Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

~Student President Akuma~

As the remainder of the students began to file into the mass gym, the storm outside continued to rage. It was as if an angry deity from above had struck his wrath onto the denizens down below. How accurate this is was best left to the mind to wander in its own imagination. Still, the atmosphere was certainly warm and friendly as the students generally migrated themselves amongst their peers. Food was served and club sign-ups were being passed around.

However a gasp soon tore through the mass audience as the lights suddenly cut off. Panic soon turned to amazement when the lights soon flickered back on and focused on a single place in the middle of the gym’s stage. Smoke seemed to seep into the room and blanket the area surrounding the stage for dramatic effect and a lone girl looked upon the crowds with a mic in hand. Murmurs swept through the students as they all gazed upon the glorious form of their ethereal Student President. Praises and whistles of encouragement soon joined the fray as the President’s beauty. She was just so stunning up on the stage and everyone wanted to be as cool as her.

“Ara, ara~ Ladies and gentlemen; welcome one and all to your temporary homes for the evening. The Academy is happy to provide warm meals and other conveniences for your time staying here. Forecasts show that the weather won’t light up until dawn so going back to your dorms won’t be an option. We hope you understand.”

The Student President gave a wink and a smile, throbbing the hearts and minds of quite a few of her peers. Twirling the microphone in her hand, the smoke cut off and the lights were turned on. Smirking confidently, Student President Akuma walked down from her perched position to join her fellow peers in the fray down below.

“Oh ho, someone likes the attention,” snickered a girl from the backdrop, turning off the last of the smoke machines. With a sigh, she crossed her arms behind her head and casually stepped out of her position behind the stage. If she hurried, maybe she could get a double helping of the rice! So spicy!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Akira Hato

"O-sora no shinda sekai kara
O-kiraku nanbaa
Shinu made ni kuttoke
Maaboo doofu"

Arriving to the gymnasium with all the other students, Akira was more or less going with the flow at the moment. There were many other kids here, but he dared not ask if they too just suddenly showed up out of the blue. That would be awkward. Not only that, but they seemed so... Normal. Like they're (obviously) just students at this school. Akira was certain he wasn't the only outsider here, but it was hard to tell who was and wasn't an outsider. But before he could get really inquisitive, the lights went out. There was some surprised screaming here and there, but Akira just rolled his eyes. [colorskyblue]"Oh come on, they just turned off the lights..."[/color] Soon the lights were back on, and someone who Akira figured was the student president made a huge announcement.

“Ara, ara~ Ladies and gentlemen; welcome one and all to your temporary homes for the evening. The Academy is happy to provide warm meals and other conveniences for your time staying here. Forecasts show that the weather won’t light up until dawn so going back to your dorms won’t be an option. We hope you understand.”

Putting his finger to his lips, Akira analyzed the situation. "Hmm... If all the students are here, then surely someone among the students are an outsider like me... I just need to figure out a way to attract them to me." What the student president did was a good idea: make a big show and have everyone look at her. Akira was almost certain that the student president was an outsider like him, though it was unlikely. If Akira had to guess, all the outsiders have arrived roughly at the same time as he did. So if the student president has already been established, it's unlikely that she's an outsider.

As all the students got in line for spicy soup, there was the faint sound of a violin in the air. Looking around for the source of music Akira saw the same mysterious musician from last time. He was gathering a bit of a crowd with his playing. Smiling, Akira figured out a good way to gather a crowd of her own. As the violin placed, Akira stood on the tip of his toes and started to skip between the students. A few tried to dodge him, and the ones who couldn't she simply stepped around. But as he was weaved through the crowds, he started to use more elaborate footwork. And the further he went, he started to dance.

Moving her body to the rhythm of the violinist, Akira's was fast but graceful. Though the song was fairly slow, Akira's twirled and moved his body with matching agility, able to both dodge the students who came in his way, as well as cross a great distance. By the time the song had ended, Akira had earned quite a few stares from the students he passed, as well as cut to the front of the soup line. "Two please. I'm bringing it for a friend."

Soon Akira would arrive to the violinist, both his hands holding bowls of spicy soup. Like before he had danced between the students while also balancing the precarious meals in his hands, not even spilling a drop. Walking up the bleachers to meet the musician the deceptively-female looking young man offered the bowl to the musician. "That was a lovely song. My name is Hato Akira (Surname first). May I know yours?" Akira batted his eyelashes at the musician cutely, suppressing a stifled giggle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shiba sighed loudly as he heard the announcement of the living situation from their student president. If things play out as they always do then Shiba will be pressured into taking the position which will no doubt make the girl angry and jealous and spread rumors about me. It's like he's being forced to take punishments over and over again no matter how much he hates it. Shiba then got up and went to get some rice thinking he may as well eat something while he is waiting for the storm to pass. So he won't eat to much since Shiba hates spicy food...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago



'No pulse!' Echoed through a black void like world with Rikka in the midst of it 'Don't give up!' A thunder striked onto Rikka and the world started to live again 'She's stable for now.' Another voice sounded through her mind 'The boy won't make it if we aren't fast enough! He won't stop bleeding and it's internal op top of that!' The voices died down again 'We ..ed a do...'

I want to help...

She was surprised that the guy she randomly talked to actually knew sign language. Rikka's expression became brighter as her smile turned cheerfuller at the same time. Maybe it was a class full of students that had minor traits like mute or deaf! She was so excited. After the first two words he had signed she immediately broke his line and cut in between. She quickly signed at him since she had to know if he truly mastered the language. She pointed at him and reverted her hand back to her forhead where she placed the tips of her fingers onto her forhead with her hand curled away towards the ground. She spun both her hands like windmills towards each other and after, drafted both her hands outward like waves while her fingers were shaped like L's.

Do you know sign language?

He finished his sentence by saying his name the same way Rikka had spelled hers and answered her. She already knew from the way he ended it that he didn't know it very well. She averted her eyes away from him for a moment knowing she had expected too much again. And after a quick two second brought her big shining eyes back at him. He said it himself once more to make it clear. Rikka gave an awkward smile at him and made a simple gesture that he shouldn't apologise and that it was alright by shaking her hands in no gesture while shaking her head at the same time. It would have made it easier to understand the language too but it did not matter. They would be able to communicate either way, only a bit slower.

He continued and made quite an unique argument. So she wasn't the only one who didn't know where they were or why they would be waking up here in a random school. Rikka gave a few convincing nods at him and widened her eyes while continuing to nod. He was also lost in this weird school. The other students seemed to be enjoying whatever was going on at this school and didn't have the same problem like Rikka and Testsuya had. The only diffrence was the uniform they were wearing. Rikka shook her head for not knowing this school at all and tried replying back to one of his earlier comments.

Rikka pointed at herself and placed both her hands under head as she tilted her head and closed her eyes like she was sleeping. She then shook her head. It was not sleeping but something else. She pointed her finger up as a 'but'. Rikka raised her hands above her head and acted like some monster. So instead of sleeping it was a nightmare. Rikka acted like she was scared and then slid her throat with her finger. She raised her arm above her head like she was grabbing a rope that was attached to her head and poked her toungh out while tilting her head acting like she was dead. She went back to sleep again and woke up and then pointed at the ground and shrugs.

I had a nightmare and ended up here afterwards.

This was already getting tiring. Rikka panted lightly as the lights turned off. Rikka hurriedly looked around her, the sudden darkness made her night blind for a moment. There weren't many lights from outside and even if there were it wouldn't do much because of the storm. Rikka panicked, how would she be able to conversate with the boy now. He wouldn't see her and it was even becoming a little too crowded in here. Rikka stared at the ground for a short moment and simply stood next to Tetsuya with her gaze remaining on the same spot and began leaning against the wall just like him. She didn't want to get separated now that she had found someone like her and gave a small pout that she wasn't able to sign well now because of the darkness. The prep of the school made a huge act on stage she was saying that they wouldn't be able to leave for a while and it was already pretty obvious seeing the weather. Well she was prepared for it now at least. Her parents would have to wait, she had some other things to do now. All that she did now was hope her guitar was alright in the cold. It won't be usable after such a heavy storm so she hoped the best for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Crusades In The Afterlife Of Sakura Aoba; Continuation

The girl I asked to pinch me looked at me as if I had three head, though she still complied with my request. Though when I didn't wake up from the dream after the harsh pinch the girl gave me, I started to worry a bit more.

Was it indeed not a dream and this was in fact some kind of twisted afterlife? Nah, can't be. My imagination is flying a bit too much.

Should make a comic about that later, though.

My thoughts are derailed when the lights go out and several students gasp with fear. Ah, if I just were popular, women would be leaning forward towards me for me to shelter them from whatever scary monsters might be hiding in the dark...

Though I say so, I don't think I'd stand the physical contact for too long so it is better like this, not to mention that I am so skinny I could protect nothing with these tiny arms of mine. Besides, all of my efforts are better used at thinking up new comics. God knows I need to make better comics. I left school for 'em, after all.

In any case, I need to figure a way out of this dream, and the people are starting to crowd a bit too much for what I am comfortable with. I should go look for a nice and lonely corner where I can get my thoughts back in order and stop fantasizing about this.

"And if worst comes to worst, mom will wake me up. It'll be a harsh scolding afterwards but well, better than staying stuck in this dream."

At this point, I think I was trying a bit too hard to convince myself of the fact that this was a dream. Maybe because I don't know what I'll do if I'm really dead. But that's not possible, right?

What kind of heaven looks like a school and has hot girls as Student Council presidents? Not one of 'em showed up in Buddhism, more like I should've been reincarnated, don't cha think?

"ARGH! I'm so confused right now!" I hold my head between my hands. "I should get another helping of rice to help me relieve this headache." I sigh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm glad, I will no longer have to suffer this fate of mine."

Once Akemi had gone into the shelter, she could see the large amount of people that were there, she even saw that the spicy rice was actually there. She took a look around at the other students, noticing that some of them had the same uniform on that she had on herself, which made her curious. But firstly, Akemi wanted to get something to eat since they may be in the gymnasium pretty much all night, so she went to one of the stands and waited in line. As Akemi was in line, she continued to think about Persephone, where did she even go? Was she even there in the first place? Maybe Akemi is crazy in all of this mess. Once she had reached the front, she smiled to the one handing out the rice. "Thank you." Akemi smiled at the person before she headed off, she didn't know exactly where to go though.

At that moment she looked to see a boy playing his violin, a crowd forming around him as Akemi noticed the uniform, she smiled as she joined in the crowd. She listened to every note on the violin, it was truly beautiful music, she really liked classical music instead of the new rock genre. She took a bite of her spicy rice, and her face heated up in an instant as she left the crowd, putting a hand over her mouth. "So much spice!" Akemi had whispered behind her hand, trying to cool herself down from the heat. She heard the last note ring out, which made Akemi clap along with the other students that were present.

Then suddenly, the lights went out.

Akemi heard many gasps from the students present, Akemi didn't gasp herself, but was surprised from what was happening at that exact moment. The lights then flickered back on, as she saw a girl on the stage with smoke surrounding it. She held her bowl of rice in once hand as she heard what she had to say. She heard whistles at the same time as well admiring the girls beauty, Akemi could feel a small blush on her cheeks, herself she found this girl beautiful. Akemi had to stay in this gymnasium for a little longer, the storm must be very bad for them to stay in her. When the president gave a wink, Akemi's blush had instantly risen as her heart had started to pound. For her to take me away like this... Akemi said as she put a hand over her chest, to try and calm herself down.

Once again she started to hear the violin again, which calmed her back down, then noticing a girl(?) dancing around with the melody. Akemi then looked to the side, to find any more people that she could perhaps communicate with. Persephone? Where are you? Akemi said as she closed her eyes, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. She just wanted to relax, if this truly was a boarding school, her parents wouldn't be coming anytime soon.

I'll have some time to figure out this plan, no one will get in my way. I must die.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko Kurosawa

Eiko stayed by herself in one little section of the gym as she waited around for the storm to be over she didn't really like being around large crowds of people, she soon noticed a guy started to play a violin on the top of the bleachers, Eiko thought that the guy was either really high thinking of himself or just really foolish, soon one of the girls in a dress being dancing to the guy playing the violin, Eiko turned away from the two getting an odd feeling about the girl that was dancing to the violin.

Eiko began thinking about how she got here, she didn't remember getting brought here, and she never remembered attending a school before in any way, she remembered always having someone teach her certain things but she never remembered a school besides the one she attended for a day, she had a hand on her chin as she tried to remember.

Suddenly Eiko's nose was hit with the smell of something over spiced, it was some raven colored hair girl that had the spiced rice, Eiko tried to hold her nose as the yellow eyed girl stood next to her and tried to eat the spiced rice but only managed to turn beet red and tried to cool herself down and fan her mouth, Eiko sighed seeing the girl overreact to the over spiced meal.

Eiko just watched as the girl next to her began clapping for the boy that played the instrument. Soon the lights went out and Eiko took the lights going out seriously, she put her hands up in front of her and had her hands opened just in case someone or something would try to attack her or come at her, she for a minute forgot that she was in a school till the lights came back on.

She had half a mind to yell at the person on stage for turning out the lights and making some type of dramatic entrance, Eiko didn't care how much makeup the girl had shoveled on her face, she listened to the girl talk about them getting dorms and this being their home for the while Eiko sighed before wondering if she could find a place to sleep besides on the floor and under the bleachers.

She still wasn't going to bother eating the over spiced rice, she still didn't trust it, she didn't know if the girl on the stage was trying to Jim Jones everyone." Well at least she didn't call us her children." She said to herself." Screw that spiced rice, who ever made it over did it on the spice." Eiko said in a normal tone without hiding that she said it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shiba sighed loudly as he ate some of the spicy rice but obviously he hated it. Once he ate some he put the rest in the garbage and he looked up seeing the clock seeing that it was getting late and he needed to get home or else he would be locked out....again. Shiba then got up and went towards the door and a teacher tried to stop Shiba "Hey your not supposed to leave the area while its storming like this" the teacher said and Shiba groaned "piss off I gotta go home or im getting locked out" Shiba said not caring at this point since he didn't want to be locked out in this weather. Shiba went through the door and walked out...about 10 feet, and Shiba then walked back into the gym his body dripping wet and soaked to the bone. "Okay shut up" Shiba said to him sitting down in a corner to try and dry off now that he was shivering...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


The heavy rain outside the Gym felt fresh on Boss’ skin. It was a familiar, enjoyable smell. It was nothing but water, but the smell was nostalgic and make Boss sigh at the happy memory. I wonder if you are here? It wasn't a lie, right? Still getting too wet in the rain would have it's downsides. Dashing forward while she wasn’t completely soaked, she made her way in to the Gym, watching the mess that was the Student population mill about. There were clubs asking for members and booths serving meals. Some people were far more into it and the ones that weren't? Well, they were the confused ones that seemed to instinctively gather together. Wondering how to move about inconspicuously, Boss for the moment followed a male NPC carrying some spicy rice, he seemed to be some of the ones serving the students and was coming out with a fresh batch.

Boss waited for them to put down his load of freshly cooked rice with spice, it didn't look light and she doubted her could carry it the whole way. This happened sooner than she thought since suddenly the lights went down and what appeared to be the Student President emerged from some smoke and into a spotlight.
How ostentatious! That girl has some nice style. Well, since you were so very kind~ it was only natural to Boss that she used the eye catching scenario, so took advantage of the distraction to launch a punch straight to the poor NPC’s jaw, sending him crumpling to the ground without a clue as to what happened.

Rolling him out of sight, Boss picked up the now abandoned load of rice as the lights came on once more and walked with purpose, since she was obviously supposed to be doing this. Spying a pink haired girl emerge from behind the curtain, Boss slowly walked up behind her, thinking she recognized her.

“Excuse me? Would you like some rice? You must not of had a chance to get some for yourself yet, given your duties”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 17 days ago

Tetsuya Nakano

For a moment - a rather short moment - the girl, Rikka, looked happy. Maybe she didn't know too many people, or any at all, that could converse with her the natural way to her. Sign language tended to be a pretty rare knowledge for people to know, at least in Tetsuya's experiences, so it wouldn't have surprised him. However, after he told her that he didn't remember, her face and possibly mood dropped. She didn't exactly seem upset, but she looked a little saddened from her original assumption. Apparently it was a-okay, but for some reason he felt as if he had let Rikka down, despite only knowing her for a short while. However, the she did something rather impressive - she helped him understand. It was as if she was playing charades with him, and he could about make out what she was trying to say.
"We playing charades now? So you had a nightmare? I wish I even had that much, but I don't even remember falling to sleep..." he said, looking around at all the people in the ever filling hall and then back to Rikka.

From what he remembered, he could probably Have a decent conversation with the girl through signing, but everything was cut short with the lights shutting off. It was faint, but he could just about make out the image of Rikka through the darkness, which slightly surprised him. She had started to lean against the wall, and from what he could barely make out she wasn't in the happiest of moods. Then the supposed Student Council President, who seemed slightly eccentric, appeared from smoke and the returning of the lights. He didn't pay much attention, and instead focused on remembering more Sign Language. There were bits, but not much, at least not enough for extended conversations. There was probably a library somewhere that he could read up on it, or even some computers. In fact, Testuya became so engrossed in his remembrance of the language that he didn't notice that the lights had come back on, and he quickly snapped back to reality. It was time to try something.

He tapped Rikka on the shoulder, and turned to face her. He held both his hands out flat, with the thumb pointed on a diagonal downwards to the floor. Then, he shook them from side to side a couple of times. He then pointed at her, before taking his left hand, clenching his fist and stretching his thumb out horizontally. He did the same with his right, but positioned it on his forehead. Then he brought his right and hand down without changing the sign and placed it atop his left hand. Next was when things got tricky for him...

He put his left hand a little ways from his body, and pointed his thumb up a little, as if he were giving Rikka a thumbs up. Then he moved it downwards and curved it right as he did, in a sort of crescent shaped movement. Next he put his left hand out, flat and horizontal, and moved his right hand down and then up again three times, each time moving it slightly to the right when bringing it down to his other hand. Finally, he put his right hand out again and did the small thumbs up, before making a reversed crescent upwards and towards the left first, then towards the right and finishing.

Do you remember anything else?

He finished and looked at her slightly expectantly.
"Did I do that right?" he asked, standing still whilst looking around to make sure no one was staring.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago



'Again!, Again!, Once more!' Loud muffled voices sounded through Rikka's mind 'Come on!, Again!'


Rikka blushed a little, she was indeed playing charades but that was the best for now. Any other way of communication would need an object to make it work right. At the moment there weren't many except for spicy curry. Well she could do something like writing with ketchup onto the curry but that was too much of a hazzle. Tetsuya continued with his reply. Rikka couldn't remember that she had fallen asleep either but she had that feeling most of the time. Where just a big part of your day seems gone while you were sleeping. But this felt different, like it never was a dream but the true reality. Anyway it was something she had never experienced before and would still try to process it in the back of her head and eventually come to a conclusion.

The lights suddenly turned on again and blinded Rikka for a minute. Out of reaction she put her hand above her eyes so her eyes wouldn't hurt as much. She felt Tetsuya tapping her on the shoulder and faced him while lowering her hand again. She curiously tilted her head as she bundled her hands together behind her back. as she watched what he was about to do. He tried doing some more sign language and was pretty damn good for someone that didn't sign for such a long time. He could have done better but it was at least better then her parents could do it. Rikka suddenly brightened again and gave a cheerful smile at him before she started clapping enthusiastically and nodded her head once to say he did right while continuing to clap.

She dropped her hands and closed her eyes while shaking her head lightly with a big of a disappointed expression. She didn't know what happened in between her waking up and the dream. It was all rather vague but maybe she'll eventually remember. Rikka suddenly waved at him and walked away. A while later she returned with a notepad and pen in her hand leaned from one of the npc teachers that was so kind to give it to her.

This might be a bit easier for you

She gave a gentle smile as she showed him the note she made.

They just dumped me here it seems. But i'm not hurt for some reason. That's the least I would have suspected from them

She gave another gentle smile and waited for his response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

When Harumi arrived at the building she had seen from far away, she found out that it was a gymnasium of sorts and the teachers ushered all the teens around to take shelter from the brunt of the storm inside of it.

“At least, I think that I’ll be able to get something to eat.” Harumi said to herself as she smelled the spice curry that was mentioned over the PA system a few moments ago. “Thinking too much about things I don’t know will only serve to damage my brain. I gotta pool everything together and then, figure out what’s happening before I make any moves.”

As Harumi was assessing the perimeter (while gobbling down the spicy curry), the weird girl on the stage made her dramatic announcement. Harumi waited for her to finish it, thinking “If there’s anyone who knows her way around here, it’s gotta be her. It won’t hurt asking.” Then, Harumi walked to the demure looking girl and poked her shoulder from behind.

“Hey, do you mind me asking a few questions about this place? You seem like the kind who doesn’t lose her way easily, so I kinda figured you’re the best to ask it, sorry if I’m a bother.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the gym…

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Lillies are blooming."

“Here, take one.” A petite pink haired girl, wearing the female NPC uniform waked between the rows and islands of students that had formed on the crowded gymnasium, handing freshly picked flowers from a basket to all the females she passed by.

“For you as well, a flower to a flower…” The girl said, drawing a sigh of the smitten girl who received her favor.

Eventually, she would make her way through all present females, up to and including the girl dancing besides the violist boy, giving flowers to each of them, despite no indication that she was a member of the gardening club.

“Ahh~” She sighed, exhilarated as she made the round “The demure camellia, the majestic hibiscus, the glamorous rose, the radiant daisy, the mystic lotus and, let’s not forget, the sweet honey-like lily.” All of them, in one place.

“My poor heart, will it endure the sight of such beauty that makes the Gardens of Babilon look like a bush of weed?” The girl swooned, gliding around as her feet didn’t even seem to touch the wooden floor.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Meanwhile, Shino was sitting down with the rest of the student as he tried to blend in with the rest of the students. He had no idea how he end up on the school's campus wearing one of the school's uniform but this is one weird afterlife if is one, hell he didn't even know for sure if he truly died...there nothing written in and religious book that says; when you died you get sent back to school. But if he not died how did his injuries? he swears that thug he stole from broke his ribs before he stab him but as far as Shiro check, he had no such injuries...hell nothing was hurting, he expect to wake up with at least some kind of ache.

He then sees some kind of...elf? girl flying around passing females flowers. Shiro couldn't help but be curious on what trick the girl is using to fly. "Excuse me..." He asked trying to get her attendance. "What kind of magic trick is allowing you to fly?" he asked her before waving his hand under to search for some kind of invisible glass or wires.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm glad, I will no longer have to suffer this fate of mine."


Akemi continued to try and calm down her mouth from the spice that was on the rice, there was a lot of it which made Akemi have even worse of a reaction it. Akemi didn't really like spice that much, despite it being in most of her meals when she returned home for breaks from school. She looked to her side to see a girl, who was complaining about the massive use of spice on the rice as well. It didn't take long before she saw a girl with bright pink hair come up to her afterwards, Akemi opened her eyes and uncrossed her arms as she stood up straight.

"I'm picking... which flower?" Akemi had asked the girl, she then noticed that she was wearing the same uniform that Akemi had on herself. She looked at the flowers that were in the basket, smelling all of their essence, she actually liked flowers since they were always at home besides the piano. "Well, I'd have to pick the Lily." Akemi smiled down at the girl, since she was taller than her, then got the flower as her smile remained on her face. "Thank you." Akemi finally said. She watched the girl walk off to greet other girls and to give them flowers, Akemi was somewhat interested in why she was giving out flowers. Maybe she plucked them to protect them from the rain outside? You never know, asking wouldn't hurt.

Akemi had suddenly started to think about Persephone again, and what her appearance was like. Her beautiful blonde hair, those piercing sky blue eyes, and the small frame of her body. Akemi was trying to remember what she was wearing, it was a long black dress, none of the students here were wearing anything like that. It was hard for Akemi to pinpoint who Persephone even was, it's strange to suddenly be there and then disappear out of the blue, she didn't seem to be part of the school either. Akemi tried to shake the thoughts away, she looked around the gym figuring out where to head to next.

Akemi looked back to the flower in her hand, admiring the beauty of it, and reminding her of each time she played the piano at home. Akemi regretted not being able to marry someone that she loved, if only her parents would even understand that Akemi didn't think that way about boys. Well, to be more honest Akemi didn't really know if she liked males. Akemi didn't even know which gender she liked, or genders in that matter.

Maybe I should get some sleep, we're supposed to be here all night after all. Akemi had thought to herself as she slid down a wall trying to find a comfy position to sleep in. She looked up at the other students, as Akemi was starting to fall asleep, her right hand was open and lying on the ground next to her. Eventually, Akemi closed her eyes as she continued to relax. Her flower was relaxing on her lap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko Kurosawa

Eiko sat near by the bleachers with her legs crossed, she didn't sit on the bleachers but next to them she had her eyes closed and tried to get to sleep early so she could just wake up early, she didn't want to fall asleep too late, she also hoped she wouldn't get another one of her night terrors and scream really loud, or go around attempting to strangle people while sleepwalking.

She really hated the sleeping problems she had, and hated some of the things she had people do to help her with sleeping, Eiko remembered countless times her mother or father would put her into a sleeper hold to help her sleep, she tried to place that memory in the back of her mind as she tried her best to get comfortable where she was and had her back to the bleachers.

Out of nowhere suddenly a really flat chested girl tossed a lotus flower onto Eiko's head, Eiko stood up with the odd flower in her hand and watched as the flat chest girl threw flowers at the other girls that were around. Eiko thought she shouldn't be calling the flat chest girl flat, since her chest wasn't much to be looked at either, but regardless Eiko still thought the girl, if it even was a girl, was pretty cutting board flat really, Eiko wondered what the flower was, she considered throwing it away or crushing it in her hand.

Then she got an idea, instead of going for the spiced rice, she crushed the flower in her hand, then actually ate it's remains whole, she swallowed the flower whole without chewing it, she didn't care if the girl or guy, or whatever the flamboyant creature was, gotten angry for what Eiko did with the plant, they gave it to Eiko to do what she wanted with it, Eiko sat back down right next to the bleachers and crossed her legs, this time she crossed her arms and had her eyes closed, she had a serious look on her face while she tried to go to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Akio smiled sofly as the dancer gracefully made their way to him. At a distance it looked to be a young girl, but once they had gotten closser he was able to detect the subtle features of a boy beneath the cuteness. He wasn't quite sure why, but already he liked this person. He introduced himself along with complimenting his song, causing him to redden a bit. "Akio shiazaka, violinist at your service. You seem... Normal, for lack of better terms." he chuckled. "Not like the npc's I mean." He paused for a moment as a pink hair girl arrived and offered them flowers. A quick scan and Akio scooped up a line lunar tear, smiling at it lovingly. It was his youngest sisters favorite. Shaking his head free of the toughts he returned his attention to Akira. "Your quite the dancer by the way. Very well balanced as well." Akio absent mindedly twirled the flower in his hand as he spoke. He felt weird, he had talked more today than he had the all the other days he'd been here so far. Jokingly he added, "Quite a bit of rice, hungry are you?"

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Akira Hato

"A song that for this dark hour
Brighten by a single flower
The lonely heart and the broken mask
Finally meet at last"

Akira tilted his head at the violinists, Akio Shiazaka, mention of NPC's. Akira didn't play much video games (As far as he remembers, which isn't much), but he knows that NPC's means "non-playable characters" in gaming terms. So was this all just a game to Akio? It would certainly explain how... Odd this place felt, but Akira was hesitant to call his life a mere game. Even if he was a player in it. But this at least confirmed to Akira that this other person was an outsider like her. Or just very strange. Either way, someone that he could confine in and figure out what had become of him.

But before Akira could really start talking, a girl danced up to him and offered Akira a flower. His hands were a bit full, so he used his mouth and grabbed a Camellia flower. With the flower in his mouth Akira was still able to speak clearly, showing off the agility his tongue had. "Thank you. Hearing your song made me want to move... It feels good. As for the rice, I thought I'd bring some for you, Mr. Mystery Musician." Akira walked up to Akio and set the plate down for him, feeling Akira's hand to take the flower out of his mouth. Settling down himself Akira ate the spicy soup. It had quite a sting at first, but after a few more bites Akira actually enjoyed the spiciness. It cleared his sinuses and tasted delicious, even if his lips and tongue were on fire.

Akira finished his meal fairly quickly, but made sure not to make a mess. Setting his bowl aside Akira looked at Akio, then back at the girl who gave him the flowers. She was dancing through the crowds, offering her gifts to everyone and anyone. Akira wanted to join her. "Say Shiazaka-san... Do you know any jaunty tunes? I'm going to dance with that girl." Akira pointed his flower at the pink-haired flower girl, ambition gleaming in his eyes. Akira decided for himself that he'll show her true grace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

~Student President Akuma~

Akuma paused when she heard a voice call out to her. Spinning on her heels, she saw one of the students approach her asking about directions around the school. For a brief moment Akuma blinked in surprise, as if she had only realized something just now. And that something was the simple curiosity of why a student would need directions if they had been here all this time.

But she soon chalked that up to some of the NPCs being buggy again. Hands on her hips, she fixed a cool stare at Harumi before answering with, “Well of course I know my way. I’m the Student President after all~ Now then little one, what exactly do you need help with? I’m always there to help a fellow peer and fan.”

But whatever Harumi was going to say next, it was soon blindsided by the appearance of a somewhat familiar pink-haired girl. If Akuma remembered correctly, her name was Ellie and she was like her, having been stuck in this place for a while. Other noteworthy aspects were her eccentric nature and her seemingly attentive attraction towards the ladies.

Smirking confidently, Akuma took the flower in hand, only to pause as she looked at what she had received. It was an Orchis italic, or to the common slang, the “Naked Man Orchid”. Akuma stared at the purple flower with more than a little perplexion before shrugging it off.

“Ara, Ara~ Goodness, you seem to be in a good mood Ellie! And such an exotic flower too! Is there a special occasion? Or…are you just happy to see me again?”

The Student President crossed her arms and tried to pin the flower in her hair. However, it was obvious that she had never done anything like that before and so was having trouble getting the stem to stick in her hair. Eventually she just gave up, tangling the flower as best she could before crossing her arms again and trying to manage a smile that covered up her temporary ignorance.


Dana sighed as it seemed that she had just missed the sweet spot for the rice lines. Rush hour was upon her and by the time she gotten to the front, the NPCs reluctantly told her that they were all out. Stomach growling, Dana pulled out her phone and brought up the menu, checking the surveillances around the school. She figured she might as well just eat in her dorm then; if she was fast enough, the weather wouldn’t catch up and she was sure she had saved some inkling of spicy tuna in her fridge.

With that in mind, Dana turned away from the crowd, her eyes still scanning her phone for the latest reports. So it was really no wonder how and why she bumped right into the blonde girl in front of her. At once the held rice bowl spilled over both onto Dana’s uniform and the other girl’s. Dana froze, looking up from her phone to meet the blonde girl’s eyes. A nervous grin sported her face, revealing her shark-like teeth.

“Oh ho, sorry about that! Whoops, look at me, clumsy as ever,” she said a little too loudly with too much enthusiasm, scratching her head. “Aw well, can’t expect a good result from trash like me, right? Oh ho, I’ll get you cleaned up soon! Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you look real familiar? No? Must be me.”

But before Dana could run away to go retrieve some paper towels, Ellie showed up with her myriad of flowers. Dana saw the other pink-haired girl and the shadow of a frown crossed her usually cheery expression. But that all faded away as soon as Ellie gave her a flower, a red Spider Lily to be exact. Dana studied the thing and thought about throwing it away.

Her stomach rumbling made her give pause, reminding her that she had not only missed dinner but also just pissed off another student. Well then, beggars couldn’t be choosers and Dana took the red flower before stuffing it in her mouth, chewing it in thought. It would have to do before she could back to her dorm but first she had to deal with the mess she made first.

“Bempf rightmf backmf,” she told the familiar blonde girl, muffled with chewing the flower as she ran off to get those paper towels. She didn’t even bother with the rice on her own outfit, figuring she could eat it off or something when no one was looking.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

"First of everything,"

Those were the first words to leave Harumi’s fine lips, after she made contact with the demure raven-haired girl who stood at the stage even a few moments ago. Her attention swayed for a moment when she noticed that some long haired blonde seemed to be starting a fight, but Harumi’s focus got right back to the dark-haired girl, as soon as she noticed that the conflict would go nowhere.

“Ahem,” Harumi cleared her throat loudly, but just before she could continue…

“Here, have one…”

“A flower to a flower…”

A minute pinkette came by and gave her a flower, as well as to the dark haired girl before Harumi, “A dwarf sunflower? Hmm… what does this one mean, I wonder.”

“A… anyway,” Harumi finally turned to the raven haired beauty again as she used the mysterious flower to give an extra touch of personality to her characteristic ribbon, “The first thing I want to ask is where we are? I haven’t seen any roads connecting to this school, and it seems to be in the middle of a sea of trees, in a closed off mountain range, there’s no way someone would build a school at a place like this. So, what’s the deal?”

While Harumi waited for the other girl to answer her first question, she scooped another portion of spicy curry from one the persons that were handing it down and took a spoonful of it. “Mmm! This is really good, not as good as mapo tofu, but still a worthy foe.” Harumi squirmed in her place, moaning pleasurably as she kept eating the curry and waiting for the other girl’s reply.

♪Whoosh Whoosh
Let them bloom
Bright and beautiful like flowers~♪

“And, aren’t they? Hehehe~” The strange tail girl giggled to herself as she continued to glide between her schoolmates.

Eventually, a white haired boy approached her and made a curious question as to how she was able to fly like that (even though she was not, for real, at least). “Ara ara~,” she had a smug smile on her lips as she regarded the boy with narrowed eyes, “has my dancing fascinated you so much that you began to see what’s not there? Ah, such a shame my favors are for the lovely flowers, only.”

That said, the girl put a finger to her lips, smiling innocently as she seemed to reach a revelation of sorts. “Though, I’ll need someone to handle the heavy lifting. If you are good boy, I might even spare something for you? Teehee!” With her exchange with the boy done, the tail girl waited a bit to see his answer and then glided away again, only to be approached by the pure camellia that was with the only boy that dared get one of her flowers.

“What, may I help you, my dear bud?” The tail girl smiled, and grabbed one of Hato’s hands with the grace of a master of seduction. She was impressed with how fine and fragile Hato’s hand felt, probably those were the softest hands she ever touched.

She couldn’t contain her excitement and pounced Hato, trying to get a feel of her slim body. “You want to dance, right? I can see it; on the way you came to me skipping steps. Let’s go, then!” She grabbed Hato by the shoulders, before handing her one of a pair of decorated fans she produced from her basket.

“It’ll be ok, just follow my steps…” She said, as song suddenly began to play from her mobile.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shiba groaned as he stayed to just get cold in his uniform he couldn't believe that the storm was that bad but now he was stuck here and he couldn't get home. At least this time he was sleeping under a roof and didn't need to worry about his parents. Shiba needed to dry off so he went nearby and found some paper towels and next to it was a girl with pink hair and what could only be described as pointy teeth. Shiba grabbed a few Towel to dry off his face "Hey I'm Shiba nice to meet you" Shiba said thinking that if he was going to stay here he needed to talk to somebody. If Shiba could make one friend here then he wouldn't go mad with boredom...
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