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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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Monika looked up at Cassius, still crouched over her apparatus, cleaning and stowing them. She stood up, washing her hands off on a damp cloth. Witch? I guess there's no harm in letting him think that, She thought.

"He- he seems strong," she said, "maybe a month until he's fully healed, if there are no complications. He's lucky he's not... dead yet," she said. She shivered after a moment, seeming to zone out. Her gaze unfocused, and her face blank, hands slowing down with the cleaning of her hands. What if... where...

She shook her head. "I- I'm sorry. Where are we taking him to rest? And who are you?" She said quickly, almost as if she were making up for her silence.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by YeetMeister
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Dmitri, the Holy Shield

@Lucius Cypher@Royaletutor59@Elevation
As the group stood contemplating, an Orc walked over and took action for them. As he handed a bedroll to one of the other men there, he instructed them on what to do. "Lay the man onto the bedroll, and we can carry him into the temple safely. Be quick! He'll bleed to death out here, but at least he might survive if he's taken inside." Dmitri turned to El, smiling brightly. "It appears the man shall live. Thanks to his help." Dmitri observed, nodding to the Orc. "It was fortunate he came." Dmitri's smile faded. "Unfortunately, most others? Not so lucky. It pains me to see City of Bridges in such a state.” He pondered his encounter with Elithiana. “At least something good came of this encounter." He said, looking at her.

The people of this land seemed to be kind. It would be nice to visit this land when he next got a break. It was much warmer than home, and there were many different kinds of scenery. He did like Praele. Life was...unforgiving, but it was home. However, the idea of clear skies, and a sun not obscured by clouds was almost too good to pass up. It was one of the reasons he accepted the assignment given to him. And who knew? Maybe once he was too old for fighting, he could hang up his armor, travel here, and relax for the rest of his life. Maybe even settle down with a nice woman. He smiled yet again, getting caught up in the fantasy.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ladypug
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Cassius made note of Monika's shivering and the spaciness on her face. Shock, maybe? His eyes skim over her to make sure there's not some sort of bloody spot on her as well - it'd be just his luck having to try to escort two downed civilians back to the chapel. He has the fleeting thought to leave them, to go back to Maren by his damned self-

"I- I'm sorry. Where are we taking him to rest? And who are you?"

Cassius doesn't answer immediately. Did he not just answer that question? He can't keep the scowl off his face as he simply picks Skurr up more like a sack of potatoes than a human being - though he does take care with his head. "The chapel is providing those in need with food, blankets, water.. Somewhere calm to settle the nerves after last night." Cassius huffs softly. "If you want to follow me, fine - if not, then don't. I won't force you." Cassius turns and walks in the direction of the chapel. He shouldn't have even left so far from Maren in the first place.

@Strange Rodent; Monika (spoken to)
@Haeo; Skurr (interacted with)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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"Oh, yeah. The chapel. Sorry. I'm Monika, by the way," she says, embarrassed. She hoisted her stuff up, and hurried after Cassius.

She felt the air of impatience around Cassius, and kept quiet for most of the way so as to not bother him. Just step after step, occasionally adjusting the large box, or the bag of books. She could see the steeple over the tops of buildings now, just as her legs were getting heavy. "So... why are you so impatient to get back?" She asked, running a little to catch up.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ladypug
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"Oh, yeah. The chapel. Sorry. I'm Monika, by the way."

"Cassius," the captain replies curtly. When she says no more than that, he's honestly relieved - making small talk isn't a strong suit of his.

He lets out a drawn out sigh - he's exhausted. Despite not having any major injuries, his body aches and his mind feels scrambled. How he hasn't toppled over himself is a mystery. He has no right to be so tired, but he is, and he feels like shit for it. His men did the worst parts of it, yet he's the one that feels like falling on his face? He uses his free hand to wipe the tired from his eyes, but he's sure he just made it worse. Maybe when they get to the chapel, he can at least rest his eyes-?


Cassius turns his head to the young woman, briefly.

"Why are you so impatient to get back?" she asks.

"I could tell you why, but if I did, I would then have to kill you." He says so very seriously despite it being a joke. Somewhat of a joke, anyway.

@Strange Rodent; Monika (spoken to)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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The colour drains from Monika's face as she visibly tenses up. She pulls her arms closer, and says nothing. She simply hurries behind Cassius and hopes he doesn't kill her anyway.

Her mind goes to the vial still in her pocket. She swallows hard. Within a heartbeat her mouth had gone dry.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ladypug
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By the time Cassius realizes that his jibe was in poor taste, they're only a few more steps away from the chapel - but then again, if she was really offended or threatened by it, would she have continued to follow him? Probably not. After going up the steps, he uses his free hand to open the doors and allow Monika inside first. As he walks in with Skurr, he shuts the door behind them. He sets the fisherboy down carefully on one of the makeshift beds of hay and cloth. Cassius sort of looks at Monika and simply nods a goodbye to her as he skims around the chapel for the noble he was supposed to be guarding over.

When he does finally spot her, his first feeling is relief at her being alive and well.. or at least as well as one can be after a night like the last. The second feeling is shame, for having left her side for so long without giving her notice. "Milady," he says as he's walking to her, "are you alright? Are you injured?"

@Strange Rodent Monika (in scene, subtle interaction)
@Haeo Skurr (updated position)
@Polybius Maren (spoken to)
@Zaphander Annabeth (in scene, is with Maren)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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At the chapel door, Monika hesitates. A chapel would hold monks, and monks... could be dangerous. This could mean her life. Nevertheless, she walks through, thanks Cassius, and holds her breath.

He nods goodbye to her, but she's setting down her stuff so she doesn't see. The bag of books placed in a neat stack beside the box. Sitting on the box, she slumped against the wall, rubbing her head. Her breath seems to become shaky again, but you could only really tell if you were paying attention.

She sat like this for a long while, waiting. What for? Even she didn't know. Maybe she was waiting for Cassius to come back. Maybe for Skurr to wake up. Maybe for divine retribution. Maybe.. maybe someone know where Georges could be. His note was still in her pocket.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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The Silk Road dropped anchor in the port of Tamberle. It certainly looked like it had been under attack; there were still the ruins of scuttled ships in the bay. However Yumi was never one to let a tragedy go to waste. "Okay girls, let's get to work. The first team will hit up the taverns and inns and find out more about what happened here. Team two should go help others an see if we can strike any deals. Desperate people can make for dangerous customers, so once we have them on our side doing business will be much easier! Third team I want you to move bodies and pick what you can. Look for combatants, and try not to loot any homes. We'll gather back here at around night and see what we have to work with. Dismissed!" Yumi's girls, exotic looking foreigners in these lands, left to do their jobs. Yumi herself also had a job; she was going to stop by the merchant guild to pay her dues and gather information herself. Something must've happened since last time she was in Tamberle and she didn't want to miss out on any opportunities!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Jeremiah Thrum was on the streets of the local village preaching his religion to those who would listen, "We should all rejoice as Muzud is watching over all of us, We must praise her and bask in her glory" His voice loud and clear for people to hear him.

Most people were just gawking or jeering him, This he ignored as he was just to be harassed while he preached.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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'This place reeks of wounded and death...' Derra thought to herself as she entered the chapel. Her Elders had sent her to this city to learn new ways of healing, and it seemed she had arrived at just the right time.

"You there! Who are you? Why are you here? You're uninjured?" A tall man in healers robes was approaching her hurriedly, as if he had someplace else to be.

"I am Derra Varas, of the mountain clan on the border. I was sent by my Elders to learn from your healers. Surely you got the message they sent?" she raised an eyebrow at him and shook her red hair from her face. "Regardless I am here to help, and I am experienced enough. Point me in the right direction."

The man looked at her face, and to his credit he didn't blanch at the scars. "Follow me." He lead her briskly in the direction of a young man that had just been set down on a bit of hay made up to look like a bed. He was badly injured to his head, but someone had cleaned his wound in the field and packed it with a poultice that looked similar but subtly different from what Derra knew how to do. The Healer looked at the wound carefully, then at the woman who had presumably brought him in.

"Derra is a field trained healer, she will attend to the young man. If there are other's in your party with injuries, please let her know." He looked down again at the injury, and back at Derra, "We have most of the other injured attended to. Your job for now will be to assess any others who come through that door and send them back to me if they are in worse condition than you can handle alone." With that he stood and walked briskly in the direction they had come from.

Looking at the woman, Derra noticed she seemed shaken but unharmed. Her hands had been cleaned, but still showed signs of the poultice and blood. Kneeling carefully next to the bed she looked over the man, looking for signs of infection or stress. He seemed to be doing well for having such a nasty head injury. They would have to wake him soon, in case of concussion. Looking up from him and around the chapel she couldn't help but wonder what had happened and why.

'Cities and their squabbles...' she thought to herself, letting out a sigh.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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What am I doing in a chapel? Where can I get food? Who is this dwarf? Where is Georges? Cassius? Dmitri? Do I... know anyone that died last night?

Mind raced as body sat stock still, rigid as a plank. When the dwarf came in, Monika smiled and folded her arms. She wanted to be nice, but was terrified of so many things at once. It certainly didn't help that she'd never seen a dwarf before, and had no idea how to talk to them.

"I'm sorry, you probably know healing better than I do. It's nothing special, do whatever you can," she said quickly. She shifted on her box and looked down at the floor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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A week had passed, and much had happened.

Shortly after the battle of Tamberle, the original queen of Erlad, Maren Trevoste, vanished. There was no sign of her disappearance nor her death. No one in the city has seen where she went or what happened to her. The only person to have any idea was her personal guard, Cassius, and even then all he found was a note written by her telling him that his services would no longer be needed. With the note was the rest of the promised payment she owed to him and a key.

When word of Maren's disappearance reached the orcs, Malakaus and his clan left Tamberle. But the world was not at peace. Though Mago sat on the throne of Erlad, many lords within his domain rebelled against him, and just as many took up arms to defend him. The kingdom of Erlad was split into civil war. The lords mobilized their armies and agents to defend their lands and to attack their rivals. Worse still, the chaos from this fighting awakened all sorts of monsters that once were asleep. Vicious trolls and ogres left their forest dens and would attack outlying villages, killing livestock and eating villagers. The orc tribes, who were once peacefully living in their mountain homes, now attack human settlements in large warbands to take back what was once theirs. Deserters and brigands join forces to elude the armies of the lords to raid and pillage as they desire, amassing enough wealth and treasure to potentially compete against lords themselves. The sheer speed in which the kingdom was tearing itself apart was alarming, almost as if there had been some cursed placed upon the land.

Those who fought in Tamberle or arrived would have very little reason to stay. While Maren's presence once brought an army at it's gates, the Fire Fens and Tamberle's isolation fortunately kept it away from the chaos further north. The lord of the city however desperately wished to build up his own forces in preparation to commit to the battle ahead; he still supported Maren as the true leader of Erlad, and he knew it won't be long before his enemies will arrive to try and take his city to secure the sea route he controls. There were also rumors of strange sightings within the Fire Fens of an unusual creature, not an animal in any way shape or form. Fearful that these rumors may house a monster, the Merchant's Guild has sent a bounty on this beast for anyone brave enough to hunt it.

Additionally, Hark would've received a coded message via raven requesting him to return to Bernard Dowson, as the civil war would require Hark's expertise. The letter stressed that Maren's death or disappearance was no longer a priority; with the uprising of lords it was more important to quell the rebellion and ensure that the rebelling lords are not able to form an alliance that could rival the throne or worse, ally with nations who are enemies of Erlad.

Monika would also find evidence of something amiss among her home. Or rather, a certain lack of evidence; had her master truly left his home why was it that he took nothing with him? His books were all here, all his worldly possessions, even what little wealth he had was exactly where he had hid them. If he had truly gone on some journey he had taken no supplies nor any means to secure supplies. Not to mention that upon closer examination, the paper in which he wrote his message on was not one common in Tamberle; it was some sort of parchment that was oddly resistant against heat. Certainly high quality material, but not one she's ever heard of. Not here at least. But perhaps with this little bit of evidence, she may have a trail to follow.

Cassius and his mercenaries would have their pay from Maren, but beyond that they were released from service and had no current clients. He could always swear his sword for the lord of the city who was more than eager to accept Cassius's skills and abilities. However there was something else he and his men could follow up on; the strange key that he had received appeared to be made of a dark steel, sturdier than any steel he's had before. Rumor has it that this is an ancient metal known as Adamantine, and that for a key to be made out of a valuable material like this would surely lead to treasures great and powerful. Additionally the key had a small but faded emblem on it. It was hard to make out but Cassius would vaguely recognize it. It looked like that emblem on the banner that the orcs had carried during the night they fought against the Karsusians mercenaries.

Change was coming to these lands. Many will die, but many will rise during the chaos. Be they peasant or king it was anyone's call now. All it would take to change the winds of fate was for one person to step forward and take action.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Elevation
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Hark stood on top of the small platform in the center of the courtyard of the city and looked around at the crowd that had amassed. He noticed curious and suspicious looks he got from the crowd because of his mask. He was flanked by four of his men on either side of him and Ragger and two others sat behind a small table on the ground in front of Hark. The rest of his troop was spread around the perimeter of the courtyard. His goal was to recruit as many people from this isolated town as he could to take back with him to the North to fight against the Orc war bands which were starting to raid the human territories. He waited a few minutes longer before deciding the crowd of about 80 people was the biggest it was ever going to get.

“Alright everyone, I am Hark, Grandmaster of the Frostbourn stronghold in the Northern mountains.” He said in a clear and assertive tone, “As many of you may not know Orc’s have started raids on our northern territories and I am here to recruit anyone who wishes to fight the growing Orc threat. Your salary will be ten silver coins every month along with the spoils of war.”

Hark held his younger for a moment and observed the crowd. They were all murmuring amongst themselves probably deciding weather the risk was worth the reward. After a few moments passed Hark started again, “If you are to enlist we will be leaving tomorrow at sunrise, you will have the rest of the day to enjoy yourself and pack some of your belongings.” Hark stepped down from the platform and his men dispersed into the crowd to answer the questions of the many curious townsfolk.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Annabeth moved her arm carefully as she took off the bandages. Thanks to the healers her arm had made a full recovery, and quickly at that. She was glad her knight career could still continue, but now she had a different problem. With Lady Maren gone, Cassius dismissed Annabeth from service. For her services however, she got to keep his sword as well as received a strange key from him, but she didn't know where or who it belonged to. Once more Annabeth was left on her own. But she didn't let that bring her down, she could still find some glory for herself! She just needed to go out and find it.

After the battle of Tamberle, Annabeth had helped herself to her share of the plunder from battle, gathering usable weapons and armor. Her own fear was superior, but she could use the money to buy herself some supplies. Sturdy gear for long travel as well as a horse. And if possible, any rumor or leads to find some adventure or glory for herself. So Annabeth headed towards the merchant's guild in hopes of selling her gear and finding a quest. There she saw the posting to hunt down a mysterious beast in the swamps; this sounded like a worthy quest! However she wasn't going to do this on her own. She needed to form a party of maybe four or five people at the very least. Taking the bounty Annabeth sold the gear for extra coin and looked for possible adventurers willing to hunt this beast!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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In the city of Yord, a cold pair of hazel eyes watched Hark as he stood atop the platform. From under the spiked helmet, she watched him and listened to his speech. He spoke of titles and she did not listen. Titles did not matter to her. He was just another man, who happened to be in charge of a few others. He wasn't special simply because of some title bestowed on him by the death of a comrade or the say-so of a superior. In her experience often high-titled sods were either the strongest, bravest and cleverest, or else utter fools given power and too greedy to relinquish it.

Hopefully the man was the former, hopefully word had not spread of her here. She'd come a long way from the North, and while she wasn't eager to return there, but she had made a promise, and if the Orcs were posing a threat, then they needed to be stopped before more innocents fell to their crude weapons.

As Hark stepped down, the tall frame of the woman known as Mergoux the Butcher stepped forwards to meet a soldier and make her 'X' on the line where she was told.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

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The sweet sounds of music, laughter and an occasional 'neigh' filled the street as the source of which twirled around in it. Elithiana's fingers practically flying across the strings of her mandolin as she sang an upbeat tune, all while trying to match the cheerful little dance her current audience of two were doing amidst peels of laughter while her loyal steed observed from behind her. The sight of the kids having fun warmed her heart, causing her to strum the notes with even more enthusiasm than the song really called for(which was already a lot). There was truly no greater pleasure for her than being able to bring joy to others with her songs.

Strumming the final note of the song, she and the two kids gave each-other exaggerated bows and she moved her instrument so that it was safely strapped against her back, much to the children's despair. Giving an amused chuckle at their pleas for "Just one more song?" Elithiana shook her head gently, as much as she would love to do nothing else, she did have some arrangements to make as well as decide some things. "Sorry, you two, but Ava and I have to go now. I'll play another song for you tomorrow, alright?"

It was with much reluctance that the kids agreed before giving the black horse goodbye pats and running off with enthusiastic "Don't forget tomorrow!"'s. Giving a small laugh, El watched as they disappeared around a corner. Who knew that her attempts to cheer a few kids up after the attack would have left her with such enthusiastic little shadows?

Now that the kids were gone, though, her mind wandered to what her plan was going to be now. So far it had just been to assist her highness in anyway so that she'd be able to reclaim the throne, but considering that Lady Maren had disappeared before she had even gotten the chance to offer her services that wasn't really an option any more...

She wont be discouraged though! Her reason for wanting to assists the missing ruler had been because she wanted to help people in these increasingly dangerous times and though she might be able to help as much as if she might have been able to do had she joined up with Maren, there are still other things she could do to make the lives of the people a little safer.

Approaching Ava, she fondly rubbed her horse's head before mounting her, a new plan already taking form in her mind.

*Here's the song she was singing if anybody's curious.

Roam, roam, we love to roam
‘cross mountains and through rivers
Seeking treasure, having fun
Filled with the spirit of adventure.
Roam, roam, we love to roam
Walking far and wide
There’s no corner on this earth
we won’t be able to find.
Roam, roam, we love to roam
Gathering tales of boldness
Whether in a tavern or at home
Our stories will be told.
Roam, roam, though we love to roam
Our feet grow weary of the road
When that happens, you will see
Our hearts shall guide us home.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Yumi and her crew made a tidy profit selling left over gear and providing their services to the towns people. While they weren't artisans or craftsmen per say, they provided crucial services to the working men and women in town. However it was about time to move on; war has come and there were going to be armies that needed feeding, services, and weapons. Yumi had traded the loot from last week for various supplies that would be useful for the various lords and towns folk, such as medicine, charcoal, and fish oil. She already knew a few towns where she could sell these things for a large profit, and surely there'll be plenty of opportunities to make more money on the side.

And more money is exactly what Yumi needed right now. While she had the supplies and she had her women to run the caravans, she needed horses. She only had enough horses to pull five carts while she needed seven if she didn't want to force a few horses to haul two wagons, slowing down their overall mobility. And time was money; a day wasted during travel is a day she'll miss her chance to sell her wares. She needed money quick but didn't have anything to sell that wasn't already part of her inventory. So Yumi went to the merchant's guild to see if there was any quick jobs she could handle that'll give her enough money to buy the horses she needed. That's when Yumi noticed another woman at the bounty board.

Yumi had given it a look before but the only bounty worth the job was one investigating some monster sighting. Yumi had no time to waste on chasing rumors of drunkards or superstitious people. But strangely enough this woman took that bounty and left, presumably to find other adventurers. Yumi wondered if this was a worthy gamble; if they split the money evenly between herself and maybe five people, Yumi would have enough money for some extra horses and be able to leave by tomorrow. However if it took longer than that, then Yumi would've wasted her time and be behind on her sales. "Hmm... It's risky... But worth a try." Yumi didn't know the woman however but she seemed strong. So she watched the woman from afar to see how she handles herself. If Yumi liked what she sees, maybe she'll approach, or maybe she'll just get a few of her own girls and go monster hunting herself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Annabeth left the guild with a fat purse and a plan. She had explored the swamps outside of town before, so she was certain she could find the beast easily. If she could get some allies to join her, surely this monster wouldn't stand a chance against them. All she needed was to find worthy warriors and allies. She knew there were plenty of strongmen in town but she couldn't go trusting anyone with the strength to swing a sword; they may flee at the first sign of danger or prove to be cravens who care more for making a quick buck than honor. Not to mention anyone in town who knew Annabeth also didn't really like her; the town guard already thinks less of her even after her part in defending the town, and her own church thinks she's breaking her vows by going into battle. But they just don't understand her. She can't just provide assistance passively through prayer and healing. Askari was an almighty goddess, but she cannot protect those who are not willing to protect themselves. And Annabeth was more than willing to do the protecting for her.

As she was wandering through town she heard a wonderful song. It wasn't a song or voice she was familiar with, perhaps it was a traveling bard? Annabeth quicken her pace to find the source when she spotted a fetching young woman singing to the children. Many children ended up orphaned due to the recent battle, and Annabeth had her hands full recovering from her wounds while doing some repairs around town, she couldn't do anything for the children. This made Annabeth want to ask this stranger to join her; though she didn't look like a warrior her kindness showed the right sort of character that Annabeth was looking for. The type of person who's willing to go out of their way to help and be kind to others for the sake of it, instead of merely chase coin.

As the woman mounted her horse Annabeth quickly trotted towards her. "Hold there m'lady on the steed! Hold I say!" Running beside the woman Annabeth tried to catch her attention. "My name is Annabeth Elliot, a knight errant of the Goddess Askari! I know this may seem sudden, but I am wondering if you're willing to embark on a quest with me to purge the lands near this town of a dire threat."
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