Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuu stiffened.

FBI's most wanted...?



...That seemed like a pretty good title-

No, no, wait, Ryuu thought, actually ticked off by his own thoughts. That's not good at all.

But now that she was a little closer, he realized that she was quite a looker. Sure, she was not as pretty as his sister (who was literally a sadistic bombshell), but she sure as heck was not ugly either. And the tails she had began to remind him of Spice & Wolf, which made him fall into a temporary state of innocent bliss.

It was a shame that this bliss looked so evil to others. Grinning a devilish grin, his eyes glinting with hidden expectations (to others, at least), Ryuu said to the fox-tailed girl,

"I'm not exactly a bad guy... but a fox is fine too, I guess."

Alas! If only she were two-dimensional like Kana-chan, then he might have considered in running away like a school girl by now. But before he was able to say more to prevent himself from looking like the main antagonist of the academy, a man bumped into the girl. He looked like a pretty decent guy, though.

Curious at the newcomer's appearance, Ryuu politely asked the girl with the worst smile a man could ever think of,

"A friend of yours?"

At this point, Ryuu looked like he wanted to kill someone. He had that classic "I'm-a-thug-and-I-like-to-raise-my-eyebrows" look.

I-I actually said 'friend'! After ten whole years! I AM NOW A REKNOWNED BADASS!!! YEH HEAH!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He walked around with no idea where was the cafeteria. He wandered around until he smelled a sweet scent of maple syrup; he followed that scent until he was in front double door. He entered a huge cafeteria, fit for at least a whole university students. He tried his best to keep quiet as his quest for ice cream was still in his mind. He walked towards a counter with a lady behind it.

“Do-do y-you hav-e ice cr-eam?” He stuttered as he asked, 'Come on Zivon...work on your social skills' He said to himself. The woman nodded and pointed towards the direction of his goal. "Thank you!"

With a grin of pure happiness he ran and started to grab a bunch load of ice cream. His eyes shimmered with joy; he grabbed some ice cream sandwiches, two bars of sea salt ice cream and a bowl of vanilla ice cream. With his hands filled with ice cream products he looked around the cafeteria for a place to seat, he saw a guy with lots of girl around him then another guy sat there…defiantly not seating there. A lady with snow-white hair eating something that looks like chicken…maybe he could sit there. Then there was another woman with blue hair at the corner eating some kind of cake, but he just decided to seat near where the ice cream was. Taking his seat he started with the bowl of vanilla ice cream. ‘A perfect breakfast.’
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Harrison was listening to the Vice Principal, but then his hand brushed his wrist watch and all of a sudden Sinatra was talking to him. "This is boring, kid. Let's leave. Let's go back to Vegas!"
With a sigh Harry looked up where Frank was standing above him "I can't Frankie something important might be said, besides if I do go back I want to be Danny Ocean again. That was hilarious!" Sinatra pulled a face that told Harry to never bring up Oceans Eleven again "See? It gets a bit annoying when you keep on asking for the same thing, besides, I haven't done that duet with Elvis yet, so stop just talking about Vegas."

When Harrison finally refocused on the speech some guy was talking about a party and bringing friends. "Hey Frankie do you think they would count you if I bring you? You're a fun guy." With a raised eyebrow Frank said "Kid, I'm in your head" that made Harry a little sad "Frank, just cause you're in my head, doesn't mean you're not real."

With all the talking done, Harry made his exit and decided to go get some food. "Kid, get some friends that not only you can see. If I wasn't basically an echo of a really awesome and cool guy, I would think you were crazy." As Frank said that, their heads follow as a girl floats by on a rock. "Don't worry Kid, you'll fit right in" with a pat on Harry's shoulder Frank Sinatra dissipated into thin air leaving Harry to wander around and make his way to the cafeteria.

Harry took longer than he expected finding the cafeteria and even longer then to pick something that wouldn't send him in a backward spiral of terrible memories. He got an apple, fruit is generally pretty safe. Spying the hovering rock lady in the corner, Harry approached. His mind still buzzing about the floating rock. Using the vast array of memories he had access to he couldn't find a good way to bring up the subject. Tapping the ring on his right hand saw him going back to one of Houdini's performances and followed him as he went through calming techniques. Dragging himself back to the present, Harry sat across from the lady, placing his lone apple in front of him and being careful not to touch anything else.

Gathering his nerve and focus, not wanting to fade out during the conversation, Harry decided the direct route might be best "Hi, miss. Do you mind if I ask you a question? I saw you before floating on by and was wondering what the cause of that was?" folding his hands in front of him above the apple, he waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dani materialized back into reality, and was shaking in his sneakers. He had seen what Allan had thought, and it scared him to death. Well, he was kind of already dead, but that was beside the point.
"I d-didn't mean to, sir! I j-just tripped! It was an accident! Honest!" Dani stuttered, eyes wide in fear. It didn't cross his mind that he could just activate ghost-mode and become pretty much invincible.

((Meh, short post. Sorry))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

Luna looked up from her moon cakes as she tilted her head and squinted at the young man who had approached her. She took a good look at him and then at the rest of the cafeteria., sighing and thinking too many new people..always asking questions about the things they don't know. A curious lot, indeed.

She cleared her throat and nodded, "Yes, well, that was a power of mine, as you see, I'm a lunatic. Not as the word has come to mean, but literally, I'm from the moon. The floating was much like how the moon travels around the earth in an orbit. The rock you saw was a miniature form of the moon." She summoned a miniature version of it, and set it on the table where it floated. "Simply, this is my steed of sorts, called the Sickle Moon...By the way, I should've introduced myself. I'm Luna Laciel. Class Secretary of Events. Like the party happening tonight.." She muttered cursed to Criston again as she mentioned the party.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowfall


Member Offline since relaunch

*People. So much... People. So... small room... so.. much People* Her thoughts changed theirs usual paths into tiny circling patterns of pure fear, nearly Panic. Her heartbeat was accelerated, her breath comming out in Little surges. Both Hands were clentched at her lap, with enough force to let her knuckles appear White. *Why...? Why on earth had they brought me here?* A faint Memory flickered through her consciousnes: A huge black wolf crouching in front of her. It had nice eyes, warm ones, friendly ones.

She blinked and the Image faded, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue and a stinging Sensation within her eyes. Her right rose, whipping away a single tear before anyone could notice. Her breath calmed a bit as a Boy entered the stage. He had a sort of... Charisma, drawing the Attention more to him than the old man had been able to. More Attention at the front meant less elsewhere.. like.. at her. Kneading her Hands nervously and leaning backwards, she tried to disappear into her seat. Attention was the last she needed, or sympathy for the crying Girl.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, nonetheless. She should at least try to be brave: This was her Chance to regain her memories, after all. The Girl couldn't remember a Thing after she had ran away due to her anthrophobia, or so she had been told. Moreover, they said that she had always lacked of memories reaching further into her past than to her 12th birthday. Maybe this place could help her. Her unnoticed trembling shoulders relaxed a tad, just to tense again as a movement started.

She hadn't paied much Attention to the Speakers words and was startled for an instance as everyone started moving. Crouching into her seat further, she hoped everyone would pass her without taking remark. Her plan was to leave this place after everyone else was gone. Only then, she would search her room and Encounter her roommates for the first time. Although, the thought alone let her heart Speed up again. *i just hope. they are nice*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"I try my best to have diversity in my stunts" Crash took the chance to slide into the conversation before concern flickered across his face and dissolved his smile as she released her nose. He felt himself mimic her sigh of relief when he saw she was ok. "Glad to hear it" He voiced his smile returning with new found vigor as she laughed heartily at his somewhat messy attempt of comedy. He tilted his head to the side as she patted his shoulder and opened her mouth as if to say something. His forehead creased as concentration swept across his expression, he watched her expectantly. Blinking in surprise as she seized his wrist and tugged him out of the way of the other students.

"My bad" He apologized loudly as a few dirty looks were thrown in their direction. His attention was pulled back to Kathy as she spoke to him. "That would be-whoa!" He exclaimed as he was pulled into the flow of the crowd. "Oops" "Sorry" and "Excuse me" we're repeated quite a few times by Crash during the short journey to the cafeteria. Though he wasn't sure how he had managed to tread on multiple peoples feet and accidentally push some poor guy head first into his locker as he passed him...and Kathy hadn't seemed to cause any destruction at all. He exhaled in relief when they reached the safety of the cafeteria, another grumble rose from his unruly stomach as the heavenly smell of bacon enveloped him, he was aware of the other smells...but bacon was dominating them all in his head. He had in fact completely forgotten Kathy was still gripping his wrist until she released him with a quick apology. He opened his mouth to speak ending up gaping like a fish as she beat him to it, he forced his mouth closed and turned to look at her suspense apparent in his features. However it was quickly replaced by a grin. "Sounds like a plan to me, I was just wondering how to choose what to have! Now I'm thinking..." He answered, seemingly not phased by her question.

He sprung away from her and into the queue so quickly he practically left nothing but a smoky outline of himself next to Kathy. He hovered behind some people in the queue impatiently, using his height advantage to locate food quickly, being a persistent pain in the ass as he reached over or around people to get stuff meant he was moving up the queue at an impressive speed. By the time Kathy would have caught up to him, he was stood at the other end of the food service with a tray clutched in his hands full to the brim with what looked like everything there was on offer, minus ice cream. He was looking rather pleased with himself, much like a puppy did after performing an amazing trick. "Did I get everything?" He asked Kathy, a cheeky grin on his face. "Where are we sitting?" He quickly added looking around the cafeteria, there were a few people dotted around, some alone, some in pairs and then there was the center table where a pair of twins...or very similar looking guys were sat surrounded by swooning girls. "Your choice" He shrugged at her.


Serena wasn't quite sure how to react as the dark haired student as he grinned devilishly at her. Of course your not...it's not like all the bad guys say that... "Excuse you? A fox is fine for what?" She asked him, a slight quiver in her voice. Her right eye had turned from oceanic blue to a jet black color. Bright tear drop lights appeared at the tips of her tails as she fell further into the clutches of discomfort. She jumped as yet another person spoke to her, she turned sharply so she could see both of them at the same time. "Y-yes" She replied with a stutter, her ears lifted a little before flattening against her hair she wasn't used to people taking this much notice of her. She looked back at the guy she was first talking with as he asked her whether the new comer was her friend. At this point she was actually considering saying yes, at least he didn't look like he wanted to kill her! She tucked a strand of her silver hair behind her ear, looking from one to the other. "It's ok, I'm used to it...don't be sorry" She half smiled at the new comer. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" She asked the other man with the murderous look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryuu blinked, utterly baffled to see her slowly change right in front of him. While he was too dense to notice that her eyes changed colors, he did manage to see her tails generate strange lights. And was it him, or was this huggable, timid thing picking a fight on him with the dangerous look she had?

No, more than that...

"Y-You," Ryuu said, taking a step back with his face full of shock. "Don't tell me you're...!"

There was no other explanation. His gears were solving the puzzle as to what power this girl had, and the results flabbergasted him. She was one of them! There was no doubt about it!

"Are you... a MAHOU SHOUJO?!?!?"


Ryuu turned at the boy who had just come in. Then at the fox girl. Then at his pants, because his phone was vibrating.

Without any hesitation, Ryuu Yamauchi took the phone out before smashing it on the ground, pulverizing it to dust with a foot with sparkling eyes of ecstasy. He was just about to hug the living sh$& out of the girl when he suddenly stopped moving for a second.

He suddenly crossed his arms, turning away with his usual, evil face as he grumbled, answering her last question,

"I dunno. Just felt like it."

The otaku muttered quietly, "Damn, I need to go get a makeover for my face or somethin'..."

Because he obviously knew that he looked scary by default, he never thought that he'd look ugly as well. Maybe that was why he hated male pop stars.

He also had that stupid pride of looking "awesome" in a fearsome way. He wondered why his brain told him to take a huge backtrack in his path to making a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“A friend?” David asked amazed. He then looked at the girl. She looked kind of shy. Should I say yes? Don’t be an idiot. Don’t make this worse than it already is. he thought to himself. But just when he wanted to answer. The guy shouted out something that David thought to be Japanese but he didn’t get a word from it. “I’m not her friend. Well not yet. Maybe we can become friends?“ he said, while looking from the big, fearsome looking guy down at the cute fox girl when he said ‘Maybe we can become friends?’. However the second he finished the guy threw his cellphone on the ground and pulverizing it.

David was shocked. He was more than shocked. He was in a sudden moment of fear. Is this guy mad!? What’s the next step!? Will he draw a gun? God please don’t let him draw a gun. I got a feeling he got a knife. Why do I have a feeling that he has a knife? Why is this always happening to me? Am I really going to die because of this madman? Please don’t let this happen to me. Thoughts where racing through his mind. Things got even worse when the guy simply said “I dunno. Just felt like it.” He actually had to keep him from running as far as possible away from this guy.

But he didn’t. Probably because if something would happen, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to the girl. That thought gave him a little bit of courage. Enough to speak up. “Hey. Euhm-dude? I’m sorry to bother you and so but euhm. That was kind of…” and at that points words failed him. His courage disappeared and there he stood, choking on his own words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oona looked around, there were suddenly alot more people here and she wanted to go make friends, so she dropped the claw back into her box and threw away the remains of her meal "who should i go talk to?" she muttered, not realizing she was talking out loud.
she saw a boy eating ice cream by himself and he looked like a nice enough person so she crossed to him "hello, My name's Oona, i saw you over here by yourself so i wanted to come say hi" she smiled "what's your name?"

(sorry short)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A strange mist descended on the grounds of Athalia.

Well, not really all of Athalia, but more like a very localized part of the garden out front. And it wasn't really a mist, but a gaseous bird of some sort. The only thing unusual was that it was emanating music. It would have been incredibly beautiful to a listener if there was a listener to hear it, but all of the rest of the students were nowhere to be seen. Nowhere, that is, until the skylark turned her head and saw the campus. Assuming the rest of the students were inside, she flew over to it, and quickly spotted students all leaving from a central location - something that appeared to be an auditorium. Wonderful, she thought sarcastically. That must have been the introductory speech that I just missed. Why wouldn't they give me enough time to get here on time to hear the speech? - thinking back to just twelve hours earlier that she had received her invitation to the Academy and flown as fast as possible from the other side of the planet to get there. Although, thinking back on it, she might have had a couple of sonic expeditions that made her journey a bit longer. Oh well.

Touching down near the crowd of students and shifting to her human form, she joined the masses. Appearing angelic but at the same time...not, she walked aimlessly, trying to figure out where all the students were going. It seemed that everybody was going somewhere different and some weren't going anywhere at all. Grasping her enormous trumpet that appeared as soon as she became human, she noticed that much of the population was converging on what appeared to be the cafeteria. Curious, she walked in. Her visit to the cafeteria was brief; she walked in, didn't stop walking and walked out the other side. During her stroll through, though, she saw a few things. Some people sitting on their own, some in pairs, and a particular pair of very similar looking males who seemed to be attracting every female in the building - and seeming very smug about it. As she walked past them, she raised one eyebrow and abruptly turned her head back to the front, flipping her hair in a typical diva-like fashion. Walking back out into the crowd outside, she walked to and fro, trying to find an in to the many conversations that were going on while simultaneously observing all the different species in one place. Unfortunately, the first conversation she walked into didn't seem like the most pleasant one.

As Carmen's path converged on two figures conversing, she sized them up. On one side was a rather ordinary looking male, but as she approached he seemed to have something...less human about him. Zombie? Ghost? She couldn't tell. One the other was an extravagantly rustic-looking male, who clearly was more than an ordinary human and seemed to have a facial profile similar to Carmen's. The two seemed to be having less of a conversation and more of an argument as Carmen walked up. As she walked up, the tension was almost palpable. "Pardon me, is everything alright here?" asked Carmen in a weird combination of an almost mother-like tone of voice and a hard, intimidating facial expression. She hoped her extremely melodious voice would ease tensions a bit. She might have been a bit of a diva, but she definitely cared for others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dani looked around to see a very stern looking young women, with a voice to match. Mistaking her sternness for meanness, he became even more miserable. Now he was between a man who wanted to pummel him, and a women who seemed to be glaring at him. He sunk to the floor with his hands on his head.
"I'm sorry, okay?" he said quietly.

((Sorry for yet another short post, I have taken a month long RPing vacation, so I'm yet to be in the swing of things.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Allan had his fist clenched up tightly on the side as he was just about to pummel Dani's head in. He started to walk closer to Dani with half of his face shadowed except for his terrifying blue eyes and a devilish smirk on his face. "You are going to regret doing what you did..." He said to him as he brought it up his arm to strike, but suddenly a dazzling woman confronted the two which bought Dani some time to slip away from the raging dragon. Carmen managed to cool down Allan's temper with her intimidating angelic voice, the smoke emitting from his body halted and the heat inside his body decreased little by little. Allan's attention was locked onto Carmen now with an annoyed look on his face noticing the large trumpet she was carrying on her "This has nothing to do with you trumpet girl. This is between me and that thing..." He said in a threatening manner not in the mood to deal with someone else getting in the way. Allan would try to reach over towards Dani to reel him back over by the collar of his shirt just in case he attempted to get away. He was unaware that Dani could phase his entire body so nobody could even touch him, but the fear of what Allan will do to him kept him from doing so. He kept his head up for anything they might try against him so he could counter act when he needs to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Drow didnt really care about the opening ceremony she stayed on her seat till the crowd had died down a bit so she could walk in peace to the cafetaria. Once entered a guy drops his phone on the ground and stamps it like he was a rebell of some sort, he was facing a girl with multipel fox tails and after a close look also had the ears of a fox. she walked straight between the 2. Drow didn't even notice that when she walked past the fox girl her hairs began to stand right up, just one of the minor downsides of having an static field around her most of the times. She grabbed a plate and got some random food on her plate as she searched for a seat. There were plenty but she would like one that hadn't that much people around her. She saw a large place on one of the tabels and decided to sit there almost right next to the boy that had a plate full of ice cream. She ate her food while still spying the boy for a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

the boy hasn't answered when a girl sat down a little ways down the table, Oona was happy to see someone since the boy hadn't been talkative so she smiled and waved at the girl "hello" she moved down the table, not far still near the boy in case he decided to talk to her, and said "i'm Oona, what's your name?" she put out a hand towards the girl with a wide smile.

(short sorry, couldn't think of much to say)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Despite the colour change in her eyes, and the fanciful flickering lights on her tail, Serena looked more like she was about to bolt not fight. Her ears pricked forward as the man wearing the sunglasses stuttered and took a step back his face the very picture of shock; she physically flinched as his voice exploded around the auditorium. Unfamiliar Japanese words piercing her sensitive ears they flattened against her skull as she winced. She glanced at the other guy as he spoke to her ‘Maybe we can become friends?’ “I can’t see why not-“ Serena tried to answer him, she was cut off by sunglasses throwing his phone on the floor and smashing it. Holy crabsticks...I suddenly understand my parents... Was the only though that pierced Serena’s confused stream of thought. She exhaled quietly when sunglasses (as she had now named him) turned away and folded his arms grumbling an answer to her question before grumbling something else about a makeover for his face. Great now I feel like I’ve hurt his feelings... She looked over at the brown haired guy to her left as he spoke to sunglasses.

The tiny lights at the ends of her tails faded away slowly as she listened to what he was saying, resisting the urge to finish the sentence for him. “Look, I’m not entirely sure whether this is you trying to be friendly or scare my tails off...but can we maybe start again...a little more normally? Name exchange, talking and walking kind of normal? Less murderous looks and stomping on phones...it makes me nervous” Serena finally managed to say, inspired by the brown haired guy to her left’s courage, her tails loosened a little from her legs, swaying independently around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Confused by the victimized individual's apologetic reaction when she hadn't accused him of anything, Carmen hesitated to think of a response. No matter, because the apparent aggressor responded. "This has nothing to do with you trumpet girl. This is between me and that thing..." Carmen was quick to respond, flashing her eyes towards him. "On the contrary, it has everything to do with me. And that 'thing' is a person. I'm curious as to both why he isn't standing up for himself, what with everyone here having abilities, and why you are taking an offensive against him. Hardly a good way to start the school year, hmm?" She had noticed that he had cooled down when she started talking, so hopefully this would continue the process. Speaking in a calmer tone and with a calmer facial expression, she continued. "Here, let's go like this. What are you? You seem to have an association with heat and fire...dragon blood, perhaps?" Carmen knew very little supernatural species but she at least knew that. "It would explain the hot temper." She very faintly smiled at her successful pun. She turned to the cowering one. "And you. You look human, but somehow...aren't. Your emanating harmonic frequencies are different than a live human's. So...what do you two have against each other?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She lowered the scarff a bit just below her mounth so that she could eat. There were all sort of food on her plate she didn't really care what she picked all the food was pretty great here. a cutlet sandwich was gone in a minute and some juice quick after that. when she was about to start to the next thing onn her plate somebody talked to her, "hello, i'm Oona, what's your name?" She gazed at her for a bit and simply replied with ''Drow'' she thinks for a moment and reached over the tabel to give the girl a hand and hoped she didn't hurt her. She looked like someone that she could be friends with. She began to eat again and looks at the boy ones in a while but he didn't really say anything. She looked at the girl again that joined her for lunch and straight out asked ''Would you like to be my friend''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Ha ha ha, I think that’s probably everything our stomachs can take in one sitting.” Not realizing that Crash was actually older than her, she reached up and gave his messy red hair a quick ruffle as indication for a job well-done. Grabbing a food tray herself, Kathy took some of the plates to lighten his load. “Let’s see… Where should we sit?”

The cafeteria was a lot more crowded than it usually was, probably due to timing of the morning assembly. They would undoubtedly have to share a table with a few other people. “Over there seems good.” Surprisingly, Kathy gestured to what was probably the most crowded table. The one surrounded by girls that seemed to have little interest in actually eating their food, and more than enough interest in the two boys with white hair and yellow eyes. She muttered to herself, “I need to figure out which one of them is Criston before I greet the wrong person later on…”

Keeping an eye on Crash and hoping that he didn’t surrender their meal to the floor or any other unfortunate passer-by, she made her way to the table and sat a seat away from the merry crowd. ’Looks like both of them enjoy keeping a group of fans around them. Would I be able to tell them apart if they dressed the same?’ Trying not to be rude by staring too long, she spread the food out as evenly as she could on the table for equal access between her and Crash.

Keeping just an ear open to see (or rather, hear) who was who among the near-twins, she turned her attention back to her red-haired companion and began with a light topic of conversation. “So since you didn't know where the cafeteria was, I’m guessing it’s your first day at the academy? Or maybe you forgot over the summer?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He kept quiet as the girl with snow-white hair end up introduced herself to him. He wanted to answer but his words came out with pure silence. For a while the girl or Oona as he remembered as she said that was her name sat down a bit ways down form him and started to talk to someone else. He wanted to kick himself, he was so close to maybe having a friend but somehow he couldn't bring himself to do it.

‘I am such an idiot…come on words, don’t back out…you can do this, yes you can.’ He took a big breath '...I can do this, I can do this...' and opened his mouth.

“M-my na-” First try…not so good, again.

“My na-me isk..” Second try. ‘Come on you can do this, one more time, third time is the charm.’

‘My name is Zivon, ni-ce to meet you” He smiled as he sort of succeed but he didn’t notice the spoon he was holding was turning into rust until he looked at it. ‘Great…’
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