.

Still, the boy seemed to show interest in his little craft. He wasn't going to go into detail, but maybe he could. No. Magic wasn't something to be shared with commoners. if the young Renatus was hiding something from him. He wasn't going to be all privy with his secrets. So he decided to play it off. "Yea, Its from a book series I once read, it was quite interesting. So I decided to just start drawing the stuff from it as an... artistic expression?" He said with a yawn at the end, tired of trying to explain it though it seemed the boy wanted more pressing things. Alistair followed the boy quietly, as they walked out of the school to the nearest parking complex, a disgusting yellow car the highlight of the parking lot. If he was an anarchist, that car would be blown up. Very quickly.

Still, he had something to respond to. "What rumours are you referring to?" Alistair said with a rather prying voice. As if to ask 'why? why do you want to know about rumours?' It was simply strange. Though now it was Alistair's time to ask a question. "Are you being one hundred percent honest with me Renatus?" Alistair said with a slight head tilt. Something was definitely off about the boys actions. Though Alistair was too tired to pin it to anything. The yellow car was so disgustingly distracting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tsumiki Grimmond

@Guess Who

Tsumiki couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his new Rooks behavior and line of questions. "Wings, yes. Tail, yes." He paused for a moment and shook his head. "As for a tail, why don't you try to make one out of your crystals." He teased a bit before turning away from her. He had to handle this delicately, but he couldn't think of how that would be even remotely possible.

"As a member of my peerage I won't lie to you." He spoke calmly, shaking his head. "Should the need arise you may need to bring harm to others. But... Understand those you hurt will not need be innocent in anyway. Other devils, challengers, evil men and women." He tried make it seem at least a little better for her. "In the world you've entered, quite honestly, you will be faced with times where you will either need to kill, or be killed." He didn't want to scare her, but he wouldn't lie.

"You'll have others you can depend on. Some of them might be a bit hard to deal with or a bit too much to handle, but they will be there all the same. You can come to me if you need help. Or our queen. There is another rook who will also serve to help you gauge some of your new... Abilities." He finished explaining before turning back to her. His eyes began to glow. Back in the club room the magic circle would begin to glow as well. "Now, will you be joining me?" He asked as he held out his hand to her.

Immediately Lutra leaped off Ryuunosuke's head the intimidating nature of his energy proving to be a bit more than the small familiar had been expecting. From there he would hover using his wings besides the where Kenji was. He watch the interaction between th3e two, taking extra care to note everything as fast as he could. He was relieve that the plan had worked. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he'd left things as they were.

Still, Kenji proposed a fair idea given the circumstances. Somebody should go watch out for what might happen. And the best person for the job was Kohana. But the little guy wasn't sure he'd be able to find her. One top of that, he was getting tired. He fluttered down until he was on the seat beside the fallen angel turned devil and looked up at him before writing.

Find Queen. Tell.

The demonic otter was playing off the hope that Kenji could do that for him while he waited for Tsumiki to return. Although, with the magic circle beginning to glow, it was possible that it wouldn't be long now before just that happened. The King would be back. It pressed its tiny paw to its face before shaking it's head. If only he'd stalled a bit his master would have returned to handle things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Renatus Gadow

Renatus did his best to ignore the garishly colored golden car, despite how...offensively flamboyant it was to the eyes. So much so that it almost seemed to be ruining the mood. Naturally wanting to avoid that, Renatus cleared his throat and positioned himself away from the car...mostly so Alistair wouldn't see it when looking at him. Regardless of terrible paint jobs, the green-haired boy would lean against a nearby concrete pillar and think for a moment on Alistair's question of honesty...seeming to actually be questioning himself on that. Humming to himself for a moment, his eyes seemed to lose a bit of luster before saying: "If we're quantifying it...maybe 10% of what I have told you and what you know of me is the truth. But...I'm also certain that your own honesty isn't at 100. After all...those runes are far more than the scribbles of an overly active imagination inspired by a book, and I've no intention of really asking you to stop making them," having almost entirely dropped the over-friendly underclassmen front that he'd been putting up. In spite of the loss of over friendliness, he wasn't especially crass or rude to Alistair...in fact, he almost seemed to be complimenting the runes by saying they were far more than just scribbles.

But there was a certain desperation in his voice when he next said: "Please...the rumors of the supernatural occurrences around campus...the club that supposedly resides in a haunted room...All of these are things I need confirmed. Especially from one in-touch with...that side of reality." Whoever Gadow really was, he knew far too much about the real side of things. His tone was almost pleading, the lost luster in his eyes replaced by the kind of deep hope that a child looking at a terminally ill parent has. This information was...priceless to him. Not the base rumors from the common rabble of high school students full of embellishments from games of Telephone, but the truth only visible to those on the spectrum of Sorcery and Supernaturalism. "I can compensate you for the information...however, I'm not especially wealthy...please, tell me what you know and what it will take for you to tell me. Who...is the King in this game of chess?" At this point...Renatus was bowing. Begging, even, prostrating himself before Alistair.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 5 days ago

Nora Evans

@Demon Shinobi

Nora closed her eyes in contemplation as she listened to her King explain some of the sacrifices she must now make with her new life as a devil. Never in her life had she ever wanted to hurt another being, not even the bullies of her old schools. Back then, all she had wanted to do was defend herself from further harm and ridicule. The thought of not only hurting but possibly killing someone, even someone evil enough to arguably deserve death, sounded like a decision she wasn't sure she could make. However, the only other choice open to her would be for her to die in their place. Would the threat to her own life be enough to spur her to make that choice? To end the existence of another living being? She couldn't say. Only time would tell.

"Alright, I... I guess I don't have much else of a choice," she replied. Nora still sounded reluctant, her voice filled with self-doubt and hesitance, but agreement nonetheless. Reaching out toward Tsumiki, the blond haired girl took his hand and followed him back through the portal to meet the rest of the peerage. "Oh, wait. Let me first get chan-" She began to say before being enveloped in the red light of the magic circle.

@Polaris North@Spanner@TheHangedMan

"-ged," was the first thing that the three boys would hear as Nora and Tsumiki appeared inside the club room. She hadn't expected the trip to be so... Well, instant. The newly appointed Rook had at least thought she would have time to change into something more appropriate for leaving her home. The only reason she had noticed it now in the first place was because the adrenaline pumping through her system, due to the panic her sacred gear had induced, had finally worn off. Her red, plaid pajamas that had once covered just about every inch of her body, had become tatters thanks to the brittleness power of Crystal Corruption.

Her pants that had once reached down to her ankles, now only covered about half of her thigh. The button up shirt she'd been wearing had now become sleeveless, with the body of the garment only covering her breasts and revealing her entire midriff. It could have been much worse, other female classmates of Nora's were sure to wear much more revealing clothing during non-school hours, as that would be when the academy's uniform policies would no longer be in effect. At least none of her companions could see what sort of underwear she liked to wear. Still, the newly-reincarnated devil was used to more modest and prudish outfits and was made extremely uncomfortable by where events had led to. Grasping at what remained of her top, she attempted to pull down what fabric still remained so as to block the boys' view. The only other thing she could do now was stammer and stutter a series of incomprehensible sounds as she endeavored to collect herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alistair Glas

The conversation had been pretty normal until the pretty boy had decided to let slip that he knew what the scribbles were. Alistair instant got into a defensive pose but quickly put his arms down again. There wasn't anything to worry about... The kid wasn't going to rip him a new one. It seemed he only wanted to have information but still, he didn't like to be just a piece of the puzzle, no. He'd be half the whole damned thing before he'd settle for a compromise but that was just him besides, the way the boy acted was piking his interest greatly. "10 percent eh? That little? well, I am not in need of any money compensation so. Maybe the other 90 percent will suffice, knowledge for knowledge, a fair and equal trade." Alistair said as he shrugged "but as a measure of good faith. I have heard some rumours yes. From what I've seen during my late stays at the school to write up runes, I have seen instances of demons in the school. Let me guess are you referring to the idea of the Rating games. Well I have a hunch that the king of the school in that scenario is -" he began almost about to finish as he dozed off where he stood. The world turning into a black pool of nothingness where nothing but thoughts and ideas floated around. It was a place of rest, respite and usually where he stayed because of his terrible infliction.

He was out for a good five minutes before he came too again with a loud yawn. "Oh sorry where was I, I have reason to believe the king is likely the Tsumiki kid, considering how much he frequents the area where I've seen the most of that... other side stuff but why do you want to know so badly?" He said with a slight fumble. Their face was getting to him something about the way the eyes were positioned seem a little off though. Now that he thought about it. No. He wouldn't ask. "what does the freshman want to do to a demonic peerage?" He continued further "Starting a fight are you? Suicidal." Alistair finished with an audible 'tsk' as he had move over toward the yellow car standing with his back to it.

It wasn't the yellow car that really interested him. Its what he had written on the paved road beneath it. Just in case, Mr Green Bean wanted to mulch him. Just in case.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago

The blonde haired Fallen Angel leaned back as Lutra fluttered beside him. Once Siegfried and the delinquent was heading out, the demon otter descended until it sat down beside him. His lips tugged upwards, expertly hidden with a yawn. It would seem that the familiar was tired - he guessed from the amount of effort he had to exert today because of this little incident. He didn't know the otter would get tired so quickly but he guessed having to deal with two hotheads was tiring.

Upon reading what Lutra had written, he let out a groan. Obviously, he didn't want to go out and search for the Fox Queen himself, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do. "Will do." He placed his hands inside his pockets and was ready to head on outside to look for Kohana. Surely, she would be outside just like she said she would be. If only he had a great sense of smell so he could track her down - but sadly, he was not part-animal. The only thing he can boast are wings and those don't really help most of the time here in this world.

Before he could even move to go outside, however, the magic circle that served as a portal began to glow. Oh, the King's back? Perfect. He could just directly tell it to him and have him deal with it. Such perfect timing. He fully turned to the circle to greet the King. What appeared, however, was not only Tsumiki but also another young woman who he assumed to be the newest member of their peerage. Her choice of clothing was certainly... intriguing. He wasn't going to judge. Over the past years of observing Earth, he has seen people wear more revealing clothing than that so he wasn't going to judge her for her taste. What was questionable, however, was that her clothing looked torn and she looked extremely uncomfortable.

But there were more important things to be dealt with at present time. His eyes sifted to Tsumiki and he began to speak, "Ah Tsumiki, Siegfried and this delinquent are planning to fight. All things considered, neither is going to be harmed seriously. Though it's entirely up to you if you want to stop it or not." He reported and added a small shrug at the end. He avoided calling him by his title because then this delinquent would pick a fight with Tsumiki and it'll be more troublesome.

With that over, he turned back to the half dressed woman. "Would you like some tea? You look anxious and we have Chamomile here to calm you down." Upon a moment of silence, he finally noticed how she was tugging her top downwards as if trying to cover herself up. Oh, so it seems this was not her usual choice of clothing. So why as she wearing it then? As far as he knew, the teleportation doesn't have that kind of effect and he was pretty damn sure that Tsumiki wouldn't force someone to go with him or anything like that. He yawned, better stop thinking about it. "Would you also like me vest to cover yourself up for the meantime? It won't cover your entire body but hey, it's better than just that right?" He asked as he took off his vest and held it out to her. It really seems like Kenji never lost all of his angelic traits after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

At the mention of Siegfried getting beaten to a pulp, Ekibe perked up, intrigued. "But isn't it my job to stop that?" Though unofficial, Ekibe occasionally would act like the mother of her peerage, in an attempt to provide it with some kind of order. Of course, being a teenager, she still had her own sort of fun too, but with the amount of rebellious teenagers the peerage had among its members, she had to maintain some semblance of order when Tsumiki couldn't.

Having just answered her own question, Ekibe opted to move on.

"Never mind. If you're going home, take care on your way back. Additionally, if you need any help with a contract, both myself and Tsumiki are willing to help you out if you need. I'll be pretty busy tonight, though, and only available during breaks."

It was true. Tonight she had dancing to do. And the next morning would be practice, followed by tutoring, of all things. Though perhaps not as exceptional as a combatant as her peerage, she was popular in her contract work. Clones had many uses. "Of course you could always come in and see for yourself, though Siegfried will likely still be there. Although..." The rook trails off with a sideways glance. "I have fooooooooood~!"

Two weeks of experience around Ekibe would leave good enough of an indication that her food was a bargaining chip. Whether or not the other individual valued her snacks and treats as much as she did was another matter.

With a slight giggle, Ekibe would then head for the entrance to the school building. "I look forward to toying with those tails, Kohana~!" Teased the rook with a suggestive flair, confident tone indicating she felt Kohana would follow, or was at least inviting her to in a weird way. Beyond the doors were the same old school she had grown up with all throughout her high school life. Its walls or layout ever familiar, her brisk walk through the halls was only really accompanied by her gentle humming or the commotion made from students in clubrooms, unless Kohana followed and happened to speak up. It wasn't long, though, until Ekibe arrived at the clubroom's entrance.

"Excuse me...!" Mumbled the young woman as she poked her head inside and stepped into the room. "Ahh, so just about everyone is already here? I knew I'd left late." Her complexion briefly settles on a smile, before suddenly vanishing into the guise of naive and innocent confusion. "... Though it seems we have a couple of strangers in our clubroom. If I had to guess, this young man here is the one who wants to fight Siegfried? If so, then who is the half-naked young lady next to you, Master, and why is she half-naked?"

It wasn't quite visible to the untrained eye, though those that could tell might pick up on the slight fakeness to Ekibe's smile. Somehow her acting always seemed to prove difficult to decipher, and for some it might come down to a 50-50 chance as to whether she's acting or not. For Ryuunosuke and Nora, it may even look completely legitimate. She relaxes her features as she gets more in-tune with her surroundings; Kenji's offer of a vest made Ekibe sigh. "I have my gym clothes, if you'd prefer. Unused, still fresh, and will at least cover your top." Her answer was blunt, something uncommon for the rook, however the 'act first, ask questions later' trait behind her actions held strong. Not to mention her wanting to look after the well-being of the girl, despite the fact she had no real connection to her. Just because Ekibe herself felt comfortable (mostly) in her own skin didn't mean other people were.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Online


Argos had used his swarm of bats to see what others could not. Of course he made sure to avoid being detected by anyone since the night was his home. This was when he truly felt alive instead of being in that club room all the time during the day. He had looked into the supposed targets but he figured that the thief wasn't going after something that wasn't supernatural. He remembered a legend about the healed branch that made him believe that it would be where she would show. He saw that there were fewer cops patrolling which confirmed his suspicion that the thief would come here for the branch. Thanks to her kissing their security Argos practically strolled in and found himself a nice seat in near the branch and he sent one of his bats with a letter to inform him of what Argos would do.

He would see this thief and watch as they came in for the branch. Argos was so bored that he needed some entertainment so maybe a good fight would help.

@Demon Shinobi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Delta44@Spanner@TheHangedMan@Demon Shinobi@Guess Who

Ah right.


Kohana definitely didn't like those things. As soon as she showed up, you know what people wanted to do? Touch fluffy tail. It was inevitable. All humans wanted to do it. She had yet to find one who didn't want too in some capacity. Those of her contracts who did, ended up in a not-so nice position. Which also meant she was terrible at this whole contract thing. Ugh, why couldn't she just go around and...kill angels or something! She could do that! She was good at it!

Stupid rules and stupid peace treaties and blah-blah, and whatever uuugh. Still, she would at least do her best, since well, Tsumiki had at least some of her respect. Ekibe though? Pfft, no way.

"Yeah, sure. I ask for you'll help and you'll wanna touch something that doesn't wanna be touched." Kohana grunted. "So unless your food as some of the good stuff with it, I'm not moving my butt from this spot." Besides, she didn't want to be caught in the cross fire...that said, she did have something she was supposed to give Tsumiki, didn't she? She frowned. He might be back now, right? She had still yet to have any fireworks and she might as well hand them over so she could get both some brownie points and wouldn't have to worry about it when she was being her usual lazy self later. "...agh, fine. I'll get down."

Jumping off of the roof, Kohana landed in a rather graceful manner before heading back up to the clubroom, making sure to hide her ears and tails again.

"...boss." Kohana greeted upon entering, keen ears picking up what was happening inside the classroom. Ignoring Nora for the most part, Kohana brushed past Ekibe and walked over to Tsumiki. "Human over there wanted me to give ya these." She pulled out the papers, and handed them to Tsumiki. "Can I go home now?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The thing is a phantom thief is everything but precise once a calling card is released to gather the largest crowd to create the biggest game they followed things to the letter. So while it seems the being was more interested in the branch which was good healing injuries or not that target in particular had no grand legend to its name the item in question was a rapier styled sword its blade a bit larger than most making it able to function as a normal sword or rapier. Though what made it unique was the blood red blade and the twin blue gems of unknown origin inlaid on the handle. Fire was said to swing from its blade according to notes her honored ancestor left it was one of his pieces before his death and in a attempt to spark life into others he released back into the public. A rapier that can ignite was something odd and unique also something her ancestor himself once owned and used in a few bouts according to his journals. That by itself was worth it something her ancestor held might lead her to his cane and perhaps even his other items. "It gives and takes warms us but harms us when we get greedy contained in a blood blade lies the source of my treasure. So following this logic this sword is the next clue." Rin said aloud her sacred gear in place making her appear as someone different. Her appearance now taking the form of a young male wearing a black and red suit with a white mask that carried a grim flame like eyes and smile on it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 14 days ago

Takenori Ryuunosuke

Ryuunosuke watched dispassionately as a things got more confusing. He was surprised, but pleased, that Siegfried was on board for a little fun, and if he'd known that all it'd take was a demonstration of his abilities he'd have hit him a lot sooner, but the hectic scene unfolding inside the club-room left him standing still and scratching his head. By the end of it all, the club-room was housing a couple of new occupants, only one of which he recognized.

"Weren't you supposed to hand that over earlier," he deadpanned as Kohana gave the papers to the one he could only assume was their King. The way they deffered to him and the fact that he was the club president despite Mr. Mighty-Scales being here was a good indication of it.

He shrugged, that was no longer his business. Right now, he had more fun things to do.

"So, yer the King Piece of this chess set, eh? Which means yer a pure-blooded devil. Hope yah don't mind this lil' ol' human borrowing one of 'em for a fun," he said, jabbing his thumbs towards Siegfried. "Unless, ye want in instead?" His grin turned from playful to predatory in the span of a second. Siegfried's strength was impressive enough already, so what did that say about his King?

He glanced towards the newcomers. All girls. Was this guy trying to start a Harem or something? He didn't look like the kind, but then again, looks could be deceiving. His turned his gaze towards the girl in the skimpy clothes and thought that maybe he wasn't that far off the mark. Either way, they weren't the objects of his focus at the moment. He'd deal with the King and the Dragon first, the others could come later.

It never really occurred to him that at this moment he was surrounded by a devil and his peerage after openly stating his intention to maim one of them. If Tsukimi chose to do so, it would have been the simplest thing for him to order his peerage to gang up on him. Even Ryuunosuke would have a hard time getting away from this many devil in such a small area.

Of course, him being who he is, if the idea ever did make its way to his head, he'd probably start a fight with all of them at the same time. Winning or losing was never a hard concern of his after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Siegfried Einhardt

Siegfried had already struggled to be able to erase the rage he felt towards the weird human and concentrate in his urge to use him as an experimental sample a few minutes ago, and yet again he felt the urge to directly beat him without any consideration barely a minute after finally getting a hold of himself. The reason? It was obviously the sudden appearance of four other individuals in the room right before his leave, conveniently blocking his way.

The first one was a weirdly dressed girl that looked as if she just got away from a battlefield - not that bad of a view, he had to admit, but also not something he wanted to deal with right before his battle - conveniently accompanied by the king - that was even more of a bother than the first due to the lack of a factor named sex-appeal - forcing the Dragon to stop his walk and turn towards them."For fucks sake, Grimmond. Can't you at least wait for me to leave before you start with your debau-.." He started, clearly annoyed by the sudden appearance of the king with a barely dressed girl, just to be interrupted by a pleasant voice that sounded like the horn of apocalypse to the Dragon in the moment, as it represented the arrival of yet another bother to deal with.

This time it was the undisputed number 1 beauty in the club, Ekibe, accompanied by the number 1 bother in the world, Kohana, apparently coming to the club to talk with Tsumiki. No need to say that this didn't bring the Dragon anything other than a giant headache, as it acted as one extra obstacle in the way to beating the human to a pulp for the sake of gathering some information about senjutsu, bother that made the Dragon snap as soon as his victim started to talk with Tsumiki."For fucks sake, what kind of shitty karma is this!?" He said, ignoring the newcomers and making his way towards Kenji's "training field"."You know what? Whatever. I'll go ahead to beat this guy on Kenji's training place, solve your own shit without bothering me until I'm done." He said as he walked away, clearly expecting that the delinquent looking boy would follow him as he made his way towards the secluded area.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Mu Kishimoto

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day and the beginning of after school activities. Mu had been working diligently to maintain his grades in class, trying to finish up one more problem on the worksheet assigned. Just a simple fix the phrase question, a couple of classmates approached his desk wanting to know what Mu would be doing after school.

"Studying" he replied quick as he put his paper into a binder and placed into into his school bag, he rose from his desk and slang it over his shoulder before walking right past his classmates without second glance.

"See ya"

Mu was planning on heading over to the school library for some peace and quiet but his stomach said otherwise as it began to growl at him. A quick sandwich from the corner store wouldn't hurt, he exited school and walked a couple blocks down the street before reaching the corner store. As he opened the door a bell rang signaling the clerk that someone is there, the brown haired boy nodded his head to the clerk and heading over to the back of the store where the premade sandwiches are grabbing one as well as some cherry soda. Quickly paying for the food and leaving, opening his sandwich on his way out the store. As he walked back towards the school he saw a kid from parking complex, one with..green hair? Never seen that kid before Mu said as he took another bite of his sandwich, as he walked a little further another boy came to view, someone he recognized. Alistair?? Mu almost choked on his sandwich. Alistair was the last person he would expect to see outside of school hanging out, usually he would be busy sleeping somewhere else.

Mu strolled up to the two to the two, "Surpise seeing you Alistair" Mu said as he he looked over to the green haired boy, "I've never seen you around school before, I would surely remember your hair color, the names Mu what's yours kid?" Mu said taking another bite of his sandwich.

@1Charak2@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tsumiki looked around at the scene set before him as Lutra flew over delivering his notes of the events that occurred in his absence. "I told you not to worry about this." He said as he gave them a look through. He tried to avoid looking at Nora. Would it be believable to say he honestly hadn't noticed her attire to this point? Of course not. Regardless of the truth surrounding the sentiment it just wasn't believable. Although the alternative to that wasn't very good for his reputation regardless. Still, nobody really paid much mind to that. Although, soon Ekibe would enter. She could give Nora a change. At least for her top for the moment. He could have Lutra go to retrieve more clothing for her if need be.

Kohana came in soon after handing him some papers. Normal school related business, he would come to find as he inspected the forms. "Ah, I was supposed to pick these up yesterday." He said finally regaining his bearings as the fox spoke to him, asking if she could go home.

"You know what? Whatever. I'll go ahead to beat this guy on Kenji's training place, solve your own shit without bothering me until I'm done."

Impatient as ever. Tsumiki thought while looking towards his Pawn, or rather where his pawn had been, before glancing at the human. "Go ahead and have your fun. I have other things to attend to." He stopped for just a moment looking the human over once more, before looking over Lutra's notes once more. "Takenori Ryuunosuke, wasn't it?" He asked, though he did not wait for confirmation before continuing. "You're an interesting one I must say. Feel free to join us again should you feel the need to after this little game of yours is over." He concluded calmly before turning away from the human.

Tsumiki hummed softly as he continued to scan his peerage before ultimately letting his gaze fall back to his queen. "As for you, my dear queen, if Lutra's notes are anything to go by, it seems the blame for this situation falls on you." He was referring specifically to Siegfried and the human. A new day brought a new worry. "So, if I'm right you haven't finished work I brought for you. I could be wrong. You are a very surprising fox more often than not." He trailed off for a moment before shaking his head. "Regardless, I'll have you go watch Siegfried and the human. Make sure nothing is destroyed and nobody dies." He didn't wait for an argument. In truth he wouldn't know if she went or not. So long as Sieg didn't rat her out. But he trusted Kohana to do what was right.

"Oh and please make sure you both return tonight. We'll need to formally introduce you all to our newest member." He smiled at Nora and then turned his attention to Kenji. "See if you can get in contact with Argos. I wanna know how he is doing on his assignment." He paused for a moment. "And thank you for at least trying to keep the peace in my absence." He added before then moving to Ekibe. "You look wonderful as ever Ekibe. Although, I am sorry we can't spend too much time talking right now, I'll be requiring your services before contract work begins. This is our new Rook. After you've sorted out he clothing situation, feel free to tell her whatever it is you need to. Lutra will be at your beck and call for anything you may need." As for Tsumiki it was best he finished his paperwork. On top of that, there were other matters to attempt to investigate. A number of messages had come in from the Devil lord who governed this area. The peerage had completed a number of the assignments, but he had to inform their lord of this.

Once he had addressed just about every situation he would need to, the young man turned away from the group. What a mess this was. Probably not the best first impression for Nora either. He walked to his desk and pulled out the chair. The second he sat he began work on the reports he'd need to write. It was easier than talking to Lord Belphegor himself. More often than not his uncle was their, the two conversing of... Whatever it was they discussed. It always turned into a headache for him. So he would fill the reports and send them to the lord using magic. That was the safest bet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 5 days ago

Nora Evans

Why? Why did this have to happen to me? This was the only thing going through Nora's mind as she stood in the middle of the club room in her shredded clothes. At least the others that were in Tsumiki's peerage seemed to be polite enough to avoid staring at and ogling her. In fact, one was nice enough to try and give herself something to cover her body with. "Y-yes, a cup of tea would be nice," she replied to Kenji, reaching forward to accept the vest he had also offered her.

Even more people the girl did not recognize would also enter the room, causing her to wonder what she had done for fate to be so cruel to her like this. At least they seemed to not be exceptions to how courteous her fellow reincarnated devils were. "Th-thank you, b-but I think I'm fine with this for now," Nora replied to Ekibe as she pulled on the sleeveless garment already given to her, letting out a sigh of relief now that she felt more comfortable with what she had on. The only reason she turned down the offer was to avoid being a further bother to the group then she already was, causing such an unnecessary scene by coming here like she had. "So what was it that Senpai wanted you to tell me about?" she questioned her fellow rook.

As Ekibe would tell her of all the duties and powers she had received that their king had skimmed over, the blond girl would take a seat in whatever nearby chair appeared comfortable enough. She would also be sure to not ignore Kenji's further kindness and thank him for the tea he'd made for her, sipping it as she listened.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kenji turned to look at the door with his hand still outstretched towards Nora while holding the vest. Djeserit has entered the fray. He gave her a small bow of his head, something he does out of respect for the other. When she had offered her own gym clothing, Kenji almost retracted his hand thinking that the blonde girl would take Djeserit's offer. However, she had taken it gratefully. Once she had taken the vest, he began walking to the kitchen to make some tea. As he waited for the water to heat up, he leaned on the counter while looking at the group.

Kohana entered next, handing some papers to the King and asking to go out. Well, he was pretty sure King wouldn't let the Fox Queen go just yet. The delinquent spoke up, taunting Tsumiki or something along those lines and then Siegfried just walked out after proclaiming that he was heading to his shooting range. Kenji gave him a small wave. Saying 'good luck' wouldn't really bode well for him considering Siegfried's attitude. He turned his head back at the King when he started speaking.

Ryuunosuke was the delinquent's name? Good to know. So Fox Queen was still on watch duty. Looked like she was rearing to go back home. Well, too bad for her. After her, he was addressed next. He let out a hum as he was ordered to see how Argos was doing on his job. It had something to do with that card right? The one about the robbery. "Got it King." Time to find where Argos is now. He gave Tsumiki a smile, "Emphasis on 'trying'." He then chuckled after saying that. Before he went out, however, he had placed the tea pot and two cups on a tray before heading over to the table. He placed the tray on it, poured two cups and then offered it both to Nora and Djeserit. "I'll say it in advance, welcome to the peerage. Looks like I'll tell my name later on." He told the blonde. Once they both took the cups from him, he would leave.

Once outside, he saw a small black figure flying towards the club. He tilted his head to the side. A black figure? As it grew nearer, whatever it was had become identifiable. Oh. It was a bat. A bat? At this time? It could have only meant one thing. It must have been one of Argos's pets. The bat descended and stopped momentarily after him, as if inspecting him. Kenji saw the letter in its clutches. "A letter from Argos?" He muttered to himself before holding his hand out. The bat should recognize him as one of the members of the peerage.

After another moment, the bat dropped the letter into his open hand. The blonde haired Fallen Angel opened the letter to read its contents. So he was going to see if anyone would be snooping around two days before the grand theft? What Argos wanted to do was detailed in this letter. Huh, how oddly convenient for him. He closed the letter, turned around and entered the premises once more. For a lazy person like him, this was the best thing ever. Ah, but perhaps Tsumiki would still ask him to go look for Argos?

He approached the desk where the King was working. "Argos sent a letter for you about his stake out." He then placed the letter on the desk. "Looks like you didn't need to send me after all." He then looked at the amount of paperwork he had to do. "Organizing some sort of welcome for a new member, dealing with some usual everyday drama, writing reports and completing obligatory paperwork for the school. Another busy day for you huh?" Honestly, he was impressed with how the King has been able to handle all of this. For such a young guy, he does take on a lot of responsibilities. Guess that's because he's part of a big named devil family.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Renatus Gadow

All the information for that...was a price Renatus was willing to pay. Clearing his throat, he said: "Very well then...first, my intentions are...oh." to start, before noticing Alistair pass out. It was...a bit amazing at how well he maintained his balance during his sleep. Then again, that must not be good for long periods...after all, what if his legs fell asleep? Regardless, not one to break his word, Renatus would wait for him to awaken once more, rather than making a mad dash off with the information. He seemed to at least respect their deal that much. Once Alistair was up once more and giving out the name of the King, Renatus' eyes lost a bit of luster once again, his right gripping at his left at the elbow. "...Him...I had a feeling..." he said, clenching his left fist. "Alistair...I don't want to get you further involved in this than you have to be knowing this...but...the truth is I..." he started before the voice of a stranger rang out.

"O-Oh me?" Renatus said, resuming his student-life facade. "My name's Renatus Gadow. I transferred here from Austria about a month ago...Can't say I've done much to stand out yet, so that might be why." he said with a slight chuckle, scratching the back of his head. "I was trying to badger Alistair-Senpai into letting me see his notes for the next exam," the boy said, probably seeming like a huge fucking nerd from his eagerness to hound someone for notes. Then again, Alistair might have been able to see just how quickly he changed back to his normal aloof student personality. Whatever Renatus wanted to do with that information, it was likely for just what he'd thought. A fight. Or a confrontation of some sort. Not many people snooped around in search of knowledge about Demon Peerages without a good reason for doing so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Siegfried's little outburst caused Ekibe's heart to start beating a little faster and, acting on instinct, covered Kohana's mouth to prevent any further comments from being said until after Siegfried had left. She had already seen what could develop between the two, and she wasn't about to let it develop any further. With a clear passageway to the door she let him by without interruption, and let out a soundless sigh as he exited.


It was clear to just about everyone who saw that Ekibe was worried about him. Her faraway gaze as she looked towards the door sent her into a worried daydream. She even forgot to let go of Kohana for a moment, whispering a meek apology for her prolonged contact.

The king woke her up from her own thoughts, and she turned to his attention at once. She seemed hesitant to admit to her duties, as though she wanted something to say, but refrained from saying so and agreed to the King's request with a dutiful "Yes Master." As Nora put on the vest offered to her, it somewhat reminded Ekibe of her own inception into the team. Aside from Kenji and Tsumiki, the rest of the peerage weren't too friendly to begin with. It made adjusting to being a Devil a little harder than it needed to be, especially when she began getting involved with their personal lives and contracts. Suddenly it began to sink in why Tsumiki may have chosen her.

Because she probably felt the same way Ekibe herself did back then.

"So what was it that Senpai wanted you to tell me about?"

Ekibe smiled. A genuine smile this time. "Well, it has probably been quite the experience for you. So please, feel free to relax as much as you can!" She wanted the girl to keep an open mind to the situation at hand. She probably didn't have as much context as Ekibe had in terms of the supernatural, so it was for the best to keep her levels of skepticism low along with her shock. Not something Ekibe thought she could balance very articulately, but hoped for the best anyways. "Well, to start with, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Ekibe Djeserit, a demi-goddess and a devil reincarnated. My- our master probably already informed you of this, but you're a devil now in his service. And before you ask whether you need to steal a person's soul or sacrifice a goat to a Devil Lord, let me just clarify now that the way we Devils operate isn't as uncivilised as you might have heard from the media's misinterpretations."

There was a brief pause in Ekibe's speech as Kenji cut in. "Thank you, Kenji. Just a reminder about our little secret; I haven't spotted anything on the outsides of town. I don't doubt there might be some snooping around, though. Be careful if you do go out."

With a sip of her tea, she continues as though nothing was just said. "Anyways, our focus is by completing things called 'contracts'. Contracts are basically pacts made between human and devil, exchanging our services for rewards. For example, I have a dancing contract today which means my skills as a dancer will be exchanged for other services; in my case it's simply money. Think of it as employment but with more freedom as to what you receive as compensation. The amount of compensation is typically determined by the Devil, so you could be an ass and ask for everyone's souls, however that may upset the young master." With another quick sip of her tea, Ekibe continued. "You'll eventually start forming your own contracts soon enough, however for now you'll likely be made to send out fliers while you get acclimated into the peerage. It... takes awhile to get used to life here, however if you need anything both the young master and I will be more than ready to assist, assuming we aren't busy."

Ekibe paused once more for a moment, thinking awkwardly about whether or not she should follow through with what she was about to say. She decided on following through, just in case. "Some of the other members of the peerage are a little... unique. They might appear intimidating however I don't believe they'll hurt you. Please come to me if anything like that happens, OK?" She offers the fellow rook a friendly smile, before quickly adding: "Oh, and now that you're a rook, it's probably best for you to know that you're now super strong and have demon wings. Any questions?"

Not the best note to end on, but Ekibe hoped it was a decent enough explanation.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Spanner@TheHangedMan@Demon Shinobi

The fox merely glared at Seig as Ekibe placed a hand over her mouth to prevent her from speaking to the dragon. A good idea on the goddess part, really. She might have decided to make lizard jerky out of his hide if she hadn't.


She couldn't really complain about these turn of events since it was objectively her fault, wasn't it? The fox merely gave Ekibe a sideways glance as the demi-goddess removed her hand from her mouth. Well, at least she hadn't done any other touching or they'd also have an angry Kitsune to deal with alongside a dragon and human. As Sieg stormed out of the room, Kohana gave a defeated sigh, swallowing any anger she might have and stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"Fine, fine, boss." She walked over to where she had stashed the alcohol, picking up the bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "I'll watch the two idiots beat each other halfway to death." Not that she had any actual concern for the two of them - Tsumiki had ordered it, and she was going to do it. Simple as that. She'd make sure to stop them from killing each other two.

Paying almost no attention to the newcomer, Kohana left in the direction of Kenji's personal training grounds.
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