Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

~ The Eon Tower ~

Einer cocked an eyebrow when Lanus introduced himself to the lyre musician with a charming smile and a bow. Einer, himself, wondered why he was being given this special treatment when Lanus' Elven companion, Renee clarified that Einer was a male. The musician could only sigh with his eyese closed. Such misunderstandings were dime a dozen with him.

The day wasn't even over yet when one of the new Reavers had decided to climb the Eon Tower itself for reasons unknown to Einer. Although, her transforming limbs did raise his one of his brows. It was magic he had not seen before. A potential avenue, perhaps...?

Whatever that woman was doing, her plans were, almost literally, shot down when an armored avian that glowed green with magic flapped a gust of wind on the transforming woman that knocked her from the walls. Only for the avian to catch her in its talons and safely deposited back to the group. The avian had its master on its back, who disembarked shortly after bringing back the new Reaver. She had a typical witch's attire like Evelyn's and Lapis', but colored black.

The black witch introduced herself as Roze. And shortly after welcoming the new Reavers, another veteran Reaver approached the group. He was a Belua with draconic features, and apparently Lapis' brother. Aside from welcoming the new team, he also said that he would be in charge of the physical training of the Reavers. Nothing that concerned Einer at the moment.

They were then led into the Tower itself, a marvel of engineering and brilliant architecture that blended the magical artifacts and mechanisms of the structure with marble aethestics quite well. Einer had to admit, none if was shabby. He could get used to this place. The new Reavers continued inside, eventually finding themselves entering through pair of ornamental doors into a very fancy audience chamber complete with stained windows and velvet rugs. In the middle, was the big man himself.

“...Now, do any of you have any questions for me? If not, we’ll go ahead and get you set up for the field. We’ve made sure to have a few jobs lined up for you, should help in getting acclaimed in how we do things out in the field.”
Arteus Navarre Irvin

A more formal welcome from Sage Irvin, the head of the Eon Tower. Although, Einer's ears perked up when he heard that this place had a library that had 'countless grimoires and artifacts'. Yes, this could be the place where he could finally get what he always wanted. The new Reavers introduced themselves and asked their questions, at least one of whom already slinking away to enjoy the Tower's many facilities.

"I am Einer Devaron, Sir Irvin. At your service." The musician finally spoke, tipping his hat as he did. "And my questions are the same as the others."

The others... He didn't want to compare himself to the others, but Einer could not help it. Especially if they were right there beside him. And didn't that eyepatch guy, Hector Wyland, say he was practitioner of Thaumaturgy and Galdr, not to mention a marksman? Gods, there was already someone here who was better at the things he can do.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A multitude of things happened in the moment following Shavis and Asterope's discussion. One of which was a pretty looking Fey looking her way and presenting himself with a name and a flirt. Now, it was nothing too bad but the mage could see him go earlier and felt like he needed a warning. She first turned to the ither Fey, Renee.

"Renee, was it? Don't worry a thing about it." she answered to her apologies on his behalf, then turned to Lanus himself. "How sweet, thank you - but don't think for a second that your own pretty eyes will protect you from the lightning of the gods if you try that with me again." she said with a smile and in a nonchalant tone. There was no bad blood, just a friendly warning that Asterope was not the kind of Lady to suffer unwanted advances.

@Polaris North
"Well, certainly. I also am glad we meet once more. Our first encounter was much productive, wasn't it?" Asterope told Shavis, referring of course to them training together and learning from one another. "Shall we?"

After more little altercations, as well as the tower-climbing individual being brought back on the ground, the group made it's way inside the tower. Asterope did her best to ignore the man commenting on her group's looks. He didn't know any of them and looked in a bad place mentally - best not take any comments personally then. Besides, she had full confidence in her own abilities as a Magus and had to trust her companions were the same.

The tower was really something indeed - its architecture was impressive and beautiful. As expected from the Eon Tower. Though, they would not enjoy it for long before they made it through the large gates and in front of their new Leader - a young looking man, all things considered. He looked no older than herself, which surprised the Witch. Like the others, Astrope introduced herself and listened to his speech to them. Shavis said it before Asterope could - straight to the field, it seemed.

Contrary to some others, though, Asterope herself decided to remain silent. If they sent them out this quickly, it could mean that either big things were happening or that they were extremely understaffed... but she kept those thoughts to herself for now.

She did drop a; "Well, things promise to be interesting a lot quicker than I expected." for anyone close enough to hear her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 10 days ago

Eon Tower - Mid Morning

Arteus took a moment to look everyone over, taking note of Leon who decided to leave for the library. For the most part the newly gathered reavers were silent, simply ready for whatever task awaited them. It honestly surprised him a bit, perhaps some were nervous. No, he saw the looks in their eyes: they were prepared. This, at least, filled him with some reassurance. Of course, some of the attendees had some concerns they wanted to have addressed, some more personal than others. Understandable.

@Blaze Gamma
He turned to Aldin first, as his concern was the most personal. “Ah, yes, of course. Aldin, you’ve my promise that your mother is being provided the best care the Tower has to offer. That being said, please do visit her in the infirmary before you set out. You’ll find it further down the hall on the west wing when you exit this chamber. Our apothecary is tending to her now.” He then paused for a moment, the shift in his expression quite noticeable.

“As for what that man you passed in the hallway was alluding to…I’m afraid that’s a bit more complicated. We’ll go over that in a bit.”

The estranged elf Leon had left the room before he actually got to tell him where to find the library, but given his skill set Arteus figured that he could easily find it by himself.

@Polaris North @The Irish Tree
The questions posed by both Shavis and Hector were fair and understandable; he felt it would be best to address them both at once. “Good questions. The best direct answer I can give is that it depends on the nature of the work. Due to our position in relation to the Association and the simple nature of the work, jobs with a myriad of characteristics come across our desk. Some will be relatively easy and will require only a small group or can even be accomplished single-handedly. Others, however, will be very difficult and require a larger group to safely carry out. As for whether team assignments will be permanent or rotating, that’s something you’ll have to work out amongst yourselves. Within this group of fine magus, I understand that some of you know each other already, so perhaps more often than not you’ll want to sortie with them. Or maybe you’re the more outgoing and social type, and are enticed by building rapport with new people. Whatever the case may be, I’m hoping that you’ll make the best call when deciding which missions to take up.” He stopped to glance at Hector for a moment. “I understand that this may be different than what you’re used to, Hector, but I hope you can acclimate all the same.”

“Hmm, I was honestly expecting more questions out of all of you. But, I guess I should expect as much from a group as focused and resolute as the one before me.” The sage smiled at Tilnak, who only asked when they would begin. Arteus clasped his hands together, after which a peculiar shimmering sound filled the room. Before the team appeared a few images, perhaps generated by some sort of magic, that contained various information printed on them. Of note, they seemed to be marked with stars, some had more than others.

These are the current objectives that have been brought to our desk at this point in time. From here on, you can see any new requests posted in the main hall of the tower, but for convenience I’ll show them here for you”

"Naomi Schuller and Donovan Krausser are two key members of the Tower’s staff. Naomi serves as a researcher who specializes in the study of magical beasts and Donovan owns a firm that specializes in the research of apparitions. Both are wellsprings of knowledge, so if you’ve any questions about the aforementioned quests, I’d suggest talking with them before leaving."

"Now then, about the last one…"

“With all that said, decide what jobs you want to take and feel free to disembark when prepared. Feel free to reach out if you need anything. Some more of my friends are currently out handling some business of their own, but they should be back soon.” Arteus then vanished in a violet veil of light, leaving the newly formed party to their devices. They were now free to either choose a quest and be on their way, or they could perhaps speak with some of the staff mentioned earlier to gain some more insight into the respective job. They could even take some time to become more acquainted with the Tower if they wished, Arteus didn’t seem to be pressing them to take up the presented tasks.

“I don’t much like the fact that there’s a disruption in the ecosystem, it sounds like the Marshlands would be perfect for my fist mission.” It seems that Lapis had made her pick.

“Hmph, if you want to go splashing around in some dingy old bog, be my guest! Meanwhile, that 4 star mission certainly sounds promising.” Replied Evelyn

“When hell freezes over maybe.” Said Ruecian. “Like I’d ever let you anywhere near a place like that.”

“Excuse me??” Evelyn grew noticeably upset

“You literally graduated from the academy and received your license a few months ago, do I even need to explain this to you?”


“That’s enough Lyn.” Roze interjected. “He is correct. You’ve never even seen a monster before and you’ve no experience in dealing with miasma. You will have to choose between the other two missions.”

“...Fine…” Evelyn said in a defeated tone. She thought for a moment, perhaps taking up the arms plant job could be lucrative. It was, after all, owned by a large firm.

“Then I’ll go to the magitech plant, I’m sure the firm would appreciate assistance from a genius like me.” And it seemed Evelyn made her choice as well.

Leon found himself in the library, reviewing any pieces of information that could aid him and his allies in the coming trails.

“Is it just you who decided to drop by? Guess among the new recruits, only you have a sense for preparation. I can appreciate that.”

Leon would hear a sudden voice, turning to its source he would see it coming from a man with long black hair and a shady disposition. “Sorry, should probably introduce myself. Name’s Kiff, Kliff Luther, and I manage things here at the Eon Library. Nice to meet ya, think I might’ve heard about you before. Somethin’ about some dude wearing a mask fighting bad guys in the dead of night?” He chuckled a bit, though he was probably the only one amused at the moment.

“Regardless, if you’re looking for something that’ll help you with the current jobs, I would suggest looking up info in regards to aquatic beasts and how to deal with the effects of miasma. Two of the three jobs the head cheese had lined up for you will involve the aforementioned dangers. I’d personally recommend staying away from the latter for right now, though. At least until some of our stronger members get back.” His tone and demeanor were relaxed, yet his words still carried an underlying foreboding with them.

“As for the third excursion, ‘fraid there’s not much here that can help you. It involves the theft of state-of-the-art magitech gear that’s currently not on the market. The top brass wants to be hush-hush about the whole fiasco, but a fine gentleman named Donovan could probably tell you more about it if you’re curious. Or you could just go directly to the site and speak with the director yourself, up to you.”

Kiff then stared at Leon for a moment, as if examining him. Sitting straight up, his left hand was visible above the table, but his right hand was not. He then leaned forward, his chin resting on both his clasped hands. “Say, you have the look of a rogue. You know, you guys are free to use the library as you please. However, we’d prefer you all understand that it’s more of a give and take relationship. As in, generous donations of whatever you find out in the field every now and again would be most appreciated.” He sat forward in his chair, his eyes full of intent and desire. “I think you know where I’m going with this: if you decide to take up the issue at the magitech plant, say you find the perpetrators and obtain the gear back. I certainly wouldn’t mind it if in some way, one of those nifty tools ended up in your hands. Then say, you decided to donate it to the library in a fit of generosity~”

This man was quite the character it seemed. “Of course, it’s not like I’m demanding you do it or anything. I’m sure you’ll come across many treasures and wonders during your time here. But, I’d definitely make it worth your while if you did.” Kiff then looked off to the side, as if disturbed by something. “Umm…anyway, f-feel free to take what you need to prep and may the Scions bless you on your journey!” He said in a nervous tone, putting an abrupt end to their conversation.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aldin nodded. For whatever else he could say of the man who was to be their handler, at least it seemed he'd taken the time to learn the details behind them. Whether that was something he could find trustworthy or not was yet to be seen, though for now, at least, he would have to rely on it.

"Very well, then." The swordsman turned taking the time to read through the jobs on offer. He had very little knowledge of magitek, and plenty of history dealing with the sorts of small tasks plaguing villages, however, something about the third task was of particular note to him. The truth was, he'd dealt with monstrosities more than once, both witnessing his mother deal with them as a child, and facing them down on his time as a mercenary. It may not have been common for him, but if they were desperate as they said with that, then it was something that he would need to throw his hat in for.

"Once you've assembled your team for this 'Necropolis' assignment, call for me, I'll go along for it." He spoke, confident that even if their handler had left, that there was some means of observing them. He then turned, following the instructions to head to the infirmary. Upon reaching the marked room, he held out a hand, knocking on the door three times, loudly enough to be heard, but not enough as to cause a fuss. "Aldin Rei here, may I enter?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @Polaris North@FrogRFlowR@Blaze Gamma@AzureKnight

She turned towards Lanus, giving him a small shrug. "I never know what's going on in her head..." She paused, looking back up for a moment. "Probably thought the sunlight feels good up there."

"The sunlight?" Lanus raised his eyebrows, scratching his chin. He looked up the tower, cranking his neck so he could see the mage. "Hmm, interesting," he mumbled to himself. "Is it an effect of her alchemical curse or is it just a quirk of her personality?"

"Renee, was it? Don't worry a thing about it." she answered to her apologies on his behalf, then turned to Lanus himself. "How sweet, thank you - but don't think for a second that your own pretty eyes will protect you from the lightning of the gods if you try that with me again." she said with a smile and in a nonchalant tone. There was no bad blood, just a friendly warning that Asterope was not the kind of Lady to suffer unwanted advances.

Lanus shrugged, still keeping his charming smile. This wasn't the first time his advances were rejected. Or the hundredth for that matter.

"Just zap him if he annoys you again." Renee stated with folded arms, giving a glare at her boyfriend. "Don't worry. He can take it."

She wasn't lying. The man was far more capable than she was at fighting miasma abominations. A thunder or two wouldn't bother him.

"Oh, how cruel, Mademoiselle." Lanus replied to Asterope. "I am simply introducing myself, that's all. After all," He grabbed Renee with his arm, dragging her into a hug. " I already have her to warm my bed at night."

Renee could only respond with a blush.

He turned to Aldin first, as his concern was the most personal. “Ah, yes, of course. Aldin, you’ve my promise that your mother is being provided the best care the Tower has to offer. That being said, please do visit her in the infirmary before you set out. You’ll find it further down the hall on the west wing when you exit this chamber. Our apothecary is tending to her now.”

Renee raised her eyebrows. His mother is here? And she's being treated by the Tower? Is that the reason why he's willing to come here?

It reminded her of her own reason to come. Lanus. She just wanted to be of use to him. Even though he offered her a normal life, she rejected it, wanting to be by his side instead, as a fellow Reaver. She couldn't just leave him on his own as he fought those abominations.

No. It wasn't just that. She desired revenge as well. Against those creatures that had taken everything from her.

She gave Aldin a sympathetic look, giving a silent prayer that her mother would recover.

“As for what that man you passed in the hallway was alluding to…I’m afraid that’s a bit more complicated. We’ll go over that in a bit.”

Renee huffed. No one cares about him!

As for whether team assignments will be permanent or rotating, that’s something you’ll have to work out amongst yourselves. Within this group of fine magus, I understand that some of you know each other already, so perhaps more often than not you’ll want to sortie with them. Or maybe you’re the more outgoing and social type, and are enticed by building rapport with new people. Whatever the case may be, I’m hoping that you’ll make the best call when deciding which missions to take up.”

Well, I'll always be with Lanus, that's for sure.

Lanus, on the other hand, was already thinking about which pretty lady he would like to team up with, eyeing them one by one with his sharp, elven eyes. Particularly their… features, so to speak.

“Hmm, I was honestly expecting more questions out of all of you. But, I guess I should expect as much from a group as focused and resolute as the one before me.”

No need for unnecessary questions. We're here to do our job. Nothing more, Renee thought to herself.

Out of the options they were given, Renee only had one choice in mind.


The fae gritted her teeth. She would not let anymore people fell victim to the scourge of the abominations.

She looked up at Lanus, wanting to know what his choice was.

"Heh, you want that one, don't you?" He smiled, pointing at the image. "Well, I'd say we take it. They would need our expertise after all." He winked. He knew better than to go against his stubborn ladyfriend. When she decided on something, it's really unlikely she would change her mind on it.

Still, it would be difficult. He'd prefer her to do easier jobs but it would wound her pride if he were to leave her behind.

Well, he'd just have to protect her then.

It's a shame it would mean that they wouldn't be going with those two beautiful witches though.

"Once you've assembled your team for this 'Necropolis' assignment, call for me, I'll go along for it."

Hearing Aldin's words, Renee decided to tell him that they would be on the same team. But before she could do that, he was already on his way to the infirmary, almost as if he was in a rush to go there.

Of course he is. His mother is there after all.

She stopped herself from calling him out. There would be other opportunities for her to speak with him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Taltrus scratched his cheek awkwardly. It appeared that the man (whom he overheard as) Lanus had ruffled a few feathers given Asterope's warning. Awkwardness was something he wasn't quite used to given his... rather reclusive disposition. Instead Taltrus would focus all of his attention to the available missions. Surprisingly, they would be thrown into a mission sooner rather than later.

The first mission was certainly interesting. As stated, it was definitely an oddity that Makara's would migrate to an area outside of their 'territory', and even go as far as attacking settlements. It might be a more difficult task than described. A mission to consider.

The second one definitely piqued his interest. Thieves stealing high-end magitech prototype weaponry. A real danger, for certain, especially if the thieves are able to reverse-engineer or sell the weapons to someone who can. Rogue mages could prove to be a real danger if such items were able to be mass produced.

Finally, the Necropolis mission. The mission Taltrus likely would have taken, had he not been woefully under prepared. While eager, he would likely be a drag to his fellow Reavers there as he dealt with miasma by pure happenstance, he luckily tapped into void magic and subconsciously pulled the miasma away from himself. It was best he research ways of protecting himself from miasma with his magic. Arrogance would not be his undoing, his refuses to squander his life foolishly.

“It appears I will be joining you in your mission with the magitech factory, Miss Grace.” Taltrus politely directed towards Evelyn. “A pleasure to make the acquaintance of a Reaver whose renown will reach the world. I only hope I can be of some assistance.”

After a short silence, Taltrus piped up. “... Would it be prudent to speak to Donovan to deepen our knowledge of our mission, Miss Grace?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 17 days ago

Leon Hyksos

Mission Accepted:
Badland Heist (with a totally not shady request from Kiff Luther)


Leon remains unfazed upon seeing the long-haired man reveal himself. He continues to flip the pages of his book, tracking the words with his eyes unbothered by the librarian's presence sharing a seat in front of him. To Leon, he was just a friendly worker at the Eon tower unintentionally invading his personal space with a little casual chat. It happens right?

His tired half-awake eyes shifted back and forth behind the book in his hand and the man who introduced himself as Kiff, listening to his tangents along with a peculiar proposition that caught his interest.

The Fae notices the more Kiff delves into that request the more he got utterly tense based on his tone as if someone is about to get him. Strange.


The librarian left in such a hurry leaving the hooded fae with so many baffling questions.

A covert retrieval mission huh? That sounds up to my pay grade.

Also, Did he just play the 'i scratch your back, you scratch mine' card on me? That's just low.. now I have to donate something for using his library!

The amount of shadiness that man exudes is alarming, He speaks like a respectable scholar, and yet He has the street smarts of a trader.I'm sure this isn't the first time he offered a deal to someone in bringing something to him in exchange.

Either way, His intent is still an enigma to me, I supposed we'll cross that bridge once the mission is complete. Best not to overthink it and focus on the task ahead.

By the scion gods, why do I always end up with a dirty job?

The hooded fae sighed and preps his things. Leon decided to contact this Donovan guy at the site for more info. Maybe he'll meet the other reavers there.

As for that little talk about the spoils of this mission, Well.. He decided to keep it between them for now. call it Client/Contractor confidentiality.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 14 days ago


Location: Morgenröte | Interactions: @FrogRFlowR @AzureKnight @Enkryption

Shavis listened intently to the response to her and Hector's questions. Well, that worked for her. She did look forward to working with a couple of the other magus even if some of them looked like they would really rather be alone than with everyone else. For a moment, she took a glance at Scarlett and Asterope. She wondered what missions they would take now that Arteus had shown them the missions. If she was going to be honest, the four star mission did seem like it was interesting and the idea of fighting a lot of monsters sounded like it would be so much fun. After all, she became a Reaver specifically for fighting.

Still, it seemed like there were a lot of them who were interested in Necropolis. She wouldn't want to clutter up the roster for it. It sounded dangerous but she was sure that her current companions were powerful enough for that particular mission. The next time something like this pops up, Shavis made a note in her mind to simply take up the next one.

However, the two star mission was more investigation about magical creatures and she had always been weak to doing research and helping out creatures whenever she could. Maybe it's because she was a Belua, maybe it's because she mostly grew up in a forest where magical creatures were abundant, or maybe it's because she's a Galdr magus. Whichever the case, the quest called out to her more than the magitech one. Lapis had also decided to take up that particular quest.

"I honestly might go for Croc Crush. Something's disturbing the Makara and it might be some bigger fish that's causing the problem. Might be exciting." She turned to Lapis, giving her a thumbs up and a wide grin. Always good to make friends with practitioners of the same craft; it's a learning opportunity for everyone involved.

Shavis then looked over to Scarlett and Asterope, curious about what they thought of the situation and where they would go for among the quests. She was just responsible for Scarlett getting to the Tower. She would be fine especially if she was going forth to tackle something that was combat-oriented. Scarlett was a lot more combat capable than Shavis was. Asterope, on the other hand, had such a mastery over lightning elementalism that Shavis wasn't even worried about her either.

"Good luck on whatever mission you choose guys. If you're choosing something else, you have got to tell me all about it." She gave them both an encouraging smile before walking over to Lapis.

"Pleasure to be working with you, Lapis. We probably won't be seeing a lot of action but it'll be a good team building exercise." Shavis said with an easy grin as she settled beside the younger magus. Now that she really looked at them, both Lapis and Evelyn were so much younger than everyone else. Sure, they were recent graduates but the fact that they were accepted as Reavers spoke about, at the very least, their potential. "First time out of the city or not?" She asked, genuinely curious.

Shavis hadn't traveled as much as she would have wished to after she had left the Great Ithaca Forest. This would be a great opportunity to finally see the sights of the world. Something to do other than the job.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Scarlett closed her eyes, sharpening her sense of hearing, as she listened to everyone speak and debate - personally and professionally - before she drifted through the crowd, and was suddenly in front of Ruecian. Underneath her hoodie, her eyes glowed with the faint light of the Abyss that seeped in her soul; this light was neither Hope nor Salvation, but entrapped in the Abyssal Void, like that of a black hole. It was the little that remained of the woman she was once, and all that kept her sane.

"Pathetic..." she says, simple, impactful - her first impression, of both him and him of her. "Making such bold statements, backed up by another, and your stoicism but you stink," Scarlett says, "You reek of worry, defensiveness, and fear - concern; misplaced and dangerous," she wrinkled her nose, "Is she not a Reaver? Denying someone her due, because of the risk, when that is the job..."

Scarlett tilted her head back at Evelyn, "You stink the same. All your bluster and pomp, yet you cower and kneel at the lilt of a harsh tone. Are you not your own keeper? Do you not manifest your own destiny? Can you not speak for yourself? Or, are you no better than a leashed and beaten wolf, submissive and tamed, servant to a master you never chose?"

Shifting her attention to Roze, Scarlett’s earlier born animosity towards her was visually evident, even if the shadows of her hoodie exposed only the faint glow of her eyes. "And you, If this mission is such a risk to newcomers, then it is a failure of your administration that it is an option in the first place," she says, "Even worse, if this was a test of sensibility or maturity, it is a cruel one to place before someone that desperately wishes to prove themselves worthy of their title."

Scarlett glared at Ruecian and Roze, as if challenging them to refute, even if her own challenge was uncalled for, unwarranted, and unnecessary; a Beast did not care about such Human ideals, like politeness and turning a blind eye. It confronted, accessed, and formed a solution - no matter the outcome. Scarlett didn’t need to be liked, but she wouldn’t tolerate the march of progress being impeded over petty things like Death.

Such was a bridge she had long crossed... or, perhaps, was still crossing without end..

Regardless, she made a decision, as she looked away from the two powerhouses she'd dressed down in a public forum, "Humans stand as the Apex Predators. Beasts should be made to understand their place. I’ll lend my talents to reset the Balance between Man and Mer..."

Though the report request asked to levy a firm, but gentle hand upon the Makara to drive them back to their ancient nesting grounds, it was clear that Scarlett would opt to overpower and overwhelm until victory was hers - such was the nature of her insidious combination of Alchemy, empowered by Void Magic.

"I assume this place has a library," Scarlett says, "Until we are to depart for the mission, that is where I will be. Better to learn something of what I am facing than rush in blindly. Alchemy may be a form of Magic laden with mistakes, but this is not a laboratory where that is excusable..."

Taking her leave, Scarlett would seek out the library or some similar repository of general and specific knowledge.

Before Scarlett could truly think of a retort, or even a reply, the malevolence that funded her power terminated the connection. It was a one-sided affair, as the Maiden Abyss chimed in whenever she chose, but never allowed the reverse. Scarlett was barely in control of her own body, mind, and very soul.

However, she wouldn’t apologize. At least, not to Ruecian or Roze. She meant what she said, and she said what she meant. Honesty, after all, was the best policy, so they say.

...but, maybe, she could apologize to Lapis, at least - in private, of course - for publicly dressing down her friends and brother.

...and, maybe Evelyn, too...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The Purifier

Location: inside The Tower > choosing Croc Crush
Interactions: @AzureKnight,@Polaris North,@Enkryption

Tilnak stayed as still as a tree watching the others and listening to what they have to say. Intently concentrating at the matter at hand as his antenna twitched and swayed, the overseer spoke and said what he had to. By the reactions some of the ones here were new while others seemed to be more experienced in their own way like he was. The options were laid out bear with no sugar coating in a blunt manner he approved of.

Again he watched the others make their decisions, some wanted the hard one then backed off due to a lack of experience some chose the magi Tec mission others the croc mission. He found himself torn as he stood in front of the mission choices. The magic tech mission was not interesting to him at all let the others deal with that one. The other two he found himself torn between. The croc one was messing with the natural way of things in the ecosystem the other was the opportunity to purify an area of the miasma and possibly fight abominations.

Still he hesitated and weighed his options as the others chose. His instincts were pulling him towards dealing with the crocs as the miasma could have traveled to the south towards that location and that mission could be more dangerous than the other. Looking to the ones that chose the necropolis compared to the croc crush he made his decision.

The necropolis team looked to be very well off and situated and he wasn’t entirely committed to this reaper job just yet. So Tilnak touched the Croc crush mission and moved over to where the others where seeming not to notice or take heed of the outburst from the other reaper. Lowering himself to be closer to their height he spoke in a rough whisper that was obviously uncomfortable for him to do.

Tilnak… Will… Go… ending by pointing at them and giving them a slight nod. Who knows maybe he can stop them from senselessly killing everything they came across.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

~ The Eon Tower ~

"Humans stand as the Apex Predators. Beasts should be made to understand their place. I’ll lend my talents to reset the Balance between Man and Mer..."
Scarlett Ishval

After Scarlett had left for the library, Einer snickered. "Pffft..."

"Aha, ahahahaha!" The little outburst from the white-haired, metal-armed woman had the musician letting out a hearty, genuine laugh. Normally, he would care about the feelings of those who were the expense of the joke but this was simply too much for Einer. "Forgive me, my lords and ladies." Einer continued, wiping a tear off an eye. "I've not seen such brutal honesty since... well, I believe this is the first time I've seen it!" He let out a few more laughs as he finished.

Scarlett. She was probably not good company, but she had been hilarious so far. She's probably one of those people best enjoyed from a distance. "She does not mince her words, does she? She has honesty untempered by manner or etiquette. Indeed, I do not envy Madam Shavis' job watching over her."

"But anyway, while I would love to browse the Tower's libraries like some of the others, let me earn my keep first and establish myself a Reaver of the Eon Tower." Einer said before looking at Taltrus and Evelyn. "Let me join Sir Taltrus and Madam Evelyn in their quest about the stolen weapons. I can offer..."

Offer what? Healing magic likely unneeded? Miasma-cleansing for a job that seemed not to concern any? Einer found himself running off a cliff with that sentence. Oh, why did he even start it? "...Some elevating tunes for the travel on the road. Aha!" He tried to save it with a small joke. Einer noted he should probably refrain from running his mouth off from now on.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

Hector would listen quietly as the squad assignments were explained...which, it seemed, there wasn't going to be strict assignment detail. He wasn't sure about whether this was a boon or a bane. On one hand, that meant he wouldn't regularly have to deal with anyone that rubbed him the wrong way. On the other, it was hard to trust people you barely knew, and if they regularly rotated out...

For now he'd put it out of his mind, intently considering what jobs were best suited to his skills. As much as he thought that he might prove a match for some of these tougher missions...he was certain his lack of actual Reaver experience would spell the end of him. He wasn't intending to die so soon after nearly dying just a few months ago. He'd shamelessly accept doing the lowest level of work while he gained experience. If others wanted to throw themselves at the feet of genuine monsters, that wasn't his problem.

In spite of his misgivings about Scarlett...at least she tore some sense into that Evelyn woman. As for the rest though, she seemed as unstable as she'd shown herself to be just minutes ago. Luckily for Hector, most of his "registered headache inducers" weren't going on the simplest of the missions. "I feel best suited to the ZoHo Marsh mission," he said, only rivaled in his lack of words by Tilnak. Slaying wild animals that had gone on a rampage wasn't exactly difficult work, but it would let him get into the groove of Reaver work.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That had been a long exposition they just went through, only to be left faced with a decision between three choices. Asterope was in no hurry, it seemed, to make a choice. Nor did she seem either stressed or worried about any of them either - just as certain of herself as ever. The interests manifested by her peers seemed to be for the Zoho marshes and the four-star mission, as expected. True, those seemed like they would see the most action and excitement. As much as the Thunder Witch would have liked that, the second option was the way to go, she decided.

If only because it had almost no one opt for it.

Before she could say anything, however, she was caught off guard by Scarlett outburst. She could do little more than stare, a surprised look on her face, at the pitiless barrage of words being thrown at her other peers faces. When it was all said and done and the silvered hair newly appointed Reaver left, Asterope just said; "Well... that was something. Is your friend often like this?" she told Shavis, more so as a jest than anything else.

@Polaris North
"As much as I would enjoy accompanying you and your colorful companion, I believe I will join the Badland team. They seem awfully neglected, beside... water does not suit neither me nor my dress very well." she said as sparks of electricity traveled between her fingers. "We just don't mix - and that's without even starting about the mosquitos." Asteroped shivered internally before regaining her focus and smiling at Shavis. "Do have fun at the swamp though, dear. Tell me all about it when you come back." A simple farewell with a heavier undertone that wouldn't get past Shavis; make sure to come back. A good luck, if you will.

@Inertia @PaulHaynek @AzureKnight
The Witch walked over to Evelyn group just in time to catch Taltrus introduction to Evelynn and Einer joined that group, too.
"Gracious, how courteous a greeting was that! It seems I might fit right in - if you would have me, of course." Asterope said to the group as a whole.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 10 days ago

Eon Tower - Mid Morning

It seemed that the magus made their respective choices, some opted to prepare by going to the library or consulting some of the tower’s staff. However, that was until one decided to voice her opinions on her superiors and to Evelyn. Scarlett was decidedly unimpressed by the veterans’ handling of Evelyn’s eagerness, using a few choice words to fully convey her feelings. Ruecian’s and Roze’s expressions did not change, at first, remaining neutral. Evelyn found herself unable to say anything, her lips twitching in frustration. At that point, Ruecian was the first to speak, his eyes now narrowed.

“Finished? I gotta say you surprised me, earlier you were like a little kitten. Scampering around on the side of the tower like a critter, it was cute, really.”

He chuckled lightly, wiping his nose with his thumb. “As for all that other crap you said, those are funny ways to describe common sense. Obviously she is, but she’s also a beginner who was invited here to hone her skills. A person who’s never even seen a monster has no business on that type of mission. She’ll be sent out there when we feel she’s damn well ready.”

Roze was the next to speak. “It appears that we agree on one thing, that the fact this mission was presented to us is a failure of administration. But perhaps you should question what administration is truly to blame. I will also say that while wanting to prove one’s self isn’t inherently bad, reckless abandon for the simple sake of delusions of grandeur is just stupidity. Perhaps you should learn to think before speaking.”

They both watched, unfazed, as Scarlett made her way toward the library where Leon had left for earlier.

Evelyn found herself speechless, having simply left the room in a quickened pace. She held her witch hat down to hide the frustration swelling on her face. She didn’t even respond to Talrus’s inquiry, brushing past him into the hallway.

”Evelyn-” Roze started, but Ruecian quickly interjected.

”Don’t worry too much about her, she’s always been the type to brush stuff like that off pretty quick. If need be, I can talk to her later. Besides, it’s looking like you and I will be needed out on the field.” Ruecian began to also take his leave; Roze looked at the recruits who took the Necropolis mission, then beckoned Lanus and Renee to follow.

The unexpected outburst aside, the group had made all their respective choices and were prepping to set out.

Whatever they decided on, hopefully their respective quests would go well…

Croc Crush

@Polaris North @Enkryption @ReusableSword @The Irish Tree NPC(s): Lapis

Shavis, Scarlett, Tilnak, and Hector all volunteered to accompany Lapis on her quest to the ZoHo Marsh to address the Makara encroachment. However, Scarlett opted to make a trip to the library to study up on the nature of the creatures. The others could join her for a moment, or perhaps they’d rather pay a short visit to Researcher Naomi and benefit from her insight.

Lapis would watch Scarlett make her way out of the room, glaring at her with a sharp gaze. She then quickly turned to Shavis.

”Hey, what’s your friend’s problem?! Where does she get off talking to my Brother and Eve like that?! What was all that nonsense she was spouting?”


Badland Heist

@Inertia @Silverstein @PaulHaynek @FrogRFlowR NPC(s): Evelyn

Taltrus, Leon, Einer, and Asterope had thrown in their hats to accompany Eve to the remote magictech factory. The young witch had already left the room and made her way down the hall. She was biting her lip under her hat, the earlier scene weighing on her mind.

”I’ll…I’ll show them. I’ll show them all!” It sounded as if she was ominously chanting to herself.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts, she didn’t even notice Leon in the hallway and inadvertently bumped into him. ”Geh! Wha- Oh, sorry…” The look of anger she had on her face was briefly visible to the estranged elf before it became more somber. She saw who she happened upon and decided it’d be best to veil her emotions.

”Goodness, young lady. It’s not good to be so turbulent before a mission.” Said a voice ahead of them. They would both turn to see a man dressed in a five thousand gold suit with a prosthetic hand walking toward them. He looked at Eve for a moment, being able to see the frustration she was attempting to hide. He then turned to Leon, ”Kiff told me that you’d be one of the ones taking the mission at the remote plant, so I thought I’d try to track you down before you left. Seems young Eve will be joining you as well.”

”Oh…you’re…Donovan, aren’t you?” Eve said.

”That’d be correct, young lady. Donovan Krausser, CEO and Chairman of Borealis Solutions, a pleasure.” He responded, holding out his hand for a shake. Evelyn returned the gesture. He then held his hand out to Leon; he’d continue his explanation whether the Fae accepted the shake or not.

”Allow me to continue. The plant in question belongs to a company by the name of Loghren Industries, an upcoming firm specializing in combat-based magical equipment. A few nights ago, their compound in the northeast highlands was broken into and several prototype weapons were stolen. These weapons specialize in absorbing raw mana; making use of this ability to cancel magical attacks and also add more power to their own. ” He made a heavy sigh. “These tools were made in a joint venture with my company, and the original intent was for them to give people more of an advantage against apparitions. The issues this would cause for the image of both their and my company aside, these weapons in the hands of criminals will pose an even greater danger to the general public. You all have my deepest gratitude for taking this mission and I wish you success in your endeavors.” He finished by making a polite bow.

”...Whether we succeed or not is not up for questioning. But, Mr. Donovan, if you don’t mind me asking, how did someone break into the compound and steal the items in the first place? One would think that such a location would have tight security in place to prevent such things.” Eve asked.

”Ah, that’s a good question. I’m afraid any input I have on that is purely based on conjecture. However, I can say that we’re obviously not dealing with low-level street thugs. The criminals who were able to break into the plant are professionals, perhaps even masters of their craft. They left no trail that would lead to their identity, and their break-in was nearly flawless. All I can suggest is that you lot be on your guard during the mission.”


@Blaze Gamma @Hammerman NPC(s): Rue, Roze

Lanus and Renee were led into the main lobby by Roze, afterwards meeting Ruecian there waiting for them. Aldin had opted to visit his mother in the infirmary before departing, once he finished his business they would soon head out.

Rue took a moment to address the Fae couple during their wait. ”I see the two of you have experience in dealing with monsters and the effects of miasma, so I’m not too surprised you decided to take this mission. Normally, it would’ve just been me or Roze tagging along with you on this little excursion, but since most of our manpower’s been divided among the other jobs…” He made a clicking sound, folding his arms. ”That swordsman’s visiting his mother, perhaps you’d do well to make any last minute preparations before we depart? Once we’re on the field, it’ll be too late.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

As she left the meeting hall for the library, Scarlett shut out the world around her - doing so helped her to dull the pain of the Maiden’s intrusive conversation. As such, the rebuttals of Ruecian and Rozemyne went ignored in the absolute -- not that she would have cared, regardless. They were willing to deny the march of progress - impede upon the empirical path of growth by way of practical experience, and make excuses as to why.

Though, their words were like failed experiments; meaningless, pointless, unable to teach her anything she did not already gleam from her observations. They were strong, and they believed themselves in the right - such was the power gifted to the strong by themselves, for the weak could not defy them. Evelyn was weak, and thus, she cowed before her assigned betters; those said stronger than her, and holding that strength above her like a weighted sword - ready to drop and cut her in twain should she speak up or act out in defiance.

In a way, Scarlett respected the cold display of the bestial hierarchy that Humans had upheld and evolved since their long-lost days as Primates; it was tried, true, and hard to defy - both in nature and word.

Alphas led.

Betas followed.


However, the scientist half of her psyche raged, and despised them for it. After all, it was Evelyn’s born right to suffer the potential slings and arrows of enthusiastic miscalculation, and if she should weather the storm and emerge - unbroken, or not - it would be for her betterment.

This held true, even for Scarlett, in this moment, as she attempted to pull her face out of the deep-set grimace that marred her passably beautiful countenance more so than her scar.

Poser. Playboy. "Pervert..." Scarlett muttered, as she mustered the will to look up at Kiff. "I’m looking for information on the Makara species," she says, finally looking up, "For the moment, general information will have to do. I’m entirely unsure if I’ll be allowed to set off, after telling off that self-important, blue snake and haughty, black witch in front of everyone."

Neither part of Scarlett’s fractured mentality regretted standing up for Evelyn in her own, flawed, but well-meaning way.

Hell, depending on his relationships with Ruecian and Rozemyne, Kiff might find humour in the horror of it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 14 days ago


Location: Morgenröte | Interactions: @FrogRFlowR @AzureKnight @ReusableSword@The Irish Tree

Scarlett was never one to hold back her punches or her words and she certainly didn't decide to start then as she cut through two of their superiors and one of their teammates with her judgment. Still, Shavis said nothing but curiously regarded her companion. She would be coming with them to the Marsh mission— others included Tilnak and Hector who seemed to be men of few words. Who knows, maybe they would bond over that.

She turned to Asterope, lifting one shoulder as a shrug. "Dunno. She's usually quiet when we're together." She admitted. The Magus Association was big and the only reason they became acquainted was that someone needed to make sure she had some semblance of care every now and then. Any interaction outside of herself was something Shavis had never seen. "Someday, I'll drag you somewhere down and dirty, princess, and you will enjoy it." Shavis snickered. Her parting words definitely landed with Shavis. Her smile softened as she patted Asterope's shoulder. "Take care too. I'll see you later."

Lapis, however, doubled down when she approached. Shavis raised her hands, giving a shrug. "I don't know. She's just a very straightforward person, I suppose, and not afraid to speak her mind." She lowered her hands, pressing them into the pockets of her coat. "And it doesn't look like your brother is too bothered by it." She said as she turned to Reucian who did have a response but Scarlett had simply left. "I can try to talk to Scarlett about it but I doubt I can wrangle an apology out of her for Evelyn." In fact, Shavis doubted Scarlett would let her go easily if she even tried.

"Now we can keep talking about this here or we can get a headstart with preparing for the excursion." She turned to Tilnak and Hector, tilting her head with a questioning gaze. "Anything you guys want to handle first before we leave? Scarlett's off to get some information I imagine."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @Enkryption@PaulHaynek

Listening to Scarlett's rant, Lanus had to stifle a laugh. Ah, what a frank little lady she was! For a moment there, I thought I was listening to my dear Renee! He stifled another laugh at Ruecian's reply. Clearly, he wasn't a stranger to a personality like her!

Renee, on the other hand, somewhat disagreed with Scarlett's statement. But she didn't think it was worth it to voice said disagreement. That woman clearly had made up her mind and there was nothing she could do to change it.

Beginner or not, a danger remains a danger. She doesn't understand just how terrible the miasma can be if she thinks we should just stand around not helping because we're new. The people there need our help and not helping is just a sign of cowardice.

Still, I don't think that's what she really believes. I think she's just the type that likes to criticize others without rhyme or reason.

But, I can certainly agree with her belief that men should be above beasts…

Lanus then heard Einer's reaction to her rant, which he quickly agreed with wholeheartedly. "Well said, my dear bard! Such a powerful spirit in a pretty lady—I have to say, I'm falling in love with her all over again!"

This, naturally, led to a cold glare from Renee.

The duo then followed Roze as part of the group going to the Necropolis, back to the lobby. When they arrived there, Rue asked them to make their preparations before they departed.

"But of course!" Lanus replied with a smile. "Come, Renee!" He glanced at his partner. "We have to make a visit to the alchemy labs of this place!"

Renee nodded. As a magus who specialized in alchemy, she could do a little shopping for sure. Mainly, the liquids she would coat her arrows in to transmute them into birds.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 17 days ago

Leon Hyksos

Interacting with: Evelyn/Donovan@AzureKnight
Badland Heist

What transpires, bumping into Evelyn and meeting with Donovan himself in the halls was not the whole detailed story. Well, not from Leon's perspective at least.

It was rather much more embarrassing and awkward than it should have been!

Leon did bump into her in the halls. Yes, but not the way it's played out to be. The estranged fae was able to perceive the incoming collision before he made contact with her due to his 'danger sense' kicking in.

Rather than making the witch awkwardly fall on her back and look like a heartless jerk in doing so. Leon catches the troubled girl by her waist with his cape. Saving her, preventing the boisterous young lady from greeting the floor with her spine and tailbone.

The whole sequence played out straight from a cheesy romance novel. A fateful encounter between two people; facing each other with their gazes intertwined and bodies locked together for a mere second.

It's pretty dreamy, right? well not exactly..

The rogue elf wasn't exactly prince charming material.

"...." Leon couldn't care less about her and greeted her with the same deadpan look on his face and helps her get back on her feet as soon as Donovan arrived to hash out their mission. And to make matters worst, He didn't even ask if she was okay!

He then held his hand out to Leon; he’d continue his explanation whether the Fae accepted the shake or not.

Leon did reaches out his hand as a means of formality to the entrepreneur and listened to the details the plant owner has to say.


As soon as Donavon finished their briefing, Leon simply nodded, turning his attention to the witch.

"By the sound of it, the only possible conclusion I have is that they have a rat in their network to aid these master thieves .. an inside job If you will. " Leon spoke out.

"It's true that kind of magitech is kinda scary, sucking up mana and adding it to their own. It can be beneficial to those who upholds the peace, and harmful to those who use it for personal gain." The fae muttered while recollecting the deal he made with Kiff, no wonder the librarian wants this weaponry, this stuff is potent!

"I assumed we'll be working together, My name is Leon, an esper, I stab people physically and mentally." He nonchalantly introduces himself.

"You should be more careful next time, and collect your thoughts.. you seemed troubled a moment ago. As an esper, my advice is to strengthen your resolve, or else you'll drown in other people's thoughts if you don't focus on your own." Leon said, almost showing empathy to his fellow reaver, Evelyn.

"I don't want this delicate covert mission to go south due to the people I work with aren't 100% emotionally stable." He added. And just like that, the rogue fae ruined a piece of encouraging advice turning it into something mission-oriented. What a strange way to boost one's morale.

"Shall we go and plan this out?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

[Croc Crush Crew]

Hector would remain quiet while Lapis ranted at Shavis, admittedly, he could understand why someone would be upset that their loved ones came under such a tongue lashing. But, it was equally clear that discipline was lacking amongst the fresh Reavers. Bluster and confidence was well and good in a tavern, but there was a lot more to be aware of in combat than your actual skill. After all, if bluster was all it took to kill monsters and apparitions, he'd still have both his eyes.

Shavis seemed level-headed enough, and so Hector wouldn't object to her indirectly asserting a leadership position and moving to get everyone ready to go. Tilnak seemed stoic and ill-suited to leadership, and Hector wasn't sure he could wrangle people he barely knew into a coherent unit. "I'm prepared to leave. My familiars are formless, so it might be best for me to scout once we arrive on location. Part of me wants to ask this 'Naomi' more about these creatures, but so long as we avoid slaughtering them and find the cause, I doubt our solution will be that complicated."

It wasn't that he was particularly concerned for the state of flesh-hungry beasts, it was just...living with the fae for a time had given him pause about taking the lives of things needlessly. He'd fight to kill if he needed, but he could just as easily utilize his familiars to disorient and escape. As it stood, he could at least assure his own safety until he was aware of the spells and skills of the others. A cursory explanation of their magic didn't mean anything until they actually used it.

"Once Scarlett returns, we should discuss strategy ahead of time. Maneuvering in a marsh is difficult, and might limit the types of magic available." Hector couldn't hide his military mind, clearly wanting to develop a plan straight away to maximize the group's effectiveness.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

~ The Eon Tower ~

Still cheered by the earlier scene, Einer followed Evelyn and the others into the hall. There, they bumped into a sharply-dressed, bespectacled man with graying hair and a rather expensive prosthetic hand. With this man was the Reaver Leon, who had slinked away from the group earlier. Quite the coincidence to run into him again after a short while.

It turned out, the sharp-dressed man was Donovan Krausser, the CEO and Chairman of Borealis Solutions. While Einer was acquainted with the company name before, he had no idea who was running it much less knew that he hung out in the halls of this seemingly random magus tower. If the CEO himself was here and not in his office having delegate here instead, then whatever's inside this Eon Tower was probably very important. Enough to warrant the CEO's presence.

The job concerned Loghren Industries, a firm that made magical weapons. Einer's brow raised, his body could not wield weapons... but maybe just traditional weapons. If a weapon was... different enough that even Einer could wield it, then the possibilities were endless.

The bard listened more closely to the conversation. Some weapons were stolen, and it was up to the Reavers to get them back. The only problem was that it may not be common thieves who stole them. Well, at least Leon and Evelyn seem to be getting along well.
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