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Primarch Character
Name: Muriel Boissonade d'Gallia

Legion: IV Legion Astartes Valiant Hearts

Homeworld: Gallia, an agricultural planet of feudal traditions, and although drab and unremarkable for a farming world, underneath the surface lay a series of underground cities and tombs encompassing the entire world all connected by a labyrinth of tunnels and caves.

Psyker Grade: Beta

Inspiring Orator - For someone that revels in glory leading the charge in every battle, Muriel is surprisingly patient with her words and very amicable towards everyone that's not an enemy of the Imperium. No one can whip up the unwashed masses and soldierly alike in such utter devotion and self-sacrifice as Muriel.

Blade Master - Like all Primarchs, Muriel displays unimaginably adept skills at arms. However, instead of diversifying her armaments, she devoted her entire life to mastering the two-handed chainsword, the flamer, and the grenade. No doubt the best thrower in the Imperium from all the bombs she threw.

Wall-breaker - Although not the most intelligent and innovative field commander, Muriel's military success primarily derives from her siege assaults and grand offensives. The sheer speed with which she can overcome any bastion or fortress, cross entire distances, and immediately recover to move on to the next target frequently surpasses her siblings. Cities built by Muriel are easily noticeable due to the Gallian-style fortifications and entrenchment.

Iron Chef - Growing up in an agricultural world, Muriel can cook up confections that would make any taste bud weep in joy. Even when deprived of many ingredients, she can accomplish a lot with very little. "Dinner Diplomacy" is a favorite tactic of hers when appeasing planets and governors or smoothing relations with her siblings.

Banishment - Muriel can weaken enhanced foes by blocking their connection to their gods, dissolve the material body of daemons, or simply immolate a target in a white-hot wreath of flame.

Purge - Either through words, gestures, or indomitable will, her psyker strength can cast out possessive demons or intimidate them.


Concept: Primarily inspired by the legend of Saint Joan and the Sisters of Battle. A martial-oriented leader has been assigned bureaucratic duties as a "reward" due to Imperium's ever-present need for competent administrators and governors; essentially a politician general.

Legion Sheet

Legion Name: Valiant Hearts

Associated Primach: Muriel Boissonade d'Gallia

Concept: Specialists in siege warfare and close-quarter combat. An all-female legion of space marines, they are adorned in heavy armor that emphasize the female form and equipped with copious amounts of explosives, flamers, chemical weaponry, and melee. The chainsword and the heavy flamer are the most iconic weapons of the legion. The legion itself is divided into three main classes: the Engineers, the Sappers, and the Hospitallers.

The Engineers manage the construction and maintenance of the needed war machines and siege engines while providing heavy fire support from the rear. Additional duties included entrenchment, construction, and rapid repair of recently conquered territories.

The Sappers are the primary assaulting force, given their expertise in demolition and melee combat. They are the ones that work to undermine the structural integrity of enemy placements and fortresses and create breaches.

The Hospitaliers is a dedicated logistics and medical wing that ensures that the Engineers and Sappers have the ammunition, weaponry, equipment, and armor to fulfill their tasks. While combat doctors and logisticians, they also serve as torturers and interrogators should the need arise.
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