Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The, oh you know right? Let's leave it at 'Sakura Aoba' for now

For once, I regretted not being part of the crowd. There was this pink haired girl going around and giving away flowers to everyone.

Well, to the women, but an otaku like me can always appreciate some yuri goodness. That seemed to be the case too for the girl, since I think I spotted a tail there.

Surely but slowly, I start approaching the crowd that is starting to gather around the tailed girl. A smitten boy, much like me if I'm being honest, is looking at her with mesmerized eyes, only for her to answer that, and if I translate it right in my mind, she only has eyes for women.

I'm not sure whether to be excited or disappointed. Well, I'd be excited if I actually got to see some yuri action, but I'm sure this dream is PG-13.

Afterwards, another girl approached her and started talking with her. The tailed girl handed the other one some fans and whatnot. Was it a dance? Were they going to dance? Oh, that seemed just lovely.

I NEED to remember this dream after I wake up. This'll make for a pretty interesting story! Maybe my followers will go up too!

Music started sounding from some place (I can't really see what's going on there since I'm pretty far back) and they to be just about ready to start dancing.

Oh boy, this should be good!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shino then looked at odd girl weirdly as he wonder what this girl deal was and how she was flying or rather not she was human at all. He begins to think of rather not he should help her. The girl did seem cute so he decided to help her out. "Sure, what kind of stuff will i be carrying?" He asked her innocently before following her.

Then the monster girl starts dancing with what he assumes to be another girl(Hato) then at which point he begin to wonder what the hell is going on? and where the hell is he? "Is he really die or is this some kind of dream strange dream he having at the hospital. Once the two when done dancing he then decided to asked the monster girl a question. He hesitated a bit to asked her this next question. "Where am i?" He asked her anxiously. "Before i woke up here i was beaten, stabbed, and left to died in and alleyway; and i wearing this outfit when it all happen. I should be in the hospital and yet i'm fine as healthy as a horse." He asked her shaking in fear and angry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Smiled as Dana made the simple mistake of bumping into her Boss felt Dana was acting a bit... stiff “That’s fine, it was an honest-” cuts her self off as she hears Dana refer to herself as ‘trash’ forcing a smile onto her face, Boss clenches her fists when a smaller girl handed her and Dana a flower each.

Taking a deep breath , Boss forced herself to smile politely, seeing what she offered she couldn’t help but admire the girl “Thank you for the blue rose! How did you manage to get one? So mysterious~” taking a sniff Boss turned to talk to this flower girl and saw her flitting off to enchant some more young ladies. Nice to see a lady killer around here. Shaking her head Boss took the flower with her and headed off to get some paper towels, spied Dana and clenched her fist again, the rose thorns biting into her palm, she walked up behind Dana and slapped the back of the girl’s head.

“A person should never call themselves trash! Never let me catch you calling yourself trash again or I will kick your ass so hard you’ll taste leather for a week!” turning and seeing the boy drying his face a polite smile once again plastered itself on Boss' face “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to disturb you. This lovely little girl just pushed one of my buttons, it wasn’t her fault, but I couldn’t help myself” rubbing the top of Dana’s head, with her non-bloody hand, rose still gripped as her hand slowly grows sticky and the scent of iron fills the near by air, Boss tries to make amends with the littler girl “Still, never call yourself trash. It’s fine if others call someone trash, since it merely shows there petty self-worth, but never call yourself trash. Not even Super Trash, okay~?”

Tenderly unclenching her fist, Boss pulls out the rose, making sure no thorns were still stuck in her hand, and grabs a paper towel to help prevent blood flow. “I’m making a bit of a mess, is there any water? I’d like to wash away the stickiness”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sitting among people she knew that didn't really react to her presence she, was eating the spicy food rather heartily. The burning flavors against her tongue were a set back, but she couldn't resist the urge for some good grub. Oh goodness! It's so good, but so very spicy! Perfect for this weather! Right Kokono-chan? Um? Hey you listening? Turning to her other 'friend' she said the same thing.Right Emi-chan? But once again the girl was ignored. It's not as if she was invisible or something as she was just talking with somebody else. A little frustrated with her friends she got a little mad and sat up with a huff. Fine! If you're going to ignore me than I don't want to sit with any of you! Ignored as usual, when Kanadeko got up, they filled her space with another bland student, as if she wasn't even there to begin with. Teh... So mean...

In the distance Kanadeko could see a peculiar person handing out flowers, Kandadekos' father used to bring all kinds of plant seeds to the house for them to grow. When they would fully bloom, she would pick one, and place it in their Tokonoma, next to the small portrait of her late mother. Generally they would grow three flowers at a time, one for each member of the family. It was a fun experience every time for her, she really enjoyed the sight of flowers. Perhaps, if she went over to this person and introduced herself she could get some seeds, or perhaps even a flower for herself!

Hi, um, I don't think we've met before, my name is Kandeko,I was wondering if maybe I could have a flower? Maybe? Hehe
But she was cut off by the sudden dancing the peculiar girl and someone else. She decided to try again after they had finished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dana blinked out of her thoughts, her hands grasping the paper towels, as one of the boys walked up to talk with her. Weird. Shouldn't the NPCs all be back in the gym until further notice? But no, wait, this one seemed different. For one thing, he seemed too cynical to be one of the faceless others. A new one then? So the fresh batch had finally arrived. That was to be expected.

"Oh ho, it's nice to meet you Shiba! Name's Dana," the pinked-haired girl said cheerily with a bright smile. But before she could really say much more, the familiar tang of blood in the air made her sniff. And before she could even register whose blood it was, she felt her head being slapped rather roughly.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, owiee! Hey that really hurt you know," Dana complained, looking up at the blonde girl from before. "Oh it's you again. Oh ho, I'm surprised you can say something like that when you're, you know, buried six feet under," she muttered, wondering what this girl's problem was. If she wanted to be Super Trash she would be Super Trash.

As her hand slowly stained the paper towel Boss looked down at Dana and her mutterings. "Now here's the thing, you can't be Super Trash, not even regular trash. Why? Because I refuse to waste my precious time on trash, so logically speaking you can't be trash of any sort." Dana was slowly starting to annoy Boss; it was as if she was pushing these buttons of hers on purpose and the thought of her doing that just made Boss that little bit angrier.

"So, Cotton Candy, I have no idea why you changed your hair, but since I'm the Boss, you're no longer allowed to refer to yourself as trash in any way shape or form. If I catch you doing so, I'll hit you again."

"Waah, Boss sure is scary," Dana joked, not sure why this girl was calling herself that. For some reason it made her a tad bit...angry. She wondered if this girl thought she was using that title. But maybe it was just coincidence. Wiping the rest of the spiced rice off of her uniform, she turned back to Shiba.

"Oh ho, sorry about this. But I guess Blondie wants to talk with me in private. Cya round Shiba," she said with a grin before marching out of the bathroom. Only when she had taken a good distance away from the bathroom did she cross her arms and lean on the wall, looking up at Boss.

"Alright Blondie, you have roughly three seconds to tell me why you think you can call yourself that. Because frankly that pisses me off," she said with a dark smirk, shark-teeth gleaming. "If you don't want my hair to turn from pink to red, I suggest you hurry up."

Smiling and turning to Shiba Boss apologized. "Sorry... Shiba, was it? I seem to have cut your conversation short; don't worry I'll try to make it up to you later, I'm sure a cynic like you will have his uses." Making her apology, Boss stalked after Dana, the girl's actions making her smile. Was everything really such a big secret?

Listening to Dana's threat, Boss could only smile. "I can call myself Boss because that's who I am. It would be best if you believe me, but... I suppose I can understand if you can't." Taking the bloody paper towel out of her hand, Boss reached out and gently held Dana's chin. "I wonder how to convince you~?" Giving it a moment’s thought, Boss used her clean hand to open Dana's mouth and pushed a few bloody fingers in "So, how do I taste?"

The pink-haired girl grimaced, backing up slightly. The fact that she wasn't moving was a reminder that there was a wall behind her. So much for playing it cool and casual. Still, her expression slowly became one of confusion as the blonde girl held her chin firmly.

"H-Hey, what are you-hmf?"

Dana tasted the blood, her inhuman teeth rubbing against the soft flesh delicately. She made sure not to injure the girl any more already but that only allowed the blood to freely seep down her throat. Suddenly the girl spluttered, the taste being sweet with heavy coats of bitterness and spice. At once her eyes widened and she lapped up the remains quickly but carefully. Having not eaten anything as of yet, the blood was enough to sate her for now.

Soon she backed up, coughing a little as the fingers were removed. The blonde girl's digits would be coated in a slight layer of drool but the blood was all gone. Dana stood up straight and looked up at this blonde girl...no, this familiar face.

"You...You're....Boss? That's not...B-Boss...you're not all old and wrinkly anymore!" she gasped dramatically.

It was an odd feeling, Dana licking her fingers, Boss couldn't help but roll her eyes before looking around to see if anyone was staring. Hearing Dana's cough, Boss removed her fingers and wiped the drool onto her shirt.

"Thank you Dana, you take being called older to a whole new level." Looking at Dana with a smile. "Let's walk and talk. So, you're aware of this place's purpose, right? Well it... isn't the only one. Since not everyone fits the criteria to be here there has to be. I've gone through one of these places already and, well I'm sure you're aware of how I ended up here from there."

Dana nodded, having a good guess of what had happened. So interference had occurred then? That was fine since it ultimately didn't involve her though she had to wonder why Boss of all people. Because people don't get second chances on some whim from the divine. She was experienced enough to know that promises usually led to the end results of goals.

Arriving at the Gym doors, Boss saw it was still raining. "So how about you show me your dorm and we can have a more comfortable chat?"

The pink-haired girl grinned and nodded, eager to show off her sweet dorm to Boss. And her stomach growling was another reminder that she had still yet to eat anything.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Shiba smiled a little at her when she said her name was Dana. He then got confused when Dana was taking to the new girl about being six feet under. What did she mean by six feet under? Although the girl got a good nickname for Dana by calling her cotton candy Shiba would still sick with shark tooth as Dana nickname. "Later Dana" was all Shiba could say to her before he was left with "boss" as they both liked to refer to her. Then Shiba got a little annoyed when she called Shiba a cynic, Shiba wasn't cynical he was just tired of being told what to do and could never do what he wanted. "I'm not a cynic, and I don't work for anyone" Shiba said before she left thinking it was better to say so then to insult her so early to him being here. Once they left Shiba then went to work on trying to dry himself off...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Akio had smiled and nodded, thanking for the food as the two began to dance. Without heasitation he raised his violin and began to play a melody that you almost wouldn't believe was possible on a violin. It sounded like a strange crossover between classic and pop. As strange as it sounded, it was quite well received by most of the other students. After a while he finished his tune and replaced his violin within its case. Finally he started on his spicy food happily. He was always quite find of spicy foods. Rather quickly he finished, quitely wondering if he could get more. Closing his violins case he stood and walked down the bleachers and have his bowl to the staff, ignoring more than a few odd looks from other students. Apparently he was the only male that had taken a flower, at least that he had seen. Akio raised a hand and fingered the flower nervously, tempted to take it down. He finally decided against it as he moved twords a deserted corner of the room and sat there, alone. This he was used to. He knew that the boy that was dancing seemed nice and potentially could be a friend. Not to mention he looked quite cute in his outfit. Akio blinked curiously. Why had he thought that? He quickly dismissed the thought and pulled his legs in close, resting his head on his knees as he began to doze.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Akira Hato

"Birds of a feather
Dance together"

"Oh! Wait, this is-"

Akira had expressed interests in dancing with the flower girl, she never expected her to come to Akira first! She took the boy onto the gym floor and gave her a fan. A song played, and Akira didn't hesitate or miss a beat. Unfolding the fan in front of his face Akira started the two off, suddenly turning surprised into saucy. Akira began to circle around the flower girl, with light spinning that lifted up his skirts with each twirl, but kept the view of his goods tantalizingly hidden from onlookers. When a small crowd formed around him and the flower girl Akira took the chance to do some more moves on his own, standing before everyone to see. A flip of his hair, lots of little twirls, motioning and pointing with his fan in rhythmic patterns. It was like he was challenging the girl to do better.

And to make his point even clearer, Akira went over to the girl and took her mobile phone. He didn't keep it for long; just long enough to switch to a new song for them to dance to. "C'mon baby, show me what you got~"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No senses... Nothing... Everything that she felt was gone. Like her brain was unplugged from her body. She couldn't smell anything or see anything. It was all so scary. The only thing that still remained in the enternal dark room were the distant voices. It felt like she was forced to watch this drama to continue and she had couldn't do anything about it. Like watching a populair movie on tv. You don't want the main character to die but... There is no way to stop it.

'He'll make it! We could at least do something for one of them. But what will we tell him about her.'[/size]

Thank you

Tetsuya and Rikka shared some more conversations on paper together but only small simple things that were asked daily. Eventually Rikka gave him a small wave and went to get herself some food for her hungry stomach. She said she would see him some time around and wished him a well for the upcomming times.

A small girl with beautiful pink colored hair danced passed Rikka. Rikka kindly smiled at the pink and gave her a small wave as a hello. As a gift the girl gave Rikka a beautiful flower. As she remembered corectly it was the lotus flower that was given to her. Rikka happily smiled at the flower and clutched it close to her chest. She placed her hands together and made a small bow as a thanks. She moved her lips according to the words.

Thank you

With both her mind focused on the flower and her notepad she continued walking in the general direction of the vending machine. She was thinking up a place to place the flower so it wouldn't snap or wither. At first she thought it was smart to tuck it in her hair but it wasn't a matching color like the rest of her appearance.

In full occupation she didn't pay attention to her automatic path finding and crashed into a boy that was standing a few feet away from the flower girl. With a tud she walked against his arm and had to take in her surroundings for a moment, her flower and notepad fell to the ground as she had to regain herself. She made a small yelp and pushed herself softly away from the boy. She blinked a few times to what had happened and kept perfectly quiet. Once she had gotten a better look at the boy she instantly froze.

Rikka was having a deathwish having hurted this god awfull scary delinquent. Her mind turned blank for a moment. She was dead. Next up be would body dunk her and slam her into the ground in front of all these people. She continuously shrunk in size seeing up to this boy. His eyes were like two spotlights on her. Sharp and eye deafening. Rikka bowed a full 90 degrees with her arms stretched alongsides her body as she tried apologising to the boy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko Kurosawa

As the others began to make the best of the situation and after that guy or girl or thing gave all the girls flowers, and after Eiko ate the lotus flower she was given, Eiko put her back to a wall in the room and watched everyone really, she watched them as if she did exactly trust them all, even though they well all high school students that seemed to act a little weird in some ways. Eiko put a hand on her chin as she watched a sharp toothed girl wipe herself with a paper towel, she went back to thinking how did she get here, she didn't remember telling anyone about leaving and figured that someone would be wondering where she was at the moment, part of her wondered if she'd be getting a call on her cellphone from her father or mother right about now.

Right as she figured one of her parents would, nothing happened, a call didn't happen, Eiko began patting her pockets to notice she didn't have her cellphone, Eiko was nearly looked surprised, but she didn't, she ended up noticing that she was staring at the pink haired sharp toothed girl, Eiko turned herself away from the pink haired girl before she could notice her. She went on thinking about what happened before she got here, and most of it went kind of blank, it was hard to remember for a moment, the it hit her like a brick being thrown at her, she was dead, she died, the compound was attacked, Eiko tried to escape, only to freeze and loosing too much blood outside in the snow, Eiko held her head remembering it all from the small details to the large ones.

Eiko felt her right shoulder remembering her arm being cut off, she even remembered being toyed with like a mouse being played with by a cat, Eiko closed her eyes and remembered the horrible feeling of losing her arm to a sharp sword in a single stroke, it was like losing a connection to something close, but still somewhat un-explainable, she grabbed her shoulder with almost all of her strength and didn't even noticed she had a horrible scowl of pain on her face before she opened her eyes, she looked around to see if anyone noticed her and felt a bit relieved when she noticed nobody saw her remembering what happened to her before she got here. Eiko thought that this place was kinda odd for a purgatory or hell, Eiko tried to think of what it could be before she yawned and sat down where she was, she was starting to feel tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sakura Aoba

I was entraced with the dancing girl of pink hair.

I put a single hand under my chin and support that hand with my other arm below the elbow and nod.

Yeah, this would make for a rather good manga once I wake up. Never thought of making Yuri before, but it can always be something fun to draw about.

As I was admiring the dancing, though, someone slammed against me.

Well, this is exactly why I don't like being in crowds.

I turn to my side to see who just bumped into me. It is a girl, and she is bowing like crazy. Is she trying to apologize?

I turn my head to the ground. Well, she was the one that bumped into me, but it wouldn't do to just leave and leave her things scattered around like this, as much as I want to just bail on her.

"A-Ah, l-lemme get that for you." Of course, even if my thoughts are (kind of) composed, my voice is still a quivering mess.

I let out a mental sigh and crouch down to get the girl's flower and notepad.

That's when she hit me, again, but this time on the back of my head, since she was bowing and I stupidly went ahead and crouched down in front of her.

"O-Ouch!" I let out. I pick up the flower and notepad before standing back up and caressing the back of my head. "W-What the hell?!"

My voice is getting somewhat high, but it is not exactly because I am angry. Well, I am, but not exactly at the girl. More like, at myself.

That was an stupid thing to do, and now I hurt the girl.

"Are you all right? Should I go to the medic? Are you dying!?" And when I wasn't looking, my dramatic side took over. "Err, I mean... you aren't hurt... right?"

I smile some, trying to look a bit less hostile but now that I think about it... perhaps it was the wrong thing to do. With this glare I can't seem to get rid of, I guess my smile instead of friendly must be either horrifying or extremely creepy for her.

It is odd, however. I just hit my head and she bumped into me, and I can't seem to get up from this stupid dream, and that's not even mentioning that my head really did hurt after hitting the other girl.

Really, what the hell is going on?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 2 days ago

~Unending Beat!~

End of the night

Everything seemed to be nice, and most of the students were having a good time despite the enforced communal lodging. However, everything is destined to end and fun times aren’t any different.

“It’s past curfew time, cut that already and go sleep! There are futons and blankets lined up there, get yours and stop fuzzing around.” Some of the teachers came and commanded the remainder of the students to go sleep, while others set out a curtain to separate the girls and boys, while beckoning the students who were already asleep to their respective sides of the auditorium.

No other activity, save from going to the toilets, or getting some water would be tolerated from now on and any student foolish enough to disobey the rules would be awarded with a trip to the Principal’s office, first thing in the morning.

• • •

The following morning

As soon as the first rays of a new dawn wash over the auditorium, the teachers beckon the students awake, and send them back to the dormitories, so that everyone can get ready for the new day.

“You’re dismissed, go back to your rooms to bathe and get some fresh clothes before breakfast, but don’t dilly-dally around the school grounds, you know the consequences of being caught during irregular activities during curfew time.” One of the teachers said in a stern voice, as he beckoned the students outside. “Also, don’t forget to check the bulletin board, there are some new notes there.”

On the bulletin board right outside the auditorium a few freshly printed sheets of paper were pinned over the older stack of outdated notes. Their content was the following:

"This is all very strange."

Those were Harumi's first thoughts as soon as woke up that morning, yesterday she was even tempted to believe that she was dreaming, and once she woke up again, she would be back to the pitiful life that was all she knew of. Yet, the truth of the matters was only one and so Harumi quickly put her brain to work.

"It's too big a coincidence that I'm on this list, plus they mention transfer students which must mean that I'm not the only one in this situation. I should assume that the people on this list have the greatest likelihood of being like me."

Harumi paused when a chill wind caused her to shiver as well as notice the fact that she really was in need of a hot bath, like most, around here. With her only contact around curiously being the very same Council President, the best she could do was to try and find this Akemi, before they could go to wherever their room is bathe.

"Hey, Karasu," Harumi said to Akuma, "Help me find that Akemi Masuko person, so that you can show us where our room is. Despite whatever, I'm tired and could really use a bath and some clean clothes. Also, I have lots of things to ask you, but I bet we'll have plenty of time for it since we will be roomies from now on, huh?"

With that said, Harumi began to try to find Akemi, first and foremost by calling her name "Akemi Masuko-san? Akemi Masuko-san? This is Harumi, one of your new roommates, please come meet us near the bridge to the main grounds."

"Ok, Karasu, what are you waiting for? Things won't fall on your hands if you just stand and pray let's go to that bridge and meet our new roommate." Harumi said as she picked Akuma's hand and dragged her away to the bridge.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yoshiro could barely get any sleep last night mostly cause of uncertainty and the noises outside and inside the Gymnasium. Shiro was kind of hoping that he was inside some kind of bad dream that would end as soon as he wakes up, but instead, when he woke up in the morning he was still this...realm if you can call it that. Nevertheless...Shiro decided to just go along with it and check out the school bulletin to see what was for breakfast while he was look through the note he caught found a name dorm room page.

Room 41: Shiba Akabane & Yoshiro Miyamoto & Tetsuya Nakano

"Wait am i supposed to attended classes?" Shiro asked out loud as he was planning on just stealing a bite to eat, it, however, seems that the afterlife got other plans for him. Shiro then yawns as mention before he hadn't had much sleep last night. "Screw that, even if i wanted to return to class I'm too tired to learn." He honestly told himself, nevertheless he decided to wait up for his probable roommates.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Akemi had slept peacefully throughout the night, with little to no disturbance bothering her in the slightest, the lily continued to remain being on her lap even as was woken up. Akemi felt a hand on her shoulder as she started to open her eyes to looked up to see the teacher that made her move out of the piano room, this time he had a gentle and calming voice to her. "Hey. Wake up, you need to get back to your dorm." The teacher had said to her, taking his hand off of Akemi as she fully opened her eyes up. The teacher had started to walk away as Akemi looked down to her lap slightly, the flower had died in her sleep, no longer being full of color, which upset Akemi. Everything around me dies, my dignity, my hope, even this beautiful flower. What is the point of living any longer. Akemi said as she had barely any emotion in her eyes, she stood up from the ground and headed towards the notice board outside.

Akemi's walking was slightly off, as her eyes were grayed out, she continued to have Persephone on her mind. She wanted to see her again, she wanted to play piano with her again, she needed to confirm that Persephone was a real person. Persephone...! Akemi had continued to think to herself with the name, the name of the person that she wished to see again. Akemi stood in front of the notice board, then noticing that her name was on there next to two other names. Prez... Akuma... Akemi first read. Harumi... Shizuka... She finished reading, she took a look at the room name one final time, to see 00. Is it possible to have such a name with a room? Akemi finally thought, but then heard her name being called out by a female voice.

"I'm being called out?" Akemi whispered to herself, before turning her head to where it was coming from, her eyes were no longer dull as she stood up straight. "Masuko, what a disgusting last name." Akemi said before she walked through the crowd, heading the direction that the voice came from. Akemi calmly walked towards the bridge, eventually seeing the girl on stage earlier, and a completely unknown person at that. Akemi planted a smile on her face, the two of them actually didn't look threatening at the very least, but she knew that authority that the student council president had over the students.

"Hello, my name is Akemi Masuko. Pleasure to meet you two." Akemi smiled to the both of them kindly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Akio opened his eyes with a slight yawn, waking just before the announcement rang over the intercoms. Streatching like a cat as it finished, he stood and donned his violin case and checked to find the flower still on his ear, though slightly wilted. With another short stretch he headed over to the bulliten board to see who his new room mates were. After all, this was something out of the ordinary, so he had a good guess about his own name being there. And right there at the lower part of the list he found his name. Room 96: Sakura Aoba & Akio Shiazaka & Akira Hato hmm. Room 96. That was a bit further then the others, and a bit tricky to find sometimes, so Akio decided to wait for the others and take them there. Leaning against the wall next to the board he began to hum a light tune, and had someone asked, he would have called it 'my soul your beats'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko Kurosawa

As the night arrived and Eiko had gotten a futon, she did as everyone else and fell asleep the best she could, she laid down like a log, stiff and motionless, she was already tired, and half of her worried that she would start screaming in the middle of the night, but it seemed as soon as Eiko closed her eyes and just in a moment it seemed like it was day with one of the teachers trying to shake her awake, Eiko didn't struggle to stay away or get up, she felt like she was just re learning to use her arms and legs as her joins made loud pops as she moved and gotten up from the floor, this wasn't the first time she had to sleep on a floor, she considered this floor to be somewhat softer than the other floors she slept on.

After getting shoved out of the gym and herded back into the school, she was told that they had dorms." Dorms ?" Eiko asked herself aloud, knew what they were and what they were used for but she was surprised that this school had actual dorms, she saw the dorm listing and saw her name next to, two other names, she wondered why she was roomed with two other people instead of just one person, she began wondering how the room would look for three people, then shook her mind out of it, She looked at the room she was in, it was 22, she then saw the school Scheduling and thought she would only follow half of what was on it, if she would've gone to class she'd just probably not pay attention to anything in it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Student President Akuma~

“Karasu? What, you mean like a crow?”

Prez Akuma was really not in the mood for too many fantastic happenings today. As Student President, she had volunteered to stay in the gymnasium with everyone else; partly because it was her duty to look after the others and partly because she had spent the rest of the night putting up those informational flyers. So she was quite tired when Harumi spoke to her, eager to meet their third roommate. Akuma briefly wondered why she had even paired herself with this girl…

“Ara, Ara, someone’s a little excited to start school,” Akuma sighed, following Harumi with a yawn. Even with her tired demeanor, she tried her best to keep an image of coolness and an intimidating presence. After all, she had to keep everyone in check as the Student President while also looking good in doing so. Eventually though they found the other girl that was to be their roommate.Grinning coyly, Akuma flipped her hair back and gave this Akemi a sultry look. It almost seemed as if stage lights had shined down upon her, highlighting her features and displaying an image of utter, near-perfect coolness.

“Kukuku, such an eager soul you are Masuko-san. My, you’re almost as eager as poor Harumi here~ The name’s Prez Akuma, though you already knew that right? A pleasure to meet you dear. Now then, you and Harumi are truly blessed to be paired with my presence,” Akuma announced haughtily, trying her very best to remain in her “cool” pose.

However, Akuma soon tensed her body and a real frown crossed her features. She turned behind her, glaring at the empty hall. Already she could sense the seeds of rebellion springing up in the hearts of the youth…how dare they not follow protocol? The Student President’s eyes glimmered red just once before she turned back smiling to Harumi and Akemi, as if nothing had happened.

In actuality, she had split herself off to confront these who she deemed to be future troublemakers. Taking the form of black crows, the two birds split off and soon morphed into the shape of Akuma. Walking confidently, they each located their targets and strolled up to reprimand them: Eiko and Yoshior respectively.

“Ara, Ara, and what do you two think you’re doing? Not planning to skip out on class I hope, yes?” they asked their targets, a dark aura rising from their bodies.


“I wonder if the Prez needs me right now,” Dana said aloud to herself, already getting dressed in her dorm room. Boss had ended up spending the night, getting a little too close for comfort; it was a good thing she had a private dorm just like the Prez, otherwise she would have some explaining to do. Still, she was always one to get up early, if only to make sure Prez’s scheduling went well.

“You know you can’t just stay in my room forever. It’s called school Boss,” Dana called out, trying to adjust her school tie while looking at herself in the mirror. It didn’t help that the bathroom counter was a little too high for her and she struggled on her tip-toes to get a higher look.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Akira Hato

"The sun beyond the horizon
The uncertainly in his heart tightens
And so the new day begins
Will he ever find out what's within?"

Akira danced to his heart's content up until it was time for everyone to head to bed. A bit tuckered out, Akira didn't mind going to take a nap. he was ushered onto the girl's side of the gym, what with him wearing a girl's uniform, and even switching to his pajamas Akira looked quite girly, though he chose to wear a fairly gender neutral pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt to sleep in. Once he's really settled in, he'd get more sexy sleepwear. Laying down on his futon Akira thought about what happened today. Waking up in the middle of nowhere, hearing those people talk on the rooftop, dancing with the flower girl... It was fun. It was nice. But Akira couldn't help but feel he didn't belong here. His memories of his past were a blank. He was able to draw some conclusions based on his own actions, but it felt very third-person, almost meta. He knew he liked dressing as a girl. He knew it wasn't "Normal" and that Akira liked the attention. He certainly thinks of himself as a boy, but also isn't afraid of being girlish. Or maybe he just likes to be pretty?

Looking around, Akira realized that he was sleeping with a bunch of girls. It would have been awesome if he didn't really feel interested. He touched his chest, trying to feel his nonexistent breasts. "I guess I could always pretend I'm one of those girls who's jealous about other girls having big breast... Though I think that's a bit too stereotypical." Laying back down, Akira wondered what he was going to do tomorrow. He supposed that he ought to head to class, but there was so many questions he needed to ask. Things he wanted to know. "Hmm... I could ask the musician, or maybe the flower girl... They seem like they know what they're doing." Akira said quietly as he soon fell asleep.

--- The next day ---

Akira didn't want to get up. His futon and blanket were sooooo warm, and it was soooo cold outside (Probably). It wasn't until a teacher came by to shake Akira awake and offer the promise of breakfast that the boy even bothered to stir, and it took a good ten minutes before he actually got up. Slowly, Akira started to clean up his bedding and headed to the builtin boards as told to. He saw that he had his own dorm now, with Sakura Aoba and Akio Shiazaka. A few seconds later and Akira's mind clicked, remembering who Akio was. "Oh right, he was the musician from yesterday!" Not only was he someone Akira actually knew personally (Though he didn't know much about him), but he seemed to be an outsider like him. So maybe he could help Akira figure out what's going on and why he's here. Still... They had classes to go to. Akira didn't remember if he's ever been to school before. He tried doing some complicated math in his head and recalling books he's read, but the best he could think of was problems involving square-roots and reading some books about poets, respectively. Akira wasn't certain if this was because he's never been to school or maybe he was just stupid. He decided not to dwell on it.

Room 96 was pretty far away. It was also while he was heading over to his dorm Akira realized that 96 was the reverse number of 69. He recognized the sexual connotation of 69, but didn't know what 96 meant. Some sort of back-to-back sex position? "Ku fu fu fu. Perhaps I can ask my dorm mates to demonstrate!" Chuckling, Akira eventually saw Akio whistling some tune. They were nowhere near the dorm, and seeing him dallying about, Akira guessed that Akio wanted someone to go to the dorm with him. What a lonely fellow! "Mezamete wa kurikaesu, nemui asa wa. Eri no tai wo, kitsuku shime." Akira said in a singsong voice as he approached Akio. He had no idea what he had just said, thinking it as merely silly gibberish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Shiba slept normally last night but he was annoyed that he still wasn't allowed to leave. He just knew his parents were going to have his head for not showing up last night. He sighed as he woke up the next day and got up getting ready to see what this place was like. Shiba didn't get to really explore yesterday so he decided to try today. Although Shiba had to go to class so that he wouldn't make his parents angry as he left he soon found an announcement board and looked at it to see the schedule as well as the people Shiba would be rooming with. Shiba soon found the two names on the board so when he noticed the names he looked around to try and find his roommates. The last thing Shiba wanted was to make enemies that live where he does so he will need to be civil to them and try to get along. It would just be annoying pretending to care about their problems and acting like the perfect roomie. Shiba went over to one person and asked Hey im Shiba are you one of my roommates?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~Student President Akuma~

“Karasu? What, you mean like a crow?”

Prez Akuma was really not in the mood for too many fantastic happenings today. As Student President, she had volunteered to stay in the gymnasium with everyone else; partly because it was her duty to look after the others and partly because she had spent the rest of the night putting up those informational flyers. So she was quite tired when Harumi spoke to her, eager to meet their third roommate. Akuma briefly wondered why she had even paired herself with this girl…

“Ara, Ara, someone’s a little excited to start school,” Akuma sighed, following Harumi with a yawn. Even with her tired demeanor, she tried her best to keep an image of coolness and an intimidating presence. After all, she had to keep everyone in check as the Student President while also looking good in doing so. Eventually though they found the other girl that was to be their roommate.Grinning coyly, Akuma flipped her hair back and gave this Akemi a sultry look. It almost seemed as if stage lights had shined down upon her, highlighting her features and displaying an image of utter, near-perfect coolness.

“Kukuku, such an eager soul you are Masuko-san. My, you’re almost as eager as poor Harumi here~ The name’s Prez Akuma, though you already knew that right? A pleasure to meet you dear. Now then, you and Harumi are truly blessed to be paired with my presence,” Akuma announced haughtily, trying her very best to remain in her “cool” pose.

However, Akuma soon tensed her body and a real frown crossed her features. She turned behind her, glaring at the empty hall. Already she could sense the seeds of rebellion springing up in the hearts of the youth…how dare they not follow protocol? The Student President’s eyes glimmered red just once before she turned back smiling to Harumi and Akemi, as if nothing had happened.

In actuality, she had split herself off to confront these who she deemed to be future troublemakers. Taking the form of black crows, the two birds split off and soon morphed into the shape of Akuma. Walking confidently, they each located their targets and strolled up to reprimand them: Eiko and Yoshior respectively.

“Ara, Ara, and what do you two think you’re doing? Not planning to skip out on class I hope, yes?” they asked their targets, a dark aura rising from their bodies.


“I wonder if the Prez needs me right now,” Dana said aloud to herself, already getting dressed in her dorm room. Boss had ended up spending the night, getting a little too close for comfort; it was a good thing she had a private dorm just like the Prez, otherwise she would have some explaining to do. Still, she was always one to get up early, if only to make sure Prez’s scheduling went well.

“You know you can’t just stay in my room forever. It’s called school Boss,” Dana called out, trying to adjust her school tie while looking at herself in the mirror. It didn’t help that the bathroom counter was a little too high for her and she struggled on her tip-toes to get a higher look.

Eiko Kurosawa

As Eiko began to look at the school classes sheet and thought about ditching the classes, suddenly the girl from yesterday appeared next to Eiko, she gave Eiko a death stare with a dark aura, as the girl asked Eiko if she was gonna skip class, Eiko looked the girl in the eye and was honest with her." I thought about it, I really don't care about the classes here, and don't feel like going to classes, if I were to attend them I bet I'd just fall asleep, if not want to leave the class outright on my own." Eiko explained her reason why she wouldn't really attend the classes here, she didn't really know if the classes were to really mean anything or if the girl that was angry would try something with her. Eiko stared back at the girl waiting for her to respond to what she just said, she wasn't going to lie to the girl nor would she be going to the classes if she didn't really want to go to them, she figured they would just be boring and a waste of time in her mind.
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