Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ace stood in awe of the man in solid gold armour, easily dwarfing him. Granted he wasn't exactly the tallest boy, well, he had been back in year 3 when he had been held back in school, it wasn't easy being the tallest boy in his class by a clear foot. But, all in all, he had been better off for it. The ridiculing had forced him to fight back and he had been fighting back ever since. He took a cigar from his jacket and lit it with his zippo lighter with a Union Jack on one side and the words "Smoke me a Kipper, i'll be back for Breakfast." on the other. He sat down on the plinth of one of the pillars and smoked it as he listened to Nova tell him of what had been going on. He interupted as Nova told him of the pull the universe had "That explains a lot, I'm all fine and dandy with dimension jumping, my crate is designed to do just that, break the speed of reality and jump from universe to universe. I've seen quite my share of different realities. I've been to one where the primordial ooze decided to just sit around and watch TV rather than getting on with its life. I've been to a universe where everything runs in reverse... The most horrifying universe was the one where I met myself as a lowly, cowardly, maggot. The epitome of neuroses and lowest ball of slime I've ever had the misfortune to come across." He then listened to the rest of the Emperor's explanation of what was happening. He took a moment to process what he had been told, before getting off the plinth and walking towards Nova.

"Alright, so, come to a new world, beat the bad guys and establish a Utopian society? All I need is a princess and it'd be just another day at the office." he smiled. He took a second Cigar from his jacket and offered it to Nova. He always gave everyone a nickname, it was a habit of his, this Emperor had long flowing, black hair, almost as gorgeous as his own, a suit of solid gold armour and he seemed to have eyes of fire... Ace decided to break the tension and give him something playful, yet respectful. "Alright, Sparkles, what's the plan?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Ba'al and Teal'c, Ha'tak, Central USA, Arcadia-1

The new arrival on the comms was a tad distracting, and while it was interesting the sentiments expressed were more than a bit worrying for a self expressed god. It seemed that Ba'al would have to place less emphasis on that going forward, lest some sort of incident develop. But that was alright, they would recognize his position and the loyalty that he held soon enough. All of them would.

"I suppose you may have access to a multitude of universes," Ba'al ceded as the answer finally came from the leaders of the Alliance. "I, however, have fully subjugated those galaxies under my influence. Something I doubt you can claim. But very well, I am glad to hear that, and look forward to meeting face to face." With that he would cut off the connection, ending the call.

That done, he rose from his seat, stepping forward. "Come, Teal'c. Let us meet with this Alliance, and see if they live up to their professed strength." He turned and headed off the bridge, moving towards the hangar bay.

"Yes Lord Ba'al," Teal'c agreed, following after him. Together they would move to the hangar bay and enter a Tel'tak with an escort. It would depart the Ha'tak and head for the landing zone, soon arriving. It was time to meet with the Alliance of Conquerors, and Ba'al was definitely looking forward to it. He needed to know his potential enemies, and this would be the best way. And if a union against a common enemy could be reached, so much the better.

Saten Ruiko, Conablum Labs

Ruiko would admit that she was more than a bit glad when reinforcements showed up courtesy of Nova, as he proved that he still was willing to protect them. if she were to be honest she doubted that she could have fought off all the foes present, bravado notwithstanding. Nonetheless she didn't let up with her alertness, especially with all the enemies surrounding them at the moment. Only a fool would do that, and after going up against AntiSkill and Judgment, as well as Mikoto, meant that she was no fool.

Absolis' intervention was unexpected, the sword thrown between her and Banha. For a moment she was worried that he would attack them, only for him to renounce all allegiance to them before leaving. She might have followed,were it not for Eto being right between them and the exit portal. "I'm sorry," she called after Absolis, voice raw and charged with emotion. She hadn't meant it, hadn't wanted to do it. But she had done it anyway. That made her as guilty as Nova.

Her gaze snapped back to Cyano then as the woman began to speak, seemingly relishing in the destruction that had been caused. It only reaffirmed that this lady was a sociopathic nutjob as far as Ruiko was concerned, even as the tacks were dug into her wounds. "I told you to shut up," Ruiko shot back. "This is all your fault!" She so wanted to punt Cyano into a wall, or smash her with her Aero Hand powers. But she had to keep restrained for the moment. Besides, it wouldn't do anything anyway even if it was satisfying. They would make this right, somehow.

That said, the approach of the Ethereal caused her to shy back, even as the lance was formed. She couldn't fight that, and knew it full well. "We didn't come here to steal anything," she protested. "We wouldn't even have considered it if someone-" she glared at Eto and Cyano, "-Hadn't decided to attack us on sight for the fun of it."

It was at that point that Eto began to speak, mocking her and providing a heavier weight upon her mind. Yes, she had messed up, but what was she supposed to do! The incident kept replaying itself, what she might have done differently, what could have been changed, how they could have escaped without using the fulgurite to do so. "You attacked us," she yelled back, anger and grief and depression rolled into a volatile mix. "We had the right to defend ourselves even if death doesn't exist here or whatever! That's not an excuse. Do you just butcher anyone who bothers to come to your door?!? How the hell can you work with people like that!" The last was aimed at the Ehtereal, though she hardly expected an answer to it. It was obvious that it thought in methods she couldn't comprehend, so she wouldn't even bother to try.

Then, most aggravatingly, Eto simply walked past as if nothing had happened, like it had just been some casual disagreement. And she didn't know what infuriated her more; what she had done, or the sheer arrogance and casual disregard that was so similar to the Level 5's back in Academy City. They never considered the consequences or how it might affect other people, they were just interested in their own desires and their own amusement.

Her foot slammed down as she folded her arms across her chest, even as Banha made moves to talk things out or follow them. "No," she replied with a shake of her head, body trembling with radiating energy. "After everything your group has said and done to us, give me one reason why I should bother to listen to you and anything you might have to say instead of just leaving right now. It's obvious where you stand on this whole thing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Gummi Bunnies@Mr_pink@Archmage MC@Flamelord@Nightknight@Lmpkio

Kula Alexandrite and Sula Sapphire
World: Arcadia-02
Location: ???

As they moved forward, they saw Ryu and Gojira-san coming right at them. That monster woman doesn't look too friendly. I better stay in front before something happens to Kula., he thought. Sula quickly stepped forward as they reached the other two. With a bow, Kula greeted them. "Greetings. My name is Kula Alexandrite and this is my brother Sula Sapphire.", he started the greeting. Sula, on the other hand, just looked away from them, showing no interest on partaking a quest alongside the rest. For him, Kula was his only necessary companion, which made him despise his younger brother's kind attitudes towards strangers. But he knew that Kula wasn't that blind. If any sign of evil was shown on a person, he always prepared himself for the worst of all options.

While Sula stood looking away, secretly analyzing them, Kula began talking. "In times like these, one would ask our location. But perhaps we are all lost here, each of us wanting to go back to our worlds, so asking something like 'Do you know where we are?' is obviously out of question. What I ask is that if you all mind if we accompany you. I swear, as the prince of my world, that we will not be a bother and that we will help on everything we can do.", he spoke. Sula looked even more away, as they awaited the response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Banha Akiyama

Conablum Labs

@Flamelord @Savato @Absolis @Pirouette @thewizardguy

Banha made a move to try and reassure the girl, to try and coerce her into going further. But her body language and facial expression just said it all. She had made up her mind and she wasn't going to change her opinion. He changed his gaze back to the Ethereal and bowed deeply. "I am sorry but my escort has chosen not to go through with the mission. I am unable to disagree with her nor carry on the mission without her. I apologise but we must leave." He hated this. Turning his back on the mission. But Ruiko was the leader and the soldier must follow. Even if their orders jeopardised the mission itself. He motioned for the Deathwatch to follow them through the still active portal before walking up to his escort and grabbing her arm. He walked towards the portal before turning, bowing once more and now forcing the girl to bow with him. Rising, he gestured for Rivard to go through before whispering in her ear. "Ruiko-sama, I do not believe Nova is the type to scold one for abandoning a mission but please. Be careful next time. These Outliners may have been allies but there is no chance now. Our organisation is alone and even with Nova, our forces are weak. This is a war and we need allies." He glanced back at the group as he was leaving. "Even when they are led by a group sociopaths."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Conablum Labs - Rivard Universe, Social Experiment


Eto rolled her eyes when listening to the little esper lose her mind to all the comments attributed to her. It didn't surprise the ghoul however, as humans didn't have this ghoul-like mentality, where such grave circumstances can be shrugged off as mundane events. This was quite normal to Eto, though frankly she never went about killing four million people on a whim, genocide was a requirement for her to obtain this level of power. Maybe one day Ruiko would embrace the monstrosity of nature that she was and eventually make the step forward to being that alien's work of art. The half-ghoul chuckled at Ruiko's endless need to justify herself while trying to guilt trip the most unfeeling being in the room.

"Damn, if we don't say sorry we'll get Nagazaki after Hiroshima?"

Still pressing the pre-teen's buttons, the foul idea of death was visibly just a joke to Eto. It didn't help with their image, sure, but at least they'd be feared that way. They were scarier than the Conquerors, or at least they tried to convey that idea, and it appears to be working quite well.

But then Ruiko seemed to have enough. Not too surprising as well, even Eto would find all of this a little bit fishy and question the authenticity of their own words if such an attack occurred. Luckily, they had information they just couldn't pass even if they had just murdered their families. The half-ghoul licked her lips and let her Kakugan, the black right eye, stay active as she recalled the piece of intelligence she was to exchange to a group of people for very specific things in return. With Yamori's bad habits in mind, she'd crack her left index finger with her thumb that pushed it down, the articulation popping hard enough to catch their attention as Banha also agreed to pull back.

"Hey, you're right about needing allies buddy."

As Banha focused on Ruiko and whispered to her, he'd had very little time to realize Eto would have went to grab his own free arm. He grip was atrociously tight, as if she was going to crush his forearm in any second. The Ghoul look at him however, as he seemed to have run out of gas in terms of combat, and the soldiers wouldn't attack with him so close. The only danger was Ruiko. Plus she was kind of the star of this scene, so all soul piercing gaze from Eto's kakugan was directed to the young girl.

"Especially allies who'd be willing to share a thing or two about the true entity behind the Conquerors."

She'd grin, giving a quick look at Banha before releasing him and taking a step back. They wanted a reason to talk, they had one. The intangible edge the Outliners had on everyone, their ability to have immenses intelligence gathering forces and certain military assets that could serve this purpose to the fullest.

"As you said, you guys don't stand a chance against them~ But all that can change if you're willing to listen."

All they needed now was Muffet to open the portal and the Ethereal to give a more reasonable version of what was said, or not. The fact of the matter was they didn't need the Imperium. If they lacked information, they'd fall faster, but it would also be one problem down and the Conqueror crippled. Giving this information would just switch the roles slightly, or maybe even just make the Conquerors even more crippled upon barely winning. As insane and sadistic as Eto seemed, she did successfully lead the Aogiri tree since the age of 14 for a reason.

Über Ethereal

Rivard Universe - Conablum Labs, Exasperated


If the Ethereal's natural functions included the necessity to sigh after witnessing such scenes, it would, but alas it was beyond such pointless reflexes. Between needless taunts and the compulsive need to justify such actions, the most important aspect of this interaction was generally being ignored. While Banha sure seemed to consider the Ethereal to be the only voice of reason here, the alien saw the same in the otherwise vulgar and somewhat unorthodox Yakuza. He was rather weak alone, sure, but he did remind the Ethereal of the group of soldiers in XCOM that tried to stop it during the Old War. They failed, but they presented great potential.

They both seemed to question its reasons why it was affiliated to such a group, with people completely lacking in objective views. It itself didn't quite understand why these individuals were conferred such power, but it had a good idea given how close it could get to the Envisioning One. Unlike some typical villain, it was going to give them a clear cut answer, one that would possibly strip them from this distracting need to see every single actions the Outliners made with these morality glasses Nova seemed to encourage wholeheartedly.

"It is simple. Their ideals and their methods are the most compatible in complete such an immense task. The Imperium stagnates in its morality and optimism while the Conquerors would be quickly bested by their greed and arrogance. It only took the four founders of the Conquerors to lay waste to the first Imperium. It only took Eto's affiliation for us to strike them where it hurts. There is a clear difference between the destructive nature of the Alliance of Conquerors and our members' display of power."

The alien explained the best it could for Ruiko and Banha to comprehend. Slowly, the psi-lance vanished into particles as there wasn't any signs of hostility from the two and their soldiers. They also seemed to abandon their pillage in hopes to prevent a rather brutal retaliation. The overlord made a full U-turn to return within the labs and dismissing the Berserkers it summoned.

Eto put the goods on the table, information only she, Cyano and the Ethereal knew, and all of them had a particularly strong immunity to having their minds read. The secret of the Conquerors' leader's identity, and whatever details they could fish out of that being through Ultron's main body hard drive. It wasn't going to depart before the Imperium Diplomats' response would be clear. The Banquet wasn't going to start until Eto had what she wanted anyway. It would simply add.

"There will be no unprovoked conflict during this session. It would be senseless to dispose of you when we intend on offering tools to achieve a common goal. Surely, you will see the opportunity this interaction can represent."

Bambietta Basterbine

Arcadia-2, Crackwhore mom mode - Fake Kolon acquired


As she prepared the Terminal's portal within the alley, she'd notice that whatever she was holding wasn't as furry as it was before. At first she'd just prod the young man's arm, unsure as to what she was touching until she'd turn her head to find out she had acquired a male teen. Bambietta froze, completely confused about life, her eyes wide open and her cigarette just dropping on the asphalt. Either the Kolon had a human form or this was just another piece of bullshit she'd have to take care of because life sucked for Bambi.

"Who the ... You know what? Fuck it."

She didn't bother to do anything about it, this was just way too annoying for the pyromaniac of the Dark Outliners. Preparing her foot, she'd swiftly deliver her most powerful attack. Her boot would violently smack the boy's crotch, her accuracy being enhanced by the fact that she still held his arm. The effect would be predictable and she'd let him ravish the terrible agony alone as she'd let go. By then, she'd realize she had kicked another Kolon. Bambi's brain would make a few very difficult connections before she'd notice that it could have very well been the real Kolon she had kicked.

She dashed back out, not feeling bad for the Kolon but rather herself for all the extra effort she had to do in her shitface state. When she'd emerge from the shadows, she'd notice more teens that dressed similar to the guy she initiated in the sufferings of life. They all fell except for a couple of them because of the Kolon. As she'd step closer to inspect, that is where she'd notice some edgy looking kid just smothering the thing out of nowhere. Bambietta's head boiled in fury as she just had enough of this stupid world for the rest of the day.

"Oh for fuck's sake."

What Konoha would have coming would be the ultimate blow to even his kind. Her cooldown was over, she could deliver her final attack once more. Coming from behind while the boy known as Konoha would still be cuddling the Kolon, Bambietta's foot would be shoved right up his posterior, smacking his balls in the process. She made sure that she had hardened her foot and boots with her Blut Vene enhancement, just so he could get the perfect dose of testicle rearrangement. Maybe even have his voice completely modified through this cruel process.

"Zoophiles, ugh. You, we leave. Now."

She complained while pointing at the Kolon to follow her. She still seemed like the grumpy white trash woman that kicked the little Kolon before, just waiting for the social services disguised as over the top teens to stop her. Her eyes scrutinized the random kids around, notably one without any clothes. By then she didn't even question why or how. There were giant monsters fights, a four armed alien at home and her boss by a crazy cannibal that turned into what they called an 'owl', even though any sane person would remark that her Kakuja looked nothing like a fucking owl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Absolis Rivard

The responses of the two he came here with fell on deaf ears. He would not respond before entering the portal. Absolis would find himself in the throne room of Novas palace once again. Before him stood someone he did not know, and Nova. The one he was looking for.

Absolis would walk up to the pair, and regardless of what they were talking about would cut them both off. It was clear that Absolis was upset, and no doubt Nova would know why.

"You, tell me how killing four million people is anywhere near taking down Cyano! Because whatever was going through your mind, it failed. All you did was make it easier for her to get support. So tell me, what did you think you were going to accomplish with that stunt."

Absolis held his hand on his sword. Ready to draw it at a moments notice. He would give nova benefit of the doubt, but it was unlikely that anything Nova said would keep Absolis with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hitomi Hisako
Location: Eastgate City

Before her conversation with the human could last long, two more people seem to fall right from the sky. Curious as to the spectacle she just witnessed, she decided to follow Ryu and Gojira-san to greet them. When she got to their location, she thought it courteous to introduce herself. "Greetings. I am Hitomi Hisako, a Kyuubi-no-Kitsune of Japan. I don't not know if you find your surroundings as confusing to you as it is to me, but know that I am not your enemy, nor do I mean you harm." Hitomi then looks to Ryu and Gojira-san. "Perhaps it would be wise to consolidate our mass in this unfamiliar land, for safety's sake." Though she said this, she was not truly concerned for her safety, knowing that her powers are of the equivalency of some gods, but it was more to help establish trust between strangers, something she knew she would have to do if she wants to adjust to her situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cyano Conablum


Cyano couldn't help but finally let out her chuckle at Ruikos "comeback". Time to push her buttons just a tiny bit more. Cyano would wipe her hair back over her headband.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot. Your special. Don't know why I hadn't thought of it. Mustn't hurt the pets feelings."

Cyano let up just a tiny bit, with the sarcasm. Though only so that she would be more open to her next idea. A fun one, and one she would most likely accept.

"I can see it you know. You want nothing more then to smash my head in. Because I'm such a bad bad person. You want to toss me out like trash. And I'll give you the chance."

At this point, Cyano paused to let anyone complain. Though if they would complain she would stop them by raising her hands, before tossing her Saber cloth sword to the side, and her multi weapon to eto.

"Come on then. I'll even give you an offer. If you win. Kill me, put... whatever you use in my brain. And if I win, I won't kill you. No risk for you. But humor me. I know you want to, you want to let all that frustration out. Beat the guilt those four million lives are giving you out on to someone else."

Cyano waited Ruikos answer. Whether it be a refusal, an acceptance, or a premature attack. She would be ready for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


- Arcadia-1 -

- Imperial Palace -

Nova acknowledged the human's experience. It appeared that this stranger had more knowledge of interdimensional travel than the Emperor, although he possessed little technical knowledge of it's workings. A practical, simple soul. A warrior of sorts, with straightforward morality. It was odd, meeting with such an uplifting soul after such tragedy had struck. But it was sometimes good to keep around people like this, who cut through the fat of complexity that always surrounded important decisions. "The plan, unfortunately, seems to have backfired mere moments before your arrival. It seems you have a habit for arriving when you are needed. An important talent, to be sure." Nova nodded at Absolis as he marched indignantly through his portal, and made his accusation. However, he would address Ace first. "You are familiar, I take it, with life-threatening endeavours with high risks? There is an alien faction that possesses technology I require. You will move into a military base filled with hundreds of hostile targets, all heavily armed and well trained. You will then use the scanner I provide you with to scan a large portal placed at the centre of this base. Then you will somehow make your way out of this base through a combination of stealth and skill." As Nova spoke, he psionically ordered the Kolons to construct a ship for Ace, as well as getting him a scanning device with enough processing power to contain the blueprints for the Goa'Uld portal technology. They were eager creatures, and the devices would be done and waiting for Ace before he'd even left the Palace. "The location of this alien territory is already placed within the ship I've prepared for you. Should you be in need of assistance, I will be able to teleport you directly to this base the moment you exit the alien base, I believe that the alien technology may prohibit me from affecting you as long as you remain within their base."

Having concluded his business with Ace, Nova turned to Absolis. He was confident the human would carry this task out with his usual precision and skill. After all, it was in this being's nature to succeed when it shouldn't be able to. "As for you... you believe that I had any intention of causing such damage. I overestimated the intelligence of the Outliners, and my mistake has had devastating consequences. But had Ruiko not utilized the weapon I gave her, do you doubt that all those I sent would now be dead, trapped within this afterlife of yours?" Nova smiled slightly at Absolis' gesture to draw his blade. "My vision is limited, and even I am prone to make mistakes. And this one was grievous indeed. I believed the Outliners to be an organization that could be reasoned with. If you wish to abandon my cause for this, then feel free to do so. I will not hold it against you. But know one thing."

Nova stood from the Golden Throne, stepping down from the massive construct to be level with Absolis. He looked the human in the eye, and Absolis would notice that they were quite literally aflame. "They harmed my allies, and in doing so they declared war on me and mine. So if you walk away today, I would ask you to stand in the shadows. For I will not rest until those responsible have been annihilated from this world, and your Conablum Labs have been torn to the ground." He allowed his words to sink in for a moment, staring down Absolis. He then turned and moved back to his seat. He had a war to prepare for, and no time for kind words. Whether Absolis stayed or left was his choice, the Emperor had no need for those not prepared to fight by his side.

With a thought, he sent a message to Banha and Ruiko. "Return to my side. Any further interaction will only harm you. Rest and recover."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Banha Akiyama

Conablum Labs

@Flamelord @Savato @Absolis @Pirouette @thewizardguy

Now Banha wasn't some idiot mook doing his master's bidding. He was the Supreme Grand Leader of the New Yakuza, leader of the most powerful organisation in his galaxy. Hundreds of thousands of beings respected and feared him. He knew that this was an opportunity of a lifetime. The identity of the Alliance's leader? That was intel that they needed. Gaining intelligence on the Conquerers gave them the chance to even the playing field, it would be absolutely foolish to refuse this offer and declare war on another organisation. Complete idiocy, they needed more allies no matter where they came from. He stared at Eto with a faceless mask then turning to the Ethereal and then back to Eto. He slowly nodded but not before that imbecile Cyano rambled about challenging Ruiko.

He glared at the she-beast. "You better fucking control that dog, otherwise the deal is no more." He then turned to Ruiko and shook her head, a gesture that could only mean "ignore him". A duel would be the last thing that they would want in this situation. They needed to be peaceful. He let go of Ruiko and looked towards the Ethereal. "Aye, it would be silly if we refuse your offer. Potential allies and intelligence is what we need in this war. Intel on their leader would prove invaluable in our effort, we would be able to crush them with our firepower. It would be idiotic to refuse your offer and leave now, a fool's move."

And then Nova told them to leave. He almost face planted. He coughed, doing a double take. Surely the man could see reason? The Outliners are powerful and by leaving, that would shut down any other negotiations. The Imperium would be fighting on two sides against powerful enemies. 'What is Nova thinking?' He steeled himself. Ultimately, Nova was the leader and if the subordinates did not follow, there would be chaos in the ranks. Doesn't mean he had to like this idea. He sighed before releasing himself from the clutches of Eto and bowing once more, more rigid than the last. "It appears that our leader has chosen to" he gulped, knowing what would happen when he said these words "leave negotiations." He subconsciously went for his mag clamped rifle but hesitated. Did he really want to show hostilities now? He slowly let go and gestured for Ruiko to leave. Before stepping into the portal, he bowed again, not as deep as the last. "I apologise. I hope that you will not see this as a hostile action and that peaceful negotiations could be reached at another time." It was wishful thinking he thought as he waited for a hopefully peaceful response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finn was piloting his starship through the skies of Arcadia 2 and was scouting the area to see if there were any suspicious activity going on in the city. It had been just a day since he had been mysteriously sucked into this strange universe and he was unsure of where to go next. He was very confused and wondered what he would do next. This place was just a mystery and he would need to try and find as much information as he could on this world before he did anything else.

"How on earth will I get home? I've been hoping that this would just be a bad dream" he said himself even though he knew that it wasn't the case. The city was very similiar to the earthly cities of his own universe and it seemed to populated by humanoids of many verities. At first Finn thought that this world was merely populated by aliens throughout this universe's galaxy, but then the idea of all of its inhabitants were from different universes. He would have to soon scout on the ground to learn more about this place.

Red was looking around in a worried and confused way at his new surroundings. This wasn't his home in Primal Valley and he wanted to get back. This city felt all wrong and it agitated him. He ran about at incredible speeds and rammed into several people in his rush.

"Where the hell am I?!" he shouted as he jumped onto buildings and began to leap from one rooftop to the next trying to see if there was anything that he could recognize.

"Something's wrong, the scent of the place just feels off and not like it should be, it looks like earth, but everything doesn't feel right" he said to himself out loud.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Saten Ruiko, Conablum Labs

Ruiko grunted as she looked at Banha, a glare present even with the pain that she was currently feeling. "They were never going to be our allies," she replied tersely. "They only ever wanted to screw with us." Yes, she was bitter and rightfully so. It had been her first mission, and everything had gone so horribly wrong. How was she supposed to move past this all?

The comment from Eto was ignored, given that Ruiko wasn't about to reveal that there wasn't, in fact, a round two waiting for her to unleash. That would just prompt them to more action. Better to keep them uncertain. Yet that didn't prepare her as Eto lunged in, grabbing Banha and putting him under threat. A hand flew to her pocket, reaching for the bullets that she had taken before they left. It was hardly fulgurite, but it would do for conventional weaponry when combined with her powers.

She was about to demand his release when Eto went ahead and did it anyway, only for her eyes to widen as surprise flashed across her features. Okay, yeah, that was something worth talking about if they weren't lying again. Actually useful information that could help their cause, which Nova might find useful. Yet she would admit that she wasn't sure the effort was needed to salvage it.

her attention returned to the Ethereal as he explained why he was aligned with these psychos, even if she found his justification a tad lacking in some respects. It wasn't as if she knew the history of the Imperium that Nova came from, and at this point she wouldn't trust him at face value. Besides, the conflicts that had previously occurred yet not been witnessed by her were more easy to ignore. At least they wouldn't have to worry about a fight though. "I see," she muttered, still discontent with the answer.

Yet Cyano had to push her buttons, earning a growl as Ruiko turned to face her. "Yeah, I am," she snapped, rising to the baited insults just as wanted. "For once in my life I have the power to do something, to help people. When everything else failed and I was stuck as a useless Level 0 that relied upon my friends for protection, I finally have the one thing I wanted. Not that you or your band of homicidal murderers would understand something like that."

The offer took her off guard, but it earned a grin shortly thereafter. That grin faltered as Nova made his voice and will known, urging her to withdraw. Yet she couldn't simply do that. Not with everything that had happened and what had been done, and with what they had forced her to do. She brushed off Banha as she tried to gesture for her to follow him, ignored the call of the God-Emperor, and faced down Cyano with a conviction and angry determination. "Deal," she announced. A mistake, perhaps, but one she would make willingly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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Ayato Kirishima

Uber Ethereal's Mothership

It took some time to be able to press the right buttons to stop the screens from flashing the same thing on and off, and eventually Ayato had gotten the screen to stay on the heart monitors. Since he was successful in finding out how to stop what was going on with the computer screens Ayato then switched his attention to figuring out what exactly was wrong with some of the executives. Not that he had a care in the world for the others since he only knew Eto, but figured since they'd be able to command him as well then formalities were to be done any day now. One thing he did know is he'd be getting real close to the owner of this ship since he was wrecking havoc everywhere on it. Not that he was trying to do so, but it was quite hard not knowing what buttons to press when. If he had gotten some basic information beforehand then it'd be simple, but things like these didn't always go that way.

"Well," Ayato had pressed a button that had displayed the carriers on this ship on the screen. "No one ordered me to stay put." He assured himself. Not that he needed assurance to do what he wanted, but was making sure there were no orders to stay in this ship. After all, he didn't come here to sit around and read "How to Make a Roll Cake" while others were possibly having their fun. Whether they were actually having fun though was a whole other question due to the fact that some of the experienced executives didn't even have a heart beat.

Ayato flipped through some of the aircraft's that the ship had, and would select one fairly small yet had stats that would satisfy the ghoul. How he was to get to this aircraft was a feat in itself, but figured it wouldn't be too hard to find where most of the crafts were stationed.

It actually took over an hour to look for the aircraft's base on the mothership. By the time he reached the place there were many over many different areas a craft could be parked, and finding the one he wanted would possibly be a difficult task. Luckily though, (because Ayato always has good luck) a worker had finished doing maintenance on the exact aircraft he wanted. Without waiting for the worker to finish wiping down the bottom of the small craft Ayato helped himself to getting in. It wasn't difficult, but once inside he'd have a hard time with the controls. Why doesn't anyone cover the basics? The ships weren't anything that he had gotten in before let alone used, so possibly winging it would be the only option. As he grabbed the steering wheel? of the craft with one hand he used the other to pull back on the gear shift to slowly-

(Not done writing)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cyano Conablum


Perfect. Ruiko accepted, which was all fine for her. And it seems the ethereal was allowing it, no complaints there. Cyano was sure to enjoy this.

"Well, no need to waste our time on trivialities now is there"

That would be the only thing Cyano would say before she charged at Ruiko. Her nanomites enhancing her physical attributes, at that distance, it would only be a second or so before she was at Ruiko. She would open with an uppercut, a rather predictable move. But a powerful one. We're it to hit, Ruiko would find herself launched a but into the air, about 4 or 5 feet. Normally Cyano would start using weapons at this point, but seeing as she had none, she would wait for Ruiko to fall down a bit before kicking her away like a soccerball.

However, should Ruiko manage to avoid the punch, Cyano would quickly follow up with a side swipe in the hopes to catch her in a wide sweeping, but less powerful move. However this is all assuming Ruiko didn't do something else that would keep Cyano away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 3 days ago


A Spider's Catering

As the diplomatic talk persisted, Muffet found herself distracted. With the recent loss of her most valuable artifact, she had to retrieve another which was a lot of work. All six of her hands worked her tiny fingers, rubbing against each other. The whole thing made it look like she had the jitters in her hands but she was really spinning her web. Yea, she spins webs, just not in the way you think. Her hands contain little pores and when she wants to, she can expel a gooey form of her silk. It turns into thread form fairly quickly so she quickly and delicately wraps the gooey sap around her fingers as if she was going to play cat's cradle. In fact, that's what it looks like when she is satisfied with the amount of silk she's gathered and decides to spin her web.

All six arms swiftly weave about as if Muffet were knitting, she quickly spins a very stereotypical spider's web and fans out all six hands to spread out the web in full view, as if showing it off. But she wasn't really showing off. The next bit was a bit unbecoming of a lady and that's why Muffet never liked to spin her webs the "old-fashioned" way. She delicately rubs her tongue across the bottom of one of her fangs, collecting enough of her a purple venom. The effects are said to be ghastly but outside of eating, Muffet would never just bit someone. She's a lady, after all.

With just a few drops of her own venom, she spits it at the web she just created. The web reacts with the venom and a purple void consumes the web, save for the threads attached to Muffet's hands. This is the very same void she used to summon her spiders and sure enough, spiders began to march out and crawl along the silken threads towards Muffet's hands. Only a few came out first but then a procession emerged, carrying with them a new porcelain teapot along with a matching teacup and saucer. "Ahh, thank you my lovies!" Muffet blurted aloud as she reached with her bottom hands and grabbed both items properly. Then she collapsed her hands in, closing the portal and shook off her silk allowing it to fall to the floor.

"Right. Portal." The Spideress remembered the request Eto gave to her and turned to go activate the terminal, satisfied with the return of her tea set. She quickly activated the portal and awaited the emissaries. No doubt she was to provide sustenance for all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Ace listened to Nova immediately draft him into his army. Well, this was going to be an odd day. Usually there was at least a princess to rescue. Well, if these guys are truly evil, then they would undoubtably have prisoners to rescue. He then walked back to the plinth as he started talking to the person that just entered. He listened to the new man raise his sword to prepare for battle. As he did, Ace walked over to him. "Wow, calm down." he said, patting him on the back. "I'm sure we can settle this over whatever your poison is?" he said. "In fact, I could use all of the info I can get, if you'd fill in the fine details of what is going on here?" he asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Conablum Labs - Rivard Universe, Social Experiment


Now this was rather unexpected. Banha declined the groundbreaking proposal, and the Ethereal's feedback made it clear that it was Nova's orders to neglect such a deal. Eto wasn't please, at all. This information was likely worth more than any of their lives, and yet this supposed God just declined it. Eto's rather laid back glance turned into a glare directed right at Banha, his attempts to be respectful only added fuel to the ghoul's impatience. However, a rather unexpected surprise would come from the pre-teen diplomat who was already at the brink of total breakdown despite what she tried to display.

The little bugger had some fight in her alright. What Cyano did wasn't very recommendable, heck the Ethereal was not amused in her taunts. But this opened up new opportunities, and Eto praised the sociopath of a scientist for taking such a sublime initiative. The half-ghoul grinned maliciously at the little Esper, who happened to be about 10 cm taller than the outliner, before commenting.

"Ooooooh! I like her, a lot. What's your name again sweety?"

She pointed at Ruiko who had just entered in a competitive stance, ready to engage with Cyano. The blue haired woman didn't waste time either as she charged right in with no after thought of holding back. At about this time, Muffet opened the demanded portal, prompting a wink from the leader ghoul. As Cyano got in proximity of Ruiko, and thus both Banha and herself, the lady would receive an unanticipated kick from her superior. A powerful, well delivered side kick whilst keeping a calm and stereotypical shaolin monk stance. The kick would be strong enough to send the nanomite charged woman darting through the portal and crash in the dining hall's red carpet.

Lowering her shoe-less foot, Eto would crack her toes against the floor as it seemed that hitting Cyano so hard broke a couple of bones down there, but nothing some ghoul powers couldn't fix. Keeping a disconcerting gaze at Ruiko, the ghoul bit her lower lip at the many unholy thoughts flowing through her mind at this very moment. The Ethereal was right, she'd make a much more interesting specimen than that atrocious failure that was Seidou Takizawa. She'd then bring her glance back at Banha.

"I'm going to repeat myself in a more direct way, because it appears even your God King couldn't process the implications of my words."

Eto grinned, now knowing that Ruiko's blood was boiling and Banha didn't seem all that happy to leave behind such a proposition, she could play with the cold reality of things.

"The side that we least appreciate will be the first to fall in the imminent war between The Conquerors and The Imperium. If I recall correctly, I've invited you to an exclusive Banquet. Have I not? And not only that, I even offered little goodies to go."

The ghoul slowly approached the large, black portal that had been opened and that would lead to the pocket dimension within Arcadia-1, though if one were to focus on its coordinates, it would come off as an error considering it would just lead them in the middle of the ocean if they tried to simulate it. Stopping just a foot away, she'd chuckle.

"I've been buddies with those morons prior to all of this. I can say that we've got them pretty high on our naughty list. But, insulting me and my efforts to offer you quality conditions to discuss such matters ... I'm afraid such a grudge triumphs the insanity of my old friends."

With that, she expected a more appropriate response. She didn't take out the card of them having access to the lost Imperium members in Arcadia-2, but that could be quite the useful trump card too to keep them from being cocky with propositions.

Über Ethereal

Dining Hall - Quincy Pocket Dimension

@SgtEasy@Flamelord@thewizardguy@Absolis@Pirouette@Grafroy Zeppeli@Mtntopview

With Ruiko's reaction and another ridiculous fight ready to unfold, the Ethereal would simply float into its own portal before closing it immediately after. Once inside it would notice a big robot in the room, Starscream, who was set on a rather honorable position at the end of the table. It made sense, considering the content of the information that would be released and his current position. There'd also be R-by who had returned alongside this Nathaniel guy. Before it would even consider saying anything, the alien would find its seat, not too far from the vacant one at the other end of the table and sat right oppositely to R-by. He could likely feel the Ethereal's eyeless sockets behind the mask just pierce through his soul as it just stayed there, motionless. Well almost, it did set its thin, grey hands on the table in the most polite way possible.

"It appears you've chosen to trust this ... Magician, Hybrid One. Hopefully Eto will not consider devouring us for making such a generous proposal to this outlier."

It said out loud with its echoing, raspy voice with no shame whatsoever as to what Nathaniel may think. And suddenly, Cyano would pop out of nowhere and crash on the carpet next to the table like she had just lost a fight. The overlord simply turned its head before mask-palming itself. It could only deduce that Eto had gotten mad or just wanted this thing to end already. In either way, it somewhat defeated the purpose of praising Cyano's performances and welcoming her to the club. Well, at least she was made aware of what kind of social baskets she was to deal with.

"Another attempt to affirm your dominance, Conablum? That would be the second one so far, and as they would say in most human cultures, third time's the charm. Perhaps employing such an approach on our enemy's for the third attempt would be beneficial to all of us."

The snark was just flooding the room and the Ethereal was the leaking, no, pissing pipe. For a monotonous, unfeeling being it did convey a gargantuan amount of sarcasm and ridicule. Well it was indeed a prideful being despite considering itself a failure. Transcending, or attempting to, was indeed a bitch to one's attitude after all.

Excluding all these distractions, the alien continuously contemplated the possibility of the Imperium representatives simply leaving and most likely changing the envisioned outcome of the upcoming war. The Conquerors were most likely aware of Nova's return among the living, and they'd prepare adequately in response. They could finish him once, therefore they wouldn't have any stress in the execution of their second attempt in silencing him. If they wouldn't establish communication with the Outliners, it would come down to which one is the biggest threat and the determined one would be the loser of the war.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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@Gummi Bunnies@Mr_pink@Archmage MC@Flamelord@Nightknight@Lmpkio

Kula Alexandrite, Sula Sapphire and Agni Blackheart
World: Arcadia-02
Location: ???

Just as they were talking, Kula felt a presence not too far from them. When he looked, an unconscious human suddenly appeared from where they came. He seems unconscious... what if he was hurt?!, he thought. Without any advice, he ran towards the body. "H-Hey, Kula!! Hold up-", Sula spoke, but Kula had already reached the person. He shoke him a little bit to see if he showed any signs of life.

Agni's Theme: Magnolia

And he moved. The boy soon got up on his knees as Kula gave him a little of space. He looked around, a little dizzy. "Ugh... where am I? This place... this isn't Lizeria or any Netherworld I know...", he said. Then, he looked at Kula, who stood there. "Are you feeling yourself well?", he asked. Agni sat on the ground. He didn't found weird that the fox was talking... or dressed like that. The only thing Agni did was nodding, confirming it. Then, he checked if everything was OK with him. He found his short sword intact and an important item. He got up and the fox got too. "Since you are lost too, stay near us. It will be easier.", Kula said. "I agree. Let's go with them over there.", Agni responded as he walked back to Ryu, Gojira-san and Sula.

"Well, presenting myself. I am Kula Alexandrite. And this is my brother Sula Sapphire. And you?", he asked to Agni. "My name is Agni Blackheart, One-Winged Oracle and Overlord of Lizeria.", he said. Sula looked a little away. "And you two?", he said, asking to Ryu and Gojira-san.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" roared the power armour clad Chaos Space Marine as he charged the Daemon. However, he was quickly cut in half as Gorefather ripped through him. Angron now stood in a pile of bodies as he began wiping the blood from his golden armour. He shook his head, he could hear the whispers of Khorne penetrating his skull, telling him to become his herald in return for infinite power.

"I will not become your slave!!!" he growled as he began to move on towards the next checkpoint. His World Eaters approached him, Kharn at their head.

"My lord, the Word Bearers and Thousand Sons are in retreat. But we have received word that Lord Magnus and the Grey Knights are closing on this planet. I suggest we leave before they arrive. We don't want to get bogged down in pointless battle whilst the Blood Gods servants roam free."

"No, we will hunt them down to the last." Angron grunted. "We will hunt them down and destroy them all." he growled as he began to walk off towards the retreating enemy.

"Sir, we should let your brother destroy them. Unless you want to give Khorne the satisfaction of us mindlessly spilling the blood of his enemies." Angron stopped and turned around, walking directly up to Kharn and staring him directly in the eyes. Kharn took his helmet off and stared back. Angron grunted.

"Vox the Conquerer... We are pulling back for now..." he grunted. Kharn put his helmet back on and pressed a button for the vox-caster built in.

"Conquerer, Priority Vox, we are pulling out. Teleport everyone back up." he ordered.

"It will be done, milord." replied the vox-master from the ship. Angron stood next to Kharn and disappeared in a flash of blue energy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Gummi Bunnies@Mr_pink@Archmage MC@Flamelord@Nightknight@MagusDream
Ryu & Gojira-San

As the group stops by the crash area, they are greeted by two beings. Gojira-San was the first to speak.

"You guys ok?" she simply asks.

One quickly stepped forward as they reached the other two. With a bow, he greeted them.

"Greetings. My name is Kula Alexandrite and this is my brother Sula Sapphire. In times like these, one would ask our location. But perhaps we are all lost here, each of us wanting to go back to our worlds, so asking something like 'Do you know where we are?' is obviously out of question. What I ask is that if you all mind if we accompany you. I swear, as the prince of my world, that we will not be a bother and that we will help on everything we can do."

Jeezus, more people. How special is this group anyways??? At this point, it was like mustering up a group of paparazzi. Ryu would sigh as he answers Kula's question.

"Yes... you can join," he states, "We've been getting a lot of people too and just simply getting lost in this place."

Alliance Of Conquerers - Arcadia-1

With Ba'al and his ship coming into range, it would be greeted by a welcoming party of troops, all lined up in an organized fashion. committee after all. Walking towards the ship, Ghidorah-San and the other leaders would then stop as they look upon their new ally getting out of their ship. The golden hybrid would grin for a second as they all stand to welcome him.

"Welcome Lord Ba'al." she simply says as the others await a response.
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