Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Faera Nottingham

Interactions: @lady athena@rabidanubis

Faera merely waved as Okami ran off, looking a bit concerned at his worried expression. Was something wrong? He passed, didn't he? The girl was shaken from her thoughts at the mention of her being able to fly up in the air with Vili.
"Really? You would take me up flying? Oh, that sounds so cool!"
At this point, the kitsune's ear twitched as he now heard the conversation, shooting a glare at Faera. "Don't. Even. Think about it."
Faera pouted in response. "Awww, why not?"
"You're so mean!" The girl whined childishly at her fox, who simply yet firmly turned his eyes away to enforce his words. He wasn't having a damn heart attack while she's up in the air with that ignorant demoness, she'd drop her yet!

As Inari was brooding, his summoner was dragged off by the girl towards the portal. With much less enthusiasm, he followed behind at a slower calmer pace, but made sure to stay near Faera. Who knows what these two idiots would do together.
Faera laughed excitedly at the prospect of a new best friend, holding her hand back gently until a flap of color caught her eye. A hooded person... Inari also looked up, not in search of friends like Faera, but in search of enemies. He quickly got on Faera's side, watching the hooded person closely with a suspicious glare. Faera, on the other hand, smiled cheerfully. "Hiya! You're Alba? It's nice to meet you, I'm Faera! Oh, you don't talk huh? Well, a nod is fine. Let's get along, okay?" The girl didn't seem to notice the figure's eyes burning into her as she practically skipped beside Vili, but Inari noticed heavily. Why was this person staring at his summoner? He had to choke down a growl, continuing to keep an eye on "Alba" himself. One wrong move and you'll be history... He thought aggressively.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 hr ago

R o m a


Kiara was not alone in her entry to the Tower as her spirits accompanied her at their own pace and the first of the two was a Kimono clad young woman who joined her in eying up a rather pompous noble. Roma had a decidedly straight face, resulting in her every remark to be said in austere deadpan that would disturb most people, summoner included, though Francis would be of the few actually deserving in such a response.

"You should not waste your time dealing with this rabble. Any who wish to throw themselves into meat shield duty should be encouraged to do so, all the better to thin the philistines from the herd. Roma remarked, folding her hands before her in a relaxed manner while watching those young and foolish lining up to throw away life, limb, and any riches they would otherwise earn to earn the tiniest bit of recognition from a noble. There was a novelty to be found in watching this, but Roma did not want to go the added step Kiara had and actually interact with the noble. "And now you are attempting to tease the chimp in fancy dress? I had thought you were better then to pick at the lowest hanging fruit."

Though Roma made no effort to mask her own voice, curious to see if Francis was the type to react in an explosion of anger or sick his lackeys upon the dissenters. Either way Roma was already contemplating the quickest route to the maid, as one never knew when they would need one and it never hurt to keep one in the closet for when you needed the apartment cleaned real quick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Near the Portal

Not very far from Kiara and Roma, Artemis came out of portal with a quickened pace in hers --or was it his?-- step, heels clicking against the stone floor in a very deliberate way, the spirit approached her master and fellow companion from behind, swinging her coat to drape it around her shoulders in a cape-like fashion before coming to a halt.

"My, my, Shouldn't we be treating the gentleman with some more kindness? After all, he's offering himself to escort us, as far as I can see free of charge. That's a golden opportunity we have here." Artemis crossed her arms under her bust, taking the chance to eye the target of the group's conversation, from head to toes, with a sharp gaze that couldn't be more opposite to Roma's "eel face".

"That can even work for your cause, right, mister? After all, having three beauties to advertise your cause will make it much easier to gather more followers, don't you think~?" Artemis empathized her point by bringing her arms around both Kiara and Roma, dragging them into an embrace under her coat. Certainly the two of them would be able to notice the dexterous hands using the cover of the coat to explore Kiara and Roma's rear in public, but unless others had the eyes of a hawk no one else would. "So, what do you say, mister? You take us and we look good for you. Quite a deal, huh?"

@cloudystar, @Rune_Alchemist, @Lady Athena, @Cherrywitch, @RabidAnubis, @Duoya, @Legion02, @TheWindel, @Lonewolf685, @MacDuffy, @Ammokkx.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 3 days ago

In the city's plaza, you could find a certain man dabbling in all kinds of trickery and deceit, but only for entertainment. Rolle was making items disappear, reading people's minds and guessing correctly what kind of breakfast they had. With the way this man was putting on a show, you'd easily mistake him for a traveling artisan trying to make his living. A small girl wormed her way through the crowds, covered head-to-toe in shiny golden fur, in an attempt to hunt down Rolle. She found him chatting up a young couple, distracting them just enough to place a small spoon in the young male's breast pocket. The trick was harder to pull off due to the couple being human and thus quite a bit taller, but it still went off without a hitch.

"...and now, pleaze look in your pocket- Hm?" Rolle was on the last stage of his act when he got distracted by someone tugging at his sleeve, and when he looked up Lionae turned out to be the culprit. Her hazel eyes were frowning and the halfling-elf could hear a low growl coming from her throat.

"Ah, iz it that time already? Zuch a zhame. Well, zir and madam, I bid you farewell. But before I go," Rolle reached out and placed his two index fingers in the pocket of the boy he tricked, pulling out the silver spoon. The couple looked confused at Rolle, a sign that he succeeded in fooling the duo. He bowed in farewell to the couple, who gave him some change for the performance. The man was a little richer, but now he had to run as to not miss his appointment.


Well, he didn't miss it. Rolle thanked the person who handed him his licence, then looked at the information displayed on it. Much to his shock, Rolle was sent out into the front lines! This experience alone shaved off another five years of his life, the shock noticable as he stood with his mouth agape. Lionae tugged at his clothes again, causing Rolle's head to perk up and look at his companion. The man's mouth was still open, so his spirit got frustrated. She placed her paws on his turban and under his chin to be able to easily slam it shut.

"Ai caramba!" The halfling-elf cried out in pain, reeling from Lionae's bold move. The man had to rub his chin as he got to moving again, looking at the tower which stretches out to the skies above. He owed the church a favor, but to repay it in such a manner... you'd think they were trying to kill the man! ... Though, it's not like Rolle wasn't planning on climbing it anyway. This way, he just has a bit of backup. Distracted by thoughts, he did not realize he had already stepped through the portal. The man walked headlong into a tree, bumping his head against it and falling backwards in spectacular fashion. With two head traumas in five minutes, the man is dangerously close to breaking his record.

Rolle composed himself and stood up from the ground, wiping his clothes to get the dirt off. He looked back at the portal, watching a small group making their way through. They sure seemed to be enjoying themselves. Another look revealed three -charming- young ladies talking to a fair man, raising up an eyebrow in piqued curiosity. What piqued Rolle's curiosity even more, though, was why a bunch of leaves just fell down on him.

"Ah, goodnezz graciouz! Excerzize iz great, young man, but did nobody tell you that tree climbing iz dangerouz?" Rolle called out to Okami after he took notice of the teenage boy. He wanted to say more, but then took notice of a certain youth of his own making her way over to Okami.

"Ah, you can't be zeriouz! You too, little cub?" Rolle called after Lionae as she dashed up into the tree with frightening agility, swinging and jumping from branch to branch until she was higher than both Lupa and Okami. The girl's little paws helped her stabilize by digging into the thin branch with her claws. She looked quizzically at both Lupa and his summoner, but more at Lupa. She reached out one of her paws and swiped the air in front of her, trying to get the attention of both of them.

"Merw," Lionae meowed like the oversized cat she is. Rolle watched the scene and slumped his shoulders, not knowing what to do with that wild child. The man walked away from the scene, knowing she'll find him once the little cub got bored of her new playmates. As Rolle walked, he noticed that a peculiar man also took to the center of the floor, eyeing everyone like they were all criminals. There was also a young, charming lady. Rolle's own age left him far out of that lady's league, so he decided not to bother her. Besides, the man who criminalized everyone in the room seemed like the much more interesting option.

"Good day to you, zir!" Rolle called out to Baldur, walking over with a friendly smile on his face. That smile was the trademark of a true entertainer, and one he had spent quite a bit of time mastering. When Rolle stopped a little ways away from Baldur, it was quite staggering to see the size difference up close.

"I zpied a little with my eye, and you zeem quite out of plaze in thiz crowd! Of courze, I may come acrozz az that az well. Zo, let me introduze myzelf: I am Rolle and am, az they call me, a zummoner. May I azk for your name az well?" Rolle finished it with a little bow, but never broke eye-contact. This man looks like they can smell someone's fear from a mile away, so the halfling-elf is making sure that there is nothing to smell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Tania and Lena~


Well, Lena was mad. That was obvious. Not something Tania had to particularly worry about - the elf never stayed mad at anyone for long. In fact, it was kinda cute because of how adorably nonthreatening she looked whenever she was mad. Still, despite her natural tendency to be on the less moral side of the spectrum...having her adorable pet Elf angry with her was not a fun experience.

"Come on, I said I was sorry." Tania said for the umpteenth time. Lena didn't respond, only kept walking with a slight pout. She was lucky to have just gotten out of the Elfs surprisingly strong grip, and she wasn't about to push her luck further. "H-hey, come on, at least say something."

"...the jar."


"When we get home, you're going in the jar." The sound of the pixie's heart breaking could probably be heard from a mile away. "I-its...not something I like doing to you, but if you can't keep your mouth shut-"

"H-hey! L-lena! Friend! My adorable elf! W-we can talk about this! Putting fairies in jars is spirit cruelty!" Tania interrupted, zipping in front of the elf before she could walk any further.

"...we'll talk about it later." Lena shoved the pixie out of the way, noticing Okami...up a tree some distance away? That brought a pleasant smile to her face. She waved at her new friend, giving him a grin. "H-hey! Okami!" She yelled over at him as she started to walk over, noticing that he and Lupa weren't alone, but being accompanied by another spirit. "Odd question, but you wouldn't happen to have seen a flying sword anywhere, would you? I uhm, heh, kinda got a little erm, overenthusiastic during the exam."

Tania simply sat on Lena's shoulder, sulking and trying to think of the best way she can get out of this predicament she found herself in. The jar was not a fun place for adorable little pixies to be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 7 days ago

@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch NOTE: Arriving at Portal for Licences

Vilivyn frowned as the fox-man said no to flying, but the bat-winged girl was sure he'd open up to the idea after they got to know eachother better! And besides, it was always fun to play around behind the backs of downers! The demoness tossed Faera a knowing smile and a small wink. Hands linked with Faera's and an arm around Alba's shoulder, the black haired girl nodded. "Yeah, they seem a little shy, but they are my friend too!"

Faera and Vilivyn were equally oblivious to the exchange going on between the fox-kin and the robed figure, because neither of them seemed to react to the various glares being shot back and forth between the two parties. Instead, the three linked girls headed towards the portal together with a grumpy Inari following behind.

Eventually the three of them arrived, looking at the situation between everyone. Vili noticed a nobleman talking and three girls seeming to debate offering themselves as his attendants, the elf lecturing her small companion and Okami swinging from tree to tree.

Instead, Vili guided the three of them up to the judges, taking her license in without complaint. Sure, her rank could have been better, but it was certainly a start! Looking at the three figures around herself, she shot them a wide and inviting smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was hard to miss the boasting man as Alex exited the portal. His words were ill chosen though, for Alex. Being self-assured was one thing. But arrogant won’t win you much. Or at least, so Alex assumed. Still, there was something peculiar about the man. Maybe it was the fact that he dared boast like that? Or was it the fact that he came out on top? Success did odd things to people. Still, Alex felt strangely drawn towards the stage. He ranked in the top half of those who got a license. But to him, the rank of 15 was too low.

Learning from the great themselves could be a good way to pull himself up in the ranks. He wasn’t planning on sitting down and doing nothing. Nimueh seemed to agree, to a level. As she nudged him to move even closer to the podium. He did cast a quick glance back. At the elf and Samuel. The priest was kind enough to offer him a spot among his companions. But when he saw who they were… well there weren’t best. And Alex needed the best. “Sure. I’ll join you.”

“But I won’t be a meat shield.” The girl did make a point there. He had skills. So he was worth something. Yet walking the tower alone wasn’t an option either. Greatness was achieved in the group. Was this guy capable of achieving the greatness Alex wanted to support? Maybe. Another quick glance back at the priest’s friends told him that they wouldn’t. They were nice people, no doubt. If he met them in the Tower, he wouldn’t bear them ill will. "I'll be one of your companions. If you'll have me. But don't expect me to be a puppet." There was a fire in his eyes. He was as much joining the man as he was standing up to him. Maybe that's what he needs? Someone who'd dare raise a hand against him while at the same time being capable to keep it down. So many great leaders had strong minded advisors. Who weren't afraid to back away from a fight.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@TheWindel @Lonewolf685 @KoL @Rune_Alchemist @Ammokkx

"...the jar."


"When we get home, you're going in the jar."

Baldur watched the elf bicker with her miniscule companion in subtle amusement. It was rare that he ever saw levity among a gathering of soldiers. Although...."soldier" seemed a stretch, for the woman: She certainly wore the garb of cavalier, but nothing else about her befitted a warrior, to him. She was too thin, her skin was smooth and pale, free of any marks or scars, and she seemed young- Obscenely young, barely more than a child. Looking around, however, it occurred him that she was no outlier among the crowd....in fact, if anyone was the odd one out, it was him. Nearly everyone he could see appeared incredibly young and unblemished...much more so than he, at least. What was this trek up the Tower, a fairground attraction? He briefly balked at the thought that his entire journey was simply playing babysitter to a spirit's spot of childish amusement.

"Good day to you, zir!"

His derailed train of thought was redirected once again, however, when a ridiculous accent cut through the noise of the crowd right at him. He glanced toward the source of the voice, seeing the halfling-elf make his approach toward him. His garb certainly didn't look like the local dress, and with his tanned skin....one of the desert nations, perhaps? Baldur was uncertain. The man did, at least, look mildly older than the rest, with eyes marked with experience. Though of what, he still did not know.

"I zpied a little with my eye, and you zeem quite out of plaze in thiz crowd! Of courze, I may come acrozz az that az well. Zo, let me introduze myzelf: I am Rolle and am, az they call me, a zummoner. May I azk for your name az well?"

Baldur raised his head slightly, revealing his sharp, piercing blue eyes from underneath his wide hat. "Ah....A fellow stranger in a strange land, then." He spoke in a voice that was as deep and guttural as it was soft and refined. He gave Rolle a small smile, which seemed both guarded, yet filled with confidence. "You may call me Baldur."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Upon hearing the Pixie, Tania's reply to his companion's squawk, Samuel realized that this girl seemed to be much less friendly than he had initially expected. Gabriel seemed to shake slightly, until Lena pulled her spirit away. She quickly turned to Samuel and offered a very deeo bow, nearly falling over while doing so.

"I-I have no idea what she said, b-but I am seriously sorry! I should have been watching her better."

Samuel chuckled slightly, before waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

"No need to apologize, I was never so polite at your age! Besides, a 'sorry' never sounds good. 'Thank you' is much better! Besides, I doubt Gabriel is offended."

Soon, however, she began to return to the middle of the floor. Samuel followed. After all, the best way to meet up with people is to go to the last place you met, right? Samuel could introduce the rest of the party when they were all together. In the distance the boy that Samuel had met first, Okami, was... climbing a tree? That... seems rather strange. I hope he is okay... Samuel runs to catch up with the Lena and Okami. Samuel quickly left the group, and returned holding a small card. Summoner License: Samuel Evans. The rest of the information was written far to small for Samuel's old eyes to read easily. Just as he puts the license safely in his robe pocket a loud, boisterous voice rings out throughout the floor.

"Haha! Of course one of the sons of the Duquious Family got first place in such an easy event! You all should follow me, if you want to reach the top of the Tower! Join the strongest, and you'll become one of legends....second to me of course. I highly suggest all you new adventurers join me...though those who don't will be considered against me. You have been warned!"

A very regal and proud boy appears to be standing on the podium, shouting out to all the other participants. He's... eccentric, but maybe he is a nice person once you get to know him! Samuel refrains from saying anything to the boy, however. After all, he already invited one person to the group without permission, no need to dig himself into a bigger hole. As he waits for the others, a girl who just entered yells out something.

“What if no one joins you? Wouldn’t that mean that everyone here would be against you? Or maybe that means no one took you seriously?”

Alright... another smarta**- Alec. Another smart alec... Samuel sighs. Too bad more people can't be like Lena... AS this tought rings throughout his head, another voice picks itself out of the crowd.

“Sure. I’ll join you.”

Samuel looks to his side to find Alex, openly agreeing to joining the boy's group. Samuel screams internally. Please don't make enemies, please don't make enemies, please don't make enemies-!

“But I won’t be a meat shield. I'll be one of your companions. If you'll have me. But don't expect me to be a puppet."

The look on the blond boy's face was all Samuel needed to know that this was a bad move. With speed uncharacteristic of his age, Samuel jumped on stage as well.

Haha, it's alright! If no one else wants to, I'll be the meat shield! Just be sure not to fight among one another - Save that for the monsters!

Samuel nervously laughs as he hisses into Alex's ear.

Please try to play nice, I don't want people to be after our throats. If you won't do it for me, do it for the group.

Slowly, Samuel eased himself off of the stage, and away from the drama. Nice job making a fool of yourself Samuel...
A sense of unease passes over Samuel as he nearly bumps into a man (thankfully not another kid)... He... I shouldn't hang around him. He reminds me of them... Samuel continues, making sure to keep tight to the group. He pulls away from the group as two other humanoids enter, standing next to the girl who called out the blond boy. Now that I think about it... He said he was a part of the Duquious clan... Sounds important, at least! Upon looking back to the group, a small man(?) wearing a turban seemed to be shouting something up to Okami, who was still climbing his tree. Just as quickly as the man(?) appeared, he moved on to talk to the man who gave Samuel that sense of dread...

Samuel begins to make his way back to the group, finally putting on his robes. This group is getting more crowded by the minute...

"Ahahaa, you're hilarious! No really! I have half a mind to show you a joke called 'See how many feathers you can force feed a bird through a funnel before he cries like the little feather-brained baby he is'. I mean really, Who would want to be friends with a useless, flightless dodo anyways? I bet you can't even go anywhere by yourself! You have to have this old bat do it for you."



... Joke?

That isn't funny. That isn't funny at all. That hurts me.

I am not useless. I am NOT useless. DO NOT CALL ME USELESS!

I was useless. That's why they did it, why they betrayed me. Not anymore. Now? I am far above them.

No one can call me useless now. I am strong. I have a summoner! So what if I must rely on master? He is the reason I am no longer useless. I will show you. I WILL. YOU WILL KNOW WHAT HELL IS LIKE IF YOU CALL ME USELESS!

... Calm down, Gabriel. You are the bigger man... Metaphorically. It's hard to be bigger physically when being compared to a FAT UGLY SOW LIKE HER-... Calm down.

They were wrong when they called me useless. When they abandoned me to die. 'Break his wings, he can't use them anyways!'...

I'll show them.

That's right... I am the mighty Gabriel... I am not useless... Not anymore...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Francis Duquois

Francis laughs at the girl's statement and waves his arms around. He yells out to the crowd,

"Those who are willing to follow a son of the Duquois Family and is head of the trial we just undertook, prove it to me now. Step on your Spirits for they are just tools for our success."

He himself already moves over to the ledge of the podium and his butler and maid positioned themselves to be underneath him as he used their shoulders as a platform of sorts. This noble was very caught up in his situation to notice most of the others except that around a good 10 Summoners did follow his orders. The noble glances at the newcomer, Alex and Samuel, to do the same. He did have a sense of doubt of Samuel but the other could be of some use...after all, he seems quite confident.

"Unfortunately for you girl, I have a lineage of success behind me and I'm going to make use of it. I will not fail and I will use these tools given to use by whatever deity made this Tower...you underestimating me will be not needed in my forces."

The noble was eagerly looking at an approaching group of girls passing by, wanting to catch the eye of one of them. Therefore, he quickly sends out the maid to go out and she quickly vanishes in the crowd as he yells out to them,

"I highly suggest you follow me! Where I lead, success is sure to follow! All you need to do is step on your...Spirits...to make them be in their place. More orders will soon follow but know that it is for everyone's benefit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Faera Nottingham

Interactions: @cloudystar@lady athena@rabidanubis

As the trio were passing, Faera stopped dead in her tracks to face the blonde upon his podium. People like that were horrible. Just because he's strong he thinks he's better? Anyone can be strong with a lot of hard work! She had been ignoring the boy's loud voice until something caught her ear.

"Tools?" The usually cheerful girl spoke indignantly. "How... How dare you? Just because they are spirits doesn't mean they aren't alive, that they don't have feelings! A spirit should be your best friend, not some tool!" Faera was a very peaceful person, until her perfect peaceful world was threatened.

Inari seemed almost shocked, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Faera... its fine, just for-"
"Its not fine!" Faera angrily shook his hand off, the fox taking a step back in surprise. "He can't just talk about people like that! It's not fair!" She shook her head childishly, clenching her fists at her sides. Inari's face softened for once, watching his summoner quietly. He'd never seen her like this before... Maybe, he didn't know Faera as well as he thought he did...?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Near the Portal

Well then, she seemed to have attracted quite the crowd from her simple line of questioning. Then again, she was standing near the portal so nothing too special. She could see other Summoners were rapidly heading in their direction, no doubt ready to begin their budding adventures. Just like everyone else in the room. Still, it was nice to be around so many like-minded people.

As she waited to see what Francis would have in response to her, a very familiar tingling shot up her spine and she clenched her teeth to keep from shuddering. An almost repulsive aura wafted near her and she didn’t need to turn around to see that the source was her Spirit. With a glare, she said, “I wasn’t trying to pick a fight Roma. I was just asking, that’s all.”

Whether Roma wanted to read more into that was on her own time and call but honestly Kiara meant nothing of it. Then came the airy words of her second Spirit and Kiara nearly whacked Artemis across the head by even suggesting that. She was here to observe, not to cause a ruckus like her Spirits were oh so heavily implying.

“Knock it off you two. Like I said, I just wanted to ask-eeep!” she said, voice cutting off as the tell-tale sensation of Artemis’ palm lay still against her body. No doubt she had caused a scene already from her shriek alone. “Artemis, get your hand off now,” Kiara said with a low and threatening voice.

She was so annoyed by her two Spirits that she didn’t even realize someone had strolled on up and actually took Francis out on his offer. Pushing herself out and away from the two of them, Kiara brushed off her jacket and gave them both a warning glare. By now she had a sinking suspicion that everyone in the room thought she was a jerk. Wonderful.

That was made evident by Francis’ eventual reply to her which made Kiara sigh. “Look, I’m not underestimating you,” she said, eyes following the blonde boy’s towards the group of girls. “Though something tells me you’re more looking for a harem than an actual Guild. Just a hunch. Also, I don’t think it’s smart to call Spirits tools in front of a bunch of Summoners. Just saying.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
Avatar of cloudystar

cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Francis Duquois

Town Center ---> Floor 1 Center

"Well it appears this lady who seems to know everything can read me as clear as a book! Oh wait, she can't...I have no intention of gaining a harem of women. That would be disgraceful to the Duquois name and I'm ashamed that you would even suggest such an act. Gaining popularity among women is natural too for most men, well at least normal men. Maybe I detect a hint of jealousy from one who is underneath another's standards?"

Francis smirks at the girl who constantly questioned his authority. He merely thought of her as another pest who was trying to bother him. Besides, if she tried anything, his back-up plan was already set up plus there were the 10 followers he commanded and surely at least 3 of them should be more than enough to take care of her.

"Anyone else wish to continue making bold statements against my words?"

Okami and Lupa

Large Tree ---> Floor 1 Portal

"Oh hello there! You must really enjoy climbing and running like me hehe...maybe we can go racing one time after we're done here. I'm just wrapping up."

Okami hops back down from the tree and waves again at the cat-like girl for enjoying the time up there. However, he did hear Lena and nods his head. Taking out the sword he found earlier, he notices Lupa standing still to be alert.

"Here it is Lena. Nearly took off the head of a girl I met earlier hehe, she was pretty cool too. Her name is Faera and she seemed interested in joining our group. I can't wait for all of us to meet each other, I'm actually going to ask if you guys want to show up at my family's tavern for a celebration of sorts. That's why I kinda want to get out sooner than l...Lupa, is everything alright?"

Lupa doesn't seem to respond as she hurries off to the center of the place where the others were located. Okami sighs and waves at the Spirit and Lena as he hurries off as well, leaving Lena in the dust again. "Err...I'll be right back, if you want to come along, better hurry up!" The usual sprinter leaves another trail of dust for Lena to sprint after.

The sight Okami expected to see what...unexpected. The Summoners stepping on their own Spirits as if they're nothing...something seemed to trigger inside of him. Immediately the new adventurer struck if not pushed back those who were stepping on top of the Spirits, not hesitating for a moment. He soon assumes that the one who was simply standing on the butler was in charge of this fiasco and manages to jump up high enough to attempt an axe kick of sorts on noble. However, his foot went through as if it was a ghost and the illusion dissipates.

Okami soon had Lupa next to him as he looked around to find the noble, both Material Form managing to form around his knuckle and boot and Lupa's Beast Form still out. "Where are you!? Who makes others step on their partners!? I may have wiped most of my energy, but I'm a runner, I'm made for constant fighting. Come out and s~." He was about to lose his head for a moment as a strange black knife came flying at him and if it wasn't for his evasiveness, he wouldn't have dodged it in time. "Whoa!" Okami was able to roll away and looks up to see the noble was back at the podium with his two servants at his side.

What...kind of ability was that? And why the hell was this allowed?! Does no one care for their partners?!

"Scum...you're flat out scum! Even worse than the bugs at Ad Vitam, and I clean that place every day. Spirits are our partners, our family, and you lot just step on them! As if, step on me too then why don't you try?! And Samuel, why are you up there? You actually want to support this guy!? Thought you were a part of our group...if you really do support him Samuel, I'm sorry but that's a jerk move, and I hate...absolutely hate people that just go against us for a bad cause."

"An ant trying to go against a boot...for some reason you seem familiar, but you will not be too much of a problem. If any of you still wish to go against me, such as that idiot and his dog, you will be an enemy...then again, those who are still not with me, are against me as well. Unless you are able to announce to my family that you are on common ground with them, then you will always be against me by not joining me. And you, the one that boy calls Samuel...are you really a part of his group? Tell me how pathetic that kid is, I really wish to know. All I see is someone who can kick and run like the dog he has under his command."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Tania and Lena~

Large Tree ---> Floor 1 Portal


"Ah! Thank you." Lena said in reply to Okami handing her sword back. "It's kind of important. I was afraid I lost it for good, hehe. Glad I didn't accidentally hurt anyone." She sheathed it, sighing quietly in relief.

"It's a bit more important...since you know, Catalyst." Tania yawned with a stretch. Lena didn't respond to the fairy, instead the elf shook her head and ignored her for now. She didn't particularly want to give Tania the cold shoulder, but when she ignored her the fairy tended to behave herself a bit better.

"That sounds lovely, actually!" Lena replied, perhaps sounding a bit overly enthusiastic. She wasn't one for taverns or drinking really, but well...she had never actually 'hung out' with anyone aside from Saria or the funny old dwarf, Nusgrout. Before she could say anything else though, Okami was distracted by Lupa and hurried off towards the portal.

Something didn't seem quite right.

"H-hey, wait up!" Before Tania could object, Lena fused with the spirit, hurrying after Okami and Lupa towards the podium and the portal. With the aid of Tania, she was mostly easily able to keep up - or at least match Okami's pace. When she arrived...the sight she saw, appalled the elf. Summoners, openly abusing their spirits for no reason other than to seemingly assert 'dominance'. Unlike Okami though, Lena was a bit less...chaotic in her actions. It wasn't out of being composed, though it might seem that way.

She walked up onto the stage behind Okami and anyone that tried to stop her was roughly pushed aside or ignored. Lena wasn't particularly fond of violence, but this...? This wasn't right. Soon, she was standing next to Okami, and despite the Elf's calm looking exterior she was anything but. A small knot formed in the pit of her stomach. She was incredibly nervous, and anxiety started to slowly form. She was going to do something that would likely make her the immediate center of attention...and probably put her on this guys bad list. She didn't want either of those things really, and putting herself out there like that was a little more than scary.

But she would feel even worse if she stood idly by at watched this happen.

"O-okami...I think we should give Samuel the benefit of the doubt for now." She began hesitantly, giving the older man a smile. As he began to speak, the elf shot a glare towards the noble and in one swift motion had drawn her sword and pointed the end of the blade at him before he had even finished speaking. For a few seconds, the elf couldn't bring herself to speak, words were caught in her throat. She wasn't used to situations like this, and as much as she wanted to help, words wouldn't come. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her nerves before forcing whatever words she could out at the noble.

"I-I am unaware of of you or your house," She began as firmly as she could. "However...I do know that this is not right nor good behavior. You will cease this abuse, or I will be forced to act." Despite trying her best, her voice wavered in quite a few points, making for the threat to likely be quite unintimidating regardless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

???? ???? ????

"Alba" looked at the demoness and then to the kitsune that was glaring at it. But something more interesting caught it's attention. A guy with blonde hair and nice looking clothes, even nicer than the other rich looking boy. But it wasnt his appearance that caught "Alba"'s attention. It was what the blonde guy was saying, it made "Alba"'s true colors show. The robed person had some movement within the robes and some kind of quiet mumbling could be heard.

The robed figure pushes Faera back as they got closer "W-w-what did you just say?" The robed figure had spoken and sounded feminine. The movement within the robes had become more intense, when suddenly it stops. The robed figure begins to have a faint light green glow and the sound of wind can be heard. "Alba" jumps up onto the stage with this rich prick. The glow dulls and she unsheathes her katana which was glowing a bluish color "You are calling spirits useless, yet you have one of your own?! People would kill you for a chance to have a spirit, so be grateful for what you have prick".

"Alba"'s katana shoots out a torrent of water and sends her flying off the stage by the sheer force of being so close to her target. Upon landing on the ground, she notices something... Her head felt different. She reaches to her head to realize her robe had been torn to shreds from the close ranged attack and her ears were visible. The girl kitsune with white hair sat on the ground in front of the stage as her katana stops glowing blue. Two spirits land within her lap, one green humanoid creature with odd markings and seemed very energetic and the other was also a humanoid, but instead was blue with odd markings. It seemed more calm than the other spirit.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@TheWindel, @Rune_Alchemist, @Lady Athena, @Cherrywitch, @RabidAnubis, @Duoya, @Legion02, @KoL, @Lonewolf685, @cloudystar @Ammokkx

Baldur turned his head slightly toward the older gentleman who walked past him, nearly colliding with him as he did so. Though all he could see was his back, something about the way he carried himself made Baldur frown slightly and filled him with disdain. He had the air of a coward, and there was nothing in this world he detested more than the cowardly....But, this was merely an assumption of the back of a man's head, and he had little interest in thinking about it further. He turned his gaze back towards the halfling-elf to listen to whatever chatter he had in store for him, when a gathering caught his eye.

The stage, the loud young man front and center, bleating about family names and followers or some other trivial thing, the procession placing boots to the heads of spirits....what an odd ritual. Was it some sort of celebratory practice in this city? Seemingly not, if the unhappy faces and aggressive bursts of movement were any indication. He watched silently as a young lad and his canine companion fought their way through the procession, up to the stage. An impressive speed for someone so young, he thought to himself. His attention then shifted to the elven girl from before, forcing her way up to the stage as well, and drawing a sword upon the smug-looking runt.

"The tension is thick, here..." Baldur said calmly to Rolle, as he began to approach the crowd at the stage himself, eyeing the elven girl with interest. "Blood is about to be shed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Lux & Gerald Luzpin -

Such a challenge that would not be presented to the mighty Lux? Pah! How would such a man as he gauge his own abilities in comparison to others wishing to scale the tower? The masked man traversed through the crowds of summoners, a frown plastered on his face as his arms crossed. His faceless partner remained beside him, silent, glancing at the myriads of men and women who had come to this tower.

"Tis' an inglorious regime; a challenge merely restricted to one and not two? Pah! Color me red as an iron with droves of incredulity unreigning," he hissed to himself, though it was loud enough to garner the attention of the few he crossed, and even more so on his partner. Disgruntled, he continued to rap the side of his arm, pondering upon the exam required for the a license! Yes a license to scale the heaven breathing tower!

And yet, such insolence he abhored and obtained...

"Lux," the spirit moaned, putting a claw to his wrapped head, "We obtained support and are supporting your companions; there needn't be such displeasure." The boy turned swift, heeding the words of his ally. "Aye, but upon the draught of igniting change, alas, I am left downtrodden with no eyes to where I could be!" Dramatically, he put up a hand to his head, his knees almost ready to buckle.

"O' yet woe is me, just a mere shadow of a m-"

"Alright, I get it, quell yourself before I an struck with a headache due to your... incomprehensible sense of words." The ghost sighed, shaking his head as the boy stuck the spirit with a swift smirk, his hopeless demeanor diminishing to the howling raves of the people!

"Yes, such a thing of reasoning; however our ventures come through beckons us to expand upon the limitless starry roads," the man loudly proclaimed proudly, earning some ire from the few who eyed him suspiciously. "Yet, we shall diverge from the shade and be given the beams of the sol hanging above!" Placing a hand to his chest, it was if he was in a theatrical play, acting and speaking in front of a live audience who would fancy such whimsy.

"Yeah, yeah, but do you recognize any a name? Someone you could ally yourself with," the black mist quizzed, prompting the boy and spirit to stop in their tracks as Gerald pointed up at the heavens above. There, a comprehensible list of people appeared before him. Scanning it whole, the man was surprisingly still, but that peace faltered as he uttered a few hoarse words.

"None, zilch," he frowned as he found himself walking alongside the spectral being. His mouth began to open up, but yet his words fell to the void with a hubris licked noble exclaiming his claim to being the best. Such insolence he hardly tolerated as he whipped his head towards the rude person who interrupted his monologue.

Staring at the boy, Lux scrunched his nose, remaining silent as he let the boy exasperate his temporary claim to being number one. Gerald on the other hand didn't bother stilling his words. "... I can't tell if your way of talking is worse than this unscrupulous childs attitude," he groaned lowly, toying with one of the few wraps on his visage.

"Such arrogance is the path to doom, despondency, downfall. Such children as he fall hard and low, but only then may he possibly acquire sets of wisdom, if plausible," he answered back, though his friend had a difficult time acquiring what the boy said. Some sort of sound magic within a sin? How perpetually vexing.

As they began to leave, Lux caught sight of a young lady, attempting to question the child into submission with a less than... inoculate examination. The fool had fleeting allies for now; whether or not they lingered was out of the question as he watched the scene unfold. The mist remained unmoving, taking note of the transpiring scene. If such had not a face that was ethereal, it would display a pang of disappointment; a missed opportunity on hand.

Tilting his head to the side, it silently moved like a pendulum as the next even came to fruition. He furrowed his brows as the boy remained unhinged. Seeing nothing of true worth after his reaction, the duo moved on, the shadow whispering something unknown to the boy as he pointed at one of the maiden's arguing with a fairy. The former appeared to have a decorum of control as the man evaluated. Nodding, he thought of her as one of the viable candidates for teaming up with when storming the tower.

The voices teemed all around as Lux and Gerald continued their search for a group. Even if they wished to do it alone as neither had the warmth of their original friends, it would be dire to go without a congregation of adventurers. As the duo neared a couple of folks, some strayed away, giving an aura of malignancy, as well as violent stares. The featureless eyes darted away as Lux anchored his head in another direction.

... but not before catching those fabled words.

Eyes darted away from the man hanging around the tree as he caught wind of the loud words of a lunatic. Uttering that they should crush their partners under their heel as if to observe loyalty to such a fiend? Such lackluster sheep! Gyah! There hide fury behind the mans eyes when he caught wind of those letters, syllables escaping such ignorant lips! Step on a tool? Oh he was going to... if not for the calm demeanor of Gerald.

"Resorting to such irrational actions here could possibly mark you for elimination in the eyes of others here... remove your haste immediately," Gerald advocated this as he stood there, his claws tapping at an irregular rate. He wanted to disagree, but Lux thought it for the best. As much as he wished for it, there were latter times when he could perform such... impolite actions.

"Heh, quashed the thought," he grinned with the visage of a viper, traversing over to the gathering crowd, whether it was thirst over what could happen next or learning about the blindly obedient summoners convoluted reasoning for stepping on their familiars. As he approached, aggression was at an all time high as he bear witness to that one strange boy in the tree lunging out at the blue blood... before the figures, all three vanished.

"A mere illusion, tactical positioning. Bastard knew it shant be long till one rallied against him... that or something more."

What he saw next was something akin to his own magic as his eyes widened at the sudden sabled knife launching from nothingness. Putting a thumb to his lip, he began tapping it against the skin, staring at the podium. Did his magic come to rival his in similarity? The black mist swirled in front of him, crossing his arms in faithful, stalwart silence. As both stayed their silver mouthed blades, Lux could only wonder if those who obeyed were corporeal.

Lux eyes the man that was denoted as "Samuel." An older man, much older than most encompassing the vicinity. Scanning him over, he pondered on if he was with the Church of the Lord before quietly looking at each person, especially the one he denoted as a potential partner.

Up close, the woman appeared smaller than he imagined, with little to nothing on her face. Usually those with some battle experience would display a scar, but yet she held none. New to the horrors of battle maybe? The voice expressed... hmm. He looked down onto the ground, closing his eyes as she silently erupted, his mind lay still to the swordmaidens nervous declaration.

While other events occured, he spoke nothing, only watching the event with invisible irritation in his eyes and vexation on his lips as they all pointed directly at the blonde haired child.

"Never shall I come to conclude why most blondes of blue blood insist on egotism as their blade and hubris as their sheath..."

@TheWindel, @Rune_Alchemist, @Lady Athena, @Cherrywitch, @RabidAnubis, @Duoya, @Legion02, @KoL, @Lonewolf685, @MacDuffy, @Ammokkx
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Disgust. That was the only thing Alex ended up feeling for the blonde boy. Utter and pure disgust. The lively fire in his eyes was entirely replaced with a frozen cold glare. His face visibly soured over. “You’re asking me… to see the one creature that helped me the most in my life… as a tool?” he asked, not so much as to get an answer, but rather a setup to get his point. Samuel told him to play nice. But Alex couldn’t. Turning to the priest he whispered: “There are two kinds of evil. Those who act evil and those who close their eyes to it.” With that statement, he made sure Samuel was brought to speed on Alex’s intentions. The Duquois boy had basically already declared war on everyone who wouldn’t join them.

“I have a statement for you.” Alex moved closer to the blonde boy. Nimueh, sharing in Alex’s emotional state through a basic form of telepathy moved alongside her summoner. His eyes hadn’t changed from the cold glare yet. When he was only a few meters away from Francis he tapped with his fingers twice on his own shoulder. Nimueh, dutifully jumped on his shoulder. Maybe it was because she’s a spirit or her innate telekinesis allowed her to be weightless. Her long tail rested on Alex’s other shoulder. To Francis, this was meant as a clear signal. ‘I support my spirit’.

As a final act, he moved near Okami, Lena and Samuel. Standing with them. They weren’t the best of the bunch in terms of power. But he was confident that there was potential in them. Either way, they were better than any spirit abuser. He once more leaned in to Samuel to whisper: “I’m sorry about that.” But he never took his eyes off Francis. Alex was ready to fuse with Nimueh or use her material form. Should it come to that.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 7 days ago

Direct Interactions:@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@cloudystar
In Area of & Addressing the crowd around: The shitshow that is going down

Vili was about to invite her two newest buddies to her place when everything went down. Like her two companions and a few others, she was angered at the sight before them, adventurers stepping on their spirits. Even though she had lived two years around the nobility and had seen their true colors regarding spirits and servitude and such, but this was an outrage even for them. The demoness was tempted to become filled with anger, allow the hellfire to swell within her, and deliver this man's soul to the deepest pits of the abyss where it belonged.

In a way, she was proud of how her companions reacted. 'Alba' revealed themselves a kitsune, a spirit kin by the looks of the two companions on her lap. After a brief attack, the girl gave a pause. Faera yelled angrily at the man, and a brief look at her face suggested she was going to do something else as well. Her fox spirit, Inari, suggested caution though...

... and Vili agreed. Like the three of them becoming divided, this sort of violence would divide everyone. It wouldn't solve anything in the long term. The spirits would simply be stepped on later. It wouldn't prevent more spirit-kin from being abandoned on the street or facing various social atrocities. And while abusing spirits was legal, and hurting spirit kin fell into a murky area of the law, attacking a nobleman would only result in jail time for those seeking to do right.

The spirit-kin placed a firm hand on Faera's shoulder with no intention of removing it before the woman could do anything else drastic. Vilivyn tried to keep her voice somewhat cheerful, but it was easy to see her internalized anger. "... Let's go back to my place ... and talk there ... okay ...?" Hopefully that would send enough of a message.

Alba had landed nearby as well, and slightly dragging the blonde haired girl she guided them up to the kitsune spirit-kin, and placed a hand on her shoulder to deliver a similar message. "Trust me. I understand. Let's go."

To the other valiant heroes assembled and to the pompous nobility on the stage, Vilivyn turned her back while attempting to guide her two newest allies away (with a little insistent force, but they could certainly escape if they wanted to). "He seeks to antagonize you and use the law against you. Don't let him win before we even enter the tower with him. He's not worth it." After spitting on the ground in his direction, the irritated girl decided she was satisfied and continued in her quest of leaving.

The girl hoped for once that her status of being a half spirit would be taken into account by these misguided do-gooders. She didn't expect them to listen though. Not very many did, even those seeking to help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Near the Portal

"Ara, Master~ I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I only wanted to demonstrate my lov-" Artemis Jovial tone wavered for an instant as she noticed the way that blond prick treated his spirits, the purple-haired spirit's eyes narrowed to a slit as she shot a deathly glare at the conceited fool.

"While I'm more than willing to be stepped upon my Master at anytime." Artemis voice was uncharacteristically low and composed. The words that came out of her lips were no less risque than her usual dialogue, but something was different on the way Artemis spoke right now as if a genuine hatred burned within her chest. "I cannot tolerate the kind of arrogant prick that would do this while genuinely treating us as dirty. Your only luck is that we are on a public place, otherwise I would teach you a lesson so big that your grandchildren would feel it, that is..." and here Artemis made a pause and produced a pair of glass marbles that she always kept at hand's reach, just in case the could be useful for her Master in any conceivable way, and crushed them within one of her hands, "... if you ever had any descendants after I were done with you. Fu...fu...fu...~"

Artemis draped her coat around her shoulders in a dramatic way once more. Her carefree smile was back to her face once she put a hand on Kiara's shoulder. "Let us go find some better partners, Master. That blond ape would not recognize your greatness even if he were put face to face with it... Oh, wait! He already is, right?" Artemis let out a bit more of vitriol, even though she reclined forth a bit more, whispering soft words on Kiara's ear. "Anyway, I think I saw a cute bat going towards that side. Why don't we go check it, M.A.S.T.E.R~?" Naturally, Artemis illustrated which direction she was talking about by groping Kiara's left breast, slowly sinking her index on the crest of her Master's soft mound, naturally, all of this carefully covered from prying eyes by the very coat Artemis was so proud of.

@cloudystar, @Rune_Alchemist, @Lady Athena, @Cherrywitch, @RabidAnubis, @Duoya, @Legion02, @TheWindel, @Lonewolf685, @MacDuffy, @Ammokkx.
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