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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Gina watched as the mother nursed her young. But, she though that it was strange that she allowed her so close without showing signs of aggression or out right wanting to impale her with her horn. She looked around seeing a familiar yet unfamiliar companion on her side, she flinch thinking that it was an coordinated ambush by the alpha.

She rocks to the sides trying to distance herself but, like the mother it didn't seem aggressive or hostile. Yet it had an worried look as she hops towards her masters lap rubbing herself on her. While her appearance wasn't the same she had the same vibe as Nene making her pick her up and giving it a tight squeeze. "Did you change like I did?" She said as she gently put her down and giving it a comforting pat on the head.

She then turned her attention on the clearing around the broken tree and with a brief silent, a plan was formed. This was the best place to set up her first shrine for the eternal mother. "Nene I'm going to do something please wait for a bit." She said before giving her a nice hug before venturing off. While the alpha bunny was patiently waiting for her master to arrive she turns to the family inside the broken tree, and dashes off to the distance in hopes of getting food for her and her master.

So wasting no time she left to find a log that has fallen from the tree or large rocks she could use to found the foundation of her shrine. Picking up smaller rocks and woods scraps that was scattered on the forest floor, she picked up the pace trying to find the ideal place to harvest more to shorten her time by not searching for more next time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 5: Morning

Nyma had lashed out in what little opening she had to once again deal damage to the quickly-moving spider, causing it to utter out a loud screech once more as it took more damage. Her spear held in her hands, though, she felt she had some sort of idea that might....just might work if Barth's stunt here had proven any bit useful. The spider was wounded even more than before, perhaps more desperate now that it was bleeding from two notable spear wounds even if they weren't fatal blows. She had to act fast, however, for she didn't know the exact nature of the spider, and the stance she had been taking to deal damage to it and defend well might prove useful if she set up the right conditions.

After the spider had just leapt away, Nyma instantly made her next move. She swiftly grabbed up another branch from the ground in her other hand as she moved, running over to another nearby spot just next to the web's edge. This spot was away from where Barth had thrown his branch, to avoid attempting the same exact strategy again. As she stopped at the edge of the web, she held the spear close to her body with one arm and even used a leg to stabilize it as she took a knee at the very edge of the web. This was to keep the weapon stable and in its defensive position, as the ground itself also helped to stabilize the weapon as it stuck out above Nyma defensively.

Albeit, throughout all these actions she had used at least one hand to keep the spear up and ready and close to her, the ground underneath to support it on impact just in case she was attacked before she could pull off this....er, 'stunt' of sorts. It was not a thing she actively thought of, but rather the instinct to be ready and prepared for an attack simply acting in her favor in her haste.

The female goblin then used her other free hand to smack the small branch on the web as hard as she could before instantly letting go of the branch and putting that formerly-branch-holding hand back on her spear too to better stabilize it and be ready to strike if needed. This was to try to make more vibrations at her location than Barth's branch had itself done before, make it seem like a goblin had managed to get stuck on the web.

She hoped the greater vibration, potentially signaling caught prey, better worked this time such that the spider would dare to strike again, to attack this spot where her weapon waited. Then if that happened her spear was waiting to try to impale it without a doubt, at least she hoped so if naught else.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 23 min ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Frolicking in the forest >>>> Here there be monsters /// Day 5 // Morning

Gird wasted little time as he crept through the brush. He only answered his friends question with a nod while he examined the silken strands that slowly began to grow thicker and thicker. Most of the strands so far were mostly just annoying and sticky but a few thicker ones caught his eye. Reaching out and strumming the strands with his finger, he watched curiously as the vibration traveled off and into the dark forest ahead of them. It felt like the forest was breathing almost, as the vibration traveled and branched off onto other strands before leaving his view.

As the duo continued deeper into the silk forest, he began to notice tracks that were similar to his old ones. Almost instinctual, the hobgoblin knelt down and wafted some of the air up toward his face to see if the tracks still held any scent to them. He did remember from the cave and the first encounter with the alpha that goblins didn’t smell all that great. Gird wasn’t sure if he was able to do this but thought it was worth a try. Something did smell odd but before he could think about it another screech came from further down the trail.

Whatever it was sounded injured or hurt, however it did not sound like anything he had heard before. Moving as fast and quietly as he could, sometimes on all fours like an animal. Gird finally saw them. A pair of goblins. They were standing near a webbed tree as he rounded the corner. They seemed to be in a defensive position and one of the spears had what looked like blood of some kind on it. Standing up, so he could clearly be seen he took a few steps toward them before stopping.

He wasn’t sure what they were defending themselves from but by the way they looked into the trees he could only assume it was a spider. He didn’t make his presence known to them right away. Instead, he looked them over for a moment before reaching out to some thicker strands of webbing and began to strum them. Judging by the way the one from earlier sent vibrations down it he hoped this would lure out any creature that could be hiding nearby. He was also wondering how the two would react to the pale weaponless Hobgoblin.

@Crusader Lord

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz

@ReusableSword@Crusader Lord@Wildman13@Jangel13

Luz followed suit, carefully moving in a crouching position as she followed Gird from the side avoiding moving near the strands of webs as best as she could as she moved. It wasn't long before the two found tracks which Gird found it necessary to sniff around the tracks like a canine. Luz couldn't help but look at him weirdly but decided to write it off for now and follow him as he led them to some noises which suggested that there was some action going on not far from here.

Luz then moved more quickly which still remaining crouching down while Gird moved hands and feet sneaking faster than her. Luz then tried to push herself faster but she ended up tumbling over a few times as she crouched run. It was apparent that Gird's evolution didn't just give him an odd skin tone it made him more animal-like. Which begs the question? What makes her new form special? As the two moved closer Luz could help but notice that they were getting close to three light them for whatever reason shining through trees.

As it turns out two of those light seems to be coming from two different goblins, it was almost like the horned animal from earlier only their lights were somewhat bigger than the rabbit, and the last light she assumes was coming from another hidden individual which she was betting was a spider judging from the clues laid before her. As for why she seeing colorful lights inside living things she didn't exactly know.

Luz then looked through Gird and whispered "Do you think we should help them?". Luz whispered to him before taking the spear off her back and holding it above her shoulder looking like she was planning to throw her spear like a harpoon. She was itching to test her new strength by hurling the spear at the individual, but she was only planning on inferring in the battle if things start going south for the two goblins. But it seems Gird had other plans that had her staring in disbelieve as she rolling her eyes at what he was doing.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

Eventually, though as not fast as when he wasn't concentrating on sensing any potential plant energy, Zats arrived at the tree stump nest. As he hoped he found Gina near there, as well as what seemed like an Alpha rabbit. His first instinct was to attack it but he soon realized that it's calmness probably meant it was Gina's pet. He was glad he figured it out when he did cause otherwise he might have ruined his chances.

Still he wasn't sure so he calmly and slowly walked up to her while keeping an eye on the possible threat. "Hey, uhm I thought I might find you here, you wanna talk or something? Either way before I forget I brought this along for you, it works with the Gravekeepers spirit skill we got." He grabbed one of the skulls he brought along and presented it to her.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin Barth

Day Five: Early Morning

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13@demonspade64@ReusableSword

Barth was pleased by the results of his most recent plan. Even if some would chalk it all up to luck of the draw, everything he had done thus far had lead the spider directly into Nyma’s spear. He in fact was among those who believed that luck was on his side on this day and much like the wordless prayer he used moments ago he sent out a silent thanks to whatever deity had answered him. So far they had both managed to avoid any injury at the fangs of the spider and if his luck continued to hold steady they would make it through the rest of this with minimal injury.

Rather than continue to mentally praise himself he turned his focus back to the task at hand. Following Nyma’s second successful blow to the creature it had quickly scuttled off back into the mass of trees and webs that surrounded the pair. His first instinct was to follow his gut and come up with another method to garner the critters focus. However this was taken over by Nyma this time as she altered his previous plan. There wasn’t much he could do to aid her in this endeavour as she set herself to task and he was at the moment weaponless so he couldn’t provide another point for the spider to impale itself upon.

With the thought of his spear on his mind he cast his gaze towards where it had been thrown with the intent to retrieve it. The mass amount of webbing separating it from him threw a wrench into that course of action. Even if he had the strength to rip through them with his bare hands it would take too much time to be of any use. He would simply have to get it after the battle reached a conclusion. Unable to pursue that action he was left back at square one, which for the moment seemed to indicate sitting around and doing nothing.

Just when he was about to satisfy himself with doing nothing he changed his mind as a thought occurred to him. In the event that Nyma’s plan only worked as well as the two prior attacks it may be beneficial to be in position to force the spider to remain in the open. Such as being able to jump down on top of it. He found a tree near Nyma’s position that not only had branches low enough to scale, but was rather scarce of webbing. He made his way over to it quickly and climbed to a branch that was hanging close to Nyma, but a few feet over her head. Getting comfortable as he could he remained completely prepped to leap down on it if it survived Nyma’s spear.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hobgoblin Ren
Hunting >>> Prepwork >>> Hunting /// Early Mourning >>> Late Mourning // Day 5


His quarry was nearby, now all he needed to do was prepare. From what he had been told, these creatures hunted in packs, which Ren knew he couldn't take; he had to thin their numbers.

Quietly, the Hobgoblin gathered and sharpened reasonably sturdy sticks, before planting them in the ground at around 45 degree angles in multiple spots. Once he place around 20 of these, he used bushes to conceal each planted spear; hopefully, if the wolves tried to chase him, they would impale themselves on these traps.

Next, Ren took half of a nearby hollow log, and began to dig several pits, spaced out around his trapping area. Each pit roughly 4 feet deep, the ingenious trapper then collected more sturdy sticks, sharpened them, and outfitted each pit with around a dozen spikes before concealing his pitfalls. The leftover dirt was then pushed to the exact center of Ren's staging area, being packed down, and pushed into the shape of a platform.

Finally, his preparations were complete, all that was left was to find these creatures; and so, after taking careful note of where his traps were placed, he continued searching for the wolves.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 5

Fear? That was certainly something this hobgoblin could feel, but certainly not in this situation. Catching the sight took away Arch's breath as he was awed by the creature before. While he was running, he refrained from asking about what he'd be able to find to his goddess. What he found, however, was something beyond anything he could expect. Not just the creature itself, but the situation it found itself in.

His eyes moved from the creature's claw to the fruits growing on the tree of its back, but as the goddess spoke with him, he knew he had to focus. He took a deep breath in and slowly placed the skull and his stick on the ground. He slowly showed the creature his open palms and looked calmly at it.

He quietly told it while still keeping his distance, "...don't worry, she sent me here to help," as he showed the creature the palm of his hands, doing his best to look nonthreatening.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Third Day
Silence. Darkness. Stillness. Then, something changed. There was feeling and presence, sound and touch, comfort and confusion. He knew himself as person and male and… goblin. His eyes slid open and saw blurs and shadows. The blurs hurt his eyes and the shadows were confusing. He heard crying, felt it shake him, knew he was crying too. He wasn’t alone. He calmed. He slept.

The Fifth Day

It was later. He was less tired. He opened his eyes again. He saw the blurs and shadows but didn’t understand them, so he mused on it and on the pain in his eyes for awhile while moving as best he could. Meanwhile, he became more aware of his fingers and what he could feel. While other goblins rushed to get names and make their simple loincloths before hurrying out of the cave, he hung back in the darker shadows. He used his fingers to trace his own body. He found the parts that pulsed and beat, the parts that swelled as he breathed, and the parts that he knew by instinct were important. He looked at the other goblins and found the same parts on them. Then he spotted something in his little dark corner, something that seemed to shine to his eyes. It was a rock, rounded and wide on one side and flat and narrow on the other. In fact, it was sharp and he used it to finally mimic the other goblins. He made his own loincloth but he made it tighter and smaller with a piece cut off that he used to wrap the first places where he felt his life pulsing. When he crawled out of the deepest darkness to receive his name he was wearing a strip of cloth around his neck and around each wrist as well as a tight loincloth and holding a sharp, flat edged rock firmly in one hand. He smiled a twisted smile with his sharp teeth on display as he received his name, “Skrik”.

The outside beckoned and he knew that he would accomplish nothing more by curling up with his younger kin who had yet to rouse themselves. So, he pushed himself up and tried to walk. He had to catch himself a couple times before he mastered the balance required. Then he walked out of the cave, more slowly than some. His eyes adjusted to the light quickly and he took stock of the surroundings.

There were other goblins, wandering about or hunting with tools in hand. Though, few of them had sharp tools like his rock. Most had sticks or round rocks for hitting hard. They were standing and walking and running. But, they weren’t holding food and they looked hungry. Skrik knew that he was getting hungry too. If those around him were not holding food and they were still hungry then there was something wrong with what they were doing. He stood and watched, not just the other goblins but the trees and the bushes and the dirt. The answers to his questions and the problem at hand were right here, they had to be.

He concentrated, he saw details. After an hour he realized that there were more than one type of tree and several kinds of bush. He also realized that he was getting hungrier more quickly than he would like. So, he decided to experiment. He knew that his sharp rock could cut cloth. It was time to test it against something else. He selected a thick tree with white bark that was peeling away and looked like it might be sickly. Then he chose a spot and struck it with his sharp rock, trying to peel off the outside. Something as big as a tree should have some kind of strength inside it. Maybe he could get some for himself.

The edge did not bite very deep but it was enough for him to grab and pull a small part of the bark away. The outside was hard and stiff but the inside was soft and stringy. He tore a little of the stringy part off and chewed it. After a minute he spat it out. His mouth was getting numb. He hissed, or tried to. The sound came out as a limp ‘phbbt’ since he couldn’t feel his tongue or lips. Well, this was what he got for being curious, though this could be useful for other things related to food.

The effect faded after a few minutes but by that time he had coated his little stone knife with the thick fluid that he squeezed from the inner bark. If he couldn’t talk well after chewing it then it would probably make it hard for prey to move well if he could get it into them. Though, he would still need a good way of getting close enough to use his knife.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

When she was working on the shrine that she planned to make for Shirila she didn’t account for Zat arriving and meeting her back in one of their meeting places which was in kind of stupid and dumb for her part for it didn’t stop her from blushing up a stone using a large stone to cover up her face. “Ohh… Zat, I was building a shrine.” She said shuttering with some of the words still nervous around him.

Then he said about something about the gravekeeper skill which made her confuse. “Skill?” She asks as he gives her a skull of the dead. Upon touching it she somehow or oddly find it strengthening, which was odd like she was given a forgotten strength that rests within the skull of the dead.

“Thank you.” She said as she places in back into the ground. “He needs rest for now.” She said as she started digging into the ground. Of course it was odd that she would bury something that would give her strength but, she just didn’t like the fact that she had to disturb the dead or in another reason would be that it’s too unnatural for her to use. “Sorry, but I think he or she has already earned its time to sleep.” She said before giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you but, this won’t happen often.” She said before going back to work, the embarrassment she gotten from before is not long gone as quickly as the kiss was given.

She sighs as she goes to the construction site carrying the piles of rock that she was carrying placing the stones carefully and in an timely manner creating an circle around the broken tree.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

Zats wasn't sure due to her hiding her face but he thought he briefly saw Gina blush when he revealed himself, which he couldn't help but smile about. Her not knowing about the skill they got for defeating the skeletons surprised him, though not so much as burying the skull.

Before he could ask about it though, she completely derailed his train of though by kissing him on the cheek. His face turned as red as he believed hers was earlier. For a few seconds he was completely out of it but eventually he noticed that she was working on something. "You need a hand?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@demonspade64@ReusableSword

The goblin Nyma was clever and had figured out to use the spiders' webs against them. When the web was strung with her branch the spider took it to mean that it caught prey and immediately jumped down to grab whatever fell into its net however when nothing came it tried to once again run but this time Nyma was prepared and was able to strike the spiders silk spinning organs. Then before the spider could turn to try and strike Nyma the goblin hiding up in the branches jumped down and stopped the spider from striking as it writhed to try and get free. This allowed Nyma to make a second strike and pierce the heart this time as the spider soon fell limp and died under them.

Goblin Nyma and Barth learned: Silk spinning; both goblins have learned how to create their own silk through their fingertips allowing them to create traps and snares without supplies. However, it isn't controllable at first and acts like silly string


The goblin has gone out to the wilderness and started to explore. They first found bark and tested it out and soon found that it had a numbing quality to the sap and coated it on his stone blade. Thus he created a numbing poison made from seemingly nothing.

Object gained: (numbing) Poison rock knife


Both goblins soon started to create a shrine for Shirila and when they were finished they were treated to a calming presence around them thanks to their efforts. Both Nene and the family of rabbits in the trunk seemed to calm down even more and seemed to be in peace being in the presence of their earth mother


He didn't need to go far since the wolves had a superior sense of smell they could sense prey nearby and a loud howl was heard from nearby. Then he heard rustling and the thumping of paws on the ground. Soon enough he saw in the distance 5 wolves and one of them had a shiny black coat and a silver streak down its sides. Along with its increased size, it was clear that it was an alpha and if he didn't run fast he would die mauled to death by wolves.


The child of Shirila noticed him quickly and noticed that it had no weapons on them but that didn't make the creature trust Arch any sooner. He then gave a loud growl in warning but the creature didn't move away from its spot though if that was from supcion or because it couldn't move remained to be seen...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skrik pulled more of the inner bark from the tree, being careful not to remove too much of the skin of the tree. He didn’t see any benefit to be gained by hurting it more than necessary, and he knew that he could kill it if he tried. He ended up with a small rolled wad of inner bark wrapped in two layers of outer bark to keep the poison from leaking out or the inner bark from drying out. It should be enough for two more doses. ‘After all, he thought as he looked down at his improved knife, this will only get me so far.’

He was just about to hunt for more useful materials when his stomach clenched, giving him a firm reminder of where his current priority should lie. Tree bark had provided a valuable tool but it hadn’t done anything to fill his belly, at least not yet. So, with that in mind, he headed into the trees in search of prey.

He knew two things about his prey for sure. One was that they had horns so they might not flee at first sight but fight instead. The other was that they were alive. That meant that they needed food, water, and breath to survive. He didn’t know exactly what horned rabbits ate but he was pretty sure that he would find out soon. He kept his senses keen as he worked his way along the trails; watching for chewed leaves, broken twigs, fur snagged on branches or missing berries, listening for movement in the underbrush or any sound of water or beasts, and smelling for any fresh droppings or other sign that a beast had strayed close to the trails. He started with the more clearly beaten trails made by the less capable goblins and then slipped off onto one of the far narrower and less visible ones that wound through the shadowed brush. He kept his poisoned knife in his hand and ready to strike since he knew that this path might make him vulnerable to ambush.

As he went along, he couldn’t help but notice the great variety of bushes and trees as well as grasses, mosses, vines and mushrooms that lived in such close proximity to one another. He was sure that some of them would prove to be at least as useful as the bark from the Numbing Trees but he couldn’t afford to let himself be distracted by his curiosity now.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 5: Morning

Nyma breathed an initial sigh of relief as the spider's form stopped moving, dead in its tracks, its blood staining the end of her spear. Ah....that was finally over. She drug Barth from off the top of the spider corpse, before pulling the corpse off of the web with a bit of tugging. Setting it on the ground before her, she took a knee, uttering the words 'I dedicate this kill to the goddess Duvelna. May i be found worthy of her favor' quietly enough where, 'hopefully', Barth might not hear. Though after paying respects to the goddess with the offering of this kill, a small, wry smile came to her face at the acquisition of her new skill. Albeit, Barth perhaps got this as well since he helped after all. She then stood, licking the spider blood off of the end of her spear to taste, and noting the gooey nature but somewhat delectable taste it also had. Ah!

Reaching out her hand at the corpse of the spider that she had pulled onto the ground proper, Nyma shot several strings of sticky silky web from her fingers onto the back of the spider. It was not really a thing she could control, spraying out oddly all over the back of the spider corpse, but the end result was the same. She used the other end of her strings, plucked harmlessly from the tips of her fingers, and tied them together to make a makeshift harness, the spider corpse being attached to it. She then slipped on this sticky, silky web harness onto her back with the spider corpse now carried on her back.

She wanted to eventually bring this back home, grab some sticks near the cave to make a fire, and see if this thing could be roasted up. At least, after tasting the raw meat of the beast and seeing if such was needed. If the blood was any indication in how she liked it, this spider corpse would be a delightful meal. Barth could share as well, but if he didn't want it then she could eat the whole thing herself if needed. Plus see if it had venom sacks and salvage those for later. Still, on her back she noted that the spider was heavy, but not as much as she had thought at first. She could manage it, though its size was comparable to her and Barth very much so.

"Good job, Barth. We got the little asshole pinned down finally!" the female goblin said as she looked over at Barth, giving him a toothy grin and a thumbs-up. The excitement over the first kill was not something lost on her, at least, despite the danger. Actually, to her it was a relief, a confidence-boosting thing of sorts, though as she then continued to speak she began to mull mentally and aloud over her next thought, "Hmmm....just grab another of those sticks like the kind we used to make the spears, unless you think you can pull your spear out. Just in case. But honestly, we've seen how these things operate now, so i wonder if we could mange to kill another and bring them both back home to break down and use...hmm..."

Looking away from Barth for a moment, she looked back to the large, pale Goblin.....maybe hobgoblin? Either way this individual that had come near them in the midst of battle, standing there without a word. She approached the larger form of this creature, looking up at it with a spear in her left hand and other hand supporting one of the silken straps of the harness. The mark on the pale thing's chest gave off a vibe that felt...somewhat familiar to Nyma in a manner of speaking. Perhaps because combined with this Goblin's appearance it seemed to say "death" or at least give off a vibe along those lines.

"I suppose you were one of the Goblins that woke up earlier than us? Regardless, i'm Nyma, and i and my companion Barth here came here to hunt spiders," Nyma said to Gird without flinching, getting to the point of what she wanted to say but not being unfriendly about it, "What's your purpose in coming to us here?"


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 23 min ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Here there be monsters >>>> A New Brother and Sister /// Day 5 // Morning

Gird continued to watch the vibrations follow along the tightened thick string. This could one day be a good way to communicate in some way with the others or used as a signal alarm for things that came to close. These webs could also be harvested like this strong one that he's playing with and used as a sort of lashing similar to the vines he's been using. The goblin began to wonder if this silk would be stronger than the other materials or if it could very well be used for clothing or other materials.

He was brought back to reality and out of his mind with the screech of the spider. The two goblins didn't seem to have as good as team work as himself and Luz. Their tactics seemed more reaction than planning. The male seemed to take risks and was more so dependent on the female’s ability to react and adapt. All in all a good but risky strategy. The pale goblin was sure that this strategy of theirs could pay off if they had more training and a bit better faith in each other’s and their own skills.

Luz's question slowly snuck into his ear while he watched the duo fight off the spider and shook his head. “Wait and watch, I think spiders would be a good thing to hunt right now anyways.” he stated quietly to her while he continued to stand quietly watching the two finally dispatch their quarry and begin to dismantle it. He did notice the silken strands that seemed to flow from their fingers after they killed the spider.

Gird watched carefully as the two packed up their kill and the female up and approached him without caution or fear. Perhaps she thought she was stronger than him or maybe his aura of death invited her to come closer. “Well hello to you too. How were you so sure we wouldn't kill you after watching you kill the spider?” he paused for a moment as he eyed her over. “No matter. My name is Gird, and I am an apostle to the Goddess Duvelna. She has heard your prayer and with that, a gift.” taking the bracelet off his wrist he tossed it to her, the bones making a quiet jingle as they flew through the air.

The Hobgoblin took a moment to look from her to the male behind her and smiled with a sharp toothy grin. “The goddess has granted me the blessing of the dead, as long as you follow me and worship her you will find yourself growing stronger with each kill. that is if you offer its soul to the goddess of course.” again he looked back to her friend and looked down at the Alpha rabbit horn tied around his waist.

Taking the horn and the vine he tossed it to the male. “Here, you may find better use of this but I may ask for the horn back someday.” again he paused as he looked between the two, “we, as in me and my friend Luz here, have a few rules when it comes to hunting in groups. For one, we share. As long as everyone has an even share, you do not get more or less with whatever position you have.” The hobgoblin paused for a moment as he looked around. “Another is that we trade off on leadership for hunts, with that being said we are currently hunting spiders. So if you would like to stay and come with us your welcome to.”

Gird would take this time to wait for their response and if Luz had anything to say before continuing on their path. These creatures were dangerous, but he did want a few of their venom sacs for an experiment. He wanted to see what their venom did and after that how he could use it to their advantage. But first they would have to get another one or two.

@Crusader Lord

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz

@ReusableSword@Crusader Lord@Kheliop@Jangel13

After Luz was told to wait and watch the fight, for now, She nodded at him. "Roger I'll keep the spear ready." She told him before dropping her stance and ducks down in the bushes to watch the two goblins finish the fight. Thankfully the two didn't need any help as the female seem quite resourceful and skill, luring the spider close to her before killing it with an ambush. Afterword the spider glow disappeared(Maybe) which had to question further how her new vision works. The Spider glow disappeared cause it has died maybe? Luz needs a closer look.

"I think we should talk to them." She whispered to him. Gird then stepped up to them and got the attention of the other female Goblin who introduced herself as not only Nyma but kind of shameless point out she was a follower of Duvelna which had her scratching her head. "Wow, this one kind of blunt." She said to herself before stepping out of the bushes. "Hello." She said cheerfully to them before taking the moment to clean the sticks and leaves out her hair as she stepped up to the two, First impressions were important after all. "I am Hobgoblin Luz, a follower of Duvelna. Is your name really Nyma cause if so we were quite lucky to find you so fast." Luz pointed out to them.

Luz then held her hands behind her back as Gird explains the rules which had the Hobgoblin sighing at the part at the end. "My, Are you sure you want Leadership to be passed around like that?" Luz asked him calmly. "I mean. For one you're are Duvelna's chosen." Luz reminded him with a calm smile. After Gird gives his answer then Luz would follow right beside him before elbowing him to get his attention. "Do you mind sparring with me tonight?" Luz suddenly asked him kindly out of the blue

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin Barth

Day Five: Early Morning

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13@demonspade64@ReusableSword

He could still feel his heart pounding away in his chest even after Nyma had struck the final blow against the spider that had been vexing them. While he had faith in his luck, it had held fast throughout the rest of the battle after all, it still was quite an experience to leap onto the back of the critter to keep it from squirming away. Despite the stillness of the deceased spider beneath him, the muscles in his arms remained clenched. It wasn’t until Nyma began to drag him off that he finally relaxed.

The distance between them was not great enough for her whispered words to go unnoticed by Barth, but he didn’t respond to them in anyway. He held no judgement for what God or Goddess she dedicated herself to. If she found comfort or strength within the shroud of the Goddess of Death then that was her choice. Even after the Elder Goblin had spoken about the three main deities he did not find himself drawn to any of them. He respected their power and the positions they held, but not enough to worship any of them.

Barth decided it would be best to leave Nyma to her prayers for the time being and figured it would be a good time to try out the new ability he knew he possessed after aiding in the slaying of the spider. Moving towards the tree that he had scaled just moments ago he pointed the fingers of his right hand toward it, willing the silk strands to launch out toward it. Rather than precision aim, he found that the strands flew out in a haphazard manner. It was more of a spray than anything else. He stopped the threads shortly after starting them, the trunk of the tree covered in random spots by the silk.

His attention was drawn back to Nyma as she addressed him, which in turn caused him to laugh. ”You did most of the heavy lifting! I was just going with the flow. Glad I decided to jump on it though, who knows how much longer we would have been fighting it if it scampered off again. With the high of the kill slowly waning he finally took notice of the two larger creatures that had been apparently watching them. As the two strangers began their approach he responded to Nyma once more. ”I may not be strong enough to get my spear back, but perhaps one of them will be. Provided they are friendlier than the pale one looks to be.”

Barth had no issue with Nyma taking the lead in their introductions. He had largely followed her thus far and there was no reason to raise havoc now. While she addressed the pale one, now known to be Gird, Barth focused his attention on examining the two. The female looked vaguely similar to the Goblins, though larger. Gird on the other hand bared only the slightest resemblance to them.

For the first time being addressed by Gird, though it had been a blanket statement, Barth tilted his head back to meet the larger male’s eyes. ”I have no issue joining up with you guys, there are safety in numbers after all. However I do not worship the Goddess of Death, but I have no issue with the fact that you three do.”

His eyes widened when Gird tossed him the horn that had been hanging from the Hobgoblin’s waist. Barth managed to snatch it out of the air before securing it to his waist in a similar fashion that Gird himself had been wearing it. ”Thank you for this gift, regardless of how temporary it maybe.” He took a moment to glance at Nyma, though they hadn’t spent long together he had the feeling that she would want to join up with these two even more than him. ”Before we set out is there any chance either of you could recover my spear from over there? I am not strong enough to break through the webbing blocking the path easily, it would eat away at time that could be spent hunting.”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hobgoblin Ren
Hunting >>> Baiting/// Late Mourning // Day 5

After a short time, Ren heard the telltale howling of wolves, a grin spreading across his face; his quarry was near. The sound of rustling leaves and paws thumping against the ground filled the air. In the distance, a group of five wolves were headed in his direction, one of them was larger, adorned with a shiny black coat and silver streaks down its sides; clearly an alpha.

Running at a speed fast enough to keep distance, but not lose them entirely, Ren ran back to his staging area. If the wolves continued in their current formation and trajectory, all but the alpha would fall prey to his traps, which is exactly what the hobgoblin wanted. Climbing onto the pillar of dirt at the center of his staging area he gave a mighty cry of challenge to the wolves, "COME!!! MAY YOUR BLOOD BE SPILT FOR THE GLORY OF GATOVEN!!" he cried as he readied a [Defensive Strike].

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 5

"I'll get a bit closer and, and see what can be done... alright? I just want to help you." He kept showing the child of Shirila the palm his open palms before taking a slow step forward, planning on carefully taking another one if Her child allowed him to get closer. That is, if the Her child didn't growl as loud and didn't attack him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

She sighs as she sees her labor bear fruit as the foundation of the shrine or rather the new temple of Shirila for her kind. a sanctuary for her new followers to develop and further worship the mother of life. Though it needed more work to be truly complete she already felt the embrace of the goddess grace her and its children it was enough to give her the confirmation that she was in the right path to revive the faith.

Of course she still needed to do lots more for her people but, the allure of adventure and finding the tree of the eternal mother was important an sometimes annoying but, cute goblin was still able to earn a spot within her still developing heart and for once she actually embrace these as they both lay in the ground. The soft blanket of the mother enveloping her and this boy which for some reason have earned his important spot within her life.

"You did well, Zat." She said as she cuddles with him still with no other reason to be this close but, just to feel him near her causing her to feel a sense of security and ease. her face glows ever red as their faces grow ever closer. She was in her own world for what seems to be a good few minutes before realizing her strange actions making her to instinctively kick him away.

As he rolls away from her presence landing on the placeholder log wall of the developing hideout for them. She turns around her face plastered with emotion strange and foreign to her and for once the will to stay becomes more alluring it knowing that he would be here.

Still confused and embarrassed she runs off to the north following the river near the camp in a rush as she wants to be along to understand what this all means and how this will impact her in the future.

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